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Gc  M.  L 






3  1833  01146  6056    ^ 




B-i-  J.    N.    Larned 


Built  in  1890  and  remodelled  in  1901.  Now  under  the 
management  of  Woolley  &AGerrans,  also  managers  of  the 
Grand  Union  Hotel  at  Saratoga  Springs,  New  York,  and 
the  Ma$e{4ifoin^4  |l  f  ro^fd^Nfy  ^id-jf^l^^^S^eet,  New 
York  City. 

My  The  Hon.  Ellis  H    Roberts 



.    N  E  W  Y  O  R  K 




By  J.   N.   Larned 



By  The  Hon.  Charles  E.  Fitch 



By  The  Hon.  Ellis  H.  Roberts 







Chapter  Page 

IV.     Metal  Working  and  Machinery       .             .  i 

V.     Miscellaneous  Industries             .             .  i8 


I.     Protestant  Churches  and  Jewish  Religious 

Societies  .  .  .  .31 

II.     The  Roman  Catholic  Church    .             .  68 

III.  Institutions  of  General  Benevolence            .  82 

IV.  Institutions  of  Specialized  Benevolence  108 
V.     Education     .....  130 

VI.     Literary  Institutions  and  Organizations  157 

VII.     Scientific  Institutions            .             .             .  176 

VIII.     Local  Literature  —  The  Newspaper  Press  188 

IX.     Art     .             .             .             ,             .             .  204 

X.     Social  Organization         .              .              .  222 

Rochester,  Past  and  Present             .           .  228 

Utica,  its  History  and   Progress           .  257 

Index              ......  293 



THE  earliest  of  the  Buffalo  manufactures  of  machinery 
which  grew  to  importance  and  has  had  a  continuous 
existence  to  the  present  time  appears  to  have  been 
that  of  flour-mill  machinery,  founded  in  1834  by  Elisha 
Hayward  and  now  represented  by  the  works  of  the  Noye 
Manufacturing  Company.  Mr.  John  T.  Noye  came  into 
partnership  with  Mr.  Hayward  at  an  early  stage  of  the 
business,  bringing  to  it  a  practical  knowledge  of  the  milling 
business  and  an  energy  of  character  which  pushed  it  rap- 
idly to  an  increasing  success.  It  was  the  only  manufacture 
of  the  kind  west  of  Utica  and  north  of  Cincinnati  and  Bal- 
timore; and  the  development  of  the  wheat-lands  of  the 
Northwest  opened  an  always  widening  market  for  the  ma- 
chinery it  produced.  The  increase  of  business  was  constant 
until  about  1882,  when  the  sales  of  the  establishment  ex- 
ceeded $1,400,000,  and  it  employed  about  400  men.  West- 
ern competition  since  that  time,  at  Indianapolis,  Milwaukee, 
Leavenworth,  St.  Louis,  Moline,  111.,  Richmond,  Ind.,  and 
other  points,  has  narrowed  its  field.  Within  recent  years  a 
department  of  steam  engines  and  another  of  automobile 
specialties  have  been  introduced  in  the  works.  At  succes- 
sive periods  in  the  seventy-four  years  of  its  existence,  the 
business  has  been  carried  on  in  the  names  of  Elisha  Hay- 
ward, Hayward  &  Noye,  John  T.  Noye,  The  John  T.  Noye 
Manufacturing  Company,  and  the  present  Noye  Manufac- 
turing Company,  of  which  Richard  K.  Noye,  son  of  John 
T.  Noye,  is  the  president.  Its  plant  was  on  the  Hamburg 
Canal  between  Main  and  Washington  streets  till  1886,  when 
it  was  removed  to  its  present  site  on  Lake  View  Avenue. 


The  manufacture  of  edged  tools  was  introduced  in  Buf- 
falo as  early  as  1837,  by  L.  and  I.  J.  White,  under  whose 
name  it  has  been  carried  on  continuously  to  the  present  time. 
The  business  has  grown  to  large  dimensions,  operating  an 
extensive  plant  on  Perry  and  Columbia  streets,  and  selling 
its  product  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  For  some  years  past 
incorporated,  as  the  L.  &  I.  J.  White  Company,  of  which 
John  G.  H.  Marvin  is  president,  M.  White  vice-president, 
and  J.  W.  White  general  superintendent. 

Next  in  date  of  origin,  among  the  manufactories  that  have 
had  importance  in  the  industrial  history  of  the  city  and  a 
continuous  career,  is  that  which  bears  now  the  name  of  the 
Buffalo  Pitts  Company.  Its  founders  were  John  A.  and 
Hiram  Pitts,  twin  brothers,  of  Winthrop,  Maine,  who  were 
the  first  American  inventors  of  threshing  machinery,  and 
who  patented,  in  1837,  the  first  successful  threshing  and 
separating  machine  combined.  Prior  to  this  they  had  made 
improvements  on  the  old  style  of  thresher,  which  turned  out 
grain,  chaff  and  straw  together,  to  be  separated  by  another 
operation.  In  combining  the  thresher  and  the  fanning  mill, 
producing  the  "endless  apron"  or  "grain  belt"  separator, 
they  opened  a  new  era  in  that  line  of  invention,  and  the 
principles  covered  by  their  original  patents  have  been  fol- 
lowed in  all  improvements  since.  In  1840  John  A.  Pitts 
came  to  Buffalo  and  established  the  manufacture  of  the  new 
threshing  machine  here,  at  the  corner  of  Fourth  and  Caro- 
lina streets,  from  which  place  the  shops  have  never  been 
changed,  though  enlarged  till  they  contain  many  acres  of 
floor  space. 

On  the  death  of  Mr.  Pitts,  in  1859,  the  management  of 
the  business  passed  to  James  Brayley,  who  conducted  it  for 
many  years.  In  1877  the  proprietors  were  incorporated, 
under  the  name  of  The  Pitts  Agricultural  Works,  James 
Brayley  president,  Thomas  Sully  secretary.     This  title  was 


changed  to  that  of  Buffalo  Pitts  Company  in  1897,  when 
Carleton  Sprague  became  president  of  the  company.  Re- 
cently Mr.  Sprague  retired,  and  the  present  officers  of  the 
company  are  C.  M.  Greiner,  president  and  treasurer; 
William  G.  Gomez,  vice-president;  John  B.  Olmsted, 

Under  all  administrations  the  business  has  expanded  con- 
tinually, its  products  going  to  all  parts  of  the  world.  Those 
products  are  not  only  the  threshing  machinery  for  all  kinds 
of  grain,  flax,  rice,  beans,  etc.,  but  traction  and  portable 
engines,  that  burn  wood,  coal,  straw  or  oil  for  fuel;  special 
steam  traction  engines  for  plowing,  hauling  and  grading; 
road  locomotives  and  road  freight  cars  for  hauling  ore, 
timber,  logs,  etc.,  and  special  cars  for  carrying  and  spread- 
ing crushed  stone.  The  development  of  the  steam  traction 
engine  is  due  to  this  company. 

The  plant  of  the  company  is  operated  by  electric  power 
from  Niagara  Falls,  and  is  equipped  with  the  latest  and 
most  complete  system  of  electric  and  pneumatic  machinery. 
It  employs  a  large  force  of  men,  and  the  shops  are  run 
throughout  the  year.  The  company  maintains  important 
branches  at  Minneapolis,  Fargo,  Portland,  Oregon,  Spo- 
kane, Wichita,  Houston,  and  other  points  east  and  west. 

The  old  Buffalo  Steam  Engine  Works,  founded  in  1841, 
had  a  long  and  important  career.  Acquired  by  George  W. 
Tifift  in  1857,  the  works  were  carried  on  by  him  and  his 
family,  in  the  firm  of  George  W.  Tifift,  Sons  &  Co.,  for  many 
years,  turning  out  a  very  considerable  part  of  the  product 
of  the  city  in  steam  engines,  boilers  and  architectural 

In  1842  David  Bell,  a  Scotch  machinist  and  mechanical 
engineer,  came  to  Buffalo  and  found  employment  at  the 
Buffalo  Steam  Engine  Works,  then  lately  brought  into 
operation.     In  1845  he  joined  William  McNish  in  starting 


a  small  plant  for  the  same  business.  The  partnership  was 
dissolved  in  1850  and  David  Bell  continued  it  alone.  A 
few  years  later  his  works  were  burned,  just  after  the  expira- 
tion of  insurance,  and  he  began  anew  with  little  to  capitalize 
his  undertaking  except  the  stuff  of  courageous  energy  in 
himself.  He  not  only  rebuilt  his  works,  but  enlarged  their 
scale.  In  business  management  he  could  hardly  be  called 
successful;  but  he  kept  his  feet,  and  was  always  at  the  front 
of  new  ventures  in  his  line.  He  built  the  "Merchant,"  the 
first  iron  propeller  on  the  lakes.  He  began  locomotive 
building  in  1865.  He  constructed  for  the  city  its  first  fire- 
boat,  in  1887.  He  was  full  of  enterprise  to  the  end  of  his 
life,  and  the  David  Bell  Engineering  Works,  which  sur- 
vived him,  were  merged,  in  1907,  in  the  Buffalo  Foundry 
and  Machine  Company,  of  which  some  account  will  be 
given  later  on. 

Mr.  William  Pryor  Letchworth  came  to  Buffalo  in  1848 
from  New  York  City,  where  he  had  been  engaged 
for  a  time,  in  the  interest  of  Peter  Hayden,  of  Columbus, 
Ohio,  establishing  the  sale  and  manufacture  of  saddlery 
hardware  in  that  section.  At  Buffalo  he  formed  a  partner- 
ship with  the  brothers  Samuel  F.  and  Pascal  P.  Pratt,  under 
the  name  of  Pratt  &  Letchworth,  opening  a  store  at  No.  165 
Main  Street,  as  importers  and  wholesale  and  retail  dealers 
in  and  manufacturers  of  saddlery  hardware. 

The  firm  was  the  first  in  our  vicinity  to  engage  in  the 
manufacture  of  this  branch  of  hardware,  and  its  establish- 
ment was  soon  recognized  as  headquarters,  in  a  measure,  for 
general  supplies  to  dealers  in  its  department  of  trade,  from 
both  American  and  foreign  makers,  as  well  as  from  its  own 
works.  The  limits  of  the  original  store  were  outgrown  by 
the  business  in  a  few  years,  and  it  was  removed  to  The 
Terrace,  at  No.  52,  where  its  principal  offices  were  located 
for  two  decades  or  more.     Railroads  as  well  as  steamboats 


on  the  great  rivers  were  now  enlarging  the  sphere  of  trade 
from  the  Lakes  with  extraordinary  rapidity,  and  the  firm 
of  Pratt  &  Letchworth  won  its  full  share  of  the  consequent 

In  1856  Mr.  Letchworth's  health  had  become  somewhat 
impaired  by  his  application  to  business,  and  he  made  an 
extended  pleasure  tour  in  Europe,  leaving  much  of  the 
detail  of  the  business  to  a  younger  brother.  It  was  not 
many  years  after  his  return  that  he  bought  the  beautiful 
estate  on  the  Genesee  River,  near  Portage,  which  he  named 
Glen  Iris,  and  which,  augmented  to  a  thousand  acres  by 
later  purchases,  was  presented  by  him  to  the  State  of  New 
York  in  1907.  Under  the  name  of  Letchworth  Park,  and 
under  the  immediate  care  of  the  American  Scenic  and  His- 
toric Preservation  Society,  this  noble  public  park  will 
preserve  for  all  time  the  three  falls  of  the  upper  Genesee 
and  their  beautiful  surroundings. 

In  i860  Pratt  &  Letchworth  bought  property  at  Black 
Rock  and  located  their  manufactory  there,  adding  to  it  the 
manufacture  of  malleable  iron,  which  they  used  in  their 
business  largely.  Subsequently  they  added  the  production 
of  open  hearth  steel.  Scientific  study  applied  to  these  cast- 
ings has  produced  a  superior  quality,  and  the  products  of 
the  Pratt  &  Letchworth  Works  are  now  used  for  the  driving 
wheels  and  frames  of  some  of  the  finest  and  largest  loco- 
motives on  American  and  foreign  railways.  The  products 
of  the  firm  are  to  be  met  with  in  almost  every  quarter  of  the 

In  1873  William  Pryor  Letchworth  sold  his  entire  inter- 
est in  the  business  to  his  brother  Josiah,  who  had  been  an 
active  member  of  the  firm  for  some  years.  The  retirement 
of  the  former  from  business  was  not  to  give  himself  wholly 
to  the  attractions  and  cares  of  Glen  Iris;  for  he  accepted, 
in  1873,  an  appointment  as  one  of  the  commissioners  of  the 


State  Board  of  Charities,  becoming  its  president  and  its 
hardest  working  member  for  many  years.  It  is  by  his 
labor  in  that  important  office,  especially  as  it  was  directed 
to  the  better  care  of  the  insane,  and  to  the  separation  of 
children  from  county  poorhouses,  that  the  name  of  William 
Pryor  Letchworth,  LL.D.,  has  been  made  one  of  historic 
fame.  His  death,  in  his  eighty-eighth  year,  occurred  but 
recently,  on  the  ist  day  of  December,  1910. 

On  the  death  of  Samuel  F.  Pratt,  in  1873,  his  interest 
in  the  Pratt  &  Letchworth  business  was  bought  by  the 
junior  partner,  Josiah  Letchworth.  The  interest  of  Pascal 
P.  Pratt  remained  in  the  business  until  1896,  when  it  was 
sold,  and  the  business  was  incorporated  under  the  name  of 
Pratt  &  Letchworth  Company,  Ogden  Pearl  Letchworth 
being  chosen  its  president  and  personal  manager.  From 
this  time  the  business  became  greatly  enlarged  in  the  making 
of  steel  castings  on  the  open  hearth  principle  for  railroad 
work.    The  quality  of  the  P.  &  L.  castings  is  unsurpassed. 

The  branch  of  the  business  which  comprises  the  manu- 
facture of  wood  and  iron  hames,  in  connection  with  New 
England  manufacturers,  was  organized  separately,  under 
the  name  of  the  U.  S.  Hame  Company,  with  Ogden  P. 
Letchworth  in  the  presidency.  New  styles  of  these  goods 
found  a  ready  market,  in  South  as  well  as  North  America, 
and  much  larger  forces  of  workmen  have  been  required 
for  the  manufacture  of  the  goods. 

The  Jones  Iron  Works,  still  in  operation  on  The  Terrace, 
were  founded  in  1848,  and  have  been  carried  on  by  the 
family  successors  of  the  founder  ever  since. 

In  the  same  year,  the  Shepard  Iron  Works,  known  later 
and  still  known  as  the  King  Iron  Works,  were  opened, 
manufacturing  engines,  both  stationary  and  marine.  They 
are  now  under  the  management  of  H.  G.  Trout. 


In  the  next  year  R.  L.  Howard  withdrew  from  the  firm 
of  H.  C.  Atwater  in  the  grocery  and  ship-chandlery  busi- 
ness, to  engage  in  the  manufacture  of  the  mowing  machine 
invented  by  William  F.  Ketchum,  whose  patent  interests 
he  had  bought  and  whose  services  in  business  he  had 
secured.  It  was  the  first  successful  mowing  machine,  and  a 
great  and  highly  profitable  manufacturing  establishment 
was  soon  built  up.  When  the  original  business  declined, 
on  the  expiration  of  patents,  other  lines  of  manufacture,  in 
general  machinery  and  foundry  work, — paper-cutting  and 
book-binding  machinery,  passenger  elevators,  etc., — were 
introduced,  and  the  Howard  Iron  Works  continued  to  be 
an  important  factor  in  the  industries  of  the  town.  In  1905 
they  passed  under  the  control  of  the  Otis  Elevator  Co.,  be- 
coming one  of  its  plants. 

The  Delaney  Forge,  still  in  operation  on  an  enlarged 
scale,  was  founded  in  1850  by  Charles  Delaney. 

The  Eagle  Iron  Works,  still  in  operation,  were  founded  in 
1853  by  a  company  which  included  S.  S.  Jewett,  F.  H.  Root 
and  Robert  Dunbar  among  the  stockholders.  After  a  few 
years  the  Works  were  purchased  by  Robert  Dunbar  and  S. 
W.  Howell,  and  became  subsequently  the  property  of  Mr. 
Dunbar  and  his  son.  In  1901  the  works  were  acquired  by 
the  firm  of  Wegner  &  Meyer  for  use  in  the  manufacture 
of  ice-making  and  refrigerating  machinery. 

In  1856  the  brothers  Edward  and  Britain  Holmes,  who 
had  been  dealing  previously  in  lumber  and  timber  and 
carrying  on  a  large  planing  mill  and  sash  and  door  factory, 
established  a  manufactory  of  patented  machinery  for 
cooperage  and  other  wood-working,  which  grew  to  large 
proportions,  and  has  been  carried  uninterruptedly  to  the 
present  day. 


The  very  extensive  manufacture  of  bolts  and  nuts  now^ 
carried  on  by  the  Buffalo  Bolt  Company  was  begun  in  1859 
by  George  C.  Bell.  In  1869  the  late  Ralph  H.  Plumb 
bought  an  interest  in  the  business,  and  it  was  conducted 
for  a  short  time  by  the  firm  of  Bell  &  Plumb.  Mr.  Bell 
then  sold  his  remaining  interest  and  Mr.  Orrin  C.  Burdict 
came  into  partnership  with  Mr.  Plumb.  Later  on  the  firm 
acquired  a  third  member  and  became  Plumb,  Burdict  & 
Barnard.  The  business  remained  under  this  proprietorship 
until  1897,  when  the  Buffalo  Bolt  Company,  in  which  Mr. 
J.  J.  Albright  is  largely  interested,  was  formed.  The  com- 
pany's extensive  plant,  in  which  it  is  now  employing  about 
750  hands,  is  located  at  Tonawanda.  Its  present  output  is 
more  than  1,250,000  bolts  and  nuts  per  day,  which  rolls  up 
a  yearly  product  of  35,000  tons.  In  1869  the  daily  manu- 
facture was  but  14,000  bolts  and  nuts.  Comparing  the 
production  of  1907  with  that  of  1869,  it  shows  an  increase 
of  about  9,000  per  cent.,  while  the  labor  increase  is  only 
1,000  per  cent.  We  have  a  striking  illustration  of  the  eco- 
nomics of  invention  in  this. 

Chillon  M.  Farrar,  inventor  of  a  reversible  steam  engine, 
much  used  in  boring  oil  and  artesian  wells,  formed  a  part- 
nership, in  1864,  with  John  Trefts  and  Theodore  C.  Knight, 
and  the  firm  established  a  modest  plant  that  year,  on  Perry 
Street,  for  the  manufacture  of  engines  and  boilers  and  for 
general  machine  work.  Mr.  Knight  retired  from  the  firm 
in  1869,  and  the  business,  grown  large  with  the  years,  has 
continued  ever  since  under  the  name  of  Farrar  &  Trefts. 
In  conjunction  with  Rood  &  Brown,  manufacturers  of  car 
wheels,  the  firm  established  also  the  general  foundry  busi- 
ness of  the  East  Buffalo  Iron  Works,  on  the  New  York  Cen- 
tral Belt  Line,  near  Broadway. 

The  United  States  Cast  Iron  Pipe  and  Foundry  Company, 


which  now  turns  out  daily  about  120  tons  of  pipe  for  water, 
gas  and  steam,  is  conducting  a  business  that  was  started  in 
1868  by  George  B.  Hayes  and  F.  O.  Drullard,  on  so  modest 
a  scale  that  its  output  was  but  25  tons  per  day.  The  original 
plant  was  on  Exchange  Street  between  Chicago  and  Louis- 
iana streets.  It  was  removed  to  Box  Avenue,  on  the  New 
York  Central  Belt  Line,  in  1892. 

"The  original  business  which  grew  into  that  of  the  existing 
Buflfalo  Forge  Company  was  founded  in  1877  by  William 
F.  Wendt,  now  president  of  the  company;  but  within  recent 
years  it  has  absorbed  the  George  L.  Squier  Manufacturing 
Company,  which  had  a  long  previous  history,  and  likewise 
the  Buffalo  Steam  Pump  Company,  controlling  and  operat- 
ing the  three  plants.  In  all,  about  1,000  people  are  em- 
ployed. In  its  beginnings  the  Forge  Company  occupied 
only  the  fifth  floor  of  a  building  at  the  corner  of  Washing- 
ton and  Perry  streets.  From  this  it  removed  in  1880  to  the 
corner  of  Mortimer  Street  and  Broadway. 

The  Lake  Erie  Boiler  Works,  established  in  1880,  and 
the  Lake  Erie  Engineering  Works,  brought  into  operation 
in  1890,  are  successive  creations  of  the  same  industrial  or- 
ganizer, Mr.  Robert  Hammond,  who  conducts  them  both. 
The  boiler-making  plant  is  said  to  have  been  the  first  in  the 
country  to  be  equipped  with  a  complete  outfit  of  hydraulic 
tools,  for  heavy  work.  It  turns  out  about  $300,000  worth  of 
large  marine  boilers  per  year.  The  Engineering  Works, 
founded  ten  years  later,  were  constructed  and  equipped  in 
the  same  complete  style,  with  large  tools,  all  of  special  de- 
sign. These  works  employ  700  men,  and  their  capacity  is 
for  an  annual  output  of  $600,000  in  value.  Both  plants 
are  at  the  corner  of  Perry  and  Chicago  streets. 

An  industry  that  has  acquired  large  importance  was 
planted  in  a  small  way,  in  1881,  by  two  men  from  New 


England,  Joseph  Bond  and  John  B.  Pierce,  who  had  been 
looking  at  different  places,  with  a  view  to  undertaking  a  little 
business  in  the  manufacture  of  steam-heating  boilers.  They 
saw  advantages  in  Buflfalo  which  induced  them  to  start  a 
modest  plant,  and  it  had  such  success  that,  before  many 
years,  they  found  it  best  to  put  their  business  on  a  much 
broader  base.  For  this  purpose  they  bought  about  twenty 
acres  of  ground  on  Elmwood  Avenue,  at  the  crossing  of  the 
New  York  Central  tracks,  and  there,  under  the  name  of 
the  Pierce  Steam  Heating  Company,  established  a  large 
radiator  foundry,  with  machine  shops  and  boiler  works. 

As  thus  named,  the  business  was  carried  on  prosperously 
until  1892,  when  it  was  sold  to  the  American  Radiator  Com- 
pany, formed  under  the  presidency  of  Mr.  Joseph  Bond. 
A  few  years  later  this  company  bought,  also,  the  plant  and 
business  of  the  Standard  Radiator  Company,  which  Mr. 
Nelson  Holland  had  established  in  Buffalo,  on  Larkin 
Street,  some  time  before.  The  American  Radiator  Com- 
pany proved  to  be  a  very  vigorously  expansive  corporation, 
branching  widely  in  its  business,  with  its  general  offices  in 
Chicago;  but  Buffalo  has  continued  to  be  the  main  seat  of 
its  producing  works.  In  1901  it  erected  a  new  plant  here, 
on  twenty  acres  of  land  at  Black  Rock,  near  Hertel  Avenue, 
on  Rano  Street,  and  gave  it  the  name  of  the  "Bond  Plant," 
in  memory  of  Mr.  Bond,  who  died  that  year.  This  estab- 
lishment includes  one  of  the  largest  gray-iron  foundries  in 
the  country,  and  its  machinery  is  run  by  Niagara  electric 
power.  It  employs  about  1,000  men.  The  enlarged 
"Pierce  Plant,"  on  Elmwood  Avenue,  employs  another 
1,000,  and  the  "Standard  Plant"  about  500,  making  a  total 
of  2,500  men  who  are  kept  busy  by  this  company  "all  the 
year  round,"  it  is  said,  "for  the  plants  rarely  ever  shut 

The  products  of  the  company  are  solely  "American  Radi- 






f.£    ■)ii;ii. 

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cfwiii  ig  of  the 
er  the  name  of 
•:g  Conipaii),  established  a  large 
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Wholesale  dealer  in  lumber;  born  Belchertown,  Massiit  and 
June  24,   1829;  educated    at    Springville    Academy,    Erfe   Mr. 
County,   New   York;   director   in   the   Manufacturers'   artdj^i^in 
Traders'    Bank;    member    of    Westminster    Pres^yterianr^  ■ 
Church;  Republican  in  politics. 

ivc  corporation, 
general  offices  in 
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ators"  and  "Ideal  Boilers"  for  steam  and  hot  water  heating; 
made  in  endless  variety  of  pattern  and  capacity  and  sold  in 
all  countries  for  the  warming  of  all  kinds  of  buildings,  from 
the  cottages  of  America  to  the  palaces  of  the  king  of  Eng- 
land, the  czar  of  Russia  and  the  crown  prince  of  Japan. 
Though  the  company  has  five  other  plants  elsewhere  in  the 
United  States  and  one  in  Canada,  about  a  third  of  its  total 
output  is  from  Buffalo. 

The  beginning  of  what  furnished  the  foundation  for  a 
greatly  important  organization  of  bridge-building  was  made 
by  Charles  Kellogg,  who  established  the  Kellogg  Bridge 
Works,  in  connection  with  the  Union  Iron  Works.  In  1881 
these  bridge  works  were  acquired  by  George  S.  Field, 
Edmund  Hayes  and  C.  V.  N.  Kittridge,  who  gave  them  the 
name  of  the  Central  Bridge  Works,  and  they  were  operated 
under  that  name  for  three  years.  In  this  period  the  most 
important  work  of  the  company  was  the  construction  for 
the  Michigan  Central  Railroad  of  the  Cantilever  Bridge 
which  spans  the  Niagara  chasm  below  the  Falls. 

In  1884,  by  an  amalgamation  of  the  Central  Bridge  Com- 
pany with  Kellogg  &  Maurice,  of  Athens,  Pa.,  with  the 
Delaware  Bridge  Company,  of  New  York,  and  with  Mr. 
T.  C.  Clark,  of  Clark,  Reeves  &  Co.,  of  Phoenixville,  the 
Union  Bridge  Company  was  formed,  which  conducted  the 
business  on  a  very  extensive  scale  for  the  next  eleven  years. 
Its  most  notable  engineering  achievements  were  the  bridging 
of  the  Hudson  at  Poughkeepsie;  of  the  Mississippi  at  Cairo 
and  at  Memphis,  and  of  the  Hawksbury  River,  in  New 
South  Wales,  Australia.  The  last  named  structure  is  com- 
posed of  seven  spans,  430  feet  each,  for  double  track.  Its 
remarkable  feature  is  the  depth  of  the  foundations  that  were 
necessary,  going  176  feet  below  tide;  the  deepest  ever  laid. 

In  1895  the  Union  Bridge  Company  was  merged  in  other 


companies  and  passed  later  into  the  American  Bridge  Com- 
pany, in  which  no  Buffalo  interest  remains. 

The  manufacture  of  bicycles,  organized  in  1890  by 
George  N.  Pierce,  soon  took  rank  with  the  most  important 
establishments  of  its  class  in  the  country.  No  wheels  had 
a  higher  reputation  than  those  which  bore  the  Pierce  name, 
in  the  days  when  hundreds  of  different  styles  and  makers 
were  in  the  field.  The  business  increased  steadily  until 
about  1897,  when  a  great  decline  occurred,  universally,  and 
continued  till  about  1904.  Then  came  the  beginning  of  a 
revival  which  has  restored  the  manufacture  to  a  healthy 
state.  The  makers  of  bicycles  in  the  United  States  now 
number  but  thirteen  or  fourteen,  while  more  than  five  hun- 
dred are  said  to  have  been  engaged  in  the  business  in  1896. 
The  recent  output  of  the  Pierce  Cycle  Company  was  about 
10,000  per  year.  The  company  as  now  constituted  was  or- 
ganized in  1906,  when  the  George  N.  Pierce  Company, 
making  automobiles,  sold  out  the  bicycle  part  of  their  fac- 
tory, and  the  Pierce  Cycle  Company  was  formed,  with 
Percy  P.  Pierce,  son  of  George  N.,  as  its  president.  This 
company  conducts  the  bicycle  manufacture  exclusively. 

In  1893  Mr.  W.  H.  Crosby,  becoming  manager  of  works 
established  by  the  Spaulding  Machine  Screw  Company 
(then  just  organized),  began  to  develop  the  manufacture 
of  parts  for  bicycle  construction  stamped  from  sheet-steel. 
Up  to  that  time  bicycle  frame  connections  or  joints  had  been 
made  exclusively  from  solid  drop-forgings,  which  had  to  be 
bored  out  and  machined  to  a  considerable  extent.  By  the 
process  of  stamping  from  sheet-steel  these  parts  were  pro- 
duced more  quickly  and  cheaply,  of  fully  equal  strength,  and 
the  more  progressive  of  the  bicycle  manufacturers  were  soon 
turning  out  more  wheels  at  lower  prices  than  before,  by 
reason  of  using  the  products  of  the  Spaulding  Company. 


From  the  management  of  that  company,  however,  Mr. 
Crosby  withdrew  in  1896  to  organize  The  Crosby  Company, 
himself  its  president  and  manager,  his  brother,  Mr.  A.  G. 
Crosby  (who  died  four  years  later),  vice-president,  Mr. 
William  H.  Hill  secretary  and  treasurer,  and  Mr.  Edward 
Ehler  superintendent.  The  new  company's  office  and  works 
were  then  located  at  506-507  Genesee  Street.  Increasing 
business  required  a  much  enlarged  plant  in  1903,  for  which 
a  factory  building  on  Pratt  Street  (181-187)  was  bought. 
Four  times  since  that  date  extensive  additions  to  the  original 
building  have  been  erected,  giving  nine  times  the  floor-space 
that  was  occupied  by  the  company  on  Genesee  Street  in 
1903.  The  plant,  which  employs  450  men,  is  operated  by 
electric  power  from  Niagara  Falls. 

The  sole  business  of  The  Crosby  Company  at  the  outset 
of  its  career  was  the  manufacture  of  bicycle  parts;  but  it 
soon  began  adding  to  its  list  of  products  a  large  variety  of 
special  parts  required  in  constructive  work  for  different 
trades.  At  first  these  included  parts  for  wagons,  carriages, 
harnesses,  sewing  machines,  trolley  wheels,  telephone  instru- 
ments, etc.  Then  came  the  rapid  development  of  the  auto- 
mobile manufacture,  opening  to  the  company  a  field  in 
which  its  business  has  had  an  extraordinary  growth.  In  a 
note  from  Mr.  Crosby  to  the  present  writer,  answering  in- 
quiries addressed  to  him,  he  remarks:  "Almost  every  line  of 
manufacture  is  looking  towards  people  like  ourselves  to 
develop  from  sheet-metal  pieces  that  were  heretofore  made 
either  of  castings  or  forgings,  and  in  many  cases  we  displace 
pieces  that  are  turned  from  a  solid  bar  of  steel.  We  are 
turning  out  parts  now  that  weigh  seventy  pounds,  and  from 
this  down  to  a  fraction  of  an  ounce.  We  have  recently 
added  an  autogenous  welding  plant,  by  means  of  which  two 
stamped  pieces  are  welded  together,  making  a  piece  that 
could  not  be  stamped  in  one  single  unjoined  article.  This 
welding  process  is  quite  new." 


This  quite  unique  industry  is  being  developed  rapidly  in 
other  cities;  but  the  initial  adventure  in  it  was  that  made  by 
Mr.  Crosby,  and  The  Crosby  Company  holds  the  leading 
place  in  it  still. 

One  of  the  works  of  the  same  character,  turning  out 
pressed  steel  products,  known  as  the  John  R.  Keim  Mills, 
had  its  origin  somewhat  more  than  two  decades  ago,  when 
it  was  founded  by  Mr.  Keim  for  the  production  of  steel  balls 
and  other  cold-pressed  and  cold-drawn  parts  of  machinery. 
Under  its  present  name  it  was  organized  in  1907.  Mr.  John 
R.  Lee  is  the  president  and  treasurer  of  the  company,  Mr. 
N.  A.  Hawkins  vice-president,  Mr.  William  H.  Smith  sec- 
retary and  general  manager.  The  mills  are  on  Kensington 
Avenue  and  the  Erie  Railroad. 

The  automobile  manufacture,  carried  on  by  the  George 
N.  Pierce  Company,  was  developed  in  connection  with  the 
bicycle  works  described  above,  and  had  its  beginnings  in 
1896,  when  demands  for  the  cycle  showed  decline.  It  was 
established  in  association  with  the  bicycle  plant,  on  Hanover 
Street,  and  continued  there  until  1907,  when  distinct  works, 
on  a  large  scale,  and  of  unsurpassed  equipment,  were 
founded  on  Elmwood  Avenue,  at  the  crossing  of  the  New 
York  Central  Railroad  Belt  Line.  In  1901  there  were 
twenty-five  vehicles  turned  out  of  the  works  and  their  value 
was  $10,000;  in  1907  the  output  of  automobiles  was  1,000, 
and  the  value  was  $4,000,000.  The  growth  of  business,  it 
will  be  seen,  has  even  more  than  kept  pace  with  the  swift 
progress  of  engineering  science  and  art  in  this  new  line. 
The  company  is  second  to  none  in  reputation  among  the 
makers  of  the  gasolene  engine  type  of  pleasure  automobiles. 

In  1899  E.  R.  Thomas,  who  had  begun  the  construction 
of  automobiles  in  Canada  within  the  previous  year,  saw  ad- 
vantages in  Buffalo  which  induced  him  to  remove  the  busi- 


ness  to  this  field,  locating  the  manufacture  on  Ferry  Street. 
Its  development  in  the  first  years  was  moderate,  rising  to  a 
product  in  1904  which  represented  $375,000  of  value,  and 
employed  about  150  men.  In  the  next  three  years  it  ad- 
vanced by  leaps,  the  business  of  the  season  of  1906-7  giving 
employment  to  1,500  workmen,  and  the  output  being  valued 
at  nearly  $5,000,000.  Mr.  Thomas  has  works  now  in  De- 
troit, as  well  as  at  Buffalo,  and  the  total  floor-space  of  his 
factories  is  nearly  350,000  square  feet.  The  Thomas  auto- 
mobiles have  a  world-wide  fame,  since  one  of  them  won  the 
New  York  to  Paris  race  of  1908,  across  North  America  and 
through  Siberia  and  Russia. 

The  business  now  conducted  by  the  Buffalo  Structural 
Steel  Company  was  established  by  Casper  Teiper  in  1894. 
The  company  was  organized  in  1899,  with  a  capital  stock  of 
$30,000,  increased  to  $100,000  in  1904.  Mr.  Teiper  and 
William  G.  Houck  have  been  the  executive  officers  since  the 
incorporation.  The  works,  at  166  Dart  Street,  have  a  ca- 
pacity for  producing  about  8,000  tons  of  structural  steel  per 
year.  They  have  supplied  material  for  most  of  the  larger 
buildings — hotels,  apartment  houses  and  business  structures 
— of  the  city  in  recent  years. 

The  Buffalo  Gasolene  Motor  Company,  manufacturing 
marine  engines,  was  organized  in  1899  and  established  its 
plant  on  Niagara  Street,  at  the  corner  of  Auburn  Avenue. 
Its  present  officers  are  Louis  A.  Fischer,  president,  A.  F. 
Dohn,  vice-president,  A.  Snyder,  secretary  and  treasurer, 
W.  E.  Blair,  general  superintendent. 

A  small  $10,000  corporation,  called  the  Buffalo  Foundry 
Company,  organized  in  1900  by  the  late  Charles  F.  Dunbar, 
its  president  and  principal  stockholder,  was  the  germ  of  the 
present  Buffalo  Foundry  and  Machine  Company,  capital- 
ized   at    $500,000     ($300,000    issued),    and    remarkably 


equipped  for  the  manufacture  of  medium  and  large  castings 
made  with  semi-steel,  air-furnace  and  gray  iron,  and  also 
for  engineering  work.  The  new  company  was  organized  in 
1902,  Mr.  Dunbar  still  leading  the  enterprise,  with  Mr.  M. 
Sullivan  for  his  coadjutor  and  Mr.  Andrew  Langdon  and 
others  soon  brought  into  the  alliance.  The  old  company 
had  occupied  a  rented  building  on  Mississippi  Street;  the 
new  company  erected  a  plant,  on  East  Ferry  Street  and  Win- 
chester Avenue,  which  is  said  officially  to  be  "equipped  for 
handling  larger  and  heavier  castings  than  any  other  jobbing 
plant  in  the  United  States  or  Canada,  so  far  as  our  infor- 
mation obtains."  With  this  equipment  it  has  been  able  to 
cast  gas-engine  beds  weighing  93  and  97  tons  each  for  the 
Allis-Chalmers  Company,  of  Milwaukee,  as  well  as  40  ton 
beds  for  the  gas  engines  of  the  Lackawanna  Steel  Company's 
plant.  In  the  middle  bay  of  its  foundry  it  has  crane  ca- 
pacity for  handling  castings  up  to  200  tons  in  weight,  if  that 
weight  is  ever  required. 

Until  the  spring  of  1907  the  company  operated  its  foundry 
alone.  Then  the  David  Bell  Engineering  Works  were 
merged  with  it,  and  its  present  name  was  assumed.  The 
old  David  Bell  Works  were  abandoned,  and  the  machine 
shops  and  the  foundry  are  together  on  East  Ferry  Street. 
The  present  officers  of  the  company  are  H.  D.  Miles,  presi- 
dent and  treasurer,  M.  Sullivan,  vice-president,  F.  C.  Slee, 

The  J.  P.  Devine  Company,  which  controls  valuable  Ger- 
man patents  for  vacuum  drying,  established  its  business  in 
Buffalo  in  1903,  but  was  not  incorporated  until  1905.  Its 
manufacturing  establishment  and  experiment  station  are  on 
Maryland  Street. 

The  L.  M.  Ericsson  Telephone  Manufacturing  Company, 
which  began  the  establishing  of  a  plant  on  the  Military 


Road  in  1905,  has  brought  it  to  fine  perfection  of  equipment, 
and  will  undoubtedly  have  importance  in  the  future  of  the 
industries  of  the  city. 

The  General  Railway  Signal  Company,  which  transferred 
its  business  to  Rochester  not  long  since,  had  established  a 
drop-forging  plant,  in  connection  with  its  other  works,  on 
the  New  York  Central  Belt  Line,  at  Elmwood  Avenue. 
This  was  purchased  in  the  spring  of  1907  by  The  Consoli- 
dated Telephone  Company,  and  the  business  continued 
under  a  new  corporation,  named  the  General  Drop  Forge 
Company,  in  which  the  former  secretary  of  the  General 
Railway  Signal  Company,  Clarence  H.  Littell,  was  retained 
as  general  manager  and  treasurer.  The  plant  was  destroyed 
soon  afterward  by  fire,  but  rebuilt,  of  fire-proof  construction 
and  much  enlarged  and  improved,  resuming  operations  in 
September  of  the  same  year.  The  business  of  the  company 
is  "the  manufacture  of  special  drop-forgings,  up-setter,  bull- 
dozer and  general  forging  work." 



ACCORDING  to  Mr.  H.  Perry  Smith's  History  of 
the  City  of  Buffalo  and  Erie  County,"  published  in 
1884,  the  first  brewing  of  the  German  lager  beer  in 
this  city  was  undertaken  by  a  Swiss  settler,  Rudolph  Baer, 
who  came  to  Buffalo  in  1826,  "engaged  in  keeping  the  hotel 
at  Cold  Springs,  and  soon  after  built  a  brewery  and  gave 
the  Buffalonians  their  first  taste  of  beer  made  at  home." 
When  Mr.  Smith  wrote  he  could  draw,  no  doubt,  from  per- 
sonal memories  on  the  subject  which  are  not  now  to  be 
appealed  to,  and  which  death  may  have  extinguished  even  a 
decade  ago,  when  a  historical  sketch  of  the  brewing  industry 
of  the  city  was  compiled  for  the  Buffalo  Brewers'  Associa- 
tion, in  1897.  ^^  that  sketch  it  is  said  to  have  been  ascer- 
tained "from  the  best  information  obtainable,  that  previous 
to  1840  there  were  in  this  city  five  breweries,  with  a  capacity 
of  from  one  to  nine  barrel  kettles  each;"  and  that  "the 
pioneer  in  this  important  enterprise  was  Jacob  Roos,  whose 
plant  was  located  in  what  was  then  called  'Sandy  Town' — 
between  Church  and  York  streets  and  beyond  the  Erie 
Canal,  near  the  Old  Stone  House."  It  is  further  stated  that 
Mr.  Roos,  early  in  the  forties,  purchased  the  land  lying 
between  Hickory  and  Pratt  streets,  below  Batavia  (now 
Broadway) ,  where  the  Iroquois  Brewing  Company  now  has 
its  large  plant. 

The  second  brewery  mentioned  in  this  historical  account 
was  established  by  Messrs.  Schanzlin  &  Hoffman,  at  the 
corner  of  Main  and  St.  Paul  streets.  Two  years  later  the 
firm  was  dissolved,  and  Mr.  Schanzlin  built  a  brew-house,  a 
dwelling  and  a  restaurant  out  where  Main  Street  crosses 
Scajaquada  Creek.  The  third  brewery  was  connected  with 
a  restaurant  on  Oak  Street,  near  Tupper,  by  Joseph  Fried- 


man,  and,  passing  subsequently  into  the  hands  of  Beck,  and 
Baumgartner,  gave  its  beginning  to  the  extensive  business 
now  carried  on  by  the  Magnus  Beck  Brewing  Company,  on 
the  corners  of  North  Division  and  Spring.  Another  of  the 
greater  brewing  establishments  of  the  present  day  has  grown 
from  the  next  of  the  small  plants  founded  in  that  period; 
for  a  daughter  of  its  founder,  Philip  Born,  married  Gerhard 
Lang,  and  Mr.  Lang,  in  due  time,  becoming  a  partner  in 
the  business,  developed  from  it  the  Gerhard  Lang  Park 
Brewery,  having  its  present  location  at  the  corner  of  Jefifer- 
son  Street  and  Best.  The  fifth  and  latest  of  the  pioneer 
breweries  of  1840,  described  in  the  record  here  quoted,  was 
started  by  Godfrey  Heiser,  on  Seneca  Street  below  Chicago, 
and  ended  business  some  forty  or  more  years  ago. 

In  1863  there  were  35  breweries  in  operation  in  the  city, 
and  their  product  that  year  was  152  barrels.  In  1896  the 
number  of  brewing  establishments  had  dropped  to  19,  but 
the  annual  product  had  risen  to  652,340  barrels.  In  1907 
three  of  the  breweries  that  had  been  in  operation  twelve 
years  before  were  no  longer  in  existence,  and  one  new  one 
had  been  established;  but  the  17  of  the  later  period  were 
producing  964,000  barrels  per  year.  In  these  facts  we  have 
a  striking  illustration  of  the  tendency  of  business,  in  the  last 
two  decades,  or  thereabouts,  to  concentrate  its  organizations 
and  enlarge  their  scale. 

Of  the  breweries  now  existing,  five  have  passed  a  half 
century  of  age,  namely:  the  Magnus  Beck  and  the  Gerhard 
Lang  establishments,  already  mentioned;  the  Broadway 
Brewing  and  Malting  Company's  plant,  founded  in  1852; 
the  Consumers'  (known  formerly  as  the  Lion  Brewery), 
founded  by  George  Rochevot  in  1857,  and  the  Ziegele  Brew- 
ing Company's  (Phoenix  Brewery),  founded  by  A.  Ziegele 
in  the  same  year.  Two  date  from  about  1867, — one 
founded  by  Christian  Weyand,  now  operated  by  a  company 


which  bears  his  name,  the  other  founded  by  John  M.  Luip- 
pold  and  now  the  property  of  the  East  Buffalo  Brewing 
Company.  From  the  decade  of  the  seventies  none  have  sur- 
vived. But  six  that  arose  in  the  eighties  are  flourishing  in 
the  business  still,  to  wit:  Buffalo  Cooperative,  from  1880; 
the  Clinton  Star,  from  1881  ;  the  International,  which  the 
late  Jacob  Scheu  established  in  1884;  the  German-Ameri- 
can, which  represents  the  old  time  establishment  of  Joseph 
L.  Haberstro;  the  Lake  View,  built  in  1885;  and  the  Simon 
Brewery,  formerly  carried  on  by  the  J.  Schuesler  Company. 
The  brewery  of  the  Germania  Company,  founded  in  1893, 
and  that  of  J.  Schreiber,  which  began  production  in  1900, 
complete  the  list.  Thus  far,  the  twentieth  century  has 
made  no  addition  to  the  brewing  establishments  of  the  city. 
For  the  brewing  of  ale  and  porter  there  is  but  one  con- 
siderably extensive  establishment  in  the  city,  the  Moffatt 
Brewery,  which  has  been  in  operation  for  more  than  half  a 
century,  at  the  corner  of  Mohawk  and  Morgan  streets. 

Soap  making  was  an  industry  of  some  importance  in 
Buffalo  at  a  quite  early  time,  and  is  notably  represented 
among  the  larger  organizations  of  productive  business  at  the 
present  day;  but  most  of  the  older  manufactories  have  dis- 
appeared. One,  founded  by  Gowans  &  Beard  about  1848, 
and  now  conducted  by  Gowans  &  Son,  has  had  a  prosperous 
career  of  some  sixty  years. 

Another,  of  nearly  equal  age,  had  the  smallest  possible 
beginnings  in  1853,  when  William  Lautz,  Sr.,  coming  from 
Germany  with  a  family  of  four  sons  and  three  daughters 
and  with  a  very  few  dollars  in  his  pocket,  began  at  once  to 
win  the  means  of  living  by  moulding  tallow  candles,  in  the 
mode  of  that  day,  and  sending  his  boys  out  to  peddle  them 
through  the  town.  This  needed  next  to  no  capital.  Soap- 
making,  which  went  then  with  candle-making,  required 
somewhat  more;  but  thrifty  Mr.  Lautz  had  soon  saved 

^luiOBhmBtn  q£08  ni  3zhq- 

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1  by  J-'hn  M.  Luip- 
ist  Buflfalo  Brewing 

V   ■         ?ur- 
:  in 

!,    1^1    WH.    JjiillJlii   >v_i><ijii  I  ai:\  f,    ::iJii)     10(50; 

r,  trom  1881  ;  the  International,  which  the 

-M-h-d  in  1884;  the  German-Ameri- 

id  time  establishment  of  Joseph 

w,  built  in  1885;  ^^^  ^^e  Simon 

n  by  the  J.  Schuesler  Company 

inia  Company,  founded  in  1893, 

The  foundations  of  this' enterprisfe  ia  soap  manufactu^^ 

•  were  laid  by  Mr.  John  D.  Larkin,  a  native  of  Bufifalo.^m 
1875.      The  original   factory  was  in  Chicago  Street,  near^ 
W  Fulton  Street,  but  was  removed    in    two  years  to  Sen^di 

Street,  which  forms  a  part  of  the  present  plant.  Yeat'byi 
cf;uu.;  .ygj^j.  since  1877  new  buildings  have  been  added  and  old 
^  ^  ones  superseded  or  extended.  The  space  occupied  is  fifty 
„  ■'  /'  acres.  A  specialty  is  madi  p^the  syMem  of  ddiVeVini^ 
^"^^^°  Erectly  from  "factory%-  m^yl^  ""^^bly  represented 
among  the    i  ^  '    nons  of  productive  business  at  the 

present  day;  but  most  of  the  older  manufactories  have  dis- 
appeared. One,  founded  by  Gowans  &  Beard  about  1848, 
and  now  conducted  by  Gowans  &  Son,  has  had  a  prosperous 
career  of  some  sixty  years. 

Another,  of  nearly  equal  age,  had  the  smallest  possible 
beginnings  in  1853,  when  William  Lautz,  Sr.,  coming  from 
Germany  with  a  family  of  four  sons  and  three  daughters 
and  with  a  very  few  dollars  in  his  pocket,  began  at  once  to 
win  the  means  of  living  by  moulding  tallow  candles,  in  the 
mode  of  that  day,  and  sending  his  boys  out  to  peddle  them 
through  the  town.  This  needed  ncx,  •.  no  capital.  Soap- 
miikiiiu.   which  went  then   wit:  king,   required 

-'Mnrwhat  more;  but  thriftv   N'  lad  soon  saved 


enough  for  the  buying  of  a  kettle  or  two,  and  so  started  the 
creation  of  a  soap  factory  which,  for  many  years  past,  has 
occupied  a  good  part  of  Lloyd  Street,  and  employed  a  large 
force  of  men.  The  boys,  who  were  assistants  and  salesmen 
of  the  establishment,  marketed  its  products,  of  candles  and 
soap,  in  hand-baskets  at  the  outset,  then  with  hand-wagons, 
then,  presently,  with  a  dog-team,  soon  succeeded  by  a  small 
horse, — and  so,  progressively  employing  their  vehicles  of 
transportation,  until  all  the  railroads  and  ships  and  boats 
that  went  out  of  Bufifalo  were  carrying  their  commodities 
far  and  wide.  The  father  of  the  business  died  in  1886. 
The  sons  and  grandsons  who  have  continued  it,  under  the 
firm  name  of  Lautz  Brothers  &  Co.,  have  been  valued 
citizens,  and  the  younger  of  the  sons,  Frederick  C.  M.  Lautz, 
who  died  not  long  ago,  is  honored  greatly  in  memory  as  a 
lover  and  patron  of  music,  who  exemplified  in  his  generous 
promotion  of  it  the  finer  uses  of  wealth. 

A  third  establishment  of  quite  long  standing  grew  from 
somewhat  similar  small  beginnings  made  by  Jabesh  Harris, 
who  had  learned  the  soap-making  art  in  the  neighboring 
small  town  of  Hamburg,  and  came  to  Bufifalo  to  practice  it 
in  1869.  Mr.  Harris  went  through  hard  struggles  before 
he  gained  a  substantial  footing  in  the  business;  but  he  won 
it  in  the  end,  after  being  twice  burned  out,  and  left  the  large 
establishment  of  the  Harris  Soap  Co.  to  be  carried  on  by 
his  sons. 

The  latest  foundation  of  the  largest  and  most  notable  or- 
ganization of  industry  in  this  department,  was  laid  in  1875, 
by  Mr.  John  D.  Larkin,  a  native  of  Bufifalo,  who  had  been 
engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  soap  at  Chicago  during  some 
previous  years.  Having  sold  his  Chicago  interest  he  re- 
sumed the  business  in  his  native  town.  His  original  factory, 
on  Chicago  Street,  near  Fulton,  was  a  small  building  of  two 


floors,  twenty  by  forty  feet  in  size.  This  was  outgrown  in 
two  years,  and  a  new  building  of  much  greater  dimensions 
erected  for  the  manufacture  on  Seneca  Street,  occupying  a 
small  fraction  of  the  enormous  acreage  now  covered  by  the 
Larkin  works.  Almost  year  by  year,  from  1877  to  the  latest 
of  the  calendar,  building  has  been  added  to  building,  old 
ones  have  given  place  to  new  ones,  small  ones  to  large  ones, 
common  brick  and  wood  to  fire-proof  construction,  until  the 
floor-space  of  the  Larkin  plant  now  measures  more  than 
fifty  acres,  in  all.  It  had  grown  to  a  little  more  than  one 
acre  by  1885;  to  sixteen  acres  by  1901 ;  to  twenty-nine  acres 
by  1904;  to  fifty  acres  by  1907.  Building,  to  keep  pace  with 
its  own  needs,  has  become,  therefore,  a  big  part  of  the  com- 
pany's work. 

Elbert  G.  Hubbard,  William  H.  Coss  and  Daniel  J.  Coss 
were  associated  with  Mr.  Larkin  in  1875-6.  Darwin  D. 
Martin  entered  the  firm  in  1878.  In  1892  the  Larkin  Soap 
Mfg.  Company  was  organized,  with  Mr.  Larkin  as  presi- 
dent and  Mr.  Hubbard  as  secretary  and  treasurer.  In  the 
next  year  Mr.  Hubbard  sold  his  interest  and  was  succeeded 
in  the  secretaryship  by  Mr.  Martin.  In  the  Larkin  Co.,  as 
it  is  now  named,  Mr.  Martin  is  still  secretary,  and  official 
positions  are  held  by  Mr.  Larkin's  three  sons. 

Until  1885  the  products  of  the  Larkin  factory  were  mar- 
keted in  the  usual  way,  through  wholesale  and  retail  dealers, 
and  an  extensive  demand  for  them  had  been  created  east  and 
west.  Then  the  company  launched  boldly  into  its  experi- 
ment, of  direct  "factory  to  family"  dealing,  which  it  claims 
as  "the  Larkin  idea."  In  describing  the  change  it  states 
that  "a  Chicago  wholesale  merchant  was  the  first  success- 
fully to  bring  together  consumer  and  wholesaler,  leaving 
the  retail  dealer  out  of  their  transactions;  but  *  «  *  the 
Larkin  Co.  was,  in  1885,  the  first  manufacturer  to  eliminate 
all  dealers — wholesale  and  retail ;  all  travelling  salesmen 


and  brokers,  the  entire  middle  organization  termed  the  'mid- 
dlemen'— and  sell  important  staples  on  a  large  scale  entirely 
to  the  users."  The  saving  of  what  would  go  as  profits  to 
middlemen,  in  ordinary  trade,  is  represented  by  the  large 
premiums  which  the  company  offers  to  the  direct  buyers  of 
its  goods;  and  the  procuring  and  distributing  of  these  pre- 
miums constitute  an  immense  part  of  the  business  it  conducts. 
Great  factories  outside  of  itself  are  kept  busy  in  supplying 
the  huge  orders  it  gives  for  single  articles  of  furniture,  and 
the  like;  and  a  large  pottery  manufacture,  of  the  first  order, 
has  been  established  in  Buffalo,  under  its  ownership  and 

The  Larkin  products  include  perfumes  and  all  toilet 
articles,  as  well  as  a  great  variety  of  soaps.  The  processes 
of  their  manufacture  are  interesting,  and  the  perfect  organ- 
ization and  equipment  of  everything  in  the  work  of  the 
2,500  people  employed  is  more  interesting  still.  The  great 
office  building,  finished  and  opened  in  1907,  with  a  capacity 
for  1,800  typewriters  and  clerks,  and  a  present  clerical  force 
of  more  than  a  thousand,  is  unique,  in  its  plan,  in  its  massive 
construction,  in  its  plentitude  of  light  and  air,  in  its  pro- 
visions and  arrangements  for  efficient  work  and  for  the 
comfort  of  the  worker.  Its  model  restaurant,  its  library, 
its  rest-room,  its  trained  nurse  for  sudden  illnesses,  are  busi- 
ness-office accompaniments  not  often  to  be  found.  That  the 
Larkin  Works  have  become  one  of  the  sights  of  the  city  is 
not  at  all  strange.  The  visitors  are  so  numerous  that  guides 
are  provided  to  conduct  them  through. 

The  Buffalo  Pottery,  referred  to  above,  as  being  estab- 
lished and  conducted  by  the  Larkin  Company,  gives  em- 
ployment to  250  persons  of  both  sexes,  and  is  a  most  inter- 
esting industrial  organization.  Its  products  go  widely  be- 
yond the  United  States,  being  exported  to  twenty-seven 
countries  of  the  outer  world.  Its  works  are  on  Seneca  and 
Hayes  streets. 


A  cement  deposit,  which  runs  from  an  outcrop  on  Scaja- 
quada  Creek,  just  west  of  Main  Street,  northeasterly, 
through  Williamsville  to  Akron,  was  discovered  at  an  early 
day  by  the  pioneers  of  settlement  in  this  region.  It  is  said 
to  have  been  quarried  and  prepared  for  marketing  at 
Williamsville  as  early  as  1824,  and  Williamsville  cement 
was  used  in  the  building  of  the  original  canal  locks  at  Lock- 
port.  Possibly,  but  not  certainly,  Mr.  Warren  Granger  had 
started  cement  works  on  Buffalo  Plains  at  an  equally  early 
date.  It  was  not,  however,  until  half  a  century  later  that 
the  Buffalo  end  of  the  cement  deposit  was  extensively 
opened  and  worked  by  the  Buffalo  Cement  Company,  organ- 
ized by  Mr.  Lewis  J.  Bennett,  in  1877.  The  first  works 
of  the  company  were  on  the  west  side  of  Main  Street,  but 
presently  transferred  to  the  east  side  and  developed  on  a 
large  scale.  In  1888,  when  the  production  may  be  said  to 
have  ceased,  its  quarries  covered  about  200  acres  and  had 
yielded  80,000  barrels  per  acre.  The  output  of  the  com- 
pany in  the  later  years  of  its  working  was  1,800  barrels  per 

Borings  in  the  neighborhood  had  shown  the  existence  of 
a  rich  deposit  of  gypsum  underlying  the  same  region,  and 
Mr.  Bennett  purchased  a  large  tract  of  land  on  the  west  side 
of  Main  Street,  with  a  view  to  developing  this.  Unfor- 
tunately there  was  soon  found  to  be  an  intrusion  of  water 
which  seemed  to  make  the  intended  working  impossible,  and 
it  was  given  up.  Mr.  Bennett  then  gave  a  new  direction  to 
his  spirit  of  enterprise,  and  began  in  1889  the  development 
on  his  land  of  that  fine  residential  district,  on  the  northern 
rim  of  Buffalo,  which  is  now  well  populated  and  known  as 
Central  Park. 

Long  before  the  earth-storage  of  petroleum  was  dis- 
covered, there  was  a  considerable  manufacture  of  oils,  for 
illumination   and   lubrication,   from   other   fats   than   the 

.  on  Scaja- 
,   •  j:,  v.         <     u  at  an  early 
•lit  in  this  rcjifi  n.     It  is  said 
ju  -      -  '    """    prepared    i  >r   ,n:irketing   at 
as  early  as  1824,  and  Will lauiav. lie  cement 
,  ..,  ...  ..     .  ,,,t  building  of  the  original  canal  locks  at  Lock- 
port.     Possibly,  but  not  certainly,  Mr.  Warren  Granger  had 
started  cement  works  on  Buffalo  Plains  at  an  equally  early 
date.     It  was  not,  however,  until  half  a  century  later  that 
the   Buffalo   end   of   the   cement  deposit  was  extensively 
opened  and  workedllENVteS  ^ufifEK^NMYRnt  Company,  organ- 

York,  July  '7,  1833;  was  I'n' California  during  the  tro^ibl^-^'  "^^ 
some  times  of  the  "V'igilants ;"  was  supervisor  of  Glen,  Neiiv  on  a 
York,  1865;  came  to  Buffalo,  1866,  and  i:i  1868  organized  aid  to 
.    contracting   business    with    Andrew     Spaulding   anil    Jolv?;    ha».l 
Hand;  organized   the   Buffalo   Cement   Company   in    iS/J-    ^rn. 
Prominent    in    Masonic    affairs;    trustee    Buffalo    Public 
Library;  member  Buffalo  Society  of  Natural  Sciences,  His-     " 
torical  Society,  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  Buffalo  Chap- 
ter Sons  of  the  RevoMionhood  had  shown  the  existence  of 
'■T lying  the  same  region,  and 
,act  of  land  on  the  west  side 
1  developing  this.     Unfor- 
co  be  an  intrusion  of  water 
^ed  '/  orkia^r  'nu''<>>sihle.  and 
n  to 

-  ns 

i  oiis,  tor 
than   the 


blubber  of  the  whale.  As  early  as  1848,  Mr.  F.  S.  Pease 
had  established  such  a  manufacture  in  Buffalo,  and  his  lu- 
bricating oils,  which  were  his  specialty,  and  which  he 
exhibited  conspicuously  at  national  and  international  fairs, 
obtained  a  great  reputation  and  were  sold  extensively  at 
home  and  abroad.  A  considerable  manufacture  of  "lard 
oil,"  for  illuminating  purposes,  was  also  carried  on  by  Mr. 
Richard  Bullymore,  in  the  middle  period  of  last  century. 

The  manufacture  of  linseed  oil,  begun  in  Buffalo  by 
Spencer  Kellogg  and  Sidney  McDougal  in  1879,  grew  in 
their  hands  to  a  business  of  very  large  proportions  and  im- 
portance. It  is  now  carried  on  by  the  Spencer  Kellogg  Co., 
whose  establishment,  on  Ganson  and  Michigan  streets,  is 
one  of  the  largest  of  its  kind  in  the  country,  and  its  product 
is  sold  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  In  recent  years  the  firm 
of  Hauenstein  &  Co.  have  entered  on  the  same  manufacture, 
at  works  on  Vincennes  Street,  with  promising  success. 

Many  Buffalonians  joined  the  rush  for  the  Pennsylvania 
Oil  Fields,  after  the  first  successful  borings  for  petroleum, 
in  1858,  and  large  interests  in  the  crude  oil  production  were 
acquired  in  this  city  from  the  first;  but  no  refining  of  the 
crude  petroleum  was  undertaken  here  till  about  1873  or 
1874.  The  late  Joseph  D.  Dudley,  with  whom  the  late 
Joseph  P.  Dudley  was  associated,  then  established  the  Em- 
pire Oil  Works,  on  the  Ohio  Basin,  and  carried  on  the 
refining  business  for  a  few  years.  The  Standard  Oil  Com- 
pany had  carried  its  campaign  of  conquest  well  forward  by 
that  time,  and  Buffalo  was  not  a  point  it  would  neglect.  Its 
first  footing  here  was  got  by  the  purchase  of  the  Empire 
Works,  about  1878.  A  second  refinery  had  then  been 
started,  on  Seneca  Street,  by  Messrs.  Holmes  and  Adams, 
who  are  said  to  have  had  some  friendly  arrangement  with 
the  Standard  Company,  and  their  works  were  operated  until 
burned,  about  ten  years  ago. 


The  third  enterprise  in  crude  oil  refining  at  Buffalo  is 
the  one  which  survives  alone  at  the  present  day,  represented 
by  the  Atlas  Oil  Works  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company,  on 
Buffalo  River  and  Elk  and  Babcock  streets.  It  was  started 
in  1880  by  the  Kalbfleisch  Sons,  of  the  Buffalo  Chemical 
Works,  allied  with  some  Cleveland  interests,  and  the  build- 
ing of  a  pipe  line  from  Rock  City  to  Buffalo  was  part  of  the 
undertaking.  This  was  a  project  of  rivalry  which  chal- 
lenged the  Standard  Oil  Company  to  an  exertion  of  all  its 
combative  power  and  skill.  The  attempt  to  build  a  pipe 
line  in  the  rival  interest  was  made  impossible  in  some  way, 
while  the  Standard  laid  one  of  its  own;  and  that  successful 
company's  purchase  of  the  Atlas  Works  in  1892  was,  no 
doubt,  an  inevitable  result. 

At  about  this  time  several  other  attempts  to  enter  the  re- 
fining industry  in  Buffalo  were  being  made.  Adjoining  the 
Atlas  Works,  a  company  formed  by  Buffalo  and  Titusville 
parties  began  operating  what  were  called  the  Solar  Oil 
Works,  using  a  process  for  continuous  distillation  of  crude 
petroleum  which  had  been  patented  by  Samuel  Van  Syckel. 
Mr.  Van  Syckel  was  a  well  known  inventor  in  the  oil  in- 
dustries, who  had  been  the  first  to  conceive  the  idea  of 
piping  oil,  and  who,  over  a  short  distance  near  Titusville, 
had  laid  the  first  pipe-line.  It  goes  without  saying  that  the 
Solar  Works  had  a  struggle  for  life  with  its  powerful  rival 
and  succumbed  in  the  end.  It  passed,  first,  in  1883,  to  the 
Tidewater  Pipe  Line  Co.,  which  had  maintained  its  inde- 
pendence thus  far,  but  which  surrendered  soon  afterwards 
to  the  Standard  Company,  carrying  with  it  the  Solar  Works. 

Another  attempt  of  the  same  period  was  that  of  Mr.  C. 
B.  Matthews,  who  established  the  works  of  the  Buffalo  Lu- 
bricating Oil  Company,  near  the  Atlas  Works,  on  Elk  and 
Babcock  streets,  in  1881.  His  long  litigations  and  conten- 
tions   with    the    Standard    Oil    Company,    including    the 


indictment  and  conviction  of  persons  connected  with  the 
Vacuum  Oil  Company,  of  Rochester  (one  of  the  subsidiary- 
organizations  of  the  Standard),  who  were  charged  with 
having  suborned  a  workman  in  the  employ  of  the  Buffalo 
Lubricating  Oil  Company  to  prepare  conditions  in  its  appa- 
ratus that  would  bring  about  an  explosion,  form  a  notable 
chapter  in  the  published  history  of  petroleum  oil.  The 
struggles  of  the  Lubricating  Oil  Company  were  prolonged 
until  about  1887,  when  its  works  were  transferred  to  a  com- 
bination of  independent  refineries  in  Cleveland,  Oil  City 
and  Corry.  They  were  operated  for  a  short  time  by  this 
combination,  and  then  given  up.  About  1888  Mr. 
Matthews  organized  the  Buffalo  Refining  Company,  the 
business  of  which  he  has  conducted  ever  since.  It  does  no 
refining  in  Buffalo,  but  holds  stock  in  a  Pennsylvania  re- 
finery, from  which  it  obtains  its  oil.  Its  business  in  this 
city  is  the  compounding  of  cylinder  and  engine  oils  and 
the  manufacture  of  greases,  nearly  all  of  which  product 
goes  up  the  lakes.     It  has  little  to  do  with  shipments  by  rail. 

Still  two  other  refineries  were  started  in  Buffalo  about 
1 88 1,  both  of  them  located  on  the  Tifft  Farm.  One,  the 
Niagara,  of  which  Mr.  Backus,  of  Cleveland,  was  president, 
was  carried  on  till  bought  and  cleared  away  by  the  Lehigh 
Valley  Railroad  Company,  to  make  room  for  its  terminal 
improvements  on  that  ground.  The  other,  the  Phoenix, 
was  embarrassed  by  freight  conditions  till  it  gave  up. 

The  surviving  Atlas  Refining  Works,  which  became  the 
property  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company  in  1892,  have  been 
greatly  enlarged  in  the  hands  of  that  all-powerful  trust. 
They  occupy  a  tract  of  about  84  acres  at  the  corner  of  Elk 
and  Babcock  streets,  having  a  frontage  of  1,782  feet  on  the 
former  street,  and  running  back  to  the  Buffalo  River.  Oil 
refining  in  all  its  departments  is  carried  on,  and  with  it  a 
mechanical  department,   equipped  with  labor-saving  ma- 


chinery  of  the  latest  types,  for  the  construction  of  tank  cars 
and  for  other  boiler-shop  work.  From  500  to  600  men  are 
employed  in  the  works  as  a  whole.  The  present  capacity 
of  the  refining  plant  is  for  the  yearly  treatment  of  1,200,000 
barrrels  of  crude  oil,  and  it  is  fully  employed.  Mr.  Horace 
P.  Chamberlain  has  been  the  general  manager  since  1890. 

The  manufacture  of  fire-brick  was  established  in  Buffalo 
by  the  late  Edward  J.  Hall,  in  1866,  as  a  branch  of  the  busi- 
ness of  A.  Hall  &  Sons,  at  Perth  Amboy,  New  Jersey. 
Within  a  year  or  two  it  became  an  independent  business, 
conducted  by  Mr.  Hall  during  his  life,  and  still  continued, 
in  the  administration  of  his  estate,  with  C.  M.  Helmer  as 
its  manager,  and  under  the  name  of  Hall  &  Sons.  The 
location  of  the  plant  has  always  been,  as  now,  at  the  corner 
of  Tonawanda  Street  and  West  Avenue,  in  Black  Rock. 
With  a  thorough  practical  knowledge  of  the  manufacture 
and  much  executive  ability,  Mr.  Hall  organized  a  plant 
that  is  noted  for  the  quality  of  its  output.  In  the  past 
fifteen  years  it  has  been  largely  rebuilt  and  extended. 
Modern  machinery  has  been  put  in  and  the  capacity  of  the 
works  about  doubled. 

In  1879  Mr.  J.  F.  Schoellkopf,  Jr.  (his  father,  bearing 
the  same  well-known  name,  being  then  alive),  returned 
home  from  seven  years  of  chemical  study  in  Germany,  and 
began  the  manufacture  of  coal  tar  dyes.  The  undertaking 
was  moderate  in  scale  at  the  outset,  but  its  importance  was 
in  the  fact  of  its  being  the  first  of  its  kind  in  America  started 
by  specialists,  trained  in  the  art,  and  with  the  avowed  pur- 
pose of  producing  as  nearly  as  possible  a  full  line  of  coal 
tar  colors.  Owing  to  unfavorable  tariffs  and  patent  laws 
the  business  was  of  slow  growth  and  unremunerative  at 
first;  but  as  important  foreign  patents  expired,  and  as  the 
scientific  managers,  making  new  discoveries  of  their  own. 


-iaaiq  :  '(ftBrm^i.)  I'n 
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nod  ;TJiuJ'Jijlrj(ii5iri  Ifijifri-jrl'.) 

fttf! "iirtetBauba  ;8r8i  .-^s  wibui 

■  ;lf  ,f(io>lll9.  rl-'^;    tu  Jri-jb 

.    fijkawnofiuxi    J  Jij-jbigoiq 

'.agMigilge^ib^iica  iKiioi] 

^  I  lli^^rrifi.fttMflll^^i'Jfiiuniji'/' 
rc'jtrO  y;  'jaifi;:/.  TfihoUw'/  biu;  .^FIb'T 
o')Jernl  ;  jlHqbihelhiH  biu;  /li'J  >bo'<' 
ii.fl'iFI    ..Jnl'J    olKTina  Tjclmanr  ;  lisJ-q 

ijf!  .  .'J-ji-ii"^    iBDIlTRfl'J  flfijitOfn/. 


chinery  of  the  latest  types,  for  the  construction  of  tank  cars 
and  for  other  boiler-shop  work.  From  500  to  600  men  are 
employed  in  the  works  as  a  whole.  The  present  capacity 
of  the  refining  plant  is  for  the  yearly  treatment  ^f  1,200,000 
barrels  of  crude  oil,  and  it  is  fully  employed  Mr.  Horace 
P.  Chamberlain  has  been  the  general  manager  since  1890. 

The  manufacture  of  fire-brick  was  established  in  Buffalo 
by  the  late  Edward  J.  Hall,  in  1866,  as  a  branch  of  the  busi- 
ness of  A.  Hall  &  Sons,  at  Perth  x\mboy,  New  Jersey. 

Within  a  vear-or  tuo  it  became  an  independent  business, 
conducted  bv  :.lf^!?:?H^pELLKOpF(jXoK;). 

in  the  ai^^W?'^^'i*W»Vifa<:turer ;  born  Buflalo,  New  York,  Feb-  :- 
jj^  ,^  ruary  27,  1858;  educated  in  Buffalo  and  Germauy;  presi- ,n^. 
dent  of  Schoellkopf,  Hartford  &  Hanna  Company;  vice- 
*■  '■  president  Commonwealth  Trust  Company  and  Central  N,a-  \ 
'^f^  ^  tional  Bank ;  director  in  Columbia  National  Bank,  Security''  '^' 
Will  I  Safe  Deposit  Company,  Niagara  Fails  Hydraulic  Power  Sr'"'^' 
anil  K Manufacturing  Company,  Cliff  Faper  Company  of  Niagara^iHt 
that  is^^'S;  and  National  Aniline  &  Chemical  Company  of  Newast 
fifteen^?^^  City  and  Philadelphia;  trustee  Buffalo  General  Hos4,.,j 

M,    pit'al;  member  Buffalo    Club:"  Buffalo  ■  Historical    Sftciety!  u„ 
American  Chemical  Society;  National  Biographical  Society 
works  ^^),,, 

In  1879  Mr.  J.  F.  Schoellkopf,  Jr.  (his  father,  bearing 
the  same  well-known  name,  being  then  alive),  returned 
home  froni  seven  years  of  chemical  study  in  Germany,  and 
bcgii;;  rliL-  m.iiiutacture  of  coal  tar  dyes.  The  undertaking 
wa^  1  scale  at  the  outset,  but  its  importance  was 

in  (  ^eing  the  first  of  its  kind  in  America  started 

by  '  in  the  art,  and  with  the  avowed  pur- 

pi  -•  nearly  as  possible  a  full  line  of  coal 

tar  colufh.  Owing  to  unfavorable  tariffs  and  patent  laws 
the  business  w^«  of  ?low  growth  and  unremunerative  at 
first;  but  i'  foreign  patents  expired,  and  as  the 

scicntifit  ^-''^'ng  new  discoveries  of  their  own, 


took  out  valuable  patents  here  and  abroad,  they  were  able 
to  increase  their  line. 

In  1886  the  founder  of  the  manufacture  was  joined  by  his 
brother,  C.  P.  Hugo  Schoellkopf,  who,  in  his  turn,  had 
completed  a  course  of  chemical  studies  in  Germany.  The 
business  had  now  attained  a  steady  growth.  In  1887  a 
company  was  organized  in  the  city  of  New  York  for  han- 
dling its  products,  and  a  similar  company  was  formed  at 
Philadelphia  in  1896.  In  1899  these  companies  were  con- 
solidated with  the  Buffalo  plant,  by  incorporation  under  the 
name  of  Schoellkopf,  Hartford  &  Hanna  Company,  and  a 
branch  in  Boston  was  opened  at  the  same  time.  A  year 
later  branch  houses  were  established  in  Chicago,  Cincin- 
nati, Milwaukee,  Minneapolis,  and  Kansas  City,  covering 
practically  all  of  the  territory  in  the  United  States  that  is 
tributary  to  the  trade  in  aniline  colors. 

In  1902  the  company,  being  an  extensive  consumer  of 
mineral  acids,  established  a  plant  for  the  manufacture  of 
those.  This,  again,  was  a  pioneer  undertaking, — the  first 
in  the  United  States  to  produce  sulphuric  acid  by  the  con- 
tact process,  and  to  operate  continuous  processes  of  making 
nitric  acid  and  muriatic  acid  by  patented  methods.  This 
new  plant  grew  to  such  dimensions  that  it  was  separately 
organized  in  1904,  and  is  now  conducted  in  the  name  of  the 
Contact  Process  Company.  It  is  now  one  of  the  largest  and 
most  complete  plants  of  its  kind  in  the  country. 

The  entire  business  that  has  grown  from  Mr.  Schoell- 
kopf's  undertaking  of  1879  was  measured  by  sales  of  product 
in  1907  to  the  extent  of  nearly  $4,000,000.  In  1881  its 
sales  amounted  only  to  $75,000.  Inasmuch  as  the  pro- 
prietors are  continually  putting  new  products  on  the  market, 
there  appears  to  be  no  reason  why  it  should  not  continue  to 
grow  in  future  as  in  the  past. 

The  present  officers  of  Schoellkopf,  Hartford  &  Hanna 


Company  are  J.  F.  Schoellkopf,  president;  W.  W.  Hanna, 
I.  F.  Stone,  and  Jesse  W.  Starr,  vice-presidents;  Charles 
Ware,  secretary;  C.  P.  Hugo  Schoellkopf,  treasurer. 

In  1903  the  house  of  Pratt  &  Lambert,  which  ranks  with 
the  largest  manufacturers  of  varnish  in  the  world,  operating 
many  plants  in  this  country  and  in  Europe,  established 
works  in  Buffalo  on  Tonawanda  Street,  so  extensive  that 
they  cover  five  acres  of  ground.  The  president  of  the  com- 
pany, Mr.  W.  H.  Andrews,  is  resident  in  Buffalo. 






UNDOUBTEDLY  the  village  settlement  on  Bufifalo 
Creek,  had  been  visited  by  Protestant  missionaries 
prior  to  1812;  but  one  came  in  that  year  who  first 
organized  the  membership  of  a  church.  This  was  the  Rev. 
Thaddeus  Osgood,  from  Connecticut,  who  is  said  to  have 
been  making  his  fifth  journey  through  the  western  settle- 
ments, and  who  wrote  in  his  journal,  of  his  visit  to  the  Buf- 
falo hamlet,  that  he  found  here  "more  attention  to  religious 
instruction  and  to  divine  things  in  general"  than  he  had  wit- 
nessed "in  any  other  new  settlement."  The  society  that  he 
formed  took  originally  the  name  of  the  First  Congregational 
and  Presbyterian  Church;  but  in  18 15  it  preferred  and 
assumed  the  title  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Society  of  Buf- 
falo. In  the  following  year  it  obtained  a  settled  pastor,  the 
Rev.  Miles  P.  Squier,  at  whose  installation  the  services  were 
held  in  a  new  barn,  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Genesee 
streets.  Writing  subsequently  of  that  time,  Mr.  Squier 
said:  "We  of  all  names  as  Christians  agreed  to  hold  to- 
gether until  we  got  able  to  separate.  I  did  not  say  much 
about  sects,  but  preached  the  great  essentials  of  the  gospel ; 
and  the  people  were  united,  and  worked  together  for  the 
advancement  of  the  common  cause.  The  Episcopalians 
were  the  first  to  hive  out." 

The  separate  hiving  of  the  Episcopalians  (if  Mr.  Squier's 



expression  may  be  used)  was  consequent  on  a  visit  in  1817 
from  Bishop  Hobart,  of  New  York.  "I  gave  him  my  pul- 
pit the  first  Sabbath,"  wrote  Mr.  Squier.  "We  all  heard 
him  gladly.  He,  with  his  people,  met  on  their  own  ap- 
pointment after  that,  and  the  result  was  our  neighbor,  St. 
Paul's  Church."  St.  Paul's  Church  parish  is  said,  how- 
ever, to  have  been  organized  in  February,  18 17,  by  the  Rev. 
Samuel  Johnston,  Episcopal  missionary  for  the  district  west 
of  the  Genesee.  Services  were  held  at  the  Eagle  Tavern 
and  in  the  school  house  until  the  summer  of  181 9,  when  a 
framed  building,  of  Gothic  form,  was  erected  on  a  lot  given 
to  the  Church  by  Mr.  Ellicott,  of  the  Holland  Land  Com- 
pany. St.  Paul's  Church  has  occupied  the  same  ground, 
bounded  by  Main,  Erie,  Pearl  and  Church  streets,  ever 

This  first  St.  Paul's  Church  was  not,  however,  the  first 
church  edifice  to  be  erected  in  Buffalo.  A  Methodist 
chapel  had  preceded  it  by  half  a  year  or  more.  The  history 
of  "Methodism  in  Buffalo,"  by  Rev.  Sanford  Hunt,  states 
that  New  Amsterdam  appears  first  in  the  minutes  of  the 
Genesee  Methodist  Conference  in  1 812.  It  was  included 
in  a  missionary  circuit  which  extended  from  Batavia  to  the 
Niagara  River,  and  from  the  Tonawanda  to  twenty  miles 
south  of  Buffalo  Creek.  The  Rev.  Gideon  Lanning,  who 
was  on  the  circuit  in  18 13,  reported  two  Methodists  only 
in  Buffalo;  but  in  1818  the  Rev.  Glezen  Fillmore,  then 
preaching  on  what  was  called  the  Eden  Circuit,  organized 
a  class  of  eight  or  nine  in  Buffalo  village  and  four  at  Black 
Rock.  He  held  Sunday  services  for  a  time  in  the  school 
house,  dividing  time  with  the  Episcopalians,  to  do  which 
his  preaching  was  at  sunrise  and  early  candle-light.  Then 
he  leased  a  lot  on  Franklin  Street,  a  little  below  Niagara, 
and  built  a  small  church,  with  help  obtained  from  Mr. 
Ellicott  and  from  New  York.  This  building  was  dedi- 
cated on  the  24th  of  January,  1819. 


It  seems  probable  that  a  society  of  Baptists  had  existence 
before  this  time;  but  the  present  writer  has  found  no  record 
of  its  date.  A  Holland-Purchase  Baptist  Association  was 
organized  as  early  as  18 15,  and  the  Bufifalo  Public  Library 
is  in  possession  of  a  file  of  the  Minutes  of  its  yearly  meetings 
from  1 81 8  to  1839.  It  then  became  the  Bufifalo  Baptist 
Association,  and  its  Minutes  under  that  name  are  continuous 
in  the  Library  until  1906.  In  1822  there  was  some  gather- 
ing of  Baptists  in  the  village  which  called  the  Rev.  Elon 
Galusha,  of  Whitesboro,  to  come  to  them  as  a  missionary, 
and  he  organized  a  Baptist  Church  that  year. 

These  four  societies,  Presbyterian,  Episcopalian,  Method- 
ist and  Baptist,  were  the  first  religious  organizations  in 
Buffalo,  and  formed  the  parent  stocks  from  which  much 
branching  in  their  several  denominations  occurred  in  later 
years.  The  First  Presbyterian  Society  erected  and  dedi- 
cated its  first  building  in  1823,  on  the  triangle  (given  for 
the  purpose  by  the  Holland  Land  Company)  between  Main, 
Niagara,  Pearl  and  Church  streets,  which  it  occupied  until 
1890,  when  it  gave  place  to  the  Erie  County  Savings  Bank, 
and  the  focal  point  in  the  city  which  St.  Paul's  and  the  "Old 
First"  had  marked  as  "The  Churches,"  for  almost  a  century, 
lost  that  familiar  name,  and  became  Shelton  Square,  in 
memory  of  the  first  rector  of  St.  Paul's.  The  original  First 
Presbyterian  edifice,  which  cost  $874,  was  used  by  its 
builders  four  years  only,  and  then  sold  to  the  Methodists, 
whose  still  smaller  chapel  was  outgrown. 

The  second  undertaking  of  the  Presbyterians,  in  1827, 
produced  a  large  edifice,  of  old-fashioned  stateliness,  cost- 
ing $17,500,  which  held  the  most  conspicuous  site  in  the  city 
for  two  generations  and  more.  About  three  years  after  the 
completion  of  the  church  its  broad-faced  steeple  received 
a  clock  and  a  bell.  The  building  bought  by  the  Methodists 
was  moved  in  1827  to  a  lot  which  Mr.  Ellicott  had  given 


them,  on  the  north  side  of  Niagara  Street,  running  from 
Franklin  to  Pearl,  and  used  there  for  five  years. 

In  1828  the  first  meetings  of  Protestant  Germans  for 
religious  service  were  held  in  a  room  over  a  grocery  store, 
on  Main  Street,  near  Genesee.  The  congregation  thus 
gathered  was  organized  subsequently  into  the  First  German 
Evangelical  Lutheran  Church,  of  St.  John.  In  1829  the 
Baptist  society  had  become  able  to  build  for  itself,  and 
erected  a  framed  church  at  the  corner  of  Washington  and 
Seneca  streets,  which  sufficed  it  for  the  next  seven  years. 
Hitherto  St.  Paul's  Church  had  been  served  by  missionaries ; 
but  in  1829  it  received  the  rector.  Rev.  William  Shelton, 
who  ministered  to  it  for  fifty-one  years.  In  the  same  year 
the  first  church  organ  heard  in  Buffalo  was  placed  in  St. 

In  the  Third  Decade  of  the  Century. — The  First  Pres- 
byterian Church  began  mission  work  in  the  opening  year 
of  this  decade,  building  a  chapel  for  sailors  and  boatmen  on 
Main  Street  near  Dayton.  This  led  to  the  formation  in 
1834  of  a  Bethel  Church,  which  was  maintained  until  1848. 

The  first  Unitarian  and  the  first  Universalist  societies 
were  organized  in  183 1.  The  Universalists  built  during  the 
next  year,  on  the  east  side  of  Washington  Street,  a  little 
north  of  Swan.  The  Unitarians  met  in  the  old  court  house 
until  1834,  when  they  had  erected  the  long-familiar  church, 
at  the  corner  of  Franklin  and  Eagle  streets,  which  under- 
went transformation  into  the  existing  Austin  Building  after 
many  years  of  sacred  use.  In  1836  it  received  as  its  pastor 
the  Rev.  Dr.  G.  W.  Hosmer,  who  was  one  of  the  most 
beloved  of  the  city  for  thirty  years. 

The  little  church  bought  by  the  Methodists  from  the 
Presbyterians  in  1827  served  them,  on  their  Niagara  Street 
ground,  until  1832.  They  gave  the  use  of  it  then  to  a  Ger- 
man Protestant  congregation,  and  sheltered  themselves  in 


the  basement  of  a  new  church,  on  the  same  ground,  which 
they  were  building  of  stone.  X'Cjl'IOGG 

This  German  congregation  had  been  gathered  by  a  young 
evangelist  from  Switzerland,  the  Rev.  Joseph  Gombel,  who 
came  to  Buffalo  in  1831  and  joined  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church.  The  Buffalo  Presbytery  appointed  him  to  take 
up  work  among  the  German-speaking  people,  and  he  did 
so  with  such  success  that  the  United  Evangelical  St.  Peter's 
Church  was  organized  in  1832.  In  1835  it  received  as  a 
gift  from  its  Methodist  hosts  the  little  building  in  which 
its  meetings  had  been  held  for  three  years,  and  removed  it 
to  the  corner  of  Genesee  and  Hickory  streets,  where  it  was 
continued  in  use  for  another  fifteen  years. 

From  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  a  first  off-shoot  ap- 
peared in  1832,  when  some  of  its  former  members  were 
united  in  the  organization  of  a  Free  Congregational  Church, 
and  built  a  meeting  place  on  the  north  side  of  what  was  then 
known  as  the  Court  House  Park,  now  Lafayette  Park.  This 
society,  reorganized  in  1839  under  the  name  of  the  Park 
Presbyterian  Church,  had  no  vitality,  and  seems  to  have 
faded  out  of  life;  but  the  homely  little  building  it  had 
created  was  brought  nobly  into  use  in  the  next  decade. 

A  more  successful  and  important  movement  of  coloniza- 
tion from  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  occurred  in  1835. 
It  was  that  which  formed  the  new  society  known  in  its  early 
years  as  the  Pearl  Street  and  later  as  the  Central  Presby- 
terian Church.  Of  its  original  membership  of  thirty-five, 
twenty-nine  came  from  the  Presbyterian  Church  and  six 
from  the  Free  Congregational.  Temporarily  its  meetings 
were  in  a  rude  structure  on  Pearl  Street;  but  within  its  first 
year,  or  soon  after,  it  had  built,  on  the  northwest  corner  of 
Pearl  and  Genesee  streets,  the  costliest  and  most  notable 
church  edifice  then  adorning  the  city.  The  building,  in  its 
form,  was  an  exact  copy  of  the  Parthenon ;  the  interior  was 


an  ellipse,  and  the  result  was  acoustic  perfection.  It  was 
lighted  from  a  dome,  through  colored  glass  by  day,  and  at 
night  by  a  massive  chandelier.  The  exterior  was  of  cut 
stone.  It  was  a  famous  edifice  in  its  time,  and  soon  made 
more  famous  by  the  preacher  in  its  pulpit,  the  Rev.  Dr. 
John  C.  Lord,  who  was  installed  as  the  pastor  of  the  church 
on  the  I  St  of  February,  1837.  He  was  not  eloquent;  he  was 
not  an  orator,  in  any  sense  of  the  term ;  he  was  not  deep  in 
learning  or  strong  in  reasoning;  but  he  possessed  the  some- 
thing indefinable  which  gives  to  certain  men  a  great  per- 
sonal force. 

Another  church  organized  in  1835,  in  connection  with  the 
Associate  Reformed  Church  of  America,  fell  to  pieces  a 
few  years  later,  but  was  reorganized  in  the  next  decade  and 
became  the  First  United  Presbyterian  Church  in  Buffalo. 
In  that  year,  too,  there  were  beginnings  of  meetings  which 
resulted  in  the  forming  of  the  African  Methodist  Episcopal 

The  next  sacred  edifice  to  rise  in  the  city  was  one  that 
stood  lately  in  the  thick  of  the  traffic  of  the  lower  streets,  and 
still  echoed  from  its  original  walls  the  voices  of  prayer  and 
sacred  song.  It  was  built  in  1836,  on  Washington  Street 
near  Swan,  by  the  First  Baptist  Society,  and  occupied  by 
that  parental  society  for  nearly  fifty-eight  years,  when  it 
became  the  citadel  of  the  Salvation  Army. 

The  first  parting  of  a  church  colony  from  St.  Paul's  oc- 
curred in  1836,  when  Trinity  parish  was  organized  and 
services  held  for  a  time  in  rented  rooms  on  Washington 
Street;  afterward  in  the  Universalist  Church  on  the  same 
street.     The  new  society  deferred  building  for  six  years. 

In  1837  a  German  society  was  formed  in  connection  with 
the  Evangelical  Association  of  North  America  and  is  still 
known  as  the  First  Church  of  the  Evangelical  Association. 
Its  meetings  were  in  a  small  building  on  Sycamore  Street 


until  1839,  when  a  plain  church  was  erected  on  Mortimer 
Street,  and  occupied  there  for  the  following  seven  years. 
The  same  building  was  then  removed  to  the  corner  of  Syca- 
more and  Spruce  streets.  Also,  in  1837,  an  organization 
of  colored  Baptists  was  effected,  conducting  services  on 
Michigan  Street,  between  Broadway  and  William.  With 
help  from  the  Baptist  Union,  this  society  survived  many 

The  year  1839  brought  large  accessions  to  the  German 
Lutherans  of  the  city,  consequent  on  the  enforced  union  of 
Lutheran  and  Reformed  Churches  in  Prussia,  depriving  the 
former  of  the  right  to  worship  according  to  what  they  be- 
lieved to  be  the  faith  of  the  true  Lutheran  Church.  Many 
Lutheran  congregations  came  then  to  America,  with  their 
pastors,  as  the  Independents  and  the  Puritans  of  England 
had  come  two  centuries  before.  One  such  body,  number- 
ing about  one  thousand,  led  by  the  Rev.  J.  A.  Grabau, 
arrived  in  Buffalo  on  the  5th  of  October,  and  held  a  Thanks- 
giving service  in  a  hall  at  the  southwest  corner  of  Main  and 
Eagle  streets  on  the  following  day.  Until  the  spring  of  the 
next  year  their  meetings  were  in  several  places ;  then  they 
built  at  the  corner  of  Goodell  and  Maple  streets,  and  their 
society  was  incorporated  under  the  name  of  "The  Old  Luth- 
eran Church."  It  is  known  likewise  as  the  German  Evan- 
gelical Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity.  Another  large  con- 
gregation of  Prussian  Lutherans  arrived  from  Silesia  in  the 
same  year,  with  their  pastor.  Rev.  C.  E.  F.  Krause.  This 
society,  too,  held  meetings  for  a  time  in  the  hall  at  Main  and 
Eagle  streets,  and  did  not  build  for  itself  until  1842.  It 
bears  the  name  of  the  First  German  Evangelical  Lutheran 
Trinity  Church. 

In  the  Fourth  Decade. — Pastor  Krause's  First  German 
Evangelical  Lutheran  Trinity  Church  society  built  a  church 
for  its  own  services  of  worship,  at  the  corner  of  Milnor  and 


William  streets,  in  1842;  and  pastor  Grabau's  Old  Lutheran 
congregation  was  enlarged  by  further  arrivals  from  Prussia 
in  that  year  and  the  next. 

In  those  years  (1842-3)  the  Trinity  society  of  the  Protes- 
tant Episcopalians  built  the  plain  but  dignified  church 
edifice,  at  the  corner  of  Washington  and  Mohawk  streets, 
which  it  occupied  for  forty-two  years;  and  in  1844  there 
came  to  it  the  beloved  rector,  the  Rev.  Dr.  Edward  Inger- 
soll,  who  was  parted  from  it  only  by  his  death,  in  1883. 
The  Universalist  Church  received  its  first  regular  pastor,  the 
Rev.  S.  R.  Smith,  in  1843,  and  its  second,  the  Rev.  A.  G. 
Laurie,  in  1849. 

The  oldest  of  the  German  Protestant  churches,  known 
afterward  as  the  First  German  Evangelical  Lutheran 
Church  of  St.  John,  finished  and  dedicated  in  1843  a  build- 
ing of  which  it  had  laid  the  corner-stone  in  1835.  In  the 
same  year  it  sent  out  an  ofif-shoot  of  thirty  families  from  its 
membership,  who  organized  a  new  society,  under  the  name 
of  the  German  United  Evangelical  Church  of  St.  Paul,  and 
built  for  it,  in  the  next  year,  on  Washington  Street,  between 
Chippewa  and  Genesee. 

Two  new  church  societies  were  organized  in  1844,  one  by 
forty  families  which  parted  from  the  First  Baptist  Church, 
to  build  the  two-steepled  edifice  still  standing  on  Niagara 
Square;  the  other  by  migration  from  the  First  Methodist 
Church,  to  found  Grace  M.  E.  Church,  on  Michigan  and 
Swan  streets,  which  was  dedicated  in  1845. 

The  year  1845  was  one  of  many  events  in  the  religious 
communities  of  the  city.  On  the  7th  of  June  in  that  year 
it  was  announced  in  the  BufTalo  Commercial  Advertiser  that 
"there  will  be  preaching  by  the  Rev.  Grosvenor  W. 
Heacock  in  the  Park  Church  to-morrow  (Sunday)."  This 
service  assembled  for  the  first  time  a  congregation  that  was 
organized  on  the  13th  of  July  following  as  the  Park  Church 


Society,  and  which  changed  its  name  on  the  21st  of  October 
to  that  of  the  Lafayette  Street  Church  Society.  Thirty-one 
years  later  the  same  preacher,  the  Rev.  Dr.  Heacock,  con- 
tinuous pastor  of  the  church  from  its  organization  till  his 
death,  described,  in  a  historical  sermon,  the  homely  edifice 
in  which  his  pastorship  was  begun.  It  was,  he  said,  "as 
to  its  interior,  a  small,  old  and  gloomy  church  building," 
while  the  exterior  was  no  more  attractive;  "and  around  it 
had  gathered  the  wrecks  of  two  or  three  previous  church 
failures."  The  congregation  which  braved  the  discourage- 
ments of  its  past  history,  in  1845,  was  gathered  by  the  desire 
to  establish  this  young  preacher  in  a  pulpit  of  his  native  city. 
Son  of  one  of  staunchest  of  the  pioneers  of  Buffalo,  gifted 
with  a  personality  so  big  and  so  strong  in  noble  attributes, 
and  yet  so  simple,  so  sweet,  so  transparently  pure  that  its 
power  and  its  charm  were  alike  irresistible,  Grosvenor 
Heacock,  then  approaching  his  twenty-fourth  birthday,  was 
the  center  already  of  a  love  and  admiration  that  grew  till 
all  the  city  was  embraced.  To  speak  of  Dr.  Heacock  as  a 
great  orator  might  convey  the  impression  that  some  intention 
and  effort  of  art  was  in  his  speech;  and  nothing  could  be 
farther  from  the  truth.  In  everything  he  was,  above  all 
else,  a  spontaneous  man.  His  nature  expressed  itself  openly 
in  everything  that  could  give  it  expression, — word,  action 
or  look;  and  that  was  the  source  of  a  wonderful  eloquence 
of  speech  when  his  soul  was  stirred. 

Another  important  event  of  1845  was  the  branching  from 
Trinity  of  the  society  which  organized  the  Protestant  Epis- 
copal Church  of  St.  John,  and  which,  three  years  later,  built 
the  fine  stone  edifice,  with  a  dignified  tower,  that  graced 
the  corner  of  Washington  and  Swan  streets  till  it  gave  place 
to  the  Statler  Hotel,  in  1907.  Zion's  German  Evangelical 
Reformed  Church  was  a  third  creation  of  this  year.  It  was 
organized  by  a  number  of  families  of  the  Reformed  Church 


of  Germany,  under  the  direction  of  the  Rev.  J.  Althaus, 
and  its  first  church  edifice,  dedicated  in  1846,  was  built  at 
the  corner  of  Cherry  and  Spring  streets.  Nine  years  later 
it  built  anew  on  Lemon  Street,  near  Virginia.  The  original 
Unitarian  church  building  was  enlarged  and  remodeled, 
and  a  building  was  erected  on  Vine  Street  for  the  African 
M.  E.  Church,  in  1845. 

A  fourth  Presbyterian  society,  which  took  the  name  of  the 
North  Presbyterian  Church,  was  constituted  in  1847,  and 
erected  on  the  west  side  of  Main  Street,  between  Huron  and 
Chippewa,  the  building  which  it  occupied  for  fifty-six  years. 

A  third  St.  John's  Church — the  second  German  church 
of  that  name — was  formed  in  1847,  by  a  society  of  the  Ger- 
man United  Evangelical  denomination.  It  held  services 
for  several  years  in  a  public  school  house  and  elsewhere, 
before  building  for  itself.  In  the  same  year  the  German 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church  was  built,  at  the  corner  of 
Sycamore  Street  and  Ash.  It  was  then,  too,  that  the  first 
Jewish  cpngregation  was  formed,  taking  the  name  of  Beth 
El.  For  some  years  its  meetings  were  in  the  upper  story 
of  the  Hoyt  Building,  at  Main  and  Eagle  streets.  Then  it 
bought  a  school  house,  on  Pearl  Street  near  Eagle,  and  con- 
verted it  into  a  synagogue. 

Methodism  added  to  its  communities,  in  1848,  the  society 
which  built  on  Pearl  Street,  at  the  corner  of  Chippewa,  and 
which  was  known  for  many  years  as  the  Pearl  Street  M.  E. 
Church,  but  took  ultimately  the  name  Asbury  Church.  Its 
original  membership  was  drawn  from  the  parent  Niagara 
Street  Church. 

The  first  German  Baptist  Church,  parent  of  five  German 
churches  of  that  denomination  now  maintained  in  the  city, 
was  established  on  Spruce  Street  near  Sycamore,  in  1849. 

In  the  Fifth  Decade. — In  March,  1850,  the  "old  and 
gloomy  church  building"  in  which  the  Rev.  Dr.  Heacock 


began  his  pastorate  of  the  Lafayette  Street  Presbyterian 
Church  was  fortunately  burned,  and,  though  rebuilt  with 
the  old  walls  preserved,  at  the  small  expense  of  about  $9,000, 
and  though  its  capacity  was  limited,  yet  the  interior  was 
made,  as  Dr.  Heacock  said  with  truth,  "as  cozy  and  pleasant 
an  audience  room  as  we  can  easily  find."  This  had  to 
suffice  for  a  dozen  years. 

In  June  of  the  same  year  the  corner-stone  of  the  beautiful 
new  St.  Paul's,  which  became  a  little  later  the  cathedral 
church  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  diocese,  was  laid,  and 
the  building  was  consecrated  in  October  of  the  following 
year.  It  is  generally  adjudged  to  be  the  masterpiece  of 
Upjohn,  the  famous  architect  of  New  York,  and  as  perfectly 
proportioned  an  example  of  Gothic  architecture  as  can  be 
found.  It  was  built  at  a  cost  of  something  more  than 

The  original  St.  Paul's  Church  building,  now  vacated — a 
framed  structure  of  good  appearance,  but  small — was  sold 
to  the  German  United  Evangelical  St.  Peter's  Church,  and 
removed  to  the  corner  of  Genesee  and  Hickory  streets,  where 
it  took  the  place  of  the  little  building  which  the  Methodists 
had  bought  from  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  in  1827, 
and  given  to  St.  Peter's  in  1835.  Thus  two  of  the  pioneer 
church  edifices  in  Buffalo  ended  their  existence  on  the  same 
ground,  distant  from  the  sites  on  which  they  were  built  as 
near  neighbors. 

The  church  organized  in  1835  in  connection  with  the 
Associate  Reformed  Church  of  America  had  fallen  to  pieces 
in  1840,  but  had  undergone  a  reorganization  in  1848,  and 
now,  in  1850,  it  received  a  pastor,  the  Rev.  Clark  Kendall, 
under  whose  ministration  it  acquired  strength.  In  1857  it 
was  affiliated  with  the  United  Presbyterian  Church  of  North 
America.  A  Church  of  the  Dutch  Reform  was  organized 
in  1850,  and  held  services  in  various  places  for  many  years 


before  building  for  itself.  In  the  same  year  a  second  Jew- 
ish congregation,  naming  itself  Beth  Zion,  was  organized, 
and  held  religious  services  in  various  places  for  a  number 
of  years,  but  did  not  build. 

With  the  Rev.  George  H.  Ball  as  its  pastor,  then  and  for 
many  years,  the  First  Free  Baptist  Church  was  formed  in 
1850  or  1 85 1,  buying  and  occupying  the  original  church 
building  of  Dr.  Lord's  congregation,  at  the  corner  of  Gen- 
esee and  Pearl  streets. 

The  German  Evangelical  St.  John's  Church  erected  a 
building  on  Amherst  Street,  near  East,  which  was  dedicated 
in  1853.  I"  that  year  the  Evangelical  St.  Stephen's  Church 
society  was  formed  by  twenty-one  families  from  the  St. 
Paul's  Church  of  the  German  United  Evangelical  body. 
In  the  next  year  it  received  for  its  pastor  the  Rev.  Dr.  Fred- 
erick Schelle,  under  whom,  during  his  ministry  of  nearly 
forty-five  years,  it  grew  to  be  one  of  the  largest  in  the  city. 
Its  church  edifice  was  built  at  the  corner  of  Peckham  and 
Adams  streets  in  1857.  In  1853  the  "Old  Lutheran" 
Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  sent  out  a  division  of  its  family 
to  found  the  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  St. 
Andreas  (Andrew),  and  to  build  for  it  on  Peckham  Street. 
That,  too,  was  the  year  in  which  another  colony  from  the 
First  Presbyterian  Church  went  far  northward  to  establish 
the  Westminster  Church.  Some  years  previously  the  ven- 
erable Jesse  Ketchum,  of  benevolent  fame,  had  bought  a 
lot  and  built  a  chapel  on  Delaware  Avenue,  above  North 
Street,  and  the  Westminster  society  was  cradled  in  this. 
The  chapel  was  enlarged  in  1855,  which  did  not  suffice  for 
the  new  church,  and  a  larger  edifice  was  erected  on  the 
same  site  in  1858-9. 

New  buildings  were  erected  in  1854  for  the  First  Church 
of  the  Evangelical  Association,  on  Sycamore  and  Spruce 
streets,  and  for  Grace  M.  E.  Church,  on  Michigan  Street, 


between  Swan  and  South  Division.  The  latter,  when  dedi- 
cated, in  June,  1855,  was  free  from  debt,  largely  through  the 
liberality  of  the  late  Francis  H.  Root.  The  beginnings  of 
the  Protestant  Episcopal  parish  of  St.  James  are  traced  to 
a  mission  that  was  established  in  1854,  ^^  Seneca  Street, 
near  Hamburg.  A  small  wooden  chapel  was  built  for  this 
mission  in  the  next  year,  at  the  corner  of  Swan  and  Spring 
streets,  and  a  permanent  church  was  soon  formed. 

In  the  same  religious  connection  another  new  parish  was 
organized  in  1855,  by  the  planting  of  the  Church  of  the 
Ascension,  which  occupied  a  chapel  on  North  Street,  at  the 
corner  of  Linwood  Avenue.  A  new  Presbyterian  society, 
also,  was  organized  that  year,  which  built  a  chapel  on  the 
rear  part  of  a  Delaware  Avenue  lot,  midway  between  Chip- 
pewa and  Tupper  streets,  receiving  the  ground  from  Mr. 
George  Palmer,  preparatory,  as  appeared  later,  to  a  much 
greater  gift.  Known  first  as  the  Delaware  Presbyterian 
Church,  this  took,  a  few  years  later,  the  name  of  Calvary 

St.  Mark's  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  was  organized 
in  1856  by  twelve  members  from  Grace  Church,  and  a 
framed  building  was  erected  on  Elk  Street  for  its  services 
in  the  next  year.  At  this  time,  too,  the  First  German 
Baptist  Church  dismissed  some  of  its  members  to  form  a 
second  society,  which  built  for  itself  on  Hickory  Street, 
north  of  Sycamore.  It  was  in  this  year  that  St.  Paul's  (of 
the  P.  E.  Church)  received  its  chime  of  ten  bells. 

From  three  Sunday  School  Missions  opened  in  1857 
came  three  new  churches  in  the  city.  One,  conducted  by 
Methodist  teachers,  in  a  brick  building,  called  "Father 
Ketchum's  Church,"  on  the  ground  given  later  for  the  State 
Normal  School,  grew  into  the  Jersey  Street  M.  E.  Church, 
which  took  the  name  of  Plymouth  in  after  years.  The 
Protestant  Episcopal  St.  Luke's  Church  had  its  origin  in 


another,  planted  on  Niagara  Street,  at  the  corner  of  Vir- 
ginia, and  for  which  a  framed  chapel  was  built  presently 
on  Maryland  Street.  The  third  was  instituted  by  the  Ger- 
man Evangelical  Association  of  North  America,  and  its 
offspring  was  the  Krettner  Street  Church  of  that  body. 

In  March,  1859,  the  First  Baptist  Church,  on  Washing- 
ton Street,  parted  with  forty-nine  of  its  members,  who  went 
out  of  it  to  organize  the  Cedar  Street  Baptist  Church,  build- 
ing their  place  of  worship  at  the  corner  of  Cedar  and  South 
Division  streets,  on  ground  given  for  the  purpose  by  Mr. 
John  Bush.  The  First  Unitarian  Church  building  was  in- 
jured seriously  that  year  by  fire,  but  quickly  restored. 

In  the  Sixth  Decade. — The  First  Free  Methodist  Church 
was  organized  in  i860.  It  bought  a  brick  building  on  Pearl 
Street,  near  Eagle,  used  previously  as  a  theatre,  and  adapted 
it  to  a  better  use.  In  the  next  year  the  parent  of  the  Meth- 
odist churches  of  Buffalo,  established  for  thirty  years  on 
Niagara  Street,  but  struggling  with  debt  and  other  diffi- 
culties "for  a  long  time  past,  was  dissolved  and  its  property 

Two  new  church  edifices  were  added  to  the  city  in  1862. 
One  of  them,  a  fine  piece  of  architecture,  in  grey  stone,  was 
a  munificent  gift  by  George  Palmer  to  the  Delaware  Pres- 
byterian Church,  which  underwent  a  reorganization  at  that 
time  and  assumed  the  name  of  Calvary  Presbyterian  Church. 
The  other  building  of  the  year  provided  sittings  at  the  La- 
fayette Street  Presbyterian  Church  for  the  larger  congrega- 
tion that  had  waited  long  to  fill  them. 

St.  Philip's  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  (colored)  was 
organized  in  1863  and  acquired  a  chapel  on  Elm  Street,  be- 
tween North  and  South  Division  streets,  which  a  Presby- 
terian minister,  the  Rev.  Dr.  Prime,  had  built  about  ten 
years  before. 

And  now,  in   1864,  another  church  society  on  Niagara 


Street  expired,  after  existing  for  a  score  of  years.  The 
Niagara  Square  Baptist  Church,  first-born  of  the  parent 
Baptist  Church,  had  promised  well  in  its  youth,  but  lan- 
guished for  some  reason  in  the  later  period,  and  could  not 
be  kept  alive.  Its  building  was  sold  to  the  Free  Baptist 
Church,  which  had  previously  occupied  the  building 
vacated  by  the  congregation  of  Dr.  Lord. 

The  place  of  the  church  which  died  this  year  was  filled  by 
the  birth  of  another  that  has  been  full  of  life  and  vigor, 
under  one  continuous  leader,  to  the  present  day.  It  had  its 
origin  in  a  mission  Sunday  School,  opened  by  the  Rev. 
Henry  Ward.  The  mission  acquired  a  chapel  on  Seneca 
Street  in  1865,  and  became  an  organized  church  in  1869, 
with  Mr.  Ward  for  its  pastor,  as  he  has  now  been  for  more 
than  forty  years. 

Another  event  of  1864  was  the  reorganization  of  the  Beth 
Zion  congregation,  upon  its  fusion  with  a  score  or  so  of 
Jewish  people  whose  religious  beliefs  had  become  more 
liberal  than  those  of  the  strictly  orthodox.  The  aim  of  the 
new  society  of  Temple  Beth  Zion,  thus  formed,  was  "to 
effect  changes  in  the  ritual  and  mode  of  worship,  to  conform 
with  the  development  of  modern  conceptions  and  Jewish 
ideas."  For  a  short  time  the  reformed  society  held  services 
in  Kremlin  Hall,  but  soon  purchased  from  Mr.  William  G. 
Fargo  the  building  that  belonged  formerly  to  the  Niagara 
Street  M.  E.  Church.  A  second  organization  of  the  strictly 
orthodox  Jews  under  the  name  of  Berith  Sholem  or  Brith 
Sholem,  was  formed  in  1865. 

In  1865  the  Rev.  Arthur  Cleveland  Coxe  was  chosen  to 
be  Coadjutor  Bishop  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  in 
Western  New  York,  and,  within  the  same  year,  on  the  death 
of  Bishop  DeLancey,  became  Bishop  of  the  diocese,  and 
fixed  his  residence  in  Buffalo. 

In  this  year  the  Rev.  P.  G.  Cook,  as  secretary  and  mis- 


sionary  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  established  a  mission  school  on 
Wells  Street,  from  which,  after  some  years,  came  a  Wells 
Street  Church.  It  was  in  the  Wells  Street  Sunday  School 
that  Miss  Charlotte  Mulligan  organized  her  "Guard  of 
Honor"  Bible  class,  which  took  root  among  the  permanent 
philanthropic  and  religious  institutions  of  the  city. 

What  seems  to  have  been  the  first  recorded  meetings  of 
"Friends"  were  held  at  the  house  of  Mrs.  Martha  Ferris, 
beginning  in  1865.  In  1869  they  built  a  meeting-house  on 
Allen  Street. 

A  new  church  edifice  on  Main  Street,  above  Huron, 
erected  by  the  Universalist  society,  was  consecrated  under 
the  name  of  the  Church  of  the  Messiah,  in  1866.  Four 
years  later  it  was  burned,  but  rebuilt  at  once. 

The  year  1867  was  fruitful  of  new  religious  organizations. 
The  fecund  First  Baptist  Church  spared  eighty-seven  of  its 
members,  to  go  northward  and  found  a  church  on  what  was 
then  Ninth  Street — the  Prospect  Avenue  of  later  days. 
Early  in  the  following  year  the  Ninth  Street  Baptist  (now 
Prospect  Avenue  Church)  was  established  in  a  comfortable 
chapel  at  the  corner  of  Georgia  Street.  At  the  same  time 
a  number  of  members  of  the  body  of  Christians  known  as 
Disciples  of  Christ  were  organizing,  at  the  corner  of  Ellicott 
and  Tupper  streets,  the  society  now  constituting  the  Rich- 
mond Avenue  Church  of  Christ;  and  a  second  German 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  to  be  named  the  East  Street 
or  Zion  Church,  was  being  formed  in  connection  with  the 
First  German  M.  E.  Church.  In  this  year,  moreover,  the 
Jersey  Street  M.  E.  Church  arrived  at  its  full  organization 
and  acquired  a  building  of  its  own. 

Disaster  came  to  the  St.  John's  P.  E.  Church  in  1868.  Its 
stately  building  was  damaged  seriously  by  fire,  consequent 
on  the  lodging  of  a  rocket  on  its  roof.  Dissension  and  divi- 
sion in  the  society  arose,  on  questions  between  reconstructing 


the  edifice  or  going  elsewhere.  One  party,  with  the  rector, 
withdrew,  and  essayed  the  establishing  of  a  new  parish, 
under  the  name  of  Christ  Church.  Ground  on  Delaware 
Avenue,  above  Tupper,  was  bought,  where,  after  two  or 
three  years,  a  chapel  was  built;  but  the  intended  church  did 
not  thrive.  The  St.  John's  organization  was  maintained, 
its  building  restored,  and  worship  in  it  continued  for  a 
number  of  years. 

The  United  Evangelical  body  of  German  Protestants 
added  to  its  churches,  in  1868,  the  St.  Matthew's,  building 
for  it  on  Swan  Street,  near  the  Seneca  Street  junction;  and 
the  First  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Trinity  Church 
dedicated  a  new  edifice  that  year,  on  Michigan  Street,  be- 
tween Genesee  and  Sycamore.  A  mission  Sunday  School, 
opened  on  Hamburg  Street,  near  Elk,  in  1869,  by  the  First 
United  Presbyterian  Church,  resulted  in  the  planting  some 
years  later  of  the  Second  Church  of  that  denomination.  In 
1869  the  Dutch  Reformed  Church  built  on  Eagle  Street, 
near  Cedar;  and  the  First  Free  Methodist  Church  was 
housed  in  a  new  building  on  Virginia  Street,  at  the  corner 
of  Tenth. 

In  the  Seventh  Decade.— The  Delaware  Avenue  M.  E. 
society  was  organized  in  1870,  and  held  services  in  the  Cal- 
vary Presbyterian  Church  while  a  chapel,  at  the  corner  of 
Delaware  Avenue  and  Tupper  Street,  was  being  built.  The 
chapel  was  dedicated  and  occupied  in  1871,  and  the  main 
edifice,  which  it  joined,  in  1876. 

St.  Luke's  Church,  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  com- 
munion, removed  its  building  from  Maryland  Street  to 
Niagara  Street  near  Maryland  in  1870,  and  enlarged  and 
improved  it  on  the  new  site.  The  Rev.  Dr.  Walter  North, 
still  pastor  of  St.  Luke's,  began  his  ministry  with  it  in  1875. 
Another  St.  Luke's,  of  the  German  United  Evangelical 
body,  was  organized  not  long  afterward,  and  bought  the 


Hope  Chapel,  on  Richmond  Avenue  and  Utica  Street, 
which  Westminster  Church  had  built  for  Sunday  School 
purposes  two  years  before. 

In  1 871  the  Prospect  Avenue  Baptist  Church  opened  a 
mission  from  which  sprang  the  Emmanuel  Baptist  Church, 
organized  in  1877  and  established  on  Normal  Avenue  and 
Rhode  Island  Street.  A  new  building  for  the  society  now 
known  as  the  Richmond  Avenue  Church  of  Christ  was 
erected  at  the  corner  of  Maryland  and  Cottage  streets  in 

1872  and  1873  were  years  of  exceptional  activity  among 
the  churches.  The  parish  of  St.  Mary's  on  the  Hill  was 
formed  in  1872 ;  the  society,  then  organized,  holding  services 
and  Sunday  School  in  the  neighboring  Church  Charity 
Foundation  building  until  it  dedicated  its  own  building,  on 
Easter  Day,  1875.  St.  Mark's  Church  (P.  E.)  was  cradled 
the  same  year  in  a  Sunday  School,  founded  at  Lower  Black 
Rock  by  the  rector  of  Grace  Church,  and  a  chapel  for  the 
mission  was  built  on  Dearborn  Street,  near  Amherst,  1876. 
From  another  mission  of  1872,  the  Baptist  Olivet  Mission, 
opened  in  a  small  building  on  Delaware  Avenue,  where  the 
Twentieth  Century  Club  House  stands  now,  came  in  due 
time  the  Delaware  Avenue  Baptist  Church.  Still  another 
mission  of  the  same  year,  conducted  by  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  of 
Grace  M.  E.  Church,  gave  rise  to  the  Sentinel  M.  E. 
Church,  far  out  on  the  east  side  of  the  city.  Moreover,  new 
church  buildings  were  erected  by  the  Asbury  M.  E.  and 
the  First  German  M.  E.  Churches  in  that  year. 

In  1873  no  less  than  six  new  churches  were  planted,  either 
by  full  organization,  or  in  the  seed  of  a  preliminary  mis- 
sion. Four  of  these  were  of  German  membership.  A 
mission  chapel  on  Detroit  Street,  built  by  the  Young  Men's 
Society  of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  St.  John, 
gave  life  in  the  next  year  to  a  self-sustaining  congregation. 


for  which  a  new  building  was  erected  on  Broadway  near 
Fox,  and  which  bears  the  name  of  the  German  Evangelical 
Lutheran  Christ  Church.  From  a  mission  founded  by  the 
First  Church  of  the  Evangelical  Association  of  North 
America  came  the  St.  Paul's  Church  of  that  association,  on 
Grape  Street.  The  German  Evangelical  St.  Marcus 
Church  was  organized  as  a  branch  of  the  St.  Paul's  Church, 
of  the  same  communion,  and  held  services  in  a  little  French 
Protestant  Church,  at  the  corner  of  Ellicott  and  Tupper 
streets,  until  1876,  when  it  built  for  itself  on  Oak  Street, 
south  of  Tupper.  Salem's  Church,  of  the  German  Evan- 
gelical Reformed  body,  was  organized  in  1873,  and  pro- 
vided with  its  place  of  worship,  on  Sherman  Street,  between 
Sycamore  and  Broadway. 

The  Woodside  M.  E.  Church,  on  the  Abbott  Road,  dates 
from  1873,  when  the  society  was  organized  and  a  framed 
building  erected,  which  now  looks  out  on  Cazenovia  Park. 
St.  Andrew's  P.  E.  Church  can  be  said  to  have  been  planted 
that  year,  by  the  opening  of  a  Sunday  School,  conducted  by 
workers  from  St.  Paul's,  which  grew  into  "St.  Paul's  Free 
Chapel,"  built  on  Spruce  Street,  near  Genesee,  in  1875,  and 
that,  ultimately,  became  an  organized  parish  and  church. 
A  Free  Methodist  mission  was  opened  and  a  chapel  built 
on  Clinton  Avenue,  at  Black  Rock. 

New  buildings  were  erected  in  1875  for  the  Church  of 
the  Ascension  (P.  E.)  and  for  the  Second  Church  of  the 
Evangelical  Association.  The  building  of  the  Jersey  Street 
M.  E.  Church  was  reconstructed,  after  suffering  damage 
from  a  fire,  and  the  society  changed  its  name  to  that  of  Ply- 
mouth Church.  The  Jewish  Brith  Sholem  erected  a  syna- 
gogue on  Elm  Street,  which  it  occupied  for  some  years. 
Its  present  synagogue  is  on  Pine  Street,  near  William. 

A  grave  event  of  the  year  was  the  retirement  of  the  Rev. 
Dr.   Lord  from  the   pulpit  of   the  Central   Presbyterian 


Church,  on  account  of  failing  health.  He  had  served  in  it 
for  nearly  forty  years. 

In  1874  the  First  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church, 
which  had  its  origin,  as  related  above,  in  1828,  erected  a  new 
church  edifice  and  adopted  the  name  of  the  Church  of  St. 
John.  It  had  acquired  a  vigorous  constitution  and  was 
active  in  good  work,  having  founded  the  Lutheran  Orphan 
Asylum,  in  1864,  and  added  a  Home  for  Orphan  Boys,  at 
Sulphur  Springs,  in  1868.  A  younger  St.  John's  Church, 
of  the  United  Evangelical  denomination  at  Black  Rock,  en- 
larged and  improved  its  church  building  in  this  year.  Its 
membership,  originally  German,  was  becoming  Anglicized 
rapidly,  and  is  now,  says  the  present  pastor,  more  English 
than  German. 

The  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  of  St.  Thomas  had  its 
origin  in  1874,  in  a  mission  Sunday  School,  established  by 
the  rector  of  St.  James  Church.  A  building  was  erected  for 
it,  at  401  Elk  Street,  in  1879.  The  Wells  Street  Church  was 
organized;  the  Riverside  M.  E.  Church,  at  Black  Rock, 
dedicated  a  new  edifice;  and  the  Jewish  Beth  El  congrega- 
tion (orthodox)  built  its  present  synagogue,  on  Elm  Street, 
in  1874. 

Two  new  church  societies  were  organized  in  1875.  One, 
which  was  known  during  its  early  years  as  the  Glenwood 
M.  E.  Church,  took  form  at  a  meeting  in  a  private  house, 
and  its  services  were  held  in  private  dwellings  for  a  time. 
The  society  was  not  incorporated  until  1880,  having  pre- 
viously been  maintained  as  a  mission  of  the  Delaware  Ave- 
nue M.  E.  Church,  with  whose  aid  it  had  erected  a  building 
on  Main  Street,  in  1879.  The  other  new  church  was  the 
Third  of  the  German  Baptist  societies,  formed  mainly  from 
the  First  German  Baptist  Church,  but  growing  partly  from 
a  previous  mission  Sunday  School.  A  new  building  of  the 
East  Presbyterian  Church  was  completed  and  dedicated  in 


In  1876  the  Rev.  Charles  H.  Smith  became  the  rector  of 
St.  James  P.  E.  Church,  where  he  ministers  still. 

The  year  1877  was  saddened  by  the  death  of  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Heacock.  After  that  sorrowful  event  the  Lafayette  Street 
Church  had  a  succession  of  good  and  able  pastors;  but  it 
never  ceased  to  be  "Dr.  Heacock's  Church,"  in  the  thought 
of  those  who  had  known  it  in  the  earlier  time,  until  the  walls 
which  had  echoed  his  voice  were  abandoned  to  a  vaudeville 
desecration,  and  the  church  transported  to  a  splendid  new 
home,  where  a  new  history  was  begun. 

Fillmore  Avenue  Baptist  Church,  growing  from  a  Sun- 
day School  opened  on  Seneca  Street,  near  the  Erie  Railway 
crossing,  had  that  planting  in  1877,  and  received  a  gift  of 
ground  from  Mr.  A.  S.  Holmes.  The  very  old  St.  Peter's 
Church,  of  the  United  Evangelical  body  (founded  by  the 
evangelist,  Gumbell,  in  1832)  built  newly  and  largely  in 
1877-8,  up  to  which  time  it  had  used  the  original  St.  Paul's, 
removed  from  Main  Street  in  1850. 

Two  important  new  churches  were  founded  in  1879.  One 
was  the  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  the  Holy 
Trinity — the  first  Lutheran  society  in  the  city  that  conducted 
services  in  the  English  language,  though  the  Lutherans  are 
said  to  be  more  numerous  in  Buffalo  than  any  other  Protes- 
tant body.  It  was  consolidated  with  a  French  Lutheran 
society,  which  had  erected  a  building  at  the  corner  of  EUi- 
cott  and  Tupper  streets  as  long  ago  as  1830,  and  the  new 
organization  held  its  services  there  for  some  time.  The 
other  organization  of  the  same  year  founded  the  free  Church 
of  All  Saints  (P.  E.),  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Utica 
streets,  where  the  Rev.  M.  C.  Hyde  ministered  faithfully 
many  years. 

The  First  Church  of  the  Evangelical  Association  erected 
a  fine  Gothic  edifice  in  1879.  In  that  year  the  Old  Lutheran 
Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  lost  by  death  its  venerable  pas- 


tor  Grabau,  who  came  with  its  pioneer  congregation  from 
Prussia  in  1839. 

In  the  Eighth  Decade.— Tht  Rev.  Dr.  S.  S.  Mitchell, 
pastor  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  for  a  quarter  of  a 
century  thereafter,  was  installed  on  the  ist  of  November, 

The  Buffalo  Baptist  Union,  which  seems  to  have  given  a 
great  impetus  to  the  missionary  and  organizing  work  of  the 
Baptist  churches,  was  formed  in  1880,  as  the  result  of  a 
meeting  held  at  the  house  of  Thomas  Chester,  and  upon  a 
plan  prepared  and  reported  by  E.  L.  Hedstrom  and  Ray  T. 
Spencer.  Mr.  Chester  was  the  first  president  of  the  Union, 
succeeded  by  Mr.  Hedstrom,  and  by  P.  J.  Ferris  in  later 

The  First  Congregational  Church  was  organized  in  1880, 
by  members  withdrawn  from  the  Lafayette  Street  Presby- 
terian Church.  Its  services  were  held  in  McArthur's  Hall 
until  the  following  year,  when  the  Niagara  Square  Baptist 
Church  building  was  bought  by  the  society  and  repaired 
and  enlarged.  The  Rev.  Frank  S.  Fitch  became  its  pastor 
in  1883,  and  remains  in  the  office  at  the  present  day.  The 
German  Evangelical  Friedens  Church  was  formed,  by  about 
twenty-five  families,  in  the  same  year,  building  for  itself  at 
once,  on  Eagle  Street,  at  the  foot  of  Monroe.  The  First 
Unitarian  society  left  its  long  cherished  but  inadequate 
home  on  Franklin  and  Eagle  streets  in  this  year,  to  dedicate 
and  occupy  a  new  edifice  on  Delaware  Avenue,  where  it 
remained  for  twenty-seven  years. 

In  1 88 1  the  German  Evangelical  St.  Lucas  Church 
erected  a  new  and  larger  building  to  replace  the  Hope 
Chapel,  on  Richmond  Avenue,  which  it  had  occupied  hith- 
erto. St.  Paul's  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church 
built  anew,  on  Ellicott  Street,  between  Tupper  and  Goodell ; 
the  Fillmore  Avenue  Baptist  Church  built  on  the  ground 


that  had  been  given  to  it,  on  Fillmore  Avenue,  north  of 
Seneca  Street;  and  a  new  Jewish  synagogue  was  erected,  at 
Clinton  and  Walnut  streets,  by  the  newly  organized  society 
of  Beth  Jacob. 

Ninety-six  members  from  the  First  Baptist  Church  were 
the  organizers,  in  1882,  of  the  Dearborn  Street  Baptist 
Church,  taking  up  work  which  a  Sunday  School  mission 
had  begun  in  that  field  some  years  before.  A  building  for 
the  new  church  was  occupied  in  1884. 

Out  of  a  mission  opened  in  1882  by  the  Evangelical  Asso- 
ciation of  North  America  there  arose  the  Rhode  Island 
Street  Church  of  that  association,  organized  and  incor- 
porated in  1885,  when  it  entered  a  chapel  of  its  own.  Till 
that  time  it  had  met  in  a  Presbyterian  chapel  on  Fifteenth 
Street.  In  recent  years  it  has  been  changed,  by  change  of 
language,  from  a  German  to  an  English  church. 

The  First  Free  Baptist  Church,  having  sold  its  Niagara 
Square  building  to  the  Congregationalists,  built  anew  on 
Hudson  Street  in  1882.  The  Prospect  Avenue  Baptist 
society  replaced  its  original  building  by  a  larger  new  one; 
the  German  Evangelical  St.  Paul's  Church  built  newly  on 
Ellicott  Street,  between  Tupper  and  Goodell;  the  Vine 
Street  African  M.  E.  Church  remodeled  its  building;  the 
Reformed  Dutch  Church  sold  its  Eagle  Street  building  to 
the  Swedenborgians. 

The  year  1883  seems  to  have  been  at  the  beginning  of  a 
remarkable  activity  in  the  organization  of  new  churches, 
especially  in  the  German  fields.  The  Evangelical  Re- 
formed Emanuel's  Church  was  founded  as  a  mission  by  "the 
Western  New  York  Classis  of  the  Reformed  Church  in  the 
United  States,"  and  a  chapel  built  for  it  at  the  corner  of 
Humboldt  Parkway  and  East  Utica  Street.  The  St.  Trini- 
tatis  German  United  Evangelical  Church  was  organized 
and  established  on  Gold  Street,  near  Lovejoy,  to  meet  the 


needs  of  the  German  population  in  that  section.  It  erected 
a  first  building  in  1883  and  a  second  in  1887.  The  St.  Ja- 
cobi  (or  St.  James)  Evangelical  Church  was  formed  by 
members  withdrawn  from  St.  Marcus  Church  of  that  de- 
nomination. It  bought  Providence  Chapel,  on  Jefferson 
Street,  near  High;  but  built  on  the  same  site  in  1885.  A 
Swedish  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church,  of  the  Trinity,  was 
organized  by  the  Rev.  F.  O.  Hulthren,  of  Jamestown,  at  a 
meeting  in  the  German  St.  John  Lutheran  Church,  and 
established  on  Spring  Street,  near  Broadway.  The  Dela- 
ware Avenue  Baptist  Church  came  now,  fully  organized, 
from  the  Olivet  Mission,  and  built  the  chapel  which  it 
occupied  for  many  years,  before  giving  place  to  the  Twen- 
tieth Century  Club. 

In  this  year  of  religious  energy,  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Union  was  organized,  and  Francis  H.  Root  was  its  president 
from  1885  until  his  death.  A  High  Street  Baptist  mission 
which  had  existed  for  some  years  formerly  and  had  been 
dropped,  was  revived  and  its  ultimate  fruit  was  the  Maple 
Street  Baptist  Church.  A  new  building  was  erected  for 
St.  Mark's  M.  E.  Church. 

Three  Baptist  Sunday  Schools  and  missions  were  estab- 
lished in  1884,  from  each  of  which  arose  a  church.  One 
was  opened  on  Glenwood  Avenue,  at  the  corner  of  Purdy 
Street,  for  which  the  Baptist  Union  bought  a  chapel  that 
had  been  built  by  the  Protestant  Episcopalians,  but  given  up 
for  another  site.  For  the  second,  the  same  Union  pur- 
chased a  large  framed  building  which  the  Lutherans  had 
given  up,  in  the  heart  of  the  Polish  district,  and  so  planted, 
on  Clark  Street,  near  Peckham,  what  grew  into  the  First 
Polish  Baptist  Church.  From  the  third,  called  the  Calvary 
Mission,  sprang  the  Lafayette  Avenue  Baptist  Church,  the 
original  chapel  of  which  has  been  enlarged  twice  since  the 
building  of  it  in  1890. 


A  Methodist  Sunday  School,  opened  at  East  Bufifalo  in 
1884,  sowed  the  seed  of  the  Lovejoy  M.  E.  Church,  which 
dedicated  a  modest  chapel  the  next  year,  and  built  an  addi- 
tion to  it  in  1887. 

It  was  in  1884  that  Trinity  P.  E.  Church  society  was 
united  with  that  of  Christ  Church  (formed  in  1868  by  the 
secession  from  St.  John's) ,  occupying  temporarily  the  chapel 
built  by  the  latter  on  Delaware  Avenue,  north  of  Tupper 
Street,  while  erecting  there  the  new  Trinity,  which  was 
dedicated  on  Easter  Day  in  1886.  The  last  service  in  the 
old  Trinity  edifice  was  held  on  the  5th  of  July,  1885. 

A  Sunday  School  opened  by  the  First  Congregational 
Church  in  1884,  on  Chenango  Street,  near  West  Ferry,  gave 
origin  to  the  Pilgrim  Congregational  Church,  organized  in 

1886.  Four  years  later  it  built  on  Richmond  Avenue  and 
Breckenridge  Street.  In  1884  the  St.  James  P.  E.  Church 
built  newly  on  its  old  site;  a  building  for  the  Third  German 
Baptist  Church  was  dedicated,  and  that  occupied  by  the 
Second  German  Baptist  Church  was  enlarged.  The  Dela- 
ware Avenue  M.  E.  Church  edifice  was  remodelled.  At 
this  time  Bishop  Hurst  of  the  M.  E.  Church  became  resi- 
dent in  Buffalo,  and  an  episcopal  residence  was  purchased 
by  Francis  H.  Root.  The  present  pastor  of  the  English 
Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  the  Rev. 
F.  A.  Kahler,  began  his  ministry  to  it  in  1884. 

A  chapel  built  by  the  Buffalo  Methodist  Union  and  a 
Sunday  School  opened  in  1885  were  the  beginnings  of  the 
now  large  and  flourishing  Richmond  Avenue  M.  E.  Church. 
The  church  was  organized  in  the  next  year,  with  twenty- 
three  members,  and  an  addition  to  its  chapel  was  built  in 

1887.  The  Northampton  Street  German  M.  E.  Church 
was  established  in  a  small  chapel  in  1885,  and  a  larger  chapel 
erected  five  years  later.  The  St.  Thomas  P.  E.  Mission  be- 
came an  organized  church  and  parish  in  the  same  year. 


Zion's  German  Evangelical  Reformed  Church  enlarged 
its  edifice  in  1885  to  a  seating  capacity  for  1,500  people. 
The  commodious  stone  building  now  occupied  by  the  Rich- 
mond Avenue  Church  of  Christ  was  erected  in  that  year.  A 
chapel  was  built  by  the  Woodside  M.  E.  Church. 

The  Church  of  the  Ascension  experienced  a  grievous  loss 
in  1885,  in  the  death  of  the  Rev.  John  M.  Henderson,  who 
had  been  its  rector  since  1861. 

Bethany  Presbyterian  Church,  growing  out  of  a  mission 
opened  not  long  before  by  Calvary  Presbyterian  Church, 
was  organized  in  1886.  The  Bethany  German  Evangelical 
Church  and  the  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Christ 
Church  were  also  founded  in  1886;  the  former  on  Eaton 
Street,  by  the  pastors  of  the  German  Evangelical  Synod; 
the  latter  by  its  present  pastor,  the  Rev.  T.  H.  Becker,  as  the 
outgrowth  of  a  mission  Sunday  School  opened  some  time 
before,  on  Broadway,  at  the  corner  of  Fox  Street.  The 
German  Evangelical  Lutheran  St.  Paul's  Church  was  organ- 
ized in  the  same  year,  erecting  church  buildings,  parsonage 
and  school  house  in  1887.  Fo""  ^  Fifth  Street  Baptist  Mis- 
sion, started  in  1886,  the  Trenton  Avenue  Chapel  was  built 
four  years  later,  between  Carolina  and  Virginia  streets. 

A  building  which  received  the  name  of  the  Ripley  Memo- 
rial M.  E.  Church  was  erected  in  1887,  on  Dearborn  Street, 
near  Austin,  by  the  Rev.  Allen  P.  Ripley  and  his  children, 
in  memory  of  the  late  Mrs.  Ripley,  and  presented  to  the 
trustees  of  the  church  society  then  organized. 

Four  missions  opened  that  year  developed  as  many  new 
churches.  Two  of  these  were  of  Baptist  origin,  one  build- 
ing a  chapel  on  Vernon  Street,  in  which  the  Parkside  Baptist 
Church  was  organized  in  1890;  the  other  opened  in  Alamo 
Hall,  on  the  White's  Corners  and  Abbott  roads,  but  seated 
a  few  years  later  in  its  own  chapel  on  Good  Avenue  and 
Triangle  Street,  and  resulting  ultimately  in  the  organization 


of  the  South  Side  Baptist  Church.  From  the  third  mission 
of  the  year  came  the  Hampshire  Street  or  Normal  Park 
M.  E.  Church,  for  which  a  building  was  dedicated  in  1889. 
Plymouth  M.  E.  Church  and  the  Methodist  Union  co- 
operated in  the  support  of  this  mission.  The  fourth  was 
founded  by  the  pastors  of  the  city  conference  of  the  Evan- 
gelical Synod  of  North  America,  with  such  quick  success 
that  the  Evangelical  Bethlehem  Church  was  organized  in 
May  of  the  same  year,  under  the  Rev.  A.  Goetz,  its  present 
pastor,  and  established  in  a  chapel  on  Bowen  Street,  now 
Woltz  Avenue. 

No  less  than  six  newly  organized  churches  were  added  to 
the  religious  forces  of  the  city  in  1888.  The  Second  United 
Presbyterian  Church,  cradled  for  almost  a  score  of  years 
previously  in  the  Hamburg  Street  Mission,  took  an  inde- 
pendent form  and  built  for  its  services  on  Swan  Street,  op- 
posite Chicago  Street,  where  it  was  seated  until  1906.  The 
Church  of  the  Good  Shepherd  (Protestant  Episcopal)  was 
organized,  occupying  the  Ingersoll  Memorial  Chapel  on 
Jewett  Avenue,  built  by  the  late  Elam  R.  Jewett  in  memory 
of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Edward  Ingersoll,  long  time  rector  of 
Trinity  Church.  A  congregation  branching  from  the  First 
German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Trinity  Church,  formed  the 
Emmaus  Church,  building  on  Southampton  Street,  near  Jef- 
ferson. The  Seneca  Street  M.  E.  Church  was  organized, 
and  built  for  its  services  at  the  corner  of  Seneca  and  Imson 
streets,  with  help  from  the  Methodist  Union.  The  Sumner 
Place  M.  E.  Church,  arising  from  a  mission  conducted  by 
the  Lovejoy  Street  Church,  assumed  its  organized  form  and 
erected  a  plain  framed  chapel  the  same  year;  and  the  Met- 
calf  Street  M.  E.  Church  was  formed,  acquiring  for  its  use 
what  had  been  a  Union  Chapel  and  Sunday  School. 

St.  Paul's  Cathedral  was  half  destroyed  on  the  loth  of 
May,  1888,  by  an  explosion  of  natural  gas  and  consequent 


fire.  It  was  promptly  restored.  The  Zion  or  East  Street 
German  M.  E.  Church  edifice,  also,  suffered  serious  injury, 
from  lightning,  and  was  rebuilt. 

Organizations  of  the  Epworth  League,  among  the  young 
people  of  the  M.  E.  Church,  were  instituted  in  1889.  Cal- 
vary M.  E.  Church  was  organized,  with  a  dozen  original 
members,  and  a  building  erected  for  it  on  ground,  at  the 
corner  of  Kehr  and  Northampton  streets,  given  for  the  pur- 
pose by  the  Leroy  Land  Company.  The  Church  of  the 
United  Brethren  in  Christ  was  formed  and  established  pros- 
perously, in  a  place  of  worship  at  the  corner  of  Masten  and 
Laurel  streets.  The  Jerusalem  Reformed  Evangelical 
Church,  organized  in  this  year,  is  located  on  Miller  Avenue, 
at  Nos.  45-47.  St.  Luke's  P.  E.  Church  was  removed  to  a 
more  commodious  new  building,  on  Richmond  Avenue,  at 
the  corner  of  Summer  Street. 

In  the  Ninth  Decade. — The  venerable  edifice  of  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church,  built  in  1827,  was  demolished  in  1890, 
to  clear  the  site  which  had  been  bought  for  the  Erie  County 
Savings  Bank,  and  the  new  building  for  the  First  Church,  on 
the  Circle,  at  Wadsworth  and  Pennsylvania  streets,  was 
begun.  The  new  Temple  Beth  Zion,  of  impressively  fine 
Byzantine  architecture,  on  Delaware  Avenue,  above  Allen 
Street,  was  finished  and  dedicated  in  1890.  The  Rev.  Dr. 
Israel  Aaron,  its  present  pastor,  had  come  to  it  three  years 

In  1 89 1  the  Laymen's  Missionary  League  of  the  Protest- 
ant Episcopal  Church  was  organized.  A  Sunday  School 
opened  by  the  First  Congregational  Church  that  year  in  a 
hall,  above  a  saloon,  on  Amherst  Street,  at  the  corner  of  the 
Military  Road,  was  followed  by  the  building  of  a  chapel  on 
the  Military  Road,  near  Grote  Street,  and  the  organization 
of  the  Plymouth  Congregational  Church.  In  1896  the 
chapel  was  enlarged.     Kenmore  M.  E.  Church  was  organ- 


ized  that  year,  and  building  for  it  was  undertaken  in  the 
following  year.  Out  of  a  Sunday  School  mission  in  Roche- 
vot's  Hall,  Jefferson  and  Best  streets,  opened  in  1891  by  St. 
John's  congregation  of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church, 
the  Concordia  Church  of  that  communion  was  formed  in 
1892.  The  P.  E.  parish  of  St.  Andrew's  was  organized  in 
1 891,  and  its  new  church  edifice  erected  in  the  following 
year.  At  the  same  time  the  P.  E.  Church  of  St.  Mary's  on 
the  Hill  began  a  handsome  building  of  stone,  which  it 
finished  in  1893.  The  present  church  edifice  of  Bethany 
German  Evangelical  Church  was  built  in  1891 ;  and  a  new 
chapel  for  the  Richmond  M.  E.  Church  was  erected  in 
1 89 1 -2,  preparatory  to  the  undertaking  of  the  fine  large  main 
building  now  occupied  by  the  church. 

Especially  among  the  German  Protestants,  1892  was  a 
year  of  many  new  plantings.  Twenty  members  from  the 
First  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  established  the 
Gethsemane  Church  of  that  communion,  which  built  on 
Goodyear  Avenue,  near  Genesee  Street.  Salem  Church,  of 
the  German  United  Evangelical  body,  was  founded  by  thir- 
teen men,  who  arranged  for  services  in  the  Sunday  School 
room  of  an  M.  E.  Church  until  they  had  built  for  them- 
selves, the  same  year,  at  the  corner  of  Garfield  Street  and 
Calumet  Place.  Calvary  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church 
was  established  by  the  Mission  Society  of  the  Lutheran 
Church  of  BufTalo,  to  provide  services  in  the  English  lan- 
guage for  many  Germans  who  had  lost  familiarity  with 
their  own  tongue.  It  occupied  for  ten  years  a  small  framed 
building  at  the  corner  of  Ellicott  and  Dodge  streets.  Four 
Y.  M.  A.'s,  of  different  Lutheran  Churches,  joined  in  start- 
ing a  mission  Sunday  School,  with  accompanying  services, 
in  a  hall  on  Fillmore  Avenue,  at  Utica  Street,  where  it  was 
conducted  as  the  Fillmore  Avenue  Mission  for  six  years. 
Then  the  Memorial  Church  of  the  Evangelical  Association 


was  organized,  and  a  building  erected  on  East  Utica  Street, 
at  the  corner  of  Wohler's  Avenue. 

From  a  Baptist  Mission  Sunday  School,  opened  in  1892 
on  Walden  Avenue  west  of  Bailey  Avenue,  there  came  a 
church,  organized  in  1897  ^^^  known  first  as  the  Walden 
Avenue  Baptist.  Its  services  had  been  held  in  a  movable 
tabernacle;  but  now  it  received  from  the  Baptist  Union  the 
gift  of  a  building,  derived  from  a  legacy  of  $5,000,  left  by 
the  late  Eric  L.  Hedstrom  on  his  death  in  1894,  ^^^  it  took 
the  name  of  the  Hedstrom  Memorial  Church. 

Another  bequest  to  the  Baptist  Union,  of  $10,000,  by  the 
late  James  Reid,  who  died  in  1887,  was  applied  in  this  year, 
1892,  to  the  establishment  of  a  church  which  had  grown 
from  the  mission  opened  in  1884  in  the  Polish  section  of  the 
city.  The  First  Polish  Baptist  Church  was  seated  accord- 
ingly in  the  Reid  Memorial  Chapel,  on  William  Street, 
between  Coit  and  Detroit,  where  services  in  both  the  Polish 
and  the  English  languages  are  held. 

In  1892  and  since  that  date,  as  stated  by  the  pastor  of  the 
Richmond  Avenue  Church  of  Christ,  that  society  "has 
mothered  three  missions,"  which  became  churches,  namely, 
the  Jefiferson  Street,  the  Forest  Avenue  and  the  Dearborn 
Street  Churches  of  Christ. 

The  Universalist  Church  of  the  Messiah  dedicated  its  new 
edifice,  on  the  southwest  corner  of  North  and  Mariner 
streets,  in  1892.  The  First  Congregational  Church  built  its 
present  house  of  worship,  on  Elmwood  Avenue  at  the  corner 
of  Bryant  Street,  in  the  same  year.  The  German  Evan- 
gelical Lutheran  Christ  Church  built  newly,  at  a  cost  of 
$35,000.  The  Sentinel  M.  E.  Church  assumed  that  name, 
on  the  dedication  of  a  new  church  building.  The  Glen- 
wood  Avenue  Baptist  Church  was  organized,  and  its  build- 
ing enlarged. 

A  Sunday  School,  opened  in  the  spring  of  1892  by  Mr. 


Halsey  H.  Taylor  and  a  few  others,  at  the  corner  of  Walden 
and  Bailey  avenues,  led  to  the  organization,  in  the  following 
July,  of  the  Walden  Avenue  Presbyterian  Church  society, 
which  bought  a  lot  and  built  a  chapel  very  quickly,  at  the 
corner  of  Walden  Avenue  and  May  Street.  Its  Sunday 
School  is  one  of  the  largest  in  the  city. 

Mission  work  among  the  Italians  was  opened  in  1893  by 
an  Italian  Baptist  minister,  the  Rev.  Ariel  Bellondi,  who 
came  to  Buflfalo  that  year.  He  found  a  few  Protestants  in 
the  large  Italian  colony  which  had  been  growing  in  the  Ken- 
sington section  for  half  a  dozen  years,  and  his  labors  bore 
early  fruit,  in  the  formation  of  the  First  Italian  Baptist 
Church,  for  which  a  plain  framed  building  was  erected  on 
Edison  Street,  near  East  Delevan.  The  Baptist  Young  Peo- 
ple's Association,  instituted  in  1894,  now  lent  special  aid 
and  support  to  the  Italian  mission  work. 

The  present  Park  Presbyterian  Church  was  organized  in 
1893,  with  a  membership  of  twenty-three  (increased  within 
fifteen  years  to  250) ,  assembled  from  the  vicinity  of  Dela- 
ware Park,  in  neighboring  halls,  until  1897,  when  a  building 
for  the  church  was  erected  at  the  corner  of  Crescent  Avenue 
and  Elam  Place.  In  1909,  as  stated  below,  the  society  was 
united  with  that  of  the  North  Presbyterian  Church  in  a  new 

A  mission  from  St.  Andrew's  P.  E.  Church,  opened  in  a 
hall  at  the  corner  of  Jefiferson  and  Northampton  streets  in 
1893,  acquired  a  chapel  on  Roehrer  Avenue  and  Riley  Street 
and  was  organized  as  the  Church  and  parish  of  St.  Barnabas 
in  the  following  year.  At  St.  Mark's  P.  E.  mission  chapel 
the  Church  and  parish  of  St.  Mark's  was  formed,  the  chapel 
rebuilt  and  a  rector  installed,  in  1893.  In  that  year,  too, 
the  St.  John's  P.  E.  Church  gave  up  its  old  towered  edifice 
on  Washington  and  Swan  streets,  where  the  Statler  Hotel 
has  been  built,  and  erected  a  Guild  House,  at  the  intersection 


of  Lafayette  Avenue  and  Bidwell  Parkway,  in  which  its 
services  have  since  been  held. 

The  Ebenezer  German  Baptist  Church  was  established  in 
1893  ^s  a  branch  from  the  Second  German  Baptist  Church, 
and  erected  its  building  in  1900,  on  Fillmore  Avenue,  north 
of  Clinton  Street. 

In  1893  the  Westminster  Presbyterian  Church  began  a 
period  of  freshened  vitality,  under  the  ministry  of  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Samuel  Van  Vranken  Holmes. 

Fitch  Memorial  Congregational  Church,  named  in 
memory  of  a  deceased  son  of  the  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Frank  S. 
Fitch,  was  founded  in  1894,  and  established  in  a  building  on 
Clinton  Street.  The  German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Im- 
manuel  Church,  at  East  Buffalo,  dates  from  the  same  year, 
when  it  began  to  hold  meetings  in  the  Lovejoy  M.  E. 
Chapel,  but  built  independently  in  1896-7. 

The  parent  church  of  the  Buffalo  Baptists  gave  up  its  an- 
cient place  of  worship  on  Washington  Street  in  1894,  mak- 
ing use  of  the  Concert  Hall  in  the  Music  Hall  building 
until  September,  1900,  when  its  present  fine  edifice  on  North 
and  North  Pearl  streets  was  dedicated.  The  Parkside  Bap- 
tist Church,  in  1894,  entered  into  possession  of  a  fine  edifice 
of  stone,  built  on  ground  given  to  the  church  by  the  owners 
of  the  Central  Park  district.  In  the  same  year  the  Second 
German  Baptist  Church  sold  its  former  property  and  built 
anew  on  Northampton  and  Wohler's  streets. 

1895  was  a  year  of  extraordinary  creativeness  in  the 
church  history  of  Bufifalo,  especially  on  its  east  side.  The 
German  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  the  Redeemer 
was  organized  as  a  mission  by  the  St.  John's  Lutheran 
Y.  M.  A.,  and  established  on  Genesee  Street  near  Bailey 
Avenue.  The  Zion  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church 
was  formed  under  the  auspices  of  the  Board  of  Home  Mis- 
sions of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  body,  and  seated  at  the 


corner  of  West  Ferry  and  Nineteenth  streets.  The  English 
Evangelical  Church  of  the  Atonement  was  organized,  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Holy  Trinity  Church  of  that  communion, 
with  88  members — now  increased  to  949,  with  valuable 
church  property,  on  Eagle  Street,  west  of  Jefiferson.  The 
Evangelical  Reformed  Zoar  society  was  formed  by  the 
united  labor  of  several  pastors  of  other  German  Reformed 
Churches,  and  established  on  Genesee  and  Rohr  streets. 
The  Evangelical  Reformed  Church  of  St.  Paul,  founded  by 
the  Rev.  J.  M.  G.  Darius,  at  South  Buffalo,  built  on  Duer- 
stein  Avenue,  opposite  to  Cazenovia  Park,  during  1895-6. 
The  Bethel  German  Baptist  Church,  on  Johnson  Street, 
north  of  Sycamore,  was  formed  by  members  from  the  First 
German  Baptist  Church.  The  Red  Jacket  Mission,  opened 
on  Seneca  Street,  at  the  corner  of  Juniata,  by  the  East  Pres- 
byterian Church  and  its  pastor,  the  Rev.  Henry  Ward,  grew 
soon  into  the  organized  South  Presbyterian  Church,  with 
325  present  members  and  a  good  church  edifice. 

In  1895  the  Hutchinson  Memorial  Chapel  of  the  Holy 
Innocents,  built  by  E.  H.  Hutchinson  in  memory  of  his 
father  and  mother,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  M.  Hutchinson,  was 
opened  at  the  Church  Home.  A  chapel  for  the  Linwood 
Avenue  M.  E.  Church  was  built  in  1895-6. 

The  Right  Rev.  Arthur  Cleveland  Coxe,  Bishop  of  West- 
ern New  York,  dying  July  20,  1896,  was  succeeded  by  the 
Right  Rev.  William  D.  Walker,  formerly  Missionary 
Bishop  of  North  Dakota. 

A  Baptist  mission,  opened  in  1896  at  the  corner  of  Del- 
evan  and  Grider  avenues,  by  the  Parkside  Baptist  Church, 
gave  origin  to  the  Kensington  Baptist  Church,  organized 
the  next  year,  and  seated  in  its  own  building  in  1901.  The 
brick  edifice  now  occupied  by  the  Evangelical  Bethlehem 
Church  was  dedicated  in  1896.  The  present  building  of 
the  Evangelical  Reformed  Emanuel's  Church  was  also  built 


in  this  year;  and  that  of  the  German  Evangelical  St.  Paul's 
was  doubled  in  size. 

The  new  building  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  was 
formally  dedicated  on  the  i6th  of  May,  1897.  The  Caze- 
novia  Baptist  Church  was  organized  in  that  year,  and  occu- 
pied rented  homes  until  1904,  when  it  built  on  Cazenovia 
Street,  near  Seneca. 

In  1898  the  Lafayette  Reformed  Church  was  founded  by 
a  colony  from  the  West  Avenue  Presbyterian  Church,  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Church  Extension  Society  of  the  Re- 
formed Church  in  America.  This  church,  the  only  one  of 
its  denomination  in  the  city,  is  of  Dutch  ancestry,  holding 
the  Presbyterian  system.  It  had  been  previously  established 
in  Bufifalo,  for  various  periods,  since  1838.  Its  members 
now  number  169. 

The  Lovejoy  M.  E.  Church  replaced  its  original  structure 
with  the  present  brick  one,  and  the  Sumner  Place  M.  E. 
Church  built  anew,  in  1898. 

The  Old  Lutheran  Church  of  Holy  Trinity  celebrated  its 
sixtieth  anniversary  in  1899. 

In  the  First  Decade  of  the  New  Century. — The  South 
Side  Baptist  Church  was  organized  in  1900,  after  thirteen 
probationary  years  in  the  status  of  a  mission.  The  German 
Evangelical  Friedens  Church  enlarged  its  house  of  worship. 
English  services  were  introduced  in  the  Bethany  German 
Evangelical  Church. 

The  religious  organization  which  bears  the  name  of  the 
Church  of  the  Divine  Humanity  (Swedenborgian)  was 
formed  in  1900;  but  a  small  body  of  its  people  had  been 
meeting  for  worship  during  some  years  previously,  in  a  hall 
on  Rhode  Island  Street.  Half  a  century  earlier  there  had 
been  a  "New  Church"  (Swedenborgian)  society  of  twelve 
persons  organized  in  Bufifalo;  but  its  members  were  soon 
dispersed.     The  later  society  was  planted  with  more  vigor 


of  life,  and  was  able,  in  its  second  year,  to  build  a  house  of 
worship  for  itself,  at  the  corner  of  West  Utica  and  Atlantic 
streets.  Its  first  pastor  was  the  Rev.  F.  A.  Gustafson,  now 
of  Denver;  its  present  pastor  is  the  Rev.  Thomas  French,  Jr. 

To  test  the  need  of  a  Lutheran  church  in  the  Cazenovia 
district,  services  were  opened  in  a  private  residence  on 
Triangle  Street,  in  1902.  The  result  was  the  organization, 
two  years  later,  of  the  Grace  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church, 
incorporated  in  1905,  and  established  in  a  building  on 
Kingston  and  Seneca  streets.  The  Faxon  Avenue  Presby- 
terian Church  was  founded  in  1902  by  the  Rev.  F.  J.  Jopp. 
The  framed  building  in  which  the  Calvary  Evangelical 
Lutheran  Church  had  worshipped  for  ten  years  now  gave 
way  to  a  brick  structure,  and  the  church  received  into  its 
body  the  members  of  a  Norwegian  Lutheran  Church,  known 
as  Zion's  Church,  which  had  existed  for  some  years  on 
Harlow  Place,  but  which  was  now  dissolved. 

In  the  same  year  the  Grace  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church 
society  was  organized  and  held  meetings  for  a  time  in  a 
hall,  but  built  presently  on  Cazenovia  Street  and  Glendale 
Place,  where  it  dedicated  a  handsome  church  in  1908. 

In  1902-3  the  old  edifice  of  Westminster  Presbyterian 
Church  was  so  enlarged  and  rebuilt  that  only  three  walls 
of  the  original  structure  remained.  A  rich  decorative 
treatment  was  given  to  the  interior  by  the  Tiffany  Glass  and 
Decorating  Company,  of  New  York. 

Two  new  churches  in  the  United  Presbyterian  connection 
were  established  in  1903:  the  South  Park  U.  P.  Church,  on 
South  Park  Avenue  at  the  corner  of  Altruria  Street,  and  the 
Ontario  U.  P.  Church,  on  that  street  and  Gallatin  Avenue. 
Both  were  organized  under  the  auspices  of  the  United  Pres- 
byterian Men's  Association.  In  that  year,  too,  the  Hunt 
Avenue  Baptist  Church  was  organized,  recalling  to  life  a 
former  church  which  had  had  a  short  life  under  the  name 
of  the  Pilgrim  Baptist  Church. 


The  last  meeting  of  the  North  Presbyterian  Church,  in 
its  old  downtown  home,  was  on  the  17th  of  April,  1904. 
For  one  year  thereafter  it  held  services  in  the  Assembly  Hall 
of  the  Twentieth  Century  Club,  for  another  year  in  the 
hospitable  Temple  Beth  Zion, — where  temporarily  houseless 
Christian  congregations  have  been  invited  to  shelter  on  a 
number  of  occasions, — and  then  in  the  chapel  of  its  own  new 
church,  on  Delaware  Avenue,  at  the  corner  of  Utica,  until 
the  main  edifice  was  finished  and  dedicated,  in  January, 

Maple  Street  Baptist  Church,  and  the  Evangelical  St. 
Andrew's  Church,  were  organized  in  1904;  the  latter  on 
Genesee  Street  and  Domedion  Avenue. 

In  1905  the  splendid  new  church  edifice  of  the  Holy 
Trinity  English  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church,  on  Main 
Street  above  North,  was  finished,  at  a  total  cost  of  $155,000, 
and  dedicated  on  May  7th,  the  twenty-sixth  anniversary  of 
the  church.  The  South  Park  M.  E.  Church  dedicated  the 
building  it  occupies.  St.  Paul's  Church  of  the  Evangelical 
Association  remodelled  and  enlarged  its  edifice.  The  beau- 
tiful Parish  House  of  Trinity  P.  E.  Church  was  opened. 

The  Sloan  Presbyterian  Church,  on  Broadway,  at  the  City 
Line,  was  organized  in  1906  by  the  Presbytery  of  Buffalo. 
In  the  same  year  a  mission  Sunday  School  previously 
opened  by  the  Delaware  Avenue  M.  E.  Church,  was  made 
the  basis  of  a  new  church  organization,  the  Epworth  M.  E. 
Church  at  the  corner  of  Grey  and  Cayuga  streets.  The 
Second  United  Presbyterian  Church  migrated  from  Swan 
Street  to  Woodlawn  Avenue  and  Humboldt  Parkway, 
where  it  built  anew. 

The  beautiful  new  building  of  the  First  Unitarian 
Church,  on  Elmwood  Avenue,  at  the  corner  of  Ferry  Street, 
designed  by  Edward  A.  and  W.  W.  Kent,  was  finished  in 
1907,  at  a  cost  of  not  quite  $140,000. 


The  beautiful  old  building  of  the  Central  Presbyterian 
Church,  on  Pearl  and  Genesee  streets,  was  injured  seriously 
by  fire  in  this  year.  It  was  restored  for  a  few  years  of  use, 
but  in  1909  the  building  and  ground  were  sold  to  Michael 
Shea,  the  vaudeville  manager,  the  society  united  with  that 
of  the  Park  Presbyterian,  and  a  fine  building  of  stone 
erected  at  the  corner  of  Main  Street  and  Jewett  Avenue. 

Saint  Paul's  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, — the  first 
Italian  M.  E.  Church  in  the  Genesee  Conference,  was 
dedicated  on  the  28th  of  February,  1909.  It  was  built  of 
brick  and  white  stone,  at  a  cost  of  $15,000.  The  church 
stands  at  the  corner  of  Front  Avenue  and  Wilkeson  streets. 

The  Evangelical  Reformed  Emmanuel  Church  cele- 
brated its  twenty-fifth  anniversary  in  1908,  the  Rev.  James 
Storrer  having  been  its  pastor  from  the  beginning. 
Speaking  of  the  change  which  half  a  century  had  brought, 
Mr.  Storrer  remarked  that  the  region  of  the  church,  on 
Humboldt  Parkway,  when  he  began  service  in  it,  was  often 
called  Siberia,  because  of  its  remoteness  and  inaccessibility. 

Salem  German  Evangelical  Church  remodelled  and 
enlarged  its  building  in  1907.  At  the  present  time  new 
buildings  are  in  contemplation  by  the  Plymouth  Congrega- 
tional, the  Pilgrim  Congregational,  the  Woodside  M.  E., 
and  the  Evangelical  St.  Stephen's  churches,  and  by  the 
Memorial  Church  of  the  Evangelical  Association. 



THE  Neutral  Nation  of  Indians,  which  occupied  both 
borders  of  the  Niagara  River  when  French 
explorers  and  missionaries  obtained  their  first 
acquaintance  with  this  region  of  America,  were  visited  by 
the  Franciscan  Father  Dallion,  from  the  Huron  Mission, 
in  the  fall  of  1626.  From  that  time  the  Neutrals  and  the 
neighboring  Senecas,  in  Western  New  York,  received  occa- 
sional visitations  from  the  Catholic  missionaries  who 
labored  in  fields  at  the  north  and  east;  but  no  permanent 
mission  appears  to  have  been  established  among  the  former 
before  they  suffered  destruction  as  a  tribe.  After  that 
occurrence,  a  large  territory  enveloping  the  site  of  the  future 
city  of  Buffalo  was  uninhabited,  practically,  for  not  less 
than  a  hundred  years ;  and  after  the  Senecas  had  been  driven 
into  it,  from  their  previous  main  residence  in  the  Genesee 
valley,  by  Sullivan's  expedition,  in  1779,  there  is  nothing  in 
Bishop  Timon's  account  of  "Missions  in  Western  New 
York"  to  indicate  the  presence  of  a  missionary  in  their 
village  on  Buffalo  Creek. 

Apparently,  therefore,  the  first  performance  of  religious 
rites  by  a  Catholic  clergyman,  within  what  is  now  the  city 
of  Buffalo,  occurred  in  1821 ;  that  being  the  year  in  which 
Bishop  Timon  has  placed  "the  first  recorded  visit  of  a 
priest"  to  the  white  settlement  on  Buffalo  Creek.  The 
clerical  visitor  then  was  the  Rt.  Rev.  Henry  Conwell, 
Bishop  of  Philadelphia,  who  passed  through  the  village  on 
a  journey  westward,  and  baptized  a  child  during  his  brief 
stay.  The  few  Catholics  of  the  place  were  next  visited,  in 
the  same  year,  we  are  told,  by  the  Reverend  Mr.  Kelly,  of 



Rochester,  "who  said  mass  in  St.  Paul's,  the  Episcopal 
church,  only  five  Catholic  families  being  in  attendance. 
From  this  time  occasional  visits  were  made  by  clergymen 
stationed  at  Rochester." 

In  1828  the  Rev.  Mr.  Baden  was  in  Buffalo  for  six  weeks, 
"officiating  sometimes  in  the  court  house,  and  at  other  times 
at  the  residence  of  Louis  Le  Couteulx,  Esq."  At  the  solici- 
tation of  Father  Baden,  Mr.  Le  Couteulx,  on  the  5th  of 
January,  1829,  executed  a  deed  of  a  piece  of  land,  in  trust 
for  the  Catholics  of  Buffalo,  to  Rt.  Rev.  John  Dubois, 
Bishop  of  New  York,  and  his  successors,  for  a  Catholic 
church  and  cemetery,  and  sent  it  to  the  Bishop  as  a  New 
Year's  gift.  Bishop  Dubois  was  then  making  a  visitation  of 
his  large  diocese,  and  arrived  at  Buffalo  in  the  summer  of 
1829.  "He  found,"  says  Bishop  Timon,  "seven  or  eight 
hundred  Catholics,  instead  of  the  seventy  or  eighty  he  had 
been  led  to  expect.  By  means  of  an  interpreter  he  heard 
the  confessions  of  some  two  hundred  Swiss;  preached  in 
the  court  house ;  administered  the  sacraments  of  baptism  and 
matrimony;  proceeded  to  the  above  mentioned  ground  and 
dedicated  it  to  the  object  for  which  it  was  given.  This 
ceremony  was  the  first  of  the  kind  ever  performed  in 
Western  New  York.  After  the  consecration,  the  Catholics 
called  upon  the  Bishop  and  urged  him  to  send  them  a  priest, 
which  he  promised  to  do.  Accordingly,  in  the  fall  of  that 
year,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Mertz  arrived  in  Buffalo. 

"Father  Nicholas  Mertz,  who  had  collected  upwards  of 
$3,000  in  Europe  with  the  intention  of  building  a  church 
elsewhere,  erected,  in  1831,  with  part  of  this  money,  on  the 
consecrated  lot,  a  small  wooden  church  called  'The  Lamb  of 
God'  [known  afterwards  as  St.  Louis  Church],  the  name 
being  suggested  by  the  figure  on  a  bronze  tabernacle,  which 
he  brought  with  him  from  Europe  and  placed  in  the  church. 
When  Father  Mertz  first  arrived  in  Buffalo  he  resided  in  a 


small  log  hut,  on  the  west  side  of  Pearl  Street,  between 
Court  and  Eagle  streets,  and  held  Divine  service  in  an  old 
frame  house  near  by." 

Bishop  Dubois  made  a  second  visit  to  Buffalo  in  183 1,  and 
found,  it  is  said  by  Bishop  Timon,  considerable  discord  in 
the  church,  between  its  German  and  Irish  members;  and 
listened  to  a  complaint  on  the  part  of  the  former,  that  "the 
pastor  would  not  allow  them  to  manage  the  money  affairs 
of  the  church."     The  complaint  was  dismissed. 

A  few  years  later,  the  number  of  Catholics  having  in- 
creased beyond  the  capacity  of  the  little  church  of  "The 
Lamb  of  God,"  and  the  Irish  people  being  "pained  by  the 
petty  annoyances  to  which  they  were  exposed"  in  that  con- 
gregation, "resolved  to  withdraw  from  it  and  procure,  if 
possible,  a  pastor  of  their  own,  from  whom  they  might 
receive  more  frequent  instruction  in  English."  In  1837 
the  Rev.  Charles  Smith  was  sent  from  Albany  as  their 
pastor,  and  services  were  held  for  them  at  various  places, 
until  1841,  when  the  original  St.  Patrick's  Church  was  built 
at  the  corner  of  Ellicott  and  Batavia  streets.  Ultimately,  in 
1855,  this  church  was  transferred  to  the  Sisters  of  Charity 
and  became  St.  Vincent's  Orphan  Asylum. 

Meantime,  fresh  discontents  had  appeared  in  the  St.  Louis 
Church  of  the  German  congregation,  some  part  of  its  mem- 
bership claiming  a  right  to  control  the  property  and  funds 
of  the  church.  In  1838  these  members  obtained  incorpora- 
tion, under  a  law  of  1784,  which  put  that  control  in  lay 
hands.  Father  Mertz  left  the  church  and  was  succeeded 
by  the  Rev.  Alexander  Pax,  who  proceeded  to  erect  a  larger 
edifice  for  the  congregation,  which  had  far  outgrown  the 
small  temple  of  "The  Lamb  of  God."  But  soon  after  the 
completion  of  the  new  building  the  dispute  over  rights 
between  laymen  and  clergy,  in  the  holding  and  management 
of  church  property,  was  made  acute  by  action  on  the  part 


of  Bishop  Hughes,  who  succeeded  Bishop  Dubois,  on  the 
death  of  the  latter,  in  1842.  Bishop  Hughes  called  a 
diocesan  synod,  to  frame  statutes  for  a  decisive  regulation  of 
this  among  other  church  matters.  The  resulting  enactments 
required  the  title  of  all  church  property  in  the  diocese  to 
be  vested  in  its  bishop,  and  affirmed  his  control  over  the 
use  of  church  funds.  The  only  congregation  to  resist  this 
declaration  of  the  law  of  the  church  was  that  of  St.  Louis 
in  Buffalo.  In  this  case  the  title  to  church  lands  was  not 
in  question,  since  Mr.  Le  Couteulx  had  conveyed  his  gift  of 
land  to  Bishop  Dubois,  for  the  church ;  but  the  controversy 
was  wholly  concerning  the  control  of  the  use. 

The  Bishop  now  wrote  to  the  recalcitrants:  "Should  you 
determine  that  your  church  shall  not  be  governed  by  the 
general  law  of  the  diocese,  then  we  shall  claim  the  privilege 
of  retiring  from  its  walls  in  peace,  and  leave  you  also  in 
peace,  to  govern  it  as  you  will."  The  pastor,  Father  Pax, 
failing  to  enforce  the  statutes,  resigned  and  left  the  city. 
After  a  time  the  church  asked  for  another  pastor,  and 
received  this  reply  from  Bishop  Hughes:  "You  shall  not 
govern  your  Bishop,  but  your  Bishop  shall  govern  you  in 
all  ecclesiastical  matters.  When  you  are  willing  to  walk  in 
the  way  of  your  holy  faith,  as  your  forefathers  did,  and  be 
numbered  among  the  Catholic  flock  of  the  diocese,  precisely 
as  all  other  trustees  and  congregations  are,  then  I  shall  send 
you  a  priest,  if  I  have  one."  At  the  same  the  Bishop  sent 
two  priests  who  established  a  new  church.  The  trustees 
attempted  an  appeal  to  Rome,  without  success.  A  part  of 
the  St.  Louis  congregation,  which  withdrew  from  it  and 
met  for  worship  in  the  basement  of  St.  Patrick's  Church, 
became  the  nucleus  of  a  new  congregation,  for  which  the 
Church  of  St.  Mary,  on  Batavia  Street  (now  Broadway), 
was  built,  temporarily  in  1844,  and  rebuilt  of  stone  in  1850, 
with  a  convent  on  Pine  Street. 


In  August,  1844,  the  St.  Louis  trustees  became  reconciled 
with  the  Bishop,  announcing  that  having  received  an  expla- 
nation of  the  prelate's  pastoral,  which  they  had  not  under- 
stood correctly  before,  they  promised  "that  the  administra- 
tion of  temporal  affairs  of  our  church  shall  be  conducted 
conformably  to  the  same."  This  ended  the  controversy 
for  a  time. 

In  that  interval  of  better  feeling  the  diocese  of  Buflfalo 
was  formed,  by  papal  command,  on  the  23d  of  April,  1847. 
It  embraced  all  that  part  of  the  State  of  New  York  which 
lies  west  of  the  eastern  limits  of  Cayuga,  Tomkins  and 
Tioga  counties,  and  the  Very  Reverend  John  Timon,  then 
Visitor  of  the  Congregation  of  Missions,  was  the  Bishop 
named.  He  had  been  in  laborious  mission  service  at  the 
West  since  1825.  Bishop  Timon  arrived  in  Buffalo  on 
the  22d  of  October,  and  was  received  with  warmth;  but 
differences  with  the  trustees  of  the  St.  Louis  Church  began 
in  the  first  year  of  his  rule.  Again  and  again  his  authority 
was  disputed  and  his  commands  disregarded,  until  finally, 
when  the  Bishop  wished  to  place  the  church  in  charge  of 
the  Jesuit  Fathers,  and  the  trustees  refused  to  admit  them, 
their  breach  with  him  was  complete.  On  the  14th  of  June, 
1851,  he  solemnly  declared  "St.  Louis  Church  to  be  under 
an  interdict,  and  that,  consequently,  no  child  of  the  Church 
can,  without  grievous  sin,  assist  there  at  such  rites  and 
prayers  whilst  this  sad  state  of  things  continue." 

St.  Louis  Church  remained  under  the  interdict  for 
nearly  four  years.  Speaking  on  the  subject  in  the  State 
Senate,  on  the  30th  of  January,  1855,  the  Hon.  James  O. 
Putnam  said  :  "There  still  floats  over  its  tower  the  black  flag, 
symbolical  of  the  darkness  which  envelops  the  altar  over 
which  it  waves,  bearing  the  significant  inscription,  'Where 
is  our  Shepherd?'"  On  appeals  to  Rome,  Archbishop 
Bedini  was  sent  to  investigate  the  questions  at  issue,  and  his 


decision  was  against  the  trustees.  As  they  still  refused  sub- 
mission, they  were  formally  excommunicated,  on  the  22d 
of  June,  1854.  At  the  next  meeting  of  the  State  Legislature, 
they  petitioned  for  a  general  law,  to  place  all  church 
property  under  the  control  of  trustees  ;  and  such  an  act,  intro- 
duced and  advocated  by  Senator  Putnam,  was  passed.  It 
invalidated  future  conveyances  to  priests  and  bishops  in 
their  official  character,  and  all  future  conveyances  of  lands 
for  purposes  of  religious  worship  unless  made  to  a  religious 
corporation  organized  under  the  laws  of  the  State;  and  it 
declared  that  such  property  shall  be  deemed  to  be  held  in 
trust  for  the  benefit  of  the  congregation  using  the  same. 
Soon  after  the  passage  of  this  act,  terms  of  peace  between 
the  St.  Louis  trustees  and  the  authorities  of  the  Church  were 
arranged,  and  no  further  discord  in  that  important  congre- 
gation has  appeared.  In  1862  the  church  property  act  of 
1855  was  repealed,  and  in  the  next  year,  by  an  amendment 
of  the  earlier  law,  the  incorporation  of  Roman  Catholic 
Churches  was  made  the  same  as  that  provided  formerly  for 
the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  and  the  Dutch  Reformed. 

The  long  controversy  had  excited  much  feeling,  both 
locally  and  generally,  throughout  state  and  nation,  and  must 
have  been  trying  to  the  spirit  of  Bishop  Timon,  who  had 
nothing  of  arrogance  or  a  domineering  temper  in  his  kindly 
heart.  None  who  knew  him  or  who  looked  on  his  face 
without  prejudice  could  believe  that  any  hardness  of  per- 
sonal feeling  had  to  do  with  his  firm  enforcement  of  the  law 
and  discipline  of  his  church.  There  was  never  in  Buffalo 
a  more  winning  representative  of  Christianity  than  he. 

During  the  years  over  which  the  St.  Louis  Church 
troubles  had  extended  the  general  growth  of  the  Catholic 
Church  in  Buffalo  was  not  checked.  A  congregation  was 
formed  at  Lower  Black  Rock,  in  1847,  which  met  in  a 
rented  room  until  the  following  year,  when  a  small  framed 


building  was  erected  for  church  services  and  for  a  school. 
In  1853  S*^-  Xavier's  Church  was  built  for  this  congregation, 
and  it  has  been  greatly  enlarged  and  improved  in  later 
years.  St.  Boniface  Church  had  its  beginning  in  1849,  in 
a  framed  structure,  which  gave  place  to  a  brick  edifice  in 
1857.  The  parish  of  what  is  now  the  Church  of  the  Im- 
maculate Conception  was  organized  in  1849,  and  named  St. 
Mary  of  the  Lake.  The  original  church  was  a  framed 
building;  the  present  church  was  built  in  1856  (but  recon- 
structed later) ,  and  renamed  The  Church  of  the  Immaculate 
Conception,  in  honor  of  the  dogma  which  had  been  pro- 
claimed not  long  before.  St.  Peter's  French  congregation 
was  formed  in  1850,  of  French-speaking  people  who  with- 
drew from  St.  Louis  Church,  and  who  bought  from  the 
Baptists  a  plain  brick  church  building  which  the  latter  had 
erected,  at  the  corner  of  Washington  and  Clinton  streets, 
fourteen  years  before.  This  was  occupied  by  the  French 
Catholics  until  1898  or  1899,  when  it  was  sold,  to  give  place 
to  the  Lafayette  Hotel,  and  a  splendid  new  St.  Peter's  was 
built  in  1900  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Best  streets.  In 
the  outskirts  of  the  city,  on  Main  Street,  St.  Joseph's  parish 
was  formed  in  1850.  Its  original  church  was  replaced  by 
a  larger  and  finer  structure  about  1886. 

In  1850  Bishop  Timon  went  abroad,  and  after  his  return 
he  issued  a  pastoral  inviting  contributions  to  the  erection 
of  a  cathedral  in  the  city.  On  the  6th  of  the  following 
February  the  cornerstone  of  St.  Joseph's  Cathedral  was  laid. 
The  Bishop  had  visited  Me.xico  to  solicit  help  in  the 
building,  and  had  obtained  contributions  in  Spain  and  other 
parts  of  the  world.  The  work  of  construction  went  forward 
steadily,  and  the  cathedral  was  finished  sufficiently  for  dedi- 
cation to  use  in  July,  1855.  It  is  a  stately  Gothic  edifice, 
designed  by  Patrick  C.  Keely,  having  a  length  of  236  feet, 
with  126  feet  length  of  transept  and  90  feet  width  of  nave. 


Wishing  to  give  his  cathedral  the  distinction  of  a  sur- 
passingly fine  chime  of  bells,  Bishop  Timon,  in  1865, 
ordered  an  arrangement  of  forty-three  bells  from  a  famous 
bell-foundry  at  Paris.  The  bells  were  cast  in  1866, 
exhibited  at  the  Paris  Exposition  of  1867,  and  arrived  in 
Buffalo  in  1868.  Including  a  duty  of  $2,200,  their  cost 
when  they  reached  the  cathedral  was  nearly  $24,000.  The 
tower  in  which  they  were  hung,  having  no  proper  openness, 
proved  very  unsuitable  for  the  purpose.  The  sound  of  the 
bells  was  muffled,  and  the  lack  of  an  airy  belfry  caused 
rusting  of  the  mechanism  by  which  they  were  to  be  rung. 
A  grievous  disappointment  resulted,  and  for  more  than 
thirty  years,  after  about  1875,  the  famous  chime  never 
uttered  a  sound,  except  from  two  of  its  bells.  In  the  spring 
of  1907  an  electrical  apparatus  for  the  ringing  was  con- 
structed, and  the  chime  is  now  heard  occasionally,  but  only 
near  at  hand,  being  stifled  in  the  enclosure  of  the  tower.  It 
is  to  be  hoped  that  at  some  time,  not  distant,  the  bells  may 
swing  in  a  proper  campanile,  and  radiate  the  charm  of  airy 
music  which  the  good  bishop  expected  them  to  do.  There 
are  probably  few,  if  any,  finer  carillons  in  the  world. 

In  1 85 1  another  part  of  the  St.  Louis  congregation  with- 
drew, and  held  services  for  a  time  in  the  basement  of  St. 
Peter's  French  Church.  The  Bishop  then  conveyed  to  the 
Jesuit  Fathers,  who  conducted  these  services,  a  piece  of 
property  that  he  had  bought  on  Washington  Street,  subject 
to  the  condition  that  they  build  a  church  for  the  Germans, 
and  a  college.  This  was  the  origin  of  St.  Michael's  Church, 
first  built  in  1852,  and  rebuilt  in  1867,  and  the  origin  of 
Canisius  College.  In  the  same  year  Bishop  Timon  took 
steps  toward  creating  another  institution  of  learning,  by 
inviting  three  Oblate  Missionaries  of  Mary  Immaculate 
from  Montreal  to  take  charge  of  the  Diocesan  Seminary. 
They  opened  their  work  that  year  in  temporary  quarters, 


but  in  the  next  year  the  old  County  Poor  House  property  on 
Prospect  Hill  was  bought  and  the  buildings  fitted  for  their 
use.  The  Seminary  lacked  support,  and  was  discontinued 
in  1855;  but  Holy  Angels'  parish  was  formed,  under  the 
charge  of  the  Oblate  Fathers,  and  a  church  for  it  was  built 
in  1858 

To  relieve  the  St.  Patrick's  Church,  now  overcrowded,  a 
new  parish  was  created  in  the  Hydraulic  region,  in  1853. 
A  small  framed  church  built  for  it  received  the  name  of  St. 
Vincent  de  Paul;  but  exchanged  names,  in  1855,  with  the 
old  St.  Patrick's  Church,  when  the  latter  became  St. 
Vincent's  Orphan  Asylum.  Another  church,  St.  Bridget's, 
arose  in  the  same  year,  1853,  on  Fulton  Street.  It  grew  out 
of  a  Sunday  School,  conducted  since  1850  by  members  of  a 
society  of  St.  Vincent  de  Paul.  An  interval  of  five  years 
then  passed  before  the  adding  of  another  to  the  Catholic 
churches  of  the  city.  This  was  St.  Anne's,  established  by 
the  Jesuit  Fathers,  on  Emslie  Street,  near  Broadway.  The 
original  small  brick  church  of  the  parish  is  now  represented 
by  a  large  Gothic  edifice  which  cost  $120,000.  After  six 
years  more  there  was  need  again  of  an  added  parish  and 
church  for  families  on  and  near  Humboldt  Parkway.  A 
chapel  named  St.  Vincent's  was  built  for  them  at  the  corner 
of  the  Parkway  and  Jefferson  Street,  in  1864.  At  the  time 
of  this  writing  the  parish  of  St.  Anne's  is  preparing  to  cele- 
brate its  golden  jubilee,  August  24-26,  1908. 

Bishop  Timon  was  now  greatly  broken  in  health,  and  two 
or  three  years  of  extreme  feebleness,  but  indomitable 
persistence  in  labor,  preceded  his  death,  which  came  on  the 
i6th  of  April,  1867.  He  had  preached  in  the  cathedral 
only  two  days  before.  His  successor,  Bishop  Stephen  Vin- 
cent Ryan,  who  had  been  Visitor-General  of  the  Vincentian 
Order,  was  consecrated  in  November  of  the  following  year. 

In  the  interval,  a  new  church,  that  of  St.  John  the  Baptist, 


had  been  dedicated  by  the  administrator  of  the  diocese,  the 
Very  Rev.  William  Gleason.  This,  built  at  the  corner  of 
Hertel  Avenue  and  East  Street,  accommodated  a  part  of 
the  former  congregation  of  the  Church  of  St.  Francis 
Xavier.  The  next  to  be  built,  in  1872,  was  the  Church  of 
St.  Mary  of  Sorrows,  at  the  corner  of  Genesee  and  Rich 
streets,  a  plain  brick  structure,  rebuilt  in  1884,  and  super- 
seded in  1901  by  a  stately  edifice  of  stone.  This  was 
followed,  the  next  year,  by  the  erection  of  the  first  Polish 
church,  named  for  St.  Stanislaus;  originally  a  framed 
building,  at  the  corner  of  Peckham  and  Townsend  streets, 
but  superseded  by  one  of  stone  in  1884.  Then  came,  in 
1874,  the  formation  of  St.  Nicholas  parish,  in  the  Cold 
Spring  district,  east  of  Main  Street,  where  a  small  building 
served  for  both  church  and  school  until  1893,  when  a  new 
church,  at  the  corner  of  Utica  and  Welker  streets,  was  built. 
In  1875  two  parishes  were  added  to  the  Catholic  organiza- 
tion in  Buffalo,  namely:  St.  Stephen's  in  South  Bufifalo, 
provided  originally  with  a  plain  brick  church  on  Elk  Street, 
which  gave  way  before  many  years  to  a  fine  edifice  of  stone; 
and  the  parish  of  the  Sacred  Heart,  for  which  a  church  was 
built  on  Seneca  Street,  occupying  a  site  running  through  to 

There  now  came  a  pause  in  church-building  until  1882, 
when  the  Church  of  the  Assumption  was  built,  at  the  corner 
of  Amherst  and  Grant  streets,  to  meet  the  needs  of  our 
increasing  population  of  Poles.  In  the  next  year  the  parish 
of  St.  Agnes  was  formed,  in  the  district  beyond  the  stock 
yards,  and  services  opened  in  a  small  framed  structure  on 
Benzinger  Street.  In  1884  a  similar  modest  building,  on 
Bailey  Avenue,  near  Walden,  called  the  Church  of  the 
Holy  Name,  was  provided  for  a  new  parish  in  East  BuflFalo, 
which  now  assembles  its  congregation  in  a  fine  building  of 
stone.     In  the  same  year,  at  another  extremity  of  the  city, 


another  congregation  was  provided  with  a  temporary 
church,  on  Bouck  Avenue  (now  Lafayette)  near  Grant, 
where  the  brown  stone  walls  of  the  Church  of  the  Annuncia- 
tion have  risen  in  recent  years.  A  third  Polish  church,  that 
of  St.  Adelbert,  at  Rother  Avenue,  Stanislaus  and  Kosciusko 
streets,  was  built  in  1886,  but  burned  soon  afterward  and 
rebuilt.  A  change  of  pastors  in  this  church  produced  a 
secession  and  the  organization  of  an  Independent  Polish 
Church.  For  the  new  parish  of  St.  Columba  a  church  was 
begun  on  South  Division  Street,  near  Hickory,  in  1888, 
and  occupied  in  an  unfinished  state  until  1892,  when  a  larger 
structure  on  a  better  site,  corner  of  Eagle  and  Hickory 
streets,  was  built. 

The  original  Bishop's  House,  adjacent  to  the  cathedral, 
was  vacated  and  the  episcopal  residence  removed  to  its  new 
building  on  Delaware  Avenue,  near  Utica  Street,  in  1889. 
The  neighboring  chapel  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament  was 
dedicated  at  about  the  same  time.  Recently  this  chapel  has 
been  enlarged  and  was  dedicated  anew  by  Bishop  Colton  on 
the  4th  of  April,  1908.  In  the  next  year  a  fourth  Polish 
parish  was  formed,  with  services  performed  for  it  in  a 
building  on  Beers  Street.  For  an  Italian  population  then 
beginning  to  grow  very  rapidly  the  Church  of  St.  Anthony 
of  Padua,  on  Court  Street,  was  built  and  dedicated  in  1891. 
But  the  Poles  in  Buffalo  were  multiplying  still  more 
rapidly,  and  made  up  a  fifth  and  a  sixth  congregation  within 
the  next  five  years.  One,  formed  in  1893,  assembled  for  a 
time  in  a  small  framed  building,  but  soon  built,  at  the  corner 
of  Sycamore  and  Mills  streets,  the  Church  of  the  Trans- 
figuration, which  was  dedicated  in  1897.  For  the  sixth 
congregation,  the  Corpus  Christi  Church,  on  Clark  and 
Kent  streets,  was  established  by  a  community  of  Franciscan 
Fathers  in  1896. 

The  diocese  was  now  to  receive  a  new  bishop,  the  death 


of  Bishop  Ryan  occurring  on  the  loth  of  April,  1896. 
Always  a  man  of  delicate  health,  the  labors  and  cares  of  the 
episcopal  office  had  taxed  his  strength  severely,  and  troubles 
with  the  rebellious  Polish  members  of  his  church  had  had 
their  natural  effect.  In  February,  1897,  he  was  succeeded 
by  the  Rev.  Dr.  James  E.  Quigley,  who  had  been  identified 
with  the  city  and  the  diocese  during  most  of  his  boyhood  and 
active  life.  The  choice  of  a  bishop  on  this  occasion  had 
been  determined  under  a  new  rule,  decreed  by  the  Third 
Plenary  Council  of  Baltimore,  in  1886.  The  decree  in 
question  created  in  each  diocese  certain  "irremovable 
rectors,"  to  whom  were  given  the  right  of  suffrage  in  the 
election  of  bishops.  By  their  suffrages,  approved  by  the 
head  of  the  church,  Dr.  Quigley  became  bishop. 

In  the  first  year  of  his  episcopate  the  new  congregation  of 
St.  Theresa's  Church  was  formed,  on  the  south  side  of 
Buffalo  River,  holding  services  in  an  old  public  school 
house  until  the  completion  of  a  fine  edifice  of  brown  stone, 
dedicated  in  1899.  Another  parish  formed  by  Bishop 
Quigley  in  his  first  year,  from  portions  of  St.  Bridget's  and 
St.  Stephen's,  was  that  of  Our  Lady  of  Perpetual  Help,  for 
which  a  large  stone  church  building,  at  the  corner  of 
Sandusky  and  Alabama  streets,  was  dedicated  in  1900. 
Two  parishes  were  organized  in  1898,  one  at  Black  Rock,  for 
which  the  Church  of  the  Nativity  was  dedicated  in  1903; 
the  other  in  East  Buffalo,  called  Visitation  Parish,  where  a 
building  for  both  church  and  school,  at  the  corner  of 
Lovejoy  and  Greene  streets,  was  finished  in  1899.  In  that 
year  (1899)  the  parish  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene  was  formed, 
east  of  Humboldt  Parkway,  and  the  cornerstone  laid  of  a 
building  at  the  corner  of  Fillmore  Avenue  and  Landon 
Street,  which  was  finished  the  next  year  and  which  serves 
for  church  and  school.  The  last  creation  of  Bishop  Quigley 
in  this  diocese  was  the  Holy  Family  parish,  formed  in 
South  Buffalo,  in  1902.  " 


Early  in  1903,  on  the  death  of  the  Archbishop  of  Chicago, 
Bishop  Quigley  was  called  to  that  greater  See.  He  had 
acquired  reputation  as  a  vigorous  opponent  of  socialistic 
theories,  and  his  selection  for  Chicago  is  attributed  to  that 
fact  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Donohue,  the  historian  of  the  Diocese 
of  Bufifalo.  In  his  "History  of  the  Catholic  Church  in 
Western  New  York"  (from  which  much  of  what  is  given 
here  on  the  subject  has  been  drawn).  Dr.  Donohue  says: 
"Chicago  is  the  hot-bed  of  Socialism  in  the  United  States, 
and  it  was  but  natural  that  when  the  Catholic  head  of  that 
great  archdiocese  died  the  church  authorities  there  should 
look  upon  the  gifted  bishop  of  Buffalo  as  an  available  suc- 
cessor to  their  deceased  archbishop,  and  a  fit  incumbent  of 
the  great  See  of  Chicago.  Bishop  Quigley's  name  was  on 
the  list  of  the  electors,  and  he  was  considered  by  Rome  as  the 
most  suitable  candidate  for  the  Archepiscopal  See." 

When  the  selection  of  a  successor  at  Buffalo  was  to  be 
made,  "the  candidates  decided  upon  by  the  majority  of  the 
electors,"  says  Dr.  Donohue,  "were  not  acceptable  to  the 
bishops  of  the  province,  and,  at  the  meeting  of  the  latter,  a 
new  list  was  substituted,  with  the  Rev.  Charles  H.  Colton, 
of  New  York,  as  dignissimus.  Father  Colton  was  long  and 
favorably  known  as  Chancellor  of  the  archdiocese  and  rector 
of  St.  Stephen's  parish,  and  he  was  appointed  by  the  Pope 
to  succeed  Dr.  Quigley." 

Bishop  Colton  was  consecrated  on  the  24th  of  August, 
1903.  St.  Gerard's  Church,  in  the  northeastern  quarter  of 
the  city,  and  St.  John  Kanty's  in  the  Polish  district,  have 
been  established  since  his  episcopate  began.  At  the  time  of 
this  writing,  in  1908,  preparations  are  being  made  for  the 
organization  of  a  new  parish  in  the  Central  Park  district, 
north  of  Delaware  Park. 

In  the  spring  of  1908  the  Rev.  Dr.  Julius  Rodziewicz,  an 
accomplished  Polish  divine  from  Europe,  came  to  Buffalo, 


at  the  request  of  Bishop  Colton,  and  addressed  several 
meetings  of  the  Polish  seceders  from  the  Roman  Church, 
with  results  that  were  said  to  be  promising  of  an  end  to  the 



PUBLIC  relief  of  poverty  and  infirmity  began  with  the 
founding  of  the  County  Poor  House  in  1829.  It  was 
a  small  stone  building,  pleasantly  and  healthily 
located  on  what  is  now  Porter  Avenue,  near  the  site  of  the 
present  Holy  Angels'  Church.  A  small  insane  department 
was  added  after  a  few  years ;  but  the  ground  occupied  was 
insufficient  for  much  development  of  the  institution,  and  a 
tract  of  154  acres  on  Main  Street,  near  the  present  City  Line, 
was  bought  in  1847.  Buildings  erected  there  were  first 
occupied  in  1850,  and  additions,  for  hospital,  insane  depart- 
ment, etc.,  have  been  added  from  time  to  time.  Recently, 
the  County  has  sold  one  hundred  acres  of  the  ground  to  the 
University  of  Buffalo,  and  a  second  removal  of  the  alms- 
house, to  some  distance  from  the  city,  is  in  contemplation. 

The  long,  hard  experience  of  England  in  dealing  with 
pauperism,  and  the  keen  thought  given  to  its  problems  by 
English  philanthropists  and  statesmen,  evolved  the  system  of 
the  London  Charity  Organization,  brought  into  operation  in 
1869.  Eight  years  later  Bufifalo  led  all  American  cities  in 
borrowing  and  adapting  the  system. 

Here,  as  well  as  elsewhere,  there  had  been  endeavors  long 
before  to  organize  charitable  work  by  some  general  associa- 
tion of  those  engaged  in  the  relieving  of  distressful  want;  but 
such  attempts  had  never  had  success.  They  ran  counter  to 
the  invincible  disposition  of  people  to  nucleate  undertakings 
of  this  character  around  their  divided  churches  or  around 
secular  centers  of  some  social  kind.  A  "Bufifalo  Association 
for  the  Relief  of  the  Poor,"  formed  in  1850  and  incorporated 
in  1852,  was  intended  "to  detect  fraud  and  relieve  the 
needy,"  and  especially  "to  remedy  and  remove  public  and 



professional  begging;"  but  it  must  have  shared  the  common 
fate  of  these  "associated  charities,"  for  it  left  little  record 
of  effective  w^ork. 

The  conception  of  Charity  Organization  which  the 
London  Society  embodied  was  one  that  avoided  intrusion 
into  any  existing  field  of  benevolent  activity,  aiming,  on  the 
contrary,  to  stimulate  all  relief  work,  but  enlighten  it,  from 
a  common  center  of  investigation  and  information,  and 
gradually  conform  it  to  a  systematic  co-operative  plan.  As 
stated  by  the  leader  of  the  movement  in  Buffalo,  it  was  the 
purpose  of  a  Charity  Organization  Society  to  be  "a  center 
of  intercommunication  between  the  various  charities  and 
charitable  agencies  of  a  given  city;  an  intermediary,  acting 
in  behalf  of  each  and  for  the  welfare  of  each,  and,  from  its 
neutral  character  with  regard  to  religion,  politics  and 
nationality,  making  possible  such  a  degree  of  co-operation  as 
would  be  impossible  otherwise." 

This  conception  of  Charity  Organization  was  brought  to 
our  city  by  a  young  English  clergyman.  Rev.  S.  Humphreys 
Gurteen,  who  came  to  serve  as  Associate  Rector  of  St.  Paul's 
P.  E.  Church.  Before  leaving  England  Mr.  Gurteen  had 
taken  part  in  the  London  mission  work  of  the  "University 
Slummers,"  as  the  Cambridge  and  Oxford  workers  in  that 
field  were  known,  and  had  personal  knowledge  of  the  results 
that  were  being  accomplished  by  the  new  charity  reform. 
He  found  here  the  same  evils  that  London  was  dealing  with, 
and  became  eagerly  desirous  of  having  them  dealt  with  in 
the  same  practical  way.  After  revisiting  London,  in  the 
summer  of  1877,  and  spending  two  months  in  a  renewed 
investigation  of  the  system  and  methods  of  the  Charity 
Organization  Society,  he  came  back  prepared  to  labor  in 
Buffalo  for  an  organization  on  similar  lines.  By  a  course  of 
Sunday  evening  lectures  on  the  subject,  at  St.  Paul's;  by  dis- 
cussion of  it  in  newspapers  and  a  vigorous  pamphlet,  and  by 


an  untiring  propagandism  more  privately  pursued,  he  woke 
interest  in  the  proposition  and  won  supporters  so  quickly 
that  the  organization  he  desired  was  accomplished  before 
the  close  of  the  year.  It  was  the  first  of  its  kind  in  the 
United  States. 

Even  in  the  first  year  of  its  work  the  Society  won  the  co- 
operation of  the  Poor  Department  and  the  Police,  and 
"nearly  all  the  charitable  agencies  in  the  city  had  signified, 
in  one  way  or  another,  their  willingness  to  co-operate."  It 
was  beginning  already  to  break  down  "sectarian  exclusive- 
ness,  the  prejudice  of  race  and  the  ties  of  party"  in  humani- 
tarian work;  and  now,  after  more  than  thirty  years  of  its 
wisely  directed  influence  those  obstacles  to  systematic  co- 
operation have  practically  disappeared.  One  hundred  and 
twenty  churches  of  all  denominations  have  divided  the  city 
between  them,  in  definite  districts,  each  agreeing  "to  provide 
for  every  dependent  family  in  its  district  a  responsible  vol- 
unteer visitor  and  such  money  as  it  can  aflford,  whenever 
asked  to  do  so  by  the  Society." 

When  the  Society  was  organized  the  population  of 
Buffalo  was  about  140,000.  The  city  was  then  giving  public 
aid  to  3,778  families,  was  expending  $112,053  within  the 
year  for  outdoor  relief,  and  pauperism  was  having  an  always 
accelerated  growth.  In  1907,  with  a  population  not  less 
than  400,000,  the  families  in  receipt  of  public  aid  numbered 
only  775,  and  the  city  expenditure  in  outdoor  relief  had 
dropped  to  $31,418.  In  1881,  four  years  after  the  begin- 
ning of  its  work,  the  Charity  Organization  Society  had 
2,327  families  under  its  care,  as  the  general  guardian  and 
reporter  of  their  needs.  In  1906  the  number  was  but  1,714, 
including  all  that  receive  city  aid.  When  submitting  these 
facts  in  its  annual  report  for  1907  the  Society  was  justified 
in  saying:  "These  figures  prove  that  the  Society  is  winning 
its  fight  against  poverty  in  Buffalo.  *  »  *  Poverty  is  a 
curable  disease,  and  it  is  being  cured  in  this  city." 


Very  promptly,  after  organizing  its  investigation  of  the 
needs  and  its  plans  for  the  relief  of  the  existing  dependent 
poverty,  the  Society  turned  attention  to  measures  for  dimin- 
ishing the  causes,  in  thriftlessness,  ignorance,  broken  spirit, 
evil  habit,  demoralizing  conditions  of  life,  from  which  so 
much  of  it  sprang.  In  this  direction  it  received  early  en- 
couragement from  a  splendid  gift  of  real  property  made  by 
Mr.  Benjamin  Fitch,  formerly  a  merchant  in  Buffalo,  but 
latterly  resident  in  New  York.  By  his  gift,  Mr.  Fitch  pro- 
vided immediately  for  the  establishment,  in  1880,  of  the 
Fitch  Creche,  or  day  nursery  for  the  young  children  of 
working  women,  and  for  the  erection  of  the  Fitch  Institute 
building,  to  accommodate  various  provident  and  benevolent 
undertakings  that  were  in  the  Society's  plan;  and  he 
endowed  it,  at  the  same  time,  with  a  permanent  estate  from 
which  it  drew  a  net  income  of  $7,796  in  1907. 

The  Fitch  Creche  became  a  model  institution  of  its  kind, 
for  the  most  serviceable  help  to  self-support  that  can  be 
given  to  a  large  class  of  working  women,  and  it  has  been 
studied  and  copied  in  all  parts  of  the  country.  Speaking  of 
it  in  1894,  3t  the  New  England  Conference  of  Charities, 
Mr.  Gurteen  remarked:  "This  sketch  of  the  early  history  of 
the  Creche  would  be  incomplete  without  especial  reference 
being  made  to  Miss  Maria  M.  Love,  who,  from  the  very 
start,  has  been  the  life  and  soul  of  the  movement,  and  to 
whose  rare  executive  ability  the  Creche  chiefly  owes  its 
present  enviable  reputation."  It  is  still  as  true  as  when  this 
was  said,  that  Miss  Love  is  the  life  and  soul  of  the  adminis- 
tration of  the  Creche. 

In  1 88 1  the  Society  established  a  provident  woodyard, 
maintained  for  the  next  twelve  years;  and  in  the  next  year 
a  coal  saving  fund,  to  enable  the  buying  of  fuel  in  small 
quantities  at  a  low  price.  In  1882  it  began  an  investigation 
of  the  housing  of  the  poor,  and  an  agitation  for  more  efifec- 


tive  supervision  of  crowded  tenements,  which  has  been  pur- 
sued with  increasing  energy,  until  a  thorough  renovation  of 
the  lower  class  of  tenements  has  been  brought  about  in  recent 
years.  In  1883  it  opened  the  Fitch  Provident  Dispensary, 
and  in  1886  the  Fitch  Accident  Hospital,  both  of  which 
have  been  discontinued  lately,  because  the  need  had  been 
met  otherwise  sufficiently.  In  1885  it  opened  Labor 
Bureaus,  which,  in  1907,  provided  6,130  days'  work  for  men 
and  women  out  of  regular  employ.  In  1890  it  established 
a  training  school  for  nursemaids;  in  1892  a  Penny  Savings 
Fund;  in  1895  ^  Provident  Loan  Company  (substituted  for 
the  pawnbroker's  business)  with  procurement  of  a  chattel- 
mortgage  law  for  Buffalo  that  prohibits  usurious  rates.  In 
1895  it  brought  about  the  establishment  of  the  first  Munici- 
pal Bath  House.  In  1900  and  the  year  following  it  led 
measures  which  systematized  the  "probation"  system  of 
judicial  dealing  with  young  delinquents,  and  which  created 
a  Juvenile  Court.  In  1901-2-3  it  secured  the  establishment 
of  six  Municipal  Playgrounds.  Between  1902  and  1905  it 
brought  about  a  vigorous  treatment  of  wife  and  family 
desertion,  under  legislation  which  makes  it  a  felony  and 
extraditable.  In  1904  it  organized  a  campaign  against 
tuberculosis  which  has  been  pursued  with  earnestness  since, 
by  investigation,  inspection  and  exhibitions,  and  by  the 
opening  of  a  Fitch  Tuberculosis  Dispensary.  Finally,  in 
these  last  years,  it  has  instituted  medical  examinations  of 
defective  children  in  the  schools,  affording  evidence  of  the 
need  of  medical  school  inspection  systematically  and 
officially  performed;  it  has  commissioned  an  agent  of  its 
own  to  enforce  the  child  labor  laws;  and  it  has  provided 
for  legal  aid  to  the  poor.  This  is  a  record  which  speaks 
abundantly  for  itself. 

The  first  president  of  the  Society  was  Mr.  Pascal  P.  Pratt, 
who  served  it  for  two  years.     He  was  succeeded  by  Mr. 


V on  ot  crowded  tenements,  which  has  been  pur- 

i.creasing  energy,  until  a  thorough  renovation  of 

>cr  class  of  tenements  has  been  brought  about  in  recent 

In  1883  it  opened  the  Fitch  Provident  Dispensary, 

and  in  1886  the  Fitch  Accident  Hospital,  both  of  which 

have  been  discontinued  lately,  because  the  need  had  been 

met    otherwise    sufficiently.     In    1885    it    opened    Labor 

Bureaus,  which,  in  1907,  provided  6,130  days'  work  for  men 

and  women  out  of  regular  employ.     In  1890  it  established 

a  training  school  for  nursemaids;  in  1892  a  Penny  Savings 

Fund;  in  1895  ^  Provident  Loan  Company  (substituted  for 

the  pawnbroker's  business)  with  procurement  of  a  chattel- 

....  l^id'slAShBKRK'.hi  bits  usunoii.s  rates.     In 

Contractor:  born,  nHstol,  Engiand/ti^^^'r^li'^t  ^JlJ,ite|>^""'^'' 
began  business  life  witb  his  father,  a  contractof  and  buildfer;'-  '^  ^^^ 
came  to  the  United  States  in  1857  and  obtained  contracts  "'^^rn  of 
ior  many  important  structures  in  Buffalo  and  elsewhere.  ' en. ted 
Gave  special  attention  to  engineering  and  sanitary  works.  ;., indent 
I"  1873  planned  and  constructed  the  water  .wpi;ks  of  Titos-:;  ,,  :/ 
ville,  Pennsylvania:  die:!   June  24.  ig(Tg.       '"""    '^"^  /    ^ 

c  of  wife  and  family 

.-:      \.,.;  a  .  ..  .1:  makes  it  a  felony  and 

In  1904   It   organized   a   campaign   against 

■  hah  has  been  pursued  with  earnestness  since, 

nspection  and  exhibitions,  and  by  the 

!  TiibercvildS';  Dispensary      Finally,  in 

■.H    of 

>f  the 


:!    of   its 

...s  provided 

hich  speaks 

Tht  ;  nt  of  the  S<H;.f n-  waa  M r.  Pascal  P.  Pratt, 

who  servo,  ii    1"   \ -•:  "  succeeded  by  Mr. 

YOUNG  men's  christian  ASSOCIATION  87 

Edwin  T.  Evans,  who  devoted  time  and  means  to  its  ad- 
ministration for  nine  years.  Then  Mr.  T.  Guilford  Smith, 
a  leader  in  the  councils  and  labors  of  the  Society  from  the 
beginning,  was  called  to  the  presiding  chair,  and  occupied 
it  until  1907,  when  the  honorary  presidency  was  conferred 
upon  him,  and  Mr.  Ansley  Wilcox  accepted  the  adminis- 
trative labors  of  the  seat. 

In  its  early  years  the  society  was  served  by  volunteer  sec- 
retaries, and  Mr.  Josiah  G.  Munro  gave  hard  work  in  that 
office  for  a  quite  long  term.  The  first  regularly  engaged 
secretary  was  Mr.  Nathaniel  S.  Rosenau,  from  1883  to 
1893.  Then  came  the  enlistment  of  Mr.  Frederic  Almy, 
from  volunteer  and  occasional  into  regular  and  entire  service 
in  social-betterment  work,  and  his  entrance  upon  a  career 
in  which  he  has  won  an  eminent  place.  In  1908  Mr.  Porter 
R.  Lee  (called  since  to  a  similar  field  in  Philadelphia)  was 
made  joint  secretary  with  Mr.  Almy,  and  Mr.  Roy  Smith 
Wallace,  as  field  secretary,  was  added  to  the  administrative 

The  parent  of  all  Young  Men's  Christian  Associations  was 
formed  in  London,  England,  by  George  Williams,  after- 
wards Sir  George  Williams,  in  1844.  The  first  in  America, 
modelled  on  that  of  London,  was  organized  in  Montreal, 
December  9,  1851 ;  the  second  arose  in  Boston,  just  twenty 
days  later  than  the  Montreal  association;  the  third  appeared 
in  Buffalo,  on  the  26th  of  April,  1852.  The  prime  mover 
in  the  Buffalo  organization  was  George  W.  Perkins,  and  his 
first  associates  were  Isaac  C.  Tryon,  Jabez  Loton,  Cyrus  K. 
Remington,  P.  J.  Ferris  and  Jesse  Clement.  At  its  first 
public  meeting,  on  the  9th  of  May,  it  enrolled  forty-five 
members,  and  elected  Norton  A.  Halbert  as  its  president. 
To  avoid  confusion  with  the  Young  Men's  Association  then 
existing,  it  took  the  name  of  the  Young  Men's  Christian 


Union,  and  was  so  known  until  1870,  when  its  title  was  con- 
formed to  that  borne  by  all  other  institutions  of  its  kind. 

The  first  habitation  of  the  Union  was  in  rooms  then 
lately  vacated  by  the  Young  Men's  Association,  on  South 
Division  Street,  between  Washington  and  Main.  It  had 
127  members  when  it  opened  its  rooms.  By  the  following 
spring  the  number  had  increased  to  381,  and  larger  apart- 
ments were  sought.  They  were  found  in  the  "Odeon  Hall 
Block,"  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Mohawk  and  Main 
streets,  and  there  the  Union  remained  until  1855.  Its  mem- 
bership had  then  grown  to  777,  and  it  was  encouraged  to 
venture  upon  a  still  more  convenient  establishment  of  itself. 
It  rented  Kremlin  Hall,  on  the  fourth  floor  of  the  building 
which  stands  yet  at  the  southeastern  corner  of  Eagle  and 
Pearl  streets,  and,  with  the  hall,  most  of  the  rooms  on  the 
third  floor,  for  library  and  offices.  These  rooms  and  the 
hall  were  well-furnished,  pleasantly  situated,  and  offered  an 
exceedingly  attractive  place  of  resort  to  young  men. 

When,  in  the  autumn  of  1856,  the  attractiveness  of  the 
place  was  enhanced  by  the  presence  in  it  of  a  personality  so 
attractive  as  that  of  David  Gray,  who  then  became  librarian, 
the  Union  could  have  no  wish  to  offer  more.  Born  in  Edin- 
burgh, but  brought  to  America  and  to  the  life  of  a  western 
farm  in  early  boyhood,  Mr.  Gray  had  come  lately  to  Buffalo, 
and  was  drawn  by  friendly  fortune  into  a  service  which  in- 
troduced him  to  the  best  of  the  city  and  made  his  delightful 
endowments  quickly  known.  After  he  came  it  was  not 
long  before  the  Y.  M.  C.  U.  Library  had  become  a  gathering 
place  of  kindred  spirits,  young  and  old,  for  stimulating  and 
inspiring  talk.  Those  summer  afternoons  and  winter  even- 
ings in  the  circle  around  David  Gray  have  been  memorable 
in  a  good  many  lives,  and  lasting  associations  of  friendship 
growing  out  of  them  have  had  influences  that  are  not  yet 


The  library  of  the  Union,  at  this  time,  contained  about 
1,200  volumes  of  very  good  literature,  and  it  was  well  used. 
For  lectures  given  in  Kremlin  Hall,  such  notable  speakers  as 
Henry  Ward  Beecher,  Bishop  Simpson,  Professor  Dwight, 
Dr.  Bethune,  Dr.  Storrs,  President  Anderson,  of  Rochester, 
were  engaged.  Until  1857  the  institution  had  strong  sup- 
port and  did  excellent  work.  Then  came  the  financial  crisis 
of  that  year,  and  the  succeeding  period  of  industrial  and 
commercial  depression,  followed  by  the  years  of  the  Civil 
War;  and  the  support  on  which  the  Union  depended  for  its 
undertakings  fell  away.  In  1859  it  was  forced  to  withdraw 
from  Kremlin  Hall  and  its  pleasant  rooms  underneath,  and 
to  accept  narrow  quarters  in  the  Brisbane  "Arcade"  build- 
ing, which  stood  where  the  Mooney  building  stands  now. 
In  1865  it  became  one  of  the  upper-floor  tenants  of  the  build- 
ing which  the  Young  Men's  Association  had  then  acquired, 
by  purchase  and  reconstruction  of  the  old  St.  James  Hotel. 
Four  years  later  it  obtained  somewhat  roomier  quarters  over 
No.  302  Main  Street.  In  1871  it  removed  again,  to  319 
Main  street,  with  some  improvement  of  accommodations; 
and  still  again,  in  1875,  with  further  improvement,  to  the 
corner  of  North  Division  and  Main  streets,  where  it  re- 
mained for  three  years.  Its  last  change  in  rented  quarters 
was  made  in  1878,  when  it  took  the  abandoned  Court  House 
building,  on  Clinton  and  Ellicott  streets,  and  had  space  in  it 
for  more  of  the  kind  of  work  it  wished  to  do  than  it  had 
ever  possessed  before. 

The  Association  (now  so  named)  was  coming  into  better 
days;  but  it  had  passed  through  a  long  period  of  serious 
decline  in  effective  force.  It  had  had  almost  a  struggle  for 
life;  and,  in  the  judgment  of  its  historian,  Mr.  Frank  E. 
Sickels, — whose  interesting  "Fifty  Years  of  the  Young 
Men's  Christian  Association  of  Buffalo"  furnishes  most  of 
the  material  used  in  this  sketch, — its  difficulties  had  been 


due,  in  the  main,  to  a  mistaken  direction  in  its  work.  It  had 
held  together  a  faithful  band  of  Christian  workers  who 
had  labored  heroically  always,  but  not  specifically  enough 
in  their  own  distinct  field.  "What  the  times  demanded," 
writes  Mr.  Sickels,  "was  a  work  for  young  men,  especially 
those  strangers  who  were  flocking  to  the  great  cities." 

Mr.  Sickels  dates  from  about  1869  the  wakening  of  the 
Association  to  a  truer  conception  of  its  mission,  and  its 
gradual  entrance  upon  a  new  and  great  career.  In  the  next 
year  it  began  to  have  thoughts  of  a  gymnasium,  which  it 
could  not  realize,  however,  till  eight  years  afterwards,  when 
the  old  Court  House  supplied  the  needed  room.  In  1871  it 
amended  its  constitution,  "to  permit  two  classes  of  members, 
active  and  associate,  the.  latter  class  including  any  young  man 
of  good  moral  character.  The  creation  of  this  class  ren- 
dered possible  the  growth  of  a  large  privilege-using  mem- 
bership, and  has  had  a  great  and  very  beneficent  effect  upon 
the  life  of  the  Association."  At  the  same  time,  by  another 
amendment,  its  constitution  was  made  to  read:  "The  object 
of  this  Association  shall  be  the  improvement  of  the  spiritual, 
mental,  social,  and  physical  condition  of  young  men."  In 
the  winter,  1873,  when  all  industries  were  again  cast  down, 
the  Association  opened  a  "Holly  Tree  Soup  and  Coffee 
Room,"  on  Pearl  Street  and  maintained  it  till  April,  1874. 
A  little  later  that  year  it  established  the  "Friendly  Inn,"  at 
No.  3  Pearl  Street,  where  "a  good  meal,  a  clean  bed,  a  bath 
room,  a  free  reading  room,  a  place  to  write  letters,  a  chance 
to  get  employment,"  and  temperance  drinks,  were  offered  at 
low  rates  of  charge.     This  was  kept  open  till  1878. 

For  some  time  past  the  desire  of  the  Association  for  a 
building  that  should  be  its  own  property  and  planned  for  its 
work  had  been  stiffening  into  a  resolve.  This  was  stimu- 
lated immensely  in  1874  by  a  remarkable  entertainment, 
styled  "The  Authors'  Carnival,"  which  everybody  took  part 


in  and  which  is  a  memorable  event  to  this  day.  The  Car- 
nival realized  no  less  than  $5,871  for  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  build- 
ing fund.  Patiently,  steadily,  from  that  time,  the  fund  was 
built  up,  during  ten  following  years,  and  in  the  tenth  year 
it  had  finished  a  building  which  cost  $96,545,  and  paid  all 
but  $2,100  of  that  cost.  The  building,  on  Mohawk,  Pearl 
and  Genesee  streets,  which  replaced  what  had  once  been  a 
market  and  later  a  police  station,  was  dedicated  on  the  28th 
of  January,  1884.  Mr.  Eric  L.  Hedstrom,  from  1871  to 
1879,  and  Mr.  Robert  B.  Adam  from  1880  to  the  end,  were 
the  chairmen  of  the  building  committee  which  achieved  this 
grand  success,  and  a  dozen  or  more  of  the  strong  business 
men  of  the  city  were  their  associates  in  the  task. 

"From  this  time,"  says  Mr.  Sickels,  "the  work  [of  the 
Association]  has  advanced  steadily  in  all  departments.  In 
the  physical  department  the  advance  has  been  most  marked; 
not  only  has  the  number  using  the  privileges  been  many 
times  multiplied,  but  the  character  and  scope  of  the  work 
have  been  constantly  bettered  and  placed  upon  a  more  thor- 
oughly scientific  basis."  In  1890  provision  for  out-of-door 
athletic  exercise  was  made  by  the  renting  and  equipping  of 
an  Outing  Park.  Educational  classes,  started  in  1880,  have 
been  multiplied  and  developed  to  such  an  extent  that  they 
were  giving  instruction  on  many  subjects,  by  trained 
teachers,  to  650  students,  in  1907. 

Educational  lectures  of  many  kinds,  university  extension 
courses,  debating  clubs,  clubs  for  study  of  social  economics 
and  other  special  topics,  the  Equality  Club,  for  dining  and 
listening  to  noted  speakers  from  abroad,  these,  with  many 
forms  of  religious  work,  are  among  the  varied  activities  de- 
veloped in  this  later  epoch  of  the  history  of  the  Association. 
Along  with  the  work  has  gone  much  of  entertainment, 
planned  happily  for  keeping  the  social  spirit  of  the  institu- 
tion alive.     A  Junior  Department  or  Division  for  boys, 


established  in  1886,  "is  largely,"  says  Mr.  Sickels,  a  "repro- 
duction of  the  senior  work." 

The  fine  building  dedicated  in  1884,  which  had  seemed 
then  to  provide  amply  for  the  need  of  many  years  to  come, 
had  been  outgrown  before  the  century  closed ;  and  the  spring 
of  1900  found  the  heads  of  the  institution  boldly  facing  a 
necessity  for  raising  not  less  than  $175,000,  with  which  to 
build  anew  and  without  stint  of  room  or  facilities  for  the 
great  work  in  their  hands.  Again  Mr.  Robert  B.  Adam 
headed  a  building  committee,  with  P.  P.  Pratt,  J.  J.  Mc- 
Williams,  William  A.  Rogers,  S.  M.  Clement,  W.  H. 
Walker,  R.  R.  HefTord,  J.  W.  Robinson,  F.  E.  Sickels,  F.  A. 
Board,  William  A.  Joyce,  S.  N.  McWilliams  and  A.  H. 
Whitford  for  his  colleagues,  and  the  round  sum  specified 
was  pledged  by  the  end  of  the  year.  In  the  next  year  the 
fund  grew  to  $250,000,  and  a  spacious  and  admirable  build- 
ing which  cost  over  $300,000,  on  ground  at  the  junction  of 
Pearl,  Genesee  and  Franklin  streets,  costing  $100,000  more, 
was  dedicated  on  the  ist  of  October,  1903. 

This  splendid  development  of  the  central  organism  of  the 
Association  is  far,  however,  from  representing  its  whole 
remarkable  growth  and  the  magnitude  of  its  noble  work  in 
the  city.  From  seed  of  its  planting  there  have  grown 
already  seven  subsidiary  or  affiliated  associations,  special- 
ized for  a  membership  of  Germans,  railroad  men  and  stu- 
dents of  the  University  of  Buffalo.  The  Union  Terminal 
Railroad  Department  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  formed  in  1878, 
has  attractive  rooms  in  the  Fitch  Institute  Building.  The 
East  Bufifalo  Railroad  Department,  organized  ten  years 
later,  occupies  a  fine  building  erected  at  the  expense  of  the 
New  York  Central  and  West  Shore  Railroad  companies  and 
the  Wagner  Palace  Car  Company.  The  Depew  Railroad 
Department  was  established  in  1895,  in  a  house  provided  by 
the  Depew  Improvement  Company.     The  latest  of  the  rail- 


road  departments,  that  of  the  Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburg 
road,  was  established,  in  1901,  on  the  invitation  of  the  com- 
pany, which  contributed  $2,500  to  the  cost  of  a  building  and 
gives  $600  yearly  to  the  maintenance  fund. 

For  the  German  Department  of  the  Association,  organ- 
ized in  1888,  ''a  very  complete  building"  at  the  corner  of 
Genesee  and  Davis  streets  was  erected  in  1895  ^^  a  cost 
(including  ground)  of  $54,000. 

The  Student  Department  was  formed  in  1901.  An  excel- 
lent building  for  a  West  Side  Department  erected  at  the 
corner  of  West  Ferry  Street  and  Grant,  was  dedicated  in 

As  reported  for  the  year  ending  May  i,  1907,  the  Asso- 
ciation had  a  membership  in  its  Central  Department  of 
3,161 ;  in  its  Boys'  Department  of  1,100;  in  its  railroad,  its 
German  and  its  student  departments  of  2,521.  Counting 
together  its  members  and  the  contributors  to  its  maintenance 
who  are  not  members,  it  reckons  a  total  constituency  of  about 

Its  property  at  the  Central  Department  was  reported  to 
be  $450,000  in  value;  in  the  German  Department,  $55,000; 
in  the  equipment  of  the  railroad  departments,  $5,000;  mak- 
ing a  total  of  its  real  property  $510,000.  With  this  it  had 
acquired  an  endowment  fund  of  $116,365.  The  amount  of 
its  substantial  possessions  were,  therefore,  $626,565 ;  against 
which  its  total  liabilities  were  $138,563. 

Auxiliary  to  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  and  projected  by  its  ener- 
getic secretary,  Mr.  A.  H.  Whitford,  a  noble  enterprise  of 
true  benevolence,  inspiring  a  thoroughly  practical  under- 
taking of  business,  was  carried  out  in  1910,  by  the  erection 
of  a  large  ten-story  fire-proof  Men's  Hotel,  contiguous  to 
the  central  building  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  and  conducted  by 
the  Association  as  lessee.  The  hotel  provides  288  bed- 
rooms, accommodating  350  men,  at  prices  ranging  from  $2 


to  $3.50  per  week,  and  from  35  to  75  cents  a  night.  How 
admirable  a  benefit  it  ofifers,  especially  to  young  men  of 
small  means,  is  too  plain  to  need  any  description.  The 
building,  like  those  of  the  "Mills  Hotels"  in  New  York  City, 
which  gave  the  suggestion  of  it,  is  in  every  way  of  the  first 
class  in  construction  and  equipment,  costing  $225,000,  for 
which  funds  were  raised  on  mortgage  bonds.  Two  citizens, 
Mr.  John  D.  Larkin  and  Mr.  William  A.  Rogers,  were  the 
main  promoters  of  the  undertaking. 

Most  of  the  extraordinary  achievement  recorded  in  this 
sketch  has  come  from  energies  aroused  in  the  last  thirty 
years.  Many  men  have  contributed  to  them;  but  there  was 
one,  the  model  merchant  and  good  citizen,  Robert  B.  Adam, 
who  did  more  than  any  other.  His  official  service  in  the 
Association  began  in  1879,  and  ended  when  he  died,  June 
30,  1904,  at  which  time  he  had  been  its  continuous  president 
for  seven  years. 

The  Guard  of  Honor,  which  has  been  mentioned  hereto- 
fore as  having  grown  into  existence  from  a  Bible  class  con- 
ducted by  Miss  Charlotte  Mulligan  at  the  Wells  Street 
Chapel,  was  organized  formally  for  religious  and  benevolent 
work  on  the  i6th  of  January,  1868,  at  a  meeting  in  the 
Buffalo  Female  Academy  building,  on  Johnson  Park.  Its 
meetings  were  in  that  building,  near  the  residence  of  Miss 
Mulligan  (who  was  always,  during  her  life,  the  guide  and 
leader  of  the  society)  until  1884,  when  it  bought  the  prop- 
erty at  620-622  Washington  Street,  where  it  built  a  com- 
fortable and  well  provided  house  for  its  own  meetings  and 
for  the  temporary  lodging  of  homeless  young  men  who  need 
friendly  help  toward  the  getting  of  employment,  or  encour- 
agement in  lifting  themselves  out  of  bad  courses  in  life. 
Bed,  bath  and  clean  clothes  at  this  place  often  do,  in  them- 
selves, a  good  missionary  work;  and  other  influences,  sym- 
pathetic and  religious,  were  brought  to  bear.     These  are 

/^wC-e-?-   A).  Xii^^r^^^- 

L  K.-Vb     t>Ui.L 

-  ctk,  and  from  35  to  75  cents  a  night.  How 
■  a  benefit  it  offers,  especially  to  young  men  of 
cans,  is  too  plain  to  need  any  description.  The 
building,  like  those  of  the  "Mills  Hotels"  in  New  York  City, 
which  gave  the  suggestion  of  it,  is  in  every  way  of  the  first 
class  in  construction  and  equipment,  costing  $225,ckX),  for 
which  funds  were  raised  on  mortgage  bonds.  Two  citizens, 
Mr.  John  D.  Larkin  and  Mr.  William  A.  Rogers,  were  the 
main  promoters  of  the  undertaking. 

Most  of  the  extraordinary  achievement  recorded  in  this 
sketch  has  come  from  energies  aroused  in  the  last  thirty 
years.  Many  men  have  contributed  to  them;  but  there  was 
one,  the  model  merchant  and  good  citizen,  Robert  B.  Adam, 
who  did  more  than  am  ut'  H  -  official  service  in  the 

Association  bcKanJ^P?^:^   LARKIN.      ^^.j^^^^  j^^  ^-^^^  j^^^^ 
20    M<a.iwiix.ta^t^]^^fi^^^p^4f>^,N^}^Yqrk^  ^pt^ober;^,-"'^!  lent 
|q^8^5,;  cdi^t^ted  in  the  public  schools.     Took  up  the  manu- 
facture of  soaps  and  toilet  articles  and  in  1875  founded  the 
liarkiii  Company  vkrfeieh  was\ihcorpdrated  in  1892,  with  Mi-.heretO- 
fof^artart.aa  pi;esidfiit,.  .Difsector.Comjnonwealth  Trust  Coirt-a^s  con- 
dl^^l  99^"™-fe^'^tm^lf^'v--^rv]  Central  National  Bai^^j   Street 
^,member"of  Buffalo,  Eljicott,  and  Manufacturers'  Clujss  of        , 
ClwDfrwisw.!j/a[iizC(lJ;rf'        ,  r  ,.:„i,.-  mji  pQievolent 

BififaTo,   Buffalo   Fine   Arts   Academy,  and    national   Arts 
^v«alSbWl^i'jW'i^^:9lepta^nn^(  a  meeting  in  the 

Buffalo  Female  Academy  building,  on  Johnson  Park.     Its 
mcc'  '  '  't  building,  near  the  residence  of  Miss 

Mr  iways,  during  her  life,  the  guide  and 

leau..  -"•'    ^■^     •,  h^M  ,,  K,-„.„ht  ri,   ,..-,,,. 

crty  at  f  m- 

forjahlc  .„:.  and 

for  \\  ho  need 

fr  (  .    '    >)r  encour- 

agement in  lilting  tt  had  courses  in  life. 

Bed,  bath  and  clean  <..>  i.e  often  do,  in  them- 

selves, a  good  missionary  work;  and  other  influences,  sym- 
pathetic and  religious,  were  brought  to  bear.     These  are 

^47^C^^  A.  Aii-7^^^A.<^^ 


Still  afforded  at  the  Guard  of  Honor  Home,  where  a  Sunday 
School  and  Bible  classes  are  also  carried  on. 

The  Women's  Christian  Association,  which  recently  has 
taken  the  name  of  the  Young  Women's  Christian  Associa- 
tion, was  organized  in  1870  for  benevolent  work  among  poor 
women,  and  this  was  directed  mainly  for  many  years  to  the 
maintenance  of  a  Boarding  Home.  With  the  change  of 
name,  it  has  entered  many  and  large  fields  of  work,  aiming 
at  "the  spiritual,  intellectual,  social  and  physical  develop- 
ment of  young  women."  The  Association  was  first  estab- 
lished in  a  room  on  Pearl  Street;  opened  a  Home  later  on 
Eagle  and  EUicott  streets,  and  built,  finally,  under  its  old 
organization,  a  commodious  habitation  at  No.  10  Niagara 
Square.  Under  the  new  regime,  in  1904,  it  acquired  the 
building  then  vacated  by  the  Young  Men's  Christian  Asso- 
ciation, at  the  angle  of  Mohawk  and  Genesee  streets,  and  its 
newer  work  is  centered  there,  while  the  former  Boarding 
Home  is  still  maintained. 

Now,  at  the  Mohawk  Street  center,  says  the  general  sec- 
retary. Miss  Lillian  E.  Janes,  "through  its  lunch  room, 
gymnasium  and  sewing  classes,  its  Bible  classes,  student 
branches,  and  the  branch  at  the  Larkin  Works,  it  touches 
1,200  women  and  girls  daily.  It  has  now  a  budget  of 
$60,000,  employs  a  staff  of  about  twenty  secretaries  and 
teachers."  Its  work  is  organized  in  the  following  depart- 
ments: Educational,  Religious,  Physical,  Student,  Indus- 
trial, Cafeteria,  Home,  and  Traveler's  Aid.  The  present 
property  of  the  Association  is  valued  at  $250,000.  It  has 
risen  quickly  to  a  place  among  the  largest  institutions  in  the 

Trinity  Co-operative  Relief  Society,  in  connection  with 
Trinity  P.  E.  Church,  was  organized  in  March,  1880,  for 
more    efficiency    in    the    benevolent    undertakings    of    the 


Church.  Its  first  officers  were  Mr.  William  H.  Gratwick, 
president;  Miss  Maria  M.  Love,  vice-president;  Miss  Emily 
Ganson,  secretary;  Miss  Elizabeth  C.  Rochester,  assistant 
secretary;  Mr.  Horatio  H.  Seymour,  treasurer.  Its  head- 
quarters for  four  years  were  in  Trinity  Parish  Building, 
on  Mohawk  Street;  then  in  rooms  at  the  Fitch  Institute,  on 
Swan  and  Michigan  streets.  When  the  district  plan  of 
dividing  charitable  relief  work  among  the  Churches  of  the 
city,  suggested  by  Miss  Love  in  1895,  was  adopted  and  car- 
ried out  by  the  Charity  Organization  Society  in  the  follow- 
ing year,  the  Trinity  Co-operative  Society  accepted  one  of 
the  largest  and  most  needy  of  the  districts  assigned. 

It  leased  a  house  at  258  Elk  Street,  and  opened  there  the 
Trinity  House  Settlement,  with  Mrs.  Bradnack  in  resi- 
dence, and  with  equipments  of  a  library,  reading  room  and 
facilities  for  the  organization  of  boys'  and  girls'  clubs.  In 
1903  a  splendid  new  development  was  given  to  the  Trinity 
House  Settlement,  by  the  erection  for  its  use  of  a  beautiful 
and  most  perfectly  adapted  building,  on  Babcock  Street, 
Nos.  280-282,  given  as  a  memorial  of  the  late  Mrs.  Stephen 
V.  R.  Watson,  and  bearing  the  name  of  Watson  House. 
In  this  it  is  provided  with  everything  that  can  be  useful  in 
its  work.  It  has  rooms  for  library  and  for  readers,  for 
manual  training,  for  kindergarten,  for  girls',  boys'  and 
men's  clubs,  for  gymnasium,  for  diet  kitchen,  for  domestic 
service  classes,  for  public  baths,  etc.  Eight  teachers  and 
workers  were  in  residence  in  1907. 

The  Women's  Educational  and  Industrial  Union  of 
Buffalo  feels  pride  in  being  the  first  godchild  of  the  kin- 
dred institution  in  Boston,  of  like  name.  It  was  organized 
on  the  5th  of  February,  1884,  at  a  meeting  held  in  the  Fitch 
Institute  building,  which  Mrs.  Abby  Morton  Diaz,  presi- 
dent of  the  Boston  Women's  Educational  and  Industrial 
Union,  addressed.     The  undertakings  it  contemplated  were 

women's  education  and  industrial  union       97 

planned  and  have  been  carried  out,  as  nearly  as  practicable, 
on  the  lines  of  the  parent  institution. 

Every  promise  of  its  original  program  has  been  fulfilled 
effectively,  with  many  additions  to  its  scope.  A  Sargent 
gymnasium,  a  free  reference  library  (named  in  memory  of 
Miss  Mary  Ripley,  a  much  beloved  teacher  in  the  public 
schools  of  the  city),  a  "Handiwork  Exchange,"  a  free  em- 
ployment bureau  for  women,  a  Girls'  Union  Circle,  or  Club, 
a  Noon-Rest  Lunch-Room,  are  among  the  fixed  provisions 
of  the  Union  for  its  clientage  of  women.  It  conducts  train- 
ing classes  for  attendants  and  home  nursing;  classes  by 
trained  teachers  in  cooking,  dressmaking,  millinery  and 
laundry-work,  and  other  classes  for  children  in  housework, 
cooking  and  sewing.  It  provides  lectures  on  hygiene, 
health  and  law,  by  prominent  professional  men  and  women. 
It  organizes  social,  musical  and  literary  entertainments.  It 
arranges  a  "country  week"  in  the  summer  for  many  work- 
ing girls.  It  finds  homes  for  needy  children  and  women. 
It  has  collected,  in  the  twenty-four  years  of  its  existence, 
over  $30,000  of  wages,  pensions,  rents  and  other  claims  for 
women  who  were  being  defrauded.  Its  exertions  have 
secured  many  important  reforms  of  law  in  the  interest  of 
women;  have  brought  about  the  appointment  of  police 
matrons,  of  women  on  the  board  of  managers  of  the  State 
Hospital  for  the  Insane,  of  a  woman  on  the  city  board  of 
school  examiners,  and  of  women  physicians  in  all  State  in- 
stitutions where  women  are  housed.  Its  activities  are  end- 
less, and  always  directed  with  good  judgment  to  good  ends. 

Many  capable,  public-spirited  and  benevolent-minded 
women  have  devoted  time,  labor  and  thought  without  stint 
to  the  many-sided  work  of  this  admirable  Union;  but  an 
unquestioned  supremacy  among  them  has  always  been  con- 
ceded to  Mrs.  George  W.  Townsend,  the  prime  mover  in 
their    organization    and    their    continuous    president    for 


twenty-one  years.  Mrs.  Townsend  left  Buffalo  in  Decem- 
ber, 1904,  to  make  her  home  in  Hawaii,  but  was  not  per- 
mitted to  resign  the  presidency  till  the  following  May, 
when  she  was  made  honorary  president,  and  the  active 
presidency  was  conferred  on  the  previous  vice-president, 
Mrs.  Henry  C.  Fiske. 

In  the  beginning  of  its  work  the  Union  was  given  the  use 
of  rooms  in  the  Fitch  Institute  building  by  the  Charity 
Organization  Society.  In  1886  it  was  able  to  purchase  the 
old  homestead  of  Judge  Potter  (later  of  George  R.  Bab- 
cock)  on  Niagara  Square,  and  yet  to  hold  a  "Freedom  from 
Debt  Festival"  in  1889.  In  1891  it  received  a  gift  from 
Mrs.  Esther  A.  Glenny,  for  building  a  Union  Hall,  and 
another  gift  of  $5,000  from  Mrs.  Charlotte  A.  Watson  for 
a  Domestic  Training  Department.  In  1893,  having  already 
outgrown  its  home,  it  felt  able  to  rebuild  more  commo- 
diously  for  itself  on  the  same  excellent  site,  and  did  so, 
opening  its  new  building  by  a  public  reception  on  the  ist 
of  November,  1894.  ^t  the  end  of  another  three  years  the 
Union  was  again  free  from  debt.  Nothing  could  afford 
better  evidence  of  wise  management  and  a  strong,  true  spirit 
than  these  facts. 

On  its  twenty-first  anniversary,  in  1905,  the  Union  began 
efforts  to  raise  a  permanent  endowment  fund  of  $100,000. 

A  corps  of  the  Salvation  Army  was  first  established  in 
Buffalo  in  January,  1884,  by  the  then  Captain  and  Mrs. 
William  Evans,  now  Colonel  Evans  of  Boston.  They  held 
their  first  meeting  on  Lafayette  Square  on  the  first  Sunday 
of  that  month,  and  opened  indoor  meetings  in  the  old  Court 
House  building,  at  the  corner  of  Clinton  and  Ellicott 
streets.  After  about  twelve  months,  the  lease  of  this  build- 
ing having  expired  and  no  other  hall  being  available  at 
the  time,  the  corps  was  closed  and  the  officers  withdrawn 
from  the  city. 


It  was  not  until  five  and  a  half  years  later  that  the  work 
of  the  Army  was  reopened  in  Buffalo  by  Major  (now 
Colonel)  Richard  E.  Holz,  who  had  been  drawn  to  enlist- 
ment in  its  ranks  during  the  previous  period  of  its  opera- 
tions here.  In  December,  1889,  Major  Holz  revived  the 
work  in  Buffalo,  with  headquarters  on  the  upper  floor  of  a 
building  the  site  of  which  is  now  covered  by  the  EUicott 
Square  block.  Other  corps  were  soon  established  at  Black 
Rock,  Cold  Spring,  East  Buffalo,  and  elsewhere.  The  Ger- 
man Corps  was  established  about  1893  ^^  ^  hall  on  Broad- 
way. In  the  following  winter  the  first  Men's  Shelter  and 
Industrial  Home,  with  a  woodyard,  was  opened  on  Com- 
mercial Street,  and  a  Slum  Post,  so  called,  was  established 
on  Canal  Street.  In  the  fall  of  1894  the  old  church  build- 
ing of  the  First  Baptist  Church,  on  Washington  Street, 
was  secured  for  No.  i  Corps,  and  was  occupied  until  the 
present  permanent  headquarters  were  established,  at  Nos. 
11-13  East  Mohawk  Street,  in  property  purchased  in  1906. 

In  1896  Colonel  Holz  was  transferred  from  the  command 
at  Buffalo,  and  his  successors  have  been  Colonel  Sully, 
Brigadier  Joseph  Streeton,  Colonel  William  Mclntyre,  and 
Major  George  F.  Casler.  The  work  has  grown  and  its 
fruits  have  increased  steadily  through  all  the  years.  For  a 
number  of  years  past  the  Divisional  Headquarters  of  the 
Salvation  Army  have  been  in  350  Ellicott  Square. 

Nearly  if  not  quite  the  most  important  of  the  under- 
takings of  the  Salvation  Army  is  that  which  established,  in 
1903,  the  Industrial  Home  for  men  out  of  employment,  now 
located  in  a  purchased  building,  at  97  Seneca  Street.  In 
1908  the  Home  reported  eighteen  men  employed  regularly 
as  "wagon  men,"  who  gather  up  waste  material  of  every 
description,  which  people  are  glad  to  have  riddance  of,  and 
which  the  managers  of  the  Home  contrive  to  turn  to  use. 
This  gives  constant  work  to  a  tailor,  a  shoemaker,  a  cabinet- 


maker  and  an  upholsterer,  and  to  numbers  of  the  transient 
guests  of  the  Home,  who  sort  and  bale  the  rags  and  paper 
that  are  brought  in.  The  importance  of  this  Industrial 
Home  is  widely  appreciated  by  citizens  and  officials;  and 
in  all  parts  of  the  country  there  are  grateful  men  who  have 
been  bridged  by  it  over  periods  of  misfortune  or  inspired 
by  it  to  lift  themselves  out  of  the  sloughs  of  an  evil  life. 

Another  of  the  invaluable  institutions  of  the  Salvation 
Army  is  the  Rescue  Home,  for  fallen  women,  which  is  also 
a  temporary  home  for  women  in  need.  This  was  estab- 
lished in  1899,  at  325  Humboldt  Parkway,  from  which 
place  it  was  removed  in  1903  to  the  large  dwelling  of  the 
late  David  F.  Day,  No.  69  Cottage  Street,  which  was  bought 
by  Colonel  Mclntyre  for  the  permanent  seat  of  the  Home, 
and  nearly  cleared  of  debt.  Its  first  matron,  Major  Mary 
Wagner,  who  conducted  the  Home  for  a  number  of  years, 
is  credited  with  "splendid  work."  The  later  superin- 
tendents. Adjutant  and  Mrs.  Hagg,  are  said  to  be  the  first 
married  pair  in  the  Salvation  Army  to  have  charge  of  an 
institution  of  this  kind. 

The  Rescue  Home  was  consolidated  with  the  Prison  Gate 
Mission  in  March,  1902,  and  its  officers  conduct  the  work 
among  discharged  prisoners  that  was  done  by  the  Mission 
before.  A  law  enacted  in  1907  empowers  police  justices  in 
Bufifalo  to  commit  women  who  are  arrested  for  drunken- 
ness and  vagrancy  to  the  Home,  giving  them  the  chance  of 
rescue  which  the  penitentiary  would  most  likely  destroy. 

The  Buffalo  Deaconess  Home  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church  is  an  outgrowth  from  work  that  was  organized 
systematically  by  the  Women's  Home  Missionary  Society 
of  the  Bufifalo  District  of  that  Church  in  1888.  The  dea- 
conesses "are  women  set  apart  by  the  Church  for  any  form 
of  missionary  labor."     They  are  of  three  classes,  for  parish 


visiting,  for  nursing  and  for  teaching,  each  receiving  in- 
struction according  to  the  work  for  which  it  is  prepared. 
The  Home  for  such  instruction  and  for  centering  the  work 
of  the  deaconesses  was  instituted  in  June,  1890.  Six  years 
later  the  property  now  occupied,  at  292  Niagara  Street,  was 
bought.  The  corner-stone  of  a  large  additional  building 
was  laid  in  June,  1908. 

At  the  opening  of  the  Home  it  had  two  deaconesses; 
there  are  now  fourteen.  Its  present  work  includes  the  con- 
ducting of  a  free  kindergarten,  industrial  instruction,  and 
boys'  clubs,  together  with  "travelers'  aid,"  for  which  two 
deaconesses  are  kept  in  attendance  at  the  New  York  Central 
Railway  Station.  The  new  building  will  add  a  free  dis- 
pensary, an  infirmary  and  a  gymnasium. 

The  Christian  Homestead  Association,  endowed  by  an 
anonymous  gift  of  a  considerable  fund,  was  incorporated 
in  1 89 1.  It  took  up  an  important  rescue  mission  work 
which  Miss  Joanna  D.  Cutter  (afterwards  Mrs.  Walter  N. 
Hinman)  had  instituted  on  Canal  Street,  and  this  was  con- 
ducted under  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hinman's  charge  very  nearly 
until  their  deaths,  which  occurred  within  a  single  month, 
in  1896.  The  Association  established,  also,  the  Christian 
Homestead  lodging  house  on  Lloyd  Street.  Both  the  res- 
cue mission  and  the  lodging  house  are  still  carried  on,  but 
the  former  has  been  removed  to  the  neighborhood  of  the 
Steel  Plant  at  West  Seneca. 

The  Volunteers  of  America,  organized  by  General  Bal- 
lington  and  Mrs.  Maud  B.  Booth,  who  had  previously  been 
at  the  head  of  the  Salvation  Army  in  America,  established 
the  Buffalo  branch  of  its  work  in  May,  1891,  with  head- 
quarters and  a  Women's  Home  at  93  Broadway,  and  a 
Men's  Home  at  496  Michigan  Street.  A  Children's  Home 
has  since  been  added,  at  North  Evans,  a  few  miles  from 


the  city.     The  work  of  the  Volunteers,  under  Major  and 
Mrs.  F.  C.  Fegley,  is  kindred  to  that  of  the  Salvation  Army. 

By  a  few  weeks  of  precedence,  Westminster  House  was 
the  first  of  the  social  settlements  undertaken  in  Buffalo.     It 
was  opened  on  the  17th  of  September,  1894,  in  pursuance  of 
an  assumption  by  Westminster  Church  of  relief  work  in  a 
definite  district  of  the  city,  according  to  the  district  system 
which  the  Charity  Organization  Society  proposed  in  that 
year  of  much  distress.     The  Rev.  Dr.  S.  V.  V.  Holmes,  who 
became  pastor  of  the  Westminster  Church  in  the  previous 
year,  had  been  seeking  the  opportunity  for  an  opening  of 
social  settlement  work,  and  his  church  and  congregation 
gave  ready  support  to  the  plan.     They  began  with  the  lease 
of  a  small  cottage  on  Monroe  Street,  and  the  work  grew 
until   property  has   been   acquired   extending   through   to 
Adams  Street,  including  two  lots  on  Adams  and  a  separate 
building  on  Monroe  for  a  men's  club.     Besides  a  comfort- 
able two-story  dwelling  for  residents,  the  buildings  occu- 
pied supply  quarters  for  a  gymnasium,  a  kindergarten,  a 
diet  kitchen,  a  penny  provident  bank,  a  public  library  de- 
pository, and  several  clubs,  for  boys,  mothers,  etc.,  as  well 
as  for  classes  in  such  arts  as  carpentry,  chair  caning,  cooking 
and  millinery.     The  House  staff  includes  regularly  a  head- 
worker  and  assistants,  a  district  nurse,  a  kindergartner,  and 
several  volunteer  workers,  among  whom  has  generally  been 
the   assistant   pastor   of   Westminster   Church.     A   choral 
society,  which  gives  a  yearly  recital,  is  one  of  the  organiza- 
tions connected  with  the  House.     A  summer  camp  at  Fort 
Erie,  for  brief  outings  to  people  of  the  Westminster  House 
neighborhood,  is  maintained.     The  support  of  the  House  is 
borne  chiefly  by  Westminster  Club,  the  men's  society  of 
Westminster  Church,  which  contributes  annually  between 
$3,000  and  $4,000,  and  looks  generally  after  its  needs. 


During  the  trying  winter  of  1893-4  the  Women's  Circle 
of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  became  impressed  with  a 
feeling  of  unsatisfactoriness  in  the  relief-work  done,  for  the 
reason  that  it  left  no  permanent  efifect.  It  was  determined 
that  such  work  of  the  church  should  be  concentrated  on 
some  limited  section  of  the  city,  and  conducted  in  a  more 
systematic  way.  Upon  consultation  with  the  Charity  Or- 
ganization Society,  a  district  of  extreme  neediness  was 
taken,  accordingly,  within  which  "the  church  holds  itself 
pledged  for  relief  work,  except  where  individuals  have 
some  religious  affiliation.  These  are  then  referred  to  the 
nearest  pastor,  priest  and  rabbi." 

For  leadership  in  the  work,  Miss  Mary  Remington,  who 
had  been  conducting  a  successful  institution  called  Wel- 
come Hall,  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  was  engaged,  and  came 
to  Buffalo  in  November,  1894.  A  house  on  Seneca  Street, 
No.  307,  was  rented  and  fitted  properly  for  occupancy  at 
once.  Miss  Remington's  residence  was  in  the  house,  and 
it  was  named  Welcome  Hall.  A  diet  kitchen  was  estab- 
lished, in  co-operation  with  the  District  Nursing  Associa- 
tion, and  meetings,  Sunday  school  and  sewing  schools  begun. 
By  the  end  of  the  year  these  quarters  were  outgrown,  and  a 
warehouse  at  the  rear  was  rented  and  reconstructed  for  use. 

A  few  months  later  Miss  Remington  was  authorized  to 
rent  two  neighboring  tenements,  in  order  to  expel  from 
them  a  saloon  and  a  dancing  hall.  A  free  kindergarten 
was  then  established  in  one. 

So  the  work  at  this  location  went  on,  until  1897,  when 
the  need  of  larger  and  better  accommodations  for  it  was 
answered  by  two  generous  friends,  Mr.  J.  J.  Albright  and 
Mrs.  Sidney  Shepard,  at  whose  expense  the  present  beau- 
tiful Welcome  Hall,  and  its  accompanying  cottage,  were 
built.  The  new  Hall  was  opened  in  January,  1898. 
Rooms  for  twelve  residents  are  provided ;  for  women  in  the 


cottage  and  for  men  in  the  Hall.  The  latter  is  equipped 
amply  with  baths,  class-rooms,  club-rooms,  a  library  room  in 
which  the  Public  Library  maintains  a  branch,  a  gymnasium, 
a  laundry,  and  a  diet  kitchen.  The  workers  of  the  settle- 
ment, resident  and  non-resident,  conduct  many  organiza- 
tions of  clubs  and  classes,  for  all  ages  and  both  sexes,  inter- 
esting great  numbers  of  the  populous  neighborhood,  in 
athletic  games  and  exercises,  in  entertainments  and  social 
gatherings,  and  in  the  learning  of  such  practical  arts  as 
sewing,  cooking,  basketry,  typewriting,  stenography  and 
printing.  On  Sundays  religious  services  and  Sunday 
schools  are  held.  Miss  Remington  resigned  her  connection 
with  Welcome  Hall  in  1898. 

Neighborhood  House,  a  social  settlement  on  Goodell 
Street,  is  supported  by  a  Neighborhood  House  Association, 
composed  largely  of  men  and  women  connected  with  the 
Unitarian  Church.  It  began  with  a  library,  bank,  girls' 
club,  boys'  club  and  a  sewing  school,  in  double  parlors  on 
Hickory  Street,  in  November,  1894.  As  the  work  was 
extended  larger  quarters  were  secured,  first  at  92  Locust 
Street,  and  finally,  in  May,  1902,  at  the  old  homestead  on 
the  corner  of  Goodell  Street  and  Oak.  The  annual  report 
of  the  Association  for  1907  showed  six  workers  in  residence 
at  the  House  and  forty-one  non-resident.  "Our  twenty-one 
boys'  clubs,"  says  the  report,  "with  an  average  membership 
of  seventeen,  form  the  largest  part  of  our  family  circle  at 
the  settlement.  They  come  from  various  parts  of  the  east 
side,  but  largely  from  our  neighborhood.  They  consist  of 
groups  of  boys,  twelve  to  twenty-five  years  of  age,  from  one 
street,  shop,  factory  or  school  which  has  given  them  a  com- 
mon interest.  They  are  organized  with  a  set  of  officers. 
Each  club  pays  two  dollars  per  month  rental."  Girls'  and 
women's  clubs,  singing,  sewing,  dressmaking  and  cooking 
classes,  a  kitchen  garden,  a  library,  and  a  bank,  with  public 


entertainments,  friendly  visiting,  helpful  service  to  sick  and 
needy,  and  medical  inspections,  make  up  the  work  of  the 
House.  In  summer  it  conducts  a  camp  on  the  lake  shore, 
near  Wanakah,  fifteen  miles  from  the  city,  w^here  successive 
groups  enjoy  themselves  for  two  or  three  days  or  a  week. 

On  leaving  Welcome  Hall,  in  1898,  Miss  Mary  L.  Rem- 
ington ventured  boldly,  with  almost  no  means,  to  undertake 
the  establishing  of  a  "Gospel  Settlement"  in  the  Canal 
Street  quarter,  which  has  always  been  of  the  worst  possible 
repute.  A  few  fellow  workers  were  willing  to  join  her; 
a  few  good  friends  would  give  what  aid  they  could;  and 
she  had  one  strong  supporter  in  Mrs.  George  H.  Lewis, 
without  whose  sustaining  hand,  in  the  first  years  of  her 
labor,  it  is  doubtful  if  she  could  have  won  through. 

She  and  her  associate  volunteers  began  work  in  some 
rooms  of  the  old  Grand  Trunk  Railway  station,  on  Erie 
Street,  just  below  the  Canal.  The  use  of  the  rooms,  with 
some  furniture,  was  given;  but  the  "settlement"  that  Miss 
Remington  contemplated  would  require  a  different  place. 
On  the  other  side  of  Erie  Street,  opposite  her  rooms,  stood 
an  old  abandoned  hotel  building,  the  Revere  House  of  better 
days,  which  had  become  one  of  the  worst  of  the  crowded 
and  filthy  tenement  houses  of  the  city,  swarming  with  a 
population  of  about  a  hundred  Italian  families.  In  ac- 
quainting herself  with  the  neighborhood  she  visited  it  often, 
and  longed  for  an  opportunity  to  clean  it  up,  and  make  it 
an  object  lesson  of  the  decency  of  life  that  might  be  lived 
in  such  a  place.  At  length  she  called  on  the  agent  of  the 
building  to  talk  of  renting  some  part  of  it.  The  talk  re- 
sulted in  his  offering  to  sell  the  whole  building  to  her  for 
$10,000,  on  easy  terms.  Two  hundred  dollars  in  bank  was 
all  the  capital  she  had;  but  much  thought  and  careful  reck- 
oning determined  her  to  make  the  attempt.     She  placed 


large  confidence  in  the  revenue  that  her  tenants  would  yield ; 
and  her  reckonings  were  proved  to  be  right. 

The  bargain  for  the  building  was  struck.  A  carpenter, 
a  painter,  a  paper-hanger  and  a  plumber  were  found  who 
would  do  an  honest  work  of  renovation  unprofitably,  and 
wait  for  their  pay.  The  old  house  was  made  decent,  and  in 
November  Miss  Remington,  Miss  Hyde,  her  constant  com- 
panion and  helper,  Mr.  J.  D.  Holmes  and  Mr.  W.  E. 
Wadge,  who  had  taken  a  great  interest  in  the  work,  took 
apartments  in  it;  and  three  of  the  number  have  been  resi- 
dents ever  since.  Most  of  the  former  tenants  were  allowed 
to  remain,  and  a  process  of  training  them  to  cleanly  and 
regulated  habits  of  life  began.  They  quickly  appreciated 
the  better  conditions  created  for  them,  and  were  so  prompt 
in  the  payment  of  rent  that  their  landlady  knew  always 
exactly  what  income  from  her  property  to  expect. 

After  ten  years  of  her  experiment,  Miss  Remington  had 
not  only  bought  the  house,  but  the  leased  ground  on  which 
it  was  built.  She  had  put  the  building  in  a  condition  to 
more  than  satisfy  the  stringent  requirements  of  the  State 
tenement  house  law,  and  had  paid  for  the  whole  work.  In 
doing  this  she  has  had  help  from  Mrs.  Lewis  and  some 
others,  but  in  the  main  the  money  put  into  the  property  has 
come  from  its  own  earnings,  derived  from  tenants  who  have 
all  the  time  been  helped  and  uplifted  in  their  lives.  The 
object  lesson  afforded  by  the  Revere  Block  as  a  tenement 
house  reformed  is  a  bit  of  social  betterment  promotion  that 
cannot  easily  be  surpassed. 

The  regular  work  of  the  settlement,  carried  on  as  it  is 
almost  entirely  by  volunteers,  is  practically  self-sustaining. 
It  conducts  classes  in  many  kinds  of  instruction,  including 
manual  training  on  its  simpler  lines,  and  a  few  useful  arts, 
like  the  repairing  of  shoes.  By  clubs,  meetings  and  enter- 
tainments it  keeps  a  large  number  of  all  ages  interested,  and 


its  influence  is  wide.  Sometimes  the  corps  of  helpers  thins 
sadly,  but  a  small  band  is  always  faithful,  and  the  cour- 
ageous head  of  the  mission  never  loses  heart. 

Under  the  lead  of  Mrs.  Herbert  P.  Bissell,  an  association 
of  Catholic  ladies  established  the  Angel  Guardian  Mission, 
about  1898,  as  the  pioneer  of  Catholic  social  settlement 
work.  Hitherto  the  Mission  has  been  conducted  in  a  house 
on  Seneca  Street;  but  recently  two  commodious  dwellings 
have  been  purchased  on  East  Eagle  Street,  overlooking 
Bennett  Park,  one  for  a  day  nursery,  in  connection  with  the 
kindergarten,  the  other  for  a  boarding  house  for  wage- 
earning  young  women.  Nursery,  kindergarten  and  board- 
ing house  will  be  maintained  by  the  Angel  Guardian  Mis- 
sion Association,  but  conducted  by  three  resident  Sisters  of 
St.  Francis,  from  the  convent  on  Pine  Street.  Mrs.  Mark 
Packard  is  the  president  of  the  Association. 

Zion  House,  on  Jefferson  Street,  at  No.  456,  established 
about  1902  by  the  Sisterhood  of  Zion,  an  organization  con- 
nected with  Temple  Beth  Zion,  is  an  institution  of  great 
importance  to  the  Jewish  population  of  the  east  side  of 
Buffalo.  It  is  a  social  settlement,  and  more  than  that,  be- 
cause it  touches  its  clientage  more  naturally  and  closely 
and  enters  more  intimately  into  their  lives.  It  has  its 
classes  for  many  kinds  of  teaching,  its  clubs,  games  and  en- 
tertainments;  its  Penny  Provident  Bank,  its  kindergarten, 
in  connection  with  Public  School  No.  41,  and  its  supply  of 
books  from  the  Public  Library,  with  an  attendant  from  the 
Library  to  receive  calls  for  them  once  a  week.  At  the  same 
time  it  is  the  headquarters  of  the  Federated  Jewish  Char- 
ities, and,  altogether,  it  is  a  very  busy  and  a  very  useful 



THE  Bufifalo  Orphan  Asylum,  "for  the  care  of  orphan 
and  destitute  children,"  was  founded  by  an  associa- 
tion of  charitable  women  from  Protestant  churches, 
organized  in  November,  1836,  and  incorporated  in  the  fol- 
lowing year.  In  1838  the  ground  which  the  asylum  now 
occupies  was  given  for  the  purpose  by  the  generous  Louis 
Le  Couteulx,  but  thirteen  years  passed  before  the  funds 
necessary  for  building  on  it  were  obtained.  Meantime  the 
institution  was  opened  and  maintained  in  rented  houses,  on 
Franklin,  Seneca  and  Niagara  streets  successively. 

In  1845  the  trustees  acquired  property  at  the  corner  of 
Main  and  Virginia  streets,  which  they  sold  in  1848  to 
Bishop  Timon,  for  the  Sisters  of  Charity  Hospital,  estab- 
lished that  year.  The  proceeds  of  this  sale,  augmented  by 
a  State  appropriation  of  $20,000,  and  by  private  subscrip- 
tions, enabled  the  trustees  to  erect  a  building  on  the  ground 
which  Mr.  Le  Couteulx  had  given,  at  the  corner  of  what 
is  now  Elmwood  Avenue  and  Virginia  Street.  This  was 
opened  in  185 1.  In  1878  a  gift  of  $10,000  from  Mrs. 
Stephen  G.  Austin  was  applied  to  the  addition  of  an  infant 
ward.  Other  additions  and  improvements  have  been  made 
since,  from  gifts  and  funds  of  the  asylum;  but  neither  the 
building  nor  its  site  is  now  sufficient  for  the  needs  of  the 
institution.  Its  proper  capacity  is  for  150  children,  and  it 
has  to  receive  more  than  that  number  at  times. 

In  1906  the  trustees  purchased  a  tract  of  ten  acres  on  Elm- 
wood  Avenue,  nearly  opposite  the  Bufifalo  Historical  So- 
ciety building,  having  a  frontage  of  nearly  70  feet.  A  new 
building  on  this  fine  site  is  the  present  hope. 



One  of  the  earliest  of  the  lasting  public  charities  of 
the  city  was  the  Bufifalo  City  Dispensary,  organized  in  1847 
and  incorporated  in  1850. 

Emergencies  like  that  of  the  cholera  visitation  in  1832 
had  called  out  some  temporary  provision  of  hospitals,  prior 
to  1848;  but  it  was  not  until  that  year  that  the  city  acquired 
permanently  a  public  place  for  the  care  of  the  sick.  An 
association  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  a  public  hospital 
had  been  organized  in  1846,  with  Dr.  Josiah  Trowbridge  as 
its  president;  but  the  undertaking  did  not  succeed.  It  was 
left  for  the  kindly-hearted  and  energetic  head  of  the  Cath- 
olic Church,  Bishop  Timon,  to  supply  the  urgent  need.  On 
his  invitation,  six  Sisters  of  Charity  came  from  Baltimore, 
in  June,  1848,  to  conduct  a  hospital  and  an  orphan  asylum, 
both  of  which  were  brought  into  operation  with  little  delay. 

For  the  hospital,  Bishop  Timon  bought  from  the  trustees 
of  the  Buffalo  Orphan  Asylum  the  property  which  the 
asylum  was  then  occupying,  at  the  corner  of  Virginia  Street, 
on  what  is  now  known  as  Pearl  Place,  but  which  at  that 
time  was  open  to  Main  Street.  It  included  a  building 
which  had  been  erected  some  twenty  years  before,  for  an 
academy,  or  high  school,  and  which  had  been  used  for 
school  purposes  for  some  time.  Joined  with  contiguous 
dwelling  houses,  a  quite  commodious  structure  was  made 
up,  in  which  the  hospital  work  of  the  Sisters  of  Charity 
was  begun.  It  was  most  timely — a  blessing  inestimable  to 
the  city  in  the  following  year,  when  cholera  came  again. 
Of  134  cholera  patients  then  cared  for,  82  were  restored 
to  health.  From  time  to  time  the  original  building  was 
enlarged  and  improved,  and  it  housed  the  hospital  until 
1876,  when  the  institution  was  removed  to  the  large,  ex- 
cellently appointed  building  that  it  occupies  at  1833  Main 
Street.  It  now  does  a  very  extensive  beneficent  work.  The 
connected  Emergency  Hospital,  on  Pine  Street,  founded  in 


1902,  treats  about  1,200  patients  per  year,  having  accommo- 
dations for  250.  At  the  main  hospital  a  training  school  for 
nurses  is  carried  on. 

Of  the  six  Sisters  of  Charity  who  came  to  Buffalo  in  1848, 
on  the  invitation  of  Bishop  Timon,  three  gave  themselves 
to  the  work  of  the  hospital  and  three  to  the  care  of  the  St. 
Vincent's  Female  Orphan  Asylum  which  the  good  Bishop 
lost  no  time  in  founding  for  them.  The  asylum  was  opened 
in  a  house  at  the  corner  of  Broadway  and  Ellicott  streets, 
and  was  called  quickly,  like  the  hospital,  to  meet  a  dread- 
ful emergency  created  by  the  cholera  visitation  in  1849. 

In  1855  the  old  St.  Patrick's  Church  building,  adjoining 
the  house  then  occupied,  was  remodelled  for  the  asylum, 
and  was  the  home  for  the  children  for  thirty  years.  Then, 
in  1885,  the  property  at  13 13  Main  Street  was  bought,  at 
a  cost  of  $30,000,  and  the  institution  removed  thither  in 
1886.  This  sufficed  until  1899,  when  two  reasons,  as  the 
Sisters  explained  in  a  circular,  urged  them  to  build  again; 
they  were  having  to  turn  many  little  children  from  their 
doors,  and  they  saw  the  need  of  an  enlargement  of  their 
technical  school — about  which  school  something  is  told  in 
another  place.  Accordingly,  with  the  approval  of  Bishop 
Quigley,  they  undertook  the  erection  of  a  large  fireproof 
building,  at  the  corner  of  Riley  and  Ellicott  streets,  in  the 
rear  of  13 13  Main  Street.  The  asylum  now  occupies  this 
safe  and  commodious  edifice,  giving  its  former  home  to  the 
technical  school.  Two  hundred  and  fifty  children  reside 
in  the  former  till  they  have  reached  their  sixteenth  year, 
when  they  are  transferred  to  the  latter,  to  be  trained  for 
some  employment  by  which  their  living  may  be  earned. 

In  connection  with  the  asylum,  a  summer  home,  called 
Villa  St.  Vincent,  is  maintained  at  Youngstown,  on  the 


In  the  year  following  the  establishment  of  St.  Vincent's 
orphanage  for  girls,  Bishop  Timon  made  provision  for  the 
care  of  fatherless  boys,  by  founding  St.  Joseph's  Male 
Orphan  Asylum.  This  was  opened  in  Buffalo,  in  1849, 
transferred  to  Lancaster  in  1850,  returned  to  Buffalo  in 
1854,  and  permanently  seated  at  Limestone  Hill,  in  West 
Seneca,  in  1872.  It  shelters  and  educates  more  than  two 
hundred  boys. 

The  German  Roman  Catholic  Orphan  Asylum,  at  564 
Dodge  Street,  was  originally,  from  1851  to  1874,  connected 
with  St.  Mary's  Church,  as  an  undertaking  by  the  Sisters 
of  the  Third  Order  of  St.  Francis,  who  conducted  the 
parochial  schools  of  that  parish.  In  1874  it  was  adopted 
for  the  diocese  by  Bishop  Ryan,  and  incorporated,  under 
a  board  of  trustees.  The  old  cemetery  site,  near  the  Parade, 
between  Best  and  Northampton  streets,  was  bought  for  it, 
and  a  building  erected  there,  to  which  several  additions 
have  been  made  since.  The  asylum  is  still  under  the  charge 
of  the  Sisters  of  St.  Francis. 

Buffalo  owes  many  and  large  debts  to  Bishop  Timon  for 
organizations  of  beneficent  work  that  have  wrought  a  con- 
stant increase  of  good  to  the  community  since  his  day;  but 
none  greater  than  for  the  Catholic  Protectory,  or  St.  John's 
Protectory,  founded  in  1854  and  incorporated  in  1864, 
under  the  care  of  the  Society  for  the  Protection  of  Destitute 
Catholic  Children.  The  location  of  the  Protectory  is  just 
outside  of  the  present  city  limits,  at  Limestone  Hill,  in  the 
town  of  West  Seneca,  and  it  receives  inmates  to  some  extent 
from  even  distant  places,  but  it  exists  for  Buffalo  and 
belongs  to  Buffalo,  nevertheless. 

The  first  home  of  the  Protectory  was  in  a  humble  framed 
building;  but  it  has  built  and  rebuilt  and  enlarged  and  im- 
proved, until  it  has  become,  in  the  language  of  the  business 


world,  an  enormous  "plant,"  covering  many  acres  of  ground 
with  its  dormitories,  workshops,  school  buildings,  entertain- 
ment hall,  farm,  playgrounds,  and  every  essential  of  an 
establishment  for  converting  neglected  or  perverted  boys 
into  well-instructed  and  self-respecting  men.  By  law,  our 
city  courts  may  commit  children  of  Catholic  parentage, 
between  seven  and  fourteen  years  of  age,  to  the  Protectory, 
for  truancy,  viciousness  or  vagrancy,  as  well  as  for  homeless 
destitution.  They  attend  school  regularly,  and  are  taught 
useful  trades,  and  are  made  familiar  with  the  better  ways 
of  life. 

The  first  superintendent  of  the  Protectory  was  Father 
Early;  the  second  was  Father  Hines,  who  was  succeeded  in 
1882  by  the  Rev.  Nelson  H.  Baker,  still  in  charge. 

A  second  general  hospital  association,  formed  in  1854, 
with  a  board  of  fifty  trustees,  failed,  like  that  of  1846,  to 
raise  what  was  thought  to  be  a  necessary  endowment  fund. 
In  the  next  year,  however,  a  third  attempt,  more  venture- 
some in  spirit,  perhaps,  secured  incorporation  of  The  Buf- 
falo General  Hospital,  procured  subscriptions  from  citizens 
to  the  amount  of  $20,000,  obtained  an  appropriation  of 
$10,000  from  the  State,  and  proceeded  to  erect  a  building 
on  a  noble  site,  at  the  corner  of  High  and  Goodrich  streets, 
which  was  dedicated  with  distinguished  ceremonies  on  the 
24th  of  June,  1858.  This  is  now  the  west  wing  of  the  hos- 
pital. The  original  trustees  were  George  S.  Hazard, 
Charles  E.  Clark,  Andrew  J.  Rich,  Bronson  C.  Rumsey, 
Roswell  L.  Burrows,  William  T.  Wardwell,  Peter  Curtis, 
George  Howard  and  Joel  Wheeler.  The  first  president 
was  Mr.  Clark. 

"The  assets  of  the  infant  hospital  (writes  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
M.  Howe,  in  'A  Brief  History  of  the  Ladies'  Hospital 
Association')  were  apparently  a  'superior  location — over- 
looking the  city,  lake  and  river' — a  good  building,  by  the 


Standards  of  the  day,  and  an  empty  treasury.  Of  the  three, 
the  last  was  to  prove  of  the  most  permanent  value.  *  *  * 
It  was  in  1869  that  the  asset  of  poverty  rendered  its  first 
conspicuous  service.  In  September  of  that  year  the  Ladies' 
Hospital  Association  was  organized  to  provide  for  the 
pressing  wants  of  worthy  indigent  and  sick  women,  for 
whom  there  was  no  provision  in  the  city,  and  whose  needs 
the  hospital  was  unable  financially  to  meet.  The  trustees 
offered  'to  place  the  female  wards  of  the  hospital  under  the 
immediate  supervision  of  the  ladies  of  the  city,  represented 
for  the  time  being  by  a  committee  chosen  from  the  board  of 
managers  of  the  Home  for  the  Friendless,  who  should 
assume  the  expense  of  furnishing  those  wards  and  the  main- 
tenance of  the  persons  admitted  to  them.'  This  very  serious 
responsibility  was  accepted,  and  an  effort  made  to  organize 
the  Protestant  Churches  of  the  city  in  support  of  the  work." 
The  desired  organization  was  effected,  each  church  being 
represented  in  the  association  by  three  delegated  members. 
In  1872  the  Ladies'  Association  was  invited  by  the  trus- 
tees of  the  hospital  to  merge  itself  into  the  hospital  board 
by  electing  three  of  its  number  for  an  assistant  executive 
committee,  to  act  with  the  executive  committee  of  the  board. 
Under  that  arrangement  the  Ladies'  Hospital  Association 
became,  for  the  next  twenty  years,  in  the  words  of  one  of 
the  reports  of  the  trustees,  "the  mainstay  and  support  of  the 
institution."  It  raised  most  of  the  funds  for  its  main- 
tenance, for  the  extension  of  its  buildings,  for  the  improve- 
ment of  its  equipment,  and  had  practical  charge  of  its  in- 
ternal economy.  "In  1892,"  to  quote  again  from  Mrs. 
Howe,  "Dr.  Renwick  R.  Ross  was  installed  as  warden,  and 
the  third  era  in  the  history  of  the  hospital  began.  *  *  * 
It  has  been  that  period  of  great  gifts,  of  scientific  equip- 
ment, of  skilled  administration,  which  has  made  the  Buf- 
falo General  Hospital  to-day  one  of  the  large  private  hos- 


pitals  of  the  country.  In  these  years  a  new  relation  has 
been  established  between  this  association  and  the  hospital, 
in  the  election,  in  1901,  of  two  of  its  members,  Mrs.  Hamlin 
and  Mrs.  Folwell,  to  the  board  of  trustees.  But  in  this 
later  development  of  the  hospital  the  Ladies'  Association, 
as  such,  has  had  no  proportionate  share.  *  *  *  As  the 
work  of  the  hospital,  in  one  direction  and  another,  has 
reached  the  point  where  volunteer  service  was  no  longer 
adequate  to  the  task,  it  has  perforce  been  transferred  to 
other  hands."  There  are  now  eight  ladies  in  the  board  of 
trustees,  and  the  Ladies'  Association  is  fully  merged  in  that 
governing  board. 

In  1887  the  training  school  for  nurses  was  instituted. 
Then  a  diet  kitchen  was  established,  and  an  ambulance 
brought  into  use.  In  1880  a  large  addition  to  the  hospital 
building  was  undertaken.  In  1884  a  ward  for  children 
and  a  maternity  ward  were  opened.  These  were  all  due  to 
the  exertions  of  the  Ladies'  Association.  In  1885  Mrs. 
Sarah  A.  Gates  built  a  cottage  for  gynecological  work,  and 
a  few  years  later  she  erected  a  Nurses'  Home  on  the  hospital 
grounds.  Mrs.  Gates  and  her  daughters  have  done  more 
for  the  hospital  than  any  other  single  family;  though  gifts 
and  bequests  to  it  in  late  years  have  been  many  and  large. 
Its  endowment  fund  was  reported  in  1907  to  be  $446,000. 
It  extended  its  main  building  largely  in  1896-8,  and  added 
not  long  since  the  Harrington  Hospital  for  Children. 

The  president  of  the  board  of  trustees  is  Mr.  Charles  W. 
Pardee,  who  gives  much  time  and  care  to  the  business  of 
the  institution. 

By  the  agency  of  Bishop  Timon  an  institution  that  is,  at 
once,  conventual,  reformative  and  charitably  protective,  was 
founded  in  1855  by  nuns  from  France,  belonging  to  the 
order  of  Sisters  of  Our  Lady  of  Refuge.  It  is  known  as 
the  Asylum  of  Our  Lady  of  Refuge,  or  as  the  House  of  the 


Good  Shepherd,  and  its  seat  is  a  large  property  on  Best 
Street.  Its  special  work  is  described  as  being  to  "preserve 
and  restore  to  society  poor  lost  women,  and  to  protect  and 
educate  destitute  and  wayward  Roman  Catholic  female 
children."  The  convent  was  the  first  one  of  the  order  to 
be  founded  in  the  United  States. 

In  1855  Bishop  Timon  brought  about  the  establishment 
of  the  St.  Mary's  Lying-in  Hospital,  which  became  finally 
consolidated  with  an  infants'  asylum  in  the  present  St. 
Mary's  Infant  Asylum  and  Maternity  Hospital,  on  Edward 

A  series  of  meetings  by  members  of  the  Protestant  Epis- 
copal Church  was  held  in  1858,  "to  take  measures  for  the 
foundation  of  a  charitable  institution  for  the  relief  of  the 
indigent,  infirm  and  aged,  and  other  needy  and  destitute 
persons."  The  result  of  these  conferences  was  the  incor- 
poration of  The  Charity  Foundation  of  the  Protestant 
Episcopal  Church  in  Buffalo.  It  was  organized  in  Sep- 
tember, 1858,  with  the  Hon.  George  W.  Clinton  for  its  first 
president,  and  in  the  following  November  it  opened  a 
Home  for  adults,  in  a  brick  dwelling,  leased,  on  Washing- 
ton Street,  opposite  the  old  Trinity  Church.  It  provided 
accommodations  for  about  twenty  inmates,  and  received 
nine  before  the  close  of  the  month. 

Within  a  few^  years  a  second  house  was  rented  on 
Mohawk  Street.  In  1862  the  Charity  Foundation  received 
a  gift  from  Judge  Smith  of  two  acres  of  ground,  at  the 
corner  of  Rogers  and  Utica  streets,  and,  by  act  of  the  Legis- 
lature in  1864  it  was  given  the  old  Black  Rock  Cemetery 
(now  "The  Circle"),  on  North  Street.  By  purchase  of  the 
Edwin  Thomas  residence  and  grounds,  at  the  corner  of 
Seventh  and  Rhode  Islands,  in  1866,  the  Foundation  ac- 
quired a  Home  which  included,  from  that  time,  an  asylum 


for  orphans,  as  well  as  a  habitation  for  adults.  The 
orphanage  was  enlarged  in  1869,  and  established  in  a  new 
building  in  1895.  In  that  year,  also,  the  Hutchinson 
Memorial  Chapel  of  the  Holy  Innocents  was  built  by 
Edward  H.  Hutchinson,  in  memory  of  his  father  and 
mother.  In  1903  the  Foundation  received  a  bequest  of 
$50,000  from  Mrs.  Helen  A.  Campbell,  for  a  memorial 
building  in  honor  of  her  father,  the  late  Thomas  Thornton. 
The  Thornton  Memorial  Building,  finished  in  1905,  re- 
placed the  old  Home  for  the  aged  and  infirm.  In  1907  a 
quite  remarkable  entertainment  named  "Cosmovilla"  was 
held  in  Convention  Hall  for  the  benefit  of  the  Church 
Home,  with  such  success  as  to  go  far  toward  freeing  it  of 

In  1860-61  the  Providence  Retreat,  for  the  care  and  treat- 
ment of  the  insane,  and  of  the  unfortunate  victims  of  alco- 
holism and  drug  habits,  was  founded  by  the  Sisters  of 
Charity,  under  the  lead  of  Sister  M.  Rosalind.  Its  build- 
ing, on  Main  Street,  Kensington  Avenue  and  Humboldt 
Parkway,  where  it  has  ample  grounds,  was  opened  in  July, 
1 86 1.  Its  present  accommodations  are  for  200  patients. 
In  1905  the  cornerstone  of  a  new  building  was  laid.  This 
will  be  an  entirely  fireproof  structure,  equipped  with  all 
modern  appliances,  electro  and  hydro-therapeutical,  for  the 
treatment  of  mental  and  nervous  diseases,  and  is  expected  to 
cost  nearly  $500,000. 

St.  Francis'  Asylum  for  the  Aged  and  Infirm  was 
founded  in  1862  by  Sisters  of  the  Franciscan  Order,  from 
Philadelphia.  It  was  opened  in  a  small  framed  dwelling 
on  Pine  Street,  No.  337.  Two  years  later  a  large  building 
and  a  chapel  were  erected  for  the  institution,  and  two  wings 
were  added  to  the  former  in  1870.  In  recent  years  two 
branches  of  the  asylum  have  been  established  outside  of  the 


city;  one  at  Gardenville,  at  a  cost  of  $150,000,  on  a  farm 
bequeathed  by  Mrs.  Regina  Goetz;  the  second  at  Williams- 
ville,  on  a  farm  of  120  acres,  given  by  Mrs.  John  Blocher. 
In  all,  the  asylum  shelters  about  600  inmates. 

The  Evangelical  Lutheran  St.  John's  Orphan  Home  was 
founded  in  1864  by  the  oldest  of  the  German  Church  con- 
gregations in  the  city, — the  First  Evangelical  Lutheran  St. 
John's.  The  Home  for  Boys,  at  Sulphur  Springs,  w^as 
established  in  1868.  It  was  burned  in  1876,  and  rebuilt 
next  year.     A  large  new  building  was  added  in  1898. 

The  Erie  County  Society  for  the  Prevention  of  Cruelty  to 
Animals,  organized  in  1867,  was  the  second  of  its  kind  in 
the  United  States,  that  of  Henry  Bergh,  founded  in  the 
previous  year,  having  been  the  first.  An  ardent  leader  in 
its  organization  and  its  first  president  was  Mrs.  Lord,  wife 
of  the  Rev.  Dr.  John  C.  Lord.  In  its  first  years  the  society 
had  no  local  habitation;  but  for  some  years  past  its  work 
has  been  centralized  at  an  office,  now  located  in  the  Bowen 
Building,  at  the  corner  of  Pearl  and  Huron  streets. 

"When  the  work  was  first  started,"  writes  a  lady  long  con- 
nected with  it,  "it  was  looked  upon  by  the  majority  of 
people  with  indifiference  and  even  with  contempt.  It  was 
thought  to  be  very  much  out  of  place  for  a  woman  to 
attempt  to  stop  any  cruelty  seen  in  the  public  streets;  but 
when  poor  canal  horses,  while  being  led  through  the  streets, 
dropped  in  utter  exhaustion  in  their  tracks,  and  when  the 
moans  of  suffering  cattle  on  their  way  to  the  slaughter 
houses  were  heard  constantly,  and  countless  cruelties  were 
inflicted  on  dumb  creatures,  large  and  small,  true  woman- 
hood asserted  itself." 

The  branch  of  the  work  known  as  that  of  the  Humane 
Education  Committee  was  instituted  by  Miss  Lucy  S.  Lord, 
in  order  to  teach  young  and  old,  but  especially  the  young, 


the  duty  of  protection  and  kindness  they  owe  to  the  dumb 
creatures  who  serve  them  in  so  many  ways.  Miss  Lord 
visited  every  school  in  the  city,  talking  with  teachers  and 
pupils,  with  the  result  that  many  auxiliary  societies  of 
children  have  been  formed.  This  mission  work,  begun  by 
Miss  Lord,  has  been  carried  on  since  by  the  late  Mrs.  Lily 
Lord  Tifift  and  by  Miss  Margaret  F.  Rochester,  Mrs.  Pascal 
P.  Beals  and  Miss  Matilda  Karnes.  Miss  Rochester  intro- 
duced a  prize  essay  competition  on  the  subject  in  the  schools, 
which  has  wakened  a  lively  interest  among  the  children. 

Latterly  the  society  has  employed  three  agents,  one 
especially  for  the  stockyards,  and  two  for  the  city  work. 
Under  the  Police  Department  it  has  charge  of  the  City  Dog 
Pound.  At  the  stockyards  it  has  looked  after  the  treatment 
of  many  thousands.  It  now  has  a  large  membership.  Its 
presidents  since  Mrs.  Lord  have  been  Mrs.  Horatio  Sey- 
mour, Rev.  John  W.  Brown,  Colonel  E.  A.  Rockwood, 
Walter  Devereaux,  Rev.  O.  P.  Gififord  and  DeWitt  Clinton. 

Consequent  upon  an  appeal  made  by  Mr.  (now  the  Rev.) 
Edward  Bristol,  a  meeting  was  held  in  May,  1867,  at  the 
residence  of  Mr.  Francis  H.  Root,  which  resulted  in  an 
undertaking  "to  afiford,  by  the  establishment  of  a  temporary 
Home,  protection,  employment  or  assistance  to  worthy 
females  who  are  destitute  or  friendless,  and  to  provide  a 
permanent  Home  for  aged  women  who  are  homeless."  A 
society  was  organized,  with  a  board  of  forty-one  women  as 
managers,  chosen  from  Protestant  churches.  The  first 
Home  for  the  Friendless  opened  by  the  society  was  in  a 
house  on  Seventh  and  Maryland  streets,  furnished  by  dona- 
tions. It  received  26  temporary  inmates  the  first  year  and 
132  in  the  second.  The  house  was  enlarged  in  1872,  and 
twelve  women  were  made  residents  for  life. 

In  1884-6  the  large  premises  now  occupied  by  the  Home 
for  the  Friendless,  at  1500  Main  Street,  were  bought  and 


built  upon,  using  existing  buildings  in  part.  It  had  34  per- 
manent residents  when  it  came  to  this  place.  Eighteen 
rooms  were  added  to  its  accommodations  in  1892  by  a  new 
building,  the  gift  of  the  late  William  I.  Mills.  In  the  same 
year  the  Home  received  a  legacy  of  $15,000  from  Francis 
H.  Root.  In  a  statement  published  in  1895  the  managers 
say,  speaking  of  a  small  balance  which  they  had  in  bank 
when  they  opened  the  Home  on  Seventh  Street  in  1868: 
"From  that  day  on,  the  Home  has  never  been  in  debt,  and 
has  always  had  a  balance  with  its  bankers,  which,  never  but 
once,  has  fallen  below  the  amount  of  its  original  deposit." 

In  1869  the  Rev.  P.  G.  Cook  ("Chaplain  Cook,"  as  he 
was  always  known  after  his  services  with  the  Twenty-first 
Regiment  in  the  Civil  War),  doing  Christian  mission  work 
in  the  "infected  district"  of  that  time,  around  Canal  Street, 
in  connection  with  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  became  impressed  very 
deeply  with  a  sense  of  the  need  of  some  distinct  agency  for 
lending  a  helping  hand  to  fallen  women  who  could  be  per- 
suaded to  reform  their  lives.  He  consulted  an  association 
of  good  women  who  had  organized  themselves  for 
charitable  work,  and  convinced  them  very  quickly  that  they 
could  not  do  anything  more  useful  than  in  that  field.  They 
began  by  opening  a  weekly  prayer  meeting  in  a  room  on 
Evans  Street,  where  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.  was  holding  similar 
meetings  for  men.  Girls  and  women  of  the  neighborhood 
came  in,  and  a  few  meetings  sufficed  to  show  that  there  must 
be  a  temporary  home  provided  for  those  who  desired  to 
escape  from  the  life  they  were  in.  A  society  for  the 
purpose  was  incorporated  on  the  27th  of  September,  1869, 
by  the  following  ladies:  Ellen  Wilkes,  Mary  R.  Stearns, 
Susan  Guild,  Persis  M.  Otis,  Ann  M.  Haines,  Sarah  A. 
Robson,  Sarah  J.  Wilson,  Annie  F.  Walbridge,  Maria 
Webster,  Annie  McPherson,  Charlotte  E.  Lewis,  Elizabeth 
G.  Clark.     Mr.  Joseph  Guild,  husband  of  one  of  these 


ladies,  bought  a  house  on  Vermont  Street,  and  gave  the  free 
use  of  it  for  a  year.  At  the  end  of  the  year  a  larger  house 
was  needed,  and  secured  on  Virginia  Street.  Another  year 
brought  needs  of  a  still  larger  home,  and  it  came  as  a 
generous  gift  from  Mr.  George  W.  Tifift,  who  conveyed  to 
the  society  a  commodious  building  on  Seneca  Street,  which 
had  been  used  for  a  water-cure  establishment,  and  was 
admirably  fitted  to  all  the  purposes  of  the  Ingleside  Home 
for  a  number  of  years.  Time,  however,  made  unfavorable 
changes  in  the  neighborhood,  and  in  1884  a  fortunate 
opportunity  occurred  for  securing  what  was  known  as  the 
Alberger  Homestead,  at  Cold  Spring,  No.  70  of  what  is 
now  Harvard  Place.  There,  in  a  roomy  and  convenient 
house,  with  ample  and  pleasant  grounds,  stocked  with  fruit, 
the  Home  has  been  established  ever  since.  Several  addi- 
tions to  the  house  have  been  made,  the  latest,  in  1904,  ex- 
tending two  large  wings.     Its  capacity  is  for  70  inmates. 

The  Buffalo  State  Hospital,  for  the  care  and  treatment  of 
the  insane,  was  established  in  pursuance  of  an  Act  of  the 
Legislature  passed  April  23,  1870.  The  City  bought  203 
acres  of  land  on  Forest  Avenue,  adjoining  Delaware  Park, 
and  gave  it  to  the  State  for  a  site.  The  cornerstone  of  the 
building  was  laid  with  Masonic  rites  on  the  i8th  of  Septem- 
ber, 1872,  the  Hon.  James  O.  Putnam  delivering  a  notable 
address.  The  central  structure,  for  administrative  offices, 
and  the  long  stretching  east  wing,  containing  eleven  wards, 
were  finished  and  opened  in  November,  1880.  Between 
1 89 1  and  1895  the  corresponding  west  wing  was  added.  In 
1897  ^  separate  building  on  Elmwood  Avenue  for  the  acute 
and  infirmary  was  finished  and  brought  into  use.  The 
number  of  patients  has  risen  steadily,  and  on  the  ist  of 
March,  1908,  was  1,871,  being  43  more  than  the  calculated 
capacity  of  the  institution.     A  training  school  for  nurses 


was  opened  in  1884,  and  was  the  second  to  be  established  in 
this  country  in  an  institution  for  the  insane. 

The  first  superintendent  of  the  hospital  was  Dr.  Judson 

B.  Andrews,  who  died  in  August,  1894,  and  was  succeeded 
by  Dr.  Arthur  W.  Hurd. 

The  Homeopathic  Hospital,  incorporated  in  1872  by  the 
Buffalo  Homeopathic  Hospital  Association,  opened  its 
doors  to  its  first  patients  (two  in  number)  in  June  of  that 
year,  in  a  building  at  the  corner  of  Washington  and  North 
Division  streets,  equipped  with  three  beds.  It  remained 
in  that  location  two  years,  at  the  end  of  which  time  the 
property  it  now  occupies,  at  the  corner  of  Cottage  and 
Maryland  streets,  was  bought  by  the  trustees,  and  the  con- 
siderably large  house  included  in  the  purchase  was  properly 
fitted  up.  It  served  fairly  for  ten  years;  then  a  wing  was 
added,  containing  four  wards,  four  private  rooms,  and  a 
surgery.  Subsequently,  at  successive  times,  a  nurses'  cottage 
of  two  stories,  a  children's  and  maternity  cottage  of  two 
stories,  and  a  building  of  twelve  rooms  for  the  hospital 
servants,  were  added.  These  are  now  entirely  outgrown, 
and  a  scientifically  perfected  new  building  is  being  erected 
on  a  lot  at  the  corner  of  Linwood  and  West  Delevan 
avenues.  A  large  fund  for  the  building  has  been  sub- 
scribed, and  it  is  likely  to  be  finished  and  in  use  by  the  time 
this  writing  goes  into  print.  The  need  of  it  is  being  severely 

Mr.  Jerome  Fargo  was  the  first  president  of  the  board  of 
trustees.  The  first  president  of  the  board  of  associate  man- 
agers was  Mrs.  Warner,  wife  of  the  physician  who  was 
called  "the  father  of  Homeopathy  in  Bufifalo."  Mrs.  J.  F. 
Ernst,  Mrs.  J.  T.  Cook,  Mrs.  Charles  E.  Selkirk  and  Mrs. 

C.  J.  North  have  held  that  executive  post  since. 

The  Buffalo  Society  for  the  Prevention  of  Cruelty  to 


Children,  and  to  bring  to  justice  those  guilty  of  it,  was  or- 
ganized in  1874,  and  incorporated  in  1879  as  the  Queen  City 
Society.  It  aims  also  to  rescue  children  from  depraved  and 
vicious  surroundings,  and  to  place  them  in  good  homes. 
Likewise,  it  gives  temporary  aid  to  children  in  need  of  it. 

The  Buffalo  Eye  and  Ear  Infirmary,  incorporated  in 
1876,  was  conducted  for  some  years  in  various  temporary 
locations  on  Washington  Street,  but  acquired  a  permanent 
establishment  in  its  own  building,  at  673  Michigan  Street, 
near  Genesee,  in  1893. 

The  Church  Home  of  the  German  Evangelical  Churches 
of  Buffalo  and  vicinity,  for  old,  feeble  and  homeless  people, 
and  for  orphan  children,  was  incorporated  in  1877.  Pastor 
Schelle,  of  St.  Stephen's  United  Evangelical  Church, 
appears  to  have  been  the  leader  in  the  undertaking.  It  was 
placed  outside  of  the  city  limits,  on  twenty-five  acres  of  land, 
where  it  has  ample  buildings,  with  orchards  and  gardens 
and  many  pleasant  surroundings. 

In  a  preceding  account  of  the  Charity  Organization 
Society,  mention  has  been  made  of  the  Fitch  Creche,  or  day 
nursery  for  the  infant  children  of  working  mothers  during 
the  hours  of  their  absence  from  home,  which  was  founded 
by  that  society  in  1880. 

Although  the  Children's  Aid  Society  did  not  assume  an 
organized  and  incorporated  form  until  1882,  the  beginning 
of  interest  and  action  which  created  it  appears  to  date  from 
a  Thanksgiving  Dinner  to  news-boys  and  boot-blacks,  given 
in  1872  by  the  Y.  M.  A.  of  Grace  M.  E.  Church.  The  final 
organization  of  this  interest  is  ascribed  to  a  published  letter 
by  William  Pryor  Letchworth,  in  which  he  urged  the  need 
of  some  provision  of  a  home  for  many  of  the  boys  who  win 
their  own  living  from  employments  of  the  streets.     The 

THE  children's  AID  SOCIETY  1 23 

Aid  Society  was  formed  soon  afterwards  with  this  im- 
mediate object,  and  opened  what  has  always  been  known  as 
the  News-Boys'  and  Boot-Blacks'  Home,  in  a  building  at 
No.  29  Franklin  Street,  which  was  bought  for  the  purpose 
and  properly  fitted  up. 

The  original  Home  was  maintained  until  1908,  when  the 
Society  had  been  enabled,  by  a  generous  bequest  from  Mrs. 
Helen  Thornton  Campbell,  to  erect  and  furnish  a  large  and 
beautiful  fireproof  building,  in  a  fine  situation  on  Delaware 
Avenue,  north  of  Chippewa  Street.  Here  it  offers  hospi- 
tality to  about  one  hundred  boys,  having  75  single  rooms  and 
three  dormitories,  with  steam  heat  and  electric  light 
throughout,  and  with  the  perfection  of  all  equipments  for 
comfort  and  health.  Dining  hall,  club  room,  gymnasium, 
library,  play  ground,  and  the  apparatus  for  many  indoor 
games,  seem  to  afford  every  attraction  that  can  operate  to 
keep  the  young  lodgers  from  harmful  places  of  resort. 
They  pay  for  their  bed  and  board  according  to  the  amount 
they  earn.  All  under  fifteen  years  of  age  are  required  to 
attend  school.  The  city  has  no  wiser  or  more  beneficent 

The  building  vacated  by  the  Children's  Aid  Society,  at  29 
Franklin  Street,  v\^as  taken  by  the  county  and  became  the 
County  Lodging  House,  where  some  thousands  of  homeless, 
but  respectable,  men  have  found  temporary  shelter  and 
food  since  its  doors  were  opened  to  them. 

Fitch  Provident  Dispensary,  for  medical  relief  to  the 
poor,  was  opened  by  the  Charity  Organization  Society  in 
1883,  and  discontinued  in  1901,  when  other  similar  agencies 
were  appearing  to  satisfy  the  need. 

In  1885  the  District  Nursing  Association,  to  provide  free 
nursing  for  indigent  people  in  sickness,  and  to  conduct  a 
diet  kitchen  and  a  flower  mission,  was  organized  mainly  by 
the  efforts  of  the  late  Miss  Elizabeth  C.  Marshall. 


Fitch  Accident  Hospital  was  opened,  in  the  Fitch  Insti- 
tute, by  the  Charity  Organization  Society,  in  1886,  but  dis- 
continued in  1901,  when  the  present  Emergency  Hospital 
was  built. 

A  movement  which  gave  rise  to  the  Fresh  Air  Mission  in 
Buffalo  was  started  in  the  Sunday  School  of  the  Universalist 
Church  of  the  Messiah,  in  1888.  It  was  taken  up  by  the 
Christian  Endeavor  Society,  which  collected  funds  and  took 
part  in  the  work  involved.  The  Charity  Organization 
Society  interested  itself  promptly  in  the  undertaking,  and  its 
agencies  found  the  children  that  needed  most  to  have  a 
summer  week  or  two  of  country  air.  At  first,  the  hospi- 
tality of  farm  houses  and  village  homes,  not  far  from 
Buffalo,  was  appealed  to  for  the  entertainment  of  such  chil- 
dren, either  as  boarders  or  as  guests,  for  short  terms,  and 
many  were  received  in  that  way  by  good  people  in  the  sur- 
rounding towns.  Then  property  was  obtained  at  Angola, 
on  the  shore  of  the  lake,  and  beginnings  made  in  the  estab- 
lishment of  quarters  for  a  summer  colony  of  these  boys  and 
girls,  to  be  taken  to  it  in  relays.  This  Angola  summer  resort 
was  intended  to  be  named  Ga-ose-ha  Beach;  but  somebody 
dubbed  it  more  fittingly  Cradle  Beach,  and  so  it  is  known. 

The  development  of  the  Fresh  Air  Mission  from  small 
beginnings  to  an  important  organization  of  exceptionally 
benevolent  work  is  said  to  have  been  due  primarily  "to  the 
arduous  pioneer  service  of  Alice  O.  Moore  and  Paul 
Ransom."  Too  many  to  be  named,  however,  have  been 
earnest  workers  in  it  since,  and  it  has  had  generous  monetary 
support  from  many,  though  always  less  than  it  needs. 

A  hospital  for  cholera  infantum  was  established  tempo- 
rarily at  Angola  in  1893,  ^"d  permanently  at  Athol  Springs, 
on  the  lake  shore,  the  next  year,  when  the  Athol  Springs 
Hotel  was  bought  and  excellently  fitted  for  that  use.  The 
Society  for  Christian  Endeavor  was  a  large  contributor  to 


the  fund  which  this  new  undertaking  required.  The 
Hospital  is  a  separate  organization,  distinctly  incorporated, 
but  none  the  less  identified  with  the  Fresh  Air  Mission. 
It  has  been,  from  the  first,  under  the  medical  direction  of 
Drs.  DeWitt  H.  Sherman  and  Irving  M.  Snow.  Many 
beds  in  the  hospital  have  been  endowed. 

An  interesting  agency  connected  with  the  raising  of 
money  for  the  support  of  the  Fresh  Air  Mission  has  been 
that  of  the  "Cradle  Banks,"  originated  and  managed  by  Mr. 
William  H.  Wright,  Jr.  These  little  receptacles  of  small 
change,  scattered  everywhere  through  the  city,  in  hotels, 
banks  and  stores,  every  summer,  allow  nobody  to  forget  the 
little  folk  who  need  a  taste  of  fresh  air.  In  the  first  seven 
years  of  their  silent  begging  they  collected  no  less  than 

Kindred  in  object  to  the  Children's  Aid  Society  Home 
for  Boys  is  the  Working  Boys'  Home,  founded  in  1888  by 
the  late  Bishop  Ryan,  under  the  direction  of  the  Rev.  Daniel 
Walsh.  Until  1897  it  was  established  in  a  purchased 
private  residence.  Then  the  present  Home  on  Niagara 
Square,  large  and  well-provided  in  every  particular,  was 
opened  in  October.  The  director  is  assisted  in  the  conduct 
of  the  house  by  several  Sisters  of  St.  Joseph,  and  an  auxil- 
iary Ladies'  Aid  Society  affords  help  to  the  institution  in 
various  ways.  The  inmates  of  the  Home  receive  religious 
and  moral  as  well  as  industrial  instruction. 

A  well-equipped  Children's  Hospital,  promoted  and 
maintained  principally  by  Mrs.  Gibson  T.  Williams,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  George  H.  Lewis,  Miss  Martha  T.  Williams, 
Mrs.  C.  W.  Pardee,  Mr.  William  A.  Rogers  and  Mr.  Frank 
Goodyear,  was  opened  at  219  Bryant  Street,  in  1892.  A 
new  and  much-enlarged  building  was  erected  on  the  same 
site  in  October,  1908,  its  cost  being  borne  by  Mrs.  Pardee. 


The  institution  of  the  German  Deaconess'  Home  and 
Hospital  resulted  from  a  meeting  held  in  February,  1895, 
at  the  St.  Paul's  German  United  Evangelical  Church.  The 
Deaconess'  Association  was  then  organized,  with  the  object 
of  gathering  and  training  young  women  and  widows  for 
works  of  Christian  charity,  and  of  founding  and  main- 
taining institutions  for  such  work.  A  hospital  was  opened 
in  a  rented  building.  No.  27  Goodrich  Street,  and  the  first 
patient  admitted  on  the  14th  of  November,  1895.  Within 
the  following  twelve  months  a  permanent  building  had  been 
planned,  located  and  completely  erected  on  Kingsley  Street, 
near  Humboldt  Parkway.  It  was  dedicated  and  occupied 
on  the  2ist  of  November,  1896.  This  building  provided 
centrally  for  the  home  of  the  deaconesses  and  working 
women  of  the  institution,  with  a  hospital  in  its  east  wing 
and  a  home  in  the  west  wing  for  aged  and  friendless  men 
and  women.  Miss  Ida  Tobschall,  formerly  a  teacher  in 
the  public  schools  of  the  city,  was  the  sister  superior  in 
charge  of  the  institution  from  its  opening  until  her  resigna- 
tion in  1908. 

In  1896  several  Lutheran  Churches  of  the  city  and  county 
united  in  establishing  the  Lutheran  Church  Home,  for  the 
aged  and  infirm  of  their  congregations  who  need  its  shelter 
and  support.  The  Home  was  first  located  at  390  Walden 
Avenue;  but  in  1906  a  large,  three-story  fireproof  brick 
building  for  it  was  erected  at  217  East  Delevan  Avenue,  at 
a  cost  of  about  $50,000,  on  a  site  covering  three  and  a  half 
acres  of  ground.  The  building  is  planned  on  the  most 
approved  sanitary  lines.  Mr.  William  F.  Wendt  is  the 
president  of  its  board,  the  other  officers  of  which  are  the 
Rev.  F.  A.  Kahler,  Rev.  T.  H.  Becker,  Dr.  Franklin  C. 
Gram  and  F.  W.  H.  Becker. 

In  1896  the  German  Hospital,  projected  at  a  public 
meeting  held  in  June  of  the  previous  year,  at  Schwable's 


Hall,  was  opened  temporarily  in  a  building  at  621  Genesee 
Street.  In  1901  it  entered  an  excellent  and  well-equipped 
hospital  building  of  its  own,  at  742  Jefferson  Street,  erected 
on  ground  given  by  the  heirs  of  Gerhard  Lang.  A  Free 
Dispensary  is  connected  with  the  hospital. 

The  Prison  Gate  Mission  was  organized  in  1896  by  Mrs. 
Jonathan  L.  Slater,  "to  help  discharged  women  prisoners, 
to  look  after  their  spiritual  and  temporal  welfare,  and  to  aid 
prison  reform  in  the  State  of  New  York."  From  the  Home 
first  established  for  it  the  work  was  taken,  in  1900,  to  the 
Salvation  Army  Rescue  Home,  on  Humboldt  Parkway. 
Since  that  time  the  prison  visiting  and  caring  for  released 
homeless  women  has  been  performed  by  Salvation  Army 
workers,  supported  by  the  Prison  Gate  Mission  funds.  The 
service  of  a  woman  probation  officer,  for  adult  women,  has 
been  added  of  late  to  the  work  of  the  Mission,  and  women 
are  sentenced  to  its  Home  by  the  courts.  This  probation 
work  is  growing.  The  present  location  of  the  Home  is  at 
69  Cottage  Street. 

The  King's  Daughters'  Home,  for  temporary  hospitality 
to  friendless  young  women,  especially  those  convalescent 
from  hospitals,  was  opened  at  134  Mariner  Street  in  1898. 

A  University  of  Buffalo  Dispensary  was  opened  in  1899. 

In  connection  with  the  Church  of  the  Immaculate  Con- 
ception, and  at  the  instance  of  Bishop  Quigley,  St.  James 
Mission,  for  poor  children,  was  established  in  1902. 

A  second  Creche,  or  day  nursery  for  infants  whose 
mothers  are  called  from  home  by  their  work,  was  opened  in 
1903,  at  79  Goodell  Street,  by  the  Association  of  Collegiate 

Under  the  name  of  the  Day  Nursery  of  the  Infant  Jesus, 
a  third  Creche  was  founded  in  1904  by  Bishop  Colton,  in 


connection  with  St.  Felix  Home  for  Working  Girls,  and 
is  conducted  by  the  Felician  Sisters,  on  Fillmore  Avenue, 
near  Broadway.  A  fourth  is  in  contemplation  by  the  Angel 
Guardian  Mission  Association,  to  be  connected  with  the 
institution  for  which  it  is  preparing  to  build  on  Eagle 
Street,  overlooking  Bennett  Park. 

In  a  building  adapted  from  a  private  residence  on  Tifft 
Street,  the  Sisters  of  Mercy  opened  a  hospital  in  Sep- 
tember, 1904.  The  work  of  their  order  in  Buffalo  was 
begun  in  i860,  when  several  of  the  Sisters  came  from  Pitts- 
burg, on  the  invitation  of  Bishop  Timon,  and  took  charge 
of  the  parochial  school  in  St.  Bridget's  parish.  Other 
schools  were  placed  under  their  care  in  after  years,  and  their 
sphere  of  labor  had  been  educational  until  this  hospital 
service  was  taken  in  hand.  A  Mercy  Hospital  Aid  Society, 
having  a  large  membership,  gives  financial  and  sympathetic 
support  to  the  hospital,  and  it  promises  to  become  an  im- 
portant addition  to  the  humane  institutions  of  the  city.  A 
new  building,  of  brick,  is  already  in  contemplation.  At 
once,  on  the  opening  of  the  hospital,  a  school  of  nurses  was 

The  City  established  a  new  Municipal  Hospital  in  1904, 
for  the  care  of  smallpox  patients,  replacing  an  old  Quaran- 
tine Hospital  which  had  become  unfit  for  use. 

The  St.  Felix  Home,  for  working  girls,  on  Fillmore 
Avenue  near  Broadway,  and  the  St.  Charles  Home,  for  the 
same  purpose,  have  both  been  established  by  Bishop  Colton 
since  he  came  to  the  administration  of  the  Catholic  diocese, 
in  1903. 

In  December,  1906,  the  Union  Rescue  Mission  was  estab- 
lished by  Major  B.  A.  Arnold  and  Mrs.  Arnold.  Its  work 
includes    the    maintenance    of    a    "Christian    Home    for 

HOSPITALS,   ETC.  1 29 

Women,"  at  387  Washington  Street,  and  a  "Relief  Home 
and  Industrial  Department  for  Men,"  at  53-55  Broadway. 
The  Fitch  Tuberculosis  Dispensary,  in  the  Fitch 
Institute,  was  opened  by  the  Charity  Organization  Society 
in  1907. 

At  present  the  Poles  of  the  city  are  preparing  to  establish 
a  hospital  on  ground  already  bought  for  the  purpose,  at  the 
corner  of  Fillmore  Avenue  and  Stanislaus  Street,  to  be 
under  the  care  of  Polish  Sisters.  The  building  contem- 
plated is  expected  to  cost  not  less  than  $100,000. 

An  Act  of  Congress  passed  in  1902  provided  for  the 
erection  of  a  Marine  Hospital  at  Buffalo;  but  contracts  for 
the  building  were  not  let  until  the  spring  of  1908,  and  it  was 
not  expected  to  be  finished  until  the  end  of  March,  1910. 
The  selected  site  is  on  Main  Street,  near  Robie  Avenue. 
The  building  is  to  be  of  three  stories,  partly  constructed  of 
light-colored  granite  and  partly  of  light-colored  limestone 
or  sandstone,  and  is  planned  for  the  latest  improvements  in 
every  equipment. 

There  has  been  long  discussion  of  the  need  in  the  city  of 
special  hospitals  for  contagious  diseases  and  for  the  treat- 
ment of  tuberculosis,  as  well  as  the  need  of  some  better 
public  hospital  of  the  general  character  than  is  supplied  in 
connection  with  the  County  Almshouse.  Action  has  been 
delayed  by  the  troublesome  question  of  sites,  and  by  dis- 
agreements between  city  and  county;  but  at  present  the  city, 
alone,  seems  likely  to  make  provision  for  a  large  general 
institution  that  will  satisfy  all  the  public  hospital  require- 
ments at  one  place. 

Of  the  many  private  hospitals,  special  and  general,  that 
have  been  and  are  being  opened  in  the  city,  it  is  hardly 
necessary  to  speak. 


AN  interesting  account  of  the  first  school  house  in  Buf- 
falo, written  by  Mr.  Crisfield  Johnson,  the  historian 
of  Erie  County,  was  published  in  the  Buffalo  Com- 
mercial Advertiser,  in  1875,  and  reprinted  in  the  first  vol- 
ume of  the  Publications  of  the  Buffalo  Historical  Society. 
With  less  detail  the  story  appears  also  in  Mr.  Johnson's 

As  early  as  1801  the  few  inhabitants  of  the  village  secured 
from  Mr.  Ellicott,  of  the  Holland  Company,  the  assign- 
ment of  a  lot  for  a  school  house;  but  it  was  not  till  1807 
that  the  building  of  the  house  was  taken  in  hand.  On  the 
29th  of  March,  that  year,  a  meeting  of  the  inhabitants  was 
held  "at  Joseph  Landon's  Inn,"  "for  the  purpos  to  arect  a 
School  Hous  in  Sd  Village  by  a  Subscription  of  the  Inhab- 
itance,"  says  a  minute  of  the  meeting  in  a  little  book  which 
the  Buffalo  Historical  Society  has  the  good  fortune  to  pos- 
sess among  its  archives,  and  which  it  preserves  with  great 
care.  The  undertaking  was  voted,  and  subscriptions,  dated 
the  next  day,  are  entered  in  the  book.  They  number  six- 
teen, pledging  sums  that  range  from  eighty-seven  and  a  half 
cents  to  $22,  which  largest  contribution  was  made  by  Sam- 
uel Pratt.     The  total  is  $127.87. 

Building  accounts  kept  in  the  same  little  book  show  that 
work  on  the  school  house  was  begun  at  once ;  but,  according 
to  the  same  accounts,  it  cannot  have  been  shingled  till  a 
year  and  a  half  later,  and  the  building  accounts  were  not 
closed  till  May,  1809.  It  had  four  years  and  a  half  of  use, 
and  then,  with  the  rest  of  the  village,  it  was  burned  by  the 
British  invaders  of  1813.  It  did  not  go  out  of  history,  how- 
ever, for  another  twenty-five  years,  the  indemnity  paid  for 



it  by  the  United  States  having  become  the  subject  of  litiga- 
tions which  reached  their  decision  in  1838,  and  which  de- 
voured much  more  than  the  sum  in  dispute. 

All  that  can  be  known  of  the  educational  work  which  fol- 
lowed the  building  of  this  first  school  house  is  recounted 
in  a  paper  prepared  for  the  Buffalo  Historical  Society  in 
1863  by  the  late  Oliver  G.  Steele.  Mr.  Steele  had  been,  not 
quite  the  first  superintendent  of  schools  in  Buffalo,  after  the 
village  became  a  city,  but  the  first  who  organized  a  public 
school  system,  in  the  proper  sense  of  the  term,  and  no  one 
else  of  the  last  generation  had  so  much  personal  knowledge 
of  the  early  school  history  of  the  town.  From  an  older  in- 
habitant, Benjamin  Hodge,  he  obtained  the  following  de- 
scription of  a  school  antedating  that  for  which  the  house 
was  built.  It  was  kept  by  a  Scotchman  "born  in  Ireland," 
named  Sturgeon,  about  1807,  in  a  house  far  out  Main 
Street  which  had  but  one  window,  and  that  without  glass. 
"Plenty  of  light,  however,  was  admitted  through  the  open- 
ings between  the  logs.  A  small  pine  table  and  three 
benches  made  of  slabs  constituted  the  whole  furniture. 
Mr.  Sturgeon  at  first  taught  only  reading,  but  afterwards, 
at  the  urgent  request  of  parents,  added  spelling.  Some 
twenty  scholars  attended,"  and  Mr.  Hodge,  who  gives  this 
description  of  the  school,  was  one  of  them. 

The  first  teacher  of  the  school  for  which  a  better  house 
was  built  was  a  Presbyterian  minister,  Samuel  Whiting,  and 
the  next  was  Amos  Callender,  "whose  name  occurs,"  says 
Mr.  Steele,  "in  nearly  every  movement  connected  with 
morals,  education,  religion  and  good  order."  "About  1810 
or  181 1,  some  of  the  inhabitants  thought  something  more 
was  wanted  for  their  children,  and  Gamaliel  St.  John  in- 
duced a  Mr.  Asaph  Hall  to  open  what  was  called  a  gram- 
mar school,  in  the  court  house.  This  was  continued  for 
some  little  time,  but  could  not  be  sustained."     After  the 


war,  and  the  partial  resurrection  of  the  village  from  its 
ashes,  a  school  was  started,  and  kept  in  such  rooms  as  could 
be  obtained.  Deacon  Callender  again  taught,  and  also  a 
Mr.  Pease.  "A  school  was  usually  kept  on  the  Lancasterian 
plan,  with  some  success.  At  one  time  a  vote  was  obtained 
for  the  district  to  raise  $4,000  for  a  house  and  lot,  but  it  was 
afterwards  rescinded.  About  1830  a  tax  was  levied,  with 
the  proceeds  of  which  the  trustees  bought  the  lot  on  Church 
Street,  now  [1863]  occupied  by  school  No.  8  [since  re- 
moved]. Several  efforts  were  made  to  build  a  house  upon 
it;  but  nothing  was  accomplished  until  the  new  system  was 
established."  "I  have  heard,"  continues  Mr.  Steele,  "of 
quite  a  number  of  private  school  teachers,  who  taught  at 
sundry  times  and  with  varied  success.  Among  the  names 
I  have  heard  mentioned,  as  being  quite  successful,  was  that 
of  Mr.  Wyatt  Camp,  a  brother  of  Major  John  G.  Camp, 
who  is  mentioned  with  much  regard  by  his  pupils." 

Until  1 82 1  the  village  was  one  school  district;  then  it  was 
divided  into  two,  Court  Street  being,  apparently,  the  divid- 
ing line.  Of  early  school  teaching  in  the  upper  district, 
which  was  No.  2,  Mr.  Steele  speaks  as  follows:  "A  school 
was  established  in  hired  rooms,  in  various  places.  I  cannot 
learn  who  were  the  first  trustees,  or  the  name  of  the  first 
teacher.  In  1822  a  school  was  kept  in  a  house  on  the  west 
side  of  Main  Street,  between  Mohawk  and  Genesee  streets. 
Our  fellow  citizen,  Mr.  Fillmore,  commenced  his  career  as 
a  public  man  as  teacher  of  this  school.  He  was,  at  the  same 
time,  a  student  with  the  law  firm  of  Rice  &  Clary.  I  will 
here  take  occasion  to  state  that  Mr.  Fillmore  afterwards 
taught  the  school  at  Cold  Spring  for  one  winter,  1822-3. 
During  that  time  he  was  also  a  deputy  postmaster,  and  came 
in  after  school  in  the  afternoon  to  make  up  the  mails. 
When  the  stage  left  for  Albany  in  the  morning  his  practice 
was  to  ride  out  on  the  box,  with  the  driver,  to  open  his 
school  at  Cold  Spring  at  the  usual  hour." 


In  1830  a  third  school  district  was  organized  and  a  school 
established  on  the  far  eastern  side  of  the  town,  in  the  neigh- 
borhood known  as  "the  Hydraulics."  Between  that  year 
and  1838  four  others  were  created,  with  schools  located  re- 
spectively on  Perry,  Goodell,  South  Division  and  Louisiana 
streets.  In  that  period,  as  we  are  told  by  Mr.  Steele,  a 
number  of  ambitious  institutions  sprang  up  and  enjoyed  a 
brief  career.  A  high-school  association,  formed  in  1827, 
went  so  far  as  to  erect  a  fine  building  on  what  is  now  Pearl 
Place,  and  to  maintain  a  school  for  some  years;  but  it  did 
not  win  an  enduring  support.  It  was  succeeded  by  a  mili- 
tary school,  which  flourished  for  a  time,  and  disappeared. 
In  the  end,  the  school  house  became  part  of  the  old  Hospital 
of  the  Sisters  of  Charity.  In  1833  the  University  of  Buf- 
falo was  projected,  but  not  realized  even  in  its  medical 
school  until  some  years  later. 

Then  came  the  financial  catastrophe  of  1837,  by  the  effects 
of  which,  says  Mr.  Steele,  the  private  schools  of  the  city 
"were  so  paralyzed  as  to  be  of  little  service;  and  thoughtful 
men  began  to  cast  around  for  some  general  and  effective 
system,  which  would  bring  the  means  of  education  within 
the  reach  of  all."  "Few  people  took  any  interest  in  the  dis- 
trict schools,  and  few  children  except  those  of  the  poorer 
classes  attended  them."  "It  soon  became  the  custom  of  the 
trustees  to  find  some  person  who  would  take  the  school  for 
the  smallest  rate  of  tuition,  during  the  time  required  by 
law,  to  enable  them  to  draw  public  money;  giving  them  the 
public  money  and  taking  their  own  risk  of  collection  from 
the  pupils.  This  easy  and  slipshod  way  of  doing  business 
produced  such  results  as  might  be  expected.  In  some  popu- 
lous districts  the  teacher  could  do  very  well,  and  would 
sustain  a  very  fair  school.  In  others  it  would  be  kept  a  few 
months  to  fulfill  the  requirements  of  the  law,  and  then  closed 
for  the  remainder  of  the  year.     The  whole  system  was  with- 


out  supervision  or  accountability,  except  such  as  was  barely 
sufficient  to  comply  with  the  state  law.  Such  was  the  con- 
dition of  the  common  schools  in  1837." 

Serious  attention  was  now  given  to  the  matter,  and  meas- 
ures for  acquiring  a  better  educational  system  were  taken 
in  hand.  Legislation  to  authorize  the  appointment  of  a 
city  superintendent  of  common  schools  was  obtained,  and 
Mr.  Roswell  W.  Haskins,  who  accepted  the  office,  strove 
vainly  for  several  months  to  give  it  some  effect;  but  the  ex- 
isting law  endowed  him  with  no  adequate  powers,  and  he 
resigned.  Mr.  Steele  was  then  prevailed  upon  to  assume 
the  task  of  superintendency  with  the  promise  from  leading 
citizens  of  their  earnest  co-operation  in  endeavors  to  secure 
a  more  efficient  law.  General  interest  in  the  movement  was 
aroused  by  a  series  of  public  meetings  at  the  old  Court 
House,  in  the  summer  of  1838.  A  committee  of  four  from 
each  of  the  five  wards  of  the  city  was  appointed  at  one  of 
these  meetings  to  inquire  into  the  condition  of  the  schools, 
and  to  report  some  plan  for  their  improvement.  O.  G. 
Steele,  N.  K.  Hall,  Noah  H.  Gardner,  Horatio  Shumway, 
S.  N.  Callender,  Lucius  Storrs,  were  among  the  active  mem- 
bers of  the  committee,  and  Albert  H.  Tracy  presided  at  all 
the  public  meetings. 

In  September  the  committee  submitted  a  thoroughly  full 
report,  setting  forth  the  wretched  state  of  the  schools,  ex- 
posing the  dreadful  fact  that  more  than  half  of  the  children 
of  the  city  were  receiving  no  education,  and  urging  recom- 
mendations, the  grand  feature  of  which  was  the  creation  of 
a  system  of  entirely  free  schools,  the  whole  cost  of  which, 
over  and  above  the  moneys  obtained  from  the  State  school 
fund,  should  be  defrayed  by  a  general  tax.  After  long  and 
sharp  discussion  of  the  report,  at  two  meetings,  this,  the 
vital  part  of  it,  was  adopted  by  the  general  meeting. 
Amended  in  some  other  particulars,  the  plan  sent  to  the 


Common  Council,  embodying  the  wish  of  the  assembled  citi- 
zens, provided  for  a  division  of  the  district  schools  into  de- 
partments, and  for  a  central  high  school  "where  all  the 
higher  branches  necessary  for  a  complete  English  education 
shall  be  taught."  The  recommended  high  school  was  not 
established  until  some  years  later;  otherwise  the  ground 
work  of  the  public  school  system  of  Buflfalo,  as  built  up 
since,  was  laid  substantially  by  laws  and  ordinances  enacted 
in  1838-9.  Our  city  has  claims  to  no  mean  distinction,  in 
the  fact  of  its  being  the  first  in  the  State  to  establish  schools 
wholly  free,  supported  by  a  general  tax.  The  older  free 
schools  of  the  city  of  New  York  were  made  so  by  private 
generosity,  and  not  by  a  public  act. 

It  is  easy  to  believe  that  Mr.  Steele  was  quite  within  the 
truth  when  he  wrote,  in  his  account  of  the  important  change, 
that  "the  office  of  superintendent  of  schools,  during  the  or- 
ganization of  the  system  and  the  building  of  the  first  set  of 
school  houses,  was  one  of  the  most  difficult  and  responsible 
of  the  offices  under  the  city  government."  Undoubtedly  he 
went  through  a  hard  experience,  especially  in  having  to  be 
the  active  and  visible  agent  of  public  measures  which  laid 
suddenly  new  taxes  upon  the  people,  and  taxes  that  were 
not  light.  The  building  of  five  new  school  houses  in  the 
first  year  of  the  educational  reformation  was  a  heavy  bur- 
den in  itself,  upon  a  town  which  had  suffered  so  great  a 
collapse  as  that  of  1837,  only  two  years  before.  We  need 
not  wonder,  as  he  did  not,  that  "his  name  was  left  ofif  the 
slate  for  reappointment"  in  the  spring  of  1840,  when  his 
term  expired. 

The  undesired  office  was  then  thrust  upon  Mr.  Dennis 
Bowen,  against  his  wish,  and  he  resigned  it  in  a  few  months. 
From  Mr.  Bowen  it  passed  to  Mr.  Silas  Kingsley,  Mr.  S. 
Caldwell,  and  Mr.  E.  S.  Hawley,  in  yearly  succession,  and 
returned,  in  1845,  to  Mr.  Steele,  who  put  his  shoulder  to  the 


wheel  for  one  more  year.  In  that  year  he  secured  the 
organization  of  what  was  then  styled  the  "third  department" 
of  the  public  schools,  out  of  which  the  Central  High  School 
was  developed  in  1852.  This  third  department  was  con- 
ducted at  first  in  part  of  the  school  house  erected  on  South 
Division  Street,  in  District  No.  7.  A  little  later  it  was 
transferred  to  the  upper  floor  of  School  No.  10,  on  Dela- 
ware Street,  where  it  remained  till  the  opening  of  the  Cen- 
tral High  School.  The  principal  of  the  third  department, 
at  School  No.  10,  was  Ephraim  F.  Cook,  whose  pupils  (of 
whom  the  present  writer  was  one)  regarded  him  with  much 
affection  and  little  fear.  There  was  little  of  strictness  in 
the  discipline  of  his  school,  and  not  much  of  system  in  his 
teaching,  but  he  did  interest  his  classes  in  many  matters  of 
knowledge,  outside  as  well  as  inside  of  text-books,  and  give 
a  self-educational  impulse  to  their  minds. 

In  1852  the  Central  High  School  was  established,  in  a 
purchased  building,  on  the  site  (Court  Street  and  Niagara 
Square)  which  it  occupies  at  the  time  of  this  writing,  but 
from  which  it  will  soon  be  removed.  Plans  have  been 
adopted  for  a  noble  building,  to  be  erected  on  spacious  and 
beautiful  grounds,  fronting  on  West  Chippewa  Street,  at 
its  junction  with  Georgia  Street,  this  fine  site  being  a  gift 
to  the  city  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.  Hutchinson.  By 
purchasing  a  large  part  of  the  property  that  lay  between 
the  grounds  given  and  Johnson  Park,  at  the  north,  the  city 
has  perfected  the  site. 

In  1854,  on  the  annexation  of  Black  Rock  to  Buffalo  and 
the  enactment  of  a  new  city  charter,  the  office  of  Superin- 
tendent, hitherto  filled  annually  by  the  Common  Council, 
was  made  elective,  as  it  has  remained  ever  since.  The  term 
was  lengthened  at  the  same  time  to  two  years.  The  popular 
election  of  the  head  of  its  school  department,  and  the  re- 
tention in  the  Common  Council  of  a  legislative  control  of 

io  ?,loori9f^  aJuvJKj  \i:ij.    ...  .....    . 

5(i)    to   TJilni^ffi   ,>    Ir.iioMi./    ■'■■ 

h.boA    [iftB    >ivr)  TSih.  I   Vfifiir:    Ui:r.    .ii-iVja' 

L'oh^b  10VS   !lii'iOiri'jO   V  II.)  ■,.]■  .;.;!•  i!    .!j;t  , 
iri)  jo  nmnitH-i  jry 
.<jui  J    >iji'  tji.c!/ 

tiri")   [cqo'Jciq.'I 

^\   <>'/' 

-..   EVOLUTION     In  that  year  he  secured  the 
•vas  then  styled  the  "third  department" 
.  'o,  out  of  which  the  Central  High  School 
II  1852.     This  third  department  was  con- 
;  lU  part  of  the  school  house  erected  on  South 
Street,  in  District  No.  7.    A  little  later  it  was 
i'-iTed  to  the  upper  floor  of  School  No.  10,  on  Dela- 
ware Street,  where  it  remained  till  the  opening  of  the  Cen- 
'.''  High  School.     The  principal  of  the  third  department, 
^>-  r^phraim  F.  Cook,  whose  pupils  (of 
EDWARD  HOWAfl'DiMirEgesi«fe^Hm  with  much 
Merchant    and    capitalist;    born ''Buffafe''"  N^^w^'^^BfRp^   m 
March  7,  1852:  educated  in  pubhc'  and'^rivate  schoo'lSlbfl'l  his 
Buffalo;  director  Marine  National  Bank;  member  ofi.thR'TS  of 
Buffalo  Chamber  of  Commerce;  Buffalo  Historical  Society;        .,. 
chairman  of  the  Finance  Committee  St.  Paul's  Protestant 
Episcopal  Church;  president  of  the  board  of  trustees  of 
Buffalo   City  Cemetery,   and   many  other  civic  and   social 
bodies.     Was  elected   in    1888  Alderman  from  the  Tenth 
Ward  as  a  Democrat,  being  the  only  Democrat  ever  elected     '-^ut 
in  that  ward ;  was  fire  commissioner  and  chairman  of  the  :  een 
board  in   1891-93;  member  of   the   Manufacturers'    Club,     .n^ 
Buffalo.     Donated  site   for,  Hutoh^nscp    High    School,  at, ^^    ^^ 

Whitney  "."vc?  ^^g.P^Pj^^^.^t^^l'h^S^SIVtl^^^^^^^  gift 
ir  and  Mrs.  Edward  H.  Hutchinson.  By 
■f^e  part  of  the  property  that  lay  between 

:.  and  Johnson  Park,  at  the  north,  the  .  '". 

•^  ^i  .      The  term 

w  A^  The  popular 

election  '    ',  and  the  re- 

tention in  .       t  ve  control  of 



the  schools,  are  features  peculiar  to  the  school  system  of 
Buffalo.  Its  excellence  is  open  to  doubt.  At  times  in  the 
past  it  has  exposed  the  schools  to  mischievous  political  in- 
fluences, and  may  do  so  again ;  though  such  influences  have 
been  mostly  suppressed  in  recent  years,  by  a  measure  of 
great  importance  adopted  in  1892.  This  created  a  Board 
of  School  Examiners,  by  whom  all  candidates  for  employ- 
ment as  teachers  in  the  public  schools  are  subjected  to  exami- 
nation and  their  fitness  determined.  Appointments  by  the 
Superintendent  must  be  made  from  lists  of  the  eligible  can- 
didates reported  to  him  by  the  board.  It  is  the  further  duty 
of  the  members  of  the  board  to  visit  and  inspect  the  schools 
with  regularity  and  report  upon  the  conditions  found. 

The  introduction  of  physical  exercises  under  a  regular 
instructor  was  another  mark  of  progress  in  1892.  In  the 
next  year  the  city  assumed  the  expense  of  providing  free 
text  books  for  all  pupils  in  the  schools.  A  supervisor  of 
primary  grades  was  added  that  year  to  the  Superintendent's 
staff.  In  1895  manual  training  was  introduced.  Instruc- 
tion in  sewing  followed,  in  1896.  A  teachers'  training 
school  was  established  that  year;  a  supervisor  of  grammar 
grades  was  appointed,  and  a  beginning  was  made  in  the 
creation  of  a  Teachers'  Retirement  Fund.  In  1897  a  sec- 
ond high  school,  the  Masten  Park,  was  opened;  a  Truant 
School  was  established;  free  public  lectures  at  the  schools, 
with  stereopticon  illustration  were  instituted;  school  ma- 
terial used  by  pupils  was  made  free.  In  1898  ten  kinder- 
garten schools,  opened  and  maintained  since  1891  by  a  Free 
Kindergarten  Association,  were  brought  into  the  public 
school  system.  Vacation  schools  were  opened  and  main- 
tained by  the  voluntary  service  of  teachers,  and  were  so 
carried  on  for  that  and  the  following  year.  In  1899  an 
important  experiment  of  alliance  and  co-operation  between 
the  public  library  and  the  schools  was  initiated,  by  the  turn- 


ing  of  ten  school  libraries  into  the  public  library,  the  latter 
replacing  them  with  changeable  collections  of  books  from 
its  larger  store.  From  year  to  year  since,  this  arrangement 
has  been  extended  to  other  schools,  and  forty  were  thus  con- 
nected with  the  Public  Library  in  1910,  circulating  400,000 
volumes.  In  1900  the  city  took  upon  itself  the  support  of 
the  vacation  schools.  In  1902  nearly  $40,000  were  added 
to  the  Teachers'  Retirement  Fund  by  the  proceeds  of  a 
great  bazaar.  In  1903  a  third  high  school,  the  Lafayette, 
was  opened,  an  evening  manual  training  school  established, 
and  a  business  course  added  to  the  high  school  course  of 
study.  In  1904  a  fourth  high  school,  the  Technical,  was 
opened,  and  a  special  department  of  domestic  science  in- 
stituted in  two  grammar  schools,  centrally  placed.  The 
erection  of  a  suitable  permanent  building  for  the  Technical 
High  School  has  been  a  determined  resolve  for  some  time, 
but  agreement  as  to  the  site  of  the  building  was  not  reached 
until  the  latter  part  of  1910.  It  is  to  be  excellently  placed 
on  Bennett  Park,  between  Clinton  and  William  streets. 

The  last  two  years  of  the  late  decade  were  marked  by 
many  notable  advances  and  improvements  in  the  work  of 
the  public  schools,  including  regular  courses  of  daily  lec- 
tures at  the  rooms  of  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences,  to 
which  classes  from  the  schools  are  taken  in  turn,  the  lec- 
turer. Dr.  Carlos  E.  Cummings,  being  engaged  by  the  So- 
ciety; the  appointment  of  five  medical  inspectors  and  a 
trained  nurse  for  systematic  attention  to  the  physical  state 
of  the  pupils;  the  instituting  of  special  instruction  for  de- 
fective children,  in  separated  classes;  the  extension  of  man- 
ual training  to  all  schools  and  classes;  and,  finally,  the 
opening  in  September,  1910,  of  a  Vocational  School,  in  the 
old  No.  5  building,  on  Seneca  Street,  to  be  the  first,  proba- 
bly, of  more,  in  which  seventh  and  eighth  grade  boys  will 
be  given  a  two  years'  practical  course  preparatory  to  en- 
trance on  some  industrial  vocation. 


An  important  wakening  of  general  interest  in  the  public 
schools,  which  appeared  in  the  closing  years  of  the  late 
century,  brought  about  the  formation  of  a  School  Associa- 
tion, constituted  by  the  election  of  delegates  to  it  from  a 
large  number  of  widely  different  organizations  in  the  city — 
literary,  scientific,  social,  commercial  and  political.  Mr. 
Henry  A.  Richmond  was  made  president  of  the  association, 
and  its  main  work  during  a  number  of  years  after  1896  was 
performed  by  a  visiting  committee,  which  had  for  its  chair- 
man for  a  time,  until  Columbia  University  called  him.  Pro- 
fessor Frank  M.  McMurry,  then  principal  of  the  Franklin 
School.  The  more  active  members  of  the  committee,  in  a 
quite  prolonged  service,  were  Mrs.  Lucien  Howe,  Mrs. 
John  S.  Noyes,  Mrs.  Herman  Mynter,  Mrs.  Charles  Ken- 
nedy, Mrs.  Arthur  Millinowski,  Miss  Maria  M.  Love,  Mrs. 
Lily  Lord  Tifft,  Mrs.  Frank  H.  Severance,  Mr.  Henry  A. 
Richmond,  Dr.  P.  W.  Van  Peyma,  Mr.  Isadore  Michael, 
Dr.  T.  M.  Crowe,  Dr.  Dewitt  H.  Sherman,  and  Mr.  J.  N. 

The  first  and  most  important  work  of  the  committee  was 
a  very  thorough  examination  of  the  public  school  buildings, 
and  an  elaborate  report  to  the  public  of  defective  and  often 
dangerous  conditions  found  in  them.  By  pursuing  this  ex- 
amination from  year  to  year,  and  urging  and  re-urging 
specific  facts  upon  the  attention  of  the  authorities  and  the 
public,  the  School  Association  was  able  to  bring  about  ex- 
tensive changes  for  the  better  in  matters  connected  with 
safety  from  fire,  ventilation  and  heating,  light,  overcrowd- 
ing, and  many  other  particulars.  The  results  obtained  were 
not  only  a  bettering  of  the  old  buildings  in  use,  but  an  im- 
provement of  the  construction  of  new  ones.  Not  working 
intrusively,  but  in  cordial  co-operation  with  the  School  De- 
partment and  the  Bureau  of  Buildings,  the  association  per- 
formed a  very  highly  useful  work. 


The  present  Superintendent  of  Education,  Henry  P.  Em- 
erson, has  held  the  office,  by  repeated  election  (latterly  for 
a  term  of  four  years),  since  1893.  ^is  administration  has 
greatly  improved  the  schools.  The  quality  and  character 
of  the  teaching  force  has  been  raised  and  a  different  spirit 
put  into  its  work.  A  Women  Teachers'  Association, 
formed  in  1889,  is  an  organization  for  self-improvement 
which  shows  no  relaxation  of  vigor  after  more  than  twenty 
years.  It  has  owned  its  own  building,  named  the  Chapter 
House,  containing  lecture  hall  and  parlors,  since  1895.  The 
men  teachers  have  been  organized  in  a  Principals'  Associa- 
tion, for  meetings  to  discuss  school  topics,  for  many  years. 
The  department  throughout  shows  manifest  life. 

According  to  the  annual  report  of  the  Superintendent, 
made  in  December,  1910,  the  total  registration  of  pupils  in 
the  public  schools  was  62,651;  the  average  attendance 
46,463.  The  report  of  the  previous  year  had  shown  a  total 
registration  of  62,217,  of  whom  49,070  were  born  in  Buf- 
falo, but  only  29,704  are  entered  as  of  "American  nation- 
ality," the  remainder  being  of  German,  Polish,  Irish, 
Italian,  Scandinavian  and  Canadian  extraction.  The 
teachers  employed  in  1910  numbered  1,580,  of  whom  1,484 
were  women  and  96  were  men;  54  of  the  latter  being  prin- 
cipals of  schools. 

In  the  high  schools  the  registration  of  1910  was  4,458,  of 
which  2,262  was  of  boys.  The  average  daily  attendance 
was  3,702.  The  pupils  of  American  parentage  in  the  high 
schools  in  1909  numbered  2,971. 

Full  statistics  of  the  attendance  in  schools  outside  of  the 
public  school  system  are  not  attainable,  there  being  no  ob- 
ligatory report.  The  Superintendent  of  Education  collects 
them  annually  as  far  as  he  can  do  so,  and  has  reported  for 
1910,  23,846  pupils  in  74  private  and  parochial  schools. 

Adding  this  number  to  that  of  the  pupils  registered  in  the 


public  schools  makes  a  total  of  86,497  children  under  educa- 
tion to  some  extent  in  the  city.  By  a  school  census  in  1906, 
the  children  between  5  and  18  years  of  age  in  the  city  num- 
bered 84,530. 

The  evening  schools  of  1909-10  registered  8,947  pupils; 
the  vacation  schools  3,600. 

The  State  Normal  School  in  Buffalo  was  opened  in  1871, 
occupying  a  building  erected  at  the  cost  of  the  city  and 
county,  on  a  fine  square  of  high  ground,  substantially  but 
not  wholly  given  for  the  purpose  by  Jesse  Ketchum,  a  ven- 
erable friend  of  the  schools.  The  Normal  School  was  or- 
ganized and  conducted  until  1886  by  Principal  H.  B.  Buck- 
ham,  with  an  excellent  staff.  During  part  of  this  period  the 
faculty  included  one,  in  the  person  of  Professor  William 
Bull  Wright,  who  impressed  himself  upon  the  school  and 
upon  all  who  knew  him  in  a  remarkable  way,  leaving  one 
of  those  memories  which  seem  to  give  distinction  and  char- 
acter to  some  few  favored  years  in  the  past  of  a  town.  It 
was  only  for  a  few  years  that  we  had  this  wise  young  scholar, 
poet,  philosopher  among  us,  for  Death  called  him  early; 
but  he  planted  an  influence  that  has  stayed. 

Principal  Buckham  was  succeeded  by  Dr.  James  M.  Cas- 
sety,  who  came  from  the  Cortland  Normal  School,  and  who, 
in  turn,  has  been  succeeded  recently  by  Mr.  Daniel  Upton, 
previously  principal  of  the  Technical  High  School  of  the 

By  the  ambitions  that  were  embodied  long  ago  in  its 
charter,  by  the  dignity  of  its  name  and  by  the  courage  of 
the  great  hopes  which  it  still  inspires,  the  University  of 
Buffalo  has  claims  to  the  leading  place  in  a  survey  of  the 
educational  institutions  that  have  risen  in  the  city  outside 
of  the  system  of  its  free  public  schools.  The  pity  is  that  it 
cannot  take  that  place  in  a  commanding  way.     It  has  stood 


in  our  history  for  more  than  sixty  years  as  the  project  of  a 
university,  and  is  realized  now  in  but  four  departments,  of 
professional  education:  Medicine,  Pharmacy,  Dentistry 
and  Law. 

There  were  plans  for  the  founding  of  a  University  of 
Buffalo  in  the  excitedly  generous  minds  of  the  bold  specu- 
lators of  1835-36.  Those  schemes  vanished  in  the  bubble- 
bursting  of  1837,  but  came  to  thought  again  in  1846,  with 
a  special  stimulation  from  the  very  able  physicians  of  that 
day  in  Buffalo,  who  desired  the  establishment  of  a  medical 
school.  Such  notable  men  of  the  profession  as  Frank  H. 
Hamilton,  Austin  Flint,  James  P.  White  and  Charles  A. 
Lee  were  undoubtedly  prime  movers  in  the  incorporation 
of  the  University  of  Buffalo,  which  laid  a  broad  foundation 
for  the  school  they  were  prepared  to  undertake. 

The  story  of  its  origin  was  told  in  a  recent  address  to 
the  Alumni  of  the  University  by  its  then  vice-chancellor, 
Mr.  Charles  P.  Norton. 

"Some  professional  and  business  men,"  said  Mr.  Norton, 
"met  in  a  dingy  little  office  on  Main  Street,  to  discuss 
whether  it  would  be  practicable  to  establish  a  college,  a 
university  or  a  medical  school  in  Buffalo.  Although  then 
as  now  there  were  plenty  to  point  out  the  folly  and  useless- 
ness  of  such  a  great  undertaking,  to  the  credit  of  the  medical 
profession  be  it  said  that  the  physicians  present,  after  hot 
debate,  persuaded  the  meeting  to  attempt,  not  only  a  med- 
ical school,  but  a  university  with  academic,  theological  and 
medical  departments.  Accordingly,  on  May  11,  1846,  a 
university  charter  was  granted  by  the  Legislature,  authoriz- 
ing a  capital  of  $100,000,  and  requiring  the  organization  of 
some  kind  of  a  college  within  three  years;  providing  that 
$20,000  of  stock  should  be  subscribed  for  and  ten  per  cent, 
paid  down.  It  was  decided  to  start  the  movement  with  a 
medical  school,  and,  in  the  summer  of  1846,  $20,000  was 


subscribed  to  the  stock  and  ten  per  cent,  paid  in  by  the 
medical  faculty,  aided  by  patriotic  citizens.  The  physi- 
cians did  not  stop  there.  During  the  next  eighteen  months 
they  secured  subscriptions  from  one  hundred  and  thirty 
citizens,  varying  in  amount  from  $20  to  $500,  though  aver- 
aging $100.  This  subscription  aggregated  $12,000.  With 
it  they  bought  one  hundred  feet  of  land  on  Main  Street  by 
200  feet  on  Virginia  Street,  and  erected  there  the  medical 
college  building,  dedicated  November  7,  1849,  which  stood 
during  so  many  years  for  all  there  was  of  the  University  of 

The  lists  of  the  incorporators  and  of  the  original  council 
of  the  University  show  how  well  the  undertaking  was  sup- 
ported by  the  best  men  of  the  city.  The  council  was  com- 
posed as  follows:  Millard  Fillmore,  chancellor;  Joseph 
G.  Masten,  Thomas  M.  Foote,  Isaac  Sherman,  Gaius  B. 
Rich,  Ira  A.  Blossom,  William  A.  Bird,  George  W.  Clin- 
ton, George  R.  Babcock,  Theodotus  Burwell,  James  O. 
Putnam,  Herman  A.  Tucker,  John  D.  Shepard,  Elbridge 
G.  Spaulding,  Orson  Phelps,  Orsamus  H.  Marshall.  Mil- 
lard Fillmore  held  the  position  of  chancellor  for  twenty- 
eight  years.  His  successors  in  the  office  have  been,  Orsa- 
mus H.  Marshall,  1874-84;  E.  Carleton  Sprague,  1885-95; 
James  O.  Putnam,  1895-1902;  Wilson  S.  Bissell,  1902-03; 
Charles  P.  Norton,  vice-chancellor  and  chancellor,  1903- 

The  Department  of  Medicine  was  organized  in  the  year 
of  the  incorporation  of  the  University,  with  a  faculty  com- 
posed of  Doctors  James  Hadley,  Charles  B.  Coventry, 
James  Webster,  Charles  A.  Lee,  Frank  H.  Hamilton, 
James  P.  White,  Austin  Flint,  Corydon  L.  Ford.  The  five 
gentlemen  first  named  held  chairs  in  the  Geneva  Medical 
College,  which  held  sessions  in  the  early  part  of  the  winter, 
and  the  session  at  Buffalo  came  later.  Lectures  were  given 
during  the  first  three  years  in  the  old  First  Baptist  Church, 


at  the  corner  of  Washington  and  Seneca  streets.  Mean- 
time a  substantial  building  for  the  college  was  erected,  of 
brown  stone,  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Virginia  streets. 
This  was  occupied  in  1849,  and  from  that  year  till  1893, 
when  the  Medical  Department  entered  into  possession  of 
its  present  fine  building,  on  High  Street,  erected  at  a  cost 
of  $130,000. 

In  the  faculty  of  the  earlier  years.  Dr.  White  served 
thirty-five  years.  Dr.  Thomas  F.  Rochester  thirty-four,  Dr. 
George  Hadley  (who  filled  his  father's  chair)  thirty-two 
and  Dr.  Edward  M.  Moore  thirty.  The  faculty  of  later 
times  has  included  many  of  eminence  in  the  local  profes- 
sion, among  them  Doctors  William  H.  Mason,  Charles 
Gary,  Julius  F.  Miner,  Matthew  D.  Mann,  Roswell  Park, 
Gharles  G.  Stockton,  John  Parmenter. 

Since  1898,  an  important  pathological  laboratory,  devoted 
specially  to  the  study  of  cancer,  has  been  connected  with 
the  Medical  Department  of  the  University,  receiving  State 
aid.  In  1901  Mrs.  W.  H.  Gratwick,  and  a  few  other 
friends  of  the  work,  erected  a  beautiful  building  for  the 
laboratory  on  High  Street,  and  it  has  been  named  the 
Gratwick  Research  Laboratory.  Its  director  is  Dr.  Ros- 
well Park. 

For  forty  years  after  the  incorporation  of  the  University 
of  Buffalo  it  was  represented  by  the  Department  of  Medi- 
cine alone.  Then,  in  1886,  the  Department  of  Pharmacy 
was  added,  and  has  been  conducted  with  success. 

Five  years  later,  in  1891,  the  Buffalo  Law  School,  which 
had  been  organized  in  1887  and  affiliated  for  a  time  with 
the  University  of  Niagara,  became  a  Department  of  Law 
in  the  University  of  Buffalo.  This  school  has  a  record  of 
remarkably  good  work.  In  the  last  two  years  every  grad- 
uate it  has  sent  to  the  State  examining  board  has  passed 
and  received  his  diploma. 


The  latest  permanent  addition  to  the  University  was 
made,  by  the  organization  of  the  Department  of  Dentistry, 
in  1892.  Its  classes  have  been  very  large;  so  large  as  to 
require  at  the  end  of  four  years  a  building  for  itself,  which 
was  erected  on  Goodrich  Street,  contiguous  to  the  main 
University  building,  at  a  cost  of  $36,000;  and  this  building 
needed  the  addition  of  a  fourth  story  in  1902.  Much  of 
the  success  of  the  school  is  attributed  to  its  leading  organizer 
and  first  dean.  Dr.  William  C.  Barrett,  who  died  in  1903. 

A  School  of  Pedagogy,  established  as  a  fifth  department 
of  the  University  in  1895,  ^^^  discontinued  in  1898  for  lack 
of  adequate  support.  It  had  been  founded  by  a  number 
of  liberal  friends  of  education  with  the  hope  that  it  might 
develop  into  a  department  of  arts,  and  they  bore  the  con- 
siderable cost  of  it  bravely  for  the  three  years.  With  Pro- 
fessor Frank  M.  McMurry  (later  of  the  Teachers'  College, 
Columbia)  at  its  head,  and  Professor  Herbert  G.  Lord  (also 
of  Columbia,  later)  in  its  faculty,  its  work  was  of  the 
highest  order,  and  would  have  won  a  firm  footing  for  it  in 
time;  but  it  needed  a  permanent  endowment  to  give  it  the 
needed  time,  and  that  was  not  secured.  The  dissolution  of 
this  school  was  one  of  the  serious  losses  of  the  city. 

Within  the  last  few  years  a  most  resolute  endeavor  to  put 
the  University  on  a  broader  foundation  of  endowment,  and 
to  uplift  it  into  broader  and  more  inspiring  fields  of  work, 
has  been  led  by  Chancellor  Norton,  with  great  promise  of 
success.  A  fine  site  of  one  hundred  acres  on  the  northern 
border  of  the  city,  now  occupied  by  the  Almshouse,  has  been 
secured  by  purchase  from  the  county,  and  this  gives  a  hope- 
ful footing  of  practicality  to  the  undertaking.  Hundreds 
of  the  rising  generation  of  leading  spirits  in  the  city  are 
enlisted  in  it,  heart  and  soul,  and  they  do  not  mean  to  fail. 
By  an  act  of  the  State  Legislature  of  1910  the  city  of  Buf- 
falo is  authorized  to  appropriate  $75,000  annually  to  the 


support  of  enlarged  undertakings  for  higher  education  by 
the  University,  and  the  act  has  been  officially  approved  by 
the  Mayor  and  Common  Council. 

In  1840  the  Rev.  J.  A.  A.  Grabau  and  the  German  Lu- 
theran Synod  of  Buffalo  established  the  German  Martin 
Luther  Theological  Seminary,  for  the  education  and  train- 
ing of  German  Lutheran  pastors.  The  seminary  was 
opened  in  a  private  house  on  Goodell  Street,  but  trans- 
ferred in  1854  to  ^  building  erected  for  it  on  Maple  Street, 
Nos.  153-4,  which  it  occupies  at  the  present  day.  It  is 
supported  by  the  forty  congregations  of  the  Lutheran  Synod 
of  Buflfalo. 

St.  Joseph's  College  and  Cathedral  Parochial  School 
(Catholic)  was  established  under  the  direction  of  the  clergy 
of  the  Bishop's  residence  in  1848,  being  opened  in  two 
brick  houses  on  Niagara  Street,  near  Main.  Christian 
Brothers  took  charge  of  the  college  in  1861.  From  1872 
to  1892  it  occupied  a  building  erected  for  it  on  Delaware 
Avenue.  For  the  next  five  years  it  was  provided  for  tem- 
porarily at  the  corner  of  Prospect  Avenue  and  Jersey  Street, 
and  took  possession  of  its  present  fine  building,  on  Main 
Street  near  Bryant,  in  1897. 

In  1 85 1  a  part  of  the  former  congregation  of  St.  Louis 
Church,  withdrawing  from  that  body,  met  for  a  time  in  the 
basement  of  St.  Peter's  Church  (French),  at  the  corner  of 
Washington  and  Clinton  Streets,  where  services  were  con- 
ducted by  Jesuit  Fathers.  Bishop  Timon  then  conveyed 
to  the  Jesuits,  for  a  nominal  sum,  a  piece  of  property  that 
he  had  acquired  on  Washington  Street,  above  Chippewa, 
subject  to  the  condition  that  they  build  a  church  for  the 
Germans  and  establish  a  college.  This  was  the  origin  of 
St.  Michael's  Church  and  of  Canisius  College.  The  col- 
lege, however,  was  not  founded  until  1870.     When  founded 


it  was  to  realize  the  purpose  of  Bishop  Timon,  and  its 
buildings,  when  erected,  were  on  part  of  the  ground  which 
the  Bishop  intended  for  that  use. 

The  college  is  conducted  by  the  Fathers  of  the  Society 
of  Jesus.  It  receives  both  day  scholars  from  the  city  and 
boarder-students  from  elsewhere.  In  1906  its  charter  was 
so  amended  as  to  authorize  the  organization  of  an  academic 
department.  It  now  affords,  therefore,  both  a  high  school 
and  a  collegiate  education.  Since  its  incorporation  in  1883 
by  the  Regents  of  the  University  it  has  power  to  confer 
degrees  and  academical  honors.  The  college  has  a  library 
of  about  26,000  volumes.  Its  president  and  prefect  of 
studies  at  this  time  is  the  Rev.  Augustine  A.  Miller,  S.  J. 
The  professors  in  its  faculty  are  nine  in  number,  with  seven 
additional  instructors  in  special  branches.  The  roll  of  its 
students  in  19 10  numbered  about  400  in  all.  Recently,  by 
general  subscription,  a  large  fund  for  new  buildings  has 
been  raised.  The  buildings  planned  are  four  in  number, 
namely:  The  college  proper,  a  college  of  science,  a  chapel 
and  a  gymnasium.  They  are  to  be  placed  on  grounds  ten 
acres  in  extent,  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Jefferson  streets. 
Five  acres  of  the  ground  will  be  used  as  an  athletic  field. 
The  old  college  building  will  be  continued  in  use  as  the 
seat  of  a  preparatory  school. 

On  the  suggestion  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  M.  L.  R.  P.  Thomson,  a 
few  gentlemen  met  at  the  residence  of  Stephen  G.  Austin, 
in  the  spring  of  1851,  to  consider  the  need  of  an  academic 
school  for  girls.  The  result  of  their  conference  was  the 
calling  of  a  more  public  meeting,  at  the  hotel  then  known 
as  the  Phelps  House,  at  which  the  project  was  undertaken, 
stock  subscriptions  for  it  opened,  and  a  board  of  trustees 
chosen.  The  first  president  of  the  board  was  Samuel  F. 
Pratt,  who  was  succeeded  by  Horatio  Shumway.  Mr. 
Shumway   was   the    friend    and    legal    adviser   of   Jabez 


Goodell,  and  his  influence  was  helpful,  no  doubt,  in  deter- 
mining Mr.  Goodell  to  make  a  generous  gift  of  land  and 
money  to  the  contemplated  institution,  amounting  in  value 
to  $15,500. 

The  Johnson  Cottage  (former  residence  of  Dr.  Ebenezer 
Johnson)  was  acquired,  and  a  school  building,  to  be  known 
as  Goodell  Hall,  was  erected  on  the  Cottage  ground,  but 
facing  Johnson  Park.  This  was  dedicated  on  the  6th  of 
July,  1852.  Meantime,  the  school  had  been  opened  in  the 
Cottage,  under  the  name  of  the  Buffalo  Female  Academy, 
with  the  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  E.  West,  of  Brooklyn,  as  its  prin- 
cipal, and  it  had  an  assured  success  from  the  beginning. 
Dr.  West  was  succeeded  in  1859  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Albert  T. 
Chester,  and  the  latter  by  Mrs.  Charles  F.  Hartt  in  1887. 
In  1889  the  name  of  the  school  was  changed  to  that  of  the 
Buffalo  Seminary.  Mrs.  Hartt  resigned  in  1899,  and  her 
place  was  taken  by  Miss  Jessie  E.  Beers,  until  1903,  when 
Miss  L.  Gertrude  Angell,  who  had  been  associate  principal 
for  the  past  two  years,  became  the  head  of  the  school. 

By  this  time  the  northward  movement  of  population  in 
the  city  had  made  the  site  of  Goodell  Hall  an  inconvenient 
one  for  the  pupils  of  the  Seminary,  and  it  was  moved  to 
temporary  quarters  in  the  building  of  the  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury Club,  pending  arrangements  for  a  new  building  of 
its  own.  The  Graduates'  Association  of  its  alumnae,  a 
strong  and  much  devoted  organization,  took  the  enterprise 
in  hand.  An  excellent  site  on  Bidwell  Parkway  was  pur- 
chased, and  a  fine  building  made  ready  for  opening  in  Sep- 
tember, 1909. 

At  one  time  and  another  there  have  been  many  com- 
mercial schools  and  colleges  in  Buffalo,  but  one  only  among 
those  now  existing  dates  far  back  in  time.  Bryant  &  Strat- 
ton's  Business  College  was  established  in  1854,  being  one  of 
the  first  in  a  chain  of  affiliated  schools  which  reached  forty- 


eight  cities  in  the  end.  Mr.  J.  C.  Bryant  was  at  the  head  of 
the  institution  in  Buffalo  until  his  death,  not  many  years 
ago,  since  which  time  it  has  been  conducted  by  his  son.  In 
1895  the  college  took  possession  of  a  capacious  building, 
erected  for  its  own  use,  on  West  Genesee  Street,  near 
Niagara  Square. 

Miss  Nardin  and  three  companions  of  the  community  of 
the  Sacred  Heart  of  Mary  came  to  Buffalo  in  1857,  and 
opened,  in  a  rented  building  on  Seneca  Street,  the  school 
which  has  been  known  familiarly  as  Miss  Nardin's 
Academy.  Property  adjoining  St.  Joseph's  Cathedral,  on 
Franklin  Street,  was  bought  and  built  upon  for  the  academy 
in  1863,  and  that  was  its  residence  until  1890,  when  it 
entered  its  present  commodious  home,  on  Cleveland 

Le  Couteulx  St.  Mary's  Institution  for  the  Improved 
Instruction  of  Deaf  Mutes  owes  its  existence  to  a  "Benevo- 
lent Society  for  the  Deaf  and  Dumb,"  which  Bishop 
Timon, — the  originator  of  so  many  of  the  works  of  benevo- 
lence conducted  in  Buffalo, — organized  in  1853.  Louis  Le 
Couteulx,  generous  supporter  of  the  good  bishop's  kindly 
undertakings,  gave  an  acre  of  land  on  Edward  Street  to  the 
society,  and  three  small  framed  dwelling  houses  were 
bought  and  removed  thereto.  It  was  not,  however,  until 
1859  that  the  St.  Mary's  Society  was  prepared  to  give 
special  instruction  to  mutes.  Three  Sisters  of  St.  Joseph, 
who  had  mastered  the  sign  language,  came  then  from  St. 
Louis  to  be  teachers ;  but  funds  for  the  support  of  the  school 
were  insufficient,  and  it  had  to  be  suspended  for  a  time. 
Sister  Mary  Anne  went,  however,  in  1861,  to  Philadelphia, 
and  prepared  herself  at  an  institution  in  that  city  to  take  up 
the  work  of  deaf-mute  teaching,  which  she  has  conducted 
and  directed  in  the  Le  Couteulx  St.  Mary's  Institution  ever 


Before  the  return  of  Sister  Mary  Anne  from  Phila- 
delphia, Bishop  Timon  had  brought  about  the  erection  of  a 
four-story  brick  building  on  Edward  Street,  and  the  school 
and  home  were  reopened  there  in  1862.  In  its  first  year 
it  had  but  eleven  pupils;  but  at  the  end  of  four  years  it 
needed  enlargement  of  its  building,  and  an  east  wing  was 
added.  In  1899  it  was  removed  to  the  fine  building  it  now 
occupies,  at  2253  Main  Street,  erected  on  twenty-three  and 
a  half  acres  of  ground,  which  had  been  secured  for  it,  with 
wise  forecast,  fifteen  years  before.  Here  it  has  accommoda- 
tion for  200  pupils,  with  a  present  attendance  of  174.  "The 
system  of  instruction  in  use  is  the  'combined'  or  American 
system,  which  includes  all  known  methods.  By  it  all  grades 
of  intellect  can  be  reached.  Speech  and  speech-reading  are 
taught.  The  course  of  studies  extends  from  the  kinder- 
garten through  the  grammar  course,  the  same  as  in  the 
public  and  parochial  schools.  Pupils  of  the  advanced 
grades  take  Regents'  examinations."  The  industrial  train- 
ing includes  printing,  tailoring,  carpenter  work,  shoemak- 
ing,  chair-caning,  cooking  and  dressmaking.  All  the 
clothes  and  shoes  worn  by  the  students  are  made  in  the 

The  institution  is  maintained  mainly  by  a  per  capita  ap- 
propriation from  the  State  and  from  counties  sending 
pupils,  being  free  to  all  deaf  children  of  the  State,  of  any 
race  or  creed.  It  is  one  of  the  largest  and  best  of  its  kind 
in  the  country.  Sister  M.  Dositheus  is  the  assistant  prin- 
cipal; the  Hon.  George  A.  Lewis  is  president  and  Bishop 
Colton  vice-president  of  the  board  of  trustees. 

The  Holy  Angels'  Academy  was  founded  in  1861  by  a 
few  Grey  Nuns,  who  had  been  teaching  previously  in  a 
parochial  school.  It  was  opened  in  a  rented  dwelling  on 
Niagara  Street,  and  acquired  a  prosperous  footing  very 
soon.     Becoming  a  chartered  institution  in  1869,  its  building 


on  Porter  Avenue  was  erected  in  1872-3,  but  partially 
burned  in  1879  and  rebuilt  the  same  year.  Wings  added  to 
the  building  in  1887  and  1899  denoted  the  steady  growth  of 
the  Academy,  and  a  remarkable  evolution  was  wrought  in 
the  next  few  years.  By  act  of  the  Legislature  of  the  State, 
in  April,  1908,  the  institution  was  reincorporated,  under  the 
title  of  D'Youville  College  and  Academy  of  the  Holy 
Angels,  and  was  invested  with  authority  to  confer  degrees 
and  diplomas,  except  in  medicine  and  law.  A  fine  build- 
ing for  the  new  college  was  erected  on  ground  contiguous 
to  that  of  the  Academy,  fronting  on  Prospect  Avenue  and 
Prospect  Park,  at  a  cost  of  $125,000,  and  it  was  opened  for 
instruction  in  September,  1908. 

In  a  privately  and  choicely  printed  thin  volume,  entitled 
"Memoranda  of  the  Buffalo  Classical  School,"  it  is  related 
that  "in  September,  1863,  some  three  or  four  prominent 
citizens  of  Buffalo,  having  sons  whom  they  wished  to  send 
to  college,  began  to  cast  about  for  a  school  in  the  city  at 
which  a  suitable  preparation  for  entering  upon  an  advanced 
course  of  study  could  be  obtained.  At  that  date  Buffalo  was 
lamentably  deficient  in  schools  of  that  character.  Parents 
who  desired  to  give  their  sons  a  liberal  education  were  com- 
pelled to  exile  them  at  an  age  when  they  reasonably  thought 
they  needed  the  fostering  care  of  home,  rather  than  the 
regime  of  the  average  boarding  school. 

"After  careful  deliberation,  these  gentlemen,  Pascal  P. 
Pratt,  Bronson  C.  Rumsey,  E.  P.  Beals,  and  James  M. 
Ganson,  decided  that  a  private  school,  supported  and  con- 
trolled by  themselves,  offered  the  best  means  for  attaining 
the  end  sought.  In  pursuance  of  their  purpose  they  opened 
a  house  once  fronting  on  Emily  Street.  This  house  for 
several  years  stood  near  the  center  of  Mr.  Bronson  C. 
Rumsey's  extensive  grounds,  and  was  in  sight  from  Dela- 
ware Avenue." 


For  principal  of  the  school  thus  planned  and  provided  for 
its  promoters  made  a  wise  and  fortunate  choice.  They 
engaged  Horace  Briggs  (made  Doctor  Horace  Briggs  a 
little  later  by  the  reception,  from  Williams  College,  of  the 
honorary  degree  of  Ph.  D.)  who  had  been  in  charge  of  the 
Latin  and  Greeli  classes  of  the  Buffalo  Central  High  School 
for  the  past  two  years.  Doctor  Briggs,  or  Professor  Briggs, 
as  he  came  to  be  known  more  familiarly,  began  then  an  edu- 
cational work  which  proved  singularly  important  to 
Buffalo,  because  of  the  number  and  quality  of  the  liberally 
educated  young  men  who  came  under  his  influence  and 
passed  through  his  hands  in  the  shaping  years  of  their  youth. 
In  the  first  term  of  the  school  it  had  but  five  pupils;  in  the 
first  year  but  thirteen.  From  year  to  year  the  number  grew, 
but  seems  never  to  have  gone  far  beyond  forty;  and  the 
entire  roll  of  its  students  for  the  twenty-two  years  of  its 
existence  counts  only  two  hundred  and  thirty-one;  but  it  is  a 
surprising  list  of  the  familiar  names  of  men  who  have  had 
lead  and  prominence  since  in  the  public  and  private  life, 
in  the  business  and  the  professional  activity,  of  the  town. 

At  the  end  of  the  school  year  in  1885  Professor  Briggs, 
still  in  full  possession  of  everything  that  had  made  the  school 
a  success,  felt  nevertheless,  as  he  has  said,  that  he  "had 
reached  an  age  when  he  did  not  delight  to  bear  heavy  bur- 
dens," and  that  "it  was  time  for  him  to  step  out  of  the  ranks 
and  leave  the  battle  to  younger  men."  The  school  survived 
his  retirement  from  it  only  two  years.  At  the  time  of  this 
writing,  in  1910,  Dr.  Briggs  is  still  with  us,  in  his  93d  year, 
as  erect,  as  firm  of  step,  and  as  alert  of  mind  as  the  youngest 
of  his  pupils. 

The  memorial  of  the  school,  mentioned  above,  was 
printed  in  1902  by  those  who  had  been  "boys"  in  it,  and  in 
whose  memory  it  is  cherished  fondly. 

From  a  small  school  for  girls,  opened  by  Sisters  of  St. 

'<^otqin'j  artj  ril  ajiv/    ni  Sisriv/  ,W9&}?9V/^  moii  ^in  ; 

V  ihiv/  qiriaTji]ji;;q  e  !''jrmol  \f;8i   nT     .nob 

hi.i,  ■,'.ii .   .7  1'.  (:4i8i  itl  ,  .eifiSi 

boib   b'l'  _ 

Uvyj  iloifl',' 
)  r.  l)3rrn<.>'i 


a:LTURAL  E^■01L  n-'X 

iii^pai  oi  the  school  thus  planned  and  provmt  i  loi 
i  >iers  made  a  wise  and  fortunate  choice.  They 
..!_^ai;>.vi  iiorace  Briggs  (made  Doctor  Horace  Briggs  a 
little  later  by  the  reception,  from  Williams  College,  of  the 
honorary  degree  of  Ph.  D.)  who  had  been  in  charge  of  the 
Latin  and  Greek  classes  of  the  Buffalo  Central  High  School 
for  the  past  two  years.  Doctor  Briggs,  or  Professor  Briggs, 
as  he  came  to  be  known  more  familiarly,  began  then  an  edu- 
cational work  which  proved  singularly  important  to 
Buffalo,  because  of  the  number  and  quality  of  the  liberally 
educated  young  men  who  came  under  his  influence  and 
passed  through  his^ham^^n  ^hll?lft'iS^  years  of  their  youth. 
In  the  first  term  of  the  school  ir  h.v>l  Sut  five  pupils;  in  the 
first  -^'?'''^,P^^r,Ip,tte,.,Chittende;[j  Coqnty,  Vermont,  .J^ne!;?6,  ^^ew, 
"1810.  Came  from  Westfield,  where  he  was  in  the  employ^  .  ' 
of  Aaron  Ruhisey,  one  of  the  pioneer  tanners  of  this  sec- 
Clltition.'  In  1837  fofnifed  a  partnership  with  Aaron  Rumsey, 
exiWhlch  continued  about  f out  years.  In  1844  Mr.  Howard 
Slii  formed  a  co-partnership  in  the  tanning  business  with  Mr.  f)ad 
Jt>;i  Myron  P.  Bush,  which  lasted,  about  thirty-five  years, ; aq^^.    [ife 

Augusf  30    i88r,.  at  Buffalo,  00      n     ^  o- 

At  the  end  ^  !  year  in  1885  Professor  Briggs, 

still  in  full  posscssioii  <ji  everything  that  had  made  the  school 
a  success,  felt  nevertheless,  as  he  has  said,  that  he  "had 
reached  an  age  when  he  did  not  delight  to  bear  heavy  bur- 
dens," and  that  "it  was  time  for  him  to  step  out  of  the  ranks 
and  leave  the  battle  to  younger  men."  The  school  sir  \  ^vrd 
his  retirement  from  it  only  two  years.     At  is 

writing,  in  1910,  Dr.  Briggs  is  still  with  ;i=;  car, 

as  erect,  as  firm  of  step,  and  as  a  ■■  >oungest 

of  his  pupils. 

The  memorial  of  the  school,  mmfiuiied  above,  was 
printed  in  1902  by  those  who  had  been  "boys"  in  it,  and  in 
whose  memory  it  is  cherished  fondly 

From  a  small  school  for  girls,  opened  by  Sisters  of  St. 


Francis,  in  1874,  the  Buffalo  Academy  of  the  Sacred  Heart 
has  been  developed.  The  large  building  that  it  occupies  at 
749  Washington  Street  was  erected  in  1897. 

In  1886  the  Sisters  of  Charity,  who  conduct  St.  Vincent's 
Female  Orphan  Asylum,  began  the  experiment  of  a  training 
school  in  connection  with  it,  in  order  to  prepare  young  girls 
for  self-support.  The  experiment  had  entire  success,  and 
resulted  in  what  has  been  conducted  for  many  years  under 
the  name  of  St.  Vincent's  Technical  School.  When  the 
Orphan  Asylum,  in  1901,  was  removed  to  the  large  new 
fireproof  building  which  it  now  occupies,  on  the  corner  of 
Riley  and  EUicott  streets,  its  previous  home,  in  the  adjacent 
building  at  13 13  Main  Street,  was  appropriated  to  the 
Technical  School.  It  is  announced  to  be  a  self-supporting 
institution,  for  which  charity  is  never  solicited.  "The  cur- 
riculum of  the  school  embraces  domestic  science,  plain  and 
fancy  sewing,  dress-making,  millinery,  and  a  commercial 
course."  "Independently  of  the  above  named  branches, 
which  belong  exclusively  to  the  school,  care  is  taken  to 
secure  special  training  for  pupils  showing  marked  talents 
and  dispositions  for  other  avocations."  Applicants  must  be 
over  fourteen  and  under  seventeen  years  of  age.  The 
majority  of  the  pupils  have  been  transferred  from  the  chil- 
dren's department  of  the  Orphan  Asylum  after  finishing 
their  grammar  course;  but  other  girls  wishing  to  learn 
trades  are  received. 

St.  Margaret's  School  was  founded  in  1884  by  an  asso- 
ciation composed  of  members  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
Church  who  desired  to  provide  for  the  education  of  their 
daughters  and  for  other  young  girls.  The  prime  movers  in 
the  foundation  were  Dr.  M.  D.  Mann,  General  Rufus  L. 
Howard,  Dr.  H.  E.  Hopkins,  William  Meadows,  James  R. 
Smith,  A.  J.  Barnard,  Edward  S.  Dann,  Thomas  Loomis. 


Dr.  Mann  has  been  the  president  of  the  association  since  it 
was  formed,  except  during  an  interval  of  four  years,  in 
which  General  Howard  presided.  The  first  principal  of 
the  school,  for  five  years,  was  Miss  Isabella  White,  who 
was  succeeded  for  about  ten  years  by  Miss  E.  Currie  Tuck. 
The  present  principal  is  Mrs.  Helen  Holmes  Van  Winkle. 
The  school  was  opened  in  the  old  Kip  homestead,  640 
Main  Street,  but  removed  in  the  first  year  to  its  present 
location,  at  the  corner  of  Franklin  and  North  streets.  Its 
pupils  have  averaged  between  100  and  150  in  number  since 
its  first  year.  The  school  is  under  the  regents,  and  its  cer- 
tificate admits  to  Wellesley,  Vassar  and  Smith  colleges,  and 
to  the  Woman's  College  of  Baltimore. 

The  Elmwood  School,  a  primary  and  grammar  grade 
school  for  boys  and  girls,  grew  from  a  kindergarten,  estab- 
lished in  1889,  on  West  Utica  Street,  by  Miss  Emma  Gib- 
bons and  Miss  Jessica  E.  Beers.  At  the  end  of  two  years 
these  ladies  were  preparing  to  close  the  school,  for  purposes 
of  study  elsewhere ;  but  a  few  ladies  who  were  interested  in 
the  beginning  it  had  made  persuaded  Miss  Beers  to  remain 
in  the  work,  undertaking  to  enlarge  its  scope  and  make  its 
footing  secure.  These  energetic  ladies, — Mrs.  Adelbert 
Moot,  Mrs.  Austin  R.  Preston,  Mrs.  Louis  A.  Bull,  Mrs. 
Charles  A.  Sweet  and  Mrs.  Alexander  M.  Curtis, — carried 
out  their  undertaking  so  effectively  that,  within  a  little  more 
than  a  year  the  school  was  planted  in  a  new  building  of  its 
own,  at  213  Bryant  Street,  erected  and  equipped,  to  a  high 
degree  of  perfection,  at  a  cost  of  about  $30,000. 

In  1895  the  Elmwood  School  was  incorporated,  with  Mr. 
Edward  R.  Rice  in  the  presidency  of  its  board  of  trustees, 
as  he  has  continued  to  be  since.  His  recent  associates  in  the 
board  are  Miss  Jessica  E.  Beers  (principal  of  the  school), 
Mrs.  Carlton  R.  Jewett,  Mrs.  Louis  A.  Bull,  Adelbert 
Moot,  William  B.  Hoyt,  Henry  Ware  Sprague,  Stephen  M. 


Clement,  John  B.  Olmsted.  The  school  has  twelve  instruc- 
tors; occupies  two  buildings;  can  accommodate  about  200 
pupils;  has  among  its  equipments  a  shop  for  work  in  wood 
and  metal,  a  studio,  with  models,  for  art  work,  a  large  gym- 
nasium, and  an  attractive  school  garden. 

In  1899  an  educational  union  between  the  Elmwood 
School  and  the  Buffalo  Seminary  was  arranged,  combining 
the  work  of  the  upper  grades  in  the  latter  with  the  primary 
work  of  the  former. 

A  class  of  mothers  who  met  to  study  methods  of  teaching 
children  became  the  founders  of  an  important  school. 
Their  first  undertaking  was  a  kindergarten,  and  in  1894  they 
brought  about  the  institution  of  the  Franklin  School,  under 
the  direction  of  Dr.  Frank  McMurry,  now  a  professor  in 
the  Teachers'  College  connected  with  Columbia  University. 
President  Eliot,  of  Harvard,  and  President  Butler,  of 
Columbia,  were  advisers  in  the  planning  of  the  institution. 
In  December,  1894,  the  school  was  chartered  by  the  Regents 
of  the  University  of  the  State  of  New  York,  the  incorpo- 
rators being  Charles  G.  Stockton,  M.  A.  Crockett,  Seward 
A.  Simons,  Robert  L.  Fryer,  Frank  F.  Williams,  William 
A.  Rogers,  Charlotte  S.  Glenny,  Mary  L.  Rochester,  Eliza- 
beth C.  Mann,  and  Harriet  E.  Green.  A  lot  on  Park 
Street,  between  Allen  and  North,  was  bought,  and  a  build- 
ing erected  which  needed  to  be  doubled  in  size  in  1898, 
when  it  represented  an  investment  of  about  $40,000. 

Dr.  McMurry,  the  first  principal  of  the  school,  remained 
with  it  but  a  few  years,  during  which  its  work  was  modelled 
on  fine  lines.  He  was  called  to  the  Teachers'  College  in 
1898,  and  Professor  Herbert  G.  Lord,  who  succeeded  him 
after  a  short  interval,  was  drawn  away  to  Columbia  Univer- 
sity in  1900.  The  Franklin  School  was  then  united  in  man- 
agement with  the  Nichols  School,  which  had  been  con- 
ducted for  a  number  of  years  by  Mr.  William  Nichols,  at 


83  Ashland  Avenue.  Since  the  making  of  that  arrangement 
the  Franklin  School  takes  boys  from  the  kindergarten 
through  their  studies  to  the  age  of  twelve,  when  they  pass 
to  the  Nichols  School;  but  girls  are  carried  to  the  end  of 
the  course,  which  prepares  them  for  college. 

Within  the  past  year  the  Nichols  School,  still  bearing  the 
name  of  its  deceased  founder,  has  been  placed  on  a  noble 
footing  by  a  number  of  wealthy  patrons,  whose  liberality 
has  endowed  it  with  one  of  the  most  perfect  of  school  build- 
ings, equipped  with  remarkable  completeness,  and  situated 
admirably,  in  ample  grounds,  on  the  northern  edge  of  Dela- 
ware Park,  at  the  corner  of  Amherst  and  Colvin  streets. 
The  successor  to  Mr.  Nichols  as  head-master  is  Mr.  Joseph 
Dana  Allen,  lately  at  the  head  of  one  of  the  largest  private 
schools  of  Philadelphia. 

"To  give  Jewish  children  of  both  sexes  a  knowledge  of  the 
Jewish  religion,  language  and  history,"  the  Buffalo  Hebrew 
School  was  founded  in  1904  by  the  Jewish  residents  of  the 
east  side  of  the  city.  Four  teachers  give  instruction  in  it  to 
about  300  children  in  daily  attendance.  The  officers  of  its 
board  of  trustees  are  Mr.  H.  Harriton,  president;  Mr.  M. 
Aronson,  vice-president;  Mr.  A.  S.  Cohen,  treasurer;  Mr. 
M.  Diamond,  secretary. 



AS  early  as  1816  a  little  village  collection  of  books, 
about  700  in  number,  was  formed  and  styled  "The 
Buffalo  Library"  by  a  small  company  of  stock- 
holders, who  maintained  it  till  1832.  Near  the  close  of 
1830  another  library  and  literary  society  was  organized 
under  the  name  of  the  Buffalo  Lyceum,  which  showed  much 
activity  for  a  time,  but  had  no  long  life.  The  undertaking 
which  accomplished  the  real  planting  of  a  durable  bibli- 
othecal  institution  was  started  on  the  20th  of  February, 
1836,  by  a  published  notice,  requesting  "the  young  men  of 
Buffalo,  friendly  to  the  founding  of  a  Young  Men's  Asso- 
ciation, for  mutual  improvement  in  literature  and  science," 
to  meet  at  the  Court  House  on  Monday,  the  22d  day  of 
February,  at  7  p.  m. 

At  the  meeting,  duly  held,  with  the  Hon.  Hiram  Pratt 
in  the  chair,  a  constitution,  based  on  that  of  the  Albany 
Young  Men's  Association,  was  adopted,  and  the  meeting 
adjourned  for  one  week.  At  its  second  session  the  Asso- 
ciation was  organized  completely  by  the  election  of  the 
following-named  officers:  Seth  C.  Hawley,  president;  Dr. 
Charles  Winne,  Samuel  N.  Callender  and  George  Brown, 
vice-presidents;  Frederick  P.  Stevens  and  A.  G.  C.  Coch- 
rane, corresponding  and  recording  secretaries;  John  R.  Lee, 
treasurer;  Oliver  G.  Steele,  Henry  K.  Smith,  William  H. 
Lacy,  George  W.  Allen,  Charles  H.  Raymond,  Henry  R. 
Williams,  George  E.  Hayes,  Halsey  R.  Wing,  Rushmore 
Poole,  and  Hunting  S.  Chamberlain,  managers. 

This  was  early  in  the  last  year  of  that  mad  period  of 



speculation  and  paper  wealth  which  preceded  the  great 
collapse  of  1837.  Everybody  was  feeling  rich,  and  it  was 
easy  to  give  the  new  institution  a  splendid  launching  on  its 
long  career.  A  subscription  amounting  to  $6,700  was 
raised;  a  large  purchase  of  books  was  made;  the  surviving 
collections  of  the  old  Buffalo  Library  and  the  Lyceum  were 
turned  in,  and  before  the  year  ended  the  Y.  M.  A.  Library 
had  about  2,700  volumes  on  its  shelves.  Its  greater  pride, 
however,  was  in  the  44  weekly,  10  monthly  and  6  quarterly 
publications  on  file  in  its  reading  room,  making  it  the  com- 
pletest  of  any  west  of  New  York. 

That  the  Association  was  not  broken  down  by  the  stress 
of  hard  times,  which  came  on  it  soon,  is  proof  of  sturdy 
pluck  in  the  young  men  who  held  it  up.  It  carried  a  burden 
of  debt  for  many  years,  and  lived  pinchingly,  but  it  lived. 
Its  first  rooms  were  on  the  upper  floors  of  a  building  three 
doors  below  Seneca  Street,  on  Main.  When  open  they  were 
under  the  eye  of  a  portrait  painter,  Mr.  B.  W.  Jenks,  who 
occupied  adjoining  rooms.  Some  time  passed  before  the 
attendance  of  a  regular  librarian  was  secured.  The  first  to 
hold  that  office  was  Mr.  Charles  H.  Raymond,  to  whom 
Mr.  Charles  D.  Norton,  in  a  historical  address,  on  the 
twenty-fifth  anniversary  of  the  Association,  awarded  high 
praise  for  the  labor  he  performed  and  the  patience  and  reso- 
lution "with  which  he  persisted  in  his  unrewarded  toil." 
Dr.  Raymond  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  Phineas  Sargent  in 


In  1841  the  Association  removed  its  rooms  to  South  Divi- 
sion Street,  near  Main,  where  a  small  lecture  room  was  fitted 
up.  In  these  quarters  it  was  greatly  cramped,  and  in  1848 
an  ambitious  effort  was  made  to  raise  funds  for  a  building 
of  its  own.  The  project  failed;  but  four  years  later  com- 
modious quarters  were  secured  by  lease  in  the  American 
Block,  on  the  west  side  of  Main  Street,  half  way  between 


Eagle  and  Court,  the  lease  including  the  fairly  large  and 
excellent  American  Hall,  on  the  third  floor,  with  the  library 
placed  underneath.  Here  the  Association  won  a  footing 
which  made  its  future  secure.  The  Hall  became  a  source 
of  considerable  income.  Annual  courses  of  lectures  by 
famous  speakers  were  undertaken,  with  pleasure  to  the 
public  and  profit  to  the  library.  The  annual  election  of 
officers  became  a  contest  which  excited  the  town  and  added 
constantly  to  the  membership  list.  The  Y.  M.  A.  was  now 
distinctly  at  the  front  of  the  intellectual  life  of  the  town. 

Mr.  Sargent  had  resigned  the  post  of  librarian  in  1850, 
because  of  failing  health,  and  Lewis  Jenkins,  who  took  his 
place,  withdrew  in  1852.  Then  the  office  was  taken  by 
William  Ives,  whose  connection  with  the  library  lasted 
through  fifty-three  years.  Though  still  in  firm  health,  but 
feeling  the  weight  of  nearly  ninety  years,  Mr.  Ives  retired 
from  service  in  January,  1905. 

In  1856  a  munificent  proposal  by  Mr.  George  Palmer 
encouraged  a  new  project  of  building.  Mr.  Palmer  prof- 
fered a  gift  of  land  valued  at  $12,000,  with  $10,000  in 
money,  on  the  condition  that  $90,000  more  be  raised  from 
other  sources.  The  condition  could  not  be  fulfilled.  In 
1861,  near  the  eve  of  the  outbreak  of  our  dreadful  Civil 
War,  the  Association  celebrated  its  twenty-fifth  anniversary, 
with  notable  public  exercises,  distinguished  by  one  of  the 
finest  of  the  poems  of  the  late  David  Gray. 

The  years  of  the  ensuing  war  were  years  of  prosperity 
and  progress  in  the  history  of  the  Association.  It  was  in 
that  period  that  it  acquired  its  first  actual  endowment,  by 
the  subscription  of  a  building  fund  which  amounted  to  the 
sum  of  $81,655.  This  came  at  the  end  of  an  effort,  pro- 
longed through  two  years,  to  unite  the  Y.  M.  A.,  the  Gros- 
venor  Library,  the  Fine  Arts  Academy,  the  Buffalo  His- 
torical Society  and  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences  in  the 


erection  of  a  building  for  their  common  use.  The  outcome, 
in  the  spring  of  1864,  under  the  presidency  of  S.  V.  R.  Wat- 
son, was  excellent,  though  not  in  accordance  with  the 
original  plan.  A  fine  property,  embracing  the  St.  James 
Hotel  and  St.  James  Hall,  on  Main,  Eagle  and  Washington 
streets,  was  purchased  for  the  Association  from  the  Messrs. 
Albert  and  George  Brisbane,  under  conditions  which  pro- 
vided quarters  in  the  hotel  building,  when  reconstructed, 
for  all  of  the  institutions  named  above,  and  temporarily  for 
some  others,  as  well.  The  Grosvenor  Library,  however, 
was  removed  in  a  short  time  to  another  place. 

The  Association  was  now  in  happy  circumstances.  Its 
library  was  well  placed,  with  room  for  considerable  growth, 
and  its  property  yielded  a  revenue  which  extinguished  the 
debt  on  it  within  thirteen  years.  By  an  issue  of  bonds  in 
1869,  under  the  presidency  of  Henry  A.  Richmond,  a  spe- 
cial fund  for  large  purchases  of  books  was  raised,  whereby 
the  total  of  volumes  on  the  shelves  was  raised  from  about 
16,000  in  1870  to  25,000  in  1872. 

A  change  in  the  working  organization  of  the  library  was 
made  in  the  spring  of  1877,  by  the  creation  of  the  office  of 
superintendent  and  the  appointment  of  J.  N.  Larned  to  the 
place.  During  the  next  two  years  the  books  were  classified 
and  rearranged  throughout,  on  what  is  known  as  the  Dewey 
system  of  relative  location  and  decimal  notation,  which 
holds  the  volumes  of  each  class  together,  whatever  the 
growth  in  numbers  may  be.  The  system  is  now  in  quite 
general  use,  but  its  first  complete  practical  application  was 

With  an  increasing  income,  the  library  grew  rapidly  dur- 
ing the  next  half  dozen  years,  and  the  collections  of  all  the 
societies  in  the  building,  artistic,  literary,  scientific  and  his- 
torical, were  rising  to  a  value  which  made  their  exposure 
to  the  chances  of  fire  a  subject  of  anxious  thought.     Once 


more  there  were  building  projects  mooted,  and  action  taken 
by  nine  public-spirited  gentlemen,  in  the  fall  of  1882, 
focussed  them  to  a  decision  the  next  year.  To  save  the  fine 
site  of  the  Old  Court  House  (bounded  by  Washington, 
Broadway,  Ellicott  and  Clinton  streets)  from  being  sold  for 
commercial  uses,  these  gentlemen  bought  it,  under  agree- 
ment to  transfer  it  at  any  time  within  twelve  months  to  one 
or  more  of  several  societies  and  institutions  named  which 
might  determine  to  buy  and  build  on  the  ground.  The 
citizens  associated  in  this  action  were  Sherman  S.  Rogers, 
James  M.  Smith,  Sherman  S.  Jewett,  Francis  H.  Root, 
Charles  Berrick,  O.  P.  Ramsdell,  Dexter  P.  Rumsey,  Pascal 
P.  Pratt,  George  Howard. 

At  once  there  was  wakened  a  feeling  that  the  opportunity 
secured  for  a  united  establishment  of  our  most  representative 
institutions  of  liberal  culture,  in  so  central  and  admirable  a 
situation,  must  not  be  lost.  Again  the  project  contemplated 
a  side  by  side  planting  of  the  Young  Men's  Library  and  the 
Grosvenor  Library,  with  the  Fine  Arts  Academy,  the 
Society  of  Natural  Sciences  and  the  Historical  Society 
grouped  around  them.  There  was  failure  to  bring  the  two 
libraries  together;  but  in  its  remaining  features  the  scheme 
was  carried  through.  An  energetic  and  resourceful  presi- 
dent of  the  Young  Men's  Association,  Edward  B.  Smith, 
led  the  undertaking  to  success,  raised  a  building  fund  of 
$1 17,000  by  public  subscription,  in  sums  which  ranged  from 
$5,000  to  $1.  A  building  committee  of  five,  composed  of 
Edward  B.  Smith,  Jewett  M.  Richmond,  John  G.  Milburn, 
George  B.  Hayes  and  J.  N.  Earned,  was  given  large  powers 
for  the  supervision  and  direction  of  the  contemplated  work. 
A  tentative  outline  of  floor  plans,  with  a  full  description  of 
the  wants  to  be  satisfied  and  the  conditions  to  be  met,  were 
sent  to  a  number  of  architects,  who  were  invited  to  submit 
competitive  designs.     From  eleven  designs  submitted  that 


of  C.  L.  W.  Eidlitz,  of  New  York,  was  preferred,  and  the 
construction  of  the  building  was  placed  under  his  charge, 
with  August  Esenwein,  of  Buffalo,  as  resident  superinten- 
dent of  the  work. 

Ground  was  broken  on  the  8th  of  October,  1884.  On  the 
13th  of  September,  1886,  the  removal  of  the  library  from 
its  old  to  its  new  home  was  begun ;  but  the  formal  opening 
of  the  completed  building,  with  the  Art,  the  Science  and 
the  History  collections  in  place,  did  not  occur  till  the  7th 
of  February,  1887.  Before  that  time,  the  Young  Men's 
Association  had  been  authorized,  by  act  of  the  Legislature, 
to  assume  the  more  appropriate  name  of  The  Buffalo 

The  vacated  building,  at  the  Main  and  Eagle  streets 
corner,  which  remained  the  property  of  the  Library,  was 
now  remodelled  once  more,  and  restored  to  its  original  use 
as  a  hotel,  named  the  Richmond  House,  in  compliment  to 
Mr.  Jewett  M.  Richmond,  who  had  succeeded  Mr.  Smith 
in  the  presidency  of  the  Library.  A  dreadful  tragedy  re- 
sulted from  the  change;  for  the  Richmond  House  and  the 
adjoining  St.  James  Hall  were  burned  in  the  night  of  the 
1 8th  of  March,  1887,  and  fifteen  lives  were  lost. 

For  the  support  of  the  Library  it  now  became  necessary 
to  make  a  costly  improvement  of  the  ground,  involving  a 
heavy  debt.  One  of  the  finest  of  fireproof  hotel  buildings 
was  erected  and  favorably  leased,  receiving  the  name  of 
The  Iroquois.  During  the  next  decade  the  income  of  the 
Library  was  slender  and  the  demands  on  it  large.  It  did 
what  it  could  to  supply  the  need  of  a  free  public  library, 
opening  its  reading  and  reference  rooms  to  all  comers  and 
distributing  a  large  number  of  free  tickets  in  the  public 
schools;  but  the  privilege  otherwise  of  borrowing  books  for 
home  use  could  be  extended  only  to  its  members,  life  or 
annual,  the  latter  of  whom  paid  three  dollars  per  year. 


The  major  part  of  the  income  derivable  from  the  hotel 
property  of  the  Library  depended  on  the  continuous  ex- 
emption of  that  property  from  taxation,  as  belonging  to 
an  educational  institution.  By  legislation  enacted  in  1896 
this  exemption  was  withdrawn,  and  the  Library  came  sud- 
denly face  to  face  with  a  situation  in  which  the  means  for 
any  usefulness  of  existence  were  suddenly  taken  away.  In 
this  desperate  emergency  proposals  for  making  it  a  free 
public  library,  as  a  municipal  institution,  won  instantly  a 
surprising  weight  and  earnestness  of  support.  The  project, 
widened  to  include  the  Grosvenor  Library,  grew  in  favor  as 
the  discussion  went  on.  Conferences-  between  committees 
representing  the  libraries  and  the  city  government  resulted 
in  agreements  which  the  Legislature,  by  an  act  that  became 
law  on  the  13th  of  February,  1897,  empowered  the  city  and 
the  two  libraries  to  enter  into.  These  agreements,  em- 
bodied in  a  formal  contract  on  the  24th  of  February,  were 
in  effect  as  follows : 

The  Buffalo  Library  conveyed  to  the  city  of  Buffalo  its 
books  and  pamphlets  in  trust  for  a  period  of  99  years,  to- 
gether with  the  net  annual  income  from  the  Library  prop- 
erty. The  city  accepted  the  trust,  and  bound  itself  to  main- 
tain the  Library,  by  annual  appropriation  of  a  sum  not  less 
than  four-fifths  of  three  one-hundredtbs  of  one  per  centum 
of  the  total  assessed  valuation  of  taxable  property  in  the  city 
(appropriating,  also,  not  less  than  one-fifth  of  three  one- 
hundredths  of  one  per  centum  of  such  assessed  valuation 
to  the  maintenance  of  the  Grosvenor  Library  each  year). 
The  Library  to  be  known  as  The  Buffalo  Public  Library, 
and  to  be  free  to  the  residents  of  the  city  for  all  of  its  uses; 
to  be  open  every  day,  during  stipulated  hours;  to  be  under 
the  control  and  management  of  a  board  of  ten  directors, 
five  of  them  representing  the  city  and  five  the  life  members 
of  The  Buffalo  Library,  as  previously  constituted;  these 


latter  having  been  incorporated  with  the  power  of  perpetual 
succession,  and  having  the  control  and  management  of  the 
library  real  estate. 

On  the  9th  of  March  this  corporation  of  life  members  of 
The  Buffalo  Library  was  organized  by  the  election  of 
Nathaniel  W.  Norton  president;  George  L.  Williams  vice- 
president;  Joseph  P.  Dudley,  James  Frazer  Gluck  and 
Charles  R.  Wilson  managers.  These,  with  the  Mayor  of 
Buffalo,  the  Corporation  Counsel,  the  Superintendent  of 
Education,  and  two  citizens,  John  D.  Bogardus  and  Mathias 
Rohr,  appointed  by  the  Mayor,  formed  the  first  board  of 
directors  of  The  Buffalo  Public  Library,  with  Mr.  Norton 
to  preside. 

This  momentous  change  in  the  circumstances  of  the 
Library — in  its  relations  to  the  public  and  in  its  educational 
power — was  striven  for  by  no  one  more  ardently  than  by 
the  writer  of  this  narrative  of  the  event,  who  had  been  the 
superintendent  of  the  library  for  twenty  years.  From  the 
day  it  became  a  certainty  he  labored  strenuously  on  prepara- 
tions for  the  reorganization  of  library  work  which  the  ser- 
vice of  the  whole  reading  public  of  the  city  would  involve. 
He  hoped  to  have  a  hand  in  that  service  for  some  brief  time, 
and  then  retire;  but  a  few  weeks  of  experience  convinced 
him  that  he  could  not  work  in  harmony  with  the  presiding 
officer  of  the  new  board  of  directors,  and  in  April  he  re- 
signed. Mr.  Henry  L.  Elmendorf  was  appointed  his  suc- 
cessor in  the  following  June. 

During  the  summer  extensive  changes  in  the  interior  of 
the  building  were  made  and  it  was  not  opened  to  the  general 
public  until  the  beginning  of  September.  In  thirteen 
years  since  that  opening,  the  educational  service  of  the 
Library  to  the  city  has  gone  far  beyond  every  expectation. 
It  has  far  more  than  realized  the  highest  hopes  that  were 
entertained  when  its  resources  were  enlarged  and  it  was 


made  free.  That  its  collection  of  books  in  19 10  numbered 
no  less  than  284,176  volumes,  and  that  its  circulation  had 
expanded  from  768,000  in  the  first  full  year  of  its  free  open- 
ing to  1,368,425,  are  the  least  significant  of  descrip- 
tive facts.  The  influence  of  its  methods  and  agencies,  in 
introducing  good  literature  to  its  great  reading  public, — 
giving  prominence  to  it, — luring  attention  to  it, — advertis- 
ing it, — is  what  gives  real  and  immense  importance  to  its 
enormous  daily  output  of  books.  Its  big  "open  shelf  room," 
where  readers  browse  as  in  a  private  library,  among  care- 
fully selected  books,  and  pick  for  themselves;  its  children's 
room,  where  boys  and  girls  do  the  same;  its  class-room 
libraries  in  the  public  schools;  its  traveling  libraries,  in 
parochial  and  private  schools,  in  Sunday  schools,  in  social 
settlement  houses,  in  clubs,  in  factories,  in  hospitals,  in 
police  stations  and  firemen's  quarters; — these  are  what  give 
its  mighty  influence  to  the  Public  Library,  as  a  stimulating 
center  of  intellectual  life. 

On  the  death  of  Mr.  Elmendorf,  in  July,  1906,  his 
assistant,  Walter  L.  Brown,  became  the  head  of  the  Library, 
and  was  succeeded  in  the  assistant's  office  by  Mrs.  Elmen- 
dorf, who  had  been,  before  her  marriage,  the  librarian  of 
the  Milwaukee  Public  Library,  and  recognized  as  one  of 
the  ablest  of  the  people  engaged  in  library  work. 

The  unnamed  writer  of  the  "History  of  the  Germans  of 
Buffalo,"  published  in  1898,  who  gives  an  extended  account 
of  the  German  Young  Men's  Association,  ascribes  its  origin 
to  the  Buffalo  Apprentices'  Society,  which  existed  for  a 
number  of  years  after  1833.  Several  young  Germans  were 
among  the  members  of  the  Apprentices'  Society,  some  of 
whom  on  leaving  it,  when  they  had  reached  a  certain  age- 
limit  prescribed  in  its  constitution,  became  instrumental  in 
organizing,  on  May  10,  1841,  the  German-English  Litera- 
ture Society  with  F.  A.  Georger  as  president,  John  Hauen- 


Stein  vice-president,  Carl  Neidhardt  secretary,  and  the 
brothers  Jacob  and  George  Beyer,  George  F.  Pfeififer,  Wil- 
helm  Rudolf  and  Adam  Schlagder  among  its  members. 
The  purpose  of  the  society  was:  mutual  education  in  the 
different  branches  of  German  and  English  literature,  science 
and  art,  the  general  spreading  of  useful  knowledge,  and  the 
providing  of  a  good  library.  Meetings  were  held  every 
Monday  night  in  a  very  plain  room  in  the  rear  of  Dr.  Del- 
lenbaugh's  drug  store,  on  Main  near  Court  Street.  This 
meeting  room  was,  in  accord  with  the  modest  means  of  the 
society's  members  at  the  time,  furnished  very  plainly.  Here 
the  society  met  until  1843. 

Although  the  founders  of  the  society  intended  to  foster 
the  English  language  as  well  as  the  German,  they  discov- 
ered, after  the  first  month  of  its  existence,  that  they 
were  not  able  to  succeed  in  this  matter.  They  did  not  drop 
the  English  entirely,  but  they  had  to  neglect  it.  To  indi- 
cate this  action  also  externally,  they  changed  the  name  of 
the  society  to  the  German  Young  Men's  Association  of  the 
City  of  Buffalo.  This  took  place  on  the  nth  of  Septem- 
ber, 1 841. 

A  series  of  annual  balls,  continued  for  a  number  of  years, 
provided  a  fund  by  which  a  library  was  gradually  built  up. 
It  numbered  750  volumes  in  1846  and  a  catalogue  was 
printed  that  year.  For  a  time  after  leaving  Dr.  Dellen- 
baugh's  drug  store  the  association  had  its  meetings,  lectures 
and  dances  in  the  Eagle  Tavern.  In  the  winter  of  1843-4 
it  established  rooms  in  the  Kremlin  Block,  where  it  re- 
mained until  1854. 

The  immigration  of  political  exiles  from  Germany  in 
1848  brought  some  important  additions  to  the  membership 
of  the  association,  among  them  August  Thieme,  who  had 
been  a  member  of  the  Frankfurter  Parliament;  Carl  Adam, 
the  future  musical  director;  Dr.  H.  Baethig,  Dr.  K.  Weiss, 


Carl  Gruener,  artist,  and  Julius  Rieffenstahl.  Thieme 
went  to  Cleveland  in  1852;  the  others  made  Buffalo  their 
permanent  home. 

The  first  published  report  of  the  executive  committee  6i 
the  association  was  issued  in  January,  1851.  It  showed  a 
membership  of  120,  and  a  library  of  1,090  volumes,  890  of 
which  were  in  the  German  language.  In  that  year  the 
association  gave  a  reception  to  the  German  patriot  Kinkel, 
who  had  escaped  from  a  fortress  prison  with  the  help  of 
Carl  Schurz,  and  in  the  next  year  it  took  a  leading  part  in 
the  reception  to  Kossuth. 

The  period  of  hard  times  and  general  depression  which 
began  in  1857  lowered  the  membership  and  the  spirit  of 
the  association,  as  of  most  other  institutions,  for  a  number  of 
years.  It  had  established  fine  quarters  in  the  Hauenstein 
Block,  corner  of  Main  and  Mohawk  streets,  just  before  this 
occurred;  but  its  membership  had  dropped  by  1861  down 
to  54.  Then  recovery  began.  In  the  course  of  the  decade 
after  1870  it  brought  some  quite  notable  lecturers  to  the 
city,  including  Dr.  Gerhard  Rohlfs,  the  African  traveler, 
and  the  poet,  Friedrich  von  Bodenstedt. 

In  1882  the  association  rose  to  a  great  achievement  in 
response  to  a  great  need.  To  properly  accommodate  the 
Twenty-third  Saengerfest  of  the  German  Saengerbund  of 
North  America,  appointed  to  be  held  in  Buffalo  in  1883,  a 
suitable  hall  was  desired,  and  it  was  determined  that  the 
German  Young  Men's  Association  should  undertake  the 
work.  Its  charter  was  accordingly  amended,  empowering 
it  to  hold  property  to  the  amount  of  $500,000,  and  a  board 
of  real  estate  commissioners  was  created,  consisting  of  J.  P. 
Schoellkopf,  Philip  Becker,  Albert  Ziegler,  John  Greiner, 
and  F.  C.  M.  Lautz,  all  men  of  great  business  experience 
and  solid  wealth.  A  large  piece  of  ground  on  Main, 
Franklin   and   Edward   streets   was   purchased   from   the 


Walden  estate.  General  help  was  given  to  the  enterprising 
Germans  in  raising  funds  for  this  excellent  project,  and  it 
was  carried  out  with  success.  This  first  Music  Hall  in 
Buffalo  had  a  too  short  life.  It  was  burned  on  the  evening 
of  the  25th  of  March,  1885,  and  the  library  of  the  German 
Young  Men's  Association,  which  had  rooms  in  the  building, 
was  almost  totally  destroyed.  It  had  then  grown  to  7,451 
volumes,  of  which  only  384  were  saved. 

Two  days  after  this  catastrophe  it  was  resolved  that  the 
hall  should  be  rebuilt,  and  $20,000  were  subscribed  on  the 
spot.  The  corner-stone  of  the  new  Music  Hall  was  laid 
in  May,  1886,  and  the  finished  building  was  opened  with  a 
grand  concert,  ball  and  banquet  in  November  of  the  next 
year.  It  had  cost  $246,600,  and  the  association  was  now 
heavily  burdened  with  debt;  but  a  unique  and  extraordi- 
narily successful  "Prize  Fair,"  organized  the  next  year, 
cleared  off  more  than  $43,000  of  this  debt. 

In  1 89 1  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  association  was 
celebrated,  on  which  occasion  F.  A.  Georger  and  Dr.  John 
Hauenstein,  who  had  been  president  and  vice-president  in 
its  first  year,  1841,  held  the  same  places  of  honor  again. 

The  adoption  of  the  Buffalo  Library  by  the  city,  in  1897, 
and  its  conversion  into  an  entirely  free  institution,  rendered 
the  maintenance  of  such  collections  of  books  as  that  of  the 
German  Young  Men's  Association  no  longer  an  important 
need.  Ten  years  of  experience  convinced  the  members  of 
the  association  that  their  library  would  gain  in  usefulness 
if  transferred  to  the  free  public  institution.  Accordingly 
they  made  a  generous  offer  of  it  to  the  latter,  and  the  oflfer 
was  accepted  in  the  spirit  in  which  it  had  been  made.  A 
bronze  tablet  commemorating  the  gift  has  lately  been  placed 
on  the  walls  of  the  library  vestibule.  The  release  of  the 
German  Y.  M.  A.  from  one  of  the  functions  for  which  it 
was  organized  does  not,  however,  involve  its  dissolution. 


It  continues  in  existence  for  other  purposes,  which  bear  on 
German  interests  in  the  city. 

The  circumstances  of  the  origin  of  the  Buffalo  Historical 
Society  were  related  to  the  present  secretary  of  the  society, 
Mr.  Frank  H.  Severance,  by  the  late  Lewis  F.  Allen,  and 
recorded  by  Mr.  Severance  in  some  notes  which  are  printed 
in  the  fifth  volume  of  the  B.  H.  S.  Publications,  as  follows: 
"I  was  coming  up  Court  Street  one  day,"  said  Mr.  Allen, 
"when  I  met  Orsamus  H.  Marshall.  I  knew  him  well, — 
knew  that  he  was  one  of  the  few  men  in  BufTalo  who  gave 
any  thought  to  the  preservation  of  the  records  or  relics  of 
our  history.  *  *  *  He  spoke  of  something  that  he 
wanted  to  get,  or  that  had  been  destroyed,  I  don't  remember 
now  just  what.  'Marshall,'  I  said,  'we  ought  to  do  some- 
thing about  these  things.  Somebody  should  take  care  of 
them.'  It  was  a  raw,  windy  day,  early  in  spring,  along  in 
March,  1862.  He  said,  'Come  up  in  my  office  and  we'll 
talk  it  over.'  The  result  of  that  talk  was  that  we  got  a  few 
others  interested  and  published  a  call  for  another  meeting 
to  be  held  at  Mr.  Marshall's  office.  The  rest  of  it,"  said 
Mr.  Allen,  "is  a  matter  of  record.  We  named  a  committee 
to  draw  up  a  constitution  and  by-laws,  which  were  sub- 
mitted to  a  meeting  of  citizens  held  in  the  rooms  of  the  old 
Medical  Association  on  South  Division  Street.  Millard 
Fillmore  was  made  chairman  of  that  meeting,  and  a  little 
later,  at  our  first  election,  he  was  chosen  the  first  president 
of  the  society."  That  meeting  at  which  Mr.  Fillmore  pre- 
sided was  held  April  15,  1862.  Mr.  Allen  was  chairman 
of  the  earlier  meeting,  in  Mr.  Marshall's  office,  and  was  the 
first  vice-president  of  the  society. 

The  history  of  the  early  years  of  the  society  is  sketched 
very  interestingly  in  a  paper  written  by  Oliver  G.  Steele, 
in  1873,  and  printed  in  the  first  volume  of  its  Publications. 
Its  maintenance  for  five  years  was  secured  at  the  beginning 


by  a  pledge  from  fifty  gentlemen  of  $20  each  per  year;  and 
this  was  done  on  the  suggestion  of  Mr.  Fillmore,  who  was 
one  of  the  most  earnest  of  its  founders.  It  was  especially 
to  the  interest  in  it  felt  by  him,  by  Mr.  Marshall,  by  Mr. 
Lewis  F.  Allen  and  Orlando  Allen,  by  William  Clement 
Bryant,  E.  P.  Dorr,  Elias  S.  Hawley,  William  P.  Letch- 
worth,  William  Dorsheimer,  James  Sheldon,  James  M. 
Smith,  George  S.  Hazard,  William  H.  H.  Newman,  Wil- 
liam Hodge,  Emmor  Haines,  William  D.  Fobes,  Alonzo 
Richmond,  James  Tillinghast,  William  K.  Allen,  Julius  H. 
Dawes,  Dr.  Joseph  C.  Greene,  and  some  others,  that  the 
society  was  kept  in  life  through  its  first  quarter  century  or 
so,  until  later  energies,  working  in  more  favoring  times  and 
circumstances,  built  under  it  the  broad  and  stable  founda- 
tions on  which  it  rests  to-day.  But  how  much  of  our  early 
local  history  was  saved  from  oblivion  in  those  years,  by  the 
exertions  of  the  founders  of  the  Historical  Society  to  have 
it  recorded  while  those  lived  who  could  record  it,  can  only 
be  known  to  one  who  has  had  occasion,  as  the  present  writer 
has  had,  to  appeal  to  the  contents  of  the  society's  shelves 
and  drawers. 

The  collections  of  the  society  in  its  first  three  years  were 
deposited  and  its  meetings  were  held  in  the  office  of  William 
Dorsheimer,  on  Court  Street.  From  1865  till  1875  it  had 
rooms,  with  kindred  organizations,  in  the  Young  Men's 
Association  Building,  southeast  corner  of  Main  and  Eagle 
streets.  Then  it  obtained  safer  quarters  in  the  Western 
Savings  Bank  Building,  on  Main  and  Court  streets,  where 
it  remained  until  it  went  again  into  co-tenancy  with  the 
Young  Men's  Association,  in  the  new  Library  Building 
which  was  opened  in  1887.  There,  on  the  third  floor,  it  had 
large  rooms  and  safety,  but  stair-climbing,  which  grew  irk- 
some as  stairs  in  public  places  went  more  and  more  out  of 
use.     A  remarkable  opportunity  for  obtaining  relief  from 


this  irksomeness,  and  from  other  handicaps,  came  in  con- 
nection with  the  preparations  that  were  begun  in  1899  for 
the  Pan-American  Exposition  to  be  held  at  Bufifalo  in  1901, 
and  the  Historical  Society  was  fortunate  in  a  president  and 
other  officers  who  could  recognize  the  opportunity  with 
promptitude  and  improve  it  with  vigor  and  ability. 

Mr.  Andrew  Langdon  had  been  president  since  1894, 
and  had  been  devoting  himself,  with  the  support  of  the 
board  of  directors,  to  efforts  towards  the  placing  of  the 
society  in  a  home  of  its  own,  with  a  better  provision  of  sup- 
port. Through  State  Senator  Henry  W.  Hill,  one  of  the 
directors  of  the  society,  legislation  had  been  procured  in 
1897-8  which  authorized  the  construction  of  a  Historical 
Society  Building  on  park  lands  in  the  city,  and  which  au- 
thorized the  City  to  appropriate  $25,000  toward  the  con- 
struction of  such  building,  as  well  as  $5,000  annually  for 
its  maintenance,  at  the  same  time  making  the  Mayor  and 
five  other  city  officials  ex  officio  members  of  the  society's 
governing  board.  Thus  it  was  given  the  character  of  a 
semi-municipal  institution. 

Now,  in  the  arrangements  making  for  the  Pan-American 
Exposition,  the  State  of  New  York  planned  a  building  for 
temporary  use,  on  the  Exposition  grounds,  and  the  happy 
idea  was  conceived  of  an  alliance  with  the  State,  to  make 
its  building  a  permanent  structure,  to  plant  it  on  the  park 
land  which  adjoined  the  Exposition  grounds,  and  to  secure 
the  reversion  of  it  to  the  Historical  Society.  This  happy 
idea  was  realized,  in  a  beautiful  building  of  the  classic 
order,  constructed  of  white  Vermont  marble,  overlooking 
a  very  beautiful  park  lake,  built  at  a  cost  of  $175,000,  to 
which  the  State  contributed  $100,000  (about  the  sum  that 
would,  probably,  have  been  wasted  on  a  structure  of  staff, 
to  be  torn  down),  the  Historical  Society  $45,000,  the  city 
of  Bufifalo  $30,000.     The  building  is  enriched  by  two  sculp- 


tured  bronze  doors  at  its  main  entrance,  which  are  the  gift 
to  it  of  President  Langdon. 

The  building  had  been  planned  by  its  architect,  Mr. 
George  Gary,  of  Buffalo,  to  fit  the  final  uses  for  which  it 
was  intended,  and  does  so,  in  most  respects,  most  admirably. 
But  its  large  spaces  are  already  quite  filled  by  the  society's 
collections,  and  some  addition  will  soon  be  a  need.  It  has 
become  one  of  the  places  of  most  interest  in  the  city,  and 
draws  thousands  of  visitors  to  its  historical  museum  and 
to  the  lectures  and  addresses  which  are  given  freely  to  the 
public  on  most  Sunday  afternoons  of  the  year,  and  occasion- 
ally at  other  times.  The  instituting  and  arranging  of  these 
has  been  one  of  the  greatly  valuable  services  of  Mr.  Frank 
H.  Severance,  who  has  been  secretary  of  the  society  for  the 
past  fourteen  years,  and  actively  in  charge  of  its  works  since 
1903.  His  greater  service  is  in  the  high  character  he  has 
given  to  its  annual  Publications. 

Mr.  Langdon  was  continuously  chosen  president  of  the 
society  for  sixteen  years,  and  on  asking  to  be  released  from 
oiHce  in  1910  was  made  honorary  president.  The  other 
present  members  of  the  board  of  directors  (not  including 
the  members  ex  officio)  are  Dr.  A.  H.  Briggs,  Willis  O. 
Chapin,  Robert  W.  Day,  Charles  W.  Goodyear,  R.  R.  Hef- 
ford,  Henry  W.  Hill,  Henry  R.  Howland,  Hugh  Kennedy, 
Andrew  Langdon,  J.  N.  Larned,  O.  P.  Letchworth,  L.  L. 
Lewis,  Jr.,  John  J.  McWilliams,  G.  Barrett  Rich,  Henry 
A.  Richmond,  Frank  H.  Severance,  Dr.  Lee  H.  Smith, 
George  A.  Stringer,  James  Sweeney,  Charles  R.  Wilson. 

The  library  of  the  Historical  Society  contains  at  the  pres- 
ent time  17,600  volumes.  In  the  Lord  Library  (bequeathed 
to  the  city  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  John  C.  Lord),  of  which  it  is 
the  custodian,  there  are  about  12,000  volumes. 

The  Buffalo  Catholic  Institute  is  the  outgrowth  of  a 
literary  society  that  was  formed  in  1866  by  Catholic  young 


men  of  St.  Michael's  Church,  and  its  name  for  a  few  years 
was  the  German  Catholic  Young  Men's  Association.  Par- 
ish and  racial  limitations  were  soon  outgrown,  and  the 
broader  organization  and  title  were  adopted  in  1870.  In 
1872  the  Institute  was  incorporated,  with  Charles  V.  Fornes 
for  president,  Joseph  Krumholz  vice-president,  Peter  Paul 
and  J.  L.  Jacobs  secretaries,  and  Joseph  A.  Gittere  treasurer. 
A  library  and  reading  room  had  then  been  established  in 
the  American  Block  since  1869.  In  1874  it  bought  the 
building  on  the  northeast  corner  of  Main  and  Chippewa 
streets,  occupying  the  upper  floors  and  deriving  income 
from  the  stores  below.  The  Institute  was  well  accommo- 
dated in  this  place  for  nearly  a  quarter  of  a  century;  but 
improved  its  situation  in  1897-8  by  buying  property  at  the 
corner  of  Main  and  Virginia  streets  and  building  hand- 
somely there.  With  a  library  of  13,425  volumes,  organized 
on  the  most  approved  principles  and  conducted  by  well- 
trained  librarians,  in  commodious  rooms,  and  with  an  excel- 
lent lecture  hall,  the  circumstances  of  the  Institute  seem 
to  be  most  satisfactory  in  all  respects.  The  officers  of  the 
Institute  were  recently  John  F.  Cochrane,  president;  Ralph 
H.  Rieman,  secretary;  Marie  X.  Sevasco,  librarian. 

A  North  Buffalo  Catholic  Institute,  organized  as  a  social 
club  in  1885,  now  occupies  its  own  building,  and  maintains 
a  library,  with  reading  rooms. 

The  Grosvenor  Library,  opened  in  1870,  was  founded 
upon  a  bequest  to  the  city,  made  in  1857  by  Seth  Grosvenor, 
formerly  of  Buffalo,  but  resident  at  the  time  of  his  death  in 
New  York.  The  total  sum  bequeathed  was  $40,000,  of 
which  $10,000  should  be  applicable  to  the  purchase  of 
ground  and  the  erection  of  a  building;  the  remainder  "to 
be  invested  forever  and  its  income  to  be  used  in  the  purchase 
of  books,  to  be  always  kept  open  for  the  use  of  the  public ; 
the  books  not  to  be  lent  out  nor  rented,  and  only  used  for 


reading  in  the  building."  It  was  stipulated  in  the  testator's 
will  that  the  city  should  make  provision  annually  for  the 
current  expenses  of  the  library,  and  that  obligation  was 
assumed  in  the  acceptance  of  the  gift. 

The  original  trustees  of  Mr.  Grosvenor's  bequest,  Messrs. 
O.  H.  Marshall,  George  R.  Babcock  and  Joseph  G.  Masten, 
wisely  judged  it  to  be  expedient  to  allow  some  considerable 
accumulation  of  the  fund  at  their  disposal  before  attempting 
a  collection  of  books  for  reference  use  by  the  public,  and 
when  they  organized  and  opened  the  Grosvenor  Library, 
in  1870,  it  was  with  a  fair  showing  of  well-chosen  books  on 
its  shelves.  They  were  book-loving  men,  of  studious  tastes, 
qualified  excellently  for  their  trust,  and  assisted  very  com- 
petently by  Alexander  Sheldon,  the  first  librarian  in  charge. 

For  more  than  twenty  years  the  library  was  well  placed 
on  the  upper  floor  of  the  then  Buffalo  Savings  Bank  Build- 
ing, at  the  corner  of  Washington  Street  and  Broadway.  In 
1 89 1  its  building  fund  had  grown  sufficiently  to  enable  the 
trustees  to  purchase  ground  on  Franklin  and  Edward 
streets  and  build  the  attractive  home  which  the  library  now 
enjoys.  As  related  already  in  the  preceding  historical 
sketch  of  the  Buffalo  Public  Library,  the  Grosvenor  Library 
was  included  in  the  public  library  undertaking  of  1897,  the 
city  then  assuming  its  maintenance  in  a  more  definite  way. 
One-fifth  of  three  one-hundredths  of  one  per  centum  of  the 
total  taxable  assessed  valuation  of  property  in  Buffalo  was 
then  pledged  as  an  annual  appropriation  to  the  library; 
which  has  had,  as  the  consequence,  a  much  more  satisfactory 
growth  in  the  past  dozen  years.  It  now  (1910)  contains 
82,000  volumes. 

The  first  librarian  of  the  Grosvenor  Library,  Mr.  Shel- 
don, was  succeeded  in  1874  for  a  few  months  by  W.  W. 
Valentine,  and  the  latter,  in  the  same  year,  by  James  W. 
Ward.     Mr.  Ward,  who  was  in  service  till  his  death,  in 


1896,  was  followed  by  the  present  librarian,  Edward  P.  Van 
Duzee,  who  had  been  the  assistant  librarian  for  a  number 
of  years.  The  present  trustees  are  Edward  H.  Butler,  J. 
H.  Lascelles  and  William  Gaertner,  M.  D. 

Of  other  libraries  in  the  city,  the  largest  and  most  im- 
portant is  the  Law  Library  for  the  Eighth  Judicial  District, 
which  the  State  maintains,  and  which  reports  a  collection 
of  25,000  volumes.  The  Buffalo  Medical  Library  reports 
8,000;  the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association  reports  over 
10,000  volumes  in  its  library;  the  Lutheran  Y.  M.  A.  over 
6,000;  the  Czytelnia  Polska,  in  the  Dom  Polski,  over  8,000; 
the  Adam  Mickiewicz  Library,  on  Fillmore  Avenue,  3,000; 
the  Erie  Railway  Library  Association  4,000;  the  Harugari 
Library  18,500. 


FROM  an  early  day  Buffalo  had  men  among  its  citizens 
who  interested  themselves  deeply  in  matters  of 
science,  and  pursued  studies  in  some  branches  of  it 
to  such  extent  as  they  could,  with  the  limited  opportunities 
of  the  time.  Roswell  W.  Raskins,  Dr.  Lucien  W.  Caryl, 
Dr.  W.  K.  Scott,  Judge  George  W.  Clinton,  Dr.  George  E. 
Hayes,  David  F.  Day,  were  distinctly  representatives  of  the 
scientific  order  of  mind,  who  exercised  an  individual  influ- 
ence in  wakening  and  widening  attention  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  natural  world,  long  before  the  organizing  of  such 
influences  was  begun. 

A  few  young  lads  who  had  tasted  of  that  knowledge,  who 
found  it  delightful,  and  who  were  drawn  together  by  the 
common  discovery,  were  the  first  to  attempt  an  associated 
pursuit  of  the  study.  They  met  in  the  spring  of  1858  and 
formed  a  Buffalo  Society  of  Natural  Science,  which  had 
existence  till  near  the  end  of  the  following  year,  undergo- 
ing two  changes  of  its  original  name.  Its  eight  or  ten 
members  maintained  a  room  for  meetings,  at  which  scien- 
tific questions  were  discussed.  But  something  of  vitality 
was  lacking  in  the  society,  and  it  went  to  decay, — at  the  top, 
but  not  at  the  root;  for  a  new  growth  sprang  in  part  from 
the  latter  within  the  next  two  years,  and  the  new  growth 
was  a  Buffalo  Society  of  Natural  Sciences  which  is  vigorous 
in  life  to-day,  and  large  in  rank  and  place  among  the  insti- 
tutions of  the  city  that  are  durably  fixed. 

The  history  of  this  society  is  admirably  sketched  by  its 
present  superintendent,  Mr.  Henry  R.  Howland,  in  the 
eighth  volume  of  its  Bulletins,  and  the  facts  to  be  given 
here  are  drawn  from  that  sketch.     The  prime  mover  in  the 



new  organization  was  a  young  banker  of  the  period,  Cole- 
man T.  Robinson,  who  ofifered  in  his  sadly  shortened  life  a 
very  beautiful  example  of  the  grace  that  can  be  lent  to  a 
vocation  of  business  by  avocations  of  studious  taste.  The 
society  was  planned  at  a  meeting  in  the  studio  of  Charles 
Caryl  Coleman,  the  artist,  on  the  evening  of  October  5,  1861, 
and  its  organization  perfected  at  a  more  public  meeting,  in 
lower  St.  James  Hall,  Thursday  evening,  December  5th. 
The  older  and  younger  lovers  of  natural  science  were  now 
acting  together.  Mr.  Haskins  was  chairman  of  the  com- 
mittee which  reported  the  adopted  constitution.  Judge 
Clinton  presided  at  the  meeting  and  was  elected  to  the  presi- 
dency of  the  society.  Rev.  A.  T.  Chester  and  Dr.  Charles 
Winne  were  made  vice-presidents.  Samuel  Slade  and 
Theodore  Rowland  became  the  secretaries,  corresponding 
and  recording.  Dr.  Leon  F.  Harvey  was  chosen  treasurer 
and  Richard  K.  Noye  librarian.  The  nine  curators  elected 
were  Dr.  George  E.  Hayes,  Professor  William  S.  Van 
Duzee,  Dr.  Charles  C.  F.  Gay,  Hiram  E.  Tallmadge, 
Charles  D.  Marshall,  Coleman  T.  Robinson,  Charles  S. 
Farnham,  David  F.  Day,  Charles  F.  Wadsworth. 

For  twenty  years  Judge  Clinton  was  kept  in  the  presi- 
dency of  the  society  by  annual  re-election.  So  long  as  he 
could  be  with  it  there  was  no  possible  thought  of  any  other 
in  his  place.  He  was  its  more  than  father, — its  presiding 
genius, — the  impersonated  spirit  which  has  animated  and 
actuated  its  life.  The  love  he  had  for  Nature,  as  simple 
in  pure  sentiment  as  it  was  scientifically  profound,  exercised 
an  infection  which  nothing  in  his  company  could  resist. 
In  its  gently  subtle  way  it  gave  vital  inspirations  to  the 
society  that  never  lost  their  effect. 

The  first  rooms  of  the  society  were  on  Erie  Street,  near 
Pearl,  and  the  first  lectures  it  secured  were  given  by  Pro- 
fessor Benjamin  Silliman,  in  February,  1862.     In  the  fol- 


lowing  spring  it  removed  to  apartments  in  West  Seneca 
Street,  which  the  liberality  of  Coleman  Robinson  furnished 
with  cases  for  collections  contributed  by  Augustus  R.  Grote, 
and  others,  as  well  as  by  himself.  The  museum  grew  so  fast 
that  larger  quarters  were  soon  demanded,  and  a  transfer  to 
Main  Street,  opposite  St.  Paul's  Church,  was  made.  In 
January  the  society  was  incorporated  under  the  law  of  the 

And  now  came  the  movement  of  enterprise  in  which  the 
Young  Men's  Association  of  Buffalo  had  the  help  of  several 
younger  institutions  of  kindred  character  (as  related  else- 
where) in  acquiring  the  St.  James  Hotel  property  and  re- 
constructing the  hotel  building  for  their  common  use.  The 
Society  of  Natural  Sciences  was  one  of  the  tenants  thus 
provided  for,  and  opened  attractive  rooms  in  the  remodelled 
St.  James  on  the  loth  of  January,  1865.  Thenceforward, 
till  the  present  day,  it  has  been  housed  with  the  Young 
Men's  Association — the  Bufifalo  Library  of  later  years. 

Soon  after  this  entrance  of  the  society  into  a  more  per- 
manent home  it  experienced  a  great  loss  in  the  death  of 
Coleman  T.  Robinson,  whose  residence  and  business  had 
been  removed  to  New  York,  but  whose  interest  in  the  insti- 
tution he  had  helped  to  create  had  undergone  no  change. 
By  his  will  Mr.  Robinson  left  his  library,  his  valuable  col- 
lections, and  his  fine  microscope  to  the  society,  together  with 
$10,000  for  the  beginning  of  a  permanent  endowment  fund. 

The  summer  of  1866,  when  Charles  Linden  was  ap- 
pointed Custodian  of  the  now  quite  extensive  museum  of  the 
society,  is  marked  by  that  event  very  distinctly  as  an  epoch 
of  importance  in  its  history.  Mr.  Howland  is  within  the 
truth  when  he  says :  "Charles  Linden  was  an  extraordinary 
man.  Born  at  Breslau,  Germany,  about  183 1,  educated 
first  at  the  gymnasium  there  and  then  taught  by  his  own 
efforts  in  the  book  of  Nature,  both  as  a  student  and  later  as 


a  teacher  of  science,  he  was  an  enthusiast  who  had  the  rare 
gift  of  inspiring  others."  Three  years  after  his  connection 
with  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences  was  formed  he  was 
called  to  the  Central  High  School  as  teacher  of  science,  and 
continued  as  such  until  his  death  in  1888.  "For  seven  years^ 
however,  he  was  the  Custodian  of  the  society's  collections, 
and  labored  faithfully  for  their  growth  and  welfare. 
*  *  *  Each  year  as  summer  came  the  spirit  of  the  ex- 
plorer seized  him  and  he  wandered,  now  to  Florida,  to 
Hayti,  to  Europe,  to  Brazil,  to  Labrador,  to  many  strange 
and  out-of-the-way  places,  whence  he  returned  always  richly 
laden  with  additions  to  the  museum  collections.  No  man 
was  ever  more  beloved  by  his  pupils  and  his  friends." 
Bronze  tablets  to  his  memory  on  the  walls  of  the  Central 
High  School  and  on  those  of  the  Museum  bear  double  testi- 
mony to  the  impression  he  had  made  in  both;  but  his  im- 
portance to  the  city  in  the  twenty-two  years  of  his  life  in  it 
is  witnessed  better  by  the  hundreds  of  people  who,  as  stu- 
dents in  his  classes  or  as  members  of  the  Field  Club  whose 
country  rambles  he  led,  were  wakened  by  him  in  their  youth 
to  an  interest  in  the  lore  of  Nature  which  has  flavored  all 
their  lives. 

When  the  school  duties  of  Mr.  Linden  compelled  him  to 
resign  the  directorship  of  the  Museum  of  Natural  Science, 
in  1873,  he  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  Augustus  R.  Grote.  Mr. 
Grote,  an  early  member  of  the  society  and  an  enthusiastic 
naturalist,  of  more  than  local  reputation,  added  greatly  to 
the  value,  the  extent  and  the  educational  usefulness  of  the 
collections  under  his  charge,  during  the  seven  years  of  his 
service.  His  collection  of  North  American  Noctuidae, 
which  the  society  relinquished  to  him,  was  purchased  for 
the  British  Museum  and  now  reposes  there.  The  publica- 
tions of  the  society,  now  in  their  eighth  volume,  were  begun 
in  the  first  year  of  the  directorship  of  Mr.  Grote.     On  re- 


signing  from  the  Buffalo  Society  in  1880  he  became  resident 
in  Germany,  until  his  death,  in  1903,  continuing  work  which 
gave  him  rank  among  the  foremost  entomologists  of  the 

In  1882  Judge  Clinton,  invited  by  the  State  to  edit  an 
official  publication  of  the  Clinton  Papers,  removed  his  resi- 
dence to  Albany,  taking  a  rare  personality  from  the  city, 
and  more  of  an  inspiring  influence  from  the  Society  of  Nat- 
ural Sciences  than  can  be  described.  As  Mr.  Rowland  has 
said,  "its  indebtedness  to  Judge  Clinton  cannot  be  measured 
by  words.  *  *  *  The  great  Clinton  Herbarium  which, 
with  the  enormous  labor  of  years,  he  built  up  for  this 
society,  and  which  includes  more  than  24,000  exhibits,  is 
a  testimony  to  the  unselfish  satisfaction  which  he  ever  took 
in  his  devotion  to  its  interests."  Three  years  after  leaving 
Buffalo  the  beloved  old  gentleman  died  suddenly  while 
strolling  through  a  rural  cemetery,  and  was  found  lying 
peacefully  on  the  green  herbage  of  the  place,  with  flowers 
which  he  had  gathered  in  his  hand.  In  the  words  of 
George  William  Curtis  before  the  Board  of  Regents  of  the 
University  of  the  State  of  New  York,  of  which  Judge 
Clinton  was  Vice  Chancellor,  "Nature  seemed  to  have 
reclaimed  the  old  man,  whose  heart  the  love  of  her  had 
kept  as  warm  and  unwasted  as  a  child's.  Like  Enoch,  in 
that  tranquil,  beneficent,  blameless  life,  he  walked  with 
God,  and  God  took  him." 

Judge  Clinton  was  succeeded  in  the  presidency  of  the 
society  by  Dr.  George  E.  Hayes,  who  died  within  less  than 
three  months,  leaving  a  will  which  provided  for  an  ultimate 
division  of  his  estate,  after  the  death  of  his  wife,  equally 
between  his  daughter  and  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences. 
The  bequest  to  the  latter  was  for  the  endowment  of  a  free 
school  of  natural  science,  "or  for  the  purpose  of  advancing 
the  interests  of  natural  science  in  the  city  of  Buffalo."     In 


the  end  this  munificent  legacy  from  Dr.  Hayes  will  place  it 
in  the  power  of  the  society  to  put  some  notable  crown  on 
its  educational  work,  which  it  has  developed  already  to  fine 

Since  going  with  the  Buffalo  Library  into  the  splendid 
new  building  of  the  latter,  in  1887,  and  especially  within 
the  last  few  years,  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences  has  had 
more  space,  not  only  for  better  arrangements  and  a  more  in- 
structive exhibition  of  its  collections,  but  for  popular  lec- 
tures, given  freely  and  abundantly  to  old  and  young. 
Evening  lectures  weekly,  through  a  long  winter  season,  very 
often  by  men  of  high  distinction  in  science,  from  all  parts 
of  the  country,  and  very  commonly  with  lantern  illustra- 
tions, are  enjoyed  by  large  audiences  every  year.  Added 
to  these,  by  arrangement  with  the  City  Department  of  Edu- 
cation, a  permanent  lecturer,  Dr.  Cummings,  gives  regular 
daily  talks  to  classes  from  the  public  schools,  on  the  subjects 
of  their  lessons  in  physiology,  anatomy,  hygiene  and  natural 
history,  with  illustrative  exhibits,  experiments  and  pictures. 
Thus  the  educational  work  of  the  society  has  been  developed 
and  systematized  already  to  a  notable  degree. 

In  the  years  that  have  elapsed  since  Mr.  Grote  resigned 
the  directorship  of  the  Museum,  it  has  been  successively 
under  the  care  of  Dr.  Julius  Pohlman,  Dr.  W.  C.  Barrett, 
Mr.  Frederick  K.  Mixer  and  Miss  Elizabeth  J.  Letson,  and 
many  superb  additions  have  been  made  to  its  collections. 
As  inventoried  and  appraised  in  1907  by  Mr.  Charles  H. 
Ward,  of  Rochester,  the  Museum  then  contained,  in  its 
thirteen  sections,  63,052  specimens,  valued  at  $61,678. 

Among  the  presidents  of  the  society  in  these  later  years 
have  been  many  who  were  pillars  of  strength  to  it  from  the 
beginning.  It  is  an  honor-roll  of  useful  citizens:  Dr. 
Lucien  Howe,  David  F.  Day,  Dr.  Leon  F.  Harvey,  Pro- 
fessor D.   S.   Kellicott,  Henry  P.  Emerson,  William  H. 


Glenny,  Dr.  Roswell  Park,  Dr.  Lee  H.  Smith,  and  the  Hon. 
T.  Guilford  Smith,  the  latter  of  whom  has  been  called 
upon,  from  time  to  time,  to  put  the  effective  impress  of  his 
quiet  energies  on  some  important  period  in  the  administra- 
tion of  many  of  our  greater  institutions. 

By  gift  from  the  late  Dexter  P.  Rumsey  and  the  heirs  of 
Bronson  C.  Rumsey,  the  Society  of  Natural  Sciences,  in 
1903,  received  a  beautifully  situated  plot  of  land,  contigu- 
ous to  the  southern  boundary  of  Delaware  Park,  having  a 
frontage  of  150  feet  on  Elmwood  Avenue  and  a  depth  of 
280  feet.  On  this  ground,  which  is  valued  at  $30,000,  it 
is  hoped  that  the  society  may  soon  be  able  to  build  a  worthy 
home  for  itself,  and  become  the  near  neighbor  of  the  Al- 
bright Art  Gallery  and  the  Buffalo  Historical  Society  in  a 
noble  group. 

Prior  to  1821,  when  Erie  County  was  "set  off"  from 
Niagara  County,  there  had  been  a  Niagara  County  Medical 
Society  existing  for  some  years.  When  the  separation 
occurred  an  Erie  County  Medical  Society  was  formed,  with 
a  charter  membership  of  twenty-four,  of  which  number 
Buffalo  contributed  thirteen,  namely:  Cyrenius  Chapin, 
Ebenezer  Johnson,  John  E.  Marshall,  Benjamin  C.  Cong- 
don,  Lucius  H.  Allen,  Josiah  Trowbridge,  Thomas  B. 
Clark,  Sylvester  Clark,  Jonathan  Hurlburt,  William  Lucas, 
Charles  McLowth,  Elisha  Smith,  Sylvanus  S.  Stuart.  Dr. 
Ebenezer  Johnson  retired  from  practice  that  year.  In  the 
following  decade  the  rising  village  received  a  number  of 
important  accessions  to  its  medical  practitioners.  Dr. 
Moses  Bristol  came  in  1822;  Drs.  Henry  R.  Stagg,  Bryant 
Burwell  and  Judah  Bliss  in  1824;  Dr.  Alden  S.  Sprague  in 
1825 ;  Dr.  Lucien  W.  Caryl  in  1830.  Drs.  James  P.  White 
and  Gorham  F.  Pratt  came  as  students  in  1830,  and  Dr. 
Orson  S.  St.  John,  a  native  of  Buffalo,  entered  practice 


that  year.  All  these  became  members  of  the  County 

The  records  of  the  Erie  County  Medical  Society  are  the 
main  source  of  information  concerning  the  advent  in  Buf- 
falo of  the  men  who  acquired  prominence  and  eminence  in 
the  medical  profession.  Those  records  have  been  sum- 
marized chronologically  in  the  work  on  "Our  County  and 
Its  People"  which  was  edited  by  Judge  Truman  C.  White 
and  published  in  1898.  As  shown  by  them,  Drs.  Josiah 
Barnes,  Joseph  R.  Jones  and  James  E.  Hawley  came  to  the 
young  city  in  1832;  Dr.  Charles  Winne  in  1833.  Dr. 
James  P.  White  took  his  degree  at  Jefferson  Medical  Col- 
lege and  joined  the  society  that  year,  entering  on  a  distin- 
guished career.  Dr.  Charles  H.  Raymond  obtained  mem- 
bership in  1835.  The  year  1836  was  made  important  in 
the  local  annals  of  medicine  by  the  coming  of  Dr.  Austin 
Flint,  who  acquired  very  soon  a  leading  influence  in  the 
profession,  and  whose  celebrity,  as  a  writer  and  a  prac- 
titioner, drew  him  eventually  to  the  larger  field  offered  at 
New  York.  Dr.  Flint  was  the  founder  of  the  Buffalo 
Medical  Journal,  in  1845,  and  he  was  foremost  in  the 
efforts  which  established  the  Medical  College  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Buffalo  in  the  following  year.  Dr.  Horatio  N. 
Loomis,  who  had  come  to  the  city  some  time  previously, 
became  a  member  of  the  society  in  1837,  and  it  was  joined 
also  by  Dr.  Samuel  M.  Abbott  that  year. 

In  1842  the  society  received  into  its  membership  Dr. 
Timothy  T.  Lockwood,  afterwards  Mayor  of  the  city,  and 
Dr.  Sylvester  F.  Mixer,  who  held  a  notable  rank  in  his 
profession  throughout  the  next  forty  years.  In  the  next  year 
it  was  joined  by  Dr.  William  K.  Scott,  already  a  veteran 
physician,  from  Troy,  holding  a  diploma  of  the  date  of 
1809,  and  by  Drs.  Silas  Hubbard,  Horace  M.  Conger  and 
Charles  H.  Wilcox,  the  latter  of  whom  died  nineteen  years 


later  in  the  service  of  his  country,  as  surgeon  of  the  first 
regiment  that  went  from  Buffalo  into  the  field  of  the  Civil 
War.  The  accessions  of  1844  included  Dr.  William  Treat, 
who  came  to  his  death  in  the  same  patriotic  service,  in  1861 ; 
Drs.  George  N.  Burwell,  John  Hauenstein  and  John  B. 
Samo,  whose  names  were  among  the  most  familiar  and  re- 
spected in  the  city  for  the  next  half  century  or  more. 

In  1845  our  city  gave  an  opening  to  another  career  in 
medical  science  which  paralleled  that  of  Dr.  Austin  Flint. 
Dr.  Frank  H.  Hamilton  came  to  it  from  Geneva  to  be  pro- 
fessor of  surgery  in  the  Buflfalo  Medical  College,  and  to 
achieve  here  a  more  than  national  reputation  as  one  of  the 
great  surgeons  of  his  time.  He  was  called  from  Buffalo  in 
i860  to  round  out  his  career  in  New  York. 

Drs.  Walter  Cary,  Phineas  H.  Strong  and  James  M. 
Newman  were  enrolled  in  the  County  Society  in  1847.  In 
the  next  year  an  investigation,  made  for  the  Society,  showed 
38  "regular"  and  21  "irregular"  physicians  engaged  in 
practice  in  the  city.  Names  of  note  added  to  the  member- 
ship list  of  the  Society  in  1849  were  those  of  Cornelius  C. 
Wyckofif,  Charles  W.  Harvey,  Lewis  P.  Dayton  (after- 
wards Mayor),  and  John  D.  Hill.  It  received  Drs.  San- 
ford  Eastman  and  Charles  C.  Jewett  in  1851 ;  Dr.  John  C. 
Dalton, — the  subsequently  famous  teacher  of  physiology, 
who  taught  in  the  Buffalo  Medical  College  for  several 
years, — in  1852;  Dr.  John  Boardman  in  1853.  The  not- 
able accessions  of  1854  were  more  numerous,  including  Dr. 
Thomas  F.  Rochester,  who  held  a  place  of  great  eminence 
in  the  city,  as  a  physician  and  as  a  citizen,  for  thirty-three 
years;  Dr.  Sanford  B.  Hunt,  who  succeeded  Dr.  Flint  in 
the  editorship  of  the  Buffalo  Medical  Journal,  and  who 
became  editor  of  the  Buffalo  Commercial  Advertiser  a  few 
years  later;  Dr.  C.  C.  F.  Gay,  one  of  the  most  skillful  and 
successful  surgeons  of  the  day,  and  Dr.  Edward  Storck, 
whose  uncommon  energies  were  exercised  in  many  fields. 


Surgery,  as  practiced  and  as  taught  in  Buffalo,  was 
strengthened  greatly  in  1855  by  the  acquisition  of  Dr.  Julius 
F.  Miner.  Dr.  Austin  Flint,  Jr.,  came  in  1857,  taking  the 
professorship  of  physiology  at  the  Medical  College,  and  the 
editorship  of  the  Medical  Journal  in  the  next  year.  Dr. 
William  H.  Mason  succeeded  to  the  same  professorship  in 
i860,  in  which  year  Dr.  John  Cronyn,  from  Canada,  became 
resident  in  the  city,  and  Dr.  Leon  F.  Harvey  was  received 
to  membership  in  the  County  Society.  Drs.  Thomas 
Lothrop  (afterwards  Superintendent  of  Schools)  and  Elias 
S.  Bissell  joined  it  in  1861 ;  S.  W.  Wetmore,  in  1863  ;  Joseph 
C.  Greene  and  U.  C.  Lynde,  in  1864;  F.  W.  Bartlett,  in 
1865;  F.  W.  Abbott  and  William  C.  Phelps,  in  1866; 
Conrad  Diehl  (afterwards  Mayor),  Milton  G.  Potter  and 
Byron  H.  Daggett,  in  1867;  Henry  R.  Hopkins,  in  1868; 
M.  B.  Folwell  and  A.  H.  Briggs,  in  1870;  P.  W.  Van 
Peyma,  in  1872;  Joseph  Fowler,  in  1873;  Bernard  Bartow, 
Edward  N.  Brush,  W.  H.  Slacer,  L.  A.  Long,  in  1874; 
Lucien  Howe,  John  A.  Pettit,  Philip  Sonneck,  E.  B.  Potter, 
in  1875;  Herman  Mynter,  S.  S.  Greene,  Samuel  G.  Dorr,  in 
1876;  C.  O.  Chester,  H.  M.  Wernecke,  Mary  J.  Moody 
(the  first  woman  admitted),  in  1877;  Charles  Cary,  in  1878; 
A.  E.  Davidson,  in  1879;  Charles  G.  Stockton,  in  1880; 
Judson  B.  Andrews  (in  charge  of  the  State  Hospital  for  the 
Insane),  Benjamin  H.  Grove,  Frederick  Peterson,  W.  C. 
Barrett,  J.  B.  Coakley,  in  1881 ;  Matthew  D.  Mann,  W.  W. 
Potter,  Carlton  C.  Frederick,  Clayton  M.  Daniels,  Irving 
M.  Snow,  Walter  D.  Greene,  Floyd  S.  Crego,  in  1882; 
James  W.  Putnam,  Frank  H.  Potter,  Alvin  A.  Hubbell, 
John  H.  Pryor,  Herman  E.  Hayd,  Eli  H.  Long,  George  E. 
Fell,  Willis  G.  Gregory,  in  1883;  Roswell  Park  (now  a 
surgeon  of  more  than  national  fame),  F.  A.  Witthaus,  Wil- 
liam Meisberger,  B.  G.  Long,  Carlton  R.  Jewett,  William 
H.   Thornton,   Stephen  Y.   Howell,   Herbert   Mickle,   in 


1884;  John  Parmenter,  F.  W.  Hinkel,  C.  F.  Howard,  in 
1885;  DeLancey  Rochester,  J.  W.  Grosvenor,  William  C. 
Callanan,  Thomas  Crowe,  Arthur  W.  Hurd,  Elmer  Starr, 
in  1886;  Harry  A.  Wood,  Julius  Pohlman,  in  1887;  Ernest 
Wende  (subsequently  the  notable  organizer  of  the  Health 
Department  of  the  city),  H.  G.  Matzinger,  W.  S.  Renner, 
Charles  E.  Congdon,  William  H.  Heath,  in  1888;  Electa 
B.  Whipple,  in  1889;  A.  L.  Benedict,  M.  A.  Crockett, 
Sydney  A.  Dunham,  in  1890. 

To  follow  the  records  of  the  Erie  County  Medical  Society 
further  would  bring  us  into  the  younger  generation  of 
medical  men  whose  reputations  and  standing  are  consid- 
erably undetermined,  and  from  among  whom  it  would  be 
more  hazardous  than  from  earlier  lists  to  attempt  a  selection 
of  prominent  names. 

In  1 83 1  and  1836  attempts  were  made  to  form  a  Buffalo 
Medical  Society,  distinct  from  the  County  organization,  but 
they  had  no  lasting  success.  In  1845,  however,  the  Buffalo 
Medical  Association  came  into  existence  and  lived  through 
nearly  half  a  century.  It  gave  way  in  1892  to  the  Bufifalo 
Academy  of  Medicine,  in  which  several  other  more  special- 
ized associations — obstetrical,  pathological  and  clinical — 
were  united,  becoming  a  group  of  sections  under  one  admin- 
istration.    The  Academy  has  had  a  prosperous  history  since. 

In  1859  the  Homeopathic  system  of  medicine  had  ac- 
quired fifteen  practitioners  in  Bufifalo  and  the  villages  of 
the  county,  and  they  organized  the  Erie  County  Homeo- 
pathic Medical  Society.  They  had  won  their  footing 
against  bitter  opposition,  in  a  struggle  which  had  then  been 
in  progress  for  fifteen  years  or  more.  The  pioneer  of  the 
struggle  had  been  Dr.  N.  H.  Warner,  who  settled  in  Bufifalo 
as  a  practitioner  of  the  older  school  of  medicine,  having 
charge  of  the  Marine  Hospital,  about  1836.  Becoming  a 
convert    to    the    medical    doctrines    of    Hahnemann,    Dr. 


Warner  committed  himself  definitely  to  a  practice  in  ac- 
cordance with  them  in  1844.  For  doing  so  he  was  expelled 
from  the  County  Medical  Society  and  suffered  professional 
ostracism  thenceforth.  But  he  gained  a  supporting  cli- 
entage and  began,  in  a  few  years,  to  have  comrades  in  the 
battle  for  Homeopathy.  Dr.  George  W.  Lewis  came  into 
the  ranks  in  1849,  and  was  followed  in  the  course  of  the  next 
ten  years  by  Drs.  P.  W.  Gray,  Dio  Lewis,  G.  H.  Blanchard, 
Simon  Z.  Haven,  A.  H.  Beers,  A.  S.  Hinckley,  L.  M.  Ken- 
yon,  A.  R.  Wright.  These  were  among  the  organizers  of 
the  County  Homeopathic  Medical  Society,  of  which  Dr. 
Haven  was  the  first  president.  Prominent  accessions  in  sub- 
sequent years  to  the  corps  of  Homeopathic  practitioners  in- 
cluded Drs.  Nehemiah  Osborne,  Rollin  R.  Gregg,  Augustus 
C.  Hoxsie,  J.  W.  Wallace,  H.  N.  Martin,  G.  C.  Hibbard, 
Lyman  Bedford,  Alexander  T.  Bull,  Hubbard  Foster, 
Henry  Baethig,  George  F.  Foote,  S.  N.  Brayton,  Joseph  T. 
Cook,  George  T.  Moseley,  F.  Park  Lewis,  D.  B.  Stumpf, 
Truman  J.  Martin,  B.  J.  Maycock,  A.  M.  Curtiss,  John 
Miller,  H.  C.  Frost,  E.  P.  Hussey,  D.  G.  Wilcox,  W.  H. 
Marcy,  G.  R.  Stearns,  George  P.  Critchlow,  Clarence  L. 
Hyde,  C.  W.  Seaman,  C.  M.  Kendrick,  Jessie  Shepard, 
Rose  Wilder. 



THOSE  who  aspire  to  a  literary  career  are  drawn,  in  all 
countries,  by  many  attractions  of  opportunity  and 
widened  experience,  to  the  largest  centers  of  activity 
and  concentrated  life.  London  in  Great  Britain,  Paris  in 
France,  New  York  in  America,  are  more  engrossingly  the 
seats  of  productive  work  in  literature  and  in  all  of  the 
higher  forms  of  art  than  of  any  which  has  to  do  with  the 
production  of  more  material  things.  Edinburgh  could  hold 
its  ground  for  a  time  against  London,  as  a  provincial  literary 
capital,  and  Boston  could  even  lead  New  York  in  the  output 
of  letters  during  many  years;  but  both  gave  way  in  the  end 
to  the  pull  of  the  bigger  social  mass.  Hence,  naturally, 
other  cities  have  made  but  a  modest  showing  in  the  history 
of  American  literature. 

Buffalo  can  claim,  however,  a  yield  in  letters  that  will 
compare  more  than  favorably  with  that  of  other  communi- 
ties of  its  class.  It  is  safe  to  say  that  none  could  supply 
material  for  a  finer  collection  of  local  verse  than  is  con- 
tained in  a  volume  representative  of  "The  Poets  and  Poetry 
of  Buffalo,"  compiled  and  edited  by  James  N.  Johnston  and 
published  in  1904.  The  poems,  selected  from  no  less  than 
one  hundred  and  thirteen  writers,  fill  four  hundred  and 
sixty-two  octavo  pages  of  print.  An  unborrowed  true 
poetic  quality  is  deniable  to  very  few  of  them,  if  to  any.  In 
a  surprisingly  large  number  the  unmistakable  voice  of  in- 
spired thought,  feeling  and  imagination  speaks  thrillingly 
to  the  reader's  spirit  and  melodiously  to  his  ear.  Perhaps 
that  pure  strain  of  inspiration  is  felt  most  distinctly  in  the 



verse  of  David  Gray,  Robert  Cameron  Rogers,  Dr.  William 
Bull  Wright,  Annie  R.  Annan  (Mrs.  William  H.  Glenny), 
Amanda  T.  Jones,  James  N.  Johnston;  but  it  is  hazardous 
to  draw  lines  of  distinction  between  the  singers  in  a  group 
which  includes  Arthur  Cleveland  Coxe,  Anson  G.  Chester, 
Irving  Browne,  Frederic  Almy,  Dr.  Frederick  Peterson, 
Carleton  Sprague,  Philip  Becker  Goetz,  Charlotte  Becker, 
Rev.  Patrick  Cronyn,  Katherine  E.  Conway,  Bessie 
Chandler  (Mrs.  Leroy  Parker),  Mary  Ripley,  Mary  E. 
Mixer,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  M.  Olmsted,  William  Mcintosh, 
Henry  R.  Rowland,  Frank  H.  Severance,  John  Harrison 
Mills,  Jabez  Loton,  Mrs.  H.  E.  G.  Arey,  Julia  Ditto 

In  prose  writing,  even  if  books  only  are  considered,  the 
local  product  has  been  too  abundant  for  more  than  a  partial 
cataloguing  of  authors'  names.  More  or  less  important 
contributions  to  History  and  Biography  have  been  made, 
first  and  last,  by  Judge  Samuel  Wilkeson,  O.  H.  Marshall, 
William  Ketchum,  Rev.  Dr.  John  C.  Lord,  W.  L.  G. 
Smith,  Jesse  Clement,  Crisfield  Johnson,  General  A.  W. 
Bishop,  John  Harrison  Mills,  Orton  S.  Clark,  George  H. 
Stowits,  Daniel  G.  Kelly,  C.  W.  Boyce,  Frank  Wilkeson, 
General  James  C.  Strong,  E.  G.  Spaulding,  William  Dor- 
sheimer,  Charles  C.  Deuther,  Bishop  John  Timon,  E.  Carle- 
ton  Sprague,  Henry  Tanner,  Rev.  Thomas  Donohoe,  Rev. 
Sanford  Hunt,  Rev.  Professor  Guggenberger,  F.  H. 
Severance,  George  S.  Potter,  Rev.  William  B.  Wright,  F. 
J.  Shepard,  Samuel  M.  Welch,  Jr.,  L.  G.  Sellstedt,  Judge 
Truman  C.  White,  Robert  Pennel,  D.  S.  Alexander,  J.  N. 

Books  of  Travel  have  been  written  by  Horace  Briggs, 
Bishop  Coxe,  F.  S.  Dellenbaugh,  Henry  P.  Emerson,  Mrs. 
E.  A.  Forbes,  Josiah  Letchworth,  Charles  Linden,  James 
N.  Matthews,  O.  G.  Steele,  Charles  Wood. 


In  Medical  and  Surgical  Science  works  receiving  more 
than  pamphlet  publication  have  been  written  by  Drs.  A.  L. 
Benedict,  F.  E.  Campbell,  Austin  Flint,  F.  E.  Fronczak, 
C.  C.  F.  Gay,  F.  H.  Hamilton,  Lucien  Howe,  F.  Park 
Lewis,  M.  D.  Mann,  Herman  Mynter,  Roswell  Park,  R.  V. 
Pierce,  James  P.  White.  On  other  subjects  of  Science  the 
local  writers  have  included  Lewis  F.  Allen,  Albert  H. 
Chester,  E.  E.  Fish,  R.  W.  Haskins,  D.  S.  Kellicott, 
Charles  Linden,  A.  R.  Grote. 

On  subjects  in  the  domain  of  Politics,  Sociology,  Law 
and  Education  the  published  books  include  writings  by  Al- 
bert Brisbane,  James  O.  Putnam,  Grover  Cleveland,  Wil- 
liam P.  Letchworth,  Irving  Browne,  Mrs.  H.  E.  G.  Arey, 
Rev.  S.  H.  Gurteen,  Charles  Ferguson,  E.  C.  Mason,  E.  C. 
Townsend,  Charles  P.  Norton,  W.  H.  Hotchkiss,  W.  C. 
Cornwell,  Leroy  Parker,  James  F.  Gluck,  Robert 
Schweckerath,  Frederick  A.  Wood,  H.  E.  Montgomery. 

Religious  literature  has  had  many  contributors  from  our 
city,  among  them  Bishops  Timon,  Ryan  and  Coxe,  Rever- 
ends Henry  A.  Adams,  C.  C.  Albertson,  G.  H.  Ball,  Gott- 
fried Berner,  J.  L.  Corning,  J.  P.  Egbert,  W.  F.  Faber, 
R.  S.  Green,  C.  E.  Locke,  John  C.  Lord,  S.  S.  Mitchell,  J. 
A.  Regester,  Montgomery  Schuyler,  Thomas  R.  Slicer,  S. 
R.  Smith,  Henry  Smith,  J.  Hyatt  Smith,  M.  L.  R.  P. 
Thompson,  J.  B.  Wentworth,  William  B.  Wright,  George 
Zurcher.  Other  religious  writings  hare  come  from  the 
pens  of  James  H.  Fisher,  E.  C.  Randall,  Mrs.  C.  H.  Wood- 
ruff, Mary  Martha  Sherwood. 

In  fiction,  the  books  catalogued  at  the  Bufifalo  Public 
Library  as  being  of  local  authorship  are  by  George  Berner, 
Allen  G.  Bigelow,  J.  E.  Brady,  Bessie  Chandler  (Mrs. 
Leroy  Parker),  Jane  G.  Cooke,  H.  L.  Everett,  Mrs.  Gilder- 
sleeve-Longstreet,  David  Gray,  Jr.,  George  A.  Hibbard,  W. 
T.  Hornaday,  Elbert  Hubbard,  James  H.  W.  Howard, 


Carrie  F.  Judd,  William  F.  Kip,  H.  T.  Koerner,  J.  H.  Lan- 
gille,  Mrs.  E.  B.  Perkins  (Susan  Chestnutwood) ,  Mrs. 
Charles  Rohlfs  (Anna  Katherine  Green),  Robert  Cameron 
Rogers,  W.  L.  G.  Smith  (who  tried  in  1852  to  stem  the  effect 
of  "Uncle  Tom's  Cabin"  by  a  different  picture  of  slavery), 
G.  A.  Stringer,  Dorothy  Tanner  (Mrs.  Montgomery),  D. 
E.  Wade,  Ida  Worden  Wheeler,  O.  Witherspoon,  George 
A.  Woodward,  Julia  Ditto  Young. 

"Art  in  Buffalo"  is  the  subject  of  a  recently  published 
history  by  the  veteran  artist,  Lars  G.  Sellstedt,  and  an  im- 
portant contribution  to  the  literature  of  Art  was  made 
some  years  ago  in  Willis  O.  Chapin's  illustrated  work  on 
the  Masters  and  Masterpieces  of  Engraving.  A  book  on 
Landscape  Gardening  by  E.  A.  Long,  and  one  on  Floricul- 
ture by  W.  Scott,  seem  to  complete  the  tale  of  local  litera- 
ture in  the  department  of  Art. 

Neither  interest  nor  importance  could  be  given  to  an 
account  of  everything  in  journalism  that  has  been  under- 
taken in  Buffalo  since  types  and  press  were  first  brought  to 
it.  The  wrecked  ventures  have  been  numerous;  the  sur- 
vivals for  any  considerable  period  have  been  few.  The 
latter  only  will  be  recounted,  as  a  rule,  though  exceptional 
interest  may  occasionally  be  found  in  the  circumstances  of 
a  wreck. 

Among  the  newspapers  now  published  in  Buffalo  the 
Commercial  Advertiser  and  the  Courier  represent  long  lines 
of  descent,  that  of  the  former  going  back  to  the  first  two 
printing  presses  that  were  operated  at  this  extremity  of  the 
State  of  New  York.  The  earliest  of  those  presses  to  arrive 
was  brought  from  Canandaigua,  in  181 1,  by  the  brothers, 
Smith  H.  and  Hezekiah  A.  Salisbury,  who  began  at  once  the 
publication  of  a  small  weekly  paper,  the  Buffalo  Gazette, 
the  first  number  of  which  was  issued  on  the  3d  of  October  in 
that  year.     Nearly  full  files  of  the  Gazette,  preserved  in 


the  Buffalo  Public  Library  and  the  Buffalo  Historical 
Society,  are  among  the  most  precious  records  of  early  local 
history  that  we  possess,  notwithstanding  the  meagreness  of 
its  reporting  of  the  village  news.  The  printing  equipment 
of  the  Salisburys  was  saved  from  the  destructive  invaders 
of  December,  1813,  by  its  timely  removal  to  Harris  Hill, 
where  the  publication  of  the  Gazette  went  on  for  some  time. 

Smith  H.  Salisbury  was  the  editor  of  the  Buffalo  Gazette 
until  January,  1818,  when  he  transferred  his  interest  in  the 
paper  to  William  A.  Carpenter ;  but  Carpenter  sold  it  in  the 
following  April  to  H.  A.  Salisbury,  who  renamed  his  paper 
the  Buffalo  Patriot  in  1820.  On  the  first  of  January,  1835, 
the  publication  of  a  daily  newspaper,  in  association  with  the 
Patriot,  was  begun  at  the  office  of  the  latter,  its  editor  being 
Guy  H.  Salisbury,  son  of  Smith  H.  This  was  the  Daily 
Commercial  Advertiser,  which  thus  traces  its  parentage  to 
the  primitive  press  of  the  city.  Four  years  later  the  Com- 
mercial Advertiser  added  to  this  relationship  with  our  most 
ancient  journalism  another  tie,  by  happenings  as  follows : 

A  second  weekly  newspaper  had  been  founded  at  Buffalo 
in  1815  by  David  M.  Day.  Its  original  title,  the  Niagara 
Journal,  was  changed  to  the  Buffalo  Journal  in  1820,  when 
Erie  County  was  separated  from  Niagara  County,  and  under 
that  name  it  was  published  by  Mr.  Day,  in  association  dur- 
ing part  of  the  time  with  Roswell  W.  Haskins  and  Oran 
Follett,  until  1834.  Then  it  was  sold  to  a  Colonel  Roberts, 
who  attempted  to  publish  with  it  an  ambitious  Daily  Ad- 
vertiser, which  lived  no  longer  than  six  weeks.  In  the  next 
year  the  Journal  was  suspended,  and  Mr.  Day,  who  had 
started  a  new  weekly,  the  Buffalo  Whig,  bought  back  its 
title  and  added  it  to  that  of  his  Whig.  Soon  afterwards  he 
took  Mitchenor  Cadwallader  and  Dr.  Henry  R.  Stagg  into 
partnership,  and  the  new  firm  started  a  daily  Buffalo 
Journal,  in  February,   1836.     From  this  connection  Mr. 


Day  retired  in  1837,  and  the  establishment,  with  its  news- 
papers, was  bought  by  Elam  R.  Jewett,  in  the  fall  of  1838. 
Meantime,  changes  had  occurred  in  the  ownership  of  the 
Patriot  and  the  Daily  Commercial  Advertiser.  In  Janu- 
ary, 1836,  Bradford  A.  Manchester  had  bought  one-half  of 
the  establishment,  and,  six  months  later,  H.  A.  Salisbury 
retired  from  business.  Dr.  Thomas  M.  Foote,  who  had 
been  connected  editorially  with  the  daily  for  a  short  time, 
and  Guy  H.  Salisbury,  then  became  associated  with  Mr. 
Manchester  in  the  publication.  In  the  summer  of  1838  they 
were  joined  by  Almon  M.  Clapp,  who  had  been  publishing 
a  weekly  paper  at  East  Aurora  for  three  years  past,  and  who 
now  merged  it  in  the  Patriot,  becoming  one  of  the  editors 
and  proprietors  of  the  Commercial  Advertiser  and  the 
Patriot.  Soon  after  this  Mr.  Manchester  withdrew  from 
the  business,  and,  in  May,  1839,  Messrs.  Salisbury  and 
Clapp  sold  their  interests  to  Dr.  Foote  and  Elam  R.  Jewett, 
the  latter  of  whom,  as  noted  above,  had  become  the  pro- 
prietor of  the  Daily  Journal.  That  newspaper  was  now 
merged  in  the  Commercial  Advertiser,  which  acquired, 
under  the  proprietorship  of  E.  R.  Jewett  &  Co.,  the  substan- 
tial footing  it  has  since  maintained. 

If  lineage  is  traced  back  through  weekly  progenitors,  the 
pedigree  of  the  Commercial  Advertiser  is  unrivalled;  but 
the  Courier  finds  somewhat  earlier  parentage  in  a  daily 
publication.  Its  primary  ancestor  was  a  weekly  paper,  the 
Buffalo  Republican,  started  in  1828  by  William  P.  M. 
Wood,  from  whom  it  passed  through  several  hands  in  the 
next  half  dozen  years,  until  it  became  the  property  of 
Charles  Faxon,  who  bought,  furthermore,  from  James 
Faxon,  a  daily  newspaper,  the  Star,  which  the  latter  had 
undertaken  in  the  summer  of  1831.  The  Star,  daily,  and 
the  Republican,  weekly,  were  published  by  Charles  Faxon 
until  late  in  1838,  when,  after  going  through  a  disastrous 


fire,  he  sold  them  to  Quartus  Graves.  Graves,  in  turn,  sold 
the  establishment  in  1842  to  Henry  Burwell,  who  changed 
the  title  of  the  daily  paper  to  the  Mercantile  Courier  and 
Democratic  Economist.  The  next  purchaser,  Joseph 
Stringham,  cut  the  title  down  to  Mercantile  Courier,  and 
carried  on  both  publication  and  editorship  of  the  paper  for 
several  years. 

Meantime,  Bradford  A.  Manchester  and  James  O. 
Brayman  had  started  another  daily  newspaper,  the  National 
Pilot,  and  this,  on  the  ist  of  July,  1846,  was  united  with  the 
Mercantile  Courier, -which  then  became  the  Buffalo  Courier 
of  the  present  day.  In  the  editorial  conduct  of  the  several 
publications  which  came  to  this  union,  a  number  of  notable 
citizens  had  taken  part  at  various  times.  Horatio  Gates, 
Israel  T.  Hatch,  Henry  K.  Smith,  Stephen  Albro,  R.  W. 
Haskins,  were  of  the  list.  Through  all  changes  its  stand, 
politically,  was  on  the  Democratic  side. 

Compared  with  the  Commercial  and  the  Courier,  the 
Buffalo  Morning  Express  is  young;  compared  with  the  re- 
maining "dailies"  of  the  present  time  in  the  city  it  is  old.  It 
was  planted  on  entirely  new  foundations  in  1846,  by  Almon 
M.  Clapp  and  Rufus  Wheeler,  and  its  first  editor  was  James 
McKay.  William  E.  Robinson,  T.  N.  Parmalee  and  Seth 
C.  Hawley  were  successive  editors  until  about  1852,  when 
Mr.  Clapp,  previously  engaged  with  Mr.  Wheeler  in  the 
business  management,  took  the  editorial  direction  of  the 
paper  on  himself.  About  this  time,  or  not  long  afterward, 
James  N.  Matthews  became  a  partner  in  the  job  printing 
business  connected  with  the  newspaper  publication,  and 
raised  it  to  importance  very  soon  by  his  rare  capabilities. 
Printing,  to  Mr.  Matthews,  was  an  art,  and  he  led  the  de- 
velopment of  it  as  such  in  Buffalo,  from  the  day  that  the 
management  of  a  printing  establishment  came  into  his 
hands.      Until    i860  the  Express  and   the  allied  printing 

.8V/3HTTA I  i 

,>!Ioftfj2  to  ^(JriucO  .XBgnuS  mod  iiariaiiduq  bns  lainiil 
asJfiJ?.  baJinll  arfj  oJ  smBa  ;8s8i  ^is  ladmavoVl  .bnsIgnS 
,jiS  ^lul.  ,.Y  .Vl  .bbfiJaaW  "lo  ^IlaWiahii-H  bamem  ;c>^i.8i  ni 
.olfiSua  ni  89Dffto  ^rthfiiiq  stjcjiisv  ni  )>3i(oIqrn3  eew  ;  ig8i 
-woO  adl  io  aiarieilduq  9tl)  ^o  ^  !  hnK  •in}ii)9  gsv/  ,od-d4.8i 
-sH  ariJ  oJ  agnfil-Jfi-aJB^alaii  ■  .Unvjbl-.  Wnt^sn 

barizildtjq  \d\Si  ImB  s'^Si  to  finoilBn  ncDilduq 

:  rij63b  giri  liJnn  ,S\S\  ,\  'nBiiiu.[  rrimt  7,?,')-\<\t.H  otfiBua  -jril 
.8881  ,os  ladmaoaQ  b^ib 


>  Quartus  Graves.     Graves,  in  turn,  sold 

1  t  in  1842  to  Henry  Burwell,  who  changed 

.  u  daily  paper  to  the  Mercantile  Courier  and 

,'it     Economist.    The    next    purchaser,    Joseph 

^  i  im,  cut  the  title  down  to  Mercantile  Courier,  and 

.  arned  on  both  publication  and  editorship  of  the  paper  for 

«everal  years. 

Meantime,  Bradford  A.  Manchester  and  James  O. 
Brayman  had  started  another  daily  newspaper,  the  National 
Pilot,  and  this,  on  the  ist  of  July,  1846,  was  united  with  the 
Mercantile  Courier,  which  then  became  the  Buffalo  Courier 
of  tf  .'\       In  the  editorial  conduct  of  the  several 

puh  'JAMBStNrliMAiFYriHEWSjLimber  of  notable 

Printer  and  publisher;  born  Bangai%  t:ounfy-ot^u#o*lli;'^'^*' 
England,  November  21,   1828;  came  to  thfe  United'  Stafe  ^^'■ 
in  1846 ;  married  Harriet  Wells  of  Westfield,  N.  Y.,  July  24,      "' 
1851 ;  was  employed  in  various  printing  offices  in  Buffalo, 
1846-60;  was  editor  and  one  of  the  publishers  of  the  Com-    ■ 
mercial  Advertiser,  1860-77 ;  a  delegate-at-large  to  the  Re- 
publican national  conventions  of  1872  and  1876;  published   '^^' 
>:-'      the  Buffalo  Express  from  Janiiai-y  7, ' ife^S.^itiMy  hls^^^^';     ^ ^ 
was  jdied  December  ;2o,  1888^  \*   tmndations  in  1846,  by  Almon 
M.  Clapp  and  Rutus  Wheeler,  and  its  first  editor  was  James 
McKay.     William  E.  Robinson,  T.  N.  Parmalee  and  Seth 
C.  Hawley  were  successive  editors  until  about  1852,  when 
Mr   Clapp,  previously  engaged  with  Mr.  Wheeler  m  the 
bus;!!c-?  maiiaeement,  took  the  editorial  direction  of  the 
'!      About  this  time,  or  not  long  afterward, 
\.s  became  a  partner  in  the  job  printing 
•  spaper  publication,   and 
by  his  rare  capabilities. 
Printing,  io  A  a  art,  and  he  led  the  de- 

velopment of  II  >.  from  the  day  that  the 

management  of    .j    j  >*ishment  came   into   his 

hands.      Until   i860  jnd   the  allied  printing 



establishment  remained  under  this  organization.  Then  a 
rupture  of  harmonious  relations  occurred.  Mr.  Wheeler 
parted  company  with  Mr.  Clapp,  and  formed  a  partnership 
soon  afterwards  with  Joseph  Candee  and  James  D.  Warren, 
in  the  firm  of  Rufus  Wheeler  &  Co.,  which  bought  the 
Commercial  Advertiser  and  its  printing  outfit. 

One  previous  change  in  the  proprietorship  of  the  Com- 
mercial had  occurred  since  it  passed  into  the  hands  of  Mr. 
Jewett  and  Dr.  Foote,  in  1839.  In  1850  they  had  associated 
C.  F.  S.  Thomas  and  S.  H.  Lathrop  with  themselves  in  the 
printing  department  of  the  business,  and  in  1855  had  sold 
their  whole  interest,  the  newspaper  included,  to  those  gen- 
tlemen; but  the  property  had  returned  a  few  years  later  to 
Mr.  Jewett.  Dr.  Foote,  meantime,  had  been  enjoying  some 
years  of  diplomatic  experience,  as  Charge  d'Ajfaires  at 
Bogota  and  Vienna.  He  died  in  February,  1858.  His 
successors  for  a  period  in  the  editorship  of  the  Commercial 
Advertiser  were  E.  Peshine  Smith,  Professor  Ivory  Cham- 
berlain, afterwards  editorial  writer  on  the  New  York 
Herald,  Dr.  Sanford  B.  Hunt  and  Anson  G.  Chester. 

Mr.  Candee  retired  from  the  firm  of  Rufus  Wheeler  & 
Co.  in  1862,  and  Mr.  Matthews,  dissolving  his  partnership 
with  Mr.  Clapp,  then  entered  it,  the  firm  name  becoming 
Wheeler,  Matthews  &  Warren,  until  the  retirement  of  Mr. 
Wheeler  (followed  soon  by  his  death)  in  the  spring  of  1865. 
The  firm  was  then  Matthews  &  Warren,  and  Mr.  Matthews 
assumed  the  chief  editorship  of  the  paper,  Mr.  William  E. 
Foster  beginning  not  long  after,  as  associate  editor,  his  long 
editorial  connection  with  the  Commercial  Advertiser. 
After  twelve  years  of  association,  Messrs.  Matthews  & 
Warren  dissolved  partnership  in  1877,  the  latter  buying  the 
interest  of  the  former,  who,  thereupon,  purchased  the 
Express.  The  Commercial  Advertiser  establishment  has 
remained  the  property  of  Mr.  Warren  and  his  family  to 


the  present  time.  At  his  death,  in  1886,  the  management 
passed  to  his  eldest  son,  Orsamus  G.,  who  died  in  May,  1892. 
The  business  is  now  conducted  by  William  C.  Warren, 
Mr.  Foster  has  been  the  editor  of  the  paper  since  Mr.  Mat- 
thews withdrew,  and  Mr.  Frank  M.  Hollister  has  been 
associated  with  him  for  many  years. 

In  the  years  between  the  separation  of  Mr.  Wheeler  and 
Mr.  Matthews  from  Mr.  Clapp  and  the  purchase  of  the 
Express  by  Mr.  Matthews  in  1877,  that  newspaper  and 
printing  establishment  had  undergone  several  changes. 
Mr.  Clapp  took  his  son,  H.  H.  Clapp,  into  partnership  with 
himself  in  the  newspaper  department  of  the  business.  After 
the  withdrawal  of  Mr.  Matthews  from  the  printing  depart- 
ment, in  1862,  or  early  in  1863,  several  persons  were  joined 
in  interest  with  the  latter  business  for  short  periods  during 
the  next  few  years.  In  the  newspaper  the  editorial 
associates  of  Mr.  Clapp,  from  the  time  he  assumed  the  pen, 
were,  successively,  Anson  G.  Chester,  George  W.  Haskins, 
David  Wentworth  and  J.  N.  Lamed.  For  a  short  time  in 
1860-61,  after  his  resignation  from  the  Commercial  Adver- 
tiser and  before  he  entered  the  medical  service  of  the  army, 
Dr.  Sanford  B.  Hunt  had  an  editorial  connection  with  the 

In  1866  the  Express  property  and  business  were  con- 
veyed to  an  incorporated  Express  Printing  Company,  in 
which  A.  M.  Clapp,  H.  H.  Clapp,  J.  N.  Larned,  Colonel 
George  H.  Selkirk  and  Thomas  A.  Kennett  held  equal 
shares.  Two  years  later  Mr.  A.  M.  Clapp  received  the  ap- 
pointment of  Congressional  Printer,  which  required  his 
withdrawal  from  private  interests  in  the  business  of  print- 
ing, and  the  shares  of  himself  and  his  son  were  sold  to  the 
remaining  members  of  the  company.  In  the  next  year  Mr. 
Kennett's  shares  were  bought  by  Samuel  L.  Clemens  (Mark 
Twain),  and  the  readers  of  the  Express  enjoyed  some  of  the 


best  of  Mr.  Clemens'  humorous  sketches  at  first  hands,  while 
the  editorial  staff  of  the  paper  had  the  pleasure  of  his  rare 
companionship  and  assistance,  for  about  a  year.  He  then 
sold  his  interest  to  Colonel  Selkirk;  and,  in  1872,  a  majority 
of  the  shares  of  the  Express  Printing  Company  were  bought 
by  the  proprietors  of  the  Commercial  Advertiser.  After 
some  further  changes  in  the  ownership,  the  whole  property 
was  bought  in  1877,  as  stated  above,  by  James  N.  Matthews, 
who  proceeded  to  build  upon  it  the  notably  prosperous 
structure  of  business,  which  he  left,  on  his  death  in  Decem- 
ber, 1888,  to  his  son,  George  E.  Matthews. 

In  the  business  and  the  editorial  management  Mr.  Mat- 
thews had  equal  success.  The  printing  establishment, 
which  he  created,  is  one  of  the  most  notable  in  America, 
especially  in  the  finer  departments  of  the  art.  In  color 
printing  it  has  few  rivals;  in  map-drawing  and  printing, 
almost  none.  The  latter  branch  of  its  large  and  varied  busi- 
ness has  been  developed  from  an  establishment  of  relief  line 
engraving  which  was  founded  originally  by  Elam  R. 
Jewett,  the  former  proprietor  of  the  Commercial  Adver- 
tiser. From  Mr.  Jewett  this  passed  to  Henry  Chandler  & 
Co.,  and  thence  to  William  P.  Northrup  &  Co.,  from  whom 
it  came  into  union  with  the  printing  establishment  of  Mr. 

On  the  death  of  J.  N.  Matthews  his  son  took  into  partner- 
ship two  members  of  his  father's  previous  staff,  James  W. 
Greene  and  Charles  E.  Austin,  organizing  the  firm  of 
George  E.  Matthews  &  Co.,  which  conducted  the  business 
until  April,  1901.  Then  the  J.  N.  Matthews  Company 
was  formed,  under  which  designation  the  whole  business 
is  included,  but  with  two  organizations,  namely  that  of  The 
Buffalo  Express  and  that  of  the  Matthews-Northrup 
Works.  The  officers  of  the  company  are  George  E.  Mat- 
thews   president,    William    P.    Northrup    vice-president, 


George  E.  Burrows  treasurer,  Edward  A.  Kendrick  secre- 
tary. In  the  editorial  organization  of  the  Express  James 
W.  Greene  is  editor-in-chief,  M.  M.  Wilner  assistant  gen- 
eral editor,  Brayton  Nichols  editor  of  the  Illustrated  Ex- 
press (Sunday).  It  should  be  said,  by  the  way,  that  the 
Illustrated  Express,  established  in  1883,  has  a  wide  circula- 
tion in  the  United  States  and  Canada.  On  the  business  side 
of  the  newspaper  organization  William  M.  Ramsdell  is 
publisher;  James  A.  Pierce  is  general  superintendent  of  the 
Matthews-Northrup  Works. 

Returning  now  to  the  annals  of  the  Courier,  which  were 
left  at  the  point  of  time,  in  1846,  when  it  absorbed  the  A^'a- 
tional  Pilot,  we  find  that  Mr.  Stringham  soon  sold  his 
interest  to  Messrs.  Manchester  &  Brayman,  and  that  Guy 
H.  Salisbury  was  associated  with  Mr.  Brayman  in  the  con- 
duct of  the  paper  editorially.  But  in  1849  the  whole  estab- 
lishment was  bought  by  W.  A.  Seaver,  who  became  both 
publisher  and  editor  for  the  next  few  years.  In  1857  James 
H.  Sanford  acquired  an  interest,  and  in  the  next  year  the 
important  connection  of  Joseph  Warren  with  the  Courier, 
which  had  begun  in  1854,  when  he  was  engaged  as  local 
editor  or  reporter,  became  fixed  by  his  joining  Gilbert  K. 
Harroun  in  a  purchase  of  the  interest  which  Mr.  Seaver 
had  retained.  The  firm  then  formed,  of  Sanford,  Warren 
&  Harroun,  was  changed  in  a  few  years  to  Joseph  Warren 
&  Co.,  Messrs.  Sanford  and  Harroun  dropping  out  and 
being  succeeded  by  Milo  Stevens,  William  C.  Horan  and 
David  Gray. 

David  Gray  entered  the  Courier  staff  in  i860,  as  Mr. 
Warren  had  done  six  years  before,  in  the  capacity  of  a 
local  reporter.  He  brought  to  the  service  of  journalism  in 
Buffalo  the  finest  literary  gifts  that  have  ever  adorned  its 
work.  Mr.  Warren  had  brought  talents  as  much  needed, 
but  of  a  different  kind.     He  was  an  excellent  writer,  but 


more  marked  by  his  capacity  for  dealing  with  men  in  public 
affairs.  He  not  only  made  himself  and  the  Courier  politi- 
cal powers,  and  succeeded  naturally  to  the  late  Dean  Rich- 
mond in  the  leadership  of  the  Democratic  party  in  Western 
New  York,  but  he  exercised  a  singularly  quiet  force  in 
promoting  local  movements  of  public  enterprise,  such  as 
gave  us  our  Park  System,  our  City  and  County  Hall,  our 
State  Hospital,  and  much  besides.  The  combination  of 
Mr.  Warren's  force  with  Mr.  Gray's  charm  was  an  exceed- 
ingly happy  one  for  the  Courier. 

About  i860  or  1 861  an  evening  paper,  the  Republic, 
which  had  had  a  precarious  existence  since  1847,  was 
merged  in  the  Courier,  as  an  afternoon  edition  of  the  latter, 
having  the  name  of  the  Evening  Courier  and  Republic. 
The  Republic  had  been  started  by  an  association  of  printers, 
and  never  acquired  a  stable  footing.  Guy  H.  Salisbury, 
who  had  become  a  man  of  substantial  means  in  the  real  estate 
business,  was  induced  to  take  it  in  hand  for  the  helping  of 
friends,  and  was  reduced  near  to  poverty  in  his  last  years 
by  the  drain  on  his  moderate  estate.  Its  editor  for  a  num- 
ber of  years  was  Cyrenius  C.  Bristol,  who  succeeded  Ben- 
jamin C.  Welch.  Henry  W.  Faxon,  famed  as  a  humorist 
in  his  day,  and  especially  as  the  author  of  "The  Silver  Lake 
Snake  Hoax,"  was  the  city  editor  of  the  Republic  in  its 
later  years.  In  1858,  and  until  he  went  to  the  Express  in 
the  spring  of  1859,  the  present  writer  was  associated  with 
Mr.  Bristol  in  the  general  editorship  of  the  paper.  Thomas 
Kean  became  connected  with  the  Republic  a  little  later,  and 
went  with  it  when  it  passed  under  the  control  of  the  pro- 
prietors of  the  Courier. 

In  1869  the  business  of  Joseph  Warren  &  Co.  was  united 
with  that  of  the  printing  house  of  Howard  &  Johnson,  and 
the  whole  incorporated  in  the  Courier  Company,  Mr.  War- 
ren being  its  president,  James  M.  Johnson  vice-president, 


Ethan  H.  Howard  treasurer,  Milo  Stevens  secretary.  The 
printing  establishment  thus  organized  became  one  of  great 
magnitude  and  importance,  and  holds  its  rank  to  the  present 
day,  especially  in  the  line  of  large  pictorial  poster  printing 
for  theatres,  menageries  and  the  like.  In  September,  1876, 
Mr.  Warren  died,  and  William  G.  Fargo,  who  had  become 
a  considerable  stockholder  in  the  Courier  Company,  and 
was  already  its  vice-president,  succeeded  to  the  presidency. 
Mr.  Gray,  who  had  been  managing  editor  of  the  newspaper, 
became  editor-in-chief.  His  health  was  broken  by  the 
labors  of  the  next  few  years,  and  he  was  forced  to  resign  in 
the  fall  of  1882.  He  was  succeeded  by  Joseph  O'Connor, 
who  had  been  his  associate  during  the  previous  two  years. 
In  1885  Mr.  Edwin  Fleming,  who  had  been  the  representa- 
tive and  correspondent  of  the  Courier  in  Washington  since 
1877,  was  called  to  the  editorial  chair  and  filled  it  ably  for 
the  next  twelve  years. 

In  1880  Mr.  Charles  W.  M'Cune,  who  had  been  secre- 
tary and  treasurer  of  the  Courier  Company  since  1874,  was 
elected  president  and  held  the  office  till  his  death,  in  March, 
1885.  George  Bleistein,  previously  secretary,  then  became 
president,  and  is  so  at  the  present  time.  On  the  6th  of  May, 
1897,  the  Courier,  detached  from  the  printing  establishment 
of  the  Courier  Company  and  from  its  whole  former  staff, 
was  sold  to  William  J.  Conners  and  consolidated  with  the 
Buffalo  Record,  which  Mr.  Conners  had  been  publishing 
since  the  previous  year.  The  business  of  the  Courier  Com- 
pany in  recent  years  has  included  no  newspaper  publication. 

The  first  successful  Sunday  paper  in  Buffalo  was  the 
Sunday  Morning  News,  founded  by  Edward  H.  Butler  in 
1873.  The  success  of  Mr.  Butler  in  his  first  venture  en- 
couraged him,  in  1880,  to  undertake  a  daily  publication,  the 
Evening  News,  a  one  cent  paper  from  the  beginning,  which 
has  been  even  more  of  a  success.     Under  the  control  of  Mr. 


Butler  as  proprietor  and  editor-in-chief,  with  William  Mc- 
intosh as  managing  editor  and  J.  A.  Butler  as  business 
manager,  the  News  has  had  a  remarkably  prosperous 

A  somewhat  similar  course  of  success  in  journalism  has 
been  run  in  connection  with  the  founding  of  the  Buffalo 
Sunday  Times,  in  1879,  by  Norman  E.  Mack.  He,  too, 
was  soon  encouraged  to  attempt  a  daily  publication,  and  did 
so  in  1883,  issuing  the  Daily  Times  as  a  morning  paper 
until  1887,  when  it  was  changed  to  an  afternoon  paper,  at 
the  penny  price,  with  improved  success. 

The  present  rivals  of  the  Times  as  a  Democratic  organ 
are  the  two  journals,  morning  and  evening,  now  controlled 
by  William  J.  Conners.  The  purchase  of  the  Courier  by 
Mr.  Conners  has  been  related  above.  He  had  previously, 
in  1895,  acquired  the  Enquirer,  an  evening  paper  started 
in  1 89 1,  and  had  established  it,  with  an  excellent  equipment, 
under  the  able  editorship  of  Joseph  O'Connor;  but  Mr. 
O'Connor  had  not  remained  long  in  the  chair.  In  1896 
Mr.  Conners  had  launched  a  morning  issue,  first  as  a  morn- 
ing edition  of  the  Enquirer,  but  soon  independently,  under 
the  name  of  the  Buffalo  Record.  On  obtaining  the  Courier 
he  consolidated  it  with  the  Record,  the  title  becoming 
Courier-Record.  This  hyphenated  title  was  abandoned, 
however,  on  the  ist  of  January,  1898,  and  the  old  name  of 
the  Buffalo  Courier  was  restored.  Mr.  Fleming,  the  for- 
mer editor  of  the  Courier,  returned  to  it  as  editorial  writer 
in  January,  1906. 

As  early  as  1837  a  weekly  newspaper  in  the  German  lan- 
guage, Der  Weltbuerger,  was  undertaken  by  a  German  book- 
seller in  the  city,  George  Zahm,  and  got  root  sufficiently  to 
live  sixteen  years  independently,  and  then  enter  into  union 
with  a  younger  journal  which  is  still  prosperous  in  life. 
The  next  German  paper  was  a  product  of  the  political  cam- 


paign  of  1840.  It  was  a  Whig  organ,  named  the  Volks- 
freund,  published  weekly,  and  it  outlived  the  excitements  of 
the  Harrison  canvass  a  very  short  time.  In  1845  the  Tele- 
graph was  established  as  a  weekly  by  H.  B.  Miller,  who 
formed  a  partnership  presently  with  Philip  H.  Bender. 

In  that  year,  too.  Dr.  F.  C.  Brunck  and  Jacob  Domedian 
bought  the  Weltbuerger  from  the  estate  of  George  Zahm. 
Three  years  later,  in  the  presidential  campaign  of  1848,  a 
German  advocate  of  the  Free  Soil  movement,  called  the 
Freie  Demokrat,  came  out.  This  became  the  property  of 
Frederick  Held  in  1850,  and  he  converted  it  into  a  daily 
newspaper,  renaming  it  the  Buffalo  Demokrat.  In  1853 
the  Demokrat  and  the  Weltbuerger  were  consolidated, 
under  the  proprietorship  of  the  firm  of  Brunck,  Held  &  Co., 
with  Dr.  Brunck  in  the  editorial  chair.  The  paper  ac- 
quired a  large  influence  as  a  Democratic  organ,  and  Mr. 
Brunck  was  an  important  personality  in  the  city  till  his 

The  Buffalo  Telegraph  was  issued  daily  after  1853. 
Some  time  later  Mr.  Bender  became  the  sole  proprietor  and 
maintained  the  paper  for  a  number  of  years,  selling  it  ulti- 
mately to  Frederick  Geib.  Its  publication  was  ended  in 
1875.  In  the  meantime  another  German  daily,  the  Freie 
Presse,  had  come  into  existence,  supporting  the  Republican 
party,  as  the  Telegraph  had  done.  It  was  a  development 
from  the  weekly  Allgemeine  Zeitung,  founded  by  Frederick 
Reinecke  in  1856.  The  change  of  name  was  made  in  i860, 
when  Mr.  Reinecke  attempted  a  daily  publication,  which 
failed  of  support.  On  the  death  of  the  founder  of  the 
paper,  in  1866,  its  publication  was  continued  by  his  son, 
Ottomar  Reinecke,  who  established  the  daily  Freie  Presse 
in  1872,  with  entire  success.  The  proprietors  for  many 
years  past  have  been  Reinecke  &  Zesch. 

The  Volksfreund,  the  youngest  in  primary  origin  of  the 


existing  German  dailies,  was  established  in  1868,  under 
Catholic  auspices,  and  Mathias  Rohr  was  its  editor  for  many 

Polish  readers  support  one  daily  newspaper  in  their  own 
language,  the  Polak  Amery  Kanski,  of  which  Stanislaus 
Slisz  is  the  editor,  and  three  weeklies — the  Kuryer  Buffa- 
loski,  the  Gazetta  Buffaloska,  and  a  Catholic  religious  paper 
named  Warta. 

One  weekly  paper  is  published  in  the  Italian  language, 
bearing  the  title  //  Corriere  Italiano. 

Aside  from  weekly  editions  of  some  of  the  daily  news- 
papers, the  oldest  of  existing  weekly  publications  is  the 
Catholic  Union  and  Times,  founded  under  the  first  of  its 
names  in  1872,  and  consolidated  with  the  Catholic  Times, 
of  Rochester,  in  1881.  The  company  which  issues  it  was 
organized  by  Bishop  Ryan.  The  Rev.  Patrick  Cronyn, 
LL.  D.,  was  the  editor  from  1873  until  his  death,  in  1907. 

A  younger  weekly  which  has  obtained  a  good  footing  and 
is  now  in  its  twelfth  volume  is  Truth,  founded  by  the  late 
Mark  S.  Hubbell,  who  died  in  1908. 


IN  1842  there  came  to  Buffalo  a  young  Swede,  Lars 
Gustaf  Sellstedt,  whose  life  has  been  identified  so 
closely  with  Art  in  this  city,  down  to  the  present  day, 
that  its  annals  are  better  recorded  in  his  retentive  memory 
than  in  any  other  repository.  He  was  twenty-three  years 
old  when  he  came.  Two  forces  were  in  his  nature,  one  im- 
pelling him  to  the  service  of  Art,  the  other  to  the  adven- 
turous life  of  the  sea.  Thus  far  the  latter  had  prevailed, 
and  he  had  roved  the  world  as  a  sailor  since  early  youth. 
Coming  from  the  ocean  to  try  seafaring  on  the  Great  Lakes, 
he  sojourned  for  a  time  at  the  "Sailors'  Home,"  which  a 
Bethel  Society  of  ladies  from  different  churches  had  estab- 
lished on  Main  Street,  near  The  Dock.  There  he  came 
under  fortunate  influences  which  encouraged  him  to  a  cul- 
tivation of  gifts  and  tastes  that  he  had  always  been  exer- 
cising, in  crude  modes  of  picture-making  and  carving,  and 
which  gave  him  his  chief  pleasures  in  life.  After  a  few 
years  of  indefatigable  self-teaching,  mostly  from  books, 
working  with  brush  and  pencil  through  the  winter  seasons, 
when  lake  navigation  closed,  he  launched  himself  boldly  at 
last  into  the  career  which  he  pursues  at  this  writing. 

The  sources  of  what  will  be  told  here  touching  the  earlier 
appearances  of  Art  in  Buffalo  are  Mr.  Sellstedt's  delightful 
autobiography,  entitled  "From  Forecastle  to  Academy," 
published  in  1904,  and  a  manuscript  record  of  his  recollec- 
tions concerning  matters  of  art,*  kindly  loaned  to  the 
writer  of  this  sketch.  Naturally  the  work  of  the  artist  woke 
interest  and  found  support  in  portrait  painting  first,  and  in 

*  Since  expanded   by  Mr.    Sellstedt  and   published  in  an  interesting  volume  entitled 
"Art  in  Buffalo." 


y^TM^  7~o^^ 

}'!  ER     IX 


"I  ame  to  Buffalo  a  young  Swede,  Lars 

I  "fjistedt,  whose  life  has  been  identified  so 

vvith  Art  in  this  city,  down  to  the  present  day, 

s  are  better  recorded  in  his  retentiye  memory 

jther  repository.     He  was  twenty-three  years 

ame.     Two  forces  were  in  his  nature,  one  im- 

pc  )  the  service  of  Art,  the  other  to  the  adven- 

tu'  he  sea.     Thus  far  the  latter  had  prevailed, 

an  .0  the  world  as  a  sailor  since  early  youth. 

C  JO^N'^fl¥&M3<g^^^TftW_41?t!  the  Great  Lakes, 

he  •^'|J.  urnc  ■  "  which  a 

P     i^PiT}  Ayr,  Scotland,  April  11.  1845.     .\t  the  age  of  sij^  ,.  .^v 

caifie  with  his  parents  to"  America  and  settled  in  Caledonia, 
"^in  the  Province  of  Ontario.     Came  to  Buffalo  in  1876,  and 
unformed  a  partnership  with  his  brother  James  and  Mr.  Kent 
ti'.tinder  the  firm  name  of  Kent  &  Stewart.    Later  the  Stewart    cxei- 
^-ji  Brothers  became  associated  with  Nelson  Holland,  under  ^fig    and 
ifirm  name  of  Holland  &  Stewart.     In   1884  the   Stey,«"i  g.   f-y. 
Brothers  purchased  the  Holland  interest :  retired  from  busi-  ,       , 
y^^^ess  in  1898.    Tohn  Th6ni,<;bn  S'tewaft  died  March  7,  ^i^oP    ^OOkS, 
working  vAJth  6;us}i  and  ptncjl  through  the  v/inter  seasons, 
when  lake  navigation  closed,  he  launched  himself  boldly  at 

;  ler 

di  .     glitful 

Hi  to  Academy." 

.  ,7  w,,.ii>,j^  .,.1  .^v w,d  of  his  recollec- 

Uters   of   art,*  kindly   loaned   to   the 

...;      Naturally  the  work  of  the  artist  woke 

und  support  in  portrait  painting  first,  and  in 

'   .^i'.<'<   rx;  .  ^Ilntnlt  lod   publiihH  in  an  interesting  volume  entitled 

■Art  it 


^v^  7o^^^-^^^->^ 


that  almost  only  for  a  considerable  time.  It  is  the  testimony 
of  Mr.  Sellstedt  that  Art  as  exhibited  in  portraiture  had 
become  very  creditably  represented  in  the  city  when  he 
knew  it  first,  partly  in  paintings  brought  by  incoming 
people  from  the  east,  but  also  in  work  executed  here. 

"The  new  Buffalonian,"  he  says,  "brought  from  his 
eastern  home,  besides  his  kitchen  utensils  and  penates,  his 
parlor  adornments  as  well.  Thus  it  was  that  occasionally 
really  excellent  works  of  art  were  to  be  seen  in  their  homes. 
Even  in  the  parlor  of  the  'Sailors'  Home'  hung  a  fine  por- 
trait by  Gilbert  Stuart,  of  the  landlord,  an  old  sea  captain 
from  Massachusetts,  who  had  been,  in  his  youth,  a  pupil  of 
that  great  master  of  portrait  painting."  He  adds  that,  be- 
fore their  destruction  by  fire,  in  the  old  City  Building,  there 
were  many  fine  portraits  of  the  early  makers  of  Bufifalo  who 
had  been  mayors.  Many  of  them  were  painted  by  A.  G.  D. 
Tuthill,  an  Englishman,  who  had  studied  under  Benjamin 
West.  Others  were  by  a  painter  named  Jackson,  whose 
portraits,  says  Mr.  Sellstedt,  were  recognizable  by  their 
harshness  of  outline  and  minute  attention  to  dress  and  detail. 
Some  were  by  Mr.  Carnot  Carpenter.  One  or  two,  painted 
by  William  John  Wilgus,  were  superior  to  all  the  rest. 
None  of  the  painters  mentioned  were  to  be  classed  "with  the 
common  limners  who  perambulated  the  country  at  the 

Of  Wilgus,  who  was  painting  in  Buffalo  when  Mr.  Sell- 
stedt came,  and  who  helped  him  in  his  studies,  he  speaks 
with  great  admiration  and  love.  The  two  young  men  were 
of  about  the  same  age,  but  Wilgus  had  studied  for  three 
years  in  the  art  school  of  President  Morse,  of  the  National 
Academy  of  New  York.  The  portraits  he  painted  in 
Bufifalo  during  the  few  years  of  his  stay  in  the  city,  before 
failing  health  drove  him  to  a  southern  climate,  were  greatly 
superior,  in  Mr.  Sellstedt's  judgment,  to  any  others  painted 


here  at  the  time.  Some  of  his  best  work  was  in  the  por- 
traiture of  Cattaraugus  Indians,  painted  at  the  Reservation, 
and  most  of  this,  purchased  by  Caleb  Lyons,  of  Lyonsdale, 
was  burned  subsequently  by  a  fire  which  destroyed  that 
gentleman's  house.  Mr.  Wilgus  died  in  his  thirty-fourth 
year,  in  1853. 

James  M.  Dickinson,  "a  very  clever  miniature  painter," 
and  the  Rev.  Benjamin  Van  Duzee,  are  other  artists  of  the 
time  whom  Mr.  Sellstedt  recalls.  In  1847  Thomas  Le 
Clear  appeared  in  Buffalo,  and  began  here  the  career  which 
ended  at  New  York  in  the  top-most  rank  of  the  portrait 
painters  of  the  day.  In  1850  William  H.  Beard  arrived, 
to  make  Buffalo  his  home  for  many  years,  and  to  win  before 
leaving  our  city  his  fame  as  a  painter  of  animals  studied 
with  a  humorist's  eye.  Another  painter  of  the  period  with 
these  was  Augustus  Rockwell,  whose  work  was  as  popular 
as  his  personal  popularity  was  great.  Others  were  Mat- 
thew Wilson,  an  English  gentleman,  connected  by  marriage 
with  a  prominent  family  in  the  city,  and  coming  fresh  from 
the  studio  of  the  famous  French  painter.  Couture;  Joseph 
Meeker,  a  painter  of  landscapes;  a  "young  and  gifted  artist 
in  genre"  named  Libby,  and  a  promising  pupil  of  Wilgus, 
named  A.  B.  Nimbs. 

The  first  art  school  in  Buffalo  was  opened  in  these  years 
by  an  old  actor,  who  performed  at  the  same  time  on  the 
stage.  His  stage  name  was  Andrews,  but  Mr.  Sellstedt 
attributes  to  him  the  real  name  of  Isaacs,  and  an  East  Indian 
birth.  His  school  drew  a  large  attendance  and  seems  to 
have  been  a  success.  At  least  one  vvho  has  risen  to  eminence 
in  Art — Charles  C.  Coleman — received  his  first  teaching,  as 
a  boy,  in  Andrews'  school. 

Occasionally  pictures  of  note  were  brought  to  the  city  for 
show;  but  until  1861  no  attempt  had  been  made  to  organize 
an  exhibition  of  collected  works  of  art.     It  was  undertaken 


then,  in  connection  with  the  commemoration  of  the  twenty- 
fifth  anniversary  of  the  founding  of  the  Young  Men's  Asso- 
ciation, and  with  great  success.  Two  hundred  and  sixty- 
five  paintings  and  eight  pieces  of  statuary  were  brought 
together,  at  American  Hall,  and  the  attendance  attracted 
brought  $835  of  gross  receipts.  The  net  proceeds  were 
expended  in  the  purchase  of  a  landscape  from  the  easel  of 
George  L.  Brown. 

From  this  success  came  the  stimulus  of  a  movement  which 
resulted  in  the  organization  of  the  Buffalo  Academy  of  Fine 
Arts,  accomplished  at  a  meeting  of  gentlemen,  in  the  office 
of  Mr.  Henry  W.  Rogers,  on  the  nth  of  November,  1862. 
Those  present  were:  Henry  W.  Rogers,  John  S.  Ganson, 
O.  H.  Marshall,  Rev.  Dr.  Grosvenor  W.  Heacock,  George 
S.  Hazard,  John  Allen,  Jr.,  Thomas  LeClear,  L.  G.  Sell- 
stedt,  S.  F.  Mixer,  James  M.  Smith,  Silas  H.  Fish,  H. 
Ewers  Tallmadge,  Anson  G.  Chester,  and  Josiah  Humph- 
rey. Mr.  Rogers  was  elected  president;  Messrs.  Hazard 
and  Smith,  vice-presidents;  Mr.  Humphrey,  correspond- 
ing secretary;  Mr.  Tallmadge,  recording  secretary;  Mr. 
Allen,  treasurer.  Mr.  Humphrey  was  from  Rochester,  and 
represented  the  owners  of  a  collection  of  pictures  on  exhibi- 
tion there.  He  made  proposals  for  bringing  the  collection 
to  Buffalo,  and  the  new  society  effected  arrangements  with 
him  which  called  for  the  raising  of  a  picture  fund  of  $6,000 
at  once.  The  fund  (and  more)  was  raised  promptly,  in 
contributions  of  $500  each  from  thirteen  gentlemen,  as  fol- 
lows: Henry  W.  Rogers,  George  S.  Hazard,  Sherman  S. 
Jewett,  David  S.  Bennett,  Bronson  C.  Rumsey,  L.  C. 
Woodruff,  S.  V.  R.  Watson,  Charles  Ensign,  C.  J.  Wells, 
John  Allen,  Jr.,  Pascal  P.  Pratt,  F.  H.  Root,  James  Brayley. 
Rooms  were  secured  in  the  Arcade  Building,  which  stood 
where  the  Mooney  Building  stands  now;  pictures  additional 
to  the  Humphrey  collection  were  obtained  by  Mr.  LeClear 


from  New  York,  and  the  Academy  opened  its  inaugural 
exhibition  on  the  23d  of  December,  1862.  In  accom- 
plishing this,  Buflfalo  had  become  the  third  city  in  the  coun- 
try to  establish  a  permanent  public  art  gallery,  only  Boston 
and  Philadelphia  having  done  so  at  that  time.  It  was  a  per- 
manent achievement,  for  the  institution  then  founded  has 
stood  stoutly  through  many  trials,  and,  after  almost  half  a 
century,  is  one  of  the  proudest  boasts  and  splendid  facts  of 
the  city. 

The  arrangement  with  Mr.  Humphrey  proved  rather  un- 
fortunate, involving  the  Academy  in  some  purchases  of  pic- 
tures which  it  would  not  have  chosen  for  the  expenditure  of 
its  fund;  but  its  permanent  collection  started  with  eleven 
canvases,  having  good  value  in  the  greater  part.  The  first 
gift  to  it  came  from  Bierstadt,  whose  "Laramie  Peak"  it 
had  bought.  He  gave  it  a  choice  bit  of  the  beauty  of  Capri. 
The  next  donor  was  Mr.  Sellstedt,  who  presented  his  por- 
trait of  General  Bennett  Riley.  In  later  years  it  received 
many  gifts. 

For  a  short  time  Mr.  LeClear  was  in  charge  of  the 
Gallery;  but  he  removed  to  New  York,  and  Mr.  Sellstedt 
was  appointed  superintendent,  entering,  in  May,  1863,  on  a 
service  of  devotion  to  it  which  ran,  heedless  of  discour- 
agements and  unsparing  of  labor  and  time,  through  many 
years,  till  the  Academy  had  grown  strong. 

Other  artists  who  made  a  name  in  the  city  within  the  next 
decade  or  two  were  now  coming  in.  John  Harrison  Mills, 
disabled  from  further  service  with  the  Twenty-first  Regi- 
ment by  a  severe  wound,  received  in  the  second  Battle  of 
Bull  Run,  returned  to  devote  himself  to  the  palette  and 
brush.  Frederick  Noyes  entered  the  Art  field  in  Buffalo  at 
about  the  same  time.  A  little  later,  by  three  or  four  years, 
came  Albert  N.  Samuels,  John  C.  Rother,  and  Miss  Ellen 
K.  Baker.     Then,  about  1870  or  '71,  Ammi  M.  Farnham 


and  Francis  C.  Penfold, — who  are  still  seen  at  intervals 
among  us  with  good  work  to  exhibit, — and  Amos  M.  Sang- 
ster,  who  died  but  a  little  time  ago. 

In  1864  the  Academy  entered,  with  other  institutions,  into 
the  arrangement  with  the  Young  Men's  Association  which 
secured  the  St.  James  Hotel  building  for  their  common  use. 
Its  rooms  there,  on  the  fourth  and  fifth  floors,  were  opened 
on  the  1 6th  of  February,  1865.  Mr.  Willis  O.  Chapin,  who 
wrote  a  historical  sketch  of  the  Fine  Arts  Academy  in  1899, 
states  the  truth  when  he  says  that  these  rooms,  "although 
spacious  and  attractive,  were  up  formidable  stairs,  with 
great  danger  from  fire."  They  were  occupied,  however, 
for  sixteen  years.  It  was  not  until  1881  that  the  slowly  ac- 
cumulating art  treasures  of  the  Academy  were  housed  more 
safely  in  the  Austin  Building,  at  the  corner  of  Eagle  and 
Franklin  streets,  opposite  the  City  and  County  Hall. 

Nine  years  previous  to  that  time,  in  1872,  the  Academy 
had  passed  the  turning  point  in  its  affairs.  It  had  been 
struggling,  almost  against  hope,  with  debt  and  financial  dis- 
couragement for  several  years,  and  a  vigorous  canvass  for 
subscriptions  to  a  permanent  endowment  fund  was  promis- 
ing slender  results,  when,  suddenly,  Mr.  Sherman  S.  Jewett 
raised  the  sum  he  had  pledged  from  One  Thousand  Dollars 
to  Ten  Thousand.  This  put  new  mettle  into  the  movement 
at  once.  During  that  year  and  the  next  the  endowment 
fund  was  pushed  up  to  something  beyond  $23,000,  and  the 
foundation  of  the  Academy  was  so  far  solidified  that  some 
kind  of  a  perpetuation  of  its  existence  was  ensured.  Mr. 
Jewett's  gift  was  set  apart  as  a  special  fund,  for  the  pur- 
chase of  works  of  art  to  bear  his  name. 

By  co-operation  again  with  the  Young  Men's  Association 
(changed  in  name  to  The  Buffalo  Library),  and  with  other 
institutions,  in  the  enterprise  which  created  the  noble  build- 
ing now  occupied  by  The   Buffalo   Public   Library,   the 


Academy  of  Fine  Arts  was  provided  in  1887  with  a  safe  and 
capacious  Gallery  in  that  edifice,  and  with  accompanying 
rooms.  In  1889  Mr.  Sellstedt  resigned  the  office  of  super- 
intendent, in  which  he  had  served  with  unlimited  devotion 
for  twenty-six  years. 

In  the  fall  of  1887  an  Art  School  was  opened  and  con- 
ducted in  immediate  connection  with  the  Academy  until 

1 89 1,  when  it  was  united  with  the  Students'  Art  Club,  form- 
ing a  distinct  institution  which  took  the  name  of  the  Art 
Students'  League.  The  League  has  been  a  factor  of  increas- 
ing importance  in  the  local  cultivation  of  art. 

A  print  department  of  the  Academy  was  founded  in  1891 
by  gifts  from  Dr.  Frederick  H.  James,  of  his  unequalled 
collection  of  Francis  Seymour  Haden's  etchings,  and  from 
Willis  O.  Chapin  of  his  large  and  fine  collection  of  engrav- 
ings. In  1892  the  Buffalo  Society  of  Artists,  lately 
founded,  received  the  use  of  one  of  the  Academy  rooms  for 
its  library,  meetings,  lectures  and  exhibitions,  and  this  active 
society  has  been  in  association  with  the  Academy  ever  since. 

A  bequest  from  Mr.  Thomas  C.  Reilly,  in  1883,  added 
$4,000  to  the  Academy's  funds.  Another,  from  Mrs.  Caro- 
line C.  Fillmore,  in  1885,  gave  it  $5,000  more.  A  larger 
bequest,  of  $20,000,  from  Francis  W.  Tracy,  came  to  it  in 

1892.  In  the  same  year  $2,000  was  left  to  it  on  the  death 
of  the  Rev.  Frederick  Frothingham,  and  $5,000  by  Jonathan 
Scoville  when  he  died.  Two  years  later,  by  the  will  of 
John  Browning,  it  received  $413;  and  $5,000  was  be- 
queathed to  it  in  1898  by  Dr.  Frederick  H.  James. 

Then,  in  1900,  came  the  great  gift  which  has  housed  the 
Buffalo  Academy  of  Fine  Arts  more  nobly  than  almost  any 
other  institution  of  its  character  in  the  land.  On  the  15th 
of  January  in  that  year  Mr.  John  J.  Albright,  by  a  modest 
letter  to  the  secretary  of  the  Academy,  announced  his  will- 
ingness to  assume  the  cost  of  the  erection  of  an  appropriate 


building  for  its  use,  attaching  one  condition  and  one  sug- 
gestion to  the  proposal.  As  the  building,  in  his  judgment, 
should  be  of  white  marble,  and  should  be  preserved  from 
defacement  by  a  smoky  atmosphere  in  the  future,  he  thought 
it  proper  to  ask  that  a  site  for  it  be  given  by  the  city  at  a 
point  which  he  designated  in  Delaware  Park.  Then  he  sug- 
gested that  an  effort  should  be  made  to  enlarge  considerably 
the  endowment  of  the  institution  in  its  permanent  funds. 

The  response  to  this  munificent  offer  was  what  it  should 
have  been.  The  site  asked  for  was  granted  promptly  by  the 
Park  Commissioners,  and  a  vigorous  canvass  for  subscrip- 
tions to  the  endowment  had  gratifying  results.  Local  archi- 
tects, Messrs.  Green  &  Wicks,  were  commissioned  to  prepare 
designs  for  the  building,  and  very  beautifully  they  justified 
the  important  trust.  A  more  perfect  example  of  classic  art 
than  the  building  which  came  from  their  hands  after  four 
years  of  construction  is  not  found  on  this  side  of  the  sea. 
The  Albright  Art  Gallery,  as  it  is  named,  is  a  white  marble 
structure,  two  hundred  and  fifty  feet  long,  north  and  south, 
and  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet  deep,  east  and  west.  Cen- 
trally, its  design  is  based  on  the  Erectheum,  at  Athens. 
The  porches  of  its  two  wings  are  still  awaiting  the  finish 
they  are  to  receive  from  statuary  by  St.  Gaudens,  the  model- 
ling of  which  was  the  last  work  of  the  great  sculptor  before 
he  died. 

On  one  of  the  most  perfect  days  that  the  month  of  May 
ever  gave  us  (it  was  the  last  of  her  thirty-one)  in  1905,  the 
beautiful  building  was  dedicated,  with  ceremonies  that 
were  fitted  to  the  occasion  as  exquisitely  as  was  the  day. 
They  were  conducted  in  open  air,  between  the  building  and 
the  Park  Lake  which  it  overlooks,  in  the  sight  and  hearing 
of  a  great  company  of  people.  Beethoven's  chorus,  "The 
Heavens  are  Telling,"  sung  by  a  choir  of  male  voices  from 
five  singing  societies,  the  Guido,  the  Teutonia,  the  Lieder- 


kranz,  the  Saengerbund  and  the  Orpheus,  conducted  by  Pro- 
fessor Parker,  of  Yale;  an  address  by  President  Eliot,  of 
Harvard;  an  ode  by  Arthur  Detmers,  set  to  music  by  Pro- 
fessor Parker ;  a  poem  read  by  Richard  Watson  Gilder,  of 
New  York;  a  hymn  written  by  Philip  B.  Goetz,  made  up  a 
program  that  was  flawless  in  every  part. 

In  his  letter  of  1900,  which  proffered  the  building,  Mr. 
Albright  intimated  his  willingness  to  expend  upon  it  some 
$300,000  or  $350,000.  There  seems  to  be  little  doubt  that 
he  will  have  expended,  when  the  statuary  still  to  come  is  in 
place,  not  less  than  double  the  largest  of  those  sums. 

Besides  this  splendid  property  the  Academy  is  now  in 
possession  of  permanent  funds  to  an  amount  that  exceeds 
$235,000.  Of  these,  $95,000  are  specifically  for  the  pur- 
chase of  pictures,  namely:  $50,000,  by  bequest  from  Miss 
Elizabeth  H.  Gates;  $20,000,  by  bequest  from  Albert  H. 
Tracy;  $10,000,  by  gift  from  Sherman  S.  Jewett;  $10,000, 
from  Mrs.  Sarah  A.  Gates;  $5,000,  from  Mrs.  Charlotte  A. 

Since  the  organization  of  the  Academy  its  presidents  have 
been  the  following:  Henry  W.  Rogers,  1862-64;  George 
S.  Hazard,  1864;  Sherman  S.  Jewett,  1865;  Eben  P.  Dorr, 
1866-67;  C.  F.  S.  Thomas,  1868;  Henry  W.  Rogers,  1869- 
70;  William  P.  Letchworth,  1871-74;  Sherman  S.  Rogers, 
1875;  Lars  G.  Sellstedt,  1876-77;  John  Allen,  Jr.,  1878; 
Josiah  Jewett,  1879-80;  Dr.  Thomas  F.  Rochester  1881-87; 
Sherman  S.  Rogers,  1888-89;  Ralph  H.  Plumb,  1889-93; 
Dr.  Frederick  H.  James,  1894;  John  J.  Albright,  1895-97; 
T.  Guilford  Smith,  1898- 1902;  Edmund  Hayes,  1903-04; 
Ralph  H.  Plumb,  1905  (dying  early  in  this  term)  ;  Stephen 
M.  Clement,  1905;  Carleton  Sprague,  1906-7;  Willis  O. 
Chapin,  1908- 

A  Society  for  Beautifying  Buffalo  was  organized  in  1901, 
under  the  presidency  of  Dr.  Matthew  D.  Mann.     The  main 


objects  of  its  endeavors  have  been  the  securing  of  more 
public  and  private  care  for  trees ;  the  promoting  of  the  home 
cultivation  of  flowers;  the  suppression  of  the  smoke 
nuisance,  and  of  unsightly  billboards  and  signs;  the  re- 
moval of  overhead  wires;  the  institution  of  public  play- 
grounds for  children;  the  stimulating  of  interest  in  the  crea- 
tion of  worthy  monuments,  and  the  organizing  of  influences 
in  favor  of  true  art,  wherever  public  undertakings,  in  build- 
ing especially,  come  into  touch  with  art. 

Kindred  in  aim  to  this  is  The  Society  for  Beautifying 
Schools,  organized  at  about  the  same  time. 

An  original  manuscript  document  preserved  in  the  library 
of  the  Bufifalo  Historical  Society  offers  the  fittest  possible 
and  most  interesting  opening  to  a  sketch  of  the  history  of 
Music  in  Buffalo.  It  is  dated  on  the  29th  of  March,  1820, 
and  its  beginning  reads  as  follows:  "We,  the  subscribers, 
desirous  of  improving  the  style  of  singing  in  this  village,  and 
feeling  that,  in  order  to  carry  into  effect  the  said  object,  it 
is  necessary  to  have  some  rules  by  which  we  will  be  gov- 
erned,"— therefore  the  subscribers  join  in  forming  a  society, 
to  be  called  the  Musica  Sacra  Society,  and  adopt  by-laws  or 
regulations,  the  ultimate  object  of  which  is  to  give  effect  to 
the  following: 

"It  shall  be  the  duty  of  all  the  officers  of  the  society  to 
inform  themselves  in  the  most  modern  style  of  performing 
music,  and  to  consult  the  most  eminent  writers  on  the  sub- 
ject (of  whom  we  may  consider  Messrs.  Hastings  and  War- 
riner,  editors  of  the  'Musica  Sacra,'  at  present  entitled  to 
our  particular  notice  and  respect),  and  shall  endeavor  by 
all  means  in  their  power  to  introduce  into  the  society  the 
style  which  they,  together  with  the  committee,  shall  ap- 

About  sixty  signatures  are  appended  to  this  document, 
the  names  of  women  being  a  little  the  more  numerous,  and 


most  of  them  being  names  that  have  prominence  in  many 
connections,  in  the  records  of  the  village  life  of  Buffalo. 
How  long  the  Musica  Sacra  Society  existed,  and  with  what 
improvement  of  the  style  of  singing  in  the  village  its  officers 
studied  Hastings  and  Warriner  and  other  eminent  writers 
on  "the  most  modern  style  of  performing  music,"  it  is  not 
likely  that  we  shall  ever  be  informed. 

Apparently  the  singers  of  the  village  in  1820  had  no 
teaching  available  to  them,  except  such  as  they  could  obtain 
from  books;  for  James  D.  Sheppard,  who  came  to  Buffalo 
in  1827,  is  said  to  have  been  the  first  professional  musician 
that  the  town  received;  and  Mr.  Sheppard  does  not  seem  to 
have  come  as  a  teacher.  He  started  a  music  store,  opening 
it  first  in  a  corner  room  of  the  old  Court  House,  but  remov- 
ing it  the  next  year  to  Main  Street,  adjoining  the  Eagle 
Tavern.  Later  it  went  to  the  corner  of  Main  and  Niagara 
streets,  where  it  remained  until  1857;  then,  for  a  single  year, 
to  Swan  Street,  near  Main,  and  finally,  in  1858,  to  269  Main 
Street,  where  Mr.  Sheppard  was  succeeded  in  the  proprie- 
torship by  Messrs.  Cottier  &  Denton. 

From  some  time  between  1830  and  1840  until  one  of  the 
later  decades  of  the  century,  Mr.  C.  F.  S.  Thomas  was  a 
resident  of  Buffalo  who  interested  himself  in  everything 
that  had  to  do  with  the  cultivation  or  enjoyment  of  music. 
In  1866  he  was  persuaded  to  prepare  for  the  Historical 
Society  a  paper  which  he  entitled  "Discursive  Notes  on  the 
History  of  Music  in  Buffalo,"  and  it  is  probable  that  no  one 
else  could  have  recorded  so  much  on  the  subject.  From  the 
manuscript  of  his  Notes,  to  be  found  in  the  archives  of  the 
Historical  Society,  some  facts  of  considerable  interest  can 
be  drawn. 

They  tell  us  that  Mrs.  Walden,  in  Buffalo,  possessed  the 
only  piano-forte  west  of  Canandaigua  in  1812;  that  the  first 
organ  in  the  city  was  placed  in  St.  Paul's  Church  in  1829, 



and  the  second,  one  in  the  Unitarian  Church,  in  1834. 
They  name  the  members  of  the  early  church  choirs,  and 
these  are  mostly  familiar  names  of  the  pioneer  citizens  who 
were  active  in  everything  that  went  on  in  the  town.  The 
first  musical  society  of  which  the  writer  had  found  any 
record  was  the  Buffalo  Harmonic,  formed  in  1828,  with 
ninety  members;  but  how  long  it  existed  is  not  told.  In 
1829  a  military  band  was  made  up,  of  raw  material,  in- 
structed and  led  by  a  Mr.  Willoughby,  who  was  also  the 
musical  leader  of  a  Philharmonic  Society,  organized  in 
1830,  which  had,  says  Mr.  Thomas,  "a  very  lively  birth  and 
a  very  quiet  death."  "From  1830  to  1838,"  he  writes,  "we 
do  not  hear  of  any  movement  in  the  way  of  an  organized 
musical  society.  Music  was  very  generally  cultivated,  and 
home  concerts  as  well  as  professional  concerts  were  well 
attended.  *  *  *  Both  sacred  and  secular  concerts  were 
frequently  got  up." 

The  year  1838  brought  the  organization  of  a  Buffalo 
Handel  and  Haydn  Society,  with  Noah  P.  Sprague  for  its 
president,  Mr.  Thomas  for  its  secretary,  George  W.  Hough- 
ton for  leader.  The  meetings  of  the  society  were  in  the 
large  room  over  James  D.  Sheppard's  music  store;  and  it 
is  astonishing  to  be  told  that  nearly  one  hundred  singers 
and  an  orchestra  of  nearly  fifty  took  part  in  a  brilliant 
opening  performance.  Mr.  Thomas  proceeds  to  say  "that 
this  society  had  a  brilliant  existence  for  about  two  years; 
gave  some  really  excellent  concerts;  numbered  many  very 
fine  female  and  male  voices;  but  died  out  in  1840,  in  conse- 
quence, it  was  said,  of  many  of  its  best  members  having 
taken  to  the  'Log  Cabin  and  Hard  Cider  persuasion,'  and 
having  entered  so  enthusiastically  into  that  memorable  cam- 
paign as  to  have  entirely  lost  voice  for  any  other  musical 
occupation."  Thus  the  "Harrison  Glee  Club"  seems  to 
have  wrecked  the  Handel  and  Haydn  Society,  and  did  not. 


itself,  survive  the  songful  political  campaign  of  1840  very 

No  other  musical  organization  was  known  to  Mr. 
Thomas  until  1847,  when  one  appeared  which  assumed  the 
rather  high-sounding  name  of  the  Buffalo  Academy  of 
Music.  It  had  a  brief  life;  and,  says  Mr.  Thomas,  "musi- 
cal matters,  as  far  as  regards  associations,  were  now  at  a 
standstill."  That  a  concert  was  given  by  Jenny  Lind  in  the 
old  North  Presbyterian  Church  on  the  evening  of  the  30th 
of  July,  185 1,  is  a  fact  not  mentioned  by  Mr.  Thomas.  Ex- 
cepting an  annual  gathering  of  the  musical  folk  of  the  town 
at  his  own  house,  which  went  on  from  1842  until  1857,  he 
has  nothing  to  record  until  about  1862,  when  "a  number  of 
gentlemen  associated  themselves  informally  together,  ap- 
pointed J.  R.  Blodgett  their  leader,  and  had  social  practice 
in  vocal  music.  After  a  while  they  adopted  the  name  of 
the  Continental  Singing  Society.  This  association  con- 
tinued until  about  December,  1863,  when  a  new  musical 
association  was  formed  under  the  name  of  the  Saint  Cecilia 
Society,  and  the  Continentals  joined  with  the  ladies  and 
gentlemen  constituting  that  society.  They  have  tastefully 
fitted  up  a  hall,  in  the  Arcade  building,  for  their  exclusive 
use;  give  dress  rehearsals  about  once  a  month,  to  which 
only  the  members  and  their  families  are  admitted,  and  cer- 
tainly the  Saint  Cecilians  give  more  promise  of  vitality 
than  any  of  their  musical  predecessors."  Mr.  Thomas  was 
the  vice-president  of  this  society,  Captain  D.  P.  Dobbins 
its  president,  Mr.  J.  R.  Blodgett  its  leader  and  Mr.  Robert 
Denton  pianist. 

The  Continental  Singing  Society  was  not  absorbed  in  the 
St.  Cecilia,  but  maintained  its  organization  of  male  singers 
for  a  number  of  years,  giving  concerts  at  intervals,  not  only 
at  home,  but  quite  widely  outside;  on  occasions  at  Roch- 
ester, Cleveland  and  Detroit.     It  celebrated  its  tenth  anni- 


versary  on  the  30th  of  June,  1870,  and  gave  what  may  have 
been  its  final  concert  in  November  of  that  year.  Either 
then  or  soon  afterward  it  came  to  the  end  of  what  seems 
to  have  been  a  highly  creditable  career. 

Long  before  this  time,  however,  a  more  persisting  and 
stably  organized  cultivation  of  music  had  been  instituted 
among  the  Germans  of  the  city.  Many  had  been  coming 
from  the  land  of  song  in  the  two  or  three  decades  before 
the  Civil  War,  and  they  were  soon  in  such  numbers  as  to 
be  able  to  shape  life  for  themselves  in  their  new  home,  by 
the  institutions  and  customs  of  their  fatherland,  and  to  take 
on  the  naturalized  feeling  of  a  German-American  com- 
munity. That  singing  societies  should  arise  among  them 
as  soon  as  they  realized  this  feeling  was  a  matter  of  course. 

According  to  the  writer  of  an  anonymous  "History  of 
the  Germans  of  Buffalo,"  published  by  Messrs.  Reinecke  & 
Zesch  in  1898,  the  first  of  such  societies  to  appear  was  or- 
ganized in  1844,  but  was  not  maintained  very  long.  Four 
years  later  a  society  had  birth  which  now,  after  sixty  years, 
is  in  vigorous  life.  This,  the  Buffalo  Liedertafel,  had  its 
origin  at  a  meeting  of  singers  in  the  rooms  of  the  German 
Young  Men's  Association,  in  the  spring  of  1848.  Its  first 
headquarters  were  at  Weimer's  Hall,  on  one  of  the  corners 
of  Batavia  (Broadway)  and  Michigan  streets.  It  gave  its 
first  public  concert  in  Greiner's  Hall,  Genesee  and  Jeffer- 
son streets.  Professor  Carl  Adam  became  its  director  in 

In  1853  ^  second  singing  society,  named  the  Lieder- 
kraenzchen,  was  formed  by  a  number  of  the  musical  mem- 
bers of  the  German-American  Workingmen's  Union ;  but 
part  of  this  society  withdrew  from  it  and  organized  the 
Buffalo  Saengerbund,  under  C.  W.  Braun,  in  1855.  The 
Saengerbund  gave  its  first  concert  in  Gillig's  Hall  in  the 
fall  of  that  year.     Subsequently  Mr.  Frederick  Federlein 


became  director,  and  remained  as  such  until  1886.  In  1859 
the  eleventh  of  the  Saengerfests  of  the  German  Saenger- 
bund  of  North  America  was  held  at  Cleveland,  and  both 
the  Liedertafel  and  the  Saengerbund  took  part  in  it.  At 
the  prize  singing  the  Liedertafel  won  the  first  prize,  a  silver 
cup.  The  next  Saengerfest,  in  July,  i860,  was  held  at 
Buffalo,  and  the  New  York  Central  Railroad  Company  was 
so  accommodating  as  to  allow  its  station  on  Exchange 
Street  to  be  used  for  the  principal  concert,  all  trains  being 
turned  out  of  it  for  that  occasion.  The  city  had  no  other 
building  that  would  answer  the  need. 

The  Saengerbund  gave  its  first  public  performance  of  an 
opera  in  1862,  and  this  was  followed  by  home  productions 
of  German  opera  at  intervals  for  a  number  of  years.  At 
the  same  time,  in  this  decade  of  the  Civil  War  and  after, 
Buffalo  was  enjoying  quite  as  much  of  opera,  and  of  music 
in  general,  from  foreign  sources,  as  it  has  had  in  recent 
years;  and  it  was  better  equipped  for  the  enjoyment,  in  its 
St.  James  Hall  and  the  little  so-called  Opera  House  of  the 
old  Brisbane  Arcade,  than  it  is  with  its  big  barn  of  a  Con- 
vention Hall  to-day.  Between  1864  and  1867  it  had  a  num- 
ber of  brief  seasons  of  Italian  opera  with  Brignoli  in  the 
tenor  parts;  and  Brignoli  was  to  that  generation  what  Ca- 
ruso is  to  this.  In  1865  it  had  five  continuous  nights  of 
Italian  opera  performed  by  Max  Strakosch's  company; 
three  of  German  opera  by  Grover's  troupe;  four  of  English 
opera  by  Campbell  and  Castle's  combination;  with  three 
nights  of  operatic  concert  by  Parepa  and  Carl  Rosa,  and 
with  recitals  by  Gottschalk  and  Camilla  Urso  besides.  In 
what  recent  year  have  we  had  richer  indulgence  in  music 
than  this? 

The  later  years  of  that  decade  brought  more  of  Brignoli, 
with  Adelaide  Phillips;  more  of  Parepa  and  Carl  Rosa; 
many  prolonged  seasons  of  the  Caroline  Richings  English 


opera;  Grau's  Opera  Bouflfe  Company;  the  Mendelssohn 
Quintette;  Carlotta  Patti;  Clara  Louise  Kellogg;  Ole  Bull; 
the  first  visit  of  Theodore  Thomas  and  his  orchestra;  and 
the  intervals  were  well  filled  with  local  song. 

By  a  secession  of  some  of  the  younger  members  of  the 
Saengerbund,  in  1868,  a  new  German  singing  society,  the 
Orpheus,  was  formed.  Professor  Carl  Adam,  who  re- 
signed the  directorship  of  the  Liedertafel  that  year,  came 
to  the  Orpheus  as  its  director  in  1870,  and  remained  at  its 
head  until  1887.  At  the  same  time  Mr.  Joseph  Mischka 
was  called  to  the  directorship  of  the  Liedertafel,  and  held 
it,  with  a  short  interruption,  until  1894,  when  he  was  ap- 
pointed director  of  music  in  the  public  schools  of  the  city. 
Mr.  Mischka  is  the  possessor  of  a  most  interesting  and  val- 
uable scrap-book  of  concert  and  operatic  programmes  and 
newspaper  clippings  on  matters  of  local  music,  which  Pro- 
fessor Blodgett  began  about  1863  and  which  Mr.  Mischka 
continued  into  the  early  years  of  the  next  decade.  For  that 
period  this  scrap-book  is  a  useful  supplement  to  Mr. 
Thomas's  historical  paper,  and  is  the  source  of  facts  given 

From  this  source  we  derive  an  impression  that  the  St. 
Cecilia  Society  gave  much  ofifence  by  the  exclusiveness  with 
which  its  "dress  rehearsals"  were  protected,  as  one  writer 
of  the  time  expressed  it,  "from  the  troublesome  raids  of  a 
curious  public."  It  was  maintained  for  about  four  years, 
ending  in  1867,  and  a  clipping  preserved  in  the  scrap-book, 
from  some  newspaper  not  named,  pronounced  its  obituary 
in  these  bitter  words:  "Its  exclusiveness  was  a  bar  against 
the  admission  of  talent;  its  mutual  admiration  tendencies 
aflforded  no  encouragement  to  art,  and  its  excessive  kid- 
glovism  had  no  vitality  to  impart  to  anything.  And  so  the 
St.  Cecilia  Society  died." 

In  1869  a  Beethoven  Musical  Society  was  formed,  which 


gave  orchestral  concerts,  with  Professor  William  Gross- 
curth  for  its  conductor  that  year,  and  under  the  lead  of 
Signor  Nuno  in  the  following  year.  It  was  assisted  in  its 
concerts  by  the  Continental  Singing  Society,  the  Lieder- 
tafel  and  the  Saengerbund.  In  1870,  as  mentioned  before, 
the  Continental  Singing  Society  appears  to  have  been  dis- 
solved; but  some  part  of  its  elements  were  reassembled  in 
the  Buffalo  Choral  Union,  organized  in  1871,  at  a  meeting, 
as  I  find  stated  in  a  slightly  later  circular,  of  several  gen- 
tlemen who  had  been  members  "of  the  then  late  Continental 
Singing  Society."  Its  president  was  Francis  H.  Root,  and 
it  had  a  large  active  membership,  giving  frequent  entertain- 
ments, until  1877,  beyond  which  it  is  not  traced. 

In  German  musical  circles  there  was  vigorous  life 
through  all  these  years,  and  it  went  on  without  break.  For 
the  second  time,  the  great  Saengerfest  of  the  North  Ameri- 
can Saengerbund  was  held  in  Buffalo  in  1882,  and  not  only 
the  Liedertafel,  the  Saengerbund  and  the  Orpheus,  but 
seven  other  German  singing  societies  were  found  then  in 
the  city  to  take  part.  They  were  the  Harmonie,  the  Hel- 
vetia, the  Arion,  the  Harugari  Maennerchor,  the  Germania 
Maennerchor,  the  Teutonia  Maennerchor,  and  the  East 
Buffalo  Maennerchor. 

In  1884  the  Buffalo  Philharmonic  Society  was  formed 
"to  establish  and  sustain  a  quartette  of  stringed  instru- 
ments." For  two  years  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Gustav 
Dannreuther,  and  for  a  third  year  under  Signor  J.  Nuno, 
this  fine  quartette  gave  thirty  concerts  each  season. 

Professor  Carl  Adam's  long  connection  with  the  Orpheus 
was  ended  by  his  resignation  in  1887,  and  he  was  succeeded 
by  Mr.  John  Lund,  who  had  come  lately  to  a  prominent 
place  among  the  leading  musicians  of  the  city.  In  the  next 
year  Mr.  Lund  was  called  to  organize  and  conduct  an 
orchestra  of  the  first  order,  with  guarantees  of  support  by 


an  association  of  subscribers  which  took  form  under  the  lead 
of  Mr.  Fred.  C.  M.  Lautz.  For  seven  seasons  this  Buffalo 
Orchestra  (known  in  the  later  years  as  the  Buffalo  Sym- 
phony Orchestra)  was  upheld  mainly  by  the  persisting 
energy  and  liberality  of  Mr.  Lautz,  representing  the  finest 
achievement  in  music  that  Buffalo  has  been  able  to  boast. 

During  the  same  period  and  lasting  somewhat  longer,  a 
large  and  excellent  Vocal  Society  was  well  sustained.  This 
had  no  equal  successor  until  1904,  when  the  Guido  Chorus 
was  organized  by  Mr.  Seth  Clark,  the  organist  and  director 
of  music  at  Trinity  Church.  The  fourteen  men  of  the 
choir  of  that  church  formed  the  nucleus  of  the  Chorus, 
which  has  been  expanded  since  to  a  large  active  and  sub- 
scribing membership.  It  grew  naturally  out  of  rehearsals 
that  were  held  during  the  winter  of  1903-4  at  the  residence 
of  Dr.  Matthew  D.  Mann,  "purely,"  says  Mr.  Clark,  "for 
the  pleasure  of  practicing  male  voice  music  once  a  week." 
The  first  public  concert  of  the  Guido  Chorus  was  given  on 
the  1 2th  of  January,  1905,  with  an  active  membership  then 
of  fifty-six.  In  each  year  since  it  has  given  three  concerts, 
rehearsing  from  September  to  May,  and  the  public  delight 
in  them  has  increased  with  every  succeeding  year. 

A  second  choral  organization  which  gives  great  promise 
was  formed  in  1906.  Of  this,  the  Philharmonic  Chorus, 
the  original  moving  spirits  are  understood  to  have  been 
Messrs.  Hobart  Weed,  Frank  Hamlin  and  Edmund  Hayes. 
Associated  with  them  in  the  supporting  organization  are 
S.  M.  Clement,  Dudley  M.  Irwin,  Edward  Michael,  Dr. 
Roswell  Park,  Dr.  J.  J.  Mooney,  J.  G.  Dudley,  Carlton  M. 
Smith,  Truman  G.  Avery,  Robert  K.  Root.  The  director 
of  the  Chorus  is  Mr.  Andrew  T.  Webster. 

Two  Polish  singing  societies,  the  Kolo  Spiewackie,  com- 
posed of  about  150  men,  and  the  Kalina,  in  which  about  50 
girls  are  enrolled,  meet  weekly  in  the  Dom  Polski,  on 



CLUB  organization  and  the  club-house  as  a  social  insti- 
tution have  acquired  their  whole  present  importance 
in  the  life  of  this  city  within  the  term  of  the  genera- 
tion that  is  not  yet  very  far  down  the  slope  to  old  age. 
Prior  to  late  years  in  the  decade  of  the  sixties  there  was 
nothing  to  represent  them  more  nearly  than  the  engine  and 
hose  companies  and  houses  of  the  old  volunteer  fire  depart- 
ment,— which  had  a  very  markedly  club-like  social  char- 
acter,— and  certain  attractive  places  of  public  entertain- 
ment, such  as  "Bloomer's"  small  hotel,  on  West  Eagle 
Street,  between  Main  and  Pearl.  Each  had  its  circle  of 
habitues,  as  faithful  as  club  members  in  their  nightly 

More  or  less  of  club  organization  in  small  ways  had  been 
going  in  the  city  from  much  earlier  times,  like  that,  for 
example,  of  "The  Nameless,"  which  took  form  in  1858,  with 
the  genial  Guy  H.  Salisbury  for  its  patriarch,  and  a  further 
membership  of  men  and  women,  then  young,  which  in- 
cluded, first  and  last,  William  Pryor  Letchworth,  David 
Gray,  James  N.  Johnston,  Lyman  K.  Bass,  William  C. 
Bryant,  Colonel  George  H.  Selkirk,  Dr.  C.  C.  F.  Gay, 
Charles  D.  Marshall,  John  Harrison  Mills,  John  U.  Way- 
land,  Mrs.  C.  H.  Gildersleeve,  Miss  Amanda  T.  Jones, 
Miss  Mary  A.  Ripley,  and  the  present  writer.  The  Name- 
less Club  maintained  its  own  meeting  place,  where  it  held 
debates  and  enjoyed  social  evenings,  throughout  about  a 
dozen  years.  If  others  of  like  kind  in  that  period  had  as 
durable  an  existence  this  historian  has  no  knowledge  of 

The  first  purely  social  institution  to  be  established  in  its 


own  distinct  dwelling  and  to  have  a  planting  for  large 
growth  was  the  Buffalo  Club,  organized  at  a  meeting  held 
for  the  purpose  in  the  rooms  of  the  Law  Library,  on  the  4th 
of  January,  1867.  Its  first  president  was  Millard  Fillmore, 
ex-President  of  the  United  States.  For  nearly  three  years 
it  leased  the  former  residence  of  Mr.  Julius  Movius,  at  the 
corner  of  Delaware  Avenue  and  Gary  Street;  then  bought 
the  home  of  Mr.  James  S.  Ganson,  at  the  corner  of  Dela- 
ware and  Chippewa  Street,  where  the  club  was  in  residence 
until  1887,  when  it  purchased  the  larger  mansion,  built  by 
the  late  S.  V.  R.  Watson,  on  Delaware  Avenue,  at  the  corner 
of  Trinity  Street.  This,  by  repeated  extensions  and  im- 
provements, in  1889,  1894,  1899  and  1909,  has  been  fitted  to 
the  increasing  needs  of  the  Club,  down  to  the  present  time. 

The  next  club  organization  of  social  importance  was  the 
Falconwood,  formed  in  1869  for  the  establishment  of  a 
family  club-house,  for  summer  resorting,  on  Grand  Island, 
in  the  Niagara  River;  and  this  was  followed,  in  1873,  by 
another  of  kindred  character,  the  Oakfield,  whose  club- 
house was  built  at  a  point  farther  down  the  Niagara,  on  the 
same  island  shore. 

The  City  Club,  incorporated  in  1877,  and  maintained 
for  a  few  years  in  quarters  at  354  Washington  Street,  mainly 
for  luncheon  use,  was  the  next  to  appear.  Then,  in  1882,  a 
Press  Club  was  undertaken,  but  did  not  acquire  a  lasting 
life.  In  the  same  year  a  club  organization,  the  Idlewood, 
for  summer  suburban  residence  on  the  south  shore  of  the 
Lake  was  incorporated,  and  its  planting  has  endured.  A 
year  later  the  Canoe  Club  began  the  prosperous  career 
which  has  established  its  fleet,  its  club-house  and  its  cottage 
colony  on  the  Canadian  shore  of  the  Lake. 

The  year  1885  gave  birth  to  the  lively  Saturn  Club,  which 
caught,  somewhere,  the  secret  of  perpetual  youth.  It  was 
cradled  in  house  No.  25  Johnson  Park,  and  went  thence  into 


three  successive  residences  on  Main  Street  and  Delaware 
Avenue,  until  1890,  when  it  bought  and  built  its  present 
home,  at  the  corner  of  Edward  Street  and  Delaware.  An 
extensive  remodelling  of  its  club-house  was  executed  in  1904. 

The  Country  Club,  incorporated  in  1889,  occupied  for  ten 
years  house  and  grounds  on  the  northern  edge  of  Delaware 
Park,  where  the  Pan-American  Exposition  was  located 
soon  afterward.  The  Club,  then,  in  1900,  bought  70  acres 
of  land  more  remote,  to  the  northward,  on  the  east  side  of 
Main  Street,  where  it  built  and  began  large  improvements. 
A  further  purchase  of  140  acres  was  made  in  1903,  and  the 
club-house  was  then  enlarged. 

The  first  club-house  for  women  was  projected  in  1894  ^^'^ 
opened  in  1896,  by  an  organization,  incorporated  in  the 
former  year,  which  took  Time  by  the  forelock  a  little  boldly, 
in  order  to  assume  the  name  of  the  Twentieth  Century  Club. 
It  bought  ground  on  which  the  Delaware  Avenue  Baptist 
Church  had  built  a  chapel,  and  placed  its  attractive  club- 
house on  the  front,  retaining  the  chapel  for  use  as  a  con- 
nected hall.  In  1905  this  hall  was  rebuilt,  and  the  third 
floor  of  the  club-house  was  remodelled  throughout. 

The  University  Club  was  organized  in  1894,  and  opened 
house  in  the  dwelling  at  884  Main  Street  on  the  ist  of 
March,  1895.  ^^  October,  1897,  it  removed  to  a  more  com- 
modious residence  at  295  Delaware  Avenue,  and  seven 
years  later  had  become  able  to  erect  the  spacious  club-house 
it  now  occupies,  at  the  corner  of  Allen  Street,  on  Delaware, 
which  it  dedicated  October  29,  1904. 

The  incorporation  of  the  Ellicott  Club,  with  agreeable 
provisions  for  luncheon  and  dining  as  its  primary  object, 
came  in  1895.  From  the  beginning  the  club  has  occupied 
one  of  the  upper  floors  of  the  Ellicott  Square  Building,  but 
has  now  in  contemplation  a  home  of  its  own  making. 

The  Park  Club,  instituted  in  1903,  and  seated  in  what  had 

women's  clubs  225 

been  the  Women's  Building  of  the  Pan-American  Exposi- 
tion, previously  a  part  of  the  original  premises  of  the  Coun- 
try Club,  is  the  latest  of  the  club  associations  of  a  general- 
ized class. 

Club  organizations  of  a  more  specialized  or  limited  order 
have  become  too  numerous  in  the  city  to  be  reported  of  in 
detail.  It  must  suffice  to  mention  a  few,  such  as  the  Acacia 
(Masonic),  the  Elks,  the  Otowega  (of  the  Central  Park  dis- 
trict), the  Lawyers'  Club,  the  Transportation  Club,  the 
Automobile  Club,  the  Canadian  Club, — and  to  leave  un- 
named the  many  associations  for  study  and  discussion,  for 
professional  improvement,  for  athletic  sport  and  other 
amusements,  which  have  multiplied  astonishingly,  here  as 
elsewhere,  in  recent  years.  Out  of  the  first  of  these  neg- 
lected categories  there  is  need,  however,  to  take  for  mention 
one,  at  least,  which  arose  in  1891.  That  is  the  Liberal 
Club,  whose  purpose  was  announced  to  be  "the  careful  con- 
sideration at  monthly  dinners  of  subjects  having  to  do  with 
religion,  morals,  education  and  public  affairs,"  and  which 
had  for  its  noble  motto — "In  thought,  free;  in  temper, 
reverent;  in  method,  scientific."  A  second  club  of  like  pur- 
pose, the  Independent,  was  formed  soon  after,  and  a  third, 
the  Equality  Club,  a  little  later,  in  connection  with  the  Cen- 
tral Y.  M.  C.  A. 

Along  all  lines  of  cultural  development,  the  women  of 
the  city  have  contributed,  from  the  beginning,  even  more 
than  their  share  of  action  no  less  than  of  inspiration;  but 
movements  of  organization  among  women  distinctively  in 
these  fields  is  comparatively  a  recent  fact.  If  there  could 
be  an  exact  enumeration  of  all  now  existing  associations  in 
BuflFalo  for  every  purpose  outside  of  business  and  politics, 
it  is  quite  probable  that  those  which  unite  women  alone 
would  outnumber  the  associations  of  men.  And  this  would 
be  true  with  certainty  in  the  large  division  which  has  to  do 


with  social  service  and  with  educational  work.  To  a  con- 
siderable extent,  such  coteries  on  the  gentler  side  of  the 
community  have  been  co-operatively  linked  together,  in  a 
"Buffalo  City  Federation  of  Women's  Clubs,"  organized 
some  years  ago  by  Mrs.  John  Miller  Horton,  its  first  presi- 
dent. By  the  influence  concentrated  in  this  federation,  the 
women's  clubs  gave  early  evidence  of  their  power  for  such 
good  work,  as  the  establishing  of  a  penny  luncheon  for 
underfed  children  in  the  public  schools;  securing  medical 
inspection  of  pupils  in  the  schools,  and  a  probation  officer 
at  the  police  court  for  the  care  of  young  girls ;  raising  the 
fund  for  a  girl's  scholarship  in  the  University  of  Buffalo 
that  is  to  be,  etc.  In  1910  the  clubs  affiliated  in  this  federa- 
tion numbered  fifty,  representing  a  great  variety  of  objects 
in  their  organization, — inclusive,  for  example,  of  the  Polit- 
ical Equality  Club,  the  Consumers'  League,  the  Collegiate 
Alumnae,  the  Crippled  Children's  Guild,  the  District  Nurs- 
ing Association,  the  Mothers'  Club,  the  Scribblers,  and 
other  literary  and  study  clubs,  which  form  the  most  numer- 
ous order. 

Probably  the  largest  single  association  of  women  in  the 
city  is  that  which  constitutes  the  Buffalo  Chapter,  National 
Society,  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution,  over  which 
Mrs.  John  Miller  Horton  has  presided  as  regent  since 
1901.  This  chapter,  having  six  hundred  and  fifty-five 
members,  is  the  largest  in  the  State  of  New  York,  and  sec- 
ond largest  in  the  nation,  that  of  Chicago,  alone,  going  be- 
yond it  in  numbers.  It  is  active  in  work  on  both  patriotic 
and  educational  lines :  providing,  on  one  hand,  semi-weekly 
winter  lectures  to  our  foreign  population  on  the  history  of 
this  country,  in  halls  and  public  schools,  for  audiences  of 
Poles,  Italians  and  Germans,  each  addressed  in  the  language 
of  its  nationality;  identifying,  on  the  other  hand,  by  careful 
research,  the  graves  of  soldiers  of  the  Revolution  in  this 


vicinity,  and  marking  them,  with  due  ceremony  and  with 
durable  markers  in  bronze.  Closely  allied  in  its  objects 
with  the  Chapter  of  the  D.  A.  R.  is  the  Niagara  Frontier 
Chapter  of  the  Daughters  of  1812,  organized  in  1904. 

The  order  of  associations  to  which  these  belong,  patriotic 
and  genealogical  in  their  significance,  includes  many  others, 
in  both  sexes.  It  embraces  six  posts,  two  relief  corps  and 
two  circles  of  the  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic ;  a  camp  of 
the  Sons  of  Veterans;  associations  of  the  Veterans  of  the 
Twenty-first  and  the  Hundredth  Regiments  of  the  War  of 
the  Rebellion ;  a  Buffalo  Chapter  of  the  Sons  of  the  Ameri- 
can Revolution;  the  Buffalo  Association  of  the  Society  of 
the  Sons  of  the  Revolution ;  the  Buffalo  Association  of  the 
Society  of  Colonial  Wars;  the  Buffalo  Association,  Society 
of  Mayflower  Descendants ;  a  "colony"  of  the  National  So- 
ciety of  New  England  Women ;  an  organization  of  the 
Daughters  of  New  England;  the  Buffalo  Society  of  Ver- 
monters ;  the  Ohio  Society  of  Buffalo ;  the  Old  German  So- 
ciety; the  Niagara  Frontier  Landmarks  Association,  etc. 

The  extent  to  which  women  and  men — but  women  more 
than  men — are  being  gathered,  in  this  generation,  into  clubs 
and  classes  for  investigation  and  study  in  all  regions  of 
knowledge,  and  for  discussion  of  all  the  questions  of  the  day, 
is  one  of  the  most  significant  and  promising  signs  of  widened 
culture  that  our  age  affords.  If  it  could  be  exhibited 
rightly  it  might  furnish,  perhaps,  as  illuminating  a  chapter 
of  local  history  as  one  could  prepare;  but  the  task  of  prepa- 
ration would  be  so  difficult  that  I  cannot  undertake  it. 



ROCHESTER,  beautiful  for  situation,  on  either  bank 
of  the  Genesee  river,  near  to  its  confluence  with 
Lake  Ontario,  372  miles  from  New  York  and  69 
from  Bufifalo,  prosperous,  enterprising,  enlightened,  with 
its  churches,  its  institutions  of  learning,  its  manufactories, 
its  mercantile  palaces,  its  asylums  and  hospitals,  fair  in  the 
art  with  which  man  has  embellished  nature,  with  foliage 
and  flowers  and  fruit,  with  broad  avenues  and  spacious 
and  tasteful  dwellings,  is  of  the  best  type  of  American  urban 
development.  Its  citizens  esteem  it  the  finest  residential 
town  in  the  country  and,  as  such,  it  has  wide  recognition. 

Yet,  on  the  traveler's  thought 

Where'er  he  roams, 
O'er  lands  where  art  has  wrought. 
Lands  with  all  memories  fraught. 
Thine  image  comes  unsought. 
City  of  homes. 

The  span  of  its  existence  is  comparatively  brief.  It  post- 
dates the  Revolution.  It  was  a  wilderness  when  the  inde- 
pendence of  the  republic  was  declared.  Hardly  a  century 
has  passed  since  it  was  trailed  by  the  Iroquois  and  the  howl 
of  the  wolf  was  the  refrain  of  the  forest.  It  was  not  until 
1789  that  the  whir  of  the  mill  of  "Indian  Allan" — that 
strange  compound  of  pioneer  and  outlaw — of  lust  and  ad- 
venture— heralded  its  civilization  and  Jeremiah  Olmstead 
gathered  a  harvest  from  the  field  adjacent  to  the  recent  site 
of  the  State  Industrial  School.  The  genesis  of  Rochester 
was  in  New  England.  Its  early  settlers  were  mainly  of 
Puritan  stock.     They  were  the  men  or  the  sons  of  the  men 


G   bo.f^ 

iidfijs^  vJoi  nl 

.     -n  !bu: 

J  ^rfj  b'»siiij;<T!, 

.1  o(j3i  nl 


!     AND    PRESENT 

RO'  beautiful  for  situation,  on  either  bank 

■hcsee  river,  near  to  its  confluence  with 
Lake  ( >ntario,  372  miles  from  New  York  and  69 
from  Buffalo,  prosperous,  enterprising,  enlightened,  with 
its  churches,  its  institutions  of  le'arning,  its  manufactories, 
its  mercantile  palaces,  its  asylums  and  hospitals,  fair  in  the 
art  with  which  man  has  embellished  nature,  with  foliage 
and  flowers  and  fruit,  with  broad  avenues  and  spacious 
and  tasteful  duAJlTHUR  GOULD  YATES.  .     American  urban 
devetoHlBftaatofficiaJ ;  born  East  Waverly,  I^few  Vtifj^/  i^.^^^ti^l 
to\i»  1867- established  a  coal  business  in  Rochester.     In  i%6t  'Un- 
organized the  coal  mining  company  of  Bell,  Lewis  &  Yates, 
which  was  purchased  by  the  Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pitts- 
burg Railroad  in  1896.     In  1890  became  president  of  the 
Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburg  Railroad  ;  residence,  Roches- 
ter, New  Yot*."^*  '^""  ^^"  lu^iito.,^-,  j,..ugni, 
I  hinc  image  comes  unsought, 
City  of  homes. 

The  span  of  its  existence  is  comparatively  brief.     It  post- 
dates the  Revolution.     It  was  a  wilderness  when  the  inde- 
pendence of  the  republic  was  declared.     Hardly  a  century 
h.t;      .  v,  I  rn.:c   t  a;  s  trmled  by  the  Iroquois  and  the  howl 
^  of  the  forest-     It  was  not  until 
rvll  of  "Indian  Allan" — that 
1  outlaw — of  lust  and  ad- 
>n  and  Jeremiah  Olmstead 
gathcicd  A  Ju  .-  field  adjacent  to  the  recent  site 

of  the  State  L  iiool.     The  genesis  of  Rochester 

was  in  New  F^ng -ii.d.     Its  early  settlers  were  mainly  of 
Puritan  stock     Thev  were  the  men  or  the  sons  of  the  men 


who  had  received  the  baptism  of  fire  on  the  battlefields  of 
the  Revolution  and  who,  in  the  schools  and  town  meetings 
of  Massachusetts  and  Connecticut,  had  learned  those  lessons 
of  civil  and  religious  liberty  which,  in  the  newer  region, 
they  formulated  into  law  and  vindicated  in  their  lives — 
men  of  prescience,  pluck  and  perseverance.  Western  New 
York,  of  which  Rochester  is  the  commercial  center,  was 
peopled  by  the  western  migration  that  set  in  from  New 
England  at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century  and,  through 
successive  impulses,  subdued  the  acres  and  moulded  the 
character  of  the  commonwealths  of  the  Union  west  of  the 
Hudson  and  north  of  the  Ohio. 

The  ground  upon  which  Rochester  stands  is  included  in 
that  imperial  domain — some  6,000,000  acres — west  of 
Seneca  Lake,  the  pre-emption  right  of  Massachusetts  there- 
in having  been  acquired  by  Oliver  Phelps  and  Nathaniel 
Gorham,  in  1788,  who  also  extinguished  amicably  a  portion 
of  the  "native  rights."  Almost  a  third  of  the  territory  was 
transferred  in  1790  to  Charles  Williamson,  in  trust  for  Sir 
William  Pulteney,  and  nearly  all  of  the  remainder — over 
4,000,000  acres — became  the  property  of  Robert  Morris, 
the  patriot  financier  of  American  freedom.  He  disposed 
in  1793  of  all  lands  west  of  the  Genesee  to  a  company  of 
Dutch  gentlemen,  the  tract  thereafter  being  known  as  the 
"Holland  Purchase"  and  the  Indian  titles  therein,  with  cer- 
tain reservations,  being  surrendered  by  the  Senecas,  in  the 
treaty  at  Geneseo  (Big  Tree),  in  September,  1797.  Thus 
a  vast  area  was  opened  to  settlement.  The  proprietors 
invited  it  on  liberal  terms  and  the  attractions  of  the 
region  and  the  rewards  that  awaited  the  Puritan  genius  for 
conquest  of  the  soil  were  not  unknown ;  for  the  soldiers  of 
Sullivan's  army,  as  they  had  threaded  the  woods  and 
scourged  the  savage,  had  taken  note  of  lake  and  river  and 
loam  and  alluvial  deposits  and  by  the  firesides  of  New  Eng- 


land  had  told  of  the  valleys  and  tablelands  waiting  but  the 
dexterity  and  the  diligence  of  the  husbandman  to  bloom  as 
a  garden.  Many  of  the  soldiers  returned  to  verify  their 
own  descriptions.  Nor  were  these  exaggerated,  as  orchards 
of  apple  and  of  peach,  great  stretches  of  wheat,  the  busy 
mills  of  the  Genesee  and  supremacy  in  the  grain  markets 
of  the  country  soon  testified.  In  rapidity  of  occupation  and 
consistent  thrift,  Western  New  York  is  unrivalled  in  the 
annals  of  previous  American  communities,  and  this  was  due 
both  to  its  natural  advantages  and  the  intelligence  with 
which  they  were  utilized. 

Rochester  itself  was  somewhat  slow  in  starting.  Until 
181 2  it  was  not  even  a  hamlet.  The  first  log  house  on  the 
west  side  was  constructed  by  Col.  Josiah  Fish,  in  1797,  and 
the  first  blockhouse  by  Charles  Hanford,  in  1807,  on  Mill 
Street,  while,  in  1808,  Enos  Stone  built  a  saw  mill  on  the 
east  bank  of  the  Genesee  and,  in  18 10,  erected  a  frame  house 
on  South  St.  Paul  Street.  No  one  seemed  to  know  where  to 
begin.  Many  there  were  with  faith  that  somewhere  in  the 
section,  so  favored  by  nature,  a  sightly  mart  would  arise. 
The  streams  sang  of  it  and  the  opulent  acres  proclaimed  it; 
but  its  precise  location  was  intangible  and  illusory.  It  was 
to  be  at  Williamsburg,  at  Mount  Morris,  at  Lima,  at  Car- 
thage, at  Charlotte,  at  Tryonstown,  at  Hanford's  Landing, 
at  Braddock's  Bay — where  not  in  the  groping?  But  one 
man  divined  the  spot,  and  became  the  founder  of  the  city 
which  bears  his  name  and  now  numbers  over  200,000  in- 
habitants— a  city  of  the  first  class,  third  in  rank  of  the 
municipalities  of  the  Empire  State.  This  was  Nathaniel 
Rochester  who,  born  and  bred  in  Virginia,  passed  his  early 
manhood  in  North  Carolina,  where  he  held  various  civic 
and  military  trusts.  Removing  to  Hagerstown,  Md.,  in 
1798,  he  was  there  bank  president,  assemblyman,  postmaster, 
judge,  sheriff  and  presidential  elector — a  man  of  substance, 


sagacity  and  sterling  integrity.  In  18 10,  chiefly  inspired 
by  his  aversion  to  human  bondage  and  his  desire  to  place  his 
family  in  a  healthier  moral  environment,  he  located  in 
Dansville,  where  he  erected  a  paper  mill  and  engaged  in 
various  business  activities.  He  had,  however,  previously 
visited  the  Genesee  country  several  times  as  a  prospector, 
with  the  view  of  transferring  his  energies  thither  and  aid- 
ing in  its  splendid  evolution,  which  he  clearly  foresaw;  and 
in  1802,  in  conjunction  with  William  Fitzhugh  and  Charles 
Carroll,  he  bought  from  Williamson  the  land  known  as  the 
lOO-acre  tract  on  the  west  side  of  the  Genesee,  on  which 
clustered  the  village,  under  the  successive  names  of  Falls 
Town,  Rochesterville  and  Rochester,  and  the  principal  in- 
stitutions of  the  city  now  stand. 

The  site  of  the  city  beautiful  was  happily  chosen,  seven 
miles  from  the  mouth  of  the  river,  which,  rising  in  north- 
western Pennsylvania,  flows  for  200  miles  through  Allegany, 
Livingston  and  Monroe  counties — a  region  especially  pic- 
turesque in  gorge  and  cliff  and  far-reaching  plateau — de- 
scending at  Portageville  nearly  500  feet,  navigable  before 
the  denudation  of  the  forest  for  thirty  miles  above  the  great 
falls — and  at  Mount  Morris  emerging  into  the  broad  and 
fecund  valley  which,  for  many  years,  produced  the  purest 
wheat,  with  the  most  opulent  yield  on  the  continent,  that 
ground  into  flour  at  Rochester,  with  its  limitless  water 
power  above  the  cataract,  second  only  to  Niagara  in  volume 
and  vying  with  it  in  majesty,  soon  informed  the  place  with 
commercial  significance. 

Rochester  has  had  room  in  which  to  grow.  Its  area,  with 
the  accretions  of  territory,  as  its  needs  have  demanded,  is 
20.57  square  miles,  5.7  miles  in  an  east  and  west  and  4.1 
miles  in  a  north  and  south  line.  In  expansion  from  hamlet 
to  village  and  city,  its  chief  distinction  has  been  that  it  was 
throughout  rus  in  urbe,  retaining  the  tone,  conditions  and. 


in  large  measure,  the  semblance  of  a  village,  with  its  center 
still  called  the  "four  corners,"  while  compassing  the  refine- 
ments, the  luxuries  and  the  vim  of  a  city.  The  trend  thus 
indicated  is  originally  due  to  the  influence  of  the  founder, 
and  the  few  cultured  Southerners  who  accompanied  him 
hither,  upon  the  New  England  mass — the  composite  of 
Cavalier  grace  and  Puritan  vigor — and  later  to  the  influx 
of  Celt  and  Teuton  and  Jew,  the  latter  of  an  exceptionally 
intelligent  and  industrious  order. 

With  their  love  for  the  comely  both  in  nature  and  art, 
the  Southern  projectors  strove  to  reproduce  the  features  of 
the  homes  they  had  left,  and  the  New  England  settlers 
caught  their  spirit  and  sympathized  with  their  aims.  So, 
when  the  forests  were  felled  that  the  fields  might  be  sowed 
and  foundations  laid,  shade  trees  were  set  out  and  gardens 
cultivated  and  greenswards  shaven,  Harvey  Ely  and  John 
G.  Bond  being  credited  with  the  planting  of  sugar  maples 
on  South  Washington  Street  between  the  canal  and  Spring 
Street,  in  1816.  Houses  with  many  windows  and  wide 
verandas  and  generous  fireplaces  were  built,  each  occupant 
holding  title  in  fee-simple — homesteads,  indeed — blocks  of 
houses  flush  with  the  sidewalk  being  conspicuous  by  their 
absence.  It  is  estimated  that  half  of  the  householders  in 
Rochester  to-day  own  their  homes.  Later,  came  the  edu- 
cation of  the  greenhouse  and  the  florist,  the  laying  out  of 
avenues  and  intersecting  streets,  the  erection  of  stately  man- 
sions and  the  graceful  designs  in  frame  dwellings;  and  when 
the  scepter  of  wheat  had  passed  to  Minneapolis  by  virtue 
of  its  control  of  the  harvests  of  the  mighty  west  and  favor- 
ing freight  rates  to  the  east,  the  first  appropriate  appella- 
tion of  "Flour  City"  was  resolved  into  that  of  "Flower 
City,"  as  designating  the  supremacy  of  Rochester  in  queenly 

In  1 8 16,  Colonel  Rochester  and  his  associates  began  to 

CONDITIONS  IN    1813  233 

sell  lots.  Prices  were  reasonable,  long  term  payments  were 
conceded  freely  and  settlement  began  quickly.  Francis 
Brown  and  others  opened  land  to  purchasers  at  the  north 
of  the  loo-acre  tract  and  called  it  Frankfort;  and  Enos 
Stone,  who  possessed  300  acres  on  the  east  side,  offered  them 
for  sale  in  small  parcels.  The  mingling  of  the  three  immi- 
grations thus  induced  was  to  form  the  strong  current  of  the 
future  city  life,  but  the  fuller  flow,  through  the  earlier  dec- 
ades, was  to  be  that  which  had  its  spring  in  the  mind  of 
Nathaniel  Rochester.  At  the  close  of  the  year  18 12,  the 
river  had  been  spanned  by  a  rude  bridge,  where  now  the 
substantial  structure,  lined  by  imposing  business  establish- 
ments, stands,  and  over  which  thousands  daily  pass  through 
Main  Street.  Hamlet  Scrantom's  log  house  was  on  the  site 
of  the  Powers  Block.  Abelard  Reynolds,  who  survived 
until  1878,  a  nonogenarian,  had  built  a  saddler's  shop  upon 
a  portion  of  the  ground  upon  which  he  afterward  erected 
the  Arcade,  and  there  were  also  adjoining  blacksmith  and 
tailor  shops.  Two  years  later  there  were  five  streets,  several 
farm  houses  on  land  now  within  the  city  limits  on  East 
Avenue,  two  saw  mills,  two  flour  mills,  three  or  four  stores, 
as  many  shops,  a  lawyer's  and  a  doctor's  office,  and  the  post- 
office  in  a  desk  in  the  shop  of  Abelard  Reynolds,  who  was 
appointed  postmaster  in  18 13. 

In  1 813,  there  was  a  population  of  1,500.  There  were 
two  taverns,  a  fire  company  had  been  organized,  two  news- 
papers, the  Gazette  and  the  Telegraph,  were  published  and 
there  were  four  churches — the  First  Presbyterian,  St. 
Luke's  (Protestant  Episcopal),  the  First  Baptist  and  St. 
Patrick's  (Roman  Catholic).  The  music  of  the  stage  horn 
was  heard  in  the  streets  as  the  coaches  wheeled  their  way 
from  Albany  to  Buffalo.  The  village  had  been  incor- 
porated three  years,  Francis  Brown  having  served  continu- 
ously as  president  until  succeeded  by  Matthew  Brown,  Jr., 


this  year,  the  latter  remaining  in  office  until  1823  and  being 
again  elected  in  1825  and  1826.  There  were  five  flouring 
mills  distinguished  for  the  quality  of  the  staple  they  manu- 
factured. In  1 8 19,  contracts  were  let  for  digging  the  Erie 
Canal  between  Rochester  and  Palmyra.  In  1823,  10,000 
barrels  of  flour  were  sent  to  Albany  and  New  York,  and,  on 
October  27,  1825,  the  jubilant  flotilla,  bearing  Governor 
DeWitt  Clinton,  the  canal  commissioners  and  prominent 
citizens  of  the  State,  received  an  ovation  in  the  village, 
which  the  great  inland  waterway  was  to  signally  benefit,  as 
it  halted  for  a  few  hours  in  its  progress  to  the  Atlantic. 

With  the  busy  mills  of  the  Genesee  and  the  transport  to 
the  ocean,  urban  entity  for  Rochester  was  assured.  In 
1827,  the  first  directory  was  issued.  It  contains  many  in- 
teresting items.  The  population  is  8,000.  Numerous 
streets  have  been  opened,  and  the  boundaries  are  Goodman 
Street  at  the  east,  York  at  the  west,  Glasgow  at  the  south 
and  Norton  at  the  north.  Monroe  County  having  been 
erected  in  1821,  Rochester  is  its  capital,  the  court  house 
being  built  in  1822.  Seven  flouring  mills  are  in  operation 
and  there  are  cotton  and  woolen  industries,  breweries,  dis- 
tilleries, tanneries  and  over  100  stores.  There  are  25  phy- 
sicians, 28  lawyers,  1,000  mechanics  and  500  laborers. 
There  are  ten  churches  and  a  number  of  charitable  organiza- 
tions. The  Bank  of  Rochester  has  a  capital  of  $250,600 
and  the  press  is  represented  by  one  monthly,  one  semi- 
weekly  and  one  daily  publication — the  Advertiser,  dating 
from  1826,  since  consolidated  with  the  Union  and  now  the 
oldest  newspaper  west  of  Albany  in  the  United  States. 
Among  those  who  are  giving  tone  and  direction  to  social, 
business  and  public  life  are  the  Rev.  Joseph  Penney,  pastor 
of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  and  subsequently  presi- 
dent of  Hamilton  College,  and  the  Rev.  Francis  H.  Cuming, 
rector  of  St.  Luke's.     Among  practicing  lawyers  are  Daniel 

CONDITIONS  IN    1 826  235 

D.  Barnard,  who  is  to  represent  two  districts  in  Congress 
and  the  nation  as  Minister  to  Prussia;  William  B.  Roch- 
ester, who  has  been  in  Congress,  is  to  be  circuit  judge  and 
to  come  within  a  few  votes  of  being  elected  Governor;  Vin- 
cent Mathews,  who  had  been  a  brilliant  pleader  at  the  bar 
and  a  senator  and  congressman  in  "the  southern  tier,"  is 
closing  his  professional  career,  while  Frederick  Whittlesey, 
Addison  Gardiner  and  Samuel  L.  Selden  are  beginning 
theirs.  Henry  R.  Selden  is  a  law  student.  William 
Adams,  Frederick  F.  Backus,  John  B.  Elwood  and  Levi 
Ward  are  physicians.  Thurlow  Weed,  Luther  H.  Tucker, 
Edwin  Scrantom,  Levi  W.  Sibley  and  Robert  Martin  are 
printers.  William  Atkinson,  Matthew  Brown,  Jr.,  Harvey 
Ely,  Charles  J.  Hill,  E.  P.  Beach,  Solomon  Cleveland  and 
Thomas  H.  Rochester  are  merchant  millers.  Thomas 
Kempshall,  Erasmus  D.  Smith,  Samuel  G.  Andrews,  Na- 
thaniel T.  Rochester,  Levi  A.  Ward,  Jacob  Gould,  William 
Pitkin,  Everard  Peck,  Silas  O.  Smith,  Elihu  F.  Marshall 
and  Darius  Perrin  are  merchants.  Levi  Ward,  Jonathan 
Child,  Josiah  Bissell,  Jr.,  Elisha  Ely,  Aristarchus  Cham- 
pion, Harvey  Montgomery,  Abram  M.  Schermerhorn  and 
Ira  West  are  classed  as  capitalists,  and  Joseph  Medberry, 
Warham  Whitney,  Ebenezer  Watts,  William  Ailing,  Abner 
Wakelee,  Jacob  Anderson,  Benjamin  M.  Baker,  Aaron 
Erickson  and  Nelson  Sage  are  laying  the  foundations  of 
their  fortunes.  In  1828,  Abelard  Reynolds  builds  the 
Arcade  on  Buffalo  Street,  an  ambitious  and  even  a  venture- 
some undertaking  for  its  day,  improving  and  extending  it 
to  Exchange  Place  in  1842.  In  1833,  Colonel  Rochester, 
the  founder  dies,  amid  the  lamentations  of  the  community, 
closing  serenely  a  life  which  had  been  eminently  useful  and 
had  had  honorable  recognition  in  the  councils  of  three 

Rochester  is  incorporated  as  a  city,  April  28,  1834,  being 


the  ninth  city  chartered  in  the  State.  Its  area  is  4,000  acres, 
reaching  northward,  at  this  time,  to  include  the  lower  falls 
and  the  Ontario  steamboat  landing.  Streets  are  pushing 
out  in  all  directions.  The  population  is  nearly  13,000  and 
the  assessed  valuation  of  property,  real  and  personal,  is 
$2,533,211.  There  are  1,300  houses,  14  churches  and  two 
banks.  There  are  five  wards  and  the  Mayor  and  other 
officials  are  elected  by  the  Common  Council,  the  chief  ex- 
ecutive not  being  chosen  by  the  popular  suffrage  until  1841. 
Jonathan  Child,  a  citizen  of  substance,  of  commanding 
presence  and  dignified  bearing,  is  the  first  mayor.  The 
elegant  mansion  of  the  Corinthian  order,  which  he  built 
is  still  standing  on  South  Washington  Street  and  is  the  most 
notable  specimen  of  the  type  which  prevailed  with  men  of 
means  at  the  period  of  its  construction.  That  of  Chan- 
cellor Whittlesey  on  Troup  Street  is  another;  and  it  may 
be  said,  in  passing,  that  the  third  ward,  comprising  a  goodly 
portion  of  the  lOO-acre  tract  and  still  retaining  its  olden 
boundaries,  was,  for  many  years,  the  abode  of  the  more 
prominent,  not  to  say  aristocratic,  citizens  and  was  the  vici- 
nage of  gracious  hospitalities,  engaging  courtesies  and 
neighborly  offices.  Its  social  supremacy  has  departed,  but 
its  traditions  remain.  In  1834,  there  are  ten  hotels.  There 
are  three  semi-monthly,  four  weekly  and  two  daily  news- 
papers, the  Democrat  being  established  this  year.  Com- 
munication with  the  outside  world  is  through  two  lines  of 
stages,  along  the  Genesee  turnpike,  the  packets  on  the  Erie 
Canal,  a  steamer  making  daily  trips  from  Charlotte  to  other 
lake  ports  and  one  plying  between  the  Rapids  and  Geneseo 
— discontinued  in  1836 — and  the  Tonawanda  Railroad,  with 
steam  as  the  motive  power,  to  South  Byron,  extended  to 
Batavia  in  1836  and  to  Attica  in  1842. 

A  few  of  the  notable  events  in  local  history  may  be  men- 
tioned in  this  connection,  leaving  to  a  succeeding  part  of 

2:!6  ROCHESTfiR 

;* red  in  the  State.     Its  area  is  4,000  acres, 
i,  at  this  time,  to  include  the  lower  falls 
\  J  steambuat  landing.     Streets  are  pushing 
ctions.     The  population  is  nearly  1-3,000  and 
tic    ii    ^bc  I  valuation  of  property,  real  and  personal,  is 
$2,533,211.     There  are  1,300  houses,  14  churches  and  two 
banks.     There  are  five  wards  and  the  Mayor  and  other 
officials  are  elected  by  the  Common  Council,  the  chief  ex- 
ecutive nut  being  chosen  by  the  popular  suffrage  until  1841. 
Jonathan  Child,  a  citizen  of  substance,  of  commanding 
presence  and  digaUvji  l^ariiy^.   is  the  first  mayor.     The 
elegant  niarisicn  r.i       t    (  ,   V      order,  which  he  built 

i.^  StiM^Wl^^^r@tr^^''oad  contractor;  bc>rrHH^tMfosk,!q^^-,(.  most 
ware  County^  Xew  .York,    September    26,   1866;    son    of,  f 

Horace  TI.  and  Poily  (Burr j  Cr'ary;  educated  Hancock  ,-, 
High  School :  rtiarried  Binghamton',  New  York,  Sept'emter  .  ' 
27,  1893,  Louise  Brintnall ;  presideht  Crary  Gonstrucfe'n  ' '^  may 
'G0m|)any  :  director  First  National  Qaiik,  Biiigha^irton  ;  Bifag-  f'odly 
hamton  Trust  Company  ;,  president  1900.  Washer  Company;  I  den 
treasurer  Alder-Batavia  Natiural  Gas,,Coppany;  Akron  Nat^  more 
ural  Gas  Conipany:  trustee  Syra<juse^.^j^ij^_^  ^^.^^  ^j^j. 
^2(1  degree ;  address,  fliiighamton,  N.  y .         .  .  . 

N  engaging  courtesies  and 
ruighbiKly  othces.  Its  social  supremacy  has  departed,  but 
its  traditions  remain.  In  1834,  there  are  ten  hotels.  There 
are  three  semi-monthly,  four  weekly  and  two  daily  news- 
papers, the  Democrat  being  established  this  year  ('um- 
munication  with  the  outside  world  is  through  two  lines  of 
stages,  along  the  Genesee  turnpike,  the  packets  on  the  Erie 
riml  a  steamer  making  daily  trips  from  Charlotte  to  other 
rts  and  one  plying  between  the  Rapids  and  Geneseo 
ntinued  in  1836 — and  theTonawanda  Railroad,  with 
steam  as  the  motive  power,  to  South  Byron,  extended  to 
Batavia  in  1836  and  to  Attica  in  1842. 

A  few  of  the  notable  events  in  local  history  may  be  men- 
tioned in  this  connection,  leaving  to  a  succeeding  part  of 



this  article  a  more  detailed  description  of  leading  institu- 
tions and  industries.  Among  these  are  the  visit  of  LaFay- 
ette  in  1825,  the  lasting  notoriety  achieved  by  Sam  Patch 
in  his  fatal  leap  at  the  upper  falls  and  the  terrible  cholera 
scourge  of  1832.  In  1836,  the  city  acquired  54  acres  in  the 
southeastern  section,  planning  a  cemetery  thereon  and  hap- 
pily naming  it  Mount  Hope.  With  additional  purchases, 
it  now  embraces  about  200,000  acres,  and  with  the  charm 
of  its  pristine  features  of  wooded  knoll  and  intervale  and 
dotted  vista,  enhanced  by  an  exquisitely  intelligent  and  re- 
fined service  of  the  landscape  gardener,  it  is  one  of  the  most 
inviting  resting  places  of  the  dead  in  the  land.  Other 
cemeteries  are  the  Holy  Sepulchre,  St.  Boniface's,  St.  Pat- 
rick's, Brighton,  Rapids  and  Riverside. 

In  1838  the  Genesee  Valley  Canal,  tributary  to  the  Erie, 
was  constructed  and  the  first  foundry  was  started.  In  1840, 
the  first  carload  of  freight  was  sent  over  the  Auburn  and 
Rochester  Railroad.  In  1842,  a  new  aqueduct  over  the 
Erie  was  completed  at  a  cost  of  $600,000.  In  1844,  the 
first  telegraph  office  was  opened  in  Rochester  by  the  New 
York,  Albany  and  Buffalo  Company,  and  the  census  showed 
a  population  of  23,533.  I'^  ^^4-^j  the  Western  House  of 
Refuge  was  established  and  coal  was  first  consumed  by  the 
manufactories.  In  1849,  Corinthian  Hall,  erected  by  Wil- 
liam A.  Reynolds,  in  the  rear  of  the  Arcade,  was  dedicated. 
It  was,  for  many  years,  the  principal  auditorium  of  the 
city,  many  notable  gatherings  and  addresses  by  eminent  men 
and  concerts  and  dramatic  representations  taking  place 
within  its  walls.  Therein  Jenny  Lind  sang  in  1851.  It 
voiced  the  "golden  age  of  the  lyceum,"  and  therein,  in  1858, 
William  H.  Seward  delivered  his  "irrepressible  conflict" 
speech,  one  of  the  most  renowned,  as  well  as  one  of  the  most 
persuasive,  of  American  political  utterances.  In  1850,  the 
city  was  divided  into  ten  wards.     In  1851,  a  new  court 


house  was  built  at  a  cost  of  $70,000,  and  coal  for  domestic 
use  was  introduced.  In  i860,  steam  fire  engines  were  sub- 
stituted for  hand  machines.  In  1861,  Abraham  Lincoln 
spoke  at  the  New  York  Central  station  on  his  way  to  his 
inauguration  as  President;  and  later,  at  the  call  of  the  nation 
to  arms  to  quell  the  rebellion  against  it,  the  best  and  bravest 
of  the  sons  of  Rochester  responded. 

In  1870,  the  Powers  building,  at  the  southwest  corner  of 
West  Main  and  State  streets,  an  immense  structure  for 
stores,  offices,  etc.,  of  stone,  glass  and  iron,  seven  stories  high 
and  surmounted  by  a  tower,  begun  in  1868,  was  finished. 
In  1874,  the  city  building  on  Front  Street  was  built  and 
the  City  Hall,  a  handsome  edifice  of  blue  limestone,  was 
occupied.  In  1876,  the  Hemlock  Lake  water  system  was 
installed.  In  1879,  the  Elwood  Memorial  building,  a 
commodious  stone  block,  was  erected,  on  the  southeast  cor- 
ner of  Main  and  State  streets,  and  the  first  "hello"  of  the 
telephone  was  heard.  In  1881,  "Maud  S."  trotted  a  mile 
in  2:io>^  at  the  Rochester  Driving  Park,  the  fastest  time 
until  that  date  recorded  on  a  trotting  course.  In  1882, 
ground  was  broken  for  the  elevated  tracks  of  the  New 
York  Central  Railroad.  In  1883,  the  Germans  of  Roch- 
ester celebrated  the  bicentennial  of  German  colonization  in 
the  United  States.  In  the  same  year,  the  Warner  Observa- 
tory and  the  Powers  Hotel  were  built.  In  1884,  the  Rey- 
nolds Library,  subsequently  housed  in  the  superb  Reynolds 
mansion  on  Spring  Street  and  endowed  by  Mortimer  F. 
Reynolds,  was  founded ;  and  the  semi-centennial  of  the  city 
was  observed  by  commemorative  addresses  and  much  of 
"pomp  and  parade."  In  1887,  the  Wilder  block,  the  Ger- 
man-American insurance  building  and  the  Ellwanger  and 
Barry  block  were  begun,  and  the  Lyceum  Theatre,  a  rarely 
elegant  edifice  of  its  kind,  was  opened.  In  1892,  the  Sol- 
diers'  Monument  in  Washington  Square  was  dedicated. 


President  Harrison  participating  in  the  ceremonies.  In 
1896,  the  present  court  house  of  New  Hampshire  granite, 
Romanesque  in  design,  with  a  frontage  on  West  Main  Street 
of  140  feet,  a  depth  of  160  feet,  a  height  of  four  stories  and 
admirably  adapted  for  the  service  of  the  county,  was  com- 
pleted. In  1907,  the  State  Arsenal  on  Washington  Square 
was  converted  into  Convention  Hall,  a  vast  auditorium 
capable  of  accommodating  thousands.  In  this  year  also, 
the  Rochester  Trust  and  Safe  Deposit  Company  completed 
and  occupied  its  chaste,  yet  costly,  marble  structure,  thus 
consummating  the  architectural  distinction  of  the  "four 
corners,"  as  with  the  Powers,  the  Elwood  and  the  Wilder 
buildings  it  at  once  sentinels  and  adorns  the  historic  spot; 
and  1908  witnessed  the  construction  of  two  new  and  im- 
mense hotels — the  Seneca  on  the  east  and  the  Rochester  on 
the  west  side — both  demanded  by  the  constantly  increasing 
throng  of  guests  within  the  city  gates. 

To  the  public  service  Rochester  has  contributed  its  full 
share  of  able  officials.  It  has  had  two  lieutenant-governors, 
two  secretaries  of  state,  two  state  treasurers,  an  attorney- 
general,  a  superintendent  of  insurance,  a  superintendent  of 
banks,  a  superintendent  of  public  works,  and  four  regents 
of  the  University  of  the  State  of  New  York.  It  has  had 
14  state  senators,  two  circuit  judges  and  one  vice-chancellor, 
under  the  constitution  of  1821,  and  one  chief  judge  and  four 
associate  judges  of  the  Court  of  Appeals,  and  ten  Supreme 
Court  Judges  under  the  constitutions  of  1846  and  1895. 

The  following  have  been  the  mayors  of  the  city:  1834, 
Jonathan  Child;  1835-36,  Jacob  Gould;  1837,  Abram  M. 
Schermerhorn  and  Thomas  Kempshall;  1838,  Elisha  John- 
son; 1839,  Thomas  H.  Rochester;  1840,  Samuel  G.  An- 
drews; 1841,  Elijah  F.  Smith;  1842,  Charles  J.  Hill;  1843, 
Isaac  Hills;  1844,  John  Allen;  1845-46,  William  Pitkin; 
1847,  John  B.  Elwood;  1848,  Joseph  Field;  1849,  Levi  A. 


Ward;  1850,  Samuel  Richardson;  1851,  Nicholas  E.  Paine; 
1852,  Hamlin  Stilwell;  1853,  John  Williams;  1854,  Maltby 
Strong;  1855,  Charles  A.  Hayden;  1856,  Samuel  G.  An- 
drews; 1857,  Rufus  Keeler;  1858,  Charles  H.  Clark;  1859, 
Samuel  W.  D.  Moore;  i860,  Hamlet  D.  Scrantom;  1861, 
John  C.  Nash;  1862,  Michael  Filon;  1863,  Nehemiah  C. 
Bradstreet;  1864,  James  Brackett;  1865,  Daniel  D.  T. 
Moore;  1866,  Samuel  W.  D.  Moore;  1867-68,  Henry  L. 
Fish;  1869,  Edward  M.  Smith;  1870,  John  Lutes;  1871, 
Charles  W.  Briggs;  1872-73,  A.  Carter  Wilder;  1874-75, 
George  G.  Clarkson;  1876-89,  Cornelius  R.  Parsons; 
1890-91,  William  Carroll;  1892-93,  Richard  Curran;  1894, 
George  W.  Aldridge;  1895,  Merton  E.  Lewis  (acting); 
1896-99,  George  E.  Warner;  1900-01,  George  A.  Carnahan; 
1902-03,  Adolph  J.  Rodenbeck;  1904-07,  James  G.  Cutler; 
1908-09,  Hiram  H.  Edgerton. 

There  are  130  churches  in  Rochester,  the  various  denomi- 
nations being  represented  numerically  as  follows:  Baptist, 
18;  Christian,  2;  Christian  Science,  2;  Congregational,  i; 
Evangelical,  3 ;  Evangelical  Association,  2 ;  Holland  Chris- 
tian Reformed,  i;  Jewish,  11;  Lutheran,  13;  Methodist 
Episcopal,  10;  Methodist  Episcopal  African,  i;  Methodist 
Free,  i ;  Methodist  Puritan,  i ;  Presbyterian,  16;  Protestant 
Episcopal,  12;  Reformed  Church  in  America,  3 ;  Reformed 
Church  in  United  States,  i;  Roman  Catholic,  20;  Second 
Adventist,  i ;  Unitarian,  i ;  Universalist,  i ;  other  religious 
societies,  9.  The  oldest  religious  society  is  the  First  Pres- 
byterian, its  organization  being  effected  August  22,  1815; 
its  earlier  services  were  held  in  a  wooden  building  on  State 
(then  Carroll)  Street.  A  stone  edifice  was  completed  in 
1824,  on  the  site  of  the  City  Hall,  and  retained  for  nearly 
fifty  years,  when  the  present  house  of  worship  on  Plymouth 
Avenue  was  consecrated.  St.  Luke's  (Protestant  Episco- 
pal) is  the  next  in  foundation,  July  14,  1817.     It  has  kept 


the  same  location,  on  South  Fitzhugh  Street,  from  the  be- 
ginning, its  sanctuary  having  been  built  in  1825;  its  in- 
terior, however,  having  been  remodeled  and  refitted  in  1867. 
The  First  Baptist  is  the  third  in  sequence,  having  been 
started,  in  1818,  in  a  school  room  directly  south  of  St.  Luke's. 
Its  present  fine  edifice  is  on  North  Fitzhugh  Street.  St. 
Patrick's  Roman  Catholic  Church,  now  of  cathedral  emi- 
nence, dates  from  181 8  and  its  first  structure  was  on  the 
present  site  at  the  corner  of  Piatt  and  Frank  streets.  The 
oldest  Jewish  society  (Berith  Kodesh)  dates  from  1848  and 
its  synagogue,  at  the  corner  of  Grove  and  Gibbs  streets, 
from  1846. 

Other  churches  have  been  organized  as  the  needs  of  the 
community  and  the  zeal  of  their  promoters  have  prompted, 
until  the  number  stated  has  been  attained.  Among  those 
of  superior  architectural  significance  are  the  Roman  Cath- 
olic cathedral,  the  First,  Second  (Brick),  Third  and  Cen- 
tral Presbyterian,  St.  Paul's,  Protestant  Episcopal,  the  First 
Methodist  and  Asbury  and  the  synagogue,  Berith  Kodesh. 
Rochester  is  the  see  city  of  the  Roman  Catholic  diocese  of 
the  same  name,  erected  in  1868,  with  Bernard  J.  McQuaid 
as  bishop,  who  is  yet  at  its  head,  distinguished  as  one  of 
the  foremost  scholars  and  administrators  of  his  communion. 

Education  in  Rochester  had  its  genesis  in  18 13  in  the 
dame  school  of  Huldah  M.  Strong  in  a  little  room  over 
Jehiel  Barnard's  tailor  shop,  at  the  corner  of  State  and  Main 
streets  and,  in  the  latter  part  of  the  same  year,  a  school 
district  was  constituted  and  a  building,  one  story  in  height, 
was  put  up  on  South  Fitzhugh  Street.  Of  this  school 
Aaron  Skinner  was  teacher.  Its  date  was  coincident  with 
the  creation  of  the  public  school  system  of  the  State,  but  it 
is  difficult,  at  this  distance,  to  determine  whether  or  not  the 
school  was  connected  with  the  system,  which,  at  that  time, 
had  meager  funds  for  distribution.     The  land  was  donated 


by  Rochester,  Fitzhugh  and  Carroll  and  the  cost  of  the 
building,  principally,  if  not  wholly,  borne  by  the  citizens. 
Other  schools,  both  public  and  private,  followed  from  time 
to  time,  and  Rochester  bore  its  part  in  fostering  popular 
instruction,  with  which  the  cities  were  identified  more 
closely  than  the  rural  districts,  they  maintaining  the  free 
school  in  its  full  meaning  previous  to  1848,  while  the  State 
did  not  ordain  it  until  1867.  The  public  schools,  incor- 
porate in  the  State  system,  upon  the  township  plan  and 
proceeding  under  the  mayor  and  alderman  as  commis- 
sioners, grew  with  the  growth  of  the  municipality  until,  in 
1841,  the  first  city  board  of  education  was  organized,  with 
Levi  A.  Ward  as  president  and  I.  F.  Mack  as  superin- 
tendent and,  a  year  later,  there  were  fifteen  districts,  with 
2,300  children  in  attendance,  at  an  annual  cost  of  main- 
tenance of  $13,000.  Leading  citizens  memorialized  the 
Legislature,  so  early  as  1830,  to  provide  a  central  school  of 
secondary  education  in  each  town  of  the  State,  but  the  free 
high  school  was  not  realized  in  Rochester  until  1857,  when 
the  institution  that  subsequently  became  known  as  the  Free 
Academy  was  established.  The  board  of  education  was  for 
a  long  period,  composed  of  commissioners  elected  by  wards, 
but  such  government  proved  cumbersome  and  lacking  in 
wise  and  efficient  supervision  and  the  board  was  reconsti- 
tuted in  1900,  to  consist  of  five  members  elective  by  the 
people  at  large,  with  terms  of  four  years  each.  A  marked 
improvement  has  since  taken  place  both  in  business  admin- 
istration and  methods  of  instruction  and  the  public  schools 
now  rank  deservedly  among  the  first  in  the  land.  There 
are  two  high,  one  normal  training  and  34  graded  schools, 
their  buildings  being  commodious,  convenient  and  attract- 
ive— ornaments  to  the  localities  in  which  they  are  placed. 
George  M.  Forbes  is  president  of  the  board,  and  Clarence 
F.  Carroll,  superintendent.     The  cost  of  maintenance  for 


the  school  year,  1907-08,  was  $904,415.20,  of  which  $78,- 
362.46  came  from  the  State,  and  $816,052.74  from  local 
taxation  and  other  sources.  The  local  tax  levy  for  1908-09 
is  $797,848.  The  number  of  children  registered  in  the 
public  schools  is  29,693,  and  in  parochial  schools  11,032. 

There  are  26  parochial  (three  of  academic  grade)  and  32 
select  schools,  the  latter  including  Hebrew,  commercial, 
correspondence  and  music  schools,  and  that  splendid 
eleemosynary  institution,  the  Athenaeum  and  Mechanic  In- 
stitute, in  which  free  instruction  in  drawing,  music,  domestic 
science  and  housekeeping  has  been  given  to  thousands  of 
pupils,  the  site  of  which  embraces  that  of  the  homestead  of 
Col.  Rochester  and  the  usefulness  of  which  is  due,  largely, 
to  the  benefactions  of  Rochester  citizens,  and  especially  to 
those  of  George  Eastman  and  the  late  Henry  Lomb. 

Rochester  is  the  seat  of  one  of  the  leading  institutions  of 
higher  education  in  the  State — the  University  of  Rochester. 
It  is  a  college  under  Baptist  auspices,  but  undenominational 
in  conduct.  Its  first  class  was  graduated  in  1851.  It  is 
situated  on  a  campus  of  24  acres,  fronting  University 
Avenue,  in  one  of  the  most  eligible  sections  of  the  city.  Its 
buildings  are  Anderson  Hall,  completed  in  1861,  Sibley 
Hall,  erected  in  1874,  by  Hiram  Sibley,  the  Reynolds 
Memorial  Laboratory,  built  in  1866  by  Mortimer  F.  Rey- 
nolds, the  Eastman  Laboratories,  presented  by  George  East- 
man in  1906,  and  the  Alumni  Gymnasium.  There  are  no 
college  dormitories,  but  the  members  of  the  Greek  letter 
fraternities  lodge  in  their  respective  chapter  houses.  The 
faculty  throughout  has  been  of  excellent  calibre,  chairs 
being  held  by  Dewey,  Kendrick,  Raymond,  Robinson, 
Quinby,  Ward,  Morey  and  others  of  national  reputation, 
while  the  presidents,  of  whom  there  have  been  three,  have 
all  been  highly  distinguished.  They  include  Martin  B. 
Anderson — 1853-88 — who,  with  his  broad  knowledge,  his 


analytical  and  illuminating  quality  as  a  teacher  and  the 
force  of  his  character,  ranks  among  the  few  great  American 
educators  of  the  19th  century;  David  Jayne  Hill — 1889-96 — 
brilliant  as  an  author,  orator  and  diplomatist,  ambassador 
of  the  United  States  to  Germany,  and  Rush  Rhees,  incum- 
bent since  1900,  scholarly  and  magnetic  in  speech,  alert  in 
administration  and  rapidly  appreciating  in  the  esteem  of 
educational  circles.  Until  1900,  the  university  curriculum 
was  exclusively  for  males,  but,  in  that  year,  in  view  of  the 
public  demand  and  of  a  contribution  of  $50,000,  through  a 
committee  of  Rochester  women,  with  Susan  B.  Anthony  at 
its  head,  females  were  admitted  on  "the  same  terms  and 
conditions"  as  males.  The  degrees  of  bachelor  of  arts,  of 
philosophy  and  of  science  are  conferred  in  course.  The 
number  of  students  registered  in  1907-08  was  men  244, 
women  129 — total,  373.  The  graduating  class  numbered  32 
men  and  21  women — total,  53.  The  whole  property  of  the 
University  is  $1,533,154.48,  of  which  $572,759.48  is  invested 
in  land,  buildings,  etc.,  and  $770,486.84  in  securities.  The 
expenditures  of  the  year  were  $81,497.51.  In  even  an  allu- 
sion to  the  work  of  the  University,  a  sterling  influence  it  has 
exerted  cannot  be  ignored.  A  large  proportion  of  its 
alumni  has  not  only  come  from,  but  has  returned  to,  the 
city,  and,  informing  both  its  professional  and  business  life, 
has  exalted  and  purified  its  intellectual  and  moral  tone,  thus 
rendering  its  society  exceptionally  refined  and  cultivated. 

The  Rochester  Theological  Seminary  is  among  the  promi- 
nent institutions  of  the  Baptist  denomination.  It  was 
founded  in  1850,  is  located  at  the  corner  of  East  Avenue  and 
Alexander  Street,  and  is  richly  endowed,  principally  by 
John  D.  Rockefeller  and  John  B.  Trevor;  after  each  a  hall 
is  named.  It  has  invested  in  land,  buildings  and  library, 
$402,048.40,  and  in  permanent  securities,  $1,637,157.03. 
Augustus  H.  Strong,  D.  D.,  has  been  president  since  1872, 


and  there  is  a  faculty  of  13  members.  It  graduates  classes 
of  about  25  annually.  St.  Bernard's,  a  leading  seminary  for 
the  training  of  priests  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  was 
established  by  Bishop  McQuaid  in  1893.  J-  J-  Hartley, 
D.  D.,  is  prorector,  and  there  are  12  members  of  the  faculty 
and  163  seminarians. 

Rochester  is  well  provided  with  libraries.  The  Reynolds 
contains  about  70,000  volumes,  being  especially  full  and 
valuable  in  its  reference  department.  The  library  of  the 
Appellate  Division  of  the  Fourth  Department  has  about 
31,000  volumes,  and  the  law  library  in  the  Powers  building, 
for  the  sole  use  of  tenants,  has  a  considerable  collection. 
The  library  of  the  University  has  48,000  volumes,  that  of 
Rochester  Theological  Seminary  35,000,  and  that  of  St. 
Bernard's  12,000.  The  Mechanics'  Institute  has  a  small, 
but  well-selected,  library,  and  in  the  public  school  libraries 
there  are  82,617  books,  to  which  12,115  were  added  during 
the  past  year. 

The  press  of  Rochester  has,  from  the  first,  been  a  power 
in  Western  New  York,  and  has  enlisted  in  its  service  many 
able  business  men  and  accomplished  writers.  The  pioneer 
printer  was  Augustine  G.  Dauby,  who  started  the  Gazette 
in  1816;  and,  in  1818,  Everard  Peck  entered  the  field  with 
the  Telegraph.  A  number  of  local  newspapers  have  been 
eminently  successful  financially.  The  list  of  those  who 
have  made  enviable  reputation  in  various  editorial  capaci- 
ties is  a  long  one  and  includes,  among  others,  Thurlow 
Weed,  who,  after  a  residence  of  six  years  in  Rochester,  went 
to  Albany,  in  1830,  there  to  found  the  Journal  and  become 
the  most  skilful  politician  of  his  day;  Henry  O'Reilly,  well 
known  for  his  "Sketches  of  Rochester" — a  storehouse  of  in- 
formation; Edwin  Scrantom,  hardly  less  known  for  his 
fertile  reminiscences  of  local  events;  George  Dawson,  as- 
sociated for  many  years  with  the  Albany  Journal;  Isaac 


Butts,  brave,  terse  and  uncompromising  with  his  pen; 
Luther  Tucker  and  Daniel  D.  T.  Moore,  authoritative  in 
agricultural  journalism;  Leonard  W.  Jerome,  who,  after  a 
bright  career  as  editor  of  the  American,  accumulated  a 
princely  fortune  in  the  metropolis;  Robert  Carter  and 
Joseph  O'Connor,  who  divide  the  honors  for  scholarly 
culture  and  lucidity  of  style;  Frederick  Douglass,  the 
Chrysostom  of  his  race;  Rossiter  Johnson,  poet  and  encyclo- 
poedist;  Isaac  H.  Bromley,  Isaac  M.  Gregory  and  George 
T.  Lanigan,  famous  as  wits;  William  Purcell,  supreme  as  a 
controversialist;  Samuel  H.  Lowe,  graceful  and  politic  in 
expression;  William  F.  Peck,  of  wide  knowledge,  diligent 
in  research,  accurate  in  statement,  and  the  author  of  the  best 
local  histories  extant;  George  H.  Ellwanger,  with  his  crisp 
and  sparkling  monographs  on  flowers  and  fruits  and  the  epi- 
curean table;  Charles  Mulford  Robinson,  who  has  written 
intelligently  and  attractively  on  civic  art,  and  has  been  con- 
sulted in  the  beautifying  of  many  American  cities;  Robert 
Bridges,  of  melodious  measures,  now  associate  editor  of 
Scribner's  Magazine;  Edward  S.  Martin,  editor  of 
Harper's  Weekly,  a  gentle  and  philosophic  essayist;  Samuel 
G.  Blythe,  a  linguistic  acrobat,  in  vogue  as  a  magazine  con- 
tributor; Louis  M.  Antisdale,  the  present  editor  of  the 
Herald,  and  William  H.  Samson,  managing  editor  of  the 
Post-Express,  both  filling  their  places  admirably  and  effec- 
tively, the  latter  a  recognized  authority  on  Indian  annals 
and  relics.  There  are  now  seven  daily  (one  German),  two 
semi-weekly,  13  monthly  (one  Spanish),  and  one  quarterly, 
issues  of  the  Rochester  press.  Authors  of  standard  works 
are  Lewis  H.  Morgan,  whose  "League  of  the  Iroquois," 
"Ancient  Society"  and  kindred  studies  rank  him  among  the 
first  of  modern  ethnologists,  and  James  Breck  Perkins,^for 
a  time  a  member  of  Congress,  whose  "France  Under  Riche- 
lieu  and  Mazarin,"   "France   Under  the  Regency,"   and 


"France  Under  Louis  XIV"  place  him  among  leading 
American  historians. 

The  Rochester  Academy  of  Science  was  organized  in 
1 88 1,  and  the  Rochester  Historical  Society  in  1888.  Their 
objects  are  revealed  in  their  names.  There  are  a  number  of 
literary  and  professional  clubs,  the  most  of  which  also  par- 
take of  a  social  character.  Among  them  are  the  Club, 
usually  styled  the  Pundit,  the  Fortnightly,  the  Humdrum, 
the  Kent,  the  Library,  the  Ethical,  the  Wednesday  Morning, 
the  Browning,  the  Shakespeare,  the  Modern  History,  El 
Circulo  Espagnol  and  the  College  Women's.  The  Roches- 
ter, Genesee  Valley,  Eureka,  Whist,  Friars  and  Monroe  are 
the  principal  purely  social  clubs,  and  the  various  patriotic 
and  race  associations  have  here  located  chapters  and  lodges. 

The  charity  of  Rochester  is  proverbial.  Nowhere  does 
wealth  lay  its  offerings  upon  the  altar  of  beneficence  more 
freely,  or  the  passion  of  giving  permeate  all  classes  more 
fully.  All  infirmities  are  ministered  to  and  all  misfortunes 
are  alleviated.  Eleemosynary  institutions  are  numerous 
and  all  are  amply  equipped  and  well  managed.  The  State 
has  a  hospital  for  the  insane  and  the  county  its  almshouse. 
The  Western  New  York  Institute  for  Deaf  Mutes  was  in- 
corporated in  1876,  and,  while  it  is  partially  maintained  by 
tuition  fees,  it  is  authorized  to  receive  a  number  of  pupils 
at  State  charge,  by  appointment  of  the  State  Commissioner 
of  Education.  It  has  a  fine  structure  on  North  St.  Paul 
Street,  valued  at  $125,000.  Z.  F.  Westervelt  has  been  prin- 
cipal since  its  foundation.  The  Female  Charitable  Society 
is  the  oldest  philanthropy,  dating  from  1822.  It  is  without 
buildings  and  accomplishes  its  mission  through  district 
visitors.  The  Home  of  the  Friendless  and  the  Industrial 
School  are  both  highly  useful  and  have  been  the  recipients 
of  many  donations.  There  are  five  orphan  asylums — the 
Rochester,  in  support  of  which  Protestant  sects  generally  are 


united;  the  Jewish,  St.  Joseph's,  St.  Mary's  (for  boys),  and 
St.  Patrick's  (girls), — the  latter  three  under  Roman 
Catholic  supervision.  The  local  hospitals  are  among  the 
best  appointed  and  best  equipped  in  the  State,  served 
gratuitously  by  the  ablest  physicians  and  surgeons,  and  de- 
riving large  revenues  from  the  bounty  and  devises  of  citizens 
and  from  annual  fairs,  which  are  liberally  patronized,  and 
are  events  in  the  city  life.  They  are  the  City,  the  Homeo- 
pathic, the  Hahnemann  and  St.  Mary's,  the  last  named 
under  the  direction  of  the  Sisters  of  Charity.  Among 
other  charitable  institutions  are  the  Church  Home  (Protes- 
tant Episcopal),  the  Baptist  Home,  the  German  Home  for 
the  Aged  and  the  Door  of  Hope;  and,  among  societies,  the 
American  Ladies'  Benevolent,  a  branch  of  the  National 
Red  Cross,  Bavarian  Benevolent,  Humane  Society  for  the 
Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Animals,  Mecklenburger  Benevo- 
lent, Baden  Sick  Benevolent,  Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Chil- 
dren, Swabian  Benevolent,  Woman's  Educational  and  In- 
dustrial Union,  and  various  others,  under  the  control  of  the 
Roman  Catholic  and  Jewish  communions,  respectively,  both 
of  which  are  zealous  in  good  works.  The  Young  Men's 
Christian  Association  was  organized  in  1875,  and  the  Young 
Women's  in  1883.  Each  has  a  large  and  active  member- 

The  cleanliness,  safety  and  health  of  Rochester  are  con- 
served by  its  splendid  water  system,  which  has  no  superior 
in  the  purity  of  its  supply  or  in  the  fidelity  and  economy  of 
its  management.  It  is  owned  and  operated  entirely  by  the 
municipality.  It  has  two  divisions — public  and  domestic 
use  and  fire  protection.  The  works,  first  utilized  in  1876, 
w^ere  completed  under  the  supervision  of  an  eminent  engi- 
neer, J.  Nelson  Tubbs,  but  have  since,  from  time  to  time, 
been  enlarged  and  improved.  The  sources  of  supply, 
through  gravity,  are  from  Hemlock  and  Canadice,  two  beau- 


tiful  lakes  of  signal  purity,  in  Livingston  County,  about  29 
miles  south  of  Mt.  Hope  reservoir,  the  main  distributing 
reservoir  within  the  city  limits.  There  is  an  intermediate 
reservoir  at  Rush,  10  miles  beyond  Mt.  Hope.  The  first 
conduit  laid  consists  of  9.627  miles  of  36-inch  and  2.92  miles 
of  24  wrought,  inch  riveted  pipe  and  15.70  miles  of  24-inch 
cast-iron  pipe.  A  newer  conduit  includes  2.252  miles  of 
brick  facing  six  feet  in  diameter  and  25.94  utiles  of  38-inch 
riveted  steel  with  1.47  miles  of  3.6-inch  cast-iron  pipe.  The 
capacity  of  the  Mt.  Hope  reservoir  is  24,278,101  gallons, 
with  a  water  surface  of  5^  acres;  that  of  Rush,  74,525,902 
gallons,  with  an  area  of  14  acres.  Still  another,  the  Cobb's 
Hill  (unfinished)  will  have  a  capacity  of  about  140,000,000. 
The  elevation  of  Hemlock  Lake  above  the  heart  of  the  city 
is  nearly  400  feet.  There  are  about  320  miles  of  distrib- 
uting pipe  of  this  division  in  the  city.  The  Holly,  or  fire 
protection,  division,  obtains  its  supply  from  Genesee  River, 
and  has  about  326  miles  of  distributing  pipes  and  3,550 
hydrants.  It  is  a  great  safeguard  against  conflagrations,  of 
which  Rochester  has  had  very  few  in  recent  years.  The 
daily  average  consumption  of  the  whole  system  is  16,410,000 
gallons.  The  cost  of  the  works  up  to  January  i,  1908,  was 
$7,816,204.83;  the  revenues  for  1907  were  $588,303.98;  the 
operating  expenses,  $198,343.93;  the  amount  applied  to  the 
liquidation  of  funded  indebtedness,  $280,749.69,  and  to  bet- 
terments, $85,476.68. 

In  a  city  which  is  in  itself  a  park  from  center  to  circum- 
ference, wherein  the  elms  spread  their  branches  and  the 
fathers  set  breathing  places  in  the  thoroughfares,  there 
would  seem  to  be  less  necessity  for  public  parks  than  in  places 
less  favored;  and  yet  the  one  has  but  fed  the  desire  for  the 
other,  which  was  attained,  in  1888,  in  the  projection  of  one 
of  the  most  elaborate  park  systems  in  the  country.  Much 
credit  is  due  to  the  late  George  W.  Elliott  who,  in  the  press 


and  in  the  Common  Council,  urged  the  movement,  but  the 
late  Dr.  Edward  M.  Moore,  who,  from  his  varied  knowl- 
edge and  consistent  public  spirit  was  long  held  to  be  the 
"first  citizen"  of  Rochester,  and,  from  its  inception  until  his 
death  in  1902  was  president  of  the  park  commission,  is  gen- 
erally regarded  as  the  father  of  the  system.  It  has,  from 
the  first,  enlisted  in  its  behalf  as  commissioners  men  of  zeal 
and  devotion  to  their  work.  Alexander  B.  Lamberton  is 
now  president  of  the  board,  and  Calvin  C.  Laney  is,  and  has 
been,  for  many  years,  superintendent  and  engineer.  A  few 
words  must  suffice  for  an  altogether  insufficient  description 
of  this  magnificent  undertaking.  There  are  three  principal 
parks — the  Genesee  Valley,  the  Highland,  and  the  Seneca. 
The  first,  at  the  south  end  of  the  city,  contains  53508  acres, 
through  which  the  river  flows,  with  gently  sloping  banks, 
and  level  lands  beyond,  on  either  side.  Ancient  trees  are 
preserved,  and  lawns  and  winding  paths  and  pleasure 
grounds  have  been  skilfully  fashioned.  The  second,  in  the 
near  neighborhood  of  the  first,  includes  54.69  acres,  and  is 
exceptionally  beautiful  in  flowers,  both  native  and  exotic. 
The  third,  below  the  lower  falls,  where  the  river  sweeps 
through  a  deep  chasm,  is  remarkable  for  the  grandeur  of  its 
scenery  and  the  extent  of  its  outlook.  Its  domain  is  211.06 
acres.  The  cost  of  these  park  lands  was  $318,368.48. 
There  are  numerous  small  parks  and  squares  scat- 
tered throughout  the  city,  their  entire  acreage  being 
1,472.07.  George  Eastman  has  recently  given  to  the  city  a 
lot  of  1,500  feet  frontage  adjoining  the  Cobb's  Hill  reser- 
voir, which  will  add  considerably  to  the  park  demesne. 

The  Chamber  of  Commerce,  organized  in  1888,  is  of  vital 
consequence,  in  its  general  supervision  of  local  interests,  in 
collecting  statistics,  supplying  information,  encouraging 
existing  and  stimulating  new  enterprises  and  in  advancing 
the  common  weal.     It  is  solicitous  for  the  honor  as  well  as 


the  thrift  of  the  city.  It  mingles  in  its  associates  the  best 
business  blood  and  promotes  their  harmonious  and  even  fra- 
ternal relations.  It  has  been  loyally  served  by  its  officials, 
its  successive  secretaries  having  been  peculiarly  devoted  to 
their  trust.  S.  R.  Clarke  is  now  acting  in  that  capacity. 
The  Chamber  is  handsomely  housed  in  its  own  building,  at 
the  corner  of  Main  and  South  St.  Paul  streets. 

In  all  directions,  railways  stretch  their  iron  fingers  with 
friendly  clasp  to  distant  communities.  There  is  a  larger 
and  richer  territory  within  the  State  tributary  to  Rochester 
than  to  any  other  city  therein  not  upon  the  seaboard.  The 
New  York  Central  and  Hudson  River  Company  links  it 
with  the  west  at  Buffalo  and  Niagara  Falls  and  at  the  east 
with  Syracuse  and  the  metropolis  by  two  lines — those  via 
Lyons  and  Auburn,  respectively.  The  Rome  and  Water- 
town  and  the  West  Shore  are  both  leased  to  the  New  York 
Central,  with  eastern  and  western  connections.  Branches  of 
the  Lehigh  Valley,  the  Delaware,  Lackawanna  and  Western 
and  the  Erie  bring  those  great  systems  in  touch  with  the  city. 
The  Pennsylvania,  with  its  two  divisions,  runs,  the  one  to 
Olean  and  the  other — originally  the  Northern  Central — to 
Philadelphia  and  Washington.  The  Buffalo,  Rochester 
and  Pittsburg,  formerly  the  State  Line,  unites  the  three 
places,  as  its  title  indicates.  With  the  development  of  the 
trolley  system,  Rochester  is  in  close  contact  with  scores  of 
villages  in  Western  New  York,  there  being  six  or  eight  lines, 
and  more  a-building,  while  the  Rochester  Electric  Railway, 
with  a  capital  of  $6,000,000,  incorporated  in  1890,  is  one  of 
the  best-equipped  and  best-managed  street  railway  com- 
panies in  the  world,  with  165.32  miles,  including  double 
tracks  and  sidings,  radiating  from  the  "four  corners"  as  a 
common  center,  and  employing  412  motor  cars,  according  to 
the  report  of  1907. 

The  capital  of  the  banks  of  discount  in  Rochester  is  not 



apparently  commensurate  with  its  population  and  wealth, 
but  this  is  accounted  for  by  the  existence  of  several  large 
trust  companies  which  make  good  what  would  otherwise  be 
a  pronounced  deficiency.  The  capital  of  the  Traders 
National  is  $500,000,  with  $600,000  surplus  and  profits;  the 
Merchants,  $100,000,  surplus  $150,000;  the  Central,  $200,- 
000,  surplus  and  undivided  profits,  $250,000;  the  Alliance, 
$275,000,  surplus  $275,000;  the  Lincoln  National,  $1,000,- 
000,  surplus  $1,000,000;  and  the  National  Bank  of  Com- 
merce, $500,000,  surplus  and  undivided  profits  $225,000. 
The  Trust  and  Safe  Deposit  Co.  has  a  capital  of  $200,000, 
with  over  $1,000,000  surplus  and  $21,500,000  of  resources; 
the  Security,  $500,000  of  capital  and  surplus,  with  deposits 
of  $10,600,000;  the  Union,  $250,000,  with  $125,000  of  sur- 
plus and  undivided  profits  and  $3,900,000  of  deposits;  the 
Fidelity,  $200,000,  with  $200,000  of  surplus  and  undivided 
profits  and  the  Genesee  Valley,  $300,000,  with  surplus  of 
$258,823.26.  There  are  four  savings  banks — the  Rochester, 
with  $23,210,390.99  deposits  and  $11,641,661.71  loans;  the 
Monroe  County,  $18,684,455.40  deposits  and  $11,454,045 
loans;  the  Mechanics,  $3,671,445.89  deposits,  and  $2,427,250 
loans;  and  the  East  Side,  $7,689,946.03  deposits,  and  $5,064,- 
522  loans.  The  Rochester  German,  a  strong  insurance  com- 
pany, has  a  capital  of  $500,000,  a  reserve  for  reinsurance  of 
$1,035,909.65,  a  reserve  for  unpaid  losses  and  other  liabili- 
ties of  $107,929.49,  and  a  net  surplus  of  $574,823.76. 

Rochester  claims  the  primacy  in  the  production  of  photo- 
graphic supplies,  thermometers,  canned  goods,  optical  in- 
struments, enameled  tanks,  office-filing  devices,  buttons, 
wood  and  paper-box  machinery,  and  in  the  output  of  seeds 
and  nursery  stock.  A  few  words  are  due  to  the  inventors 
of  Rochester,  and  especially  to  him,  who,  less  than  30  years 
ago,  was  a  bank  clerk  and  an  amateur  photographer.  His 
experiments  have  brought  him  fame  and  fortune  and  from 


America  to  "far  Cathay";  girdling  the  globe,  the  mystical 
message  of  the  Eastman  Kodak  is  the  credential  of  civiliza- 
tion. Until  1880,  the  photographers  used  what  was  known 
as  the  wet  plate,  but  this  was  then  superseded  by  a  process 
in  which  the  sensitive  silver  salts  were  suspended  in  a  gela- 
tine emulsion  and  spread  upon  glass;  that  is,  the  dry  plate. 
Mr.  Eastman  was  not  only  successful  in  his  experiments,  but 
made  the  plate  commercially  practical  and  enlisted,  in  his 
manufacture  thereof,  capitalists  who  had  faith  in  the  worth 
of  his  discoveries.  Following  this,  have  been  the  bromide 
papers,  the  Kodak  camera,  the  transparent  and  daylight 
films,  the  developing  machine  doing  away  with  the  dark 
room,  and  constant  improvements  in  cameras,  lenses,  shut- 
ters, papers  and  chemicals,  all  of  which  have  contributed  to 
the  evolution  of  the  marvelous  photography  of  the  day. 
The  Kodak  Park  works  comprise  about  43  acres  on  the  Lake 
Avenue  Boulevard.  There  are  45  buildings,  mostly  fire- 
proof, with  a  floor  space  of  22  acres,  a  chimney  366  feet 
high — the  tallest  in  the  United  States — a  power  house  with 
300  horse-power  boilers,  five  electric  generators  of  3,000 
horse-power  and  7,000  incandescent  lights.  The  employees 
number  about  1,400  men  and  600  women.  The  Kodak  has 
also  enormous  manufacturing  properties  in  St.  Louis, 
Jamestown,  N.  Y.,  and  Toronto,  and  in  Harrow  and  Ash- 
stead,  England. 

Another  notable  device  is  the  United  States  mail  chute, 
invented  by  James  G.  Cutler,  an  eminent  architect,  and  first 
applied  in  the  Elwood  building,  through  which  letters  are 
dropped  from  the  floors  above  of  a  building  to  the  ground 
floor,  where  a  Government  mail  box  receives  them  for  dis- 
tribution. It  is  found  to  be  very  convenient,  and  is  utilized, 
largely,  by  the  tenants  of  the  "skyscrapers,"  now  a  striking 
feature  of  American  cities.  It  is  extensively  and  remuner- 
atively manufactured  by  the  Cutler  Brothers.     The  Sar- 


gent  and  Greenleaf  Co.  is  the  manufacturer  of  various  in- 
ventions of  James  Sargent — the  burglar-proof  lock  of  1865, 
the  Sargent  time-lock  of  1873,  and  many  styles  of  lock  since 
perfected.  Their  use  is  more  than  continental.  Mr.  Sar- 
gent is  also  the  inventor  of  the  glass-enameled  steel  tank  and 
vacuum  pump  of  the  Pfaudler  Company  and  of  the  auto- 
matic semaphor  of  the  Gordon  Railw^ay  Signal  Company. 
The  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical  Company  is  the  leading 
world  manufacturer  of  optical  instruments,  many  of  which 
are  of  their  own  origination.  The  "Rochester  lamp,"  al- 
though not  of  Rochester  manufacture,  is  of  Rochester  crea- 
tion, introduced  by  Rochester  capital,  and  carries  the  name 
wherever  kerosene  casts  its  light.  A  longer  catalogue  of 
home  inventions  might  be  given,  but  the  foregoing  are  in- 
stanced as  illustrations  rather  than  as  a  complete  inventory 
of  them. 

Because  of  space  limitations,  a  full  conspectus  of 
Rochester  manufacturers  cannot  be  presented,  but  allusion 
must  be  made  to  a  few  of  the  more  prominent  ones. 
Rochester  stands  third  in  the  United  States  as  a  manufac- 
turer of  clothing.  There  were,  at  the  last  record,  39  whole- 
sale dealers  therein,  with  an  annual  output  of  goods  to  the 
amount  of  $18,000,000.  The  Jews,  to  whose  excellent 
quality  as  citizens  reference  has  been  made  already,  control, 
if  they  do  not  wholly  monopolize,  this  branch  of  trade. 
Another  industry  is  that  of  boots  and  shoes,  of  which  there 
are  54  factories,  with  an  annual  production  of  $12,000,000. 
Although  the  scepter  of  wheat,  like  the  course  of  empire, 
has  passed  westward,  there  are  still  15  mills  producing  an- 
nually about  1,000,000  barrels  of  flour.  There  are  10 
breweries,  in  the  popularity  of  whose  product,  Rochester 
rivals  St.  Louis  and  Milwaukee,  with  a  yearly  sale  of  600,- 
000  barrels.  Among  eastern  cities,  Rochester,  as  befitting 
its  floral  title  and  the  fertility  of  the  Genesee  Valley,  bears 

cyf  a.'M^,^^-^: 

•  >CH  ESTER 

).  IS  the  manufacturer  of  various  in- 

•-;ent — the  burglar-proof  lock  of  1865, 

of  1873,  and  many  styles  of  lock  since 

c  is  more  than  continental.     Mr.  Sar- 

or  of  the  glass-enameled  steel  tank  and 

.    I  I,  ,i  Pfaudler  Company  and  of  the  auto- 

.  ,      semap. i-.i    >i  the  Gordon  Railway  Signal  Company. 

he  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical  Company  is  the  leading 

ri/i  n,H!.   Mcturer  of  optical  instruments,  many  of  which 

vn  origination.     The  "Rochester  lamp,"  al- 

Rochester  manufacture,  is  of  Rochester  crea- 

'  by  Rochester  capital,  and  carries  the  name 

"'   "  '!l^  ^'^^SH-iNTZ  ^  '"^"^^^  catalogue  of 
■'    ■  ,r  ■.  ■;■,  \:''    is.      M  .-,-  'ue  are  in- 
Manufacturer,  Rochester ;  bofni-JBerlinj  Pn$apjb;t^iig»4^ntorv' 
24,  1852 ;  educated  in  the  Berlin  pubHc  schools  and  Hamil- 
ton Business  College;  engaged  for  many  years  in  the  but- 
ton manufacture  in  Rochester,  where  he  has  been  an  in; 
fluential  citizen,  but  has  not  sought  pblititafoflife^'  ^''■''-  ^''^Si'^'l 
K-   more   prominent  ones. 
1    n  the  limtcd  States  as  a  manufac- 
'icre  were,  at  the  last  record,  39  whole- 
'.  ith  an  annual  output  of  goods  to  the 
'X).     The   Jews,    to   whose   excellent 
'    ~  been  made  already,  control, 
lize,  this  branch  of'  trade. 
-  and  shoes,  of  which  there 
production  of  $12,000,000. 
kc  the  course  of  empire, 
:  11  15  mills  producing  an- 
of   flour.     There   are    10 
vhose  product,  Rochester 
with  a  yearly  sale  of  600,- 
rri  tities,  Rochester,  as  befitting 
tiy  of  the  Genesee  Valley,  bears 



the  palm  for  its  commerce  in  trees  and  flowers,  George  EU- 
wanger  being  the  pioneer  in  the  cultivation  of  the  one,  and 
James  Vick  long  having  precedence  in  that  of  the  other. 
There  are  now  39  nurserymen,  45  florists  and  12  seedsmen. 
The  Sibley,  Lindsay  and  Curr  Company,  formed  in  1868, 
conducts  one  of  the  biggest  department  stores  in  the  country, 
with  a  colossal  building  and  the  frontage  of  a  block  on  East 
Main  Street;  other  stores  of  like  character  are  those  of  the 
McCurdy  and  Norwell  and  the  Duffy-Mclnnerney  Com- 
pany. The  entire  capital  invested  in  the  manufactures  and 
wholesale  trade  is  over  $71,000,000;  there  are  1,019  estab- 
lishments thereof;  the  factory  and  workshop  employees 
number  33,000,  and  the  annual  value  of  manufactured 
goods  is  $83,000,000. 

Rochester  ranks  as  the  24th  city  of  the  Union  in  popula- 
tion— 218,000  in  1910, — and  became  a  first-class  city,  by 
statute,  January  i,  1908.  Property,  real  and  personal,  is 
assessed  at  $149,764,385.  The  tax  levy  for  1908,  less  income 
estimates,  is  $2,826,000.  The  municipal  debt  is  $9,982,- 
889.04.  There  are  22  wards  and  1,116  streets,  with  a  length 
of  384  miles,  and  84  alleys,  with  a  length  of  16  miles.  The 
city  is  well-paved,  asphalt  predominating,  and  its  system  of 
sewers,  with  the  trunk  lines  debouching  into  the  Genesee,  is 
excellent.  The  fire  department  is  efiicient,  with  14  engine, 
three  hose,  six  truck,  and  one  Protective  sack  and  bucket 
and  two  supply  companies,  one  watch  tower  and  281  signal 
boxes  of  the  fire  alarm  telegraph.  The  United  States  Gov- 
ernment building,  on  South  Fitzhugh  Street,  contains  the 
post-office,  the  internal  revenue  and  the  customs  offices  and 
the  rooms  of  the  Federal  District  Court.  Post-office 
revenues  for  the  year  ending  March  31,  1908,  were  $839,- 
572.32;  of  the  custom  house,  $446,947.10;  and  of  the  internal 
revenue,  $2,205,925.68  for  the  year  ending  July  i,  1908. 

The  story  of  Rochester  has  been  told  as  fully  as  prescribed 


limits  would  permit.  It  is  not,  as  was  premised,  a  story  of 
mediaeval  emprise,  of  siege  and  slaughter,  of  crumbling 
turrets  or  hoary  traditions,  although  the  place  had  its  share 
in  repelling  the  invasion  of  1812  and  of  glory  for  its  sons 
in  the  conflict  of  1861.  It  is  the  story  of  the  orderly  com- 
position of  an  American  city,  of  the  highest  type,  along  lines 
of  honest  endeavor  and  cleanly  living,  through  the  century 
succeeding  the  assertion  of  American  freedom.  It  is  a  story 
in  which  every  citizen  may  take  just  pride,  as  he  emulates 
the  work  of  the  fathers  and  reflects  upon  the  progress 
made,  and  the  estate  secured.  In  the  making  of  the  city, 
all  professions  and  vocations  have  been  represented  with 
ability  and  even  with  renown.  Whittlesey,  Gardiner, 
Church,  the  Seldens,  E.  Darwin  Smith,  Danforth  and  Ma- 
comber  have  administered  justice  in  the  State  tribunals, 
and  Martindale,  Pomeroy,  Peshine  Smith,  Cogswell, 
Bacon,  Van  Voorhis,  Bissell,  Sutherland  and  Raines  have 
made  cogent  and  eloquent  pleas  at  the  bar.  Whitbeck, 
Dean,  Ely,  Gilkeson,  Hurd,  Sumner,  Biegler  and  Stoddard 
have  practiced  and  expounded  the  healing  art,  and  Moore 
has  displayed  consummate  skill  as  a  surgeon;  and  White- 
house,  Lee,  Penney,  Shaw,  Patton,  Riggs,  Foote,  Doty,  Rob- 
bins,  Luckey,  George  and  Cushing  have  broken  the  bread 
of  life.  Here  Myron  Holley  was  the  champion  of  human 
rights.  Here  Susan  B.  Anthony  led  in  the  crusade  for  the 
emancipation  of  her  sex,  and  Hiram  Sibley  became  a  master- 
ful organizer  and  a  financial  king.  Here  industry  has 
accumulated  wealth,  and  artisans  and  educators  have  joined 
in  furthering  the  common  credit  and  welfare. 
1909  Charles  Elliott  Fitch. 



UTICA,  with  62,924  inhabitants  in  1905  and  74,418  by 
the  census  of  1910,  lies  on  a  slope  rising  from  the 
south  bank  of  the  Mohawk,  very  near  the  geo- 
graphic center  of  the  State,  and  from  450  to  640  feet  above 
the  level  of  the  sea;  it  was  part  of  the  vast  manor  taken  up 
by  Governor  Cosby,  but  the  tract  was  sold  for  non-payment 
of  quit-rents  to  General  Philip  Schuyler,  General  John 
Bradstreet,  John  Morin  Scott  and  Rutger  Bleecker.  Dis- 
sension between  the  heirs  of  Bradstreet  led  to  a  long  conflict 
in  the  courts  over  the  title.  A  ford  in  the  river  was  a  point 
from  which  the  trails  of  the  red  Americans  marked  courses 
where  highways,  canals  and  railroads  have  been  built.  The 
low  water,  which  gave  a  crossing,  proved  a  barrier  when 
navigation  began,  and  here  was  a  main  landing,  although 
some  boats  went  up  to  the  sources  of  the  stream.  Here,  in 
1758,  Fort  Schuyler  was  placed — one  of  a  chain  of  posts  for 
defence  in  the  French  war.  Near  this  fort  as  early  as  1785 
there  were  three  rude  cabins  which  were  homes  of  white 
men  who  had  before  been  living  lower  down  the  valley. 
These  founders  of  the  town  were  John  Cunningham,  George 
Damuth  and  Jacob  Chrisman.  Two  of  these  and  most  of 
the  settlers  who  first  followed  them  were  descendants  of 
immigrants  from  the  Palatinate;  the  third  of  the  founders 
was  of  Scotch  origin. 

In  1788,  by  a  line  running  north  and  south  across  the 
State,  over  the  ford,  a  town  was  created  and  called  Whites- 
town,  after  Hugh  White,  a  settler  from  New  England,  who 
chose  to  locate  near  the  mouth  of  the  Sauquoit.  His  family 
is  identified  with  the  city  to-day.     Immigrants  were  at- 



tracted  along  that  stream  where,  after  a  while,  factories 
found  water-power.  Fort  Schuyler  only  slowly  drew  the 
trade  of  the  neighborhood,  and  the  increase  of  population 
was  gradual.  But  energetic  men  and  women  came  to  the 
ford;  and  to  trade  with  the  Indians  and  husbandry  were 
added  blacksmithing  and  other  mechanical  occupations. 
John  Post  set  up  a  primitive  store  in  1790.  The  Legisla- 
ture, in  1792,  granted  2,000  pounds  sterling  ($10,000)  for 
a  bridge  over  the  Mohawk,  where  crossed  the  main  route 
from  Albany  and  the  east  to  the  "Genesee  County."  The 
central  avenue  of  the  city  keeps  the  line  and  the  name. 

The  peltries  gathered  by  the  red  men  and  the  growing 
returns  from  the  land  led  enterprising  youths  to  gather  and 
exchange  them  for  the  merchandise  needed  by  the  settlers. 
Under  such  an  impulse  in  1789,  Peter  Smith,  born  on  the 
Hudson,  passed  up  the  valley  to  become  a  merchant  here, 
enlisting  John  Jacob  Astor  as  partner — to  win  fortune  in 
business,  to  be  honored  by  his  neighbors,  and  to  be  remem- 
bered also  as  the  father  of  Gerrit  Smith.  In  1797,  another 
merchant,  Bryan  Johnson,  a  native  of  England,  began  here 
the  varied  traffic  of  a  new  country,  earning  success  by  thrift 
and  energy.  He  impressed  himself  on  the  hamlet,  gathered 
a  fortune  in  lands,  and  left  a  worthy  name  to  descendants 
who  remain  on  the  ancestral  soil. 

Veterans  of  the  war  of  the  Revolution  were  among  those 
who,  in  early  days,  chose  homes  here.  A  pioneer  was  Ben- 
jamin Walker,  who  had  been  aid  to  General  Steuben,  and 
his  secretary;  he  came  in  1797  as  a  land  agent  and  was 
efficient  in  drawing  immigrants.  His  broader  work  for  the 
common  welfare  was  recognized  by  his  election  in  1800  as 
representative  in  Congress.  Natives  of  England  and  Scot- 
land added  to  the  young  hamlet  included  persons  who  in 
industry,  trade  and  the  professions  gave  to  it  tone  and 
strength.     Such  was  Dr.  Alexander  Coventry,  who,  edu- 


cated  in  Edinburgh,  in  1796,  brought  the  art  of  healing,  and 
on  a  high  plane  long  practiced  his  profession,  winning  the 
esteem  and  afifection  of  his  neighbors.  The  city  counts 
members  of  his  family  among  its  present  residents. 

The  hamlet  did  not  shut  itself  in,  but  welcomed  strangers, 
and  threw  out  lines  to  bring  settlers  and  promote  traffic. 
In  1794,  Moses  Bagg,  who  had  served  the  local  needs  as 
blacksmith,  opened  his  house  as  a  tavern  to  entertain  trav- 
ellers. His  fame  as  host  for  years  drew  guests  and  has 
marked  the  original  site,  while  the  name  is  kept  alive  by 
those  who  worthily  wear  it.  In  1794  also,  Jason  Parker 
traveled  as  postrider  between  Canajoharie  and  Whitestown. 
He  soon  secured  a  contract  for  carrying  the  mails  and  the 
next  year  stages  for  passengers  as  well  were  run  twice  a  week 
orer  the  route.  He  had  rare  gifts  for  transportation  and 
knew  how  to  meet  its  problems  as  expanding  business  re- 
quired. He  established  new  routes  wherever  passengers 
and  freight  could  be  reached  and  his  lines  were  models  for 
quick  and  prompt  service. 

Surveyors,  schools,  preachers,  lawyers,  carpenters,  other 
mechanics  were  here  before  April  3,  1798,  when  a 
village  was  legally  created  and  by  lot  named  Utica,  in 
Oneida  County,  which  was  erected  out  of  Herkimer  on 
March  15,  1798.  The  scanty  population  wanted  home  rule. 
As  early  as  July  10,  1793,  a  newspaper,  the  Gazette,  was 
printed  in  New  Hartford  for  Jedediah  Sanger,  Samuel 
Wells  and  Elijah  Risley.  In  July,  1798,  it  was  removed  by 
William  McLean  to  Fort  Schuyler,  and  after  many  mergers 
and  a  history  sometimes  brilliant,  its  successor,  under  a  new 
name,  now  ministers  to  the  popular  needs.  On  his  tour  in 
1798,  President  Dwight,  of  Yale  College,  found  here  "a 
pretty  village  containing  fifty  houses  occupied  by  sanguine 
people,  with  non-resident  owners  asking  high  prices  for  the 
vacant  lands."     The  Holland  Land  Company,  which  held 


title  to  tracts  north  of  the  Mohawk  and  to  a  million  acres 
in  the  Genesee  County,  in  this  year  built  a  brick  hotel,  nota- 
ble for  its  size,  for  the  convenience  of  immigrants,  and  the 
structure  stands  at  Whitesboro  and  Hotel  streets,  a  monu- 
ment of  the  liberal  plans  of  its  projectors. 

The  secondary  rank  of  Utica  in  1794  is  shown  by  the 
division  of  religious  services  between  the  village  and 
Whitesboro,  giving  one-third  to  the  former  and  twice  as 
many  to  the  latter  hamlet,  while  Rev.  Bethuel  Dodd,  the 
pastor,  a  Presbyterian,  received  his  pay  from  the  two  places 
in  this  ratio.  The  Episcopalians,  under  a  missionary  from 
Trinity  Church,  New  York,  organized  here  in  1798  under 
the  same  style,  but  this  initial  zeal  lasted  only  a  little  while, 
and  a  new  start  in  1803  began  the  life  which  still  continues. 

The  State  gave  aid  in  1797  to  improve  a  turnpike  to  the 
west,  laid  out  by  commissioners  three  years  earlier,  to  the 
amount  of  $13,900;  the  money  was  drawn  from  a  fund  raised 
by  lotteries.  In  1800,  the  road  was  put  in  charge  of  the 
Seneca  Turnpike  Company  with  a  capital  of  $110,000  and 
maintained  by  tolls.  The  Mohawk  Turnpike  and  Bridge 
Company,  in  the  same  year,  undertook  to  care  for  the  main 
road  eastward,  north  of  the  river.  Men  of  Utica  had  a 
large  share  in  the  control  of  both  of  these  enterprises.  To 
get  the  benefit  of  these  and  other  facilities  for  trade,  Kane 
and  Van  Rensselaer,  who  had  general  stores  in  New  York, 
Albany,  Schenectady  and  Canajoharie,  set  up  another  here 
in  1800,  claiming  to  have  larger  resources  and  to  offer  better 
terms  than  local  competitors.  The  traffic  of  all  of  them 
was  chiefly  barter,  for  currency  was  scarce.  Tanneries  and 
breweries  began  work  at  an  early  day,  and  the  forests  fur- 
nished lumber  which  was  used  for  building  and  wrought 
into  simple  furniture  and  wagons. 

Before  the  village  was  a  decade  old,  several  immigrants 
from  Wales  settled  in  Utica  and  many  more  on  the  hills  to 


the  northward.  After  1800,  doubtless  on  their  report,  a 
strong  stream  set  in  from  the  principality,  and  for  quite  a 
period  composed  the  chief  additions  to  the  population,  then 
in  main  part  from  New  England.  The  First  Baptist 
Church  was  organized  in  1801  by  the  Welsh  settlers,  while 
the  only  provision  for  services  in  English  was  by  the  branch 
of  the  Whitesboro  church.  An  offshoot  from  this  Welsh 
church  has  grown  into  the  large  and  prosperous  Tabernacle, 
while  the  original  stock  kept  up  the  use  of  the  old  tongue. 
The  second  religious  organization  for  Utica  itself  was  also 
formed  by  the  Welsh  settlers  in  1802,  as  the  Independent  or 
Congregational  Church,  under  Rev.  Daniel  Morris,  the 
first  pastor,  located  in  the  village;  they  erected  the  first 
church  edifice  in  the  place,  finishing  it  in  1804.  It  stood 
on  the  corner  of  Whitesboro  and  Washington  streets.  An- 
other building  put  up  by  the  society  on  the  same  site  is  now 
occupied  as  a  Jewish  synagogue,  while  the  former  owners 
worship  in  a  new  church  elsewhere  with  greater  numbers. 
These  churches,  with  others,  added  as  years  ran  on,  are 
signs  and  also  became  causes  of  the  concentration  of  Welsh 
immigration  in  Utica  and  its  vicinity.  The  movement  has 
been  constant,  though  varying  in  volume.  It  has  con- 
tributed in  the  first  and  more  in  succeeding  generations  suc- 
cessful workers  to  every  occupation,  a  full  share  of  leaders 
in  the  pulpit,  at  the  bar  and  on  the  bench,  in  medicine,  not 
a  few  of  the  most  prominent  merchants,  managers  of  large 
enterprises,  and  citizens  of  high  repute  in  politics  and 
finance.  Thus,  the  city  has  always  been  a  favorite  home 
for  the  issue  of  Welsh  publications,  while  the  Utica  Eistedd- 
ford  has  for  half  a  century  been  famous  at  home  and  abroad. 
Rev.  John  Taylor  of  Massachusetts  visited  our  village  in 
1802.  He  found  above  ninety  houses,  and  in  them  "a  mass 
of  discordant  materials;  people  of  ten  or  twelve  dififerent 
and  of  almost  all  religions  and  sects,  but  the  greater  part  of 


no  religion."  Yet  three  hundred  persons  gathered  to  hear 
him  preach  on  Sunday,  doubtless  to  their  edification.  Prob- 
ably the  village  was  of  the  average  frontier  character;  it  is 
evident  the  charity  of  the  missionary  did  not  overflow. 

Post- routes,  sixty  miles  to  the  northward,  were  established 
under  the  authority  of  the  Postoffice  Department  by 
Thomas  Walker  in  the  first  decade  of  the  new  century.  He 
was  publisher  of  the  Columbian  Gazette  and  sought  in  this 
way  to  promote  its  circulation.  Mr.  Walker,  in  a  long  life, 
showed  like  foresight  and  energy  in  other  directions  and 
earned  esteem  as  a  citizen  and  financier. 

A  striking  feature  in  the  local  industry  and  energy,  when 
the  population  of  the  village  ranged  from  1,000  to  5,000, 
was  the  number  of  books  published  from  the  presses  of  the 
pattern  of  the  day.  These  works,  by  their  variety  and  char- 
acter, testify  to  the  intelligence  and  taste  of  the  community 
as  well  as  to  the  enterprise  which  ventured  so  much.  They 
include  a  Hymn  Book  and  Catechism  in  Welsh,  and  Web- 
ster's Lessons  in  Reading  and  Spelling,  brought  out  in  1808. 
These  were  followed  by  the  Armenian  Anatomized,  in  18 16; 
Essay  on  Musical  Harmony,  in  1817;  Morse's  Geography, 
in  1 8 19.  In  course  came  out  Sermons;  a  Church  History; 
Voyage  in  the  Pacific  and  the  South  Seas;  a  Hawaiian 
Grammar;  Watts'  Divine  Songs;  Doddridge  in  Verse; 
Bible  Questions;  Musica  Sacra;  Spiritual  Songs;  Livy; 
Webster's  Spelling  Book,  printed  by  thousands;  Murray's 
Grammar  and  English  Reader;  Young  Ladies'  Astronomy; 
History  of  the  Solar  System;  Escala,  an  American  Tale; 
Patriot's  Manual ;  Daboll's  Arithmetic ;  several  volumes  of 
history  and  biography;  illustrated  toy  books  and  primers; 
the  New  Testament  in  the  Douay  version.  A  new  edition 
of  the  Edinburg  Encyclopaedia  was  begun  in  this  period. 
Besides  these  books  and  the  newspapers,  several  magazines 
were  started,  all  before  1825.     The  marvel  is  to  be  meas- 


ured  not  only  by  the  scant  population  at  hand,  but  even  by 
that  accessible  by  the  meagre  means  of  transport  at  the  end 
of  these  years  and  just  striving  into  being  at  their  beginning. 
The  leaders  in  this  business  were  William  Williams  and 
his  partner,  Asahel  Seward.  Both,  and  especially  the  for- 
mer, in  other  ways  also  rendered  the  town  valuable  service. 

In  the  first  court  held  in  the  new  county,  Nathan  Wil- 
liams was  admitted  to  practice  in  it.  Of  Welsh  descent,  he 
was  a  native  of  Massachusetts.  As  District  Attorney  from 
1801  to  1813,  as  Member  of  Assembly  for  three  terms,  as 
Representative  in  Congress  from  1805  to  1807,  and  as  Judge 
of  the  Circuit  Court  for  ten  years  after  1823,  his  record  is 
honorable.  The  bar  of  the  city  has  in  him  as  man  and  citi- 
zen an  inspiring  example. 

Ireland  had  little  representation  among  the  first  settlers, 
but  in  1802  came  John  C.  Devereux  and  later  three  brothers, 
to  take  an  active  part  in  traffic,  in  banking,  in  public  afifairs, 
in  charities,  and  to  leave  an  ever-widening  array  of  descend- 
ants. In  the  era  of  the  construction  of  the  Erie  canals, 
immigrants  flocked  in  large  numbers  from  that  island  not 
only  for  the  rough  work  of  digging  the  channel,  but  for 
every  form  of  activity  in  the  life  of  a  busy  people.  As  late 
as  1819,  when  Catholic  services  were  first  celebrated,  not 
more  than  thirty  residents  attended,  while  Protestant  Irish 
were  much  fewer;  yet  a  Catholic  Church  was  consecrated 
in  1821,  and  in  1822  a  Hibernian  association  was  formed. 
Later,  immigrants  from  the  Green  Isle  were  more  numer- 
ous, and  they  added  to  the  production,  the  intelligence  and 
the  wealth  of  the  place.  In  due  time,  they  formed  religious 
and  benevolent  societies,  and  in  their  own  way  kept  fresh 
the  memories  of  their  old  home.  Every  position  in  busi- 
ness and  the  State  became  subject  to  their  competition,  and 
nowhere  are  the  higher  qualities  of  their  race  more  worthily 


Boats  on  the  Mohawk,  with  stages  and  freight  wagons, 
had  supplied  the  means  of  transportation  for  the  growing 
trade  and  travel.  A  vast  impulse  was  given  when  boats 
ran  on  the  new  canal  as  far  as  Rome,  in  18 19,  and  still 
greater  when,  in  1825,  the  waters  of  Lake  Erie  were  joined 
with  those  of  the  Hudson.  Utica  gained  in  large  measure 
by  the  canal,  and  its  citizens  built  boats  and  managed  them, 
and  their  lines  of  packets  and  for  through  freight  prospered. 
The  village  soon  took  its  place  as  the  leading  center,  dis- 
tancing the  neighbors  to  which  it  had  held  second  rank  so 
that  local  orators  began  to  style  it  the  metropolis  of  the 
Mohawk  valley. 

With  no  lack  of  zeal  and  energy  for  manufactures,  Utica 
felt  then  as  always  its  poverty  in  water-power.  Its  capi- 
talists reached  out  to  the  streams  nearby,  where  nature  gave 
the  needed  force,  and  promoted  factories  for  cotton  and 
woolen,  and  at  points  where  fitting  silica  was  found, 
as  in  Marcy  and  Vernon,  set  up  glass  works.  In  18 10,  Wal- 
cott  &  Co.,  on  their  own  resources,  began  to  spin  cotton  yarn 
near  the  site  later  made  famous  as  New  York  Mills.  The 
Sauquoit  and  the  Oriskany  became  musical  with  new  in- 
dustries. Among  them  was  the  Capron  Manufacturing 
Company,  for  cotton,  still  existent  in  a  hamlet  of  that  name. 
One-third  of  the  capital  was  furnished  from  Utica,  and  the 
management  has  most  of  the  time  been  in  the  hands  of  its 

Corporate  banking  in  Utica  began  in  1809,  when  the 
Manhattan  Company,  of  New  York,  set  up  a  branch  here 
under  the  management  of  Montgomery  Hunt,  which  con- 
tinued in  operation  until  1818.  In  the  meantime,  local 
capitalists,  some  of  whom  had  been  interested  in  that  com- 
pany, organized  in  1812  the  Bank  of  Utica,  with  James  S. 
Kip  as  president,  with  the  same  Montgomery  Hunt  as 
cashier,  and  with  $600,000  capital.      The  institution  has 


lived  and  expanded  and  as  the  First  National  Bank  of  Utica 
continues  a  controlling  factor  in  the  monetary  affairs  of 
Central  New  York. 

Alexander  B.  Johnson,  who  had  served  as  a  State  Direc- 
tor of  this  bank,  knowing  it  was  difficult  to  secure  a  like 
charter  and  learning  from  the  device  of  Aaron  Burr  in  the 
case  of  the  Manhattan  Company,  planned  to  embody  bank- 
ing privileges  in  the  act  of  incorporation  of  the  Utica  In- 
surance Company.  The  capital  was  placed  at  $500,000; 
Mr.  Johnson  was  made  manager.  In  18 16,  deposits  were 
received  and  notes,  including  some  for  fractions  of  a  dollar, 
were  issued.  The  company  also  put  out  policies  of  insur- 
ance. The  Legislature,  in  18 18,  passed  a  general  law  which 
compelled  the  promoters  to  abandon  their  banking  project. 
Mr.  Johnson,  in  18 19,  transferred  his  services  to  the  Ontario 
Branch  Bank,  then  four  years  old,  and  was  chosen  its  presi- 
dent; he  controlled  its  affairs  until  its  charter  expired  in 
1855.  Its  successor  went  into  the  hands  of  a  receiver  within 
two  years,  but  no  blame  fell  on  him  for  the  mismanagement. 
John  C.  and  Nicholas  Devereux  began  at  an  early  day  to 
help  their  neighbors  care  for  their  savings,  and  kept  up  the 
practice  for  many  years  until,  in  1839,  they  turned  that  task 
over  to  the  Utica  Savings  Bank,  which  they  aided  to  or- 
ganize. Two  generations  have  added  to  its  strength  and 
usefulness.  Probably  owing  to  the  scarcity  of  currency  ag- 
gravated by  the  war,  the  village  trustees,  in  18 15,  issued 
"corporation  bills"  to  the  amount  of  $5,000,  in  six  denomi- 
nations from  three  to  seventy-five  cents,  and  they  passed 
readily  into  circulation. 

A  second  charter  for  the  village  dates  from  April  9,  1805, 
which  conferred  broader  powers  on  the  trustees — to  assize 
bread,  for  example — and  authorized  them  to  raise  $1,000 
a  year  for  buildings,  fire  departments  and  streets.  Of  the 
last  there  were  five — Main  and  Broad,  leading  to  the  east; 


Whitesboro  to  the  west;  with  Genesee,  then  extending  to  the 
present  line  of  Bleecker  Street. 

The  Female  Charitable  Society  of  Whitesboro  in  1806 
was  the  pioneer  of  the  benevolent  institutions  in  which  the 
people  have  always  delighted.  Private  schools  were 
opened  in  the  first  decade  of  the  century  and  in  18 14  a  char- 
ter was  obtained  for  the  Utica  Academy,  which  the  next 
year  began  to  take  pupils.  The  first  Sunday  school  was 
started  in  1815  for  colored  children;  then  in  18 16,  five 
young  ladies  gathered  in  white  pupils  from  the  poorer 
families.  Their  school  was  apart  from  any  church  and  had 
its  own  work  and  mission.  It  soon  enlisted  the  support  of 
leading  citizens  and  was  for  ten  years  a  strong  force,  until 
the  various  denominations  claimed  the  field  and  divided  the 

The  town  bore  its  full  share  in  the  war  of  1812.  Its 
location  gave  special  interest  to  the  attacks  on  the  northern 
frontier,  while  its  people  were  included  in  the  levy  en  masse 
for  the  defence  of  the  towns  on  Lake  Ontario  and  the  St. 
Lawrence.  They  responded  promptly  and  loyally  to  the 
extent  of  their  capacity.  Forces  recruited  elsewhere  passed 
on  and  not  a  few  had  winter  quarters  here.  As  soon  as  the 
season  of  18 13  opened,  the  movements  were  more  frequent 
while  British  prisoners  were  brought  from  the  north. 
Prominent  men  of  Utica  saw  active  service  in  the  militia, 
and  among  the  young  men  who  entered  the  navy,  two  won 
distinction  later  as  Admiral  Breese  and  Commodore  Inman. 
As  elsewhere,  the  war  called  out  here  an  enlargement  of 
production  and  an  expansion  of  traffic. 

When,  on  April  7,  1817,  Utica  was  separated  from 
Whitestown  and  made  a  town  by  itself  under  its  third  char- 
ter, the  Directory  claimed  a  population  of  2,861,  with  420 
dwellings.  There  were  several  stores,  three  church  edifices, 
three  banks,  tanneries  and  breweries,  with  shops  of  me- 


chanics.  The  town  had  also  a  lodge  and  chapter  of  Free 
Masons,  four  watchmen  and  a  free  school.  The  industry 
was  diversified  and  the  mercantile  interests  were  on  a  liberal 
scale,  while  the  bar,  remarkable  for  learning  and  eloquence, 
found  here  its  home.  Some  of  the  streets  had  cobble  pave- 
ments, and  new  roads  were  opened  as  need  required. 

The  earliest  records  preserved  do  not  contain  the  names 
of  the  first  officers  of  the  village,  but  Francis  A.  Bloodgood 
was  its  Treasurer  in  1800  and  until  Talcott  Camp  succeeded 
him  in  1802.  Jeremiah  Van  Rensselaer  was  President  in 
1805,  and  Ezra  S.  Cozier  served  in  that  position  for  ten 
years  from  1821,  a  longer  period  than  any  other  incumbent. 
The  village  doffed  its  rural  garb  and  put  on  urban  raiment 
when,  on  February  13,  1832,  it  received  its  charter  as  a  city. 
With  Buffalo,  whose  charter  is  dated  the  same  year,  it  stands 
among  the  five  earliest  cities  of  the  State.  A  population  of 
8,323  by  the  census  of  1830,  extended  south  from  the  Mo- 
hawk and  two  or  three  blocks  beyond  the  canal  and  reached 
over  four  or  five  blocks  on  either  side  of  Genesee  Street,  with 
rural  residences  more  remote  from  the  center. 

The  industries  were  many  rather  than  large.  The  in- 
dustrial and  mechanical  concerns  were  550  in  number  and 
they  looked  to  the  surrounding  country  for  much  of  their 
support.  The  stores  dealing  in  dry  goods  were  44;  in  gro- 
ceries and  general  merchandise,  63;  in  hardware,  10;  in 
millinery  and  dressmaking,  19;  in  watches  and  jewelry,  6; 
in  books,  5.  Breweries,  tanneries  and  one  distillery  turned 
out  their  products.  There  were  9  cabinet  shops  and  4  chair 
factories,  20  blacksmith  and  16  carpenter  shops,  3  furnaces, 
9  bakeries.  Among  the  articles  made  were  steam  engines 
(of  which  ten  were  used  in  the  city),  coaches,  wagons, 
plows,  lasts,  musical  instruments,  ropes,  pottery,  bricks. 
Nine  printeries  kept  19  presses  busy.  Boats  were  built,  of 
which  some  were  to  run  between  Ogdensburg  and  New 


York.  Thirty- two  physicians,  21  clergymen  and  43  attor- 
neys looked  after  the  people.  The  denominations  had  15 
churches,  of  which  the  Presbyterians,  Methodists  and  Bap- 
tists owned  each  2;  the  Welsh  3;  the  Episcopalians,  Re- 
formed, Catholics,  Congregationalists,  Universalists  and 
Friends,  each  i.  Eight  weekly  newspapers,  two  monthlies, 
and  one  bi-monthly  were  printed.  The  weeklies  claimed  a 
circulation  of  17,852  copies;  the  monthlies,  of  1,700;  and 
the  bi-monthly,  of  3,000. 

The  schools  included  the  academy,  a  gymnasium,  a 
lyceum,  3  ladies'  seminaries,  a  public  school  and  23  select 
institutions.  Literary  societies  were  maintained;  a  public 
library  boasted  a  thousand  volumes.  The  Mechanics'  As- 
sociation and  the  Young  Men's  Association  kept  open  read- 
ing rooms.  English  names  were  most  numerous  in  the 
Directory,  but  those  from  other  parts  of  the  United  King- 
dom are  there  too.  German  patronymics  increase  with  the 
volumes.  One  can  recognize  French  and  Italian  types, 
with  individuals  from  other  European  lands  and  also  the 
cosmopolite  Jew.  The  permanent  provision  for  amusement 
was  limited  to  a  museum,  the  city  garden,  with  fireworks 
now  and  then,  and  the  sulphur  springs,  now  remaining  only 
in  the  chronicles  or  in  lively  memories.  Travelling  com- 
panies on  their  route  presented  the  drama  and  occasionally, 
noted  actors  graced  the  local  stage,  but  only  later  were  man- 
agers inclined  to  abide  long. 

The  banks,  with  an  aggregate  capital  of  $1,300,000, 
found,  from  1830  to  the  expiration  of  the  charter  in  1836, 
a  competitor  in  a  local  branch  of  the  United  States  Bank. 
Although  the  County  Court  met  in  Rome  and  Whitesboro 
only,  the  United  States  Court  for  this  northern  district  held 
terms  alternately  in  Albany  and  Utica,  the  Supreme  Court 
in  New  York  and  Utica,  and  a  Court  of  Chancery  sat  here, 
but  the  two  county  jails  were  elsewhere.     For  the  new  city. 


every  week  92  mails  arrived  and  41  packets.  Four  stages 
started  daily  westvi^ard,  some  for  Buffalo,  and  three  east- 
ward, while  there  were  departures  also  for  the  north,  the 
south,  and  the  southwest.  Eleven  packets  plied  in  three 
daily  lines  to  Schenectady,  and  one  each  to  Buffalo,  Oswego 
and  Syracuse. 

The  first  Mayor  of  Utica  was  Joseph  Kirkland,  nephew 
of  the  Apostle  to  the  Oneidas.  He  had  won  distinction  at 
the  bar,  had  served  in  the  State  Legislature  and  in  the  Na- 
tional Congress,  was  a  general  in  the  militia,  zealous  in  en- 
terprise, education  and  charity,  and  prominent  and  success- 
ful in  business.  Four  wards,  two  north  and  two  south  of 
the  canal,  were  represented  by  three  aldermen  each.  A  vol- 
unteer fire  department  consisted  of  seven  companies  under 
a  chief  and  wardens.  One  supervisor,  four  justices  and 
three  constables  were  elected  for  the  city.  Other  officers 
were  appointed  by  the  Common  Council.  The  city  tax  was 
limited  to  $8,000  a  year,  while  the  assessors  placed  the  valu- 
ation of  real  estate  at  $2,672,595. 

The  lack  of  water  for  domestic  use  was  felt  at  an  early 
day.  Only  two  small  streams  entered  the  city,  Ballou's 
Creek  on  the  east,  and  Nail  Creek  on  the  west.  The  bed 
of  the  Mohawk  is  here  so  level  that  when  in  1828,  a  dam 
was  built  just  below  the  ford,  to  provide  power  for  a  flour 
mill,  land  owners  up  stream  brought  suit  for  damages  for 
the  setting  back  of  the  river,  so  that  the  promoters  aban- 
doned the  project.  The  water  supply,  apart  from  what 
wells  and  later  three  public  pumps  provided,  was  gathered 
by  the  Utica  Aqueduct  Company,  organized  in  1802,  from 
springs  which  gave  the  name  to  a  street  now  near  the  heart 
of  the  city.  This  company,  with  a  capital  of  $5,000,  served 
the  people  from  its  pipes  until  1824,  when  it  left  them  to 
their  own  resources.  The  Utica  Water  Works  took  up  the 
task  in  1834,  to  give  way  to  a  new  corporation  of  the  same 


name,  with  a  capital  of  $75,000,  which  let  waters  from  the 
southern  hills  into  its  mains,  November  8,  1849,  and  has 
grown  with  the  population.  By  the  addition  in  1906  of  a 
supply  from  the  Adirondacks,  and  with  a  capital  of 
$2,000,000,  it  has  resources  to  meet  for  a  long  period  all  the 
needs  of  manufactures  as  well  as  of  domestic  and  municipal 
uses.     Richard  U.  Sherman  is  the  president. 

The  first  summer  of  the  infant  city  was  marked  by  a 
severe  epidemic  of  the  cholera.  Business  was  interrupted 
from  July  12th  to  August  7th,  and  many  persons  fled  into 
the  country.  The  cases  of  the  disease  numbered  201,  and 
seventy  persons  died,  including  several  leading  citizens. 
The  efforts  to  care  for  the  sick  and  especially  the  poor,  were 
creditable  and  generous,  and  crowned  the  scourge  with  a 
halo  of  charity. 

In  September  and  October,  1834,  three  daily  newspapers 
were  started  in  the  young  city,  the  Whig,  the  Post  and  the 
Observer,  but  their  lives  were  short. 

The  era  of  railroad  building  began  early  in  central  New 
York.  Following  naturally  the  running  of  cars  between 
Albany  and  Schenectady,  a  line  from  the  latter  city  to 
Utica  was  constructed  and  opened  for  travel  August  2,  1836. 
Another  step  was  taken  for  the  local  benefit  by  a  railroad 
to  Syracuse,  on  which  cars  for  the  public  were  run  July  10, 
1839.  Passengers  and  freight  were  transferred  from  one 
line  to  the  other  at  a  common  station  in  Utica. 

Among  the  societies  formed  to  promote  the  common  wel- 
fare many  were  short  lived  or  took  on  successive  forms. 
The  Utica  Mechanics'  Association,  organized  in  1831  and 
incorporated  in  1833,  has  ceased  to  have  even  a  nominal 
existence.  For  more  than  half  a  century  it  enlisted  citi- 
zens of  all  vocations  and  did  a  great  deal  of  good.  It 
erected  a  commodious  hall  for  public  gatherings  and  when 
that  proved  inadequate  for  the  growing  town,  the  Associa- 


tion  responded  with  an  opera  house  of  modern  style  and 
dimensions.  The  fairs  held  year  after  year  led  to  display 
and  competition  in  the  products  of  mechanics  and  artistic 
industry.  While  the  lecture  system  was  in  vogue,  the  most 
famous  writers  and  speakers  of  this  country,  with  now  and 
then  a  foreigner  of  distinction,  appeared  in  the  local  course. 
State  conventions  of  both  political  parties  were  attracted  to 
the  city  by  the  spacious  auditorium. 

Considerable  notoriety  attached  to  Utica  in  1835,  by  the 
treatment  of  the  first  anti-slavery  convention  ever  held  in 
the  State.  A  public  meeting  protested  against  the  assem- 
bling of  that  body;  another  denounced  the  Common  Council 
for  granting  a  license  to  the  convention  to  meet  in  the  court 
house;  a  third  divided  over  resolutions,  declaring  in  favor 
of  free  speech  and  the  right  of  the  people  to  assemble,  and 
its  adjournment  was  disorderly.  The  convention  was  held 
on  October  21st  as  announced,  but  its  opponents  took  con- 
trol of  the  court  house,  so  that  the  delegates  were  forced  to 
organize  in  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church  on  Bleecker 
Street.  The  Democratic  county  convention  six  days  before, 
formally  resolved  "that  the  citizens  of  Utica  owe  it  to  them- 
selves, to  the  State  and  to  the  Union,  that  the  contemplated 
convention  of  incendiary  individuals  be  not  permitted  to 
assemble  within  its  corporate  borders."  The  gathering  at 
the  court  house  appointed  a  committee  to  "warn  the  dele- 
gates to  abandon  their  pernicious  movements."  This  com- 
mittee of  twenty-five  prominent  persons  was  followed  to  the 
church  by  a  large  crowd.  The  chronicle  of  the  times  re- 
cords: "After  considerable  violence  and  force,  an  entrance 
was  effected  amid  the  greatest  noise  and  confusion.  The 
resolutions  of  the  court  house  meeting  were  read  to  the  con- 
vention, and  the  latter  was  broken  up  amid  a  scene  of  up- 
roar, threats  of  violence  and  imprecations  upon  the  dele- 
gates, who  were  all  driven  from  the  house  and  subsequently 

272  CITY  OF   UTICA 

from  the  city.  Hundreds  became  abolitionists  merely  from 
sympathy."  Some  of  the  members  of  that  committee  and 
their  followers  became,  before  a  generation  ended,  active 
in  hostility  to  the  aggressions  of  the  slave  power. 

The  State,  in  1837,  bought  for  a  Lunatic  Asylum  the 
present  site  then  in  Whitestown,  and  citizens  of  Utica  sub- 
scribed $6,300  to  make  up  the  sum  of  $16,000  paid  for  the 
land.  For  the  main  building,  the  Legislature  appropriated 
$275,000.  For  improving  the  grounds,  for  furniture  and 
other  necessaries,  $42,000  was  added.  The  institution  was 
opened  January  16,  1843.  Patients  in  the  first  year  were 
276,  and  the  managers  called  on  the  State  to  provide  for 
enlargement.  Legislative  action  for  this  purpose  was  taken 
with  successive  appropriations,  amounting  to  $104,000 
within  a  few  years.  The  institution,  with  further  expan- 
sion under  eminent  superintendents  and  wise  managers,  has 
been  accepted  abroad  as  well  as  throughout  this  country  as 
a  model  in  its  noble  field. 

Under  the  laws  then  in  force,  special  charters  were  re- 
quired for  the  establishment  of  new  banks.  Such  privilege 
was  granted  May  13,  1836,  for  the  Oneida  Bank,  with  a 
capital  of  $400,000.  Commissioners  to  distribute  the  shares 
were  perplexed  by  applications  for  seven  times  that  amount 
from  over  2,000  subscribers.  Shares  were  assigned  to  673 
applicants,  of  whom  no  one  received  more  than  25.  The 
division,  it  was  charged,  was  made  to  Democrats  only,  and 
to  favorites  among  them.  At  a  public  meeting  the  commis- 
sioners were  denounced,  and  indictments  were  found  in  the 
courts  against  some  of  them.  The  affair  was  drawn  into 
local  politics  and  caused  no  little  social  bitterness.  A 
severe  blow  befell  the  bank  in  November  of  its  first  year 
by  the  robbery  from  its  vaults  of  $108,000  in  currency,  be- 
sides $8,£;oo  in  checks  and  drafts.  One  of  the  robbers  was 
caught  and  confessed,  but  only  about  a  third  of  the  spoils 


was  ever  recovered.  The  bank  survived  its  loss,  and  has 
proved  strong  and  profitable  under  the  control  of  some  of 
the  most  eminent  citizens. 

Perhaps  this  local  strife  helped  to  change  the  policy  of 
the  State,  and  to  bring  in  the  general  banking  law  which 
dispensed  with  special  charters.  Under  the  new  statute  the 
Bank  of  Central  New  York  was  organized  September  17, 
1838,  for  savings  as  well  as  for  commercial  business.  The 
capital  was  $110,200;  it  passed  into  the  hands  of  a  receiver 
in  1859.  Another  addition  to  financial  institutions  was 
made  in  1848  in  the  Utica  City  Bank  with  $125,000  capital, 
which  developed  into  a  vigorous  and  popular  aid  to  deposi- 
tors and  dealers. 

Not  every  project  for  the  benefit  of  the  city  has  fulfilled 
its  promises.  Much  was  hoped  from  the  Chenango  Canal 
in  lowering  the  price  of  coal  and  in  other  ways.  But  its 
traffic  proved  to  be  much  less  than  was  expected,  and  with 
other  lateral  canals,  it  was  after  some  years  abandoned  by 
the  State  as  unprofitable. 

The  Odd  Fellows  organized  Oneida  Lodge  in  1842  and 
as  the  years  ran  on  have  expanded.  Other  benevolent  and 
social  associations  have  come  in  under  their  various  names, 
and  citizens  of  Utica  have  often  been  chosen  executive  offi- 
cers in  the  several  general  bodies. 

Associated  with  Jason  Parker  in  the  running  of  stages 
were  Theodore  S.  Faxton,  John  Butterfield,  Silas  D.  Childs 
and  others.  They  had  learned  the  secret  of  transportation; 
they  foresaw  the  expansion  of  activity;  they  were  full  of 
energy  and  enterprise.  On  the  success  of  the  experimental 
line  of  telegraph  between  Baltimore  and  Washington,  they 
formed  the  New  York,  Albany  and  Buffalo  Telegraph 
Company,  and  put  up  the  first  wires  for  commercial  pur- 
poses. The  line  was  opened  for  messages  between  Albany 
and  Utica,  January  31,  1846,  and  between  New  York  and 
Buffalo,  September  9th,  succeeding. 


In  Utica  the  first  Associated  Press  in  this  country  had  its 
origin,  to  get  the  full  benefit  of  the  new  wires.  Arrange- 
ment was  made  to  telegraph  the  news  at  the  start  from  Al- 
bany, then  from  New  York.  Before  the  line  was  extended 
to  Syracuse,  the  messages  were  here  set  in  type  and  slips 
distributed  by  mail.  Afterwards,  for  three  months,  that 
city  rendered  the  service  until  the  wires  took  it  up  for  points 
further  west. 

The  disturbances  of  1848  in  Europe,  both  in  the  shadows 
which  they  cast  before,  as  well  as  in  their  direct  efifects, 
turned  a  strong  tide  of  migration,  especially  from  Germany, 
to  America,  and  not  a  little  of  the  advantage  was  reaped  by 
Utica.  Natives  of  several  of  the  German  States  had  chosen 
homes  here  in  previous  years;  they  had  formed  in  1840  a 
Catholic  Church,  and  a  Lutheran  congregation  also  con- 
ducted services  in  their  own  tongue.  A  Hebrew  synagogue, 
in  1848,  testified  to  the  presence  of  settlers  using  the  Ger- 
man language  from  eastern  Europe.  At  this  period,  the 
accessions  from  the  German  States  were  many  and  included 
industrious,  thrifty,  scholarly  people  who  have  engrafted 
on  the  community  the  solid  Teutonic  virtues. 

Capital  was  increasing  in  the  quiet  city  faster  than  the 
chances  for  its  use.  The  panic  of  1837  struck  not  a  few 
investments  made  by  Uticans  in  western  lands  after  a  prac- 
tice then  quite  common.  The  returns  from  the  factories 
on  the  adjacent  streams  were  steady  and  encouraging. 
Steam  elsewhere  was  competing  not  unfavorably  with 
water-power  for  manufacturing  purposes.  Why  could  not 
Utica  make  steam  its  servant  since  nature  had  not  provided 
water-power  here?  That  question  was  forcibly  urged  at  a 
public  meeting  in  1846,  and  after  investigation  by  trusted 
committees  who  made  elaborate  reports  dealing  with  the 
manufactures  of  both  cottons  and  woolens,  the  decision  was 
reached  that  both  these  branches  of  industry  might  be  con- 


.a33b-i3<fA    rnocf  ' /;M)-x;tnnKm   aalooV/ 

oJ  arricrj    .nasbiod  ^c/,,    .-r    ,.,,1/    ,i,„^[io:>?. 

-BVj    bnO-JsS   loJjLnil'    ;tOrM    <-<,^;i     ;,,:•-. ,  ,n,>    t..   ■(.,.  1, ,..,-,., 

>lw£rIoM    ,coi.  ! 
bfffi   do';)  --iNrffl-jfi^ 

-URe)/   rrjIooV/  i. 

lr^:^^(  ' 

In  Utica  the  ■  tted  Press  in  this  country  had  its 

origin,  to  get  the  ai  i  eiicfit  of  the  new  wires.  Arrange- 
ment was  made  to  tticgraph  the  news  at  the  start  from  Al- 
bany, then  from  New  York.  Before  the  line  was  extended 
to  Syracuse,  the  messages  were  here  set  in  type  and  slips 
distributed  by  mail.  Afterwards,  for  three  months,  that 
city  rendered  the  service  until  the  wires  took  it  up  for  points 
further  west. 

The  disturbances  of  1848  in  Europe,  both  in  the  shadows 
which  they  cast  before,  as  well  as  in  their  direct  effects, 
turned  a  strong  tideg^g^giia^(|)|ijjj5y^^iy  from  Germany, 
to  Ameav    ,  <    '   it  ■■  I'tUc  of  t!-   .  "> ;  -  "  ^::   ' /.  reaped  by 

Utica..  y'^'f'  "--'^-f.^^T, ,n1. ^^^if fi'^v,  ^'T' ^  -^^ff^e^fosen 

bcotland,  May  25,  1825;  ectucate.l  111  Alierdeen.  Came ^o 
"^"l^^Aimerica  and  eilgag-ed  in  the  woolen  manufacture.  Agen^'^  ^ 
Catlunifi  Globe  Woolen  Conipari)',  Utica,  New  York,  1857-102*^°"" 
ducteii>Kesjdeqt  .of  sartie  company  1882^1902.;  director.  Secbnd'iN'affue, 
in  i8iR'"#^P^#;o^'  Utica.  .Savuigs  ^ankftt-Uticar  Mohawk  : 
man  iV^l^^y.  ^?'"^'..W^'^''  Alecbatucs'  dissociation,  and  Utica.  &^,e 
Wiilowvale  Bleachei  y ;  member  Fort  Schuyler  Club  and  |  j 
**^' '  "Rome  Market  Club,  .VationaJ  Association  of  Woolen  Manu-  j 
^ndy  'facttirers,  Attlmcan  Prd^ive'tiiniif  Leaguy/Yft^f "^,^^^° 
on  th(Sfa.teiAgBtofli|ii«iieS&ete<^  ;Tliy4tm¥iik*f tMgSigo2. 

Capital  was  increasing  in  the  quiet  city  faster  than  the 
chances  for  its  use.  The  panic  of  1837  struck  not  a  few 
investments  made  by  Uticans  in  western  lands  after  a  prac- 
tice then  quite  common.  The  returns  from  the  factories 
on  the  adjacent  streams  were  steady  and  encouraging. 
Steam  elsewhere  was  competing  not  unfavorably  with 
water-power  for  manufacturing  purposes.  Why  could  not 
Utica  make  steam  its  servant  since  nature  had  not  provided 
water-power  here?  That  question  was  forcibly  urged  at  a 
public  meeting  in  1846,  and  after  investigation  by  trusted 
committees  who  made  elaborate  reports  dealing  with  the 
manufactures  of  both  cottoo.s  and  woolens,  the  decision  was 
reached  that  both  these  branrhe?  of  industry  might  be  con- 




ducted  within  the  corporate  borders  with  good  prospect  of 
fair  profits.  The  interest  of  citizens  was  aroused,  and 
prompt  action  taken  on  a  scale  large  for  the  time  and  the 

The  Steam  Woolen  Mills  Company  was  organized  with 
a  capital  of  $100,000,  and  the  next  year,  the  Globe  Mills 
followed  with  like  capital.  Two  brothers,  with  experience 
in  New  England  mills,  were  invited  to  help  in  the  practical 
work.  Samuel  Churchill  was  designated  as  agent  for  the 
former,  and  William  C.  Churchill  for  the  latter.  The  pres- 
ent large  and  profitable  Globe  Mills  Company  is  the  de- 
velopment of  both. 

Oneida  County  had  earned  a  wide  reputation  for  its 
cotton  fabrics,  and  the  Utica  Steam  Cotton  Mills  enjoyed 
that  advantage,  when  the  company  formed  in  1847  started 
its  machinery  in  1850.  It  has  furnished  labor  to  thousands 
in  the  course  of  its  life,  trade  to  merchants,  markets  to  the 
neighboring  farmers  and  impetus  to  all  branches  of  industry 
and  production.  Five  furnaces,  several  large  machine 
shops  and  other  works  for  iron,  were  carried  on  at  the 
middle  of  the  century  as  private  enterprises. 

Gas  was  supplied  in  1850  by  the  Gas  Light  Company, 
organized  two  years  before  with  $80,000  capital.  It  has 
spread  out  as  need  demanded,  and  by  various  mergers  now 
furnishes,  with  a  capital  of  $2,000,000,  illumination  and 
.power  by  both  gas  and  electricity,  using  force  from  the 
stream  above  Trenton  Falls.  It  has  alliances  covering 
$7,000,000  capital.  The  vice-president  and  active  manager 
is  William  E.  Lewis,  while  A.  N.  Brady  is  president  and 
M.  J.  Brayton  secretary. 

The  citizens  of  Utica  have  always  been  noted  for  both 
their  public  and  private  charities.  The  Utica  Orphan 
Asylum,  which  had  long  struggled  with  scanty  facilities, 
was  able,  in  1848,  to  provide  a  commodious  home  for  its 


wards,  and  two  generations  have  shown  the  excellence  and 
efficiency  of  its  labors  there.  The  years  have  added  noble 
institutions  in  the  same  and  kindred  fields  which  adorn  and 
bless  the  community,  so  that  now  the  asylums  for  orphans 
are  five  in  number,  while  ten  homes  and  hospitals  minister 
to  the  sick  and  aged.  Of  these,  newly  built  on  the  most 
liberal  scale  and  equipped  with  all  the  devices  of  modern 
science,  are  the  House  of  the  Good  Shepherd  and  St.  Luke's 

While  active  life  was  reaching  out  in  so  many  ways,  the 
thoughts  of  citizens  turned  also  to  care  for  the  dead.  Rail- 
roads were  crowding  unpleasantly  near  to  the  grounds  gen- 
erally used  for  burials.  The  city  was  nominally  in  charge, 
and  the  sexton  was  named  by  the  council.  Taste  and  senti- 
ment called  for  a  change  and  met  with  fitting  response  in 
the  formation  of  the  Utica  Cemetery  Association,  in  1849. 
On  heights  overlooking  the  town,  grounds  were  formally 
dedicated  June  14,  1850,  and  near  the  entrance,  the  Oneida 
stone,  belonging  to  the  tribe  of  that  name,  was  placed  by 
a  delegation  of  Oneida  and  Onondaga  Indians.  Catholics 
have  recently  purchased  broad  grounds  adjoining,  besides 
an  older  cemetery,  for  they  and  the  Jews  prefer  graves  in 
earth  consecrated  for  themselves,  but  the  dead  of  other  de- 
nominations rest  in  the  Forest  Hill  Cemetery  and  adjacent 
heights  of  a  similar  title  under  private  control. 

Transient  advantage  was  gained  by  a  rage  which  pre- 
vailed before  and  after  1850  for  the  construction  of  plank 
roads.  As  the  country  about  was  new  and  the  inhabitants 
scattered,  the  highways  were  left  without  much  care, 
although  there  were  commissioners  and  a  road  tax  which 
might  be  paid  in  labor.  In  spring  and  autumn  travel  was 
difficult  and  in  some  cases  almost  impossible.  To  remedy 
the  evil,  the  Legislature  passed  a  general  law  authorizing 
companies  to  lay  planks  in  the  country  roads  and  to  collect 

CONDITIONS   IN    1850  277 

tolls  for  returns  for  construction  and  repairs.  Little  im- 
provement was  made  in  the  roadbeds  and  the  planks  were 
laid  on  the  surface.  For  a  brief  while,  wheels  rolled 
smoothly  and  the  tolls  were  paid  without  clamor.  The 
eight  or  ten  companies  with  termini  in  Utica  and  their  other 
ends  at  the  north,  south,  east  and  west,  learned  too  soon  that 
their  projects  served  for  a  summer  day,  but  the  foundation 
was  neglected,  the  planks  were  too  thin  to  last,  and  the  tolls 
not  enough  to  cover  expenses.  The  roads  fell  back  to  the 
old  conditions,  as  the  floods  came  and  gullied  them.  The 
plank  policy  was  a  poor  makeshift  for  the  methods  inaugu- 
rated under  the  $50,000,000  appropriation  in  1906,  but  fore- 
shadowed a  broad  system  for  highways  for  use  and  comfort. 

A  new  charter  in  1849,  gave  to  the  17,556  inhabitants 
shown  by  the  census  of  1850,  six  wards  with  a  supervisor 
and  two  aldermen  for  each,  and  added  to  the  elective  offi- 
cers. By  a  special  act  the  same  year,  the  common  schools 
were  placed  under  the  control  of  a  non-partisan  board  of 
six  commissioners,  one-third  retiring  each  twelve  months, 
and  chosen  at  the  charter  election.  Modern  methods  have 
been  brought  in  step  by  step ;  school  buildings  have  been 
multiplied  to  keep  pace  with  the  pupils;  the  old  academy 
has  been  merged  into  the  free  school  system  in  a  new  and 
elegant  edifice,  while  the  public  library,  in  part  the  gift  of 
private  munificence,  is  an  ornament  to  the  chief  avenue,  and 
with  its  50,000  volumes,  is  a  worthy  proof  and  instrument 
of  local  culture. 

The  military  spirit  expressed  itself  by  the  Utica  Citizens 
Corps,  which,  from  1837,  enlisted  some  of  the  best  men  of 
the  city.  Other  companies  came  rapidly  into  the  field  after 
1850,  so  that  within  five  years  there  were  no  less  than  five 
rivals  for  recruits  and  popular  favor.  In  the  meantime  the 
militia  regiment  took  on  better  form,  and  the  brigade  head- 
quarters were  in  Utica.     When,  therefore,  President  Lin- 


coin  called  for  volunteers  for  the  war  for  the  Union,  men 
who  had  learned  the  manual  and  the  use  of  arms  were  ready 
for  the  emergency.  The  response  was  prompt  and  gen- 
erous. Enlistments  began  at  once  in  April,  1861,  and  from 
the  uniformed  companies  went  out  many  who  earned  dis- 
tinction as  officers,  as  well  as  the  full  quota  of  privates. 
The  local  patriotism  did  not  weary  during  the  war,  but  was 
lavish  during  all  the  conflict,  in  gifts  for  hospitals  as  well 
as  for  the  comfort  of  troops  in  camp,  while  the  home-coming 
of  the  veterans  was  joyfully  celebrated.  The  final  roster 
included  Daniel  Butterfield,  as  major-general;  James  Mc- 
Quade,  Rufus  Daggett  and  William  R.  Pease  and  James  G. 
Grindlay,  as  brigadier-generals  for  honorable  service; 
Francis  X.  Myers,  William  H.  Christian,  William  H.  Rey- 
nolds, George  T.  Hollingworth  and  Charles  H.  Ballou,  as 
colonels,  with  a  noble  array  of  others  of  less  rank,  but  with 
unblemished  record  and  solid  merit. 

The  high  wave  of  prosperity  which  followed  over  the 
republic  when  peace  was  declared  did  not  refuse  its  bless- 
ings to  Utica.  New  enterprises  were  many  and  on  various 
lines.  Manufactures  offered  novel  articles;  merchants 
branched  out;  buildings  were  erected  fitting  the  larger  town, 
and  the  advance  was  marked  in  all  directions.  The 
diversity  of  origin  of  the  citizens  became  more  apparent  as 
the  century  drew  to  its  close.  A  Swiss  Benevolent  Associa- 
tion was  formed  in  1867  by  settlers  from  the  region  of  the 
Alps.  French  names  multiplied  in  the  Directory  and  in 
active  pursuits,  and  people  from  other  European  nations 
came  in  increasing  force. 

A  new  charter  was  granted  in  1870  and  another  in  1880. 
Under  the  latter,  with  a  population  of  33,918,  the  wards 
became  twelve,  with  a  supervisor  and  alderman  for  each, 
the  aldermen  serving  two  years,  one-half  of  the  board  retir- 
ing each  year.     A  commission  was  set  over  the  police  and 


fire  departments  in  1874,  and  other  matters  were  entrusted 
to  like  boards.  The  industries  under  individual  control 
were  extended  and  many  were  incorporated  under  the  gen- 
eral statute.  Clubs  were  formed  on  a  broader  scale  than 
had  prevailed.  The  Fort  Schuyler  Club,  with  Horatio 
Seymour  as  its  first  president,  the  Masonic  Club,  the  Odd 
Fellows'  Union,  the  Maennerchor,  the  Turn  Verein  and  the 
New  Century,  own  their  own  spacious  and  well-furnished 

Organizations,  with  the  county,  central  New  York,  or 
the  entire  State  as  their  field,  have  their  chief  quarters 
here.  Of  such  is  the  County  Medical  Society,  started  in 
July,  1806,  which  has  celebrated  its  hundredth  anniversary, 
and  also  the  Oneida  Historical  Society,  incorporated  in 
1876,  which  for  more  than  a  generation  has  gathered  the 
chronicles  worth  preserving  of  men  and  events,  has  marked 
historic  sites,  has  helped  to  erect  monuments  to  Generals 
Steuben  and  Herkimer,  joined  in  celebrations  of  centennials 
of  several  towns,  made  memorable  that  of  the  battle  of  Oris- 
kany,  and  adorned  the  bloody  field  with  a  towering  obelisk. 
The  Munson  Williams  Memorial  Building,  valued  at  over 
$100,000,  provided  by  the  wise  generosity  of  the  family 
whose  name  it  bears,  safeguards  the  treasures  of  the  society 
and  insures  its  permanence.  Different  in  type  is  the  Com- 
mercial Travelers'  Association,  which,  in  its  own  solid 
building,  transacts  an  extensive  accident  insurance  business. 
The  Masonic  Home  was  opened  in  October,  1892.  It  has 
225  acres  on  the  eastern  border  of  the  town  and  has  a  group 
of  commodious  edifices  with  a  broad  landscape ;  the  property 
cost  $1,000,000.  The  inmates  number  425,  of  whom  196 
are  men,  114  women,  50  boys  and  65  girls. 

The  business  men  of  the  town  several  times  formed 
boards  or  chambers  to  promote  the  common  interests,  but 
these  passed  away  as  the  transient  zeal  flickered  out.     Since 


1896,  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  has  been  practical,  vigor- 
ous and  efficient,  studying  plans  for  local  improvements,  for 
the  introduction  of  new  industries,  and  for  the  correction  of 
abuses.  Its  annual  banquets  have  introduced  guests  of  State 
and  national  distinction. 

The  rich  dairy  districts,  finding  their  center  here,  called 
into  being  the  Dairy  Board  of  Trade,  which  has  for  many 
seasons  held  its  weekly  markets.  The  yearly  sales  run  over 
a  million  dollars,  latterly  about  two-thirds  in  cheese  of 
small  size  sought  for  the  domestic  trade.  The  value  of 
butter  sold  annually  in  this  market,  experts  reckon  at 

The  local  Young  Men's  Christian  Association,  organized 
February  10,  1858,  was  able,  by  its  energy  and  persistence, 
to  lay,  in  1888,  the  corner-stone  of  an  edifice  fitted  for  its 
work,  with  rooms  for  classes,  a  gymnasium,  an  ample  audi- 
torium, and  to  add  dormitories.  When  that  building  was 
destroyed  by  fire  the  Association  bought  other  property  well 
fitted  for  its  uses.  With  real  estate  worth  over  $150,000,  it 
is  an  instrument  of  usefulness,  of  safety  and  of  elevation. 
Its  members  are  about  nine  hundred.  The  Women's 
Christian  Association  works  in  like  fields  and  owns  a  com- 
modious home  prominently  located. 

When  the  twentieth  century  began,  there  was  an  inflow  of 
settlers  from  sources  not  prolific  before.  The  construction 
of  the  West  Shore  Railroad  called  for  hosts  of  laborers  as 
well  as  mechanics.  Immigrants  from  Italy  had  before 
come  only  as  individuals,  or  single  families.  Now  they 
flocked  by  hundreds  to  seek  homes  here,  and  in  half  a  dec- 
ade they  exceed  12,000,  or  a  sixth  of  the  population. 
While  unskilled  laborers  compose  the  majority  of  them, 
many  are  mechanics  and  artisans,  some  are  builders  and 
contractors,  some  work  in  the  factories;  they  have  their  own 
grocers,  merchants,  bankers  and  brokers,  and  sustain  two 


weekly  newspapers.  Three  societies  minister  to  their  social, 
literary  and  benevolent  objects;  they  have  several  clubs, 
while  services  in  their  own  tongue  are  conducted  in  a 
Catholic  church,  and  a  Protestant  meeting  house. 

The  persecution  in  Russia  drove  hither  hundreds  of  Jews, 
and  many  Hungarians  also  came.  A  systematic  immigra- 
tion of  Polish  people  took  place  about  the  same  time. 
Many  of  them  went  to  work  in  the  factories  and  found  favor 
with  the  managers.  Some  engaged  in  rough  labor  and 
other  occupations.  They  soon  learn  the  English  language 
and  American  habits.  The  Poles,  in  1906,  laid  the  corner- 
stone of  a  Catholic  church,  of  large  dimensions,  built  of 
stone,  which  cost  $125,000. 

By  repeated  annexations  on  the  south  and  west,  the  area 
of  the  city  became,  in  1905,  9.06  square  miles,  or  5,802  acres. 
The  eastern  boundary  has  always  been  the  line  of  Herkimer 
County.  Bends  in  the  river  have  been  straightened,  to 
avoid  recurring  floods,  redeem  the  flats  and  afford  more 
space  for  station,  freight  houses  and  shops  for  the  railroads. 
Thus,  the  boundary  is  carried  to  the  new  channel,  2,800  feet 
to  the  north  at  Genesee  Street,  and  the  barge  canal  is  to  run 
in  the  Mohawk  there.  The  plot  of  the  city  is  not  regular 
in  form.  If  a  circle  is  placed  over  it,  flattened  at  the  north 
and  south  diameter,  that  line  will  be  three  miles,  while  the 
east  and  west  diameter  will  be  four  and  a  half  miles,  and  at 
the  south  and  west  angles  will  project  still  farther.  The 
wards  are  now  fifteen,  with  a  supervisor  and  an  alderman 
for  each. 

Of  public  buildings,  that  for  the  Federal  courts  and  post- 
office,  built  by  the  United  States,  is  appraised  by  the  as- 
sessors at  $450,000.  The  armory,  valued  at  $83,000,  and 
the  lunatic  asylum  and  grounds  at  $1,075,100,  belong  to  the 
State.  Oneida  County  owns  the  jail,  $55,000,  and  the  site 
of  the  new  court  house,  $75,000,  on  which  a  noble  edifice 


completed  in  1907,  cost  $1,000,000.  The  real  property  of 
the  municipality  is  estimated  by  the  assessors  at  $5,419,141, 
and  includes  the  city  hall  and  the  police  station,  assessed  at 
$158,000;  the  public  library,  $200,000;  the  academy,  $177,- 
000;  24  school  houses,  ranging  from  $5,000  to  $35,000  each, 
with  $62,000  for  the  advanced  school ;  ten  fire-engine  houses 
at  from  $3,000  to  $15,200  each.  The  value  of  five  rather 
small  municipal  parks  is  placed  at  $102,000;  that  of  Chan- 
cellor Square,  the  first  laid  out,  is  $70,000.  Five  parks  on 
the  outskirts  are  extensive  and  three  of  them  during  the 
season  offer  popular  amusements.  The  city  hospital  is  as- 
sessed at  $70,000,  the  dispensary  at  $4,200,  and  the  public 
bath  at  $3,000. 

Private  school  buildings  exempt  from  taxation,  include 
St.  Vincent  Industrial  School,  $20,000;  Assumption  Acad- 
emy, $10,000;  St.  Joseph,  $15,000;  St.  Mary,  $3,000;  two 
German  Lutheran,  $6,000,  and  a  Hebrew  free  school, 

The  Episcopalians  possess  seven  church  edifices  with  an 
aggregate  valuation  of  $348,500;  the  Presbyterians,  six, 
$180,800;  the  Baptists  five,  $193,500;  the  Methodists  six, 
$114,700;  the  Catholics  eight  (of  which  one  is  German,  one 
Italian,  one  Polish),  $589,800;  the  Welsh  four,  $59,500;  the 
Lutherans  eight  (of  which  four  use  the  German  tongue), 
$120,000;  the  Moravians  two,  $13,500;  the  Jews  three,  $12,- 
000;  the  Reformed  Dutch  one,  $40,000;  Universalists  one, 
$35,000;  Congregationals  one,  $50,000;  the  colored  people 
one,  $1,200.  The  Christian  Scientists  have  a  society  which 
meets  in  a  hired  hall. 

Three  daily  newspapers,  the  Herald-Dispatch,  the 
Observer  and  the  Press  serve  the  community  with  due  dili- 
gence. In  addition  there  is  one  semi-weekly,  and  a  Ger- 
man paper  appears  tri-weekly.  The  weeklies  are  eight,  of 
which  one  is  Italian,  one  Welsh,  and  one  Polish.     A  Welsh 


monthly  and  another  in  English,  for  Welsh  people,  called 
the  Cambrian,  are  printed.  The  journals  of  Utica  have 
always  stood  in  the  foremost  rank,  and  the  city  owes  them 
much  for  their  advocacy  of  every  worthy  cause. 

January  i,  1908,  Utica  passed  under  the  provisions  of  the 
White  Act  of  1906  under  the  uniform  charter  for  second- 
class  cities.  The  wards  and  their  offices  were  not  changed. 
The  powers  of  the  mayor  were  much  enlarged,  and  single 
heads  were  designated  for  the  police  and  fire  departments, 
and  for  public  works,  and  a  comptroller  supervises  the 
finances,  while  there  are  some  new  boards  and  bureaus. 
The  public  schools,  24  in  number,  include  a  training  school 
and  evening  schools.  They  are  under  the  care  of  a  bi- 
partisan commission  and  a  superintendent.  The  enrollment 
of  the  pupils  in  1910  was  11,341,  and  the  average  daily 
attendance  8,614.  The  average  attendance  in  the  academy 
was  781.     The  expenditures  in  1810  amounted  to  $312,644. 

The  area  of  the  city  now  covers  5,955  acres,  and  the  streets 
are  124  miles  in  length.  Of  these  61.75  miles  have  sheet 
asphalt  pavement,  5.10  have  medina  block,  2.14  wooden, 
while  fractions  of  a  mile  have  cobble,  granite  or  brick  pave- 
ment. The  streets  unpaved  extend  53.24  miles,  while  the 
miles  of  pavement  in  use  are  70.75.  There  are  sewers  in  use 
for  90.75  miles.  The  street  railways  extend  25.7  miles. 
For  public  lighting,  930  electric  avenues  are  used,  and  there 
are  51,082  feet  of  subways. 

The  local  financial  institutions  have  developed  in  a  re- 
markable degree  in  recent  years,  and  their  resources  are  not- 
ably large  in  their  ratio  to  the  population.  The  First  Na- 
tional, under  Charles  B.  Rogers  president,  and  Henry  R. 
Williams  vice-president  and  cashier,  has  $1,000,000  capital, 
$1,406,084  surplus,  and  $7,086,661  resources;  the  Oneida 
National,  with  George  L.  Bradford  president,  and  G.  A. 
Niles  cashier,  reports  $600,000  capital,  $761,764  surplus, 


and  $3,461,734  resources.  The  Utica  City  National,  under 
Charles  S.  Symonds  president,  and  M.  C.  Brown  cashier^ 
counts  $1,000,000  capital,  $234,977  surplus,  and  $3,636,267 
resources.  T.  R.  Proctor  president,  and  Frank  R.  Winant 
cashier,  state  for  the  Second  National  $300,000  capital, 
$342,838  surplus,  and  $2,092,348  resources.  The  Utica 
Trust  and  Deposit  Co.  has  James  S.  Sherman  as  president, 
and  J.  Francis  Day  vice-president  and  secretary,  with 
$400,000  capital,  $515,734  surplus  and  $7,180,929  resources. 
Of  the  Citizens  Trust  Company,  William  I.  Faber  is  presi- 
dent, and  F.  H.  Doolittle  secretary;  the  capital  is  $300,000, 
surplus  $263,556,  and  resources  $4,108,375. 

The  Savings  Bank  of  Utica  reports  assets  of  $16,382,620, 
of  which  the  surplus  is  $1,187,269.  The  open  accounts 
number  34,425,  and  average  $440.  Charles  A.  Miller  is 
president,  and  Rufus  P.  Birdseye  secretary  and  treasurer. 

The  Homestead  Aid  Association  of  Utica  has  been  in 
business  for  27  years,  has  now  5,290  members,  and  assets  of 
$2,598,318.  Its  president  is  Watson  T.  Dunmore,  and  sec- 
retary, Sherwood  S.  Curran.  While  the  business  of  the 
Commercial  Travelers'  Association  extends  into  many  states, 
the  head  office  is  in  Utica.  The  membership  is  66,288. 
Henry  D.  Pixley  has  been  president  since  the  organization 
in  1883,  and  George  S.  Dana  its  secretary.  The  Associa- 
tion has  a  surplus  of  $618,456. 

Of  the  Cornhill  Building  and  Loan  Association,  J.  Lewis 
Jones  is  president,  Owen  T.  Luker  secretary,  and  Charles 
W.  Bushinger  treasurer.  The  members  are  680,  and  the 
assets  $300,340. 

The  assessment  of  Utica  for  1910-1911  amounts  to  $43,- 
024,010,  and  the  ratio  of  taxation  is  2.24.  The  city  tax  pro- 
duced $958,450.  The  aggregate  municipal  receipts  for 
1 9 10  were  $2,695,415,  while  the  disbursements  were  $2,- 
709,625.     The  bonded  debt  is  stated  at  $1,945,618.     The 

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iur)'inib  'lo  sfijauii 

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::rces.     The  Utica  City  National,  under 
s  president,  and  M.  C.  Brown  cashier, 

^   capital,  $234,977  surplus,  and  $3,636,267 

T.  R.  Proctor  president,  and  Frank  R.  Winant 
state  for  the  Second  National  $300,000  capital, 
$342,838  surplus,  and  $2,092,348  resources.  The  Utica 
Trust  and  Deposit  Co.  has  James  S.  Sherman  as  president, 
and  J.  francis  Day  vice-president  and  secretary,  with 
$400,000  capital,  $515,734  surplus  and  $7,180,929  resources. 
<  )t  the  Citizens  Trust  Company,  William  I.  Faber  is  presi- 
■nr   "r^d  F   H.  Doolittle  secretary;  the  capital  is  $300,000, 

THOMAS'  'K.^^'fti  )eTuR.  ■ 
o    ,  ,        ,     ■  w  '  s  of  $i6,-?82,620, 

Bank  president;   born    Proctorville,    \ermont,    May   25, 
1844;  educated  in  English  High  School,    Boston;  'seryefl''""!^ 
during  the  Civil  War  in  United  States  Navy,  and  rece^vetf  ^''  ^^ 
thanks  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Navy;  president  of' the  Seedier, 
ond  National  Bank  of  Utica;  trustee  or  director  Utica  Sav^  11    in 
ings  Bank;  Utica  Trust  Company ;  and  vice-president  of  the  ■;  of 
Utica  Daily  Press  Company.    Is  a  member  of  the  Military 
Order  of  the  Loyal  Legion ;  G.  A.  R. ;  Sons  of  the  Revolu- .  ^  , 
tion;  New   England   Society;   Mayflower  Society ;   Society ' 
Colonial    Wars;    Society    Fdunders    and    Patriots;    Naval '■'^^^^' 
Order  of  the  United  States? JsIaml.Leaguei^ett!.-;..H    ^s   06,288. 
>.  Pi.vley  has  been  president  since  the  organization 
i  .i  (.t-   rtje  S.  Dana  its  secretary.     The  Associa- 
'  $618,4^6. 

^uildin^   .M(i  I'.^jn    \s^  ^   ^ 

1  Charles 

~M},  and  the 

.(mounts  to  $43,- 
,24,01.  i  IS  ..:  24.     The  city  tax  pro- 

(iuccd    ^  .,.ite   municipal   receipts   for 

19T0  were  i.  rit  the  disbursements  were  $2,- 

709,625.    Til.  -I>t  is  stated  at  $1,945,618.    The 

/\^. /W-c/zry— 


bureau  of  buildings  reports  plans  approved  last  year  for  392 
new  structures  and  for  alterations  in  255  buildings,  involv- 
ing an  outlay  of  $2,632,108. 

During  recent  years,  Thomas  R.  Proctor  has  lifted  the 
park  system  to  a  notable  height,  by  giving  to  the  city  open 
spaces  in  various  woods.  One  hears  his  own  name,  another 
is  called  after  Roscoe  Conkling.  The  latter  looks  down 
from  Steel's  Hill  on  the  valley  northward  as  the  acropolis 
crowns  classic  Athens.  Now  Utica  has  13  parks  contain- 
ing 546.2  acres,  of  which  15  acres  are  constructed  in  park- 
way. In  the  largest  two  parks  are  10.14  miles  of  well-made 

The  largest  manufacturing  corporation  is  that  consoli- 
dated under  the  title  of  the  Utica  Steam  &  Mohawk  Valley 
Cotton  Mills.  Its  capital  is  $2,000,000,  and  it  has,  includ- 
ing large  additions  in  1906  of  buildings  and  machinery, 
about  6,000  horse-power  driving  2,500  wide  looms  with 
160,000  spindles.  The  full  working  force  includes  about 
2,000  persons.  The  management  is  under  George  De 
Forest  president,  John  A.  McGregor  secretary,  and  Henry 
T.  Mansfield  superintendent.  The  record  of  the  company 
is  that  of  continued  success. 

The  Skenandoa  Cotton  Company  makes  fine  hosiery 
yarns.  Its  capital  is  $1,000,000;  it  uses  about  2,400  horse- 
power and  employs  500  persons.  A  new  mill  increases  the 
horse-power  to  2,800,  and  the  employees  to  600.  The  total 
product  of  cotton  goods  in  the  city  in  1905  was  $5,001,177. 
The  officers  are  N.  E.  Deverant  president,  W.  S.  Doolittle 

The  woolen  manufacture  is  concentrated  in  the  Globe 
Woolen  Company  with  a  capital  of  $300,000  and  a  large  sur- 
plus. It  operates  161  broad  and  1 1  narrow  looms  with  1,000 
horse-power,  and  employs  about  800  persons.  Its  fabrics 
rank  high  in  the  market  for  style  and  quality.     The  present 


officers  are:  J.  F.  Maynard  president,  F.  T.  Proctor  vice- 
president,  A.  B.  Maynard  secretary. 

Knitting  mills  number  22,  turning  out  underwear,  hos- 
iery and  caps.  Their  capital  ranges  from  $500,000  down- 
ward. Their  production  and  sales  show  continual  growth, 
and  amounted  last  year  to  $20,000,000  while  the  operatives 
numbered  5,000.  Including  the  near-by  towns  this  is  by 
far  the  leading  center  of  the  knitting  industry.  This  emi- 
nence has  been  won  by  the  ability  and  diligence  of  the  heads 
of  the  mills.  They  include  John  B.  Wild,  N.  E.  Devereux, 
Quentin  McAdam,  George  A.  Frisbie,  William  T.  Baker, 
W.  H.  Stanchfield,  W.  J.  Frisbie,  John  E.  McLoughlin, 
Aras  J.  Williams,  George  H.  Spitzh,  C.  A.  Byington,  Wil- 
liam E.  Lewis,  A.  V.  Lynch,  George  W.  Oakley,  and  others. 

An  addition  made  in  1910  was  the  Fine  Yarn  Company, 
with  $225,000  capital  and  210  employees  working  night  and 
day,  producing  high-grade  yarns.  W.  B.  Foster  is  presi- 
dent, F.  L.  Wood  secretary,  and  W.  L  Taber  treasurer. 
Among  the  corporations  a  few  typical  may  be  cited.  The 
Savage  Arms  Company  produces  fire  arms  of  wide  repute. 
It  has  a  capital  of  $1,000,000,  its  officers  are  B.  Adriance 
president,  W.  J.  Green  vice-president,  F.  C.  Chadwick 
superintendent,  and  T.  D.  Moore  manager.  The  furnaces 
and  heaters  designed  and  made  here  are  sold  from  ocean  to 
ocean  to  the  annual  value  of  nearly  $2,000,000.  The  Hart 
and  Crouse  Company,  with  $110,000  capital,  under  H.  G. 
Hart  president,  with  whom  Merwin  K.  Hart  is  associated, 
and  the  International  Heater  Company,  of  which  Frank  E. 
Wheeler  is  president,  are  in  the  forefront  as  producers  in 
this  line.  Iron  pipe  made  by  the  Utica  Pipe  Company  is 
used  in  large  works  in  many  parts  of  the  country.  The  cor- 
poration has  $400,000  capital,  and  is  managed  by  Charles 
G.  Wagner  president,  and  J.  K.  Gunn  superintendent. 
Beds  and  bedding  employ  much  capital  and  many  operatives, 


and  from  the  factories  of  Foster  Brothers  and  the  Foster- 
Allison  Company,  by  the  impetus  of  W.  S.  Foster  presi- 
dent, and  O.  S.  Foster  treasurer,  reach  markets  over  the 
continent.  The  Munson  Brothers  Company  is  the  successor 
of  an  establishment  founded  in  the  early  days,  and  has  made 
famous  its  devices  for  the  transformation  of  power.  The 
Drop  Forge  Company,  with  a  large  force  of  skilled  workers, 
has  won  favor  and  success  with  its  pliers,  nippers  and  other 
tools  by  the  management  of  W.  Pierrepont  White  and  H. 
F.  Kellerman  superintendent.  Carriages  and  automobile 
bodies  are  manufactured  by  the  Willoughby  Company, 
which  has  a  capital  of  $100,000,  with  E.  A.  Willoughby 
president,  and  Charles  B.  Mason  secretary.  The  special- 
ties of  the  Divine  Brothers — capital,  $100,000,  president, 
Bradford  H.  Divine,  secretary,  O.  J.  McKeown,  are  devices 
for  polishing  metals;  water  motors  and  tires  made  of 
pressed  cloth  and  leather.  An  infant,  but  successful,  in- 
dustry, is  the  Cutlery  Company,  of  which  Jacob  Agne  is 
president  and  Alphonse  Heinrich  secretary.  It  employs 
125  men,  soon  to  be  increased  to  200. 

For  more  than  two  generations,  the  town  has  been  noted 
for  men's  clothing  manufactured  here.  Prominent  houses 
are  H.  H.  Cooper  &  Company,  and  H.  D.  Pixley,  Son  & 
Company,  of  which  the  senior  members  are  active  and 
potent,  and  Brandegee,  Kincard  &  Company,  under  the 
skillful  direction  of  Frederick  W.  Kincard;  also  the 
Roberts-Wicks  Company,  of  which  A.  J.  Williams  is  presi- 
dent. In  the  production  of  shoes,  the  Hurd  &  Fitz- 
gerald Company,  of  which  D.  C.  Hurd  is  president,  and  the 
Bowne-Gans  Company,  at  the  head  of  which  is  F.  J.  Bowne, 
are  leaders  in  wide  markets.  Sash,  blinds  and  doors,  and 
fine  wood  work  for  interiors  are  turned  out  by  Charles  C. 
Kellogg's  Sons  Company,  under  the  supervision  of  Spencer 
Kellogg  and  Frederick  S.  Kellogg;  also  by  Philip  Thomas' 
Sons,  of  which  Herbert  N.  Thomas  is  the  director,  and  by 

288  CITY  OF   UTICA 

Nellis,  Amos  and  Swift,  by  Charles  Downer  &  Company, 
and  by  G.  P.  Gibson  &  Company.  Benjamin  T.  Gilbert, 
president  and  manager,  has  brought  into  prominence  the 
Xargil  Manufacturing  Company,  producing  mufflers,  tanks 
and  sheet  work  generally  for  automobiles.  Bonbons  and 
chocolates,  within  the  past  few  years,  have  engaged  con- 
siderable capital  and  numerous  workers.  A  button  factory 
has  just  been  brought  hither  from  another  city.  Shirts  and 
shirt  waists  are  made  on  extensive  scales.  Agricultural  im- 
plements, especially  the  products  of  the  Standard  Harrow 
Company,  of  which  Edward  L.  Wells  is  president;  boilers, 
machinery,  harness,  trunks,  fishing  tackle,  paper  boxes,  with 
the  local  stamp,  hold  a  high  rank  among  dealers  and  con- 

The  business  in  tobacco  and  cigars  is  large,  and  furnishes 
occupation  for  many.  Musical  instruments  and  electrical 
apparatus  are  made,  work  is  considerable  in  natural  and  ar- 
tificial stone,  while  bricks  are  produced  by  the  myriads. 
Local  florists  maintain  an  enviable  fame.  Breweries,  one 
of  the  earliest  industries,  have  continued  and  expanded  to 
large  proportions.  The  National  Census  Bureau,  by  its 
bulletin  of  November,  1906,  classes  Utica  fifth  among  the 
cities  of  the  State  in  the  number  of  its  financial  manufactur- 
ing establishments,  which  are  333,  and  seventh  in  rank  in 
their  annual  product,  valued  at  $22,830,317.  The  wage 
earners  are  27,469,  with  earnings  of  $10,678,632  for  the  year. 
Of  the  wage  earners,  13,131  are  males  and  14,338  females. 

Utica  does  not  hide  itself  as  a  hermit.  The  villages  ad- 
jacent partake  of  its  activities,  and  are  almost  like  its  wards. 
Their  manufactories  are  strengthened  by  the  alliance,  while 
the  traffic  of  the  region  hardly  knows  municipal  lines. 
Residents  of  the  villages  ply  their  vocations  in  the  city  and 
seek  their  amusements  here.  When  all  were  smaller,  local 
jealousy  was  possible;  as  population  and  business  chose  a 
center,  the  fact  was  recognized,  and  the  suburbs  made  more 

CONDITIONS   IN    191 0  289 

and  more  of  the  town  whose  multiplying  advantages  are  so 
near  their  own  doors  while  they  enjoy  rural  privileges  and 
bear  only  rural  burdens. 

As  all  quarters  of  the  globe  have  sent  rich  increments  into 
the  population,  so  Utica  has  been  a  generous  giver  as  well 
as  a  grateful  receiver.  Its  children  have  gone  forth  into  the 
world's  fields  as  missionaries  and  teachers.  The  rolls  of  the 
army  and  navy  bear  the  names  of  its  sons,  some  in  high 
grades.  As  preachers  and  theologians,  as  professors  and 
scientists,  at  the  bar  and  on  the  bench,  as  journalists  and 
authors,  as  financiers  and  promoters  of  great  enterprises,  in 
the  metropolis  and  in  other  States,  Uticans  have  given  proof 
that  their  home  training  and  discipline  are  not  provincial, 
and  that  they  hold  rank  at  the  forefront  wherever  the  tasks 
of  civilization  are  carried  on. 

The  increase  of  32  per  cent,  in  population  between  1900 
and  1910,  while  the  country,  as  a  whole,  grew  only  21  per 
cent.,  prompts  sanguine  citizens  to  predict  that  Utica 
will  soon  take  rank  as  the  fourth,  or  even  the  third  city  in 
the  State.  In  the  new  century,  zealous  efforts  are  making 
for  material  and  civic  development.  Plans  for  spacious 
harbors  on  the  barge  canal  have  been  devised.  The  New 
York  Central  and  other  railroads  are  improving  their  facili- 
ties for  freight  and  passengers.  Congress  has  made  the 
initial  appropriation  for  an  enlarged  post-office.  A 
modern  hotel  of  eight  stories,  with  all  conveniences  and 
luxuries,  will  be  open  to  guests  within  the  year,  with 
T.  W.  Johnson  as  host. 

The  town  is  already  large  enough  to  command  the  neces- 
sities and  elegancies  of  life,  of  education  and  culture  that  de- 
velop the  worthiest  humanity  for  those  who  choose  to  abide 
here.  Its  citizens  strive  to  make  it  a  beautiful  and  attract- 
ive home  for  residents  of  good  will.  Seated  at  the  center 
of  the  commonwealth,  in  its  amphitheatre  of  hills,  its 
scenery  is  pastoral  and  varied,  not  grotesque  nor  grand.     All 

290  CITY  OF   UTICA 

the  great  railroads  proffer  their  facilities  for  transportation, 
while  the  Erie  Canal  helps  to  cheapen  freight,  and  the 
benefits  of  the  barge  canal  are  to  come.  An  admirable 
trolley  system  makes  transit  easy  to  all  parts  of  the  city  and 
to  the  suburbs.  A  few  millionaires  reside  here  without 
arrogance  or  display;  fair  competence  is  the  rule  and 
extreme  poverty  the  rare  exception.  With  many  modern 
and  handsome  homes,  there  are  no  palaces  and  no  hovels. 
Its  bench  and  bar  have  always  eminent  members,  often  those 
of  high  distinction.  Labor  is  in  constant  demand  at  rates 
equal  to  those  prevailing  anywhere  else.  The  standard  of 
taste  and  style  is  not  inferior  to  that  of  other  cultivated  com- 
munities. Literature,  music,  art,  and  the  drama,  have  their 
supporters.  Athletic  amusements  are  pursued  with  vigor. 
The  denominations  maintain  a  goodly  number  of  churches 
with  unflagging  zeal,  sustained  by  pulpits  honorably  filled. 
The  schools,  public  and  private,  enlist  the  attention  of  the 
parents  and  have  the  best  methods  and  practice.  The  streets 
are  well  paved,  lighted  liberally  and  kept  clean  beyond  the 
common  habit.  Towering  elms  frame  noble  arches  over  the 
highways  for  long  distances,  while  goodly  maples  are  not 
lacking.  Always  the  local  charities  have  been  notable,  and 
in  recent  years,  the  munificence  of  citizens  has  added  to 
their  number,  to  their  facilities  and  to  their  usefulness. 

Residential  attractions  and  industrial  opportunities  are 
here  not  rivals,  but  are  boon  companions.  The  natural  con- 
ditions favor  health,  while  civic  forethought  assures  quiet 
and  thrift.  Diversity  of  industry  is  notable  in  a  high 
degree,  and  conduces  to  profit  and  rapid  progress.  The 
chronicles  of  Utica  are  testimonies  to  the  worth  and 
efficiency  of  the  generations  which  have  gone  before,  are 
guarantees  of  further  development,  and  pledges  that  the 
Central  City  will  always  be  a  source  of  pride  to  the  Empire 

By  the  courtesy  of  E.  Dana  Durand,  Director  of  the 



Census,  the  following  summary  of  preliminary  totals  of  the 
census  of  manufactures  in  Utica  in  1909  compared  with 
totals  for  1904,  are  furnished  in  advance  of  official  publi- 
cation : 

C  E  N 

s  u  s 

Per  cent,  of 



1904  to  1909 

Number  of  establishments. 







Cost  of  materials  used 

Salaries  and  wages 




Miscellaneous  expenses... 




Value  of  products 




Value  added  by  manufac- 

ture (products,  less  cost 

of  materials)      




Employees : 

Number  of  salaried  of- 

ficials and  clerks 




Average       number       of 

wage  earners  employ- 

ed during  the  year.  .. 





Ellis  H.  Roberts. 


Roman  numerals  (I.  and  II.)  preceding  the  Arabic   numbering  of  pages, 
indicate  the  Volume  referred  to. 

(Buffalo,  Rochester,  and  Utica  are  indexed  separately.) 


Aaron,  Rev.  Dr.  Israel,  II.,  58. 
Abbott,  Dr.  F.  W.,  11.,  185. 
Abbott,  Dr.  Samuel  M.,  11.,  183. 
Acacia    Club,    II.,    225. 
Acids  Manufacture,  Mineral,  II.,  28-30. 
Adam,  Carl,  II.,  166,  217,  220. 
Adam,  James  N.,  I.,  175,  198,  220. 
Adam,  Robert  B.,  I.,  132,  133;   II.,  91, 

92,  94. 
Adam,   Meldrum   &   Anderson   Co.,   I., 

Adam  Mickiewicz  Library,  II.,  175. 
Adams,  Rev.  Henry  A.,  II.,  190. 
Albertson,  Rev.   C.  C,   II.,   190. 
Albright  Art  Gallery,  I.,  182,  183. 
Albright,  John  J.,  I.,  154,  238,  277,  278, 

279,  280;   II.,  8,  103,  210-212. 
Albro,   Stephen,   II.,   194. 
Aldermen,  Board  of,  I.,  187-197. 
Alexander,  D.  S.,  II.,  189. 
AUgemeine  Zeitung,  II.,  202. 
Allen,  C.  H.,  I.,  250. 
Allen,  George  W.,  II.,  157. 
Allen,  John,  Jr.,  I.,   119,  211;    II.,  207, 

Allen,  Joseph  Dana,  II.,  156. 
Allen,  Lewis  F.,  I.,  44,  168;  IL,  169,  190. 
Allen,  Dr.  Lucius  H.,  II.,  182. 
Allen,  Orlando,  I.,  169;   II.,  170. 
Allen,  William  K.,  IL,  170. 
Almy,  Frederick,  I.,  89;   IL,  87.  189. 
Althaus,  Rev.  J.,  IL,  40. 
Altman,  Abraham,  I.,  254. 
American  Radiator  Co.,  IL,  10,  11. 
American  Ship-building  Co.,  I.,  120. 
Andrews,  Dr.  Judson  B.,  IL,  121,  185. 
Andrews,  W.  H.,  IL,  30. 
Angel  Guardian  Mission,  IL,  107,  128. 
Angell,  Miss  L.  Gertrude,  IL,  148. 
Annan,  Annie  R.,  IL,  189. 
Annan,  J.  V.  W.,  L,  211. 
Annin,  Joseph  I.,  19,  20. 
Anthracite  Association,  I.,  234,  235. 
Apprentices  Society,  IL,  165. 
Arcade,  Brisbane's,  IL,  89. 

Arey,  Mrs.  H.  E.  G.,  IL,  189,  190. 

Arion  Singing  Society,  IL,  220. 

Arnold,  Major  B.  A.,  and  Mrs.,  IL,  128. 

Aronson,  M.,  II. ,   156. 

Art  in  BufCalo,  IL,  204-222. 

Art  Students'   League,  IL,  210. 

-Vsphalt  Pavement,  I.,  143,  144. 

Atlas  Oil  Works,  IL,  26. 

Attica,  I.,  57. 

Atwater,  H.  C,  IL,  7. 

Aurora.     See  East  Aurora. 

Austin,  Charles  E.,  IL,  197. 

Austin,  Stephen  G.,  II.,  147. 

Austin,  Mrs.  Stephen  G.,  II. ,  108. 

Authors'  Carnival,  IL,  90,  91. 

Automobile   Club,   IL,   225. 

Automobile    Manufacture,    IL,    12,    14, 

15,  300,  30L 
Avery,  Truman  G.,  IL,  221. 
Ayer,  Captain  James,  I.,  79. 
Babcock,  George  R.,  I.,   202,   262;    IL, 

143,  174. 
Baden,  Father,  IL,  69. 
Baethig,  Dr.  Henry,  IL,  166,  187. 
Baird,  Frank  B.,  L,  87,  275,  276. 
Baker,   Ellen   K.,   IL,   208. 
Baker  Rev.  Nelson  H.,  IL,  112. 
Ball,  Rev.  George  H.,  IL,  42,  190. 
Ball,  S.— his   pamphlet,    I.,   36. 
Bank  of  America,  I.,  250. 
Bank  of  Attica,  I.,  251. 
Bank  of  Buffalo,   (1st  and  2d),  I.,  250; 

(3d),  254,  255. 
Bank  of  Commerce  (the  1st),  I.,  250. 
Banks,  I.,  64-65,  248-260. 
Banner  Mill  and  Milling  Co.,  I.,  269. 
Bar,  The,  L,  199-208. 
Barge  Canal   enlargement,   L,   123. 
Barge  System  on  the  Lakes,  The,  I., 

118,  222. 
Barker,  George  P.,  I.,  202. 
Barker,  P.   A.,   I.,   250. 
Barnard,  A.  J.,  IL.  153. 

i.  Dr.  Josiah,  IL,  183. 
Bancroft,  I.,  220. 



Barnes,  Hengerer  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 
Barrett,   Dr.  William  C,  II.,   145,   181, 

Bartlett,  Dr.  F.  W.,  II.,  185. 
Barton,  Benjamin,  I.,  19. 
Barton,  James  L.,  I.,  41,  50,  99,  119. 
Bartow,  Dr.  Bernard,  II.,  185. 
Bass,  Lyman  K.,  I.,  207;   II.,  222. 
Batavia,  I.,  13,  14,  30,  55. 
Batavia  Street,   I.,   140,   170. 
Beals,  E.  P.,  II.,  151. 
Beals,   Georg-e,   I.,   274. 
Beals,  Mayhew  &  Co.,  I.,  272. 
Beals,  Mrs.  Pascal  P.,  11.,  118. 
Beard,  Captain  James,  I.,  115. 
Beard,  William  H.,  I.,  115;   II.,  306. 
Beautifying   Buffalo,    Society   for,    II., 

212,    213. 
"Beaver,"  The,  I.,  112,  113. 
Becker,  Charlotte,  II.,  189. 
Becker,  Edward  G.,  I.,  259. 
Becker,  Rev.  P.  W.  H.,  II.,  126. 
Becker,  Philip,  I.,  220;   II.,  167. 
Becker,  Rev.  T.  H.,  II.,  56,  126. 
Beckwith,   Charles,   I.,   200. 
Bedford,  Dr.  Lyman,  II.,  187. 
Bedini,  Archbishop,  II.,  72. 
Beers,  Dr.   A.   H.,   IL,    187. 
Beers,  Mis.s  Jessie  E.,  II.,  148,  154. 
Beethoven    JIusieal    Society,    II.,    219, 

Bell,  David,  I.,  120,  289,  290.     See  also 

David  Bell. 
Bell,  George  C,  II.,  8. 
Bell,  Lewis  &  Yat^s,  I.,  239,  240. 
Bell  Telephone  Co.,  L,  149,   150. 
Bellondi,   Rev.   Ariel,   n.,   61. 
Belt  Line  Railway,  I.,  149. 
Bench  and   Bar,  I.,   199-208. 
Bender,  Philip,  II.,  202. 
Benedict,  Dr.  A.  L.,  I.,  88;  II.,  186,  190. 
Bennett,  Edward,   I.,    258. 
Bennett,  Lewis  J.,  IL,  24. 
Bennett,  Philander,  I.,  199. 
Bentley,  J.  R.,  I.,  211. 
Bennett,  David  S.,  I.,  211,  217;  IL,  207. 
Bennett  Place,  I.,  181. 
Berens,  Colonel  William  F.,  I.,  81. 
Berner,  George,  H.,  190. 
Bemer,  Gottfried,  H.,  190. 
Berrick,  Charles,  11.,  161. 
Betts,  C.  Walter,  I.,  227. 
Beyer  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 
Beyer,  George,  IL,  166. 
Beyer,  Jacob,  IL,   166. 
Bidwell,  General  Daniel  D.,  L,  69,  70. 
Bidwell  Parkway,  I.,  183. 
Bidwell  &  Banta,  I.,  120. 
Bigelow,  Allen  G.,  H.,  190. 

Bird,  Colonel  William  A.,  I.,   35,  259; 

IL,  143. 
Bird  Island  Pier,  L,  110. 
Birge,  George  K.,  L,  87,  88. 
Bishop,  General  A.  W.,  IL,  189. 
Bishop,  Charles  F.,  L,  172,  220. 
Bissell,  Arthur  D.,  I.,  160,  255. 
Bissell,  Dr.  Elias  W.,  IL,  185. 
Bissell,  Herbert  P.,  I.,  87. 
Bissell,  Mrs.  Herbert  P.,  IL,  107. 
Bissell,  John,  L,  211. 
Bissell,  Wilson  S.,  L,  193,  207;  IL,  143. 
Bitter,  Karl,  I.,  88. 
Black  Rock,  I.,  20,  21,  23-25,  27-29,  32, 

33,  35-37,  50,  56,  97-106,   114,  115,  119, 

145,  156,  190,  266,  267,  269,  272. 
Blackmar,  Abel  T.,  I.,  254. 
Blaekwell    (City)   Canal,  I.,   107. 
Blair,  W.  E.,  IL,  15. 
Blanchard,  Dr.  G.  H.,  IL,   187. 
Blatchford,  Capt.  Daniel,  I.,  81. 
Bleistein,  George,  I.,  87;  n.,  200. 
Bliss,  Dr.  Judah,  U.,  183. 
Block,  Joseph,   I.,  256. 
Bloeher,   Mrs.  John,   IL,   117. 
Blodgett,  J.  R.,  IL,  216. 
Bloomer's  Hotel,  IL,  223. 
Blossom,   Ira  A.,   IL,   143. 
Board,  F.  A.,  IL,  92. 
Board,  Robert  C,  L,  154. 
Board  of  Health,  I.,  43,  44,  60. 
Board  of  Trade,  L,  59,  72,  212,  213. 
Boardman,  Dr.  John,  IL,  184. 
Bogardus,  John  D.,  H.,  164. 
Bond,  Joseph,  IL,  10. 
Bork,  Joseph,  L,  92. 
Boruskv,  Lieut.  Charles,  I.,  79. 
Botanic  Garden,  I.,  181. 
Bouquet,  Colonel  Henry,  I.,  112. 
Bowen,  Dennis,  I.,  177,  204;   IL,  135. 
Boyee,  C.  W.,  IL,  189. 
Bradnack,  Mrs.,  IL,  96. 
Braun,  C.  W.,  IL,  217. 
Braunlein,  Louis,  I.,  200. 
Brayley,  James,  IL,  2,  207. 
Brayton,  Dr.  S.  N.,  IL,  187. 
Brayman,  James  O.,  IL,  194,  198. 
Breakwater,  The  Great,  I.,  108-111. 
Breweries,  II.,   18-20. 
"Bridget,"  I.,  44. 
Briggs,  Dr.  A.  H.,  IL,  172.  185. 
Briggs,  Dr.  Horace,  IL,  152,  189. 
Brinker,  Captain  John  M.,  I.,  86,  241. 
Brisbane,  Albert  and  George,  11.,  160, 

Bristol,  Cyrenius  C,  IL,  199. 
Bristol,  Rev.  Edward,  IL,  118. 
Bristol,  Dr.  Moses,  IL,  182. 
Broadway,  I.,  140. 


Broadway  Brewing  and  Malting  Co., 
II.,   19. 

Brothers,  John  L.,  I.,  182. 

Brown,  Lieut.  Cyrus,  I.,  74. 

Brown,  George,  II.,  157. 

Brown,  General  Jacob,  I.,  30. 

Brown,  Colonel  James  M.,  I.,  72. 

Brown,  Rev.  John  W.,  II.,  118. 

Brown,  Walter  L.,  II.,  165. 

Browne,  Irving,  II.,  189,  190. 

Browning,  John,  II.,  210. 

Brunck,  Dr.  F.  C,  I.,  67;  II.,  202. 

Brush,  Dr.  Edward  N.,  II.,  185. 

Brj'ant,  Captain  George  H.,  I.,  119. 

Bryant,  J.  C,  II.,  149. 

Bryant,  Warren,  I.,  258. 

Bryant,  William  C,  I.,  193;  II.,  170. 

Bryant  &  Stratton's  Business  College, 
II.,  148. 

Buchanan,  William  I.,  I.,  88. 

Buck-ham,  H.  B.,  II.,  141. 

Budd,  Captain  Thomas  A.,  I.,  82. 

Buell,  Jonathan  S.,  I,  211. 

Buffalo;  The  Site,  I.,  3,  4;  Indian  prede- 
cessors of  the  white  man,  4-9;  first 
white  settler,  7;  early  land  titles,  9, 
10;  the  Holland  Purchase,  10;  first 
white  family,  10;  first  mention  in 
literature,  11,  12;  origin  of  the  name 
Buffalo,  13;  Joseph  Ellicott's  city 
plan,  14,  15;  the  village  as  seen  by 
Timothy  Dwight  in  1804,  15,  16;  pio- 
neer settlers,  16-19;  the  first  post- 
master and  customs  collector,  17; 
the  first  sitting  of  court,  19;  rivalry 
of  Black  Rock,  21,  22,  32,  33,  97-106; 
the  village  in  1871,  22;  the  first 
newspaper,  22;  during  the  War  of 
1812-14,  23-31;  burning  of  the  village. 
27-30;  the  first  lake  steamer,  32,  33; 
the  village  in  1818,  33,  34;  the  first 
church,  34;  slaves  in  Buffalo,  35;  first 
daily  mail,  35;  second  church  build- 
ing. 35;  opening  of  the  Erie  Canal, 
—  the  village  in  1825,  36-38;  early 
German  citizens,  43;  chartered  as  a 
cit}%  43;  first  visitation  of  cholera, 
43,  44;  the  first  water  works,  45; 
the  speculative  craze  of  1837,  47-51; 
Buffalo  in  1835,  47,  48;  the  first  rail- 
way, 51;  Buffalo  in  1840,  52;  during 
the"  Patriot  War,  52-54;  social  gayety 
in  the  '30's  and  '40's,  55;  railway 
connection  with  Albany,  57,  58; 
Board  of  Trade  organized,  59;  rail- 
way connections  with  New  York  and 
Chicago,  62;  President  Lincoln  in 
Buffalo,  66,  67;    Buffalo  during   the 

Civil  War,  67-84;  Fenian  affair,  84; 
Buffalo  in  1880,  85;  the  Pan-Ameri- 
can Exposition,  86-90;  Buffalo  in 
1900  and  1910,  91;  the  Polish  colony, 
91-94;  the  making  of  the  harbor, 
97-111;  annals  of  the  lake  shipping, 
112-121;  enlargements  of  the  Erie 
Canal,  121-123;  Buffalo  as  a  railway 
center,  124-136;  streets  of  the  village 
time,  137-144;  electric  power  from 
Niagara  Falls,  152-155;  development 
of  water  supply,  156-159;  fire-fight- 
ing organization,  160-165;  gas  and 
electric  lighting,  165-167;  develop- 
ment of  sewerage  and  sanitation, 
168-175;  the  park  system,  176-184; 
the  village  government,  185-187;  the 
first  city  charter,  187-189;  later 
charter-tinkering,  189-197;  courts, 
bench  and  bar,  199-208;  the  grain 
trade,  209-220;  the  lumber  trade, 
221-232;  the  coal  trade,  233-244;  the 
cattle  trade,  245-247;  banks  and 
banking,  248-260;  tanning  and 
leather  trade,  261-265;  manufacture 
of  flour,  266-271;  production  of  iron 
and  steel,  272-286;  metal-working 
and  machinery,  II.,  1-17;  brewing, 
18-20;  soap  manufacture,  20-23;  oil 
refining,  25-28;  coal-tar  dyes  and 
mineral  acids  manufacture,  28-30; 
Protestant  churches,  31-67;  Roman 
Catholic  churches,  68-81;  benevolent 
institutions,  82-129;  educational  in- 
stitutions, 130-156;  libraries  and 
other  literary  institutions,  157-175; 
scientific  institutions,  176-187;  local 
literature,  and  the  newspaper  press, 
188-203;  art  in  Buffalo,  205-222; 
music,  213-222;  clubs,  and  other 
social  organizations,  222-227. 
Buffalo  Academy  of  Fine  Arts,  II.,  207- 

Buffalo  Academy  of  Medicine,  II.,  186, 
Buffalo  and  Attica  Railroad,  I.,  57,  58, 

62,  124,  125. 

Buffalo  and  Brantford  Railroad,  I.,  63 
Buffalo   and   Jamestown   Railroad,   I., 

127,  240. 
Buffalo  and  Lake  Erie  (electric)  Trac 

tion  Co.,  I.,  136. 
Buffalo  and   Lake  Huron  Railway,  I., 

63,  124,  126. 

Buffalo  and  Lockport  (electric)  Rail- 
way, I.,   135. 

Buffalo  and  New  York  City  Railroad 
I.,    58,    62,    125. 

Buffalo  and  Niagara  Falls  Electric 
Railway,  I.,  135. 


Buffalo  and  Niag-ara  Falls  Railroad,  I., 

Buffalo  and  Eochester  Eailroad,  I.,  124, 

Buffalo  and  Southwestern  Railroad,  I., 

127,  240. 
Buffalo  and  State  Line  Eailroad,  I.,  62, 

124,  125. 
Buffalo  and  Susquehanna  Iron  Co.,  I., 

242,  278,   279-286. 
Buffalo  and  Susquehanna  Railroad,  I., 

12,9-131,   242,   277,   286. 
Buffalo  and  Washington   Railway,   I., 

124,  126,  239. 
Buffalo    and    Williamsville     (electric) 

Railway,  I.,  136. 
Buffalo  Apprentices'   Society,  II.,   165. 
Buffalo,  Bellevue  and  Lancaster  (elec- 
tric) Railway,  I.,  135. 
Buffalo  Bolt  Co.,  II.,  8. 
Buffalo  Brake  Beam  Co.,  I.,  284. 
Buffalo,  Brantford  and  Goderich  Eail- 
road, I.,  124,  126. 
Buffalo  Brewers'  Association,  II.,  18. 
Buffalo  Catholic  Institiite,  II.,  172,  173. 
Buffalo  Cement  Co.,  II.,  24. 
Buffalo  Cereal  Co.,  I.,  271. 
Buffalo  Chemical  Works,  II.,  26. 
Buffalo  City    Dispensary,    II.,    109. 
Buffalo  Classical  School,  II.,  151,  152. 
Buffalo  Club,  IL,  223. 
Buffalo  Commercial  Bank,  I.,  252. 
Buffalo  Co-operative   Brewery,   II.,   20. 
Buffalo  Creek   (River),  I.,  7,  9,  10,  13, 

21,  22,  33,  57,  96,  100-106,  236. 
Buffalo  Creek  Eailroad,  I.,  126,  236. 
Buffalo  Creek  Reservation,  I.,  8,  12,  34, 

42,   56,   57. 
Buffalo  Dock  Co.,  I.,  285. 
Buffalo  Dry  Dock  Co.,  L,  120. 
Buffalo  East  Side  Street  Railroad  Co., 

I.,   146-148. 
Buffalo   Eye   and   Ear   Infirmary,   II., 

Buffalo  Female  Academy,  II.,  147-148. 
Buffalo  Forge   Co.,  IL,  9. 
Buffalo  Foundry  and  Machine  Co.,  XL, 

4,  15. 
Buffalo  g-as   companies,   I.,   165-167. 
Buffalo  Gasolene  Motor  Co.,  IL,  15. 
Buffalo  Gazette,  The,  I.,  22,  24,  30,  32, 

35;  IL,  191,  192. 
Buffalo   General    Electric   Co.,   I.,   166, 

Buffalo  General   Hospital,   n.,   112-114. 
Buffalo  Hardwood  Lumber  Co.,  I.,  227. 
Buffalo  Harmonic  Society,  11.,  215. 
Buffalo  Historical  Society,  I.,  5,  15,  20, 

31,   33-35,  43,  44,  47,   55,  97,  107,   112, 

114,  132,  137,  169,  182,  202,  262,  272; 
IL,   131,  159,  161,   169-72,  213,  214. 

Buffalo  Hydraulic  Association,  I.,  262. 

Buffalo  Iron  and  Nail  Works,  I.,  273. 

Buffalo  Journal,  IL,   192. 

Buffalo  Law  School,  IL,  144. 

Buffalo  Library,  IL,  157,  162,  163. 

Buffalo  Public   Library,   IL,    163-165. 

Buffalo  Light  Artillery,  I.,  80. 

Buffalo  Loan,  Trust  and  Safe  Deposit 
Co.,  I.,  257. 

Buffalo,  Lockport  and  Rochester  (elec- 
tric) Railway,  I.,  136. 

Buffalo  Lubricating  Oil  Co.,  IL,  26. 

Buffalo  Lyceum,  IL,  157. 

Buffalo  Medical  College,  IL,  142-144. 

Buffalo  Medical  Journal,  IL,  183. 

Buffalo  Medical  Library,  II. ,  175. 

Buffalo,  New  York  and  Philadelphia 
Railroad,  I.,  125,  127,  239. 

Buffalo  Orphan  Asylum,  IL,  108,  109. 

Uuffalo  Patriot,  IL,  192,  193. 

Buffalo  Pitts  Co.,  IL,  2,  3. 

Buffalo,  Pittsburg  and  Western  Eail- 
road, L,  127. 

Buffalo  Pottery,  IL,  23. 

BufTaloKailway  Co.,  I.,  148,  149. 

Buffalo  Eecord,  IL,  200. 

Buffalo  Refining  Co.,  IL,  27. 

Buffalo  Republican,  IL,   193. 

Buiitalo,  Eochester  and  Pittsburg  Rail- 
way,  L,   127,  240,   244. 

Buffalo  Savings  Bank,  I.,  258. 

Buffalo  Seminary,  IL,  148,  155. 

Buffalo  Society  of  Artists,  IL,  210. 

Buffalo  Society  of  Natural  Sciences, 
IL,  138,  159,  161,  176-182. 

Buffalo  Southern  (electric)  Eailwav, 
L,  136. 

Buffalo  Star,  IL,  193. 

Buffalo  State  Hospital  for  the  Insane, 
IL,  120. 

Buffalo  Steam  Engine  Works,  II.,  3. 

Buffalo  Steam  Pump  Co.,  IL,  9. 

Buffalo  Street  Eailroad  Co.,  I.,  145-148. 

Buffalo  Structural  Steel  Co.,  IL,  15. 

Buffalo,  Tonawanda  and  Niagara  Falls 
(electric)  Eailway,  I.,  135. 

Buffalo  Traction  Co.,  I.,  148. 

Buffalo  Union   Furnace   Co.,   L,   275. 

Buffalo  West  Side  Street  Eailroad  Co., 
I.,   148. 

Buffalo  Whig,  IL,  192. 

Bugbee,  Oliver,  L,  267. 

Bull,  Dr.  Alexander  T.,  IL,  187. 

Bull,  Jabez  B.,  I.,  263,  264. 

Bull,  Mrs.  Louis  A.,  IL,  154. 

Bull,  Captain  (War  of  1812),  L,  24. 

Bullymore,  Lieut.  William,  I.,  71. 



Burdict,  Orrin  C,  II.,  8. 

Burrows,  George  E.,  II.,  198. 

Burrows,  Eoswell  L.,  I.,  199;  II.,  112. 

Burwell,  Dr.  Bryant,  II.,  182. 

Burwell,  Dr.  George  N.,  II.,  184. 

Burwell,  Henry,  II.,  194. 

Burwell,  Theodotus,  II.,  143. 

Bush,  John,  I.,  263,  264;  II.,  44. 

Bush,  Myron  P.,  I.,  264. 

Bush  &  Chamberlain,  I.,  261,  263. 

Bush&  Howard,  I.,  264. 

Busti  Avenue,  I.,  15,  140. 

Butler,  Edward  H.,  I.,  133,  134;  II.,  175, 

Butler,  J.  A.,  II.,  201. 
Callanan,  Dr.  William  C,  II.,  186. 
Caldwell,  S.,  II.,  135. 
Oallender,  Amos,  I.,  18;  U.,  131. 
Callender,  Samuel  N.,  II.,  134,  157. 
Camp,  John  G.,  I.,  186;  II.,  132. 
Camp,  Wyatt,  II.,  132. 
Campbell,  P.  E.,  II.,  190. 
Campbell,    Mrs.   Helen    Thornton,    II., 

116,  123. 
Canada,  I.,  4,  9,  11,  13,  14,  24-31,  34,  37, 

52-54,   63,   84. 
Canada  Southern  Railway,  I.,  124,  126. 
Canadian  Club,  II.,  225. 
Canadian  Niagara  Power  Co.,  I.,  153. 
Canal.    See  Erie  Canal. 
Canal  Street,  I.,  140. 
Candee,  Joseph,  II.,  194. 
Canisius  College,  II.,  75,  146. 
Canoe  Club,  II.,  223. 
Carleton,  Newcomb,  I.,  88. 
Carolina  Street,  I.,  170. 
"Caroline,"  Burning  of  the,  I.,  53,  54. 
Carpenter,  Carnot,  II.,  205. 
Carpenter,  William  A.,  II.,  192. 
Carrere,  John  M.,  I.,  88. 
Carson,  H.  D.,  I.,  279. 
Gary,  Dr.  Charles,  II.,  185. 
Gary,  George,  I.,   88;    II.,   172. 
Gary,  Dr.  Walter,  II.,  184. 
Caryl,  Dr.  Lucien  W.,  176,  182. 
Case,  Nehemiah,  I.,  264. 
easier.  Major  George  F.,  II.,  99. 
Cassity,  Dr.  James  M.,  II.,  141. 
Cataract  City  Milling  Co.,  I.,  269. 
Cataract  Power  Co.,  I.,  153. 
Catholic  Church.     See  Churches. 
Catholic  Institute,  II.,  172. 
Catholic  Protectory,  II.,  111. 
Catholic  Union  and  Times,  II.,  203. 
Cattaraugus  Reservation,  I.,  42. 
Cattle  Trade,  I.,  245-247. 
Cayuga  Street,  I.,  140. 
Gazenove  Avenue,  I.,  15,  140. 
Cazenovia  Park,  I.,  181,  183. 

Central  Bridge  Works,  II..  11. 
Central  Fair  (of  1864),  I.,  83. 
Central  Milling  Co.,  I.,  268. 
Central  National  Bank,  I.,  257. 
Central  Park,  II.,  24. 
Central  Wharf,  I.,  209,  210. 
Cement  Works,  II.,  24. 
Chamber  of  Commerce,  I.,  213-215. 
Chamberlain,  Horace  P.,  II.,  28. 
Chamberlain,  Hunting  S.,  II.,  157. 
Chamberlain,  Ivory,  II.,  195. 
Chandler,  Bessie,  II.,  189,  190. 
Chandler,  Henry  &  Co.,  II.,  197. 
Chapin,  Dr.  Cyrenius,  I.,  13,  14,  25,  26, 

29;  II.,  182. 
Chapin,  Colonel  Edward   P.,  I.,  76,  77, 

Chapin,  Willis  O.,  II.,  172,  191,  209,  210, 

Chapin  Parkway,  I.,  182,  183. 
Charity     Foundation     of     the     P.     E. 

Church,  II.,  115,   116. 
Charity  Organization  Society,  I.,  92;  II., 

82-87,  124. 
Charlevoix,  Father,  I.,  5. 
Charters,  City,  I.,  187-97. 
Chester,  Albert  H.,  II.,  190. 
Chester,   Rev.   Dr.   Albert  T.,  II.,   148, 

Chester,  Rev.  Anson  G.,  II.,   189,   195, 

196,    207. 
Chester,  Dr.   C.   O.,  II.,   185. 
Chester,  Thomas,  I.,  267;   II.,  52. 
C'hestnutwood,   Susan,  II.,   191. 
Chicago,   I.,   39,  40,   45,   62,    116. 
Children's  Aid  Society,  II.,  122,  123. 
Children's   Hospital,   II.,    125. 
Chimney-sweeps,  I.,  162. 
Chippewa,    I.,    53,    54. 
Chippewa  Street,  I.,  140,  141. 
Cholera,  I.,  43,  44,  60. 
Choral  Union,  II.,  220. 
Christian  Endeavor  Society,  II.,  124. 
Christian  Home  for  Women,  II.,  128. 
Christian  Homestead  Association,  II., 

Church  Home,  II.,  115,  116. 
Church    Home,    German    Evangelical, 

II.,   122. 
Church  Street,  I.,  14,  137,  140. 
"Churches,"  The,  I.,  48;   II.,  23. 
Churches,  Protestant: 


Baptist    Association,    Buffalo,    II., 

Baptist  Union,  II.,  42. 
Baptist    Young    People's    Associa- 
tion,  II.,   61. 
Bethel  German,  II.,  63. 



Cazenovia,  II.,  64. 

Cedar  Street,  II.,   44. 

Colored,  II.,  37. 

Dearborn  Street,  II.,  53. 

Dearborn    Avenue,    II.,    48,    54. 

Ebenezer  German,  II.,  62. 

Emmanuel,  II.,  48. 

Fillmore  Avenue,  II.,  51,  52,  53. 

First  Baptist  (Washington  Street), 
II.,  33-36,  38,  44,  46,  53,  62. 

First  Free,  II.,  42,  45,  53. 

First  German,  II.,  40,  43,  50,  63. 

First  Italian,  II.,  61. 

First      Polish       (Reid      Memorial 
Chapel),  II.,  54,   60. 

Glenwood   Avenue,   II.,   60. 

Hunt  Avenue,  II.,  65. 

Kensing-ton,  II.,  63. 

Lafayette  Avenue,  II.,  54. 

Maple  St.,  II.,  54,  66. 

Niagara  Square,  II.,  38,  44,  45,  52. 

Olivet  Mission,  II.,  48. 

Parkside,  II.,  56,  62,  63. 

Prospect  Avenue,  II.,  46,  48,  53. 

Second  German,  II.,  43,  55,  62. 

South  Side,  II.,  56,  57,  64. 

Third  German,  II.,  50,  55. 

Trenton  Avenue  Chapel,  II.,  56. 

Walden    Avenue     (Hedstrom    Me- 
morial), II.,  60. 

Washington     Street.       See     First 
Congregational — 

First,  II.,  42,  55,  58,  60. 

Fitch  Memorial,  II.,  62. 

Pilgrim,  II.,  55,  67. 

Plymouth,  II.,  58,  67. 
Disciples  of  Christ — 

Dearborn  St.,  II.,  60. 

Forest  Avenue,  II.,  60. 

Jefferson   St.,  II.,  60. 

Richmond   Avenue,   II.,  46,  48,   56, 
German  Evangelical — 

Bethany  II.,  56,  59,  64. 

Friedens,   II.,   52,   64. 

Holy  Trinity,  II.,  37,  38,  42,  51,  52, 

Old  Lutheran,  II.,  37,  38,  42,  51,  52. 
German  Evangelical  Association — 

Bethlehem,  II.,  57,  63. 

First,  II.,  36,  42,  49,  51. 

Krettner  St.,  II.,  44,  49. 

Memorial,  II.,  59,  67. 

Rhode  Island  St.,   II.,   53. 

St.  Andrew's,  II.,  66. 

St.  Paul's,  II.,  49,  56,  63,  66. 
German  Evangelical  Reformed — 

Emanuel's,  II.,  53,  63,  67. 

Jerusalem,  II.,  58. 

St.  Paul's,  II.,  63. 

Salem,  II.,  49,  67. 

Zion's,   II.,   39,   56. 

Zoar,  II.,  63. 
German  Evangelical  Lutheran — 

Calvary,   II.,  59,  65. 

Christ,  II.,  48,  49,  60. 

Concordia,  II.,  59. 

Emmaus,   II.,   57. 

Gethsemane,  II.,   59. 

Grace,  II.,  65. 

Immanuel,  II.,  62. 

Redeemer,  of  The,  II.,  63. 

St.  Andreas,  II.,  42. 

St.   John's,   II.,   34,   38,   42,   48,   50, 
54,  59,  62. 

Trinity,  II.,  37,  38,  47,  57. 

Zion   (English),  II.,  62. 
German  United  Evangelical — 

Salem,  II.,  59. 

St.  Jacobi  (St.  James),  II.,  54. 

St.  Luke's,  II.,  47,  52. 

St.  John's,   II.,   40,   50. 

St.  Mark's,  II.,  49,   54. 

St.  Matthew's,  II.,  47. 

St.  Paul,  II.,  38,  42,  49,  52. 

St.  Peter's,  II.,  35,  41,  51. 

St.   Stephen's,   IL,   42,  67,   122. 

St.  Trinitatis,  II.,  53. 
English  Evangelical  Lutheran — 

Atonement,  The,   II.,   63. 

Holy  Trinity,  II.,  51,  55,  63,  66. 
Methodist  Episcopal — 

African,  (Vine  St.),  II.,  36,  39,  53. 

Asburv,   IL,   40,   48. 

Calvary,  IL,  58. 

Delaware  Avenue,  IL,  47,  50,  55-56. 

East  Street,  or  Zion,  IL,  46,  58. 

Epworth,   IL,   66. 

Fpworth  League,  IL,  58. 

First  German,  IL,  40,  48. 

Second,  IL,  46. 

First  Italian  (St.  Paul's),  IL,  66. 

First  Methodist  (Niagara  Street), 
IL,    32-35,    38,    40,    44. 

Glenwood,   IL,   50. 

Grace,  IL,  38,  42,  43,  48,  122. 

Jersey    Street    (later    Plymouth), 
IL,    43,   46,    49. 

Kenmore,  IL,  58. 

Linwood  Avenue,  IL,  63. 

Lovejov,  IL,  55,  57,  64. 

Metealf  St.,   IL,   57. 

Methodist    Episcopal    Union,    IL, 
54,  57. 

Niagara  St.  (see  First  Methodist). 

Normal     Park     (Hampshire     St.), 
IL,  57. 



Northampton  St.  German,  11.,  55. 

Pearl  St.,  II.,   40. 

Plymouth,  II.,  43,  46,  49,  57. 

Eichmond  Avenue,  II.,  55,  59. 

Ripley  Memorial,  II.,  56. 

Riverside,  II.,  50. 

St.  Mark's,  II.,  43,  54. 

Seneca  St.,  II.,  57. 

Sentinel,  II.,  48,  60. 

South  Park,   II.,   66. 

Sumner  Place,  11.,  57,  64. 

Woodside,  II.,  49,  56,  67. 

Zion,  II.,  46. 
Methodist,  Free — 

First,  II.,  44,  47. 

Mission,   11.,   49. 
Presbyterian — 

Bethany,   II.,  56. 

Calvary,  II.,  43,  44,  56. 

Central,  II.,  35,  49,  50,  67. 

Delaware    (later  Calvary),   II.,   43, 

East,   II.,   45,    50,    63. 

Faxon  Avenue,  II.,  65. 

First,  II.,  31,  33-35,  43,  53,  58,  64. 

First  United,  II.,  36,  41,  47. 
Lafayette  Street,  II.,  38-41,  44,  51, 

North,  II.,  40,  61,  66. 
Ontario   (United),  II.,   65. 
Park  (the  First),  II.,  35,  38. 
Park  (the  Second),  II.,  61,  66. 
Second  United,  II.,  47,  57,  66. 
Sloan,   II.,   66. 
South,  II.,   63. 

South   Park    (United),  II.,  65. 
Walden  Avenue,  II.,  61. 
West  Avenue,  II.,  64. 
Westminster,  II.,  42,  48,  63,  65. 
Protestant  Episcopal 
All  Saints,  II.,  51. 
Ascension,  The,  II.,  43,  49,  56. 
Christ,   II.,  47,   55. 
Good   Shepherd,  II.,   57. 
Hutchinson    Memorial,    Chapel    of 

the  Holy  Innocents,  II.,  63,  116. 
IngersoU  Memorial  Chapel,  II.,  57. 
Laymen's  Missionary  League,   II., 

St.  Andrew's,  II.,  49,   59,  61. 
St.  Barnabas',  II.,  61. 
St.  James',  II.,  43,  50,  51,  55. 
St.  John's,  II.,  39,  46,  47,  61,  63. 
St.  Luke's,  II.,  43,  44,  47,  48. 
St.   Mark's,  II.,  48,  61. 
St.  Mary's  on  the  Hill,  II.,  48,  59. 
St.    Paul's,    II.,    31,    33,    34,    36,    41, 

43,  49,  51,  58. 
St.  Philip's,  II.,  44. 

St.  Thomas,  II.,  50,  55. 
Trinity,  II.,  36,  38,  39,  55,  66. 
Unitarian — 

First,  II.,  34,  40,  44,  52,  66. 
First  (of  the  Messiah),  II.,  34,  38, 
46,   124. 
Various  Protestant — 
Bethel,  II.,  34. 
Church    of    the    Divine    Humanity 

(Swedenborgian),  II.,  53,  64,  65. 
Dutch  Reform,  II.,  41,  47,  53. 
French   Lutheran,   II.,   51. 
Friends,   II.,   46. 
Lafayette  Reformed,  II.,  64. 
Norwegian  Lutheran   (Zion's),  II., 

Swedish      Evangelical      Lutheran, 

II.,   54. 
United  Brethren  in  Christ,  II.,  58. 
Wells    St.,    II.,    46,    50. 
Churches,  Roman  Catholic — 
Annunciation,   of  the,   II.,   78. 
Assumption,  of  the,  II.,  77. 
Blessed  Sacrament,  Chapel  of  the, 

II.,  78. 
Corpus  Christi,  IL,  78. 
Holy  Angels,   The,   II.,   76. 
Holy  Family,  of  the,  II.,  79. 
Holy  Name,  of  the,  II.,  77. 
Inamaculate   Conception,   The,   II., 

Lamb  of  God,  Church  of  the,  II., 

Nativity,  of  the,  II.,  79. 

Our  Lady  of  Perpetual  Help,  II., 

Sacred  Heart,  of  the,  II.,  77. 
St.   Adelbert,  II.,  78. 
St.  Agnes,  II.,  77. 
St.    Anne's,    II.,    75. 
St.  Anthony  of  Padua,  II.,  78. 
St.  Boniface's,  IL,  74. 
St.  Bridget's,  IL,  76,   79. 
St.   Columba,   IL,   78. 
St.  Gerard's,   IL,   80. 
St.  John  the  Baptist,  II.,  76,  77. 
St.  John  Kanty,  IL,  80. 
St.  Joseph's,  IL,  74. 
St.  Joseph's  Cathedral,  IL,  74,  75. 
St.  Louis,  IL,  69,  70-73,  74,  75. 
St.  Mary's,  IL,  71. 
St.    Mary   Magdalene,    IL,   79. 
St.  Mary's  of  the  Lake,  IL,  74. 
St.  Mary  of  Sorrows,  11.,  77. 
St.  Michael's,  IL,  75. 
St.   Nicholas,  IL,   77. 
St.  Patrick's.  IL,  70,  71,  76. 
St.  Peter's   (French),  IL,  74,  75. 



St.  Stanislaus,  I.,  92;  II.,  77. 

St.  Stephen's,  II.,  77-79. 

St.  Theresa's,  II.,  79. 

St.   Vincent  de  Paul,  II.,   76. 

St.  Xavier's,  II.,  73,  74,  77. 

Transfiguration,  of  the,  II.,  78. 

Visitation  Parish,  II.,   79. 
Churchyard,  Joseph,  I.,  147. 
Circle,  The,   I.,   179,  184. 
Citizens'  Bank,  I.,  256. 
City  Bank,  I.,   250. 
City    Club,   II.,    223. 
City  Government,  I.,  189-97. 
"City  of  Buffalo,"  the  steamer,  I.,  115, 

CiTil  Service  Reform,  I.,  192-194. 
Clapp,  Almon,  M.,  I.,  67;  11.,  193,  194- 

Clapp,  H.   H.,  II.,   196. 
Clarendon  Square,  I.,  48. 
Clark,  Charles  E.,  II.,  112. 
Clark,  Elizabeth  G.,  II.,  119. 
Clark,  Captain  Orton  S.,  I.,  78;  II.,  189. 
Clark,  Seth,  H.,  221. 
Clark,  Dr.   Sylvester,  II.,   182. 
Clark,  Dr.   Thomas  B.,  II.,  182. 
Clarke,  Cyrus,  I.,  211. 
Clarke,  E.  A.,  I.,  283. 
Clary,  Joseph,  I.,  42,  141,  199. 
Clawson,  Wilson  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 
Clemens,  Samuel  L.,  II.,  196. 
Clement,  Jesse,  n.,  87,  189. 
Clement,  Stephen  M.,  Sr.,  I.,  253. 
Clement,  Stephen  M.,  Jr.,  I.,  154,  277, 

279;    II.,   92,   155,   212,   221. 
Cleveland,  Grover,  I.,  198,  207;  II.,  190. 
Clinton,  De  Witt,  n.,  118. 
Clinton,  Governor  De  Witt,  I.,  37. 
Clinton,  Judge  George  W.,  I.,  67,  186, 
197,  200,   205;    II.,   115,   143,   176,   177, 
Clinton,  Spencer,  I.,  133,  134,  258. 
Clinton  Street,  I.,  140. 
Clinton   Star  Brewery,   II.,   20. 
Clubs,  n.,   22-26. 
Coakley,  Dr.  J.  B.,  H.,  185. 
Coal-tar  Dyes,  II.,  28,  29. 
Coal  Trade,  I.,  233-241. 
Cobb,  Carlos,  I.,  211. 
Cochrane,  A.  G.  C,  II.,  157. 
Cochrane,  John  F.,  II.,  173. 
Codd,  Robert,  I.,  251. 
Coffin,  William  A.,  I.,  88. 
Cohen,  A.  S.,  II.,  156. 
Coit,  Charles  T.,  I.,  145. 
Coit,  George,  I.,  22. 
Coit,  G.  C.  &  Son,  I.,  211. 
Coit  Docks,  I.,  285. 
Cold  Spring,  The,  I.,  24. 

Coleman,  Charles  C,  II.,  177,  206. 
Colonial   Wars,   Society  of,   II.,   227. 
Collegiate  Alumnae,  II.,  226. 
Collegiate  Alumnae  Creche,  II.,  127. 
Colpoys,  George  J.,  I.,  269. 
Colton,  Rt.  Rev.  Charles  H.,  II.,  80,  81, 

127,    128,    150. 
Columbia  National  Bank,  I.,  256. 
Commerce,     Lake     and     Canal.       See 

Lake  Shipping,  and  Erie  Canal. 
Commercial  Bank,  I.,  250. 
Commercial  Advertiser,  The,  I.,  45,  60, 

64,  65;   II.,  38,  191,  193-196. 
Common  Council,  I.,  187-197. 
Commonwealth  Trust  Co.,  I.,  258. 
Congdon,  Benjamin  C,  II.,  182. 
Congdon,  Dr.  Charles  E.,  U.,  186. 
Conger,  Dr.  Horace  M.,  II.,  183. 
Conners,  William  J.,  II.,  200,  201. 
Constructive  Evolution,  I.,  97. 
Consumers'  Brewery,  II.,  19. 
Consumers'   League,  II.,  226. 
Contact  Process  Co.,  II.,  29. 
Continental  Singing  Society,  II.,  216. 
Converse,  Frank  A.,  I.,  88. 
Conway,  Katherine  E.,  II.,  189. 
Conwell,   Rt.   Rev.   Henry,   II.,   68. 
Cook,   Eli,  L,   67,   197,  203. 
Cook,  Ephraim  F.,  II.,  136. 
Cook,  ]Mrs.  Jane  G.,  H.,  121,  190. 
Cook,  Dr.  Joseph  T.,  H.,  187. 
Cook,  Rev.  P.  G.,  H.,  45,  119. 
Cooke,  Walter  P.,  I.,  88,  160. 
Corning,  Rev.  J.  Leonard,  II.,  190. 
Cornplanter,   I.,   8. 
Corns   &   Co.,   I.,   273. 
Cornwell,  W.  C,  II.,   190. 
Corriere  Italiano,  II.,  203. 
Oosmovilla,  II.,  116. 
Coss,  Daniel  J.,  IL,  22. 
Coss,   William  H.,   H.,   22. 
Cothran,  George  W.,  I.,  199. 
Cottier,  Lieut.-Col.  Robert,  I.,  77,  79. 
Cottier  &  Denton,  II.,  214. 
Country    Club,    II.,    224. 
County  Court,  I.,  199. 
County  Lodging  House,  11.,  123. 
Courier,  The  Buffalo,  I.,   68;    II.,   191, 

193,   194,    198-200. 
Court  of  Common  Pleas,  I.,  199. 
Court   Street.   I.,    15,    140,    141. 
Coventrv,   Dr.   Charles  B.,   II.,   143. 
Cowell.'john  F.,  I.,   181. 
Cowing,   H.   O.,   I.,   211. 
Coxe,   Rt.   Rev.  Arthur  Cleveland,   II., 

45,    63,    189,    190. 
Cradle   Banks,   II.,   125. 
Crandall,  F.  A.,  I.,  193. 
Crandall,  William  S.,  I..  214 



Crate,  James,  I.,  226. 
Crego,   Dr.  Floyd   S.,   II.,   185. 
Crippled  Children's  Guild,  II.,  226. 
Critchlow,  Dr.  George  P.,  II.,  187. 
Crocker,  Leonard,  I.,  245. 
Crockett,  Dr.  M.  A.,  II.,  155,  186. 
Cronyn,  Dr.  John,  I.,  177;   II.,  185. 
Cronyn,  Eev.  Patrick,  II.,  189,  203. 
Crosby   Co.,   The,    II.,    12-14. 
Crow  Street,  I.,  140,  141. 
Crowe,  Dr.  T.  M.,  II.,  139,  186. 
Cummings,  Dr.  Carlos  E.,  II.,  138,  181. 
Curtis,  Mrs.  Alexander  M.,  II.,  154. 
Curtis,   Peter,   II.,    112. 
Curtis  &  Deming,  I.,  265. 
Curtiss,  Dr.  A.  M.,  II.,  187. 
Cutter,  Joanna  B.,   II.,  101. 
Cutter,  William  B.,  I.,  160. 
Cutter  &  Nims,  I.,  211. 
Czytelnia  Polski,   II.,    175. 
Daggett,  Dr.  Byron  H.,  II.,  185. 
Dakin,   Captain  George,  I.,   234 
Dalton,   Dr.  John  C,  II.,   184. 
Dandy,  Colonel  George  B.,  I.,  72,  73. 
Dandy,  Major  James  H.,  I.,  74. 
Daniels,  Judge  Charles,  I.,  67,  199,  206. 
Daniels,  Dr.  Clayton  M.,  n.,  185. 
Daniels,  John,  I.,  91. 
Dann,   Edward   S.,   II.,   153. 
Dannreuther,  Gustav,  II.,  220. 
Dart,  Joseph,  I.,  58,  216. 
Darius,  Eev.  J.  M.  G.,  II.,  63. 
Daughters    of   the   Amer.   Revolution, 

II.,  226,  227. 
Daughters  of  New  England,  II.,  227. 
David  Bell  Engineering  Works,  II.,  4, 

Davidson,  Dr.  A.  E.,  II.,   185. 
Daw,  Henry  &  Son,  I.,  211. 
Dawes,  Julius  H.,  II.,  170. 
Day,  David  F.,  II.,  176,  177,  181. 
Day,  David  M.,  I.,  32;  II.,  192. 
Day,  David  T.,  I.,  88. 
Day,  Eobert  W.,  II.,  172. 
Day  Hydraulic  Canal,  I.,  268,  269. 
Day  Nursery  of  the  Infant  Jesus,  II., 

Dayton,  Lewis  P.,  I.,  177;   U.,  184. 
Deaconess'  Home,  M.  E.  Church,  II., 

100,   101. 
Delaney,  Charles,  I.,  273;  II.,  7. 
Delaney  Forge,  I.,  273;   II.,  7. 
Delaware  Avenue,  I.,  15,  45,  140,  142. 
Delaware  and  Hudson  Co.,  234-236. 
Delaware,    Lackawanna    and    Western 

Railroad,   I.,    127,   234,   235,   237,   243, 

244,  286. 
Delaware   Park,   I.,    87,    177,    180,    182, 

Dellenbaugh,   Dr.,  II.,   166. 

Dellenbaugh,  F.  S.,  II.,  189. 

Dellenbaugh  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 

Demokrat  und  Weltbuerger,  II.,  202. 

Denton,  Eobert,  II.,  216. 

Depew,  I.,  154. 

Depew   and   Lake  Erie   Water   Co.,  I., 

159,    160. 
Deshler,  John  G.,  I.,  211. 
Detmers,  Arthur,  II.,  212. 
Detroit,   I.,  40. 

Deuther,  Charles  C,  II.,  189. 
Devereaux,  Walter,  II.,  118. 
Devine  Co.,  J.  P.,  II.,  16. 
Diamond,    M.,   II.,    156. 
Dibble,   O.   H.,   L,   250. 
Dickey,  John,  I.,  245. 
Dickinson,  James  M.,  II.,   206. 
Dickinson,  Captain  Raselas,  I.,  71. 
Diehl,  Mayor  Conrad,  L,  87-89;  II.,  185. 
District  Nursing  Association,  II.,  123, 

Dock,  The,   L,   209-212. 
Dock  Street,  I.,  140. 
Dobbins,    Captain   D.   P.,    I.,   211;    II., 

Dold  Packing  Co.,  Jacob,  I.,  246,  247. 
Dohn,  A.  F.,   IL,  15. 
Dom   Polski,   The,   I.,   94. 
Donaldson,   Robert   S.,   I.,   259. 
Donohue,    Eev.    Dr.    Thomas,    U.,    80, 

Dorr,  Oaptam  E.  P.,  I.,  211;   II.,   170, 

Dorr,  Dr.  Samuel  G.,  II.,  185. 
Dorsheimer,  William,  I.,  176,  177,  206; 

II.,  170,  189. 
Drullard,   F.   O.,   II.,   9. 
Dry    Goods    Trade,    I.,    220. 
Dubois,  Rt.   Rev.  John,  II.,  69,   70. 
Dudley,  J.  G.,  II.,  221. 
Dudley,  Joseph  D.,  II.,  25. 
Dudley,  Joseph  P.,  II.,  25,  164. 
Dunbar,  Charles  F.,  II.,  15,  16. 
Dunbar,  Robert,  II.,  7. 
Dunham,  Dr.   Sydney  A.,  II.,   186. 
Durfee,  Amos,  I.,  53. 
Dwight,    Timothy,    I.,    15. 
D'Youville  College,  IL,  151,  152. 
Eagle  Iron  Works,  IL,  7. 
Eagle  Street,  I.,  14,  140,  141. 
Fames,  M.  E.,  L,  211. 
Earl,  James  N.,  L,  251. 
Early,   Father,   IL,   112. 
East  Aurora,  I.,  34,  42. 
East  Buffalo  Maennerchor,   IL,   220. 
East  Buffalo  Iron  Works,  IL,   8. 
East  Buffalo  Brewing  Co.,  IL,  20. 
Eastman,  Dr.  Sanford,  IL,  184. 



Eaton,  Captain  John  B.,  I.,  180. 

Eaton,   L.,  I.,   250. 

Ebenezer  Society,  The,  I.,  57. 

Educational  Institutions,  II.,  130-156. 

Efner,  Eli,  I.,  187. 

Egbert,  Rev.  John  P.,  II.,  190. 

Ehler,  E.  H.,  II.,  13. 

Eidlitz,  Cyrus  L.  W.,  II.,  163. 

Einsfeld,  John  P.,  I.,  193. 

Electric  Power,   I.,   152-155. 

Electric  Railways,  I.,  135,  136,  148,  149. 

Elevators,  Grain,  I.,  58,  216-218. 

Eleventh  Independent  Battery,  I.,  75. 

Elias  &  Brother,  G.,  I.,  227. 

Eliot,  President  C.  W.,  II.,  212. 

Elks,  The,  II.,  225. 

Ellicott,  Joseph,  I.,  12-15,  34,  35,  137- 
139;    II.,    130. 

Ellicott  Clubs,  II.,  224. 

Ellicott  Street,  I.,  169. 

Elliott,  Lieut.  (War  of  1812),  I.,  25. 

Ellis,  Major  William,  I.,  71. 

Ellison,  Ismar  S.,  I.,  43. 

Elmendorf,  Henry  L.,  II.,  164,  165. 

Elmendorf,  Mrs.  Henry  L.,  II.,  165. 

Elmwood  Avenue  Extension,  I.,  96. 

Elmwood  School,  II.,  154,  155. 

Ely,  W.  Caryl,  I.,  87,  160. 

Emerson,  Henry  P.,  II.,  140,  181,  189. 

Emery,  Edward  K.,  I.,  199,  200. 

Empire  Lumber  Co.,  I.,  227. 

Empire   Oil   Works,   II.,   25. 

Emslie,  Peter,  I.,   132. 

Emslie  Street  Sewer,  I.,  171. 

Enos,  Laurens,  I.,  211. 

Enquirer,  The,   II.,   201. 

Ensign,  Charles,  I.,  18,  211;  II.,  207. 

Equality  Club,  II.,  91,  225. 

Ericsson  (L.  M.)  Telephone  Mfg.  Co., 
II.,    16. 

Erie,  I.,  39,  98,  99,  112. 

Erie  Basin,  I.,  107,  109. 

Erie  Canal,  I.,  33,  35,  30,  39-42,  57,  58, 
60,   100-106,   121-123,  318,  219,  333-235. 

Erie  County,  I.,  16,  35,  42. 

Erie  County  Bank,  L,  250. 

Erie  County  Homeopathic  Medical  So- 
ciety, II.,  186,  187. 

Erie  County  Medical  Society,  II.,  182- 

Erie  Mill,  I.,  266. 

Erie  Railway,  I.,  58,  62,  125,  234,  236- 
238,  243. 

Erie  Railway  Library  Ass'n.,  II.,  175. 

Erie  Street,  I.,  14,  137,  140. 

Eries,  The,  L,  5,  7. 

Ernst,  Mrs.  J.  F.,  II.,  121. 

Esenwein,  August  C,  I.,  88;  II.,  162. 

Esser,  John,  I.,  269. 

Evans,  Edwin  T.,  I.,  177,  211,  372. 

Evans,  Dr.  Ellicott,  I.,  15. 

Evans,  J.  C,  I.,  211. 

Evans,  Colonel  and  Mrs.  William,  II., 

Everett,  H.  L.,  II.,  190. 
Exchange  Bank,  I.,  251. 
Exchange  Street,  I.,  140-142. 
Express,    The   Buffalo.     See   Morning 

Extein,  Hiram,  I.,  193. 
Faber,  W.  F.,  II.,  190. 
Falconwood  Club,  II.,  223. 
Fargo,  Mrs.  Jerome,  II.,  121. 
Fargo,  William  G.,  I.,  198;   II.,  200. 
Farmer's  Brother,  I.,  8,  25,  27. 
Farmers'  and  Drovers'  Bank,  I.,  251. 
Farmers'  and  Mechanics'  Bank,  I.,  252. 
Farnham,  Ammi  M.,  II.,  208. 
Farnham,  Charles  S.,  II.,  177. 
Farnum,  Lieut.  Charles  S.,  I.,  74. 
Farrar,  Chillon  M.,  II.,  8. 
Farrar  &  Trefts,  II.,  8. 
Fassett,  Theodore  S.,  I.,  226. 
Faxon,  Charles,  II.,  193. 
Faxon,  Henry  W.,  II.,  199. 
Faxon,  James,  II.,  193. 
Federal  Telegraph  and  Telephone  Co., 

L,  150,  151. 
Federlein,   Frederick,  II.,  317,  318. 
Fegley,  Major  and  Mrs.  F.  C,  II.,  102. 
Feldman  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 
Felician  Sisters,  II.,  128. 
Fell,  Dr.  George  E.,  II.,  185. 
Fenian  Invasion  of  Canada,  I.,  84. 
Ferguson,  Charles,  II.,  190. 
Ferris,  Mrs.  Martha,  II.,  46. 
Ferris,  Peter  J.,  I.,  132;  II.,  51,  87. 
Fidelity  Trust  Co.,  I.,  357. 
Field,  General  George  S.,  11.,  11. 
Fields,  Samuel  J.,  I.,  88. 
Fiftieth  Regt.  Engineers,  I.,  75. 
Fifty-seven,  Panic  of,  I.,  63-66. 
Fillmore,  Mrs.  Caroline,  II.,  310. 
Fillmore,  Rev.  Glezen,  I.,  34;  11.,  32. 
Fillmore,  Millard,  I.,  33,  42,  43,  59,  66- 

68,  197,  203,  258;  IL,  132,  143,  169,  170, 

Fillmore  Avenue,  I.,  178,  183. 
Fillmore,  Hall  &  Haven,  I.,  42. 
Financial  Crisis.     See  Panics. 
Fine  Arts  Academy,  II.,  159,  161,  207- 

Fire  Wardens,  Village,  I.,  160-162. 
Fire  Fighting,  I.,  160-165,  189,  195,  196. 
Fish,  E.  E.,  II.,  190. 
Fish,  S.  H.,  L,  211;  XL,  207. 
Fischer,  Louis  A.,  II.,  15. 
Fisher,  James  H.,  II.,  190. 



Fiske,  Mrs.  Henry  C,  II.,  98. 

Fitch,  Benjamin,  II.,  85. 

Fitch,  Kev.  Frank  S.,  II.,  42,  63. 

Fitch  Creche,  II.,  85,  122. 

Fitch  Institute,  II.,  85. 

Fitch  Provident  Dispensary,  II.,  123. 

Fitch  Tuberculosis  Dispensarj',  II.,  86, 

Flach,  Richard,  I,  176,  177. 
Fleming,  Edwin,  I.,  87;  II.,  200,  201. 
Flint,  Dr.  Austin,  II.,  142.  143,  183-185, 

Flint  &  Kent,  I.,  220. 
Flour  Manufacture,  I.,  266-271. 
Fobes,  William  D.,  II.,  170. 
Follett,  Oran,  II.,  192. 
Folwell,  Dr.  M.  B.,  II.,  185. 
Foote,  Dr.  George  F.,  II.,  187. 
Foote,    Dr.   Thomas   M.,   II.,    143,    193, 

Forbes,  Mrs.  E.  A.,  II.,  189. 
Ford,  Dr.  Corydon  L.,  II..  143. 
Forman,  George  V.,  I.,  257. 
Fornes,  Charles  V.,  II.,  173. 
Fort  Erie,  I.,  9,  14,  20,  25,  30,  31. 
Fort  Niagara,  I.,  8,  23,  27,  28. 
Fort  Porter,  I.,  180. 
Fort  Stanwix,  Treaty  of,  I,  8,  9,  13. 
Forty-fourth  Eegt.  N.  Y.  Vols.,  I.,  75, 

Forty-ninth  Eegt.  N.  Y.  Vols.,  The,  I., 

Forward,  Oliver,  I.,  18,  19,  38,  101,  106, 

Foster,  Dr.  Hubbard,  II.,  187. 
Foster,  William  E.  II.,  195. 
Fowler,  Dr.  Joseph,  II.,  185. 
Franklin  School,  II.,  155,  156. 
Franklin  Street,  I.,  140. 
Frederick,  Dr.  Carlton  C,  II.,  185. 
Frederick,  William  H.,  I.,  214. 
Free  Soil  Convention  of,  1848,  I.,  59. 
Freie  Presse,  II.,  202. 
French,  Lieut.  James  H.,  I.,  74. 
French,  Thomas  B.,  I.,  164. 
French,  Rev.  Thomas  L.,  II.,  65. 
Fresh  Air  Mission,  II.,  124,  125. 
Friedman,  Joseph,  II.,  18. 
Fronczak,  Dr.  Francis  E.,  I.,  93,  175; 

II.,  190. 
Front,  The,  I.,  177,  179,  180,  183. 
Front  Avenue,  I.,  183. 
Frontier  Mill,  I.,  367,  269. 
Frontier  Police  District,  I.,  191. 
Frontier  Telephone  Co..  I.,  150. 
Frost,  Dr.  H.  C,  II.,  187. 
Frothingham,  Rev.  Frederick,  II.,  210. 
Fryer,  Robert  T>.,  I.,  254,  271;  II.,  155. 
Gaertner,  Dr.  William,  II.,  175. 

Galusha,  Rev.  Elon,  II.,  33. 

Ganson,  Emily,  II.,  96. 

Gamson,  James  M.,  I.,  253;  II.,  151. 

Ganson,  John,  I.,  205,  206. 

Ganson,  John  S.,  II.,  207. 

Gardner,  Noah  H.,  I.,  261-263;  II.,  134. 

Gas  Lighting,  I.,   59. 

Gaskill,  Charles  B.,  L,  369. 

Gaskin,  Edward,  I.,  120. 

Gates,  Elizabeth  H.,  II.,  212. 

Gates,  Horatio,  II.,  194. 

Gates,  Mrs.  Sarah  A.,  IL,  114,  212. 

Gates  Circle,  I.,  183. 

Gay,   Dr.   Charles   C.   F.,   IL,   177,   184, 
190,  222. 

Gazetta  BuflFaloska,  II.,  303. 

General  Drop  Forge  Co.,  II.,  17. 

Genesee,  The,  I.,  4,  9. 

Genesee  Street,  I.,  140,  141,  145. 

Geneseo,  I.,  10. 

Geib,  Frederick,  IL,  202. 

George  N.  Pierce  Co.,  II.,  12,  14. 

Georger,  F.  A.,  IL,  165,  168. 

Georgia  Street,  I.,  170. 

German  Deaconess'  Home,  II. ,  126. 

German  Hospital,  IL,  126,  137. 

German     Martin     Luther    Theological 
Seminary,  IL,  146. 

German  Roman  Catholic  Orphan  Asy- 
lum, IL,  111. 

German  Young  Men's  Association,  IL, 

flerman-American  Bank,  I.,  255. 

German-American  Brewery,  IL,  20. 

Germans  in  Buffalo,  I.,  43. 

Germania  Brewing  Co.,  IL,  20. 

Germania  Maennerchor,  IL,  220. 

Gerrans,  H.  M.,  L,  87,  134. 

Gibbons,  Miss  Emma,  IL,  154. 

Gibson,  Johnson  &  Ehle,  I.,  272. 

Oifford,  Rev.  O.  P.,  IL,  118. 

Gilbert  Family,  The,  I.,  7,  13. 

Gilder,  Richard  Watson,  IL,  212. 

Gildersleeve-Longstreet,  Mrs.,  IL,  190, 

Gittere,  Joseph  A.,  IL,  173. 

Gleason,  Very  Rev.  William,  IL,  77. 

Glen  Iris,  IL,  5. 

Glenny,  Charlotte  S.,  IL,  155. 

Glenny,  Mrs.  Esther  A.,  II.,  98. 

Glenny,  William  H.,  IL,  182. 

Glennv,  Mrs.  William  H.,  IL,  189. 

Globe'MiU,  I.,  266,  267. 

Gluck,  James  Frazer,  IL,  164,  190. 

Goetz,  Rev.  A.,  IL,  51. 

Goetz,  Philip  Becker,  IL,  189,  212. 

Goetz,  Mrs.  Regina,  IL,  117. 

Goetz  Family,  I.,  43. 

Gombel,  Rev.  Joseph,  IL,  35. 



Gomez,  William  G.,  II.,  3. 

Good  Shepherd,  House  of  the,  II.,  114, 

Goodell,  Jabez,  II.,  147,  148. 
Goodell  Hall,  II.,  148. 
Goodell  Street,  I.,  170. 
Goodrich,  G.  H.,  I.,  250. 
Goodyear,  Charles  W.,  I.,  87,  130,  160, 

230-232,  379;  11.,  172. 
Goodyear,   Frank   H.,   I.,    129-131,    229- 

232,  277,  278;   II.,  125. 
Gorham,  Nathaniel,  I.,  9. 
Gowans  &  Beard,  and  Gowans  &  Son, 

II.,  20. 
Grabau,  Kev.  J.  A.,  II.,  37,  51,  52,  146. 
Grade  Crossings   Commission,   I.,   132- 

Graduates'  Association,  II.,  148. 
Graham,  Fred.  F.,  I.,  283. 
Grain   Trade — ^Grain   Elevators.   I..    ">S, 

Gram,  Rev.  Franklin  C,  II.,  126. 
Grand  Army  of  the  Republic,  II.,  227. 
Grand  Island,  I.,  26. 
Grand  Trunk  Railway,  I.,  126. 
Grang-er,  Erastus,  I.,  17,  19,  22,  199. 
Granger,  Lieut.-Col.  Warren,  I.,  73. 
Granger  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 
Gratwick,  W.  H.,  I.,  154;  II.,  382. 
Gratwick,  Mrs.  W.  H.,  II.,  144. 
Gratwick     Research    Laboratory,     II., 

Gratwick  &  Co.,  I.,  228,  229. 
Graves,  John  C,  I.,  182. 
Graves,  Quartus,  II.,  194. 
Graves,  Manbert,  George  &  Co.,  I.,  226. 

Gray,   David.   I.,   5-7,   181;    II.,  88,   159, 
189,  198-200,  222. 

Gray,  David,  Jr.,  II.,  190. 

Gray,  Dr.  P.  W.,  II.,  187. 

Gray,  William  M.,  I.,  211. 

"Great  Western,"  The,  I.,  45,  115. 

Green,  Anna  Katherine,  II.,  191. 

Green,  Benjamin  F.,  I.,  199. 

Green,  Edward  B.,  I.,  88. 

Green,  Harriet  E.,  II.,  155. 

Green,  Manly  C,  I.,  199. 

Green,  R.  S.,  II.,  190. 

Green  &  Wicks,  n.,  210. 

Greene,  General  Francis  V.,  I.,  154. 

Greene,  James  W.,  II.,  197,  198. 

Greene,  Dr.  .Joseph  C,  II.,  170,  185. 

Greene,  Dr.  S.  S.,  II.,  185. 

Greene,  Dr.  Walter  D.,  I.,  175;  II.,  185. 

Gregg,  Dr.  Rollin  R.,  II.,  187. 

Gregory,  Dr.  Willis  G.,  II.,  185. 

Greiner,  C.  M.,  II.,  3. 

Greiner,  John,  I.,  177;  II.,  167. 

Greiner  Family,  I.,  43. 

Grey  Nuns,  II.,  150. 

Griffin,  A.  L.,  I.,  211. 

Griffin,  John  B.,  I.,  211. 

"Griffon,"  The,  I.,  112. 

Grosscurth,  William,  II.,  220. 

Grosvenor,  Abel  M.,  I.,  22. 

Grosvenor,  Dr.  J.  W.,  II.,  186. 

Grosvenor,  Seth,  II.,  173. 

Grosvenor    Library,    I.,    202;    II.,    159, 

160,  161,  163,  173,  174. 
Grote,  Augustus  R.,  11.,  178,  179,  181, 

Grove,  Dr.  Benjamin  H.,  II.,  185. 
Gruener,  Carl,  II.,  167. 
Guard  of  Honor,  II.,  46,  94. 
Guggenberger,  Rev.  Professor,  II.,  189. 
Guido  Chorus,  IL,  211,  221. 
Guild,  Joseph,  II.,  119,  120. 
Guild,  Mrs.  Susan,  II.,  119. 
Gurteen,  Rev.  S.  Humphreys,  II.,  190. 
Gustafson,  Rev.  F.  A.,  II.,  65. 
Guthrie,  Edward  B.,  I.,  134. 
Guthrie,  S.  S.,  I.,  211. 
Haas,  Lieut.  Herman,  I.,  71. 
Haberstro,  Joseph  L.,  II.,  20. 
Haberstro  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 
Haddock,  Dr.  Charles  C,  I.,  60. 
Haddock,  Lieut,  and  Adjt.  Herbert  H., 

I.,  74. 
Haddock,  John,  I.,  160. 
Haddock,  L.  K.,  I.,  113. 
Hadley,  Dr.  George,  II.,  144. 
Hadley,  Dr.  James,  II.,  143. 
Hagg,  Adjutant  and  Mrs.,  II.,  100. 
Haight,  Albert,  I.,  199   200. 
Haines,  Mrs.  Anne  M.,  II.,  119. 
Haines,  Emmor,  IL,  170. 
Haines  Lumber  Co.,  I.,  226. 
ITalbert,  Norton  A.,  IL,  87. 
Hall,  Asaph,  IL,  131. 
Hall,  Edward  J.,  I.,  149;  IL,  28. 
Hall,  Nathan  K.,  I.,  35,  42,  43,  199,  203; 

IL,  134. 
Hall,  General  (War  of  1812),  I.,  28. 
Hall  &  Sons,  IL,  28. 
Hamburg  Canal,  The,  I.,  60. 
Hamilton,  Dr.  Frank  H.,  IL,  142,  143, 

184,  190. 
Hamlin,  Frank.  IL,  221. 
Hamlin,  Harry,  I.,  87,  88. 
Hamlin  &  Mendsen,  I.,  320. 
Hammond,  Clark  H.,  I.,  200. 
Hammond,  Robert,  II.,  9. 
Hammond.  William  W.,  L,  199. 
Handel  &  Haydn  Society,  IL,  215. 
Hanna,  W.  W.,  IL,  30. 
Hanna  &  Co.,  M.  A.,  I.,  275. 
Harbor,  Buffalo,  I.,  21.  32,  33,  95-111. 
Harbour  Street,  I.,  140. 



Harmonic  Singing-  Society,  II.,  320. 
Harrington  Hospital  for  Children,  II., 

Harris,  Jabesh,  II.,  21. 
Harris  Hill,  I.,  30. 
Harrison,  J.  C,  I.,  211,  259. 
Harrison,  Jonas,  I.,  185,  186. 
Harrison  Glee  Club,  II.,  215. 
Harriton,  H.,  II.,  156. 
Hartt,  Mrs.  Charles  F.,  II.,  148. 
Harugari  Library,  II.,  175. 
Harugari  Maennerchor,  II.,  220. 
Harvey,  Dr.  Charles  W.,  II.,   184. 
Harvey,  Dr.  Leon  F.,  II.,  177,  181,  185. 
Haskins,  George  W.,  II.,  196. 
Haskins,   Roswell  W.,   I.,  44,   168;    II., 

134,  176,  177,  190,  192,  194. 
Hatch,  Edward  W.,  I.,  199,  200. 
Hatch,  Israel  T.,  I.,  250;  II.,  194. 
Hauenstein,  A.  G.,  I.,  226. 
Hauenstein,  Dr.  John,  II.,  165,  168,  184. 
Hauenstein  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 
Hauenstein  &  Co.,  II.,  25. 
Haven,  Simon  Z.,  II.,  187. 
Haven,  Solomon  G.,  I.,  43,  197,  203. 
Hawkins,  N.  A.,  II.,  14. 
Hawley,  Elias  S.,  II.,  135,  170. 
Hawley,  Dr.  James  E.,  II.,  183. 
Hawley,  Jesse,  I.,  37. 
Hawley,  M.  S.,  I.,  311. 
Hawley,  Seth  C,  II.,  157,  194. 
Hayd,  Dr.  Herman  E.,  II.,  185. 
Hayes,  Edmund,  I.,  154,  160,  371,  280, 

383;   IL,  10,  212,  221. 
Hayes,  George  B.,  I.,  276;  II.,  9,  161. 
HaVes,  Dr.  George  E.,  II.,  157,  176,  177, 

Hayward,  Elisha,  II.,  1. 
Hayward,  Capt.  Elisha  L.,  I.,  69. 
Hazard,  George  S.,  I.,  311;  II.,  113,  170, 

207,  212. 
Heacock,  Reuben  B.,  I.,  22. 
Heacock,  Capt.  Reuben  B.,  I.,  71,  160. 
Heacock,   Rev.   Dr.   Grosvenor  W.,   II., 

38-41,  51,  207. 
Health,  Board  of,  I.,  43,  44,  60,  168,  173- 

175,   195. 
Heath,  Dr.  William  H.,  II.,  186. 
Hebrew   School,   II.,   156. 
Hedstrom,  Erie  L.,  I.,  233,  235-237,  241, 

II.,  53,  60,  91. 
HefEord,  R.  R.,  n.,  93,  173. 
Heiser,  Godfrey,  II.,  19. 
Held,  Frederick,  II.,  202. 
Hellriegel,  Henry,  I.,  255. 
Helmer,  C.  M.,  IL,  28. 
Helvetia  Singing  Society,  II.,  220. 
Henderson,  Rev.  John  ^f.,  II. ,  56. 
Hengerer,  William,  I.,  87. 

Hengerer,  William  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 

Hens-Kelly  Co.,  I.,  220. 

Heywood,  Russell  H.,  I.,  211-213. 

Hibbard,  George  A.,  IL,  190. 

Hibbard,  Dr.  G.  C,  IL,  187. 

Hickmott,  Capt.  Charles  H.,  I.,  71. 

Higgins,  Lieut.-Col.  John,  I.,  78. 

Higginson,  J.  P.,  I.,  283. 

Hill,  Henry  W.,  IL,  171,  172. 

Hill,  Dr.  John  D.,   IL,  184. 

Hill,  William  H.,  IL,  13. 

Hinckley,  Dr.  A.  S.,  IL,  187. 

Hines,  Father,  IL,  112. 

Hinkel,  Dr.  F.  W.,  IL,  186. 

Hinman,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walter  N.,  IL, 

Hinson,  Charles  W.,  I.,  200. 
Hobart,  Bishop,  IL,  32. 
H.  O.  Company,  L,  271. 
Hodge,  Benjamin,  IL,  131. 
Hodge,  William,  IL,  170. 
Hodson,  Devoe  P.,  I.,  200. 
Holland,  Nelson,  IL,  10. 
Holland  Company,  The,  I.,  10,  13,  35. 
Hollister,  Frank  M.,  IL,  196. 
Hollister,  J.  &  R.,  I.,  211. 
Hollister  &  Laverack,  I.,  220. 
Hollister  Bank,  The,  I.,  64. 
Holmes,  A.  S.,  U.,  51. 
Holmes,  Britain,  IL,  7. 
Holmes,  Edward,  IL,  7. 
Holmes,  J.  D.,  IL,  106. 
Holmes,    Rev.    Samuel    Van    Vranken, 

IL,  62,  103. 
Holmes  &  Adams,  IL,  25. 
Holt,  Lieut.-Col.  Erastus  D.,  I.,  71. 
Holy  Angels'  Academy,  IL,  150,  151. 
Holz,  Colonel  Richard  E.,  IL,  99. 
Home  for  the  Friendless,  IL,  118,  119. 
Homeopathic  Hospital,  IL,  121. 
Homeopathic  Medical  Society,  IL,  186, 

Hopkins,  Dr.  Henry  R.,  IL,  153,  185. 
Hopkins,  Nelson  K.,  I.,  164. 
Hopkins,  General  Timothy  S.,  I.,  33. 
Horan,  William  C,  IL,  198. 
Ilorgan,  George  V.,  I.,  214. 
Hornaday,  W.  T.,  IL,   190. 
Hornby,  Alexander,  I.,  271. 
Horton,  Mrs.  John  Miller,  IL,  226. 
Hosmer,  Rev.  George  W.,  I.,  47,  48,  137- 

139,   169;    IL,   34. 
Hospitals,  IL,  109,  112-116,  120-122,  124, 

Hotchkiss,  William  H.,  I.,  87. 
Hotchkiss,  W.  H.,  IL,  190. 
Houck,  William  G.,  IL,  15. 
Houghton,  George  W.,  I.,  200;  n.,  215. 
Howard,  Dr.  C.  F.,  IL,  186. 


Howard,  Ethan  H.,  II.,  200. 

Howard  Georg-e,  I.,  264;  II.,  112,  161. 

Howard,  James  H.  W.,  II.,  190. 

Howard,  J.  G.,  I.,  88. 

Howard,  R.  L.,  II.,  7,  153. 

Howard  Iron  Works,  II.,  7. 

Howe,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  M.,  II.,  112,  113, 

Howe,  Dr.  Lucien,  II.,  181,  185,  190. 
Howell,  Stephen  W.,  I.,  266;   II.,  7. 
Howell,  Stephen  Y.,  II.,  185. 
Howland,   Henry   E.,  I.,   113,   113;    II., 

173,  176,  178-180,  189, 
Howland,  Theodore,  II.,  177. 
Hoxsie,  Dr.  Augustus  C,  II.,  187. 
Hoyt,  Lieut.  Azor  H.,  I.,  74. 
Hoyt,  James  G.,  I.,  199. 
Hoyt,  William  B.,  II.,  154. 
Iloyt  &  Spratt,  I.,  208. 
Hubbard,  Elbert,  II.,  22,  190. 
Hubbard,  Dr.  Silas,  II.,  183. 
Hubbell,  Dr.  Alvin  A.,  II.,  185. 
Hubbell,  Mark  S.,  II.,  203. 
Hughes,  John,  I.,  87. 
Hughes,  Rt.  Rev.  John,  II.,  71,  72. 
Humboldt  Park  and  Parkway,  I.,  182, 

Humphrey,  James  M.,  I.,  200. 
Hunt,  Rev.  Sanford,  II.,  32,  189. 
Hunt,  Dr.  Sanford  B.,  II.,  184,  195,  196. 
Hunter  Lodges,  I.,  54. 
Huntley,   Charles  R.,  I.,  87,  88,  166. 
Hurd,  Dr.  Arthur  W.,  II.,  121,  186. 
Hurd  Brothers,  I.,  226,  227. 
Hurlburt,  Dr.  Jonathan,  II.,  183. 
"Huron,"  The,  I,  112. 
Huron  Street,  I.,  140. 
Hurst,  Bishop,  II.,  55. 
Hussey,  Dr.  E.  P.,  II.,  187. 
Hutchinson,  E.  H.,  II.,  63,  116,  136. 
Hutchinson,  John  M.,  I.,  164,  264;   n., 

Hutchinson  Memorial  Chapel,  II.,  116. 
Hyde,  Miss  Alice,  II.,  106. 
Hyde,  Dr.  Clarence  L.,  II.,  187. 
Hyde,  Rev.  M.  C,  II.,  51. 
"Hydraulics,"  The,  I.,  60,  171. 
Idlewood  Club,  II.,  223. 
Independent  Club,  II.,  225. 
Indians   of  the   Buffalo  Region,   I.,   4- 

12,  25,  27,  34,  42,  55-57. 
Ingersoll,  Rev.  Dr.  Edward,  II.,  38,  57. 
Ingleside  Home,  II.,  120. 
Industrial  Bureau,  I.,  214. 
Industrial  Exposition,  I.,  214. 
Industrial  Home,  II.,  99. 
International  Brewery,  II.,  20. 
International  Bridge,  I.,  126. 

International  Railway  Co.,  I.,  135,  136, 

148,  149. 
Iron  and  Steel  Production,  I.,  272-28& 
Iroquois,  The,  I.,  4-7,  9. 
Iroquois  Hotel,  II.,  162,  163. 
Irwin,  Dudley  M.,  II.,  221. 
Italian  Colony,  I.,  85,  94. 
Ives,  William,  II.,  159. 
Jacobs,  J.  L.,  II.,  173. 
James,  Dr.  Frederick  H.,  II.,  210,  218. 
Janes,  Lillian  E.,  II.,  95. 
Jenks,  B.  W.,  II.,  158. 
Jenkins,  Lewis,  II.,  159. 
Jewett,  Dr.  Carlton  R.,  II.,  185. 
Jewett,  Mrs.  Carlton  E.,  II.,  154. 
Jewett,  Dr.  Chas.  C,  II.,  184. 
Jewett,  Elam  R.,  II.,  57,  193,  195,  197. 
Jewett,  Josiah,  II.,  212. 
Jewett,  Sherman   S.,  I.,   176,   177,   255, 

276;   II.,  7,  161,  207,  209,  212. 
Jewish  Synagogues  and  Temples: 

Beth  El,  II.,  40,  50. 

Beth  Jacob,  II.,  53. 

Beth  Zion,  II.,  42,  45. 

Berith  Sholem,   II.,  45,  49. 

Temple  Beth  Zion,  II.,  45,  58,  107. 
Jobbing  Trade,  I.,  220. 
John  R.  Keim  Mills,  II.,  14. 
Johnson,  Crisfield,  I.,  44;  II.,  130,  189. 
Johnson,  Lieut.-Col.  George  W.,  I.,  78. 
John.son,  Dr.   Ebenezer,  I.,  18,  43,  44, 

168,  187,  197;    II.,  148,  182. 
Johnson,  James  M.,  II.,   199. 
Johnson  Cottage,  The,  I.,  19;  II.,  148. 
Johnson  Park,  I.,  19,  170,  176,  184. 
Johnston,  James  N.,  II.,  188,  189,  222. 
Johnston,  Rev.  Samuel,  II.,  32. 
Johnston,  Wilbur  H.,  I.,  150. 
Johnston,  Captain  William,  I.,  12. 
Jones,  Amanda  T,  II.,  189,  222. 
Jones,  Captain  David,  I.,  79. 
Jones,  J.  T.,  I.,  269,  87,  88. 
Jones,  Dr.  Joseph  E.,  II.,  183. 
Jones  Iron  Works,  II.,  6. 
Jopp,  Rev.  F.  J.,  II.,  65. 
Joslyn,  D.  M.,  I.,  345. 
Joy  &  Webster,  I.,  48. 
Joyce,  William  A.,  II.,  92. 
Jubilee  Springs  and  Water  Works,  I., 

45,   156. 
Judd,  Carrie  F.,  11.,  191. 
Justin's  Forge,  I.,  273. 
Juvenile  Court,  L,  197;  II.,  86. 
Kah-Kwahs,  The,  I.,  5-7. 
Kahler,  Rev.  Dr.  F.  A.,  H.,  55,  126. 
Kalbfleisch   Sons,   II.,   26. 
Kalina  Singing  Society,  II.,  221. 
Karnes,  Matilda,  II.,  118. 
Kavanagh,  Lieut.  James,  I.,  74. 



Kean,  Thomas,  II.,  199. 
Keating-,  Robert,  I.,  277. 
Keely,  Patrick  C,  II.,  74. 
Keim  (John  R.)  Mills,  II.,  14. 
Kellicott,  D.  S.,  II.,  181,  190. 
Kelly,  Daniel  G.,  II.,  189. 
Kellog-g,  Lieut.  Samuel  S.,  I.,  74. 
Kellogg-,  Spencer,  II.,  25. 
Kellogg-  Bridge  Works,  II.,  11. 
Kendall,  Rev.  Clark,  II.,  41. 
Kendall,  Frederick,  I.,  133. 
Kendrick,  Dr.  C.  M.,  II.,  187. 
Kenefick,  Daniel  J.,  I.,  200. 
Kennedy,  Mrs.  Charles,  II.,  139. 
Kennedy,  Hugh,  I.,  278,  284;  II.,  172, 
Kennett,  Thomas  A.,  II.,  196. 
Kent,  Edward  A.  and  W.  W.,  II.,  66. 
Kenyon,  Dr.  L'  M.,  II.,  187. 
Ketchum,  Jesse,  II.,  42,  141. 
Ketchum,  William  F.,  II.,  7. 
Ketchum's   History    of    Buffalo,   I.,    5, 

113,  201;   II.,  189. 
Kibbe,  Gaius,  I.,  185. 
Kibbe,  Isaac,  I.,  249. 
King  Iron  Works,  II.,  6. 
Kingsley,  Silas,  II.,  135. 
Kingman  &  Dnrphy,  I.,  266. 
King's  Daughters'  Home,  II.,  127. 
Kinney,  G.  N.,  I.,  250. 
Kip,  William  F.,  I.,  193;  II.,  191. 
Kirkover,  H.  D.,  I.,  134. 
Kittridge,  C.  V.  N.,  II.,  11. 
Klinek  Packing  Co.,  Christian,  I.,  246. 
Knight,  Theodore  C,  II.,  8. 
Koerner,  H.  T.,  II.,  191. 
Kolo  Spiewackie,  II.,  221. 
Kremlin  Hall.  II.,  88. 
Krumholz,  Joseph,  II.,  173. 
Kurver  Buffaloska,  II.,  203. 
Labor  Bureaus,  C.  0.  S.,  II.,  86. 
Labor  Disturbances.     See  Strikes. 
Lacy,  William  H.,  II.,  157. 
Lackawanna  Railroad.     See  Delaware. 
Lackawanna   Steel    Company,    I.,    154, 

Ladies'  Christian  Commission,  I.,  83. 
Ladies'  General  Aid  Society,  I.,  82. 
Lafayette  Street,  I.,  140. 
Laidlaw  Lumber  Co.,  R.,  I.,  227. 
Lake  Erie  Boiler  Works,  II.,  9. 
Lake  Erie  Engineering  Works,  II.,  9. 
Lake  Erie  Village,  I.,  11,  13. 
Lake  Shipping  and  Trade,  I.,  32,  33,  36, 

40,  45,  47,  48,  58,  97-100,  112-121,  218- 

220,  223,  224. 
Lake    Shore    and    Michigan    Southern 

Railroad,  I.,  125,  126. 
Lake  View  Brewery,  II.,  20. 
Lambert,  Jr.,  Lieut.  David,  T.,  71. 

Lancaster,  I.,  154. 

Land  Speculation,  I.,  46-51,  85,  86. 

Landon's  Tavern,  I.,  19. 

Lang,  Gerhard,  II.,  19. 

Langdon,    Andrew,    I.,    134;     166,    182, 

237;  II.,  16,  171,  172. 
Langdon  &  Co.,  J.,  I.,  234-236. 
Langille,  J.  H.,  II.,  191. 
Laning,  A.  T.,  I.,  207. 
Lanning,  Rev.  Gideon,  II.,  32. 
Lapham,  Marshall,  I.,  283. 
Larkin,  John  D.,  II.,  21-23,  94. 
Larkin  Company,  II.,  21-23. 
Larned,  J.  N.,  I.,  193;  II.,  139,  160,  164, 

172,   189,   196. 
La  Salle,  Robert  Cavelier  de,  I.,  112. 
Lascelles,  J.  H.,  II.,  175. 
Lathrop,  S.  H.,  II.,  195. 
Laub  &  Zeller,  I.,  265. 
Laurie,  Rev.  A.  G.,  II.,  38. 
Lautz,  F.  C.  M.,  L,  87;   II.,  21,  167,  221. 
Lautz  Bros.  &  Co.,  II.,  20-21. 
Law  Library,  II.,  175. 
Lawyers'  Club,  II.,  225. 
Lazelle,  Colonel  Henry  M.,  I.,  81. 
Leake,  Isaac  Q.,  I.,  249. 
Le  Clear,  Thomas,  II.,  206,  207,  208. 
Le      Couteulx      de      Caumont,      Louis 

Stephen,  L,  16.  17;  II.,  69,  71,  108. 
Le  Couteulx  St.  Mary's  Institution,  II., 

149,  150. 
Lee,  Dr.  Charles  A.,  II.,  142. 
Lee,  John  R.,  II.,  14,  157. 
Lee,  Porter  R.,  II.,  87. 
Lee  &  Co.'s  Bank,  Oliver,  I.,  251. 
Lehigh    Valley    Railway,    I.,    128,    129, 

234,  236,  237,  243,  285. 
Letchworth,  Josiah,   II.,   5,   6,   189. 
Letchworth,  Ogden  P.,  II.,  6,  172. 
Letchworth,  William    Pryor,    II.,    4-6, 

122,   123,    170,   190,   212,   222. 
Letchworth  Park,  II.,  5. 
Letson,  Elizabeth  J.,  II.,  181. 
Lewis,  Charlotte   E.,   II.,    119. 
Lewis,  Dr.    Dio,    II.,    187. 
Lewis,  F.   Park,  II.,   187,   190. 
Lewis,  George  A.,  I.,  200;  II.,  150. 
Lewis,  George  H.,  I.,  240;   II.,  125. 
Lewis,  Mrs.    George    H.,    II.,    105,    106, 

Lewis,  Dr.   George  W.,  II.,   187. 
Lewis,  Loran   L.,  Sr.,  I.,   199,   202,  204, 

Lewis,  Loran   L.,  Jr.,   II.,   172. 
Lewiston,  I.,  55,  100. 
Liberal  Club,  II.,  225. 
Liederkraenzchen  Singing  Society,  II., 

Liederkranz  Singing  Society,  II.,  211. 



Liedertafel  Singing  Society,  II.,  817- 

Lincoln,  President,  in  Buffalo,  I.,  66, 

Lincoln  Parkway,  I.,  180,  183. 

Linden,  Charles,  II.,  178,  189,  190. 

Linnahan,  Lieut.  Timothy  J.,  I.,  79. 

Lion  Brewery,  II.,  19. 

Literature,  local,  11.,  188-191. 

Littell,  Clarence  H.,  II.,  17. 

Locke,  C.  E.,  II.,  190. 

Lock,    Franklin   D.,    I.,   204. 

Lockwood,  Stephen,  I.,  199. 

Lockwood,  Dr.  Timothy  T.,  II.,  183. 

Long,  Dr.  B.  G.,  II.,  185. 

Long,  E.  A.,  II.,  191. 

Long,  Dr.   Eli  H.,   IL,   185. 

Long,  Dr.    L.   A.,   n.,    185. 

Loomis,  Dr.  Horatio  N.,  II.,  183. 

Loomis,  Thomas,  IL,  153. 

Lord,  Herbert  G.,  II.,  145,  155. 

Lord,  Eev.  Dr.  John  C,  I.,  202;  IL,  36, 
49,   50,   172,   189,   190. 

Lord,  Mrs.   John   C,   IL,   117. 

Lord,  Lucy  S.,  IL,  117,  118. 

Lothrop,  Dr.  Thomas,  IL,  185. 

Loton,   Jabez,   II.,   87. 

Love,  General  George  M.,  I.,  77,  78. 

Love,  Miss  Maria  M.,  IL,  85,  96,  139. 

Love,  Thomas    C,   I.,   199   201. 

Lovejoy,    Mrs.,    I.,    29. 

Lucas,  Dr.  William,  II.,  182. 

Luippold,  John  M.,  IL,  20. 

Lumber  trade,  I.,  221-232. 

Lund,   John,    II.,   220.   221. 

Lutheran  Church  Home,  II. ,  126. 

Lutheran  Orphan  Asylum,  IL,  50. 

Lutheran  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  IL,  175. 

Lynda,  Dr.  U.  C,  IL,  185. 

McCullough,  C.  H.,  Jr.,  I.,  283. 

McCune,  Charles  W.,  II.,  200. 

McDougall,  Elliott  C,  I..  255. 

McDougall,  Sidney,  IL,  25. 

McGraw,  Frank  S.,  I.,  If.O. 

Mcintosh,  William,  II.,  189,  201. 

Mclntyre,  Colonel  William,  IL,  99. 

Mack,  Norman  E.,  IL,  201. 

McKay,  James,  IL,   194. 

Mackenzie,  William  Lyon,  I.,  52-54. 

McKinley,  President,  William,  As- 
sassination of,  I.,  90. 

McLean  &  Co.,  Hugh,  I.,  226. 

McLeod,  Alexander,  I.,  53,  54. 

McLowth,   Dr.   Charles,  II.,   182. 

McMahon,  Colonel  James  P.,  I.,  80. 

McMahon,  Colonel  John  E.,  I.,  79. 

McMillan,   William,  L,   178,   182. 

McMurry,  Frank  M.,  IL,  139,  145,  155. 

McNish,  William,  IL,  3. 

McPherson,  Annie,  IL,  119. 
McVean,  Lieut.  J.  P.,  L,  71. 
McWilliams,  John  J.,  I.,  134,  235;   IL, 

92,  172. 
McWilliams,  S.  N.,  IL,  92. 
Magnus  Beck  Brewing  Co.,  IL,  19. 
Manchester,  Bradford  A.,  IL,  193,  194, 

Main  Street,  I.,  14,  15,  51,  137,  139,  141, 

142,  145. 

Mann,  Elizabeth   C,   II.,   155. 

Mann,  Charles   J.,   I.,   211. 

Mann,  George  E.,  I.,  133. 

Mann,  Dr.    Matthew    D.,   IL,    144,    153, 

154,    185,    190,    212,    221. 
Manufacturers'  Club  I.,  214,  215. 
Manufacturers'  and  Traders'  Bank,  I., 

Marcus,  Louis  W.,  I.,  200. 
Marcy,  Dr.  W.  H.,  IL,  187. 
Marine  Hospital,  IL,  129. 
Marine  Mill,  I.,  266. 
Marine  National  Bank,  I.,  252,  253. 
Market  Bank,  I.,  256. 
Marsh,  P.  S.,  I.,  211. 
Marshall,  Charles   D.,   IL,   177,   222. 
Marshall,  Miss  Elizabeth  C,  IL,  123. 
Marshall,  Dr.  John  E.,  I.,  32,  44,  168; 

IL,   182. 
Marshall,  Orsamus   H.,   I.,   5,   13,  202; 

IL,    143,    169,    174,    189,    207. 
Martin,  Darwin  D.,  II.,  22. 
Martin,  Henry,   I.,   254. 
Martin,  Dr.  H.  N.,  II.,  187. 
Jlartin,  Dr.  Truman  J.,  IL,  187. 
Marvin,  John  G.  H.,  IL,  2. 
Mason,  E.   C,  IL,   190. 
Mason,  Dr.  William  H.,  IL,  144,  185. 
Massachusetts  Avenue,   I.,    183. 
Massachusetts  Land  Claims,  I.,  9,  10. 
Masten,    Joseph   G.,    I.,    197,    200;    IL, 

143,  174. 

Mathews,  George  B.,  I.,  267. 
Matthews,  C.  B.,  11.,  26. 
Matthews,  George  E.,  IL,  197,  198. 
Matthews,  James   N.,   IL,    189,    194. 
Matthews-Northrup    Works,    IL,    197, 

Matzinger,  Dr.  H.  G.,  IL,   186. 
Maycock,  Dr.   B.  J.,  IL,   187. 
Mayflower  Descendants,  Society  of,  IL, 

Meadows,   William,   IL,   153. 
Atechanics   Bank,   I.,   250. 
Meeker,  Joseph,  IL,  206. 
Meisberger,  Dr.   William,  IL,   185. 
Men's  Hotel,  IL,  93,  94. 
Mercantile  Courier,  II. ,  194-198. 
Merchants'  Bank,  I.,  251. 



Merchants'  Exchange,  I.,  213. 
Merchants'  Exchange   Bank,   I.,   250. 
Mercy  Hospital  Aid  Society,  II.,   128. 
Mertz,  Rev.  Nicholas,  II.,  69,  70. 
Metcalfe,  James  H.,  I.,  245. 
Michael,  Edward,  II.,  221. 
Michael,   Isadora,   II.,   139. 
Michigan  Central   Railway,   I.,   126. 
Michigan  Street,  I.,  142,  170. 
Mickle,  Dr.  Herbert,  II.,  185. 
Milbum,  John  G.,  I.,  87,  193,  204,  279; 

II.,   161. 
Mile  Strip,  The  State,  I.,  9,  12,  20,  139. 
Miles  H.  D.,  II.,  16. 
Military   Post  at  Buffalo,  The  Early, 

I.,  56. 
Miller,  Kev.    Augustine    A.,    S.   J.,    II., 

Miller,  Edwin  G.  S.,  I.,  87,  255. 
Miller,  Major  Frederick,  I.,  24. 
Miller,  H.  B.,  II.,  202. 
Miller,  Dr.  John,  II.,  187. 
Miller.  William   F.,   I.,   207. 
Miller  &  Greiner,  I.,  220. 
Millinowski,  Mrs.  Arthur,  II.,  139. 
Mills,  John   Harrison,   I.,   69;    II.,   189, 

208,  222. 
Mills,  William  I.,  II.,  119. 
Milson,  George,  I.,  217. 
Minnesota  Docks,  I.,  285. 
Miner.  Dr.  Julius  F.,  II.,  144,  185. 
Mischka,  Joseph,  II.,  219. 
Mississippi  Street,  I.,  140. 
Mitchell,  Kev.  Dr.  3.  S.,  II.,  52,  190. 
Mixer,  Frederick  K.,  II.,  181. 
Mixer,  Mrs.  Mary  E.,  II.,  189. 
Mixer,  S.   F.,   II.,   207. 
Mixer,  Dr.  Sylvester  F.,  II.,  183. 

Mixer  &  Co.,  I.,  225,  226. 
JfofEatt  Brewery,  II.,  20. 

Mohawk  Street,  I.,  140,  142. 

Montgomery,  H.  E.,  II.,   190. 

Montgomery  Brothers,  I.,  227. 

Moody,  Dr.  "Mary  J.,  II.,  185. 

Mooney,  Dr.  J.  J.,  II.,  221. 

Mooney,  James,  I.,  177. 

Moore,  Alice  O.,  II.,  124. 

Moore,  Dr.  Edward  M.,  II.,  144. 

Moore,  Thomas  M.,  I.,  88. 

Moot,  Adelbert,   I.,  204,  II.,   154. 

Moot,  Mrs.  Adelbert,  II.,  154. 

Morgan  Street,  I.,  140. 

Morgan,  William  J.,  I.,  133. 

Morning  Express,  The,  I.,  83,  217,  245; 
II.,  194-197. 

Morris,  Robert,  I.,  10. 

Morse,  David  R.,  I.,  259. 

Moselev,  Dr.  George  T.,  II..  187. 

Moss,  Capt.  Charles  H.,  I.,  71. 

Mothers'  Club,  II.,  226. 

Mulligan,  Charlotte,  II.,  46,  94,  95. 

Municipal  Bath  House,  The  First,  II., 

Municipal  Court,  I.,  191,  192,  200. 
Municipal  Hospital,  II.,  128. 
Municipal  Playgrounds,  II.,  86. 
Munro,  Josiah  G.,  II.,  87. 
Murphy,  J.  H.,  I.,  88. 
Music  Hall,  II.,  168,  169. 
Music   in   Buffalo,   II.,    213-222. 
Musica  Sacra  Society,  II.,  213,  214. 
Myer,  Colonel  Albert  J.,  I.,  18. 
Myers,  Lieut.-Col.  Daniel,  I.,  82. 
Mynter,  Dr.  Herman,  II.,  185,  190. 
Mynter,  Mrs.  Herman,  II.,  139. 
Nameless  Club,  II.,  222. 
Nardin's  (Miss)  Academy,  II.,  149. 
National  Mill,  I.,  267,  269. 
National  Pilot,  II.,  194. 
Navy  Island,  I.,  52-54,   112,   113. 
Neidhardt,  Carl,  II.,  166. 
Neighborhood  House,  II.,  104,  105. 
Neutral  Nation,  The,  I.,  4. 
New  Amsterdam,  I.,  13,  14. 
New  England  Women,  Society  of,  II., 

New  York  and    Erie    Railway,    I.,    58, 

62,  125,  234,  236-238. 
New  York  Central  and  Hudson  River 
Railroad,  I.,  58,  63,  125,  126,  236,  237, 
245,  246,    285. 
New  York,  Chicago     and     St.     Louis 

Railroad,  I.,  127. 
New  York,  Lackawanna  and  Western 

Railroad,  I.,  127. 
New  York,  Lake     Erie     and    Western 

Railroad,  I.,  125,  285. 
New  York  State  Steel  Co.,  I.,  284. 
Newman,  Dr.  James  M.,  II.,  184 
Newman,  William   H.   H.,   II.,    170. 
News,  Evening,  II.,   200,   201. 
Newsboys  and  Boot-blacks'  Home,  II., 

Newspapers,  I.,  22,  32,  45,  60,  68,  83; 

II.,  191-203. 
Niagara,  Bank   of,   I.,   249. 
Niagara  Countj',  I.,   16,   19. 
Niagara  Falls,    I.,    20,    28,    51,    55,    63. 

Niagara  Falls  Electric   Power   Plants. 

I.,   152-155. 
Niagara  Falls  Hydraulic    Power    Co., 

L,  155,  268. 
Niagara  Forge,  I.,  273. 
Niagara  Frontier  Landmarks  Associa- 
tion, II.,  227. 
Niagara  Journal,  I.,  32;   II.,  192. 



Niagara,  Lockport    &    Ontario    Power 

Co.,  I.,   154,   281. 
Niagara  Mill.,   I.,   266. 
Niagara  Falls  Milling  Co.,  I.,  268. 
Niagara  Eefinery,  II.,  27. 
Niagara  River,   I.,  4,   9,  11,  12,   14,  20, 

33,  34,  100,  110-112,  171. 
Niagara  Square,  I.,  15,  138,  184. 
Niagara  Street,  I.,  14,   15,   27,  29,   137, 

Niagara  Street  Railroad  Co.,  I.,  145. 
Nichols,  Brayton,  n.,  198. 
Nichols,  William   L.,    II.,   155. 
Nichols  School,  II.,  155,  156. 
Niles  &  Co.,  I.,  211. 
Nimbs,   A.   B.,  II.,  206. 
Noble,   Horace   A.,   I.,   240. 
North,  Mrs.  C.  J.,  II.,  121. 
North,  Rev.  Dr.  Walter,  II.,  47. 
North  Buffalo  Mill,  I.,  267. 
"Northland,"  The  Steamer,  I.,  119. 
Northrup,  William  P.,  I.,  134;  II.,  197, 

"Northwest,"  The  Steamer,  I.,  119. 
Norton,  Charles  D.,  I.,  20,  99,  205;  II., 

Norton,  Charles  P.,  11..  142,  143,  145. 

Norton,  Nathaniel  W.,  II.,  164. 
Noye,  John  T.,  I.,  1. 
Noye,  Richard  K.,  I.,  1;  U.,  177. 
Noye  Manufacturing  Co.,  I.,  1. 
Noyes,  Frederick,    II.,    208. 
Noyes,  John   S.,   I.,   222,   225. 
Noyes,  Mrs.  John  S.,  II.,  139. 
Nunan  James  E.,  I.,  133. 
Nuno,   J.,   II.,   220. 
Oak  Street,  I.,  169. 
Oakfield  Club,  II.,  223. 
O'Bail,  John,  I.,  8. 

Oblate   Missionaries   of   St.   Mary   Im- 
maculate, n.,  75,  76. 
O'Connor,  Joseph,  II.,  200,  201. 
O'Day,   Daniel,  I.,  255. 
Odeon  Hall,  II.,  88. 
Ogden,   Frederick,   I.,   269. 
Ogden  Company,  The,  I.,  42,  56. 
O'Hara,  General  James,  I.,  97,  98. 
Ohio  Society,   II.,  227. 
Ohio  Street,  I.,  140,  143. 
Oil    Refining,   II.,   24-28. 
Old  German   Society,  II.,  227. 
Old  Settlers'  Festival,  I.,  83. 
Old  Home  Week,  I.,  ,91. 
Oliver  Lee  &  Co.'s  Bank,  I.,  64. 
Olmsted,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  M.,  II.,  189. 
Olmsted,  Frederick  Law,  L,  176,  180. 
Olmsted,  John    B.,   II.,    3,    155. 

One  Hundredth  Regt.   N.  Y.  Vols.,  I., 

72-74;   II.,  227. 
One     Hundred     and      Eighty-seventh 

Regt.,   N.   Y.   Vols.,    I.,    81. 
One  Hundred  and  Sixty-fourth  Regt., 

N.  Y.  Vols.,  I.,  79,  80. 
One    Hundred    and    Sixteenth    Regt., 

N.  Y.  Vols.,  I.,  77,  78. 
One  Hundred  and  Seventy-ninth  Regt., 

N.  Y.  Vols.,  I.,  81. 
Oneida  Street,  I.,  139. 
Onondaga  Street,  I.,  139. 
Ontario  Power  Company,  I.,  153,  154. 
Orphanages,  II.,  108,  110,  111,  117,  122. 
Orpheus  Society,  II.,  212,  219,  220. 
Osgood,  Rev.  Thaddeus,  II.,  31. 
Otis,  Mrs.  Persis  M.,  II.,  119. 
Otis  Elevator  Co.,  II.,  7. 
Otowega  Club,  II.,  225. 
Packard,  Mrs.  Mark,  II.,  107. 
Packing,   Meat,   I.,   245-247. 
Palmer,  Alanson,  X.,  50. 
Palmer,  George,   I.,   253,   262,  264;    TI., 

43,   44,    159. 
Palmer  &  Wadsworth,  I.,  274. 
Pan-American     Exposition,     I.,     86-90, 

Panics,  Financial:    of  1837,  I.,  46-51:  of 

1857,  63-66;  of  1873,  85. 
Parade,  The,  I.,   177-179,  182. 
Pardee,  Charles  W.,  II.,  114. 
Pardee,  Mrs.  Charles  W.,   I.,   183;    II., 

Pardee,  Ario,  I.,  274. 
Park,   Dr.   Roswell,   n.,    144,   182,    185, 

190,  221. 
Park  Club,  II.,  224. 
Parker,  Jason,  I.,  211. 
Parker,  Leroy,  II.,  190. 
Parks,  Public.  L,  176-182. 
Parmalee,  T.  N.,  n.,  194. 
Parmenter,  Dr.  John,  II.,  144,  186. 
Party  Politics,  I.,  17,  66. 
Patch.   Maurice  B.,  I.,   134. 
Patchin,  A.  D.   (Bank),  I.,  251. 
Paterson,  Alexander.  I..  284. 
Paterson,  James  S.,  I.,  284. 
"Patriot  War,"  The,  I.,  52-54. 
Paul,  Peter.  11..   173. 
Pavement.  Beginnings  of,  I.,  142. 
Pax.   Rev.   Alexander.   II.,   70. 
Peabody,   R.   S.,  I.,   88. 
Peabody,  Selim  H.,  I.,  88. 
Pearl  Street,  I.,  140,  142. 
Pease,  F.  S.,  II.,  25. 
Pease,  John.  I.,  211. 
Penfold.  Francis  C,  II..  209. 
Pennell.  Robert,  H.,  189. 


Pennsylvania  Railway,  I.,  125,  127,  239, 

243,  "279,  286. 
Peoples'  Bank,  I.,  255. 
Peoples'  Ellsworth  Regt.,  I.,  76,  77. 
Perkins,  Georg-e  W.,  II.,  87. 
Perry,  M.,    I.,    251. 

Peterson,  Dr.  Frederick,  II.,   185,  189. 
Pettit,  Dr.  John  A.,  II.,  185. 
PfeifEer,    George    F.,    II.,    166. 
Phelps,   Orson,  II.,   143. 
Phelps,  Dr.  William  C,  II.,  185. 
Phelps   and    Gorham    Land    Purchase, 

I.,  9. 
Phoenix  Bank,   I.,   250. 
Phoenix  Brewery,  II.,  1.9. 
Phoenix  Refinery,    II.,   27. 
Philadelphia  and  Reading  Railway,  I., 

238,   243. 
Philharmonic  Society,  II.,  215,  220. 
Pierce,  George  N.,  II.,  12-14. 
Pierce,  H.   J.,   I.,   87. 
Pierce,  James   A.,   II.,    198. 
Pierce,  John   B.,   II.,   10. 
Pierce,  Loring  I.,  44. 
Pierce,  Percy  P.,  II.,  12. 
Pierce,  Dr.  R.   V.,   II.,   190. 
Pierce  Cycle  Co.,  II.,   12. 
Pitass,  Father,  I.,  93. 
Pitts,  John  A.,  II.,  2. 
Plimpton,  Luman  K.,  I.,  169. 
Plimpton,  Cowan  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 
Plogsted,   Capt.   John   F.   E.,   I.,   71. 
Plumb,  Ralph   H.,   II.,   8,   212. 
Plumb,  Burdict  &   Barnard,  II.,  8. 
"Plymouth    Rock,"    The    Steamer,    I., 

Pohlman,  Dr.  Julius,  II.,  181,  186. 
Polak  Amery  Kanski,  II.,  203. 
Police,  I.,  189,  190-195. 
Polish  Colony,  I.,  85,  91-94. 
Polish   Secession   from   R.   C.   Church, 

II.,  78,  80,  81. 
Political  Equality  Club,  II..  226. 
Politics.     See  Party  Politics. 
Poole,  Mrs.  Martha  Fitch,  I.,  55,  56. 
Poole,  Rushmore,  II.,  157. 
Poorhouse,  County,  II.,  82. 
Porter,  Augustus^    I.,    19-21,    113,    114, 

Porter,  General  Peter  B.,  I.,  19-21,  23, 

24,   26,   27,   31,   34. 
Porter  Avenue,  I.,  183. 
Porter,  Barton  &  Co.,  I.,  20,  21,  41,  98- 

100,   114. 
Post  Office,  Buffalo,  I.,  17. 
Potter,  Dr.  E.  B.,  11.,  185. 
Potter,  Dr.  Frank  H.,  II.,  185. 
Potter,  George  R.,  I.,  164. 
Potter,  George   S.,   II.,   189. 

Potter,  Heman  B.,  I.,  22,  200. 
Potter,  Dr.   Milton  G.,  II.,   185. 
Potter,  Dr.  W.  W.,  II.,  185. 
Pratt,  Dr.  Gorham  F.,  II.,  182. 
Pratt,  Hiram,    I.,    250;    II.,    157. 
Pratt,  Pascal   P.,   I.,    176-178,    180,   254, 

276;  XL,  4,  6,  86,  92,  151,  161,  207. 
Pratt,  Samuel  F.,  II.,  4-6,   147. 
Pratt,  Captain  Samuel,  I.,   17. 
Pratt  &  Co.,  I.,  65,  220,  273,  274. 
Pratt  &  Lambert,  II.,  30. 
Pratt  &  Letchworth,  I.,  220;  II.,  4-6. 
Pratt  Bank,  The,  I.,  65. 
Preston,  Mrs.  Austin  R.,  II.,  154. 
Preston,  Lieut.  Reuben  M.,  I.,  71. 
Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Animals,  II., 

117,  118. 
Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Children,  II., 

121,   122. 
Prime,  Rev.  Dr.,  II.,  44. 
Prime  Street,  I.,  210. 
Principal's  Association,  II.,  140. 
Prison  Gate  Mission,  II.,  100,  127. 
Prospect  Place,  I.,  184. 
Protestant  Churches,  II.,  31-67. 
Providence  Retreat,  II.,  116. 
Provident  Loan  Co.,  C.  O.  S.,  II.,  86. 
Pryor,  Dr.  John  H.,  II.,  185. 
Public  Grounds,  L,   176-182. 
Public  Works,  Department  of,  I.,  196. 
Publicity  Bureau,  I.,  214. 
Putkammer,  Capt.  Albert  Von,  I.,  75. 
Putnam,  James  O.,  I.,  202,  205;  II.,  72, 

73,  120,  143,  190. 
Putnam,  Dr.  James  W.,  II.,  185. 
Quaker  Oats  Co.,  I.,  271. 
Quigley,    Rt.    Rev.   James    E.,    II.,    79, 

80,  127. 
Radford,  George  Kent,  I.,  178. 
Railway  Stations  Question,  I.,  135. 
Railways,  I.,  51,  57,  58,  62,  63,  124-131, 

218,  219,  223,  224,  233-244. 
Railways,    Street    and    Suburban,    I., 

Ramsdell,  O.    P.,    II.,    161. 
Ramsdell,  William  M.,  IL,  198. 
Rand,  George  F.,  I.,  256. 
Randall,  E.  C,  IL,  190. 
Ransom,  Asa,    I.,    10. 
Ran.som,  E.,   I.,   186. 
Ransom,  Paul,    IL,    124. 
Rathbun,   Benjamin,   I.,    50. 
Raymond,  Charles  H.,  IL,  157,  158,  183. 
Reciprocity  Bank,  L,  64. 
Red  Jacket,  I.,  7,  8,  42. 
"Red  Jacket."  The  Ship,  I.,  115. 
Red  Jacket  Parkway,  L,   183. 
Register,  Rev.  Dr.  J.  A.,  IL,  190. 
Reid,  James,  II.,  60. 



Keilly,  Thomas  C,  II.,  210. 

Eeinecke,  Frederick  and  Ottomar,  II., 

Remington,  Cyrus  K.,  II.,   87. 

Remington,  Miss  Mary  (''Gospel  Set- 
tlement"), II.,  103,  105-107. 

Renner,  Dr.   W.   S.,  II.,   186. 

Republic,   The    Evening,   II.,    199. 

Rescue  Home,  II.,  100. 

Reservations,  Indian.  See  Buffalo 
Creek,  Cattaraugus,  and  Tonawanda. 

Riall,  General   (War  of  1812),  I.,  29. 

Rice,  Edward  R.,  II.,  154. 

Richardson,  Captain  William,  I.,  74. 

Rich,  Andrew  J.,  I.,  145,  252;  II.,  112. 

Rich,  G.  Barrett,  I.,  252;    II.,   172. 

Rich,  Gains  B.,  I.,  251,  259;   II.,  143. 

Richmond,  Alonzo,  II.,  170. 

Richmond,  Dean,  I.,  211,  259. 

Richmond,  Henry  A.,  I.,  193;   II.,  139, 

160,  172. 

Richmond,  Jewett  M.,  I.,  118,  211;  11., 

161,  162. 

Richmond  Avenue,  I.,  183. 
Richmond  House   Fire,   II.,   162. 
Rieffenstahl,  Julius,   II.,   167. 
Rieman,  Ralph  H.,  II.,  173. 
Ripley,  Rev.  Allen  P.,  II.,  56. 
Ripley,  Mary  A.,  11.,  97,  189,  223. 
Riverside  Park,  I.,  182,  183. 
Robinson,  Coleman  T.,  U.,  177,  178. 
Robinson,  John  W.,  I.,  229;  II.,  92. 
Robinson,  William   E.,   II.,    194. 
Robson,   Sarah  A.,   II.,   119. 
Rochefoucault-Liancourt,  The  Duke  de 

la,  I.,  11. 
Rochester,  I.,   9,   41. 
Rochester,  Dr.   De  Lancey,  II.,   186. 
Rochester,  Elizabeth  C,  11.,  96. 
Rochester,  Margaret  F.,  II.,  118. 
Rochester,  Mary  L.,  II.,  155. 
Rochester,  Dr.    Thomas    F.,    II.,    144, 

184,   212. 
Rochester,  William  B.,   I.,   250. 
Rochevot,  George,  II.,  19. 
Rockwell,  Augustus,  II.,  206. 
Roekwood,  Colonel  E.  A.,  II.,  118. 
Rodziewicz,  Rev.  Dr.  Julius,  11.,  80,  81. 
Rogers,  Henry  W.,  I.,  204;  II.,  207,  212. 
Rogers,  Robert   Cameron,    I.,    89;    II., 

189,  191. 
Rogers,  Sherman  S.,  I.,  194,  204,  205; 

II.,    161,   212. 
Rogers,  General  William  F.,  I.   68,  177, 

178,  181. 
Rogers,  William  A.,  I.,  276-279;  II.,  92- 

94,  125,  155. 
Rogers,  Brown  &  Co.,  I.,  276,  277. 
Mrs.  Charle.s,  II.,  191. 

Rohr,  Mathias,  II.,  164,  193,  203. 
Roman  Catholic  Church  in  Buffalo,  I., 

Rood  &  Brown,  II.,  8. 
Roop,  Henry,  I.,  250. 
Roos,  Jacob,  II.,  18. 
Roosevelt,   Theodore,   I.,   89,   90. 
Root,  General  Adrian  R.,  I.,  76. 
Root,  Edward,  I.,  272. 
Root,  Francis  H.,  I.,  276;  II.,  7,  43,  54, 

55,    118,    119,    161,   207,   220. 
Root,  Robert  K.,  II.,  221. 
Root  &  Keating,  I.,  265. 
Rosenau,  Nathaniel  S.,  II.,  87. 
Ross,  Dr.  Renwick  R.,  II.,  113. 
Rother,  John  C,  II.,  208. 
Rudolf,  Wilhelm,  II.,  166. 
Rumrill,  Levi  H.,  I.,  119. 
Rumsey,  Aaron,  I.,  263,   264. 
Rumsey,  Bronson  C,  II.,  112,  151,  182, 

Rumsey,  Dexter   P.,    I.,    177,    183;    II., 

161,  182. 
Rumsey  &  Howard,  I.,  264. 
Rumsey  &  Sons,  I.,  263. 
Rumsey  Wood,  I.,  183. 
Runkle,  Lieut.  Charles  H.,  I.,  74. 
Russell,  Caleb,  I.,  160,  161. 
Rustin,  Henry,   I.,   88. 
Ryan,   Rt.   Rev.   Stephen   Vincent,   II., 

76-79,    125,    190,   203. 
Sacred  Heart,  Academy  of  the,  II.,  153. 
Saengerbund,  II.,  212,  217,  218,  220. 
Saengerfest  of  1860,    II.,    218. 
Saengerfest  of  1883,  II.,   167. 
St.  Cecilia  Society,  II.,  216,  219. 
St.  Charles  Home,  II.,  128. 
St.  Felix  Home  for  Working  Girls,  II., 

St.  Francis'  Asylum,  II.,  116,  117. 
St.  Gaudens,  Louis,  II.,  211. 
St.   James'   Hall,   and   Hotel,   U.,    160, 

St.  James'  Mission,   II.,    127. 
St.  John,  Gamaliel,  IL,  131. 
St.  John,  Mrs.  Gamaliel,  I.,  29. 
St.  John,  Dr.  Orson  S.,  II.,  182. 
St.  John's  Orphan  Home,  Evangelical 

Lutheran,  II.,  117. 
St.  John's  Protectory,  IL,  111,  112. 
St.  Joseph's  College,  IL,  146. 
St.  Joseph's  Male  Orphan  Asylum,  II. , 

St.  Louis'     Church     Controversy,     IL, 

St.  Margaret's   School,   IL,   153,   154. 
St.  Mary's    Infant    Asylum,    etc.,    IL, 




St.  Vincent   de   Paul    Society,   II.,   76, 

St.  Vincent's  Female  Orphan  Asylum, 

II.,  110. 
St.  Vincent's     Technical     School,     II., 

Salisbury,  Guy  H.,  I.,  49,  53;   II.,  192, 

193,  198,  199,  223. 
Salisbury,  Hezekiah  A.,  I.,  22,  30;   II., 

191,  192. 
Salisbury,  Smith  H.,  I.,  22,  30,  49;  II., 

Salt-trade,  Early,  I.,  97-99. 
Salvation   Army,   II.,   98-100,   127. 
Samo,  Dr.  John  B.,  II.,  184. 
Samuels,  Albert  N.,  II.,  208. 
Sandrock,  George,  I.,   133,  211. 
Sanford,  Warren  &  Harroun,  II.,  198. 
Sang-ster,  Amos  M.,  II.,  209. 
Sanitary  Measures,  I.,   168-175. 
Sargent,  Phineas,  II.,  158. 
Saturn  Club,  II.,  223. 
Sawyer,  George  P.,  I.,  225. 
Sawyer,  James  D.,  I.,  211. 
Sayres,  Lieut.  Charles  A.,  I.,  71. 
Scajaquada  Creek,  I.,  27,  114. 
Scajaquada  Parkway,  I.,  181,  183. 
Scatcherd,  John  N.,  I.,  87,  88,  225,  255. 
Scatcherd  &  Son,  I.,  235. 
Schaefer,  Henry,   I.,   134. 
Schanzlein  &  Hoffman,  H.,  18. 
Schelle,  Rev.  Dr.  Frederick,  II.,  42,  122. 
Schelling,  E.  F.,  I.,  87,  88. 
Scheu,  Augustus  F.,  I.,  134. 
Scheu,  Jacob,  II.,  20. 
Scheu,  Solomon,  I.,  133. 
Schimmelpenniek  Avenue,  I.,  14,  140. 
Schlagder,  Adam,  II.,  166. 
Schlosser,  I.,   54,   99. 
Schoellkopf,  Jacob  F.,  I.,  265,  267;  II., 

Schoellkopf,  Jacob  F.,  Jr.,  II.,  28,  29. 
Schoellkopf,  C.  P.  Hugo,  II.,  29,  30. 
Schoellkopf  &  Mathews,  I.,   267,269. 
Schoellkopf's  Sons,  J.  F.,  I.,  265. 
Schoellkopf,  Hartford    &    Hanna    Co., 

II.,  29,   30. 
School  Examiners,  Board  of,  II.,  137. 
Schools,  I.,  189,   191,   196;    II.,  130-156. 
Schreiber,   J.,   II.,   20. 
Schuyler,  Eev.  Montgomery,  II.,  190. 
Schweekerath,   Robert,   II.,   190. 
Scott,  W.,  II.,  191. 
Scott,  Dr.  W.  K.,  II.,  176,  183. 
Scoville,  Jonathan,  I.,  193;  II.,  210. 
Scranton,  Walter,  I.,  279. 
Screw  Propellers  on  the  Lakes,  I.,  116- 

Scribblers,  The,  II.,  226. 

Scroggs,  General  Gustavus  A.,  I.,  71. 

Seaman,  Dr.  C.  W.,  II.,  187. 

Seaver,  Joseph   V.,  I.,  199. 

Seaver,  William  A.,  II.,  198. 

Sea-wall  Strip,  The,  I.,  95. 

Second   Kegt.,   N.   Y.   Mounted    Rifles, 

I.,  81. 
Selkirk,   Mrs.   Charles   E.,   II.,   121. 
Selkirk,  Colonel  George  H.,  I.,  71,  181; 

II.,  196,  222. 
Sellstedt,  Lars  G.,  II.,  189,  191,  204-208, 

Seneca  Iron  and  Steel  Co.,  I.,  284. 
Seneca  Street,   I.,   34,   140,   142. 
Seneeas,   The,   I.,   5-10,  42,   48. 
Sevasco,  Marie  X.,  II.,  173. 
Sever,  George  F.,  I.,  88. 
Severance,  Frank  H.,  II.,  139,  169,  172, 

Sewerage,  I.,  168-175. 
Seymour,  Horatio  H.,  II.,   96. 
Seymour,  Mrs.  Horatio,  I.,  82;  II.,  118. 
Seymour  &  Wells,  L,  311. 
Sheldon,   Alexander,   II.,    174. 
Sheldon,  James,  I.,  199,  300;  II.,  170. 
Shelton,  Eev.   Dr.   William,   II.,   34. 
Shelton   Square,  I.,   137;    II.,   33. 
Shenandoah  Steel  Wire  Co.,  I.,  284. 
Shepard,  Frederick  J.,  II.,  189. 
Shepard,  Dr.  Jessie,  II.,  187. 
Shepard,  John   D.,  II.,  143. 
Shepard,  Mrs.  Sidney,  II.,  103. 
Shepard  Iron  Works,  II.,  6. 
Shepley,  George  F.,  I.,  88. 
Sheppard,  James  D.,  II.,  214,  215. 
Sherman,  Dr.  De  AVitt  H.,  II.,  139. 
Sherman,  Isaac,  II.,  143. 
Sherman,  Barnes  &  Co.,  I.,  230. 
Sherwood,  Mary  Martha,  II.,  190. 
Sherwood,  Thomas  T.,  I.,  202. 
Sherwood  &  Co.,  A.,  I.,  211. 
Ship-building,  I.,  112-121. 
Shumway,  Horatio,  II.,  134,  147. 
Shuttleworth,  H.  F.,  I.,  269. 
Sickels,  Frank  E.,  II.,  89-92. 
Sidway,  Jonathan,  I.,  115. 
Sill,  Seth  E.,  I.,   199. 
Sill,  Thompson   &   Co.,   I.,   114. 
Silver  Lake  Snake  Hoax,  II.,  199. 
Silverthorn  &  Co.,  I.,  229. 
Simon  Brewery,  II.,  20. 
Simons,  Seward  A.,  II.,  155. 
Singer,  Arthur  J.,   I.,  283. 
Sist«r  Mary  Anne,  II.,  149,  150. 
Sister  M.  Dositheus,  II.,  150. 
Sister  M.  Rosalind,  II.,  116. 
Sisters  of  Charity  Hospital,  II..  109. 
Sisters  of  Charity  Providence  Retreat, 

IL,  116. 



Sisters  of  Mercy,  II.,  128. 

Sisters  of  Our    Lady    of    Kefuge,    II., 

Sisters  of  St.    Francis,    II.,    Ill,    116, 

117,  152,  153. 
Six  Nations,  I.,  9. 

Sixteenth  Eegt.,  N.  Y.  Cavalry,  I.,  81. 
Sizer,  Lieut.-Col.  John  M.,  I.,  78. 
Sizer,  Thomas  J.,  I.,  203. 
Skinner,  Isaac,  I.,  273. 
Slaeer,    Dr.    W.    H.,    II.,    185. 
Slater,  Mrs.  Jonathan  L.,  II.,  127. 
Slaves  in  Buffalo,  I.,   35. 
Slee,   F.   C,   II.,   16. 
Slicer,  Bev.  Thomas  R.,  II.,  190. 
Smyth,  Gen.  Alexander,  I.,  25,  26. 
Smith,  Carlton   M.,  II.,  221. 
Smith,  Rev.   Charles,   II.,   70. 
Smith,  Rev.  Charles  H.,  II.,  51. 
Smith,  E.    Peshine,    II.,    195. 
Smith,  Edward  B.,  II.,  161,  162. 
Smith,  Dr.   Elisha,   II.,   182. 
Smith,  Rev.   Henry,   II.,    190. 
Smith,  H.  K.,  I.,  197,  200,  203;  II.,  157, 

Smith,  Rev.  J.  Hyatt,  II.,  190. 
Smith,  James  M.,  I.,  200,  206;  II.,  115, 

161,  170,  207. 
Smith,  James  E.,  I.,  225,  226;  II.,  153. 
Smith,  Junius  S.,  I.,  211. 
Smith,  Lee  H.,  II.,  172,  182. 
Smith,  Lieut.  Rodney  B.,  I.,  74. 
Smith,  Rev.   S.   R.,   11.,   38,    190. 
Smith,  T.  Guilford,  I.,  238,  274;  II.,  87, 

182,  212. 
Smith,  W.    L.    G.,    IL,    189,    191. 
Smith,  William  H.,  IL,   14. 
Smith,  Fassett  &  Co.,  I.,  226,  228. 
Snow,  Dr.  Irving  M.,  IL,  185. 
Snyder,   A.,  IL,   15. 
Soap  Manufacture,  IL,  20-23. 
Social   Life,   L,   55. 

Social  Settlements,  IL,  95,  96,  102-107. 
Social  Survey,  1910,  I.,  91-94. 
Society  of   Natural   Sciences,   IL,   138, 

Solar  Oil  Works,  IL,  26. 
Soldiers'   Place,   I.,   179,   184. 
Sons  of    the  American  Revolution,  IL, 

Sons  of  Veterans,  IL,  227. 
Sonneck,    Dr.    Philip,    IL,    185. 
South  Division  Street,  I.,  143. 
South  Park,  I.,  180,  181,  183. 
Southside  Parkway,   I.,    183. 
Spaulding,    Elbridge    G.,    I.,    169,    197, 

253;    IL,    143,    189. 
Speculative  Craze  of  1837,  The,  I.,  46- 


Spencer,  Ray  T.,  IL,  52. 
Spencer  Kellogg  Co.,  IL,  25. 
Spendelow,  Henry,  I.,  217. 
Sprague,  Dr.  Alden  S.,  IL,  182. 
Sprague,  Carleton,  L,  87,  88;  IL,  3,  189, 

Sprague,  E.   Carleton,  I.,  145-147,  203- 

205;   IL,  143,  189. 
Sprague,  Henry  W.,  I.,  193;  IL,  154. 
Sprague,  Noah  P.,  IL,  215. 
Squaw  Island,  L,  25. 
Squier,  George  L.  Mfg.  Co.,  IL,  9. 
Squier,  Rev.  Miles  P.,  IL,  31,  32. 
Stadnitzki  Street,  I.,  14,  140. 
Stagg,  Dr.  Henry  R.,  IL,  182,  192. 
Standard  Milling   Co.,   I.,    269. 
Standard  Oil    Co.,    II. ,    25-28. 
Standard  Radiator  Co.,  II. ,   10. 
Standart,  Lieut.  Charles,  L,  79. 
Starr,  Dr.    Elmer,   IL,    186. 
Starr,  Jesse   W.,   IL,   30. 
State  Hospital  for  Insane,  IL,  120,  121. 
State  Normal  School,  IL,  141. 
Steam  Shovel,  L,  217. 
Stearns,  Dr.  G.   R.,   IL,   187. 
Stearns,  Mary  R.,  IL,  119. 
Steel  Production,  I.,  272-286. 
Steele,  Oliver  G.,  I.,  165,  169;   IL,  131- 

135,  157,  169,  189. 
Sternberg,  P.  L.,  I.,  119,  211. 
Stevens,  Frederick  P.,  I.,  199;  IL,  157. 
Stevens,  Milo,  IL,  198,  200. 
Stevens,  Sherman,  I.,  350. 
Stock  Yards,  I.,  245-247. 
Stockton,  Dr.  Charles  G.,  IL,  144,  155, 

Stone,  I.  F.,  IL,  30. 
Stony  Point,  I.,  109. 
Storck,  Dr.  Edward,  IL,  184. 
Storrer,  Rev.  James,  IL,  67. 
Storrs,  Lucius,  IL,  134. 
Stow,  Horatio  J.,    I.,   200. 
Stowits,  Major  George  H.,  I.,  73;   IL, 

Streeton,  Brigadier  Joseph,  IL,  99. 
Street  Railways,  L,  144-148. 
Streets   of  Buffalo  Village,   I.,   14,   15, 

Street  Records,  I.,  169. 
Strikes,  Labor,  I.,  85,  86. 
Stringer,  George  A.,   IL,  172,  191. 
Stringham,  Joseph,   IL,   194,   198. 
Strong,  General  James  C,  IL,  189. 
Strong,  Dr.  Phineas  H.,  IL,  184. 
Stryker,  James,   L,   199. 
Stuart,  Dr.  Sylvanus  S.,  IL,  182. 
Students'  Art  Club,  IL,  210. 
Stumpf,  Dr.  D.  B.,  IL,  187. 
Sturgeon,   Schoolmaster,  IL,  131. 



Sullivan,  M.,  II.,  16. 

Sully,  Colonel,  II.,  99. 

Sully,  Thomas,  II.,  2. 

"Superior,"  The   Steamboat,  I.,   105. 

Superior  Court  of  Buffalo,  I.,  190.  200. 

Swan  Street,  I.,  14,  60,  137,  140,  141. 

Sweeney,  James,  II.,  172. 

Sweeney  Co.,  The,  I.,  220. 

Sweet,  Charles  A.,  I.,  133,  193,  254. 

Sweet,  Mrs.  Charles  A.,  II.,  154. 

Symons,  Major  Thomas  W.,  I.,  87,  88, 

Symphony  Orchestra,  II.,  221. 
Tallmadg-e,  Hiram  E.,  II.,  177,  207. 
Tanner,  "Dorothy,  II.,  191. 
Tanner,  Henry,   II.,   189. 
Tanning-,  I.,  261-265. 
Taylor,  Frederick  W.,  I.,  88. 
Taylor,  Halsey  H.,  II.,  61. 
Taylor,  Moses,  I.,   283. 
Taylor  &  Crate,  I.,  326. 
Teiper,  Casper,  II.,  15. 
Telegraph,  The,  II.,  202. 
Telephone  Service,  I.,  149-151. 
Terrace,  The.  I.,  7,  184. 
Terry,  Capt.  Seward  H.,  I.,  71. 
Terry  &  Hutchinson,  I.,  264. 
Teut'onia     Maennerchor     Society,     II. 

211,  220. 
Thieme,  August,  II.,   166. 
Third  National  Bank,  I.,  254. 
Thirty-third   Independent  Batterv,  I- 

81.  ■ 
"Thirty-seven,"  The  Collapse  of,  I.,  4G 

Thomas,  C.  F.  S.,  11.,  195,  212,  214-210 
Thomas,  E.  E.,  II.,  14. 
Thomson,  M.  L.  E.  P.,  II.,  147,  190. 
Thompson,  Captain  Sheldon,  I.,  100. 
Thornton,    Thomas    Memorial    Build- 
ing, II.,  116. 
Thornton,  Dr.  William  H.,  II.,  185. 
Thornton  &  Chester,  I.,  267. 
Threshing  Machinery,  11.,  2,  3. 
Tifft,  Mrs.  Lily  Lord,  II.,  118,  139. 
Tifft,  George  W.,  II.,  3,  120. 
Tifft  Farm   Basins,   I.,    108. 
Tillinghast,   Dyre,  L,  44,  168,  201. 
Tillinghast,  Lieut.  Henry  W.,  I.,  71. 
Tillinghast,  James,  II.,  170. 
Times,  Sunday  and  Daily,  II.,  201. 
Timon,  Et.  Rev.  John,  II.,  68-76,  10.« 

109,   112,   114,   115,   128,   146,   147.   149. 

150,   189,  190. 
Titus,  Robert  C,  I.,  200. 
Tobsehall,  Ida,  II.,  126. 
Tonawanda,  I.,  110,  118,  171,  191,  227- 

Tonawanda  Iron  and  Steel  Co.,  I.,  276, 

Tonawanda  Island,  I.,  238. 
Tonawanda  Reservation,  I.,  42,  56. 
Toronto,  Hamilton   and   Buffalo  Rail- 
road, I.,  129. 
Townsend,  Judge  Charles,  I.,  22,  101, 

Townsend,  E.  C,  II.,  190. 
Townsend,  Mrs.  George  W.,  II.,  97-98. 
Townsend   &   Colt,   I.,   114. 
Tracy,  Albert  H.,  I.,  33,  201,  358;   II., 

Tracy,  Albert  Haller,  II.,  312. 
Tracy,  Francis  W.,  II.,  310. 
Traffic  Bureau,  I.,  314. 
Transportation  Club,  II.,  335. 
Trefts,  John,  II.,  8. 
Treat,  Dr.  William,  II.,  184. 
Trinity  Co-operative  Belief  Society,  II., 

Trinity  House  Settlement,  II.,  96. 
Trout,  H.  G.,  II.,  6. 
Truth,  II.,  303. 

Tuck,  Miss  E.  Currie,  II.,  154. 
Tucker,  Herman  A.,  II.,  143. 
Tupper,  Judge  Samuel,  I.,  18,  19,  199. 
Turner,  C.  Y.,  I.,  88. 
Tusearora  Street,  I.,  140. 
Tuthill,  A.   G.   D.,  II.,   205. 
Tuttle,  Captain  David  W.,  I.,  79. 
Twain,  Mark,  II.,  196. 
Twelfth  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Cavalry,  I.,  80. 
Twentieth   Century   Club,   II.,   224. 
Twenty-first  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Vols.,  I.,  68, 

69;    n.,   227. 
Twenty-fourth   Regt.,    N.   Y.   Cavalry, 

L,   81. 
Twenty-seventh  Independent  Battery, 

I.,  SO. 
Tyler,  Lieut.  Mortimer  L.  V.,  I.,  71. 
Ulrich,  Rudulf,  I..  88. 
Underbill,  C.  M.,  I.,  335. 
Union  Bridge   Co.,   II.,   11. 
Union  Continentals,    The,    I.,   68. 
Union  Dry  Dock  Co.,  I.,  120. 
Union  Iron  Works,  I.,  374,  275. 
Union  Park,  I.,  182. 
Union  Rescue  Mission,  II.,  128. 
Union  Stockyard  Bank,  I.,  256,  257. 
United  Cereal    Mills,    I.,   271. 
United  States   Bank,   Buffalo   Branch, 

L,  250. 
United  States  Cast  Iron  Pipe  Co.,  II., 

8,  9. 
United  States    Flour    Milling    Co.,    I., 

United  States  Hame  Co.,  II.,  6. 
University  Club,   II.,   234. 


University  of  Buffalo,  II.,  141-146. 
University  of  Buffalo  Dispensary,  II., 

Upton,  Daniel,  II.,  141. 
Urban,  George,  I.,  257,  269. 
Urban,  George,  Jr.,  I.,  87,  166,  369,  270. 
Urban,  George  P.,  I.,  270. 
Urban  Family,  The,  I.,  43. 
Vacuum  Oil  Co.,  II.,  27. 
Valentine,  Lieut.  Henry  C,  I.,  71. 
Valentine,  W.   W.,  II.,   174. 
"Vandalia,"   The   Screw   Propeller,   I., 

Vanduzee,  Kev.  Benjamin,  II.,  206. 
Van  Duzee,  Edward  P.,  II.,  175. 
Van  Duzee,  William  S.,  II.,  177. 
Van  Gayle,   Lieut.   Frederick,  I.,   71. 
Van  Horn,  H.  M.,  I.,  284. 
Van  Peyma,  Dr.  P.  W.,  II.,  139,  185. 
Vanstophorst   Avenue,    I.,    14. 
Van  Syckel,  Samuel,  II.,  26. 
Van  Winkle,   Mrs.  Helen  Holmes,  II., 

Vermonters,  Society  of,  II.,  227. 
Verplanck,  Isaac  A.,  I.,  200. 
Viele,  Colonel   H.  K.,   I.,   67,   76. 
Viele,  Sheldon  T.,  I.,  193. 
Virginia  Street,  I.,  170. 
Volger,  Otto  W.,  I.,  200. 
Volksfreund,  II.,  202,  203. 
VoUenhoven  Avenue,  I.,  14,  140. 
Volunteers  of  America,  II.,  101-102. 

Wabash  Railway,  I.,  129. 

Wade,  D.  E.,  II.,  191. 

Wadge,  W.  E.,  II.,  106. 

Wadsworth,   Charles  F.,  II.,   177. 
Wagner,  Major  Mary,  II.,  100. 

Wait,  Benjamin,  I.,  54. 

Walbridge,  Annie  F.,  II.,  119. 

Walbridge  &  Co.,  I.,  220. 

Walden,   Judge   Ebenezer,   I.,    18,   185, 
186,  199,  201. 

Walk-in-the-Water,  The,  I.,  33,  35,  104. 

Walker,  Augustus,  Captain,  I.,  45,  114. 

Walker,  Jesse,   I.,   199. 

Walker,  William  H.,  II.,  92. 

Walker,  Et.  Rev.  William  D.,  II.,  63. 

Wallace,  Roy  Smith,  II.,  87. 

Wallace,  Dr.  J.  W.,  II.,  187. 

Wallace,  William,  I.,  124,  125. 

Walsh,  Rev.  Daniel,  II.,  125. 

Waltz,   Hiram,   I.,   257. 

Ward,  Rev.  Henry,  II.,  45,  63. 

Ward,  James  W.,  II.,  174. 

Wardwell,  George  S.,  I.,  200. 

Wardwell,  William  T.,  II.,  112. 

Ware,  Charles,  II.,  30. 

Warner,  Dr.   N.  H.,   IL,    186. 

Warner,  Mrs.,  II.,  121. 

Warren,  Edward  S.,  I.,  145. 

Warren,  James  D.,  IL,  194. 

Warren,  Joseph,   L,    68,    176,    177;    II., 

Warren,  Orsamus  G.,  II. ,  196. 

Warren,  William  C,  IL,  196. 

Warren  &  Thompson,  I.,  274. 

Warta,  IL,  203. 

Washburn,  Capt.  Jeremiah  P.,  I.,  69. 

Washburn-Crosby  Co.,  I.,  270,  271. 

Washington  Street,  I.,  139,  142,  143. 

Water-front  Questions,  I.,  95. 

Water  Supply,  I.,  45,   156-159. 

Waters,  Irving  E.,  I.,  257. 

Watson,  Mrs.  Charlotte  A.,  IL,  96,  98, 

Watson,  Henry  M.,  I.,  147. 

Watson,  Stephen  V.  R.,  I.,  145-147;  IL, 
160,  207. 

Watson  House  Settlement,  IL,  96. 

Wayland,  John  U.,  I.,  258. 

Weber,  Colonel  John  B.,  I.,  77,  78,  88, 
133,  134. 

Webster,  Andrew  T.,  IL,  221. 

Webster,  Dr.  James,  IL,  143. 

Webster,  Maria,  IL,  119. 

Weed,  De  Witt  C,  L,  145. 

Weed,  Hobart,   IL,   221. 

Wegner  &  Meyer,  IL,  7. 

Wehrum,  Mr.,  L,  279. 

Weiss,   Dr.   K.,   IL,   166. 

Welch,  Benjamin  C,  IL,  199. 

Welch,  Colonel    Samuel    M.,    I.,    193. 

Welch,  Samuel   M.,    I.,   51;    IL,    189. 

Wells,   Captain    (War  of   1812),  I.,   24. 

Wells,  Chandler  J.,  I.,  18;  IL,  207. 

Wells,  William,    I.,    18. 

Welcome  Hall,  IL,  103,  104. 

Weltburger,  Der,  IL,  201,  202. 

Wende,  Dr.  Ernest,  I.,  172-175;  IL,  186. 

Wendt,  William  F.,  IL,  9,  126. 

Wentworth,  David,  IL,  196. 

Wentworth,  J.  B.,  IL,  190. 

Wemecke,  Dr.  H.  M.,  IL,  185. 

West,  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  E.,  IL,  148. 

West  Seneca,  I.,  154. 

West  Shore  Railroad,  I.,  129. 

Western  New  York  Water  Co.,  I.,  159, 

Western  Savings  Bank,  I.,  259. 

Western  Transportation  Co.,  I.,  119. 

"Western  World,"  The  Steamer,  I.,  116. 
I    Westminster  House,  II. ,   102. 
I    Wetmore,   Dr.   S.   W.,   IL,    185. 
I    Weyand,  Christian,  IL,  19. 

Whaleback  Barge,  The,  I.,  118. 
I    Wheat,  Trade  in,  I.,  215-220. 
I    Wheeler,  Albert  J.,   I.,   259. 



Wheeler,  Alger  M.,  I.,  88. 

Wheeler,  Charles  B.,  I.,  200. 

Wheeler,  Ida  Worden,  II.,  191. 

Wheeler,  Joel,  II.,  112. 

WTieeler,  Kufus,   II.,    194-196. 

Whipple,  Dr.  Electa  B.,  II.,  186. 

White,  Miss  Isabella,  II.,  154. 

White,  Dr.  James  P.,  II.,  142-144,  182, 
183,  190. 

White,  Truman  C,  I.,  200;  II.,  183,  189. 

White,  L.  &  I.  J.  Co.,  II.,  2. 

White's  Bank,  I.,  251. 

White,  Frost  &  White,  I.,  229. 

Whitford,  A.  H.,  II.,  92,  93. 

Whiting-,  Samuel,  II.,  131. 

Whitney,  Lieut.  William  L.,  I.,  69. 

Wick  &  Co.,  H.  K.,  I.,  241,  285. 

Wickwire  Steel  Co.,  I.,  285. 

Wiedrich,  Colonel  xMichael,  and  "Wied- 
rich's  Battery,"  I.,  74,  75. 

Wiggins,  Captain  William  T.,  I.,  71. 

Wilcox,  Ansley,  I.,  90,  194;   II.,  87. 

Wilcox,  Dr.  Charles  H.,  I.,  69;  II.,  183. 

Wilcox,  Dr.  D.  G.,  II.,  187. 

Wilcox,  Horace,  I.,  245. 

"Wildcat  Banking,"  I.,  47. 

Wilder,  Dr.  Rose,  II.,  187. 

Wilgus,  William  John,  II.,  205. 

Wilkes,  Mrs.  Ellen,  II.,  119. 

Wilkeson,  Frank,  II.,  189. 

Wilkeson,  John,  I.,  272-274. 

Wilkeson,  Lieut.  John,  Jr.,  I.,  74. 

Wilkeson,  Judge  Samuel,  I.,  31,  33,  41, 
97-106,   185,   186,   197,   199;    II.,   189. 

Williams,  Frank  F.,  I.,  155. 

Williams  &  Co.,  Frank,  I.,  239. 

Williams,  George  L.,  I.,  87,  265;  II., 

Williams,  Gibson  T.,  I.,  359. 

Williams,  Mrs.  Gibson  T.,  II.,  135. 

Williams,  Miss  Martha  T.,  II.,  125. 

Williams,  Henry  E.,  II.,  157. 

Williamsville,  I.,  30. 

Willink,  I.,  30. 

Willink  Avenue,  I.,  14. 

Wilner,  M.  M.,  II.,  198. 

Wilson,  Charles  E.,  II.,  164,  173. 

Wilson,  George  V.,  I.,  317. 

Wilson,  Guilford  E.,   I.,    145,   333,   274. 

Wilson,  Matthew,   II.,  206. 

Wing,  Halsey  E.,  II.,  157. 

Winne,  Dr.  Charles,  II.,  157,  177,  183. 

Winne,  Cornelius,  I.,  7,  10. 

Witherspoon,  Orlando,  II.,  191. 

Witthaus,  Dr.  F.  A.,  II.,  185. 

Women  Teachers'  Association,  II.,  140. 

Women's  Christian  Association,  11.,  95. 

Women's  Clubs,  Buffalo  City  Federa- 
tion, II.,  226. 

Women's    Educational    and    Industrial 

Union,  II.,  96-98. 
Wood,  Charles,   II.,   189. 
Wood,  Frederick  A.,  II.,   190. 
Wood,  Dr.  Harry  A.,  II.,  186. 
Wood,  William  P.  M.,  II.,  193. 
Wood   Pavements,   I.,   143. 
Woodruff,  Mrs.  C.  H.,  II.,   190. 
Woodruff,  L.  C,  II.,  207. 
Woodruff,   Lieut.-Gov.   Timothy  L.,  I., 

Woodward,  George  W.,  II.,  191. 
Working  Boys'  Home,  II.,  125. 
Worthington,  Eobert  H.,  I.,  193. 
Worthington,  S.  K.,  I.,  211. 
Wright,  Dr.  A.  E.,  II.,  187. 
Wright,  Dr.  William  Bull,  II.,  141,  189. 
Wright,  Eev.  Dr.  William  Burnet,  II., 

18,9,  190. 
Wright,  William  H.,  I.,  125. 
WyckofE,  Dr.  Cornelius  C,  II„  184. 
Yates,  Harry,  I.,  241. 
Young,  Mrs.  Julia  Ditto,  II.,  189,  191. 
Young  Men's  Association,  II.,  157-163. 
Young    Men's    Christian    Association, 

II.,  87-94,  175. 
Young  Women's  Christian  Association, 

II.,  95. 
Zahm,  George,  II.,  201,  303. 
Ziegele  Brewery,  II.,  19. 
Ziegler,  Albert,  II.,   167. 
Zimmerman,  H.  C,  I.,  369. 
Zion  House,  II.,   107. 
"Zoo,"  The,  L,  181. 
Zurcher,  George,  II.,  190. 


Academy  of  Science,  organization  of, 
IL,  347. 

Advertiser,  The,  foundation  of,  II.,  234. 

Anderson,  Martin  B.,  President  Uni- 
versity of  Eochester,  II.,  243. 

Anthony,  Susan  B.,  heads  committee 
to  secure  admission  of  women  to 
Rochester  University,  IL,  244. 

.Vqueduct  over  the  Erie  Railroad,  IL, 

Arcade,  built  by  Reynolds,  IL,  335. 

Auburn  &  Rochester  Railroad,  receives 
first  freight  in  1840,  IL,  337. 

Banking,  development  of,  IL,  253. 

Bank  of  Rochester,  established  in  1837, 
IL,  234. 

Barnard,  Daniel  D.,  IL,  235. 

Berith  Kodesh,  foundation  of,  IL,  241. 

Blythe,  Samuel  G.,  II. ,  246. 

Bond,  .lohn  G.,  plants  sugar  maples, 
IL,  233. 


Brewers,  II.,  254. 

Brown,  Francis,  first  president  of  vil- 
lage,  II.,   233. 

Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburg  Rail- 
road, II.,  251. 

Chamber  of  Commerce,  II.,  250. 

Charitable   enterprises,   II.,  247. 

Child,  Jonathan,  elected  first  mayor, 
II.,  236. 

Churches,  those  existing  in  1813,  II., 
233;  list  of,  240. 

City,  incorporation  of,  II.,  235. 

City  Hall,  first  occupied,  II.,  238. 

Clothing  manufacture,  II.,  254. 

Convention   Hall,   II.,   239. 

Corinthian  Hall,  II.,  237. 

Court   House,    II.,    239. 

Cutler,  James  G.,  devises  mail-chute, 
II.,  253. 

Delaware,  Lackawanna  &  Western 
Railroad,  II.,  251. 

Democrat,   The,   II.,   236. 

Douglass,  Frederick,  literary  work  of, 
II.,  246. 

Eastman,  George,  g^ves  park  property, 
II.,  250. 

Eastman  Laboratories,  II.,  243. 

Education,  development  of,  II.,  241. 

Elliott,  George  W.,  supports  park  sys- 
tem, II.,  243. 

EI  wood  Memorial  Building,  erected, 
11.,   238. 

Ely,  Harvey,  plants  sugar  maples,  II., 

Erie  Canal,  contracts  for  digging  be- 
tween Rochester  and  Palmyra,  11.. 

Erie  Railroad,  II.,  251. 

Eureka  Club,  II.,  247 

Female  Charitable  Society,  II.,   247. 

First  Baptist  Church,  foundation  oi', 
II.,  241. 

First  Presbyterian  Church,  II.,  240. 

Fish,  Josiah,  builds  first  blockhousr, 
II.,  230. 

Floral  trade,  IL,  232. 

Flouring,  early  establishment  of,  II. 

"Flower  City,"  sometimes  applied  to 
Rochester,  II.,  233. 

Flower  nurseries,  development  of,  II., 

Gazette,  The,  II.,  233. 

Genesee  River,  supplies  power  to 
Rochester,   II.,   331. 

Genesee,  Treaty  of,  IL,  229. 

Genesee  Valley  Canal,  construction  of, 
XL,  237. 

Genesee  Valley  Club,  IL,  247. 

Genesee  Valley   Park,   IL,  250. 

German-American  Insurance  Building, 
IL,  238. 

Germans,  celebrate  bicentennial  of 
German  colonization,  IL,  338. 

Gorham,  Nathaniel,  II. ,  229. 

Hanford,  Charles,  builds  first  block- 
house, IL,  230. 

Harrison,  Benjamin,  participation  in 
dedication  of  Soldiers'  Monument, 
IL,  239. 

Hemlock  Lake  Reservoir,  connection 
with  present  water  supply,  II. ,  249. 

Hemlock  Lake  water  system,  installed, 
IL,  238. 

Highland  Park,  IL,  350. 

Hill,  David  Jayne,  president  Univer- 
sity of  Rochester,  IL,  244. 

Historical  Society,  IL,  247. 

Holland  Purchase,  IL,  229. 

Holly  water  supply  system,  IL,  249. 

Home  of  the  Friendless,  II. ,  247. 

Hospitals,  IL,  248. 

Hotels,  in  1834,  IL,  336. 

Incorporation  of  City,  IL,  235. 

"Indian  Allan,"  IL,  228. 

Industrial  School,  IL,  347. 

Jerome,  Leonard  W.,  IL,  246. 

Johnson,  Rossiter,  IL,  246. 

Kodak  Park  works,  IL,  253. 

Lafayette,  Marquis  de,  visit  of,  IL,  237. 

Lehigh  Valley  Railroad,  IL,  251. 

Libraries,  development  of,  IL,  245. 

Lincoln,  Abraham,  speech  at  New 
York  Central  Station,  IL,  238. 

Lincoln  National  Bank,  II. ,  252. 

Lyceum  Theatre,  IL,  238. 

Mail-chute,  devised  by  James  G.  Cut- 
ler, IL,  253. 

Manufacturing,  development  of,  II. , 

Martin,  Edward  S.,  IL,  346. 

Mathews,  Vincent,  IL,  335. 

Maud  S.,  makes  record  at  Rochester 
Driving  Park,  IL,  338. 

Mayors,  list  of,  II.,'239. 

iVIonroe  County,  establishment,  in  1821, 
IL,   334. 

Morgan,  Lewis  H.,  IL,  346. 

Morris,  Robert,  acquires  part  of  pres- 
ent site,  IL,  239. 

Mount  Hope  Reservoir,  connection 
with  water  supply,  II. ,  349. 

National  Bank  of  Commerce,  IL,  252. 

Newspapers:  Gazette  and  Telegraph, 
IL,  233;  Advertiser,  234;  Democrat, 
236;  development  of,  345. 



New  York,  Albany  &  Buffalo  Com- 
pany, opens  first  telegraph  ofBee,  II., 

New  York  Central  &  Hudson  Elver 
Eailroad,  ground  broken  for  elevated 
tracks,   II.,   238;    connections,   251. 

Olmstead,  Jeremiah,  II.,  228. 

Orphan  Asylum,  II.,  248. 

Park  system,  II.,  249. 

Penney,  Joseph,  president  of  Hamilton 
College,  II.,  234. 

Pennsylvania   Eailroad,  II.,   251. 

Perkins,  James  Breck,  career  of,  II., 
'  246. 

Phelps,  Oliver,  acquires  pre-emption 
right  of  Massachusetts,  II.,  229. 

Population,  in  1813,  II.,  233;  In  1827, 
234;  in  1834,  236;  in  1844,  237;  in 
1910,  255. 

Post  Office,  first  established  in  shop  of 
Abelard  Eey.nolds,  II.,  233. 

Powers  Building,  erected,  II.,  238. 

Public  service,  contributions  by  Eoch- 
ester,  II.,  239. 

Eailway  systems,  development  of,  II., 

Reynolds,  Abelard,  builds  saddlers' 
shop,  II.,  233;  builds  the  arcade,  23,"i. 

Reynolds  Library,  II.,  238. 

Reynolds,  Mortimer  F.,  endows  Rey- 
nolds Library,  II.,  238;  builds  me- 
morial librarj',  243. 

Reynolds,  William  A.,  builds  Corin- 
thian Hall,  II.,  237. 

Robertson,  Charles  Mulford,  11.,  246. 

Eochester  Academy  of  Science,  organ- 
ized, II.,  247. 

Eochester  Club,   II.,   247. 

Eochester  Driving  Park,  Maud  !-;. 
makes  record  at,  II.,  238. 

Eochester  Electric  Eailway,  II.,  251. 

Eochester  Historical  Society,  organ- 
ized, II.,  247. 

Rochester,  Nathaniel,  early  career  of. 
II.,  230;  buys  from  Charles  William- 
son 100-acre  tract,  231;  sells  lots  to 
settlers,  233;  death  of,  235. 

Rochester  Theological  Seminary,  II  . 

Rochester  Trust  &  Safe  Deposit  Com- 
pany, II.,  239,  252. 

Rochester,  William  B.,  public  career 
of,  II.,  235. 

Rockefeller,  John  D.,  endows  Roches- 
ter Theological  Seminary,  II.,  244. 

Roman  Catholic  Diocese,  established, 
II.,  241. 

Rome  &  Watertown  Railroad,  II.,  251. 

St.  Luke's  Church,  II.,  240. 

St.  Patrick's  Roman  Catholic  Church, 

II.,  241. 
Sargent  time-lock,  II„  254. 
Savings   banks,   II.,   252. 
Schools,  development  of,  II.,  242. 
Seneca  Park,  II.,  250. 
Senecas,  II.,  229. 
Seward,  William  H.,  delivers  speech  on 

"Irrepressible  Conflict,"  II.,  237. 
Sibley,  Hiram,  erects  Sibley  Hall,  II., 

Soldiers'  Monument,  dedicated,  IL,  238. 
Stage  lines,   in   1834,   II.,   236. 
Strong,  Augustus  H.,  president  Roch- 
ester Theological  Seminary,  II.,  244. 
Telegraph,   The,   II.,   233. 
Telegraph  otiice,  first  opened,  II.,  237. 
Tonawanda  Eailroad,  II.,  236. 
Traders'  National  Bank,  II.,  252. 
irevor,    John    B.,    endows    Eochester 

Theological  Seminary,  II.,  244. 
United   States   courts,   II.,   255. 
Jniversity  of  Eochester,  II.,  243;   ad- 
mits women,  244. 
Valuation,   in   1834,   II.,   236;    in   1908, 

Village,  incorporation  of,  II.,  233. 
Water  supply  system,  development  of, 

II.,  248,  249. 
Weed,  Thurlow,  public  career  of,  II., 

235;   goes  to  Albany,  245. 
Western  House  of  Refuge,  II.,  237. 
Western  New  York  Institute  for  Deaf 

Mutes,   II.,   247. 
West  Shore  Railroad,  II.,  251. 
Whittlesey,  Chancellor,   house  of,  II., 

Wilder  Block,  IL,  238. 
Williamson,  Charles,  receives  share  of 

site,    IL,    229;     sells    to    Nathaniel 

Eochester,   231. 
Young    Men's    Christian    Association, 

IL,  248. 
Young  Women's  Christian  Association, 

IL,  248. 


Agricultural  Implements,  II.,  288. 
Amusements,  in  1832,  IL,  268. 
Anti-Slavery   Convention    of   1835,   IL, 

Associated  Press,  origin  in  Utica,  IL, 

Astor,  John  Jacob,  becomes  partner  in 

fur  trade,  II.,  258. 
Bagg,  Moses,  IL,  259. 
Banking,    in    early   days,   IL,   264;    in 


1832,  268;  extension  of,  272;  develop- 
ment in  1907,  283. 

Bank  of  Central  New  York,  II.,  273. 

Bank  of  Utica,  II.,  264. 

Bloodgood,  Francis  A.,  first  treasurer, 
II.,  267. 

Brady,  A.  N.,  II.,  275. 

Breese,  Admiral,  II.,  266. 

Butterfield,  General  Daniel,  II.,  278. 

Cambrian,  The,  11.,  283. 

Canals,  to  Rome  and  Lake  Erie,  II., 

Catholic  Church,  established,  II.,  263. 

Chamber  of  Commerce,  II.,  280. 

Charities,  II.,  275. 

Charter  of  1849,  II.,  277;  of  1870,  278; 
becomes  subject  to  White  Act,  283. 

Chenango  Canal,  fails  to  fulfill  expec- 
tations, II.,  273. 

Cholera,  epidemic  of,  in  1832,  II.,  270. 

Churches,  in  1832,  II.,  268;  valuation 
of,   1907,   282. 

Churchill,  Samuel,  II.,  275. 

Citizens'  Trust  Company,  II.,  284. 

City  charter,  granted,  II.,  267. 

Commercial  Travelers'  Association, 
II.,  279. 

Conklingf,  Eoscoe,  park  named  for,  II., 

Cornhill  Building  &  Loan  Association, 
IL,   284. 

County  Medical  Society,  II.,  279. 

Courts,  first  in  new  county,  II.,  263; 
in  1836,  268;  federal,  281. 

Coventry,  Alexander,  II.,  258. 

Currency,  scarcity  of,  II.,  260. 

Daggert,  General  Eufus,  II.,  278. 

Dairy  board  of  trade,  II.,  280. 

Day,  J.  Francis,  II.,  284. 

Devereux,  John  C.  and  Nicholas,  en- 
gage in  banking,  II.,  265. 

Drop   Forge   Company,   II.,  287. 

Dwight,  President,  describes  Utica,  II.. 

Fine  Yarn  Company,  II.,  286. 

First  Baptist  Church,   II.,  261. 

Forest  Hill  Cemetery,  II.,  276. 

Fort  Schuyler,  II.,  257. 

Fort  Schuyler  Club,  II.,  279. 

Fur  trade,  II.,  258. 

Gas  Light  Company,  II.,  275. 

Gazette,  The,  II.,  259. 

Germany,  immigration  from,  II.,  274. 

Globe  Mills,  II.,  275. 

Globe  Woolen  Company,  in  1905,  II.. 

Grindlay,  General  James  G.,  II.,  278. 

Hart  &"Crouse  Company,  II.,  286. 

Herald-Dispatch,  IL,  282. 

Hibernian  Association,  IL,  263. 

Holland  Land  Company,  builds  hotel, 
IL,  260. 

Homestead  Aid  Association,  IL,  284. 

Hotels,  IL,  289. 

Hunt,  Montgomerj',  engages  in  bank- 
ing, IL,  264. 

Incorporation  bills,  issued  by  village 
trustees,  IL,  265. 

Independent  Church,  IL,  261. 

Industries,  early  development  of,  IL, 

Inman,  Commodore,  IL,  266. 

Insurance  companj%  organized,  IL,  265. 

International  Heater  Company,  IL, 

Ireland,   immigrants   from,   IL,   263. 

Jews,  buy  building  for  synagogue,  IL, 
261;  German  Sj'nagogue  established, 
274;  prefer  their  own  cemetery,  276; 
Russia,  immigration  from,  281; 
Hungary,  immigration  from,  281. 

Johnson,   Alexander   B.,    IL,   265. 

Johnson,   Bryan,  IL,   258. 

Kip,  James  S.,  IL,  264. 

Kirkland,  Joseph,  first  mayor,  IL,  269. 

Knitting  Mills,  IL,  286. 

Literature,   IL,   290. 

McQuade,  General  James,  IL,  278. 

Manhattan  Company,  branch  of,  II. , 

Manufactures,  development  of,  IL, 
278;   in  1906,  288;   in  1910,  291. 

Masonic  Home,  IL,  279. 

Mechanics'   Association,   IL,   268. 

Men's  clothing,  IL,  287. 

Military  spirit,  shown  by  local  organ- 
izations, IL,  277. 

Mohawk,  level  of,  IL,  269. 

Mohawk  Turnpike  &  Bridge  Company, 
IL,  260. 

Munson,  Williams,  memorial  building, 
IL,  279. 

Munson    Brothers    Company,   IL,   287.  . 

Newspapers:  Gazette,  IL,  259;  estab- 
lished in  1834,  270;  Herald-Dispatch,' 
Observer,  and  Press,  282. 

New  York  Central  Railroad,  terminal 
facilities,  IL,  289. 

New  York  Jlills,  II.,  264. 

Observer,  The,  IL,  270,  282. 

Oneida  Bank,  IL,  272. 

Oneida  County,  created,  IL,  259. 

Oneida  Historical   Society,  IL,  279. 

Parker,  Jason,  secures  mail  contract, 
IL,  259. 

Pease,  General  William  R.,  IL,  278. 

Plank  roads,  IL,  276. 


Population,   in   1817,  II.,   266;    in   1830, 

267;   in  1850,  277;   in  1880,  278. 
Post  routes,  II.,  262. 
Post,  The,  II.,  370. 
Press,  The,  II.,  282. 
Proctor,  Thomas  E.,  president  Second 

National  Bankj  II.,  284;  park  created 

by,  285. 
Publishing-,  in  early  days,  II.,  262. 
Railroad    building,    beginning   of,    II., 

Railroad ,  construction  of  West  Shore, 

II.,  280. 
Revolution,   veterans    of,    from    Utica, 

II.,  258. 
Rogers,  Charles  B.,  II.,  283. 
Russia,  Immigration   from,  II.,   281. 
Savage  Company,  II.,  286. 
Savings  Bank  of  Utica,  in  1907,  II.,  284. 
Schools,    beginnings    of,    II.,    266;    in 

1832,  268;  in  1907,  282. 
Schuyler,    General    Philip,    buys    part 

of   site,    II.,    257. 
Seneca  Turnpike  Company,  II.,  260. 
Seymour,  Horatio,  II.,  279. 
Sherman,  James  S.,  II.,  284. 
Sherman,     Richard    U.,     president    of 

Water  Works,   II.,   270. 
Skenandoa  Cotton   Company,   II.,   285. 
Smith,  Peter,  engages  in  trade,  II.,  258. 
Standard  Harrow  Company,  II.,  288. 
Steam  Woolen  Mills  Company,  II.,  275. 
Steuben,  General,  II.,  258. 
Streets,   in    1805,   II.,   265;    length   of, 

Taylor,    Rev.    John,    describes    village 

in  1802,  II.,  261. 

Utica  Academy,  II.,  266. 

Utica  Aqueduct  Company,  II.,  269. 

Utica  Cemetery  Association,  II.,  276. 

Utica  City   Bank,   II.,   273. 

Utica  Eisteddford,  II.,  261. 

Utica  Insurance  Company,  II.,  265. 

Utica  Mechanics'  Association,  11.,  270. 

Utica  Pipe  Company,  II.,  286. 

Utica  Savings  Bank,  II.,  265. 

Utica  Steam  &  Mohawk  Valley  Cotton 
Mills,  II.,  285. 

Utica  Steam  Cotton  Mills,  II.,  275. 

Utica  Trust  &  Deposit  Company,  II., 

Utica  Water  Works,  II.,  269. 

Valuation,  in  1833,  II.,  269;  in  1907, 
282;  in  1911,  284. 

Van  Rensselaer,  Jeremiah,  president 
of  village,  II.,  267. 

Village,  legally  created,  II.,  259. 

Wales,  Immigration  from,  II.,  261. 

Walker,  Benjamin,  elected  to  Congress, 
II.,  258. 

War  of  1812,  share  of  Utica  in,  II.,  266. 

Water  power,  made  available,  II.,  264. 

Water  supply,  early  history  and  devel- 
opment of,  II.,  269. 

West  Shore  Railroad,  II.,  280. 

Whig,  The,  II.,  270. 

Whitestown,  named  for  Hugh  White, 
II.,  257;    separated  from  Utica,  266. 

Williams,  William,  engages  in  publish- 
ing, II.,  263. 

Xargil  Manufacturing  Company,  The, 

Young  Men's  Christian  Association, 
II.,  280. 


